The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, July 22, 1908, Image 1

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EE —————————————— ———————————
Rob Yoffe's
t Bube’s was | Clothing Store in Mount Joy Hall
Three Fires in Town

“Baw Bu) | Our Card Basket

More ‘‘Secrets’’ D : { Fl rin b
Some men burst their safty valve oings a 0 Haverstick played a fine game at | I'he grass is yet quite small, as €rs a
in endeavoring to be a power in the short for Shamokin yesterday. is also the plover crop
Seems strange but
next year the 4th of July |
will fall on the 5th as the former is
Those That Persons That Were Visiting Since | The new ice plant a
Happenings of Our Hustling
Little Village.
Makes Narrow Come and Go—The
ro a . ‘
Brown Just before the game last Satur-
Large Sheds nevertheless day Charles Cassel was elected cap-| Our Last Issue—Read Their | put in operation this week. Building Entered Last
Mount Joy was well represented
at White Oak camp Sunday
at Cling’s Coal Yards its true tain of the local ball team. Whereabouts.
The rain and storm of last night,
j orded an excellent opportunity that
An effort is being made to have
New Holland Inter-County
league team play .here on Saturday.
Philadel- Harry Smith putting our town in darkness.
pound ground hog yesterday
H. K. Shellenberger of captured a ten
Saturday at Richmond, Va.
is visiting Monroe Sheaffer.
Mrs. John H. Buohlis spending
her v: at Atlantie Citv,
Mr. Mrs.
Manheim, spent Sunday in
Sunday. nm : ha
a, I'he shirt factory is running he
Isn’t it strange that such an in- is visiting in town.
lot of
would actually exonerate
['hree fires in about as man days
was accepted by rascals who en
tered Wolf Yoffe’s elothing store in
a record for our borough. | telligent school directors a Ross Engle plays short for A. Rollman spent I'riday and A surprise party was held in hon
est son of (
or of Carson Engle last Wednesday
the large coal citizens aggregation,
hursday noon
unt J stole
| ; : i oy Hall building and
(line's yards Irom paying tax when they own I SBR ¥ Alok vama Nou ; . evening. ) t ding ¢
| om pa Ee | : | ‘Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gainor shent [Last evening a twilicht game of Charles Roland of hundred worth
prope ) Wer suc ac nn v th
property. ienever such action | 6 A special meeting of
No. | will
destroyed rida) inday at J. 8. Carmanv’s, s played between the Juniors Friendship
s taken there are always reasons ked nine from the “Palace Fire Co,
for same, but then think of such a RoSpt town. The former evening
. : 5 ation rE
ning as exonerfting men who have victorious 7 to H
1 y ! ‘ | | ingest o
id their taxes. Loose 1 1 inc John Yingst
clestown base ball team }
t town
Isiness that /
re Saturday and was out-
lI and
: with friends.
badly de- eg
] Mrs. Mary Kolp of Elizabethtowt
SIHOWS., : o :
(l 1... | returned home after ing come
) 1e game bu :
time in town,
vd twent
) | Oliver
n Spiel
one hit In
Co any Ix
nning he plaved | mpany K.,
the outf
fanned the ide Mrs. Harvey (ring
burg for ten days.
callmg il
rsday after spend
home Thu
t Asbury Park.
time a
Leroy Smith
Cedar Works,
visiting M. A.
Wm. Reynolds of
George Reynolds of Lancaster spent
as nearly
r pure
a refreshing
recormiu ended by best
Martin Hiestand
oline engine at tl
Dearbeck’s Liquor store
yesterday in town with friends.
: iniermented Roval (
Harrisburg Saturday where she is
ad been exonerated
; : Harry went to | Jiice rink 5
ulletin and the re as receiver Julee drink
port w .
: Ing at ith
at the regular
A few
some one was heard between the
bv our repoiter > . tics . . . :
: Lite holders are visiting her parents for a few days. nstalled a gas- | Bulletin office. ninutes lat-
Harrisburg, spent Sunday
the | er
meeting, just
I g,] prior to that Y
bE ie office of
| tall
Iilias Hollinger of Union Square
} Allen |
was the guest of |
Hollinger in this place on Sunday.
ig? Harry Bear and son
ced of” and unnecessary secret > ? hh e . . = : : 2 p= : :
LINGLI 11s brother Landisville Vigil, Florin News and | hall and this off ce, but he made a
session. in iI
>. Reimert, If 3
hasty retreat on account of a noisy
Mrs. J.
fire was again discovered in one Now there is something wrong with the former’s parents Mr. Star and News in this place ye
dog that was tied nearby.
bi | Mrs. Henry P. Baer Zeller retur » Thurs- | terday.
bins and this time a bucket [hese taxes were paid | Mrs. Henry P. Baer. Jno. Zeller returned home Thurs ]
from second
>. Lanker, 3}
5 day after spending ten
Middletown, Harrisburg and
| shey.
| somewhere, Ti i : 1D
Mrs. S. P. Linebaugh and son and | Cassel, days at 1e smiling countenance ot our! I. a
The loss will probably be |
Y |
» flames under | and the collector exonerated so the |
Where's that | Miss Lottie Linebaugh of
We feel positive no mem-
brigade soon had |
in a crouched
it toward
Market street, rear of the Metho-
York ar-| Fleegal, old friend Paris Hinkle may be seen | window, saw a man
Shope, ¢
Nfeesit, 1b
question arises, 85...nense : iss lg
tonsorial tip-toeing
vbout $500. |
1 1 | aoal ‘ / 2 la ante “4
money? rived in town today and are spend- again at W. B. Bender's position
Jurwood Brandt arrived home | Parlors, after an absence sev-
- threw the bedclothing out the win-
On Sunday morning at 4 o’clock
T. M. local tin and
sheet iron worker, was suddenly
at the Ex-
Brown, our
aroused from slumber
change hotel. Mr.
was ablaze and quick as a flash he
dow on the tin roof. A half bucket
~f water, with which he had taken
a bath before retiring, was used to
extinguish the burning vedstead.
Mr. Brown escaped without any
burns and had he not been awak-
ened, the result wound undoubted-
ly have been serious and only his
prompt action saved that popular
hotel stand from destruction. The
origin of the fire is a mystery.
Sparks from a engine set fire to
thé dead grass along the “cut’’ near
Barbara street on Friday evening.
A volunteer fire company extin-
guished the flames.
Our New Plumber
Joseph B Gantz, who formerly
conducted a plumbing establish-
ment in this place, but who has
been employed with a Pittsburg
firm for some time past, has decided
to make Mount Joy his future home
and has again embarked in busi-
ness here. He is prepared to do
all kinds of plumbing on very
short notice reasonable
prices. He invites a share of your
Main street,
John J. Newpher’s office.
and at
He is located on East
one door west of Dr.
A Corn Thief
Some time ago a certain man
East Donegal, took liberty enough
to steal about a barrel of corn from
the erib on J. S. Carmany’s farm,
now tenanted by Harry Gainor.
The corn is of the short eared yell- |
OW variety. The party is
known and if he will be kind enough
to stop at J. S. Carmany’s store the
next time he gets to Florin, he can
avoid prosecution.
An Imitation Show
A tent show tried to do business
here Friday ®nd- Saturday evening
without advertising and both per-
formances were rendered to a few
people. An imitation parade
given on Friday evening.
here the show went to Marietta and
by all appearances that will be
about the limit.
Harvest Home Services
Harvest home services will be
held at the Cross Roads church a
short distance west of town, all day
| engine room

