SF EEKLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor rnd Publisher Subscription, 50 Cents o Year. Six Months, 25 Gents, Lognl Entered Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion at the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter TIME TO ACT Don’t Wait for the I'atal Stages of Kidney Illness. Profit By Mt, Joy People’s Experience backache, Occasional attacks of irregular urination, headaches and common early It's The attacks may pass oft for a time but return intensity, If there are of puffy swellicgs below the cyes, bloat ing of limbs and ankles, or any part of the body don’t delay a minute. Begin taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, and keep up the treatment until the your old return, dizzy spells are svmptons of kidney disorders, an error to neglect these ills, with greater symptoms dropsy kidneys are well, when time health and vigor will Cures in Mount Joy prove the ef- fectiveness of this great kidney remedy. Mrs, Frank Conrad, David St., Mount Joy Pa, says: It would be hard to describe all the misery I endured from kidney com- plaint and I really think I had all the symptoms that attend this most There was a living on annoying disease, continual pain across the smali my back which made me tired all so that I could not attend to my housework. I also had chills became easily tired the time, and dizzy spells, and was subject to a constant feel- I was rapidly grow- ing worse when I was told to try Pills and procured a ing of fatigue. Doan’s Srey box at KE, W. Garber’s drug store. I had taken en a few when I was feeling a great better. Thus encouraged, I continued their better doses deal is now I am glad to use and my health than for a long time. recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffa- lo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the and take no other, ane Church-Notes. METHODIST Sunday the Sunday been heretofore will be held at which old and name—Doan’s— On next School which has held at 1.45 p. m, 9:30 a. to young are cordially invted. Preaching by the pastor at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p. m. Prayer meet ing services this Wednesday even- m. ing. PRESBYTERIAN As was stated in these columns last week, a congregational meet- ing was held by the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of selecting a pastor It was however decided that some of the applicants be given a further preach for them. A resulted follows: Rev. Grubb, 19 votes; Bailey, 12; Rev. Harnish, 11; Diehl, 3, and Rev. Hallet, 1. ee rene chance to straw vote as ev. Rev. Adam Is Comfortable Adam supervisor of Rapho township, who was last week committed to jail, charged with statutory rape, said that ‘he only wishes for court to convene so he'd learn how long he will have to serve penned up.” He comfortable and wetl taken care of. Demmy, is Chicken and Waffle Supper Messrs. Charles Cassel and Hen- ry Springer entertained the follow- ing guests at a chicken and waffle supper at the Red Lion Hotel Fri- day evening: The Misses Forry and Miss Nora Hoffman of Columbia and Harry Haage of Reading. Bought Another Hotel Frank S. Miller, has sold the Keystone House, Manheim, to Mrs. Pauline Bube, of this place for $4,600, subject to §, charge of $4,500. Mr. Miller will ®ontinue as landlord for the present. a eh Alumni Meeting A special meeting of the Alumni Association will be hold on Monday evening at eight o’clock in the High School building for the purpose of arranging for a picnic. Alice Dellinger, Sec’y. ee — Deeds Recorded E. Casgel to John Beames- RIO PY in Mount Joy; of | | SOUTTER, BUCHANAN & YOUNG The Mill-End Sale Ends Saturday Night Tardy Ones Please Take Notice As the time grows shorter the bargains grow bigger. Creat quantities of the immense purchases specially made for this event still remain to be sold. Several shipments ar- rived late, and have recently been added to the stocks. But if merciless price-cutting can make it so, they will be closed out before Saturday night. You who have not been here still have time to retrieve the losses your neglect has caused you. You who have been here will find rich reward for coming again in the stirring bargains which mark the wind up of the sale. Remember, Mill-End offering is just as good quality—just as desirable to you as any goods you could buy at regular prices—and worth twice as much as our sale prices. Summer Dress Goods Jeautiful Wash Goods come their of price pruning. Finest Scotch Anderson's. THIS WEEK, Best Dress Ginghams; THIS