The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, July 22, 1908, Image 2

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Mt. Jov, Pa.
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor rad Publisher |
Subscription, 50 Cents a Year.
Six Months, 25 Cents

Union Picnic to Rocky Springs :
es Sunday S EA Toe young doctor told the company IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS IN Kxceptionly brilliant shoppin
: die ; at within a short ride of where they | A OE Ta a : i
Joy will hold a union picnic at OF | were gathered he could show them a | LANCASTER HAVE WE OFP: 3 [Us the haryest time for the energetic shopping public eivg I
Roeky Springs Park on Thursday score of thinly clad boys asleep under | ERED SUCH 9 are treasures in choice bargains Every department offers hosts of |
July 23, 1908. Everybody n- | Such conditions as he bad described. | . '
i i y h La . | Stil! doubting, the men went out into | | tempting attractions in wantable merchandise
vited to attend It will be a ger us In n erw ear the wintry night anA were led to "|
eral holiday for Mount Joy \ll | square in which mo:e than 70 waifs | a HES 3 Summer Dress Lawns 25¢ Cotton Chiffon Voites,
factories and stores will close so were found sleeping In boxes and bes 3 1 \ Scotel Law good imitation of real Wool
SE Sad he ia rmct { Fandsomest Jot of is-to-date Hus: | rels, and anywhere they could get out | b -4¢. deotch AWS, air. @ >: ard
that everybody can attend. I'he is 1s the largest and handsomest lot of up-to-date mu af the wind. The wen were convinced, | : many pretty patterns; Sale Voile: Sale Price, 19¢, a yard,
Conestoga Traction Company is | lin underwear that has ever been offered to the women of | and helped the actor in his work of | IN Price, 4 1-2¢ 25¢, Summer Wash Goods,
making preparations so that all rescuing such wdifs. Since that time | : : 7 )
: : Lancaster County. be has found homes for more than | 8c Fine. Lawns. dua. vood such as Silk Dotted Mulls,
can be accommodated with tran: | 50,000 orphans, and has not turned | oHeht of yaiterns; Sale Silk Mousselines, ete. , in good
portation both morning and even- | The Manufacturer makes the prices and directs this sale | away from his doors a single destitute o oo ; ’ choice patterns; Sale price, 19¢
ing. The cars will begin to leave | | boy or girl. He knew that the poor- | Price, 5 1-2¢. a yard, } pall '
> Vol Th ire at t and few below t est accommodation that he could give | a vard,
at the corner arietta : alt he ices are at cost and a few below cost. . 3 9 on Yt lata aw ie v
Bt £46 corner of Mazieua and Dela as Bubp ui | them, even though it were only a place | ASWT; ARE OFFERING T0-|8 | oc [Datste, law ge. Rough Linen Pongee
streets at 6.45 a. m. and run every | B : {loo} : : | to sleep on the floor in a warm room, | yok Y RING - and Organdies; Sale Price, 9¢. Rough Linen ge
: \ 3 e convinced, 100K and make ,comparisots » a r IH or Ter 2+ Sale
half hour thereafter until all have cr I | was better than the best that they DAY 3 51.9¢. a yard. Suiting, 27 inches wide; Sale
been transported. There will be | could hope to find in the streets. Re | ) oy yh rice, 29¢ a yard,
een transported. ere will be | cently this large-hearted philanthro | 15¢. to 17c, Fine Wash :
Phe | pist died at the age of 60 years. His Good ynsisti
wa i ods, consisting of Lawns,
3 Goods, consist; : Umbrellas
separate cars for the baskets.


Manufacturers Sale


Sight That Set Well-Fed English
man to Work Providing
Homes for Waifs,
When a kind- hearted young a]
told a company of well-fed Englishmen
in London, about 40 years ago, that
homeless children slept outdoors in the
city even in the dead of winter, his
hearers doubted the statement. They
thought it possible says Youth's Com
without shelter at night, but it was
contrary to reason that any considemn
able number coula be in such straits
aame was Thomas John Barnarde
that a child was occasionally |
24 YEARS |

J ———————— SO%55%%5%%
35-37 N. Queen
i BEYER & C0.,
Involved in
| 9 Organdies and Dotted Swisses
Fach Day Greater Interest 13
o opportunities all over t sore.

