aundry Tablet Noes Not Contain Any Reid hitens and Blues in one operation, thus saving labor two ile and deoderant destroying the disagreeable nd imparting a freshness and whiteness un Guaranteed not wo rot or in Cleanses thirds. A thio ough germic odor due to pdrspiration a known to laundry washel in the ol Id way. jure the most delicate fabrics, and will save one-half the cost of white wear due to engless rubbing of the wash-board Without a doubt a single trial will be sufficient to give them a hearty endorsement and continued "wee OF wands} \ single trial will be sufficient to give them a hearty and continued use of them It is not a soap but a combination of best and most harmless cleansing agents known to modern chemistry, 5 Points of Merit 5 | —It will do the washing cleaner, quicker and better than is commonly done and does not interfere with the housework. Simply put on and boil. 9—It makes the laundry a pure snowy w hite without the ad- endorsement the dition of bluinz 3—Positively no stained, streaky or rotted clothes, t—It is a germic vide and deo Jerant killing all germs and un- pleasant odors. -It will whiten your bed-spreads, linens, laces and garments that have been yellowe d by age, CAUTION : possible to an honest preparation PRICE FIVE CENTS. Manufactured only by d nuine GEM LAUNDRY TABLETS, Accept Be sure and get the gen as the market is rapidly g flooded with imitations the For Sale b Ther heir s is none * ‘just as good® Always ask your grocer for Gem L aundry Tablets. Seibert Manufacturing Co. Corner Mt. Ephraim Ave. and Mechanic St., Camden, N, J. i If your grocer does not have them send stamp and will send F RE E two-cent we sample : : : : 4 SHLPIIOLOIIPINILISIIOOPIIIOe 0000000000000 00000000000000000 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Atlantic City Cape May Anglesea, Wildwood, Holly, Beach, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, NEW IJIERSEY THURSDAY 1908 SUNDAY August 27, August 30 $4.10 Round Trip $3.85 Round Trip Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Wharf FROM MOUNT JOY THURSDAY TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING MONDAY, INCLUSIVE SUNDAY TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY, INCLUSIVE STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA For full information concerning leaving time of trains, consult small hand bills or nearest Ticket Agent, GEO. W. BOYD General Passenger Agent J. R. WOOD Passenger Traffic Manager GUCEEGOEREERIGR NIE BEROGHERE « ood Times Are Coing To Continue If you buy Coal of rig” jou will certainly a good comfortable home and after all have that’s where the real good times start from. FF. HL BAKER Building Slate, Coal and Lumber Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, BOOGHET GEG EIRCOEE TIVE RHRGVHBS PENNA Goooee08800%0faae [ofototoTototololclotototoTotoTo Tat If You Are a Horse Owner We want to remind you that now is the time for you to get your horse r dy for the cold weather. We have the largest stock of cold weather cloth- ing for the horse in Lancaster, and our prices are always uniform, hse Blankets from $1.00 to $9.00 le Blankets, from $1.00 to $4.50, JAP ROBES—W e have the most ractive robes in the city, made of best materials. Our prices will From $3.00 to $25.00. vhe surprise you, any pattern imaginable. Edward Rreclkel I.ancaster. Penna. _———— You Will Soon Be Thinking About Having The Piano Tuned OR REPAIRED FOR THE FALL g Let us give you an estimate. Our price will be reasonable —_consistent with good workmanship. Our work must be satisfactory. We GUARANTEE it. Our men have had years of experience, some of them being with us fifteen years§and more. PIANO TUNING, ACTION REGULATING, CASE POLISHING; in fact, anything that a Piano may need. ORGAN REPAIRING, TUNING AND CLEANING. Best workmen; Kirk Johnson & Co. pilANOJAND ORGAN HOUSE ing St., RANCASTER, PA. honest prices. 2% W. 000000000000000 BOY WHO WILL GET ALONG Small Vender of Newspapers Whe Knows How to Attract Patrons. That embryonic merchants are to ba found among the newshoys of Phllas delphia, says the Philadelphia Record, was revealed in the following dialogue with one of the craft, who is particu= larly bright and alert, while, as has been found by several men who are his patrons, is also scrupulously honest: “Give me a paper, : "Yes, sir; here you are, sir. Never mind the money, sir; you can give me that at another time.” "Why, how can you do business in that way? You don't know me. How do you know you'll get your money?” “Oh, 1 know you; I see you every day and have been waiting to get you to buy a paper.” son.” ever “Well, I've bought one What now?" “Now I want you to buy one every day; won't you, sir? You need not pay me