WEEK, 8 1-2¢ Fast Color Dress Ging- THIS WEEK, 51 2 10C. hams; in for share 8c Apron Ginghams, strong fast colors; 25¢. Ging- THIS WEEK, 5 1-2¢. hams, 25c. English Madras Cloth, white grounds, colored checks 104C. Domestic ; + | and stripes; THIS WEEK, 15¢ 12 -2C. : 4 & $ & @ & * & ® & * & & & & * » & & @ @ ® ® » ® ® @ ® w ® & ® & » % $ 115-117 N. Queen St., hancaster + * * * *» * 4 : * + * * * * * 4 : * 4 * * * * * * * » * * + 4 * 4 * * * * * * @ ® * + * * * & * 4 4 * & 0000000000000000000000000000000 J. B. MARTIN & CO. A Summer Sale NTEND TO MAKE VERY ATTRACTIVE FOR A FEW DAYS : : : : ; : : 1 THAT WE 1 Cut Glass When you see the prices on our Cut Glass, you will buy a Wed- ding Present for next Fall. $39.00. 127 pieces in set. $30.00 DINNER SETS AT $20 $25 oo DINNER SETS AT $18. $22.00 DINNER SETS AT $15. $19.00 DINNER SETS $10.00 DINNER SETS AT $6.90. $ 8.00 DINNER SETS AT $6.00 We are Getfing Ready for Our Fall Stock of Linoleum, And on about 72 pieces now in stock we quote exceptional low prices. When you can get a first grade Inlaid Linoleum that sells in Philadelphia at $1.75 for $r.00 a yard buy at once. Cut Glass Bon Bons, Olives, Al- etc., at ; worth mond Trays, 750. double. Large Bowls at $2.50; were $3.90. Celery Trays at $2 oo; were $3.00 Lots of other articles on the Cut Glass counter that are away below their value. Dinner Sets We are showing Dinner Sets at a marked reduction offer a very fine Haviland & Co. Dinner Set, formerly $60:00, at in prices, and Corner of West King & Prince Sts. 9099000990090 0000000000000009000000000000000000000000 P0000000000000000000000000000000000000009000000000000000000 : 3 : : : : ; : i : : : z Before the Children Go to School See they have the proper things Oiled Pants and Oiled Coats = for | [necessary to carry on their stud- School Supplies A large and exten- School Tobacco Farmers 5 J |are ready. [sive line on the balcony. [bags 25¢, 39c¢, i) 39c. Pencil tablets le, 2¢, 3e, 5c. Ink tablets 3c, 5c, BD 15. Pencil boxes 5¢, 10¢, 19¢, 25¢. Crayons lc, 5¢, 10c box. Protect you from the damp- , H5¢, ness of the fields and prevent | your clothing from getting wet | “through and through. The cost is low, $1 each. Rubber Leggings and Oiled | Slates, slate pencils, pen hold- Aprons are used by many, 75c. | ers, pens, crayons, school dic- | tionaries, ink, erasers, etc. Clothing Department Second Floor Balcony , FOSTER x» GOCHRAN to Williamson’s Lancaster, Pa. Successors 32 to 38 E. King St., \& J nl J] = The Pe "Qu ane Le People’s... Marble and Granite Works JOHN H. KEENER, Owner and Proprietor. Maytown, Penna. & Elizabethtown, Pa. CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. i] ly § 3 § i ; 9 9 ¢ Saturday sure day home at both places. Best Work at Lowest3Prices SATISFACTION GUARANTEED thing Known to the Trade mprises Eve sourren, sucman} | OBITUARY NOTES Harry Appold, son of H.C, Ap- pold, residing near the Florin toll- aged two The funeral gate died on Wednesday, | years and six months. afternoon in the Col- | was held Saturday United Lvangelical church of | umbia, Benjamin Brenner, of Columbia, | who was killed by a boiler explosion at York on Monday, resident of this place. fifteen when was a former He left here the Grey years ago He was 50 years old and wife and three sons. Mrs. Catharine Bladen Clark one died on Sunday aged 87 years. For many years the deceased lived on a farm in East Donegal. The remains will be brought here from | today taken to Donegal Presbyterian church of | which the deceased was a member made in Lancaster and Interment will be cemetery adjoining. MRS. JOHN REIST Mrs. Anna Reist, widow of Reist, of Rheems, this county, died at the home of her brother-in law, Joseph R. Metzler, Manheim, on Thursday morning, aged seventy went John seven years. Deceased Manheim on a visit to relatives and friends last week, ill with day night was ti he n very inflammation of the bowels, coupled with old. caused death. She was a daughter of the late Her died some years Five funeral from the age Joseph Reiff chil- was ago. dren survive, The held on Monday morning home of her son-in-law at Rheems. GEORGE W. SEITZ George W. Seitz died on Monday night at thehome of Abram Heisey, on New Haven from in- firmities of old age, short | spell of sickness. wife died two years The following children survive: Sarah, Mary, Mrs. Elizabeth Newcomer and a son H C. Seitz. One brother Christian Seitz, south of town also survives. The funeral will take place from his late home tomorrow (Thursday) forenoon at 9.30 at the