Saturday. A roast beef dinner)
will be served to all in attendance. |
ber of the board or our collector
would make such a mistake inten- |
tionally, so “another explanation’ |
would be in order.
If our reporter is debarred from |
these meetings of the board, how
would people learn of its doings.
Here are two mistakes that the
Bulletin unearthed and there may |
be others.
Landisville Campmeeting
Landisville campmeeting will
open Thursday evening and the in-
dications are that this will be the
banner year for the camp. Many
improvements have been made.
the new auditorium is finished and
will be dedicated next Sunday. On
Saturday evening the young people
gave a festival for the benefit of the
repair fund and last evening ‘Ye
Districk Singin’ Skule was present-
Maytown Man is Liberal
M. R. Hoffman shipped
press to the
Zoological Gardens,
Philadelphia, on Thursday evening!
a tame badger, which he had in his
possession for about a year.
brought it from Wisconsin, and it
is about a year a half old.
This animal is a very fine specimen.
The children could play with it, the
some as with a dog,but if teased it
was liable to claw or bite.
National Bank for Maytown
With a
national bank, residents of Maytown
on Friday selected the
committee to further the
of the organization:
Chairman, John A. DeHuff: Treas—
view to organizing a
urer, Henry Lingle; Secretary, Geo.
F. Rhoads; Clayton Farmer, Hiram
Jacobs, Charles C. Hicks Dr.
D. A. Harter.
tires ——
Installed -a Motor
A fifteen-horse-power electric
motor was placed in position in the
at Mumma
wiler’s slaughter and ice
recently. It take the
place of the large gasoline engine.
The litter will however remain in |
position and will be used in cases
| of emergency.
Delinquent Subscribers Read This
An old criminal, asked what was!
the first step that led him to ruin
said “Thejfirst stepsthat led me to
my downfall was cheating an editor
out of a year’s subscription.
I had done that the devil had such
a grip ongme that I could not shake
him off.”
ex- |
He !
& Det- {
ing a few days at the U. B. parson~ | 2 !
. : {| W. Lanker,
| Rabert p.
Baptizing will be held
Brethren church on
Saturday afternoon at four o’clock.
| Florin United
| Immediately after the services bap-
tizing will be held at the Cove near
Mount Joy, when about
will be baptized.
The United
I school held its annual picnic
Mumma’s Grove in East Donegal
‘on Saturday and it proved a big
success. The weather was all that
could be expected and the attend-
ance very large. A feature of the
day was a game of ball between the
married and the single men. The
former were victorious by a score
of 6 to 4.
Jrethren Sunday
Borough Council at Reading
Last Wednesday Burgess J. W.
| Shrite and Councilman M. L. Greid-
ler, B. S. Dillinger, C. N. Mumma,
| Wa. Tyndall, and J. G. Reist
made a trip to Reading, accom-
| panied by Mr. Titzel of the Cones-
toga Traction Company. While in
that city they were guests of a large
street sprinklers. The purchase of
one of these machines will be con-
‘sidered at the next regular meeting
C. H, Zeller and clerk R. Fellen-
baum unable to accompany
them on account of the sickness of
their wives.
Another Vacancy Filled
A special meeting of the School
Board was held Friday evening for
in the Secondary school caused by
the resignation of Miss Ernst,
will teach at Carlisle.