when you buy it. [I'd rather you pald me every Saturday; will you, please, sir?” “Of course, I will, “Thank you, sir. “Good-hy.” , Here was enacted an incident that showed the true commercial instinct, and the man was not slow to see it and encourage it. He insists that he will follow up that boy’s career and do whatever he can to promote his in terests. my little man.” Good-by.” BIG EARNINGS OF STUDENTS Pupils of Chicago University Pay Way Through School with Wages. More than $137,000 is received an. nually by students earning a part or all of their way through the University of Chicago, according to a bulletin just | issued by the university. The work is divided as follows: Fellowships, $24,200; scholarships and prizes $35,000; university service, $14, 950; other service in the university, $10,000; students’ fund society, $3,000; outside employment, $50,000, making a total of $137,150. Work obtained during the autumm quarter, 1905, through the university employment bureau, was as follows: Work for room and board, 20 stu- dents, wages, $888. Work for board, 85 students, wages, $1,239. Work in post wages, $2,024.50. office, 24 students, Work in department stores, 125 stu- dents, wages $3,668. Work for newspapers, 11 students, wages $561. Work for telephone company, students, wages $1,007.40. In addition to these positions many odd jobs, as clerical work, typewrit- ing, house work, tutaring, collecting and canvassing, were secured. ten Booming Beoks. Bome time ago a rumor went rewnd that astute publishers had in their pay a large number of the most attractive diners-out. Your neighbor at table would lead the conversation to the latest novel-—quite the easiest of conver- sational openings between strangers, who lay thelr heads together over the menu and have to entertain each other for an hour. You are interested in the description of the book of the hour, you are a little ashamed of not having read it, and going home you sit down and or- der the book—from the circulating 1f- brary. Every publisher, every theater manager, every deviser of a patent med- icine knows that the advice of a friend Is a more concentrated and personal ull than the opinion of a critic from he empyrean. And If the idea was ever carried out, It deserved to succeed, but no one ever spotted the paid diner put. There was the artistry of thething, —London Chroziots, All Soils Are Good. A recent bulletin of the department of agriculture says: “It appears that prac- yecally all soils contaln suffielent plant ood for good crop yield; that this supply will be indefinitely maintained, and that this actual yield of plants adapted to the soll depends mainly, under favorable ponditions, upon the cultural methods ond suitable crop rotation.” dade ion Court Proclamation! Whereas the Hon, Charles [. Landis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Law Judges of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assistant Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Lancaster, their precept to me directed, requiring me, among otherthings to make public proclamation throughout my bailwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminerand General Jail Delivery. also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the city of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ON TPE THIRD MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER ( THE 14TH, ) 1908. In pursuance of which precept public notice ishereby given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in sdid connty, an all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Con- stables of the said ¢ity and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and exami- nations, and inquisitions, and their other rem- embrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf t> be done, and toall those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jai: of the said county of Lancaster, aie to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 21st day of Aug. 1908. M. T. ZIKGLER: Sheriff. Hassler, Associate haveissued Flower & Vegetable Plants For Sale by Mrs, H, L. Stoll, Two doors east of Carmany’s Store 20 Varieties of Flowers The very finest Hardy Perennials and { Anuals, Hardy Perennials, when started come up year after year and require little or no care, Those I offer grow from one to three feet and are eovered with bloom from Spring to frost, and fine for cut flowers and cemetery decoration. Among them are the Achilia double white flowers, Lychnis, Scarlet; Anthemis, Yellow, Stokesua, blue; Poppies all colors, Pinks all colors, Sweet williams, Sweet Rockets. Etc. Among the anuals, Asters in five colors, Pinks, double; various colors, Mignonette, Scabiosa, Etc. And three varieties