Evangelical church. Interment will be made the Mennonite burial grounds at Millersville at two o'clock. Deceased was aged 86 years, 1 month and 18 days street, atter His a ago. in T'was Circus Day The Frank Robbins, circus ted Olean yesterday, and gave clean attractive, and entertaining per- formances, afternoon and evening. The Robbins show is one the good old fashioned one ring kind, where you can see all that “doing,” and while there are one hundred and one “turns” the big three ring circuses, there is is good. The tents well filled both afternoon and even- visi- of is not as in what were isfied that they had received money’s worth, The show following of ¢ and no complaints ih line were made during visit in Olean. The Robbins] shows can be credited with fulfilling all that they promise.—Olean Times. Will exhibit in Mt. Jov Mon. Aug. 17 people ain no ‘sharks”’ gamblers, $100 REWARD $100 rewders of this paper will be ple ased to is at least ove dreac sen able to cure in 4 : and that is CO: 1 Hall's €atarrh Cure is only positi , cure now known to the me fraternit, Catarrb being a constitutional disease require constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarvah is tgken internally .acting directly upor 1 the blood and mucous surfaces of the s thereby destroying the foundation of the diseas and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F, J. CHENEY & CO, 'l'oleao. O. Sold by al Druggists, 75¢. Take Hall's Family for constipation, The learn that ther that science hz Choice Seed Wheat for Sale Longberry wheat a thorough trial, I find there is none better as a large yielder grain and straw. It is a bearded wheat and in this section has yield- ed an average of 35 bushels to the Price per bushel $1.25 in Having given Jones’ of acre. any quantity. M. L Greider, Mount Joy, 20-5¢ Unclaimed Letters Following is a list of the letters that are uncalled for at the Mount Joy post office Aug. 12, 1908: Mrs. Jacob Newcomer, Edward Witmer, : Maud Miller, J. F. Fenstermacher, a o Postmaster. isa king 1m his nhealthy man is an Burdock Blood healthy—keeps You A healthy my own right; ani unhappy sla builds up so “well. Iron Works was started at Columbia | leaves a | of the oldest residents of Lancaster | the | to | and during Satur- her | husband | ing, and those present seemed sat- | their | and | along | their | This sign is permanently attached | to the front of the main building of {the Lydia KE. Pinkham Medicine | Company, Lynn, Mass. | What Does This Sign Mean ? It means that public inspection of | the Laboratory and methods of doing | | business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the bus- | iness which is not “open and above- | board.” It means that a permanent invita- | tion is extended to anyone to come | | and verify any and all statements | | made in the advertisements of Lydia | E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Is it a purely vegetable compound | made from roots and herbs — with- | out drugs ? | Come and See. Do the women of Americ: ally use as much of it as we Come and See, Was there:ever such { Lydia E. Mrs. Pinkham now to whom woman are asked to write ? | Come and See. 1 continu- are told ? ? a person as { with sick women conducted by { women only, and are the letters kept which | { strictly confidential ? Come and See, | over one million, one thousand women correspondents? | Come and See. Have they proof that Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Compound has cured thousands of these women ? Come and See. This advertisement doubters. who know from their own personal only is will still go on using and being ben- efited by it; Better Take Warning Notice is hereby more rubbish shall be deposited on my land along I will give the party that deposited there ten days to remove same or they will be dealt with "according to law. given that recently Chgrles K. Bennett. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS &cC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably rT: eo. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest gency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iargest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Solid byall newsdealers, MUNN & Co,3618roacway, Now York Branch Office, 625 F' St., Washington, D. L MCGINNIS 12 remodeled the | a number of | | | el | | | 1 The undersigned havi: old Mooney Hotel, adding sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared | to entertain transient and regular guests. | Restaurant | in connection with hotel where he will | serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, | Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, ongue and Tripe, heese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. J. WW. McGinnis, | PROPRIETOR. €Has. BL feiLen Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY | Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing. HDL HBB BEV We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: ( IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna, STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Pinkham, and is there any | sick | Is the vast private correspondence | Have they really got letters from hundred | for | The great army of women | sxperience that no medicine in the | world equals Lydia E. Pinkham’s | Vegetable Compound for female ills | but the poor doubting, | suffering woman must, for her own | sake,be taught confidence,forshealso | might just as well regain her health. | no | the public road and | West King ST., and The annex now complete with HORS 7nakes a frontage of 49, 5 Wes g Street. Dinner 2 st | acoo ns in every respect. ¢ your policited, RB. ADA imo cutting) Kidney & Bladder, Small Shrunken Yc Sle te of M Underwear The Muslin sale here at specii worthy of more than the nsual ly-woven Muslin of good weight but not of the weigt t Underwear on amount of attention. of loading tle fabric with starch; sewing that shows att uneven seans skilled work-people; no missed stitches or lengths; correct widths; generous hems and new trimmings All this is in our Muslin Underwear that comes a modest margin of profit added for the maker and us ruffle. Corset Covers ~Nainsook ; lace hia Ladies Drawers hemstitched 0 25¢, Cambric; ruffle and tucks, lace or em- 39¢.—Cambric; and ribbon. broldery trimmed, 750. —Nainsook, $50. - with cluster tucks, Cambric: trimmed of edging. ace 1nser- —- rs 1 : . lace inse 75¢.—Nainsook: Git tion and lace edjing. of lace insertion, trimmed back. ~All-over emt and 9 4 7he.—Cambric; ruffle, lace or embroidery trimmed, 98ec. - Cloth ; ruffle or | also, lace lace. $2.98 embroidery 98¢,—Long : trimmed.” $150 to $2.98 an Savings at each price embroidery or to —Long Cloth; with and A A SEES aE Ea. AAAVAA A i The Reliable yee res 0 RAILROAD to PENNSYLVANIA Fleven Day Hxcursion Ocean Grove Camp = Meeting AsburyParK Long Branch Friday, August 28, 1908 Round $4.25 Trip FROM MOUNT JOY Good returningSu a? reg Tickets good going only train leaving 12,35 P, M. Covers Closing Sunday and Monday AND Labor Day at the Seashore Consult Nearest Ticket Agent J. R. WOOD GEO, W Passenger Trafic Man ger Straw Hats ON STRAW General Pass THE PRICES HAT ST PRC SOFT HATS. DOWN COME CUT ON ODD LOTS IN Wingert & haas £44 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA, | a —>kLancaster’'s Largest Carpet House — Furniture and Carpets If you need anything for the house this spring, be sure and come to see us. ‘We furnish homes from attic to the cellar. Tell us your wants, we do the rest. The greatest line of right up to the minute Furniture in Lancaster. HOW about the prices? Try us and we will save you a lot of money. Finest Assortment of Black G-Carts Thousands of Rugs in all the Newest. Patterns, and hundreds of Carpets to select from. Fibre Mattings from 25 cents a yard up. IN THE BASEMENT Dinner Ware, China and Glassware, Housefurnishings, Cut Glasswar cloths and Linoleums, Carpets Cleaned, rain or shine. Relaying Carpets. are headquarters for Awnings and Window Shades. styles of , Cil- We WEeSTENBERGER MALEY & Myers 125 AND 127 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA. OUR MARKETS Eggs... .20c Wheat Butter . «28 Corn. . Lard. ...., 9c Oats. Tallow. . . Se | Potatoes $0.75 A ciire guaranteed if you use Fine Temserial Parlor IP LES ni; East Main Street. Mount Jovy, Pa. Graded Schools, Statesville, they do all you claim for fhe Raven Roc ey give universals satis. arksburg, Tean., writes: ave found no remedy to For a Neat ana Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey | Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Po, GF F. THEEL. 535 North | Philadelphia, Pa. “Ein Deutscher Sixth St. bniy German Specialist. The GERMAN TREATMENT the only guaranteed re for Specific Blood Poison others can’t eure. Al Private “Die Excesses, Abuses. Weaknesses, Nervous iseases, Debility, Lost Manhood, D~ains, Losses, Varicocele & Stjetuees eal £8 years hospital xpecfines in Tena! for Bool Ils all, aposing Oty & Country i aoe eas treatment. Sold in Mt. Joy advertisiag 2 Gall g¥ Kriss CALL FOR FH SAMPIE