C000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . Notice to The Public der Selling next week, Tuesday, July 21. thing will be Wait for 1. D. Beneman’s Un- Sale. It will take place Every- lowest reduced to the figure. East Main St., I. D. BENEMAN Mount Joy, Pa. 0000000000460 000000000000000000000000000000000000 ; ; ; | Ito | paivting the house o | SPORTING HILL. eral days with friends at Lancaster. Adam Pleger and caster, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Friday Buohl and the former's Ephrata over last Sunday’ wife, of Lan Jonas Berto Miller Amos visited visitors brother, were Sunday the former's ville, family of Levi Fissel. H. S. Bradley some tobacco this week. doubt is the first to be topped in this section. intends Bradley and wife the latter’s brother, Henry Showers at Rexmont, last Saturday. Mrs