of everlasting flowers Florin, Pa. . Sweet Peas, Rese) Ete. fine for winter boquets. All plants at very reasonable prices. Boquets in season, june 3-6¢ \ Have you a Photo you would like to have enlarged? I can fill your order at once for an Enlargement of any size, from 5x7 to 4ox72. Your orders solicited [Line Photogra- Supplies Fall phers’ W.B. BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry “Suffered and night the tor- day ment of itching piles. Nothing helped me unitil I used Doans’ It cured me permanen-t John R. Garrett, May Ala Ointment, ly.” —Hon. or, Girard, FRENCH FEMALE MADAME DEANS HL L's. Save, Cerraiy Revie for Surprrs BD Wives TRUAT NE VER KNOWN To FAIL, Safe! i uaranteed or 3 2 on trial, 1 for 3 ree. If your druggist does not ave t m send yo ur orders to the UNITED MEDICAL €O., BOX 74, LANCASTER, Pa, Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber & J. C. Groff | Windsor Hotel § V. T. BRUBAKER, Niles between Broad Street Sta- tion and Reading Terminal on Fil Streer Manager bert European, $1.00 per day and up. American, $2.50 per day and up. I'he onl lerate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in i PHILADELPHIA. ! CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that 1 have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will doall my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL Kast Main St., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA FRR 4 N\ "NXT 2 : ar. A. Wile Justice of the Peace Conveyancer 1 i » and Scrivener Special Attention Groen to the / Colle of Rent Your Patronage Solicitea Office: Florin, Penna. tion = Main Street, HHA HAHAH HAHA AAAHH t We manufacture the very highest grade of TYPE BRASS RULES IN STRIPS BRASS [LABOR SAVING RULE BRASS COLUMN RULE BRASS CIRCLES BRASS LEADERS BRASS ROUND CORNERS BRASS LEADS and SLUGS BRASS GALLEYS METAL BORDERS L. S. METAL FURNITURE LEADS and SLUGS METAL LEADERS SPACES and QUADS, 6 to 43 Point. METAL QUOINS, ETC Old Column Rules refaced as good as new at a small cost. Please remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination and we are sure we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us. A copy of our Catalogue will he cheer- fully furnished on application. PHILADELPHIA PRINTERS’ SUPPLY GO. Manufacturers of Type and High Grade Printing Material PROPRIETORS PENN TYPE FOUNDRY, and made 39 North Ninth Street PHILADELPHIA. | Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIN . PENNA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No North Duk Stree » | In some ih Publishers & Printers | i, | PENNSYLVANIA. DUTCH. WHAT SUWILKEY TO SAY THIS WERK} se tzawt hen vaich em out en wig 1 gagookt In onner kal an er es tzana Mer hen es dunkle i cha hut n erlache, draw S vara de I es bexly nuf im olta J mole des aens fon gonga sin 13 aer ows em Shuj ferby it eva gshprunga, seller in shup 1 ret. De necksht nocht hut aer ne gshlofa ower seller dawk hut de kal de machine aveck gnumma ur now kon der Joe viter shoffa mi fershtont. a NEWTOWN Clayton Mumma and family o York visited his parents last Sun day. Ephraim Myers York, visited relatives in last week. and family o James Metzler and wife of were visitors on Sunday Emanuel Myers. Joy, home of John Myers and family of Jersey are on a visit to his parent Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Myers. Harry Myers of New York last week after s turned home of a full crop is realized. cows died one day last week. Mr. John Stauffer and fat cut go to the Opposite First National Bank West Main Street, Mount Joy, [RYIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. | | | | | RCHRE TOWN, JOY STREET RY. 15, On Sund; first car will leave Lancaster a. m. Leave Mount Joy$:15 a. m. | schedule as above. 7:1 PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, a ground sit ted in Florin, Pa., fron Harrisburg and Li: anchsies turnpik ements are a handsome PO HREE STORY BRICK HOUSE ~ with Summer House 5 / 2 ached, frame stable, hog sty anc tae outbuildings. There isa gi’ d8 arden and an abundance of fv” ‘he property is excellent 17 and has a good loc and is directly opros Any person desirous of vig” on the undersigned. Tery H. S. LTO Ls The im ner dwellin , same will ca 4 price reasonabl BUMBLESOCK HAS fiu- Iu Cream. wegaly n gadenkt ferblost—der orem drup ich hop ene so gadove- this place Mount at the New | 4% -— SLM DALE Stauffer Bros. made another big blast. One of S. N. Stauffer’s valuable family | New Tonsorial Parlors Pa, Agent for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry Shire’s Vieat Market Le ve Mount Joy (a. m.), 9:15 10: 15, (p. mM. ). 12.15. 