manufacturing concern that builds |
{ noon Referee William
of Shippenburg was elected to the!
en - <
Lad’s Arm Broken
of the
East Donegal,
Tressler, tenant on one
Cameron farms
fell off a load of wheat
and landed
between two bags on Saturday.
His right forearm was broken and
be sustained a bad scalp wound.
is This Your Money?
The person that left a bag con-
taining money lying on the writing
desk at the post office, can have
same by calling and proving
In Business Again
Albert Heisey formerly of town
is again in jail and must answer at
, court for stealing a watch and chain
from a Lancaster property.
4° | $100,000, while
who |
Miss Reder, |
Feaser, 1,
Blessing, rf....
Totals 8 9!
Mt. Joy
Two base hits G. Brown, Schock, |
Miller 2, Brandt, Fleegal. Sacrifice
hits Schock. Struck-out by Miller |
23, by Raber 4. Double plays,
Balthaset to Nfeesit 2. Base on
balls of Miller 3, off Raber 4. Hit
by pitched ball, Miller 2. Umpire,
Schroll. Time of game 1.45.
Church Notes.
There is some talk of erecting a
tower to the front of the United |
Brethren upon which will |
be placed a bell.
Sunday School at 9 a. m. Preach |
ing by the minister, Rev. W. H. |
Egge, at 10 a. m.and 7.30 p.m.
The morning subject will be:
“David’s Strange Request.”
the evening the pastor will have
for his theme: “The Two Draughts
of Fishes.”

