WEEKLY FULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor rnd Publisher Subscription, 50 Cents a Fear. &ix Months, 25 Gents. Single Coples 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line sach insertion Entered Af the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter (Continued from page 1 been heard of them Both negroes were heavily armed. These since two negroes had given their names as Joe Brown and Jim Rose. Cap- tain Wright gave a description of Brown as being 5 feet 95 tall; age 28 years; hair woolly; col- or dark brown and weight or 140 pounds. The descrintion of Rose was age 24 years; height 5 ft. 41% inches ;color,dark brown weight 155 or 160 pounds. The descrip- tion given by Wright as that of Brown tallies exactly with that of Frank by the Rose is inches 135 the negro whose name was Smith and who was shot constable, while that the exact counterpart of that of the fellow who is in jail and who gives Constable of his name as Joe Brown. Gerlach and Detective Broome believe that the two negioes bag- ged by them are the parties wanted by Capt. Wright and they think that after Constable Gerlach killed his man the other fellow hit upon the plan of taking the name of the dead man knowing he was wanted in several other places for crimes and thinking that in this manner he would throw the officials off the track. They also believe that be- cause they were jailbreakers they put up the desperate fight they did when the officers went to arrest them. Brown, however,still sticks to his original story that he knew nothing about Smith, and that he only met him the day before he was killed. The officers this morning sent pictures of the men to Captain Wright to see whether they are the men wanted, but from his descrip- tion of them the local officers feel pretty certain that they are the men he wants. At court on Saturday John Williams, colored, charged with felonious entry of railroad cars, and receiving stolen goods, pleaded guilty and implicatad Joseph Brown the partner of the negro who was suspended unti! fall, when Brown will be detained as a witness. It will be rembered that when Brown, who was implicated in the Yoffe robbery, was taken into jail he was at once recognized by WiH- iams, who said he was one of the persons that helped him rob a box car near Lancaster recently. —_— RHEEMS’ STATION. Charles Weidman, who conducts a mill one mile north of this place, has purchased a large cider mill. The Gray base ball team of this place defeated a team from Mount Joy last Saturday by a score of 14 to 9. Miss Bessie Campbell, a trained nurse of Philadelphia, is spending ten days with her uncle A. L. Campbell. Evangelist John Ebersole de- livered an interesting sermon to a large audience on the canning factory platform last Sunday. Frank Pierce has purchased an uptodate portable crusher, elevator and screens which he contemplates operating thruont this section. Harry M. Hoover had charge of the rural route from this place last week in the absence of E. L. Heise y, who is enjoying his vaca- tion. E. L. Heisey, wife and son, and Martin Rutt, wife, son and daugh- ter spent several days ou the mountains at Lucullus, Lycoming county. Rev. Nathan Martin of Eliza- bethtown has contracted for a small portion of land from Isaac Wealand where he contemplates erecting a modern brick residence. An attempt was made to rob’the residence of Jacob Horst on the Rev. S. 8. Wolgemuth farm on Sun day afternoon but when the thief was going thru the house he was met by Mr. Horst’s hired man and made a hasty retreat. There nothing missing. An entrance was effected thru a screen door, - is Marrage Licenses Charles C. Mateer and Ella H. Zick, both of Mt. Joy. John R. Lawrence, of Mt. Joy and Mae Butts, of Harrisburg. : Ira M. Bricker, of Mount Joy township, and Sadie A. Greenawalt of Rapho. & YOUNG Manufacturers Sale RR ¢ YR — OPP PPIIVIVIPIPIIPIPHHH on BUCHANAN Muslin Underwear I'his is the largest and handsomest lot of up-to-date mus- lin underwear that has ever been offered to the women of Lancaster County. The Manufacturer makes the prices and directs this sale. The prices are at cost and a few below cost. Be convinced, look and make comparisons. Gowns (RSET (OVER : | 124c. values, sale price roc. soc. Gowns, sale price 39c. | 4 t I | 19C. el ‘ of I5C. 75¢C. f cf ‘ 49cC. | 29cC. “ ch fc 19C. | ‘ ‘ ~ $1.00 ¢ ‘“ ¢ 6gc. | 43 : : “ 29c. | 58¢c to $1.75 reduced in same 2c ‘ Ch 6 mac | $1 25 79C | way. $1.30. # ¢ 8gc.| Original Skirt values from 3 03 a d i | 75¢. to $6.50, sale prices from 1.75to $4.50 Gowns reduced 75 4-5 . | 49¢. to $4.59. in about the same proportion. | Drawers from 19c. to $2.89. C0000 000000009000000900000000000000000000000 115-117 N. Queen St., kancaster | : : : : : ® * 000000000000 00000000000000000000 J. B. MARTIN & CO. A SUMMER SALE # IN ® China Department That You Cannot Afford to Miss Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cut Glass and Novelties Also Awnings, Porch Screen Doors and Windows, and All Summer Goods at Special Prices. : : | : P00 000000000000000000000000006 6 Corner of West King & Prince Sts. 909000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 P0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 4 (Real Clothing Savings That Compel The Attention of Every Man. We find one great advantage in our kind of a July Clearance Sale that makes up for the great price reductions. Many men who never came here before for their Clothing are attracted by the economy of high quality at low prices, These men find ours a different kind of Clearance Sale. HERE the valueg are REAL—the reductions are GENUINE. There isno EXAGERATION in the values—NO need for it here. Clothing that offers you the greatest value at the original prices shows a genuine and a larger saving at the reduced prices—a saving that is REAL. It makes it worth while for you to come here and share in these real savings. = Fine Clothing, fashionably designed, stylishly cut and carefully finished— Clothing that assures you of perfect satisfaction—compels your attention of these savings. $32.00 Suits now $23.98. $28.00 Suits now $20.98. $25 00 Suits now $18.95. $20.00 Suits now $14.85. $18.00 Suits now $13.48. $15.00 Suits now $10.68 $12.00 Suits now $ 8.98. $10.00 Suits now $ 7.93. $ 8.00 Suits now $ 5.98. Special in Restaurant Saturday, Chicken Corn Soup, 10¢ FG STEPS AXD G OCH 'OSTERS 4x» (WOCHRAN Sueceessors to Williamson's 32 to 38 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. \ This saves you $8.02, This saves you $7.02. This saves you $6.15. This saves you $5.15 This saves you $4 52. This saves you $4.32. This saves you $3.02 This saves you $2.02. This saves yon $2.02 | = JOHN H. KEENER, Owner and Proprietor. Maytown, Penna. & Elizabethtown, Pa. CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. Saturday sure day home at both places. Best Work at Lowest§Prices SATISFACTION GUARANTEED My Line Comprises Everything Known to the Trade NEWTOWN Miss Mary Hornafius of Lancaster and Mrs, Mary Thompson of Brad- docks are guests of Mrs. Priscilla Fogie. Misses Alice and Rosa Beckey of Middletown and George Rhoads and family of Chester county, are visitors at the home of John 8, Rhoads. John S. Rhoads, who spent a few days last week on a visit to his children in Middletown, returned home on Saturday. A fierce electrical storm, accoms- panied by a heavy rain fall, visited these parts on Friday night which caused the streams of both Chickies creeks to swell to such an extent that farmers, who haul their milk to the Mount Joy creamery were obliged to return home as it was unsafe to cross the bridges spanning the streams Crops planted in bottom lands close to the creeks were over flowed and entirely ruined and much damage was done to public high ways in different places. WEST HEMPFIELD Charles Bacon purchased a new straw baler last week. Mrs. Henry Mellinger of Silver Spring is on the sick list. Enos Musser and family visited John G. Musser, who is ill. The Old Mennonites held services at Chestnut Hill church on Sunday forenoon. The New Mennonites held ser- vices at Silver Spring church on Sunday afternoon. Chickies creek was so high Fri- day night that it flooded Siegrist’s mill floor on which he keeps feed. Rev. John Bashore and wife of West Hempfield and Charles Weid- man and family of near Rheems, Emmert W. Wisler and John Niss- ley near Rohrerstown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Simon H. Musser at Silver Spring on Sunday ELM DALE A. Eberly called on M. N Stauf- fer last week. Lightning struck Martin Brubak- er’s barn but the damage was very little. One of Stauffer Bros. quarries is filled with water and it cannot be operated. Abram Eshleman, wife and two children called on M. N. Stauffer’s on Sunday. Lightning struck C. Breneman’s bull killing the animal instantly during one of last week's storms. —— ee Hershey—Sheaffer At eleven on Tuesday morning Rev. A. S. Hottenstein united in marriage at his residence o'clock at East Petersburg, Samuel C. Hershey, of Landisville, who Is employed at H.S. Newcomer’s in this place and Miss Kathrine S. Sheaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Sheaffer, near town. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hershey went to Lancaster and left there on the 2.23 train on a wedding trip to Philadelphia, Atlantic City and other places of interest. Were Almost Drowned Ezra Maier and Christian Mussel- man, of Landisville, narrowly es- caped being drowned on Saturday They were driving to- and when they the Little Cone- the high water morning. ward Lancaster started to cross stoga at Oreville overtook them. Harry Hershey cut the horse loose and H. R. Steigerwalt rescued the men. The wagon was washed down the stream. elo CE Choice Seed Wheat for Sale Having given Jones’ Longberry wheat a thorough trial, I find there is none better as a large yielder of grain and straw, It is a bearded wheat and in this section has yield- ed an average of 35 bushels to the acre, Price per bushel $1.25 in any quantity. M. L. Greider, 7-29-5t Mount Joy, Removed to the Asylum Eli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heisey of Florin, was removed to the county asylum on Saturday. Mr. Heisey has been living on his father’s farm near church in East Donegal, and has a family. The unfortunate young man is in a pitiable condition. mikes ml epi er A healthy man 1s a king 1n his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood builds up sound healthy—keeps you well, Kraybill’s | A SURGICAL OPERATION If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. e can state without fear of a oontradiction that there are hun- dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed upon women in our hos pitals which are entirely unneces- sary and many have been avoided by LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letters. Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman, Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: ‘“ For eight years I suffered from the most severe form of female troubles and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Compound, and it has saved my life and made me a well woman.” Mrs. Arthur R. House, of Church Road, Moorestown. N. J., writes : “I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound has done for me. I suffered from female troubles, and last March my physician decided that an operation was necessary. My husband objected, and urged me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and to-day I am well and strong.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, and backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Banana Blanc Mange. Soak a table spoonful of gelatine for an hour in a teaspoonful of water. Bring a cupful and a half of milk to the boiling point, add a pinch of bak- Ing soda, and stir in a half cupful of sugar and the soaked gelatine. Boll for five minutes, stirring steadily. Line a jelly mold with sliced bananas and pour the lukewarm blancmange care- tully in upon these. Set in the ice to form. Tura out and eat with whipped ream 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. rough Munn & Co. recelve Patents taken t special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, Largest cir- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Terms, $3 a culation of any scientific Journak year: four months, $L. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co,z3818roamar. New York Branch Office, 6256 F' St., Washington, D. C. The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. J. W. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. a , T ZF €uss. H ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Crerking of Pubuc Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and conveyancing. We are Always Prepared to serve i Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. BPLHLBLBLBVOLB Pe STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine St; JANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makesa frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. EE aaa ye Terre. And ever since our store has pers, Prices are at lowest Final Price Reductions on Wash Fabrics Kvery piece of Wash Goods in our store has been marked to its lowest possible price. In many instances the assort- ments are good, while in oth- ers they are broken, Never theless there is enough to choose from, Note the prices. 61{¢. SCOTCH LAWNS, 4c. A YARD. A good assortment of pat- terns, both in floral and striped effects; fast in color. 1215¢ LAWNS & BATISTES 7¢. A YARD. Beautiful, fine quality, in all this season’s newest pat- terns. Floral as well as neat figured effects. The Reliable Bae {BEYER 00, 3-37 I ton ANCASTER . Two Weeks Ago We Stirted Summer Clean-Up Sale ebb, been crowded with busy shop- Extraordinary bargains are 17¢, 150, & BATISTES & ORGANDIES, 9¢ A YD. Cool Summer material, in Batistes and Organdies; light grounds, with pretty floral figures. ge. DRESS GINGHAMS, se. A YARD, (Good styles, in stripes and checks; all fast in color, Kx. cellent for Children’s Dresses. WASH GOODS, 15¢ A YARD. Our entire stock of Flower Silks, Silk Mousselines, Plain Colored Voiles, etc., in many different styles. All reduced to 15¢. a yard, 25¢. . J abundant. Every floor, every department, offers host of grt: X ing attractions in wantable merchandise. oY fl i J Fe HE ENTE EET, SE EE EEE 75 Watches to be Sold, $1.25 to $4 Each We will sell, while they last, all Watches in our Repair Department on which the time limit for calling has long since expired, Included in the lot are those of Silver Nickel and Gold-Filled, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Our selling the Biggest Watch opportunity ever offered to Lancaster people. Pirosh L Simmons Jewelers & 20 N. Queen St. Opticians. price is only the actual cost of repairing done and this is Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. Rockers Picture Frames Mirrors Ladies’ Desks Hall Racks 00D FURNITURE an Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming I. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOYX, PENNA. Straw DOWN COME THE PRICES Hats ON STRAW HAT STOCK. CUT PRICES ON ODD LOTS IN SOFT HATS. Wingert & Haas £44 North Queen Bireet, LANCASTER, PENNA. about the prices? Finest Assortment Dinner Ware, China and Glassware, cloths and Linoleums, 125 AND 127 EAST KING ST. Carpets Cleaned, are headquarters for Awnings and Window Shades." —> Lancaster's Largest Carpet House — Furniture and Carpets If you need anything for the house this spring, be sure and come to see us. We furnish homes from attic to the cellar. The greatest line of right up to the minute Furniture in Lancaster. Try us and we will save you a lot of money. Tell us your wants, we do the rest. of Black G-Carts Thousands of Rugs in all the Newest Patterns, and hundreds of styles of Carpets to select from. Fibre Mattings from 25 cents a yard up. IN THE BASEMENT Housefurnishings, Cut Glassware, Cil- rainor shine. Relaying Carpets. We WEeSTENBERGER. MALEY & MyeRs, LANCASTER, PA. HOW