1:15, 5:15 6:1 15, 8:15, 9.15, 10:15 and 1: § rday 11: and 12:15 : 9:15, | OES NN 3 SS FETS u with same many’s Store. ORIN, PA. AT’ reat Of high-class Dress Goods in one ef the largest and best known Suitinazs, put their en sold in six hours Biff, bang, boom, sockerment, We were well represented, and dot gates viter, un de no war un-|suited to the wants of our srr automobile viter ferbrucha. ry . for inspection, Om Fridawk sin ich un noch en| kal amole gonga en ride nema in | . . a aens fon selly wega des mer ker Plaid Suitings gowl brouch fer se tzega Mer. pur Ladies” aod Misses’ Dress anu 4 i » ) ON 1 h 2 16600 o no T « . y sin noch Rheems gonga un wara | nog desirable shades, with a self uf em hame wake wus ferdult ding : : Ie LIC A ¢ erdt ding | slored mercerized plaid; very Wt oS y va 18 yu hetsl sr sa Fp : , net gshprunga is. Du het OWer ici olish: 26-inch: made “to sell hara sella wos ich tzawt hot e@ 1 0 ry 90 1-9¢ C. ; our price aot Mohair Suitings and Navy; finish; Brown, Garnet good weight; in a lustrous Plaid Serges shup gshova Des war olles recht bis em neckshta moria vu der Joe|In Black and Brown, and Black kumma is fer on de arivat gay 1 and Navy; All-Wool, nice weight aer des ding tzana hut dot shtay, | for skirt or Jacket Suit; 42-inch; 75¢ no sawgt aer, now ich vuner vaer IK ality; our pri 58¢. a yard. in der difel es denkt es ich so gile | pebloga kon. Wy ser hutsich co! Plaid P ofaricht vaeich seller automobile | al ahamas des aer hinna room gluffa is un is | For Skirts or Coat Suits, excellent tzum fenshter nev gshlup Olly qualities, in 2a number of handsome subdued col effects y | plaids; 56 value; price, 75¢. a t t & S 0000000000000 000000000000000 00 Auction a Sale o New tire stock of goods into the customers, 42.inch; 65¢, quality; our price, 50c. and broken our AN York. The Arlington Company, manufacturers of Dress Goods and Auction Room, where bought a number of excellent lots, und they are now ready Panama Suitings In Navy and Browns; very superior materials: 50.inches wide; made to sell at $1.25; our price, 85c¢. a yd, For Ladies’ wear and Misses’ School Dresses, neat checks and plaids, ir mediam and dark color effects; 954 in¢h; big bargain at 25¢. Butterick Publications The Delincator, best of all Fash- ion Magazines; $1.00 a year, or 15¢. 1 copy. September number ready. Butterick Fashions, the most won derful of all Fashion journal; pub- lished quarterly. Autumn number now ready. It contains everythiug tbat is new in fashions. We give you a is¢. Pattern and Fashions for only 25c¢. 000000000000 00000000000000000¢ New York Store Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster f | 4 PG eS Season ut at ut at hand and by : be a back numbe JEL Ee ake ete ox ing his vacat ion with id e and do all the work right here in our own shop. in this place. | % rubber drags from the manufacturer, thus saving a middle Farmers have commenced har- = profit and the severest tests have proven that we buy only the best : : W Let us quote prices before you place your order elsewhere. vesting their potato crop, a] or : . : | or by all accounts is regard to | iF y He yield, anything but er ging, | =* T |g x stances scarcel} AL | exe .3 o Sk 40% 103 10% 10% TOT % 08 108 108 OF 102 | A £08 400 £08 430 £05 400400 40 appearances the vehicle without them yer this season. - | BGG SS GOSS GO SSS OGG HO0E We put on all sizes on any ve- We buy our man's SESS GBSSHOGURGOOTO NON FILORIN PENNA®S® i - 408 450 00 100 $30 £00 AS 25% 25% 258% 25% » ofeteleleloteleolotototototeloT: | a | Personally-( Mr. Samuel Stauffer and and Mr. Amos Meshey spent Sun- day at Hillsdale camp. | a Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chornic constipation, an’s Regulets operate earily tone hs Doan’s Reg perate early a Tickets good going on train leaving 10.99 A, M.. ot the stomach cure constipation. 25¢. man Parlor Cars, Dining Car, Ask your drug ggist for them ii - = Tickets good returning on regular trains within FIFTEEN DAYS For a neat and clean shave or Hair Stop-off within limit J.R. WOOD Passenger Traffic Manager PENNSYLVANIA Jonducted NIAGARA EALLS September 9, 23, & Oct. 7, 1908 Round Trip Rate $9.30 From Mt. Joy | and Day Coaciaes running via the FPicturesgue Susguehanna Valley Route allowed at Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obt: RAILROAD ICxcursions mnnecting with SPECIAL TRAIN of Pull including date of excursion Buffalo re 13. rom Ticket GEO. W., BO General Passenger Agent. tne Agents. YD merchants. Follow the example of other prosperous Advertise in the Bulletin b z ‘8 Undertakin | Lngle's Furmture Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. ——D FP eer Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order —— POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, ——D eB Pore = and Embalming Roy