In |
Alwine’s Debts Are Heavy
The affairs of H. Alwine, of
Middletown, the missing Republi-
can candidate for County Treasurer,
of Dauphin county, and a well-
known dealer in live stock, are in a
worse plight than was at first be-
lieved. After meeting of
numerous creditors Monday after-
H. Middle-
a his
AIT | town state at Alwine’s liabilities
the purpose of filling the vacancy | © vn stated that Alwine’s liabilities
would probably amount to
his assets
hardly amount to $35,000.
Must Behave Here
The constables that were put on
| duty Saturday night were kept busy
Lou Tressler, little son of S. H. |

and were obliged to make several
arrests. At about midnight five
young men from the country be-
came noisy and later two engaged
in a pugilistic encounter. Con-
stable Jacob Fissel arrested two of
them Menday and the other three
will be taken into custody at once. |
They will given a hearing before |
Justice Zeller on Saturday. This
should be a warning for others.
A Fine Wagon
That fine one-horse delivery wag-
on now being used by our local
millers Messrs. Brandt & Stehman, |
is the product of Geo. W. Shickley
& Sons’ coach works. It is an ;
ideal wagon for that purpose and
makes a good appearance.
| Thursday evening
! for Atlantic City where they
‘enjoy the sea breezes
after spending
some time at Philadelphia
| Atlantic City.
Mrs. Anna Hauenstein and
| were guests of the former’s brother
Frank H. Baker.
P. S. Pyle of Pittsburg one of
the best trap and field shots in the
here with friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
turned to their home
Beatty re—
in Philadel-
phia Sunday after spending three |
weeks in town with friend.
Mrs. Charles Dillinger and daugh- |
ter Maud and Mrs Frank Baker
spent Sunday with friends at East
Petersburg and Manheim.
Mrs. W. W. Strasbach and son
Arlington of Hershey, returned
home Friday after spending a few
days here with her parents.
Samuel Hershey and lady friend |
Miss Katie Sheaffer left yesterday
for a
will attend the annual
on Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Marks and daughter '
‘dents of this borough, occurred on
of Manheim, were gue sts of her hus-
band, the accomodating bar clerk |
Sun- |
at Bube’s Central House, on
day evening.
Wm. Bookman is spending
the family of
Charles Langly at Norristown.
will also visit his
S. P. Moore at Willow Grove.
weeks with
and | : ;
i tion will hold a harvest meeting
few |
| of his son, from infirmities incident
Jacob H. Zeller, the local agent, |
outing of |
| the representatives of the Pruden-
"tial Insurance Company at Accomac |
Li : { during
state, spent Friday and Saturday
| ral months.
The Yorker Brethren denomina-
the residence of John Schoch at
. [ Manor township on Thursday after-
| daughter Henrietta of Lancaster, | i I ?
(noon, July 23.
William Scholing has purchased
| the baking privilege at the Landis-
ville Camp grounds. He will have
:amp all kinds of fancy
rakes, pies, ete.
The pneumatic cutting and let-
| tering machine at James Glatfelter’s
marble and granite works, was put
in operation a few days ago and
gives good satisfaction.
On Saturday evening Harry Dar-
{ renkamp received a carload of wat-
ermelons from Georgia, which was
{ one of the finest lots that ever came
to this town There
1,600 on the car.
were over
The oldest citizen of the borough
of Elizabethtown, John Kline, died
on Sunday morning at the residence
the ad-
to old age. reached
vanced age eighty-six
One son, John Jr., survives.
The death of Hiram Michael one
of the oldest and best known resi-
Wednesday evening at his late
home. Death was due to paralysis
lof the bowels, and the infirmities of
Rev. !
He |
sister-in-law Mrs. !
old age. Deceased was in
eighty-first year, and was born
Marietta. When a young man
learned the carpentering trade, and
| later in life engaged in the contract-
Edward Yeager, a miller of near |
| removed to this place where he re-
Lenker’s, Dauphin County, who is
quite an expert gunner, tried
skill on plover in these parts Fri-
day and Saturday.
Miss of Millersville,
Mrs. Bowman of Lancaster, Ralph
Williams of Orange, N. J., William
Vansant of New York City and
Walter R. Dunn of Washington,
D. C., were guests in the family of
Dr. John J. Newpher.
Bitten By a Dog
James Yellets, residing on Hell-
am street, Wrightsville, formerly a
resident of Florin, was bitten on
the left shoulder by a dog last Sat-
urday, while attempting to put the
canine into a box. Mr. Yellets
was sitting on the porch coaxing
the hound when suddenly it became
angry and-attacked him. Three
wounas were inflicted. Dr. J. L.
Jamison, of Wrightsville, cauterized
the wounds.
his |
ing business at Florin. He then
sided for a number of years. Dur-
ling the Civil war deceased enlisted
He was quite |