Our Summer
Sr ——————— sense

fare for adults will be 40 cents and | 3
for children between the ages of 6 | | R d Thi P . | Li k : 3 Ee lowhsute 3( 25 Good Umbrellas, Mens
an ’ i J ¥ le: or 16 | HIS FEAST ON HOG ISLAND | €a 1S artia 1st in many handsome colorings; " et elens Kis Price
and 15 years, 20 cents. Let every soc. Gowns, sale price joc. | T22¢ ilues e price | 5 SITCITLY cil : ) Sale Price, 10¢ a yard. or Ladies’ size; Sale rice,
body come and have a good time. | 19C ¢ ‘ 15 | Philadelphian’s Greed for Oranges | ‘ SLIGHTLY USED 3375 56. Flower Sills. all" light 1R¢. each. b
200. }¥ I y € , 8, ¢ ont
3y Order of Committee | 75C- " : *t 49¢C. QC ‘ ‘ I Gives Chane for a Joke at CG "ESTEEN o U ‘R | : . 2: 75 trwhin *n ah
I y r r of mn € 5 +9 2QC His Exasace i ROV ES'] EEN X EF LLER 8 ground, with colored figures $1.75 [ mbrellas, 1n Men’s 8
NEWTOWA { $1.00 ‘6 “ ¢ 6gC. 15¢ “ ‘ 20 - PIANO, ROSEWOOD CASE. good variety of patterns; Sale or Ladies’ size, good covering;
. : s8c to $1.75 reduced Same Hog island is a little British spot in | 3 price, 17¢. Sale Price, $1.39. )
Preaching services were held by $1.25 79 ; the tropics and lies just across the har- ; AANA AA AY AA AA AAA AA WV AAA VA A MAA AA AAA, WAAAY ASA
the pastor on Sunday evening. | way bor from Nassau, and its inhabitants | ; oo
4 . S ‘ > ‘ c : . 1 . ave lately been immensely enjoying a | .
ces 1 be held ag: Sun- : 5 39 $ ‘ S8gcC. Orig 7 es from : : re ee ® N ;
Se ice wil be held again on n | $1.50 )C ig values fr« tame lithe joke on a visiting citizen Of | T he Re liab le B 0S sto 10 Sit ore 6
day morning, Aug. 2. | 2 o.3 . +] 756 t .50, sale prices from Philadelphia. Hog island is known all.| = cmmmm—— 00000 |Y Sem SWS , wd ew we o
. > Si : . 1.7510 H4.50 OWNS reduced c over the world for its nat 1 ifi-
rev Flowers an 5 1Y )C. tO B4.5 he Id for its natural magni |
: ry Flowers and family of : : 5° i cence and the waters of which are like | : ariel D Sicrio arr tesaIsbeReBa REIL EU LI SOsTY
La ter spent Sunday with Jacob in about the same proportion Drawers from 19c. to $2.89. one large mosaic, containing all the col- | UPRIGHT HARRINGTON
Geltmacher sr. who is still confined ors of the rainbow, and, to the Imagina- | IANO 2 y
. tion of the eye, a hundred others. Pra No, Special Sale of Silve rare

to his bed with sickness.
Harry Fogie,who has been spend-

NE ra EE To

115-117 N. Queen St., hancaster
C0000 00000900900909000090900900000090090009 000000009009 00000000¢

Here there is a small army of boatmen,
who row sightseers across the bay to the
island. On landing the visitor enters a
gany Case; used only a short
time; Price new, $3.75.
For this week w
and ¢¢1847 Rogers Bros.”
e quote extra spec if
2] inducements in ‘Rogers’ Best”

ing his vacation with relatives in ’ : 2
x large orange grove, of which fruit he is |
this place, returned to his duties as @ | #llowed to partake to his heart's, or Fll set ‘Rogers Best” Knives and Forks; table size. risen 3348
arrier ¢ c nk > S o ach’s, ¢ a ich | > .
carr BY at Braddock, : a. His SHPO 0090000PP 990000 H PHO H0H Father stomach > content, ol of whieh OS ” 5 Full set ‘Rogers Best” Knives and Forks, dessertsize ......___..
family will follow him in a few costs the small sum of 25 cents. | ° f
’ Now, the American citizen has a Hk- | Full set “1847 Rogers Bros.” Knives and Forks: table size...............$3.9¢
P0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | ing for oranges, and when he found him- c— . 5 > > Ann rs iy arb $3 50
The picnic of the Kinderhook self in the heart of the district where Fullset “1848 Rogers Bros, Krives and Forks; dessert size... } 5
grow and with such a tempting Full set ‘Rogers Best” Teaspoons_____. $1.00
Sunday School held last
at Chickies Park was well pa

ized. The program, consisting of
‘races by the children and some fine
her relatives and friends in town.
John S. Pyle and family and E.
That You Cannot Afford to Miss
nffer before him he just simply couldn’t
withhold himself. So he started in with
a vengeance to clean the grove of its
luscious fruit. When he had finished
eating the thirtieth orange, however, his
conscience pricked him. Seeking out the

Old Flowers.
The newer verbena has few leaves, &
Mahogany Case; tised only a short

N. B.—We handle no inferior
be the genuine ‘‘Rogers’
" and ¢¢1847
ooods, Every piece is warranted to
Rec ogers Bros.”

vocal music by the choir,was great - Hime: :
ly enjoyed by all present. A SU | SALE owner of the grove—for that generous ime; 1
> ik : English gentleman does duty as cash- % X 0S 1IININ0ONS
rT - fer—he told him what he had done and {
MASTERSONVILLE. Sh &- offered to pay him in accordance. 225 - ow \
; IS ph ; RE “ [J i
Herman Fry and family, of Lititz, IN ? . Ia s all right,” was he reply, Toe | Jewelers & Onticians-
i : on't owe me any more. ou see,
isited Miss Nancy I Sunday. ri »
vi % ed i sN es Fry, o¢ joa 1 Cl o are on Hog island. | 20 N. Queen St. Nexf Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store.
iss Anna Hollinger, of Eliza- ina ec ar men c -
betbtown. visited a’ week among New Varieties, a Beautiful Half-Aere | ONE HARRINGTON AUTO- | #000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
; a g of Petunias—New Forms of i ’
S. Shonk and wife visited in the
home of Amos Gibble on Sunday.

0000000000900 900000000000000000000000

Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cut

* ) 64000000000 000000000000000000000 P0000 0000000000000600060600

short upright stem and a truss, as the
bunch of florets is called, that attains
a circumference of from 12 to 15 inch-


is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture.






Mrs. E. S. Shonk visited in the : L a fan 2
EN i gp es. e individual florets, if the plants
3 ¢ ¢ ‘ , ® y *
2 of Aaron Sheaffer and wife, | § Glass and Novelties are properly grown are as large as a Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks
izabethtown, a few days this |$ silver hei c IRE $27c ST 7
. 3 * quarter. Their stocky growth has | ONE $275 BREWSTER PIANO
wei ® : made them even stronger than they : ? . .
weer 2
T G Baptist’ Bret) s Also Awnings, Porch Screen Doors and were, and they bloom now from seed Used only a few months. Just as Picture Frames Ladies Desks
ne erman aptis rethren | @ . during a whole summer. Some of the | :
will hold their Harvest Home ser- | & Windows, and All Summer Goods new colors this year are “Aurora Bo- | good. 2% few; ; h bl D |
i a3 at Special Prices reale,” which is a vivid scarlet, and Extension & Other Tables, Davenports
pr 4 d/ . » J bi i the “Commendante Marechand,” which | :
~~ July 25 3 | is | $ | SS 1 1 i
~- ] a blend of garnet and maroon. .
es Ttossion. or Botests. 413 “Gna or the mont besuit xtibta S China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets
spending a few days with her sis- | § Wet | S¥ery Ses: In » Earien Dear Bomar Io fact anythi the Furniture Li
8 10 g a) rT S1S— . . | ville is a half acre devoted wholly to | n fact anytioing In the furniture L.iane »
ter Elizabeth, who is staying with i Corner of et King & Prince St. | various kinds of petunias. They have |
Abram Shelly's. : been planted there as freely as if they AILBRECHT SOUARE
r P00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. | were grass seed and the ground is cov- 2 Undertaking and Embalming
o ~ 3 ; mm ered with Rem Taey are Batrally a | Modern style; guaranteed one of I
n The Roo wonderful blend of color and there fis Rona
5 = scarcely a conceivable shade in the+ the very best; for
A rollicking, lively, laughmaking r a lighter hues that is not to be found
show is being presented this week E.ver Needed Dry Goods at Ever therq The petunias are single flowers, | a a
at the Woolworth Roof Garden, at and it is easy to conceive how much | LW 5
Lancaster Conroy, lLeMaire < Welcome Savings more beautiful this would be if the | MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
. HTOY:C Le AIe & . new double flower had been used in- | :
Company in their merry skit “King vers home’ nade artioles. sock as hess. And tests thom on stead. The doubles are exquisits >
<= Lver) e eds ¢ cles § as ese, and 2eds them continually— % ral
for a Night,” are funny enough to probably today, surely soon. Then save by coming here for these, now. a on, lye Tr i VE, SE Y 3
make anyone forget the hot weath- Profit By These Savi White Good he Pa; 28 ings are. US? paras ONE $450 OESER & WINTER
er. William Dillon, the man of a "Tol y these 2 avings 1 ¢ 00 s—Wanted two or three shades that contrast beau- | UPRIGHT; ROSEWOOD CASE.
thousand songs, writer of Every on Domestics Kinds Reduced Here tifully with the prevailing tint of the
3 3 7 r ’ 214c Long ( ow Zc. orl2 A S *
Little Bit Added to What You've on il i Mg th, RoW 10340. OF 12 | 38. White Madras, light weight in BO a ae Of Js Deishs ar
; : yadsiorel i'w ; mercerized dots and neat decions crossed with different stripes of color. 1
Got Makes Just a Little Bit More.” | 5c Bleached Cotton Toweling, | HCICLred hil sal designs, The shades in which the double petu. ®
$ now 3%c. : i Dp 7 Y Nom Q roa r
and many other popular songs, is 10c Unbleached Linen Toweling, uias grow are sufficiently descriptive DOWN COME THE PRICES ON STRAW HAT STOCK.
Poy g 8 © of the varieties to be had. Th
: fd SAbill 5 now 0. 3 ) ; hr . ey are A $ {
Suother big gatare ill trong 12 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, now © Lown: 40 oh wis amethyst, garnet, pink and crimson BTC., ETC, ETC,
with comedy is announced for next “abe 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting now 10%e¢ 0s with green edges, pure rose pink, bril- \ —
week headed by the celebrated team sy 8 4] Ww hte French Batiste: 40 inch lant rosy scarlet, blended red and I Fo
. . 1 ¥ 7 i Ny Ow y wide; now iC
of Irish comedians, Girard & Card- ye DE is in 25¢ Sheer ch heck and Plaid Lawns, Mites oe Sie, 204 Wolled eri ] 4
~ who will present the laughabl black, grays and browns, now 5c. now 19¢. Li . y
ner 3] p ¥ . gna ° 11c White Cambric; 36 inch wide; 39¢ Imported White Batiste: in Primroses, in mauve, white and pink 9 ON ODD LOTS IN SOFT HATS.
skit “Dooley and the Diamond. wow Bisa. | stripes and plaids now 29c. are nearly twice the size they were and on t aKe i e
The Edi jot J 7c Unbleached Muslin: 36 inches 50c Imported White Batiste; in the double poppy of the day is a ball of
8 S«C150n moving piciures shown wide; now 5c. plaids and stripes, now 39c. | golor as large as a peony, bearing only
at the Roof Garden are especially Pe Unbleackm Muslin; 36 inches 25¢ uliepisia batiste, now 15c¢. | fn its name and its brilliant scarlet .
. ride; now 614c. 1 White Ind er C « | .
noteworthy, and an entire new set » Sc Benes Misting 36 inches wide aoe. white - iP Linen, Silk 18340. | hue a strong resemblance to its proto- Mistake ®
il] en next 2 now 614{c. | ity, 10c. ctype. They are most beautiful in the
will be pres ted next week 12}4c Bleached Pillow Casing; 42 5c Rub Dry wash Cloth, now 2 solid colors, although the variegated 11 1 el as
inches wide; now 10c. for 5c. combinations of color are popular. OF BUYING BEFORE YOU SEE
Imported Chinawar Lr 1d Lovers of the old-fashioned siugle po 3 5 T
a » od Suir veaks re Special in Restaurant Saturday, Deviled Clams I0c, pv cam Still Duy thet In 8 mice ioe | OUR STOCK AND GET OUR
. . . § 8 —- 3 3 j
Geived a thiprers of th od form than it used to grow. Asters are | pRICES 144 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA.
Et : : OW, the plants is y . ~
chi a shipped direct and expressly 0S I ER) AND 0C HRAN on Ronn £2 Brey segn iis ves v8
: for him from Austria. The work mums. All the old-fashioned : mi————— pss 4
} + Yo. . u ed flowers, {
£ was also designed for him and is in Sugsessoks to Williamson's such as phlox, larkspur, sweet william =
the shape of souvenir dishes upon 32 to 38 E. King St Lt and wall flowers have gained in th
) . . . ancaster, Pa. 8 in the ex.
which are excellent reproductions | lif S 2 ter, Pa periments made by the growers during . » —> Lancaster's Largest Carpet House&—
of the pike bridge east of town, the 2 the past year, and they hopefully 1 I oI o r.r . We W(z>wiiphpW@fowww
Presbyterian church at Donegal | promise more for the future. os a
Springs Kraybill’s Mennonite 2 F 11 311t re nd C t * ®
church and the school house in this About Plants. Lu u a arpe 5
place. They are indeed very It is best to wait until the plant shows 2 If you need anything for the house this spring, be sure and come to see us. J
beautiful if it needs water, then give it a good dous- O nson & O We furnish homes from attic to the cellar. Tell us your wants, we do the rest.
. | Ing in the bathtub. A plant with its roots > ° 5 Theogroates. Hue of right io to jhe minute Furniture in Lancaster. How
) | constantly in mud cannot thrive. Tho about the prices? ry us and we will save you a lot of money.
Railroad Agents at Accomac © | house plants are watered once a week . Finest Assortmen f B b
Saturday Division Superinten- JOHN H. KEENER. 0 : with water in which there is a little am- Music Dealers 5 ht of Black G-Carts
dent McCaleb, : superintendent of . , Owner and Proprietor. monia they will thrive well. Sometimes Cy a Thousands of Rugs j3 sll ihe Nowes) Patferss, and baudredf of styles of /
3 i )arpets to selec rom. ibre attings from O cents a yard up. /
MecConke and - small white worms are found in ‘ae {
Ags of the A Other Maytown, Penna. & Elizabethtown, Pa. earth. Ammonia or lime water will kill es i IN TEE BASEMENT
3 -1E- J - them. Stir up the soil, to expose as 24 WwW t K Dinner Ware, China and Glassware, Housefurnishings, Cut Glassware, Cil-
road had as their guests at Acco- CLARENCE THOMAS, Mgr. many as possible, before pouring it one. n cloths and Linoleums. Carpets Cleaned, rain or shine. Rela pn : Wo
& ying Pp!
mac practically all of the agents of — ae ee ls are headquarters for Awnings and Window Shades.
eompany from Harrisburg to A : : :
Iphia, nearly 100 all told. Saturday sure day home at both places. Best Work at Lowest3Prices healihy mah is 2 king . m bis Street, i
the second annual outing SATISFACTION GU ia own right; an unhealthy man is an ! ESTENBERGER | MALEY & MYERS,
sentsat’ Accomac as the N GUARANTEED unhappy slave. Burdock Blood J
g : i 3 . builds op sound healthy—keeps Tou 125 AND 127 BEAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA.
company. My Line Comprises Everything Known to the Trade well p y—ecps y LANCASTER, PA.