Y. 1. He
in the 122d regiment, P.
member the
His wife, who
was a of
church. was
Mary Shrite, survives, as do
following children: Elinore,
Philadelphia; William S. and Hiram
the P. R. R. officer of Lancaster,
and George,of Trenton, N. J. One
brother, Abraham Michael, of Har-
risburg, also survives.
The funeral was held from
late residence on Saturday morning
with interment in the cemetery at
Our Holiday Tomorrow
Tomorrow will be a general holi-
day in Mount Joy. Nearly all
business places will be closed and
everybody will join in a union
picnic at Rocky Springs. The bas-
ket car will leave at the school
house about 8 o’clock.

dist church. She spoke, asking the
chap what he was doing back there,
when he immediately took to his
heels. Marks on the step at Yoffe’s
store, prove that the thief
walking in the clay on Mr. Glatfelt-
er’s premises, The west window
at Yoffe’s store, is also broken.
Until recently Mr. Yoffe had a
watchman at his store but lately it
has not been occupied at night.
Several detectives were put to
work this morning.
Horse Almost Electrocuted
This morning Mrs. David Eber-
sole, who resides at the fork of the
Marietta and Mount Joy turnpike,
just beyond the toll-gate kept by
Mr. Hawthorne, figured in an acei
She was driving
dent in this place.
west on David street and at
residence of H. H. Morton
horse tread on the feed wire of the
Manheim electric light company
which was blown down during last
night’s storm. The animal was
thrown to the ground fell on
the wire. The saddle on the
ness touched the wire
doubtedly saved the horse from be-
ing electrocuted. The harnes was
nearly burned thru when electrician
Harry Peoples cut the wire. The
animal is badly burned on the right
side. It was immediately attended
by Dr. E. W. Newcomer and will
recover. Had the horse received
the full charge of 2300 volts it
have been killed instantly.
which un=
This morning Carl
driving south on Market street with
Bube’s delivery when the
horse he was driving tread on an
electric light wire of the Manheim
company that was also blown down
drandt & Stehmari’s
last night at
mill. The
heavily to the ground but jumped
to its feet immediately. There was
no damage, as the horse fell away
from the live wire.
horse was
Eli Can Supply You
Eli H. Shreiner returned from a
trip over the mountains where he
found kuckleberries plentiful, but
on account of the scarcity of help
few are being picked. He however
has enough to supply our town and
vicinity which he states he will sell
very reasonable and for cash only.
Removed to Asylum
Constable Michael Randler of
Milton Grove, removed Tillman
Gibble to the county asylum on
Friday afternoon. The unfortun-
ate man is but 21 years of age and:
is in a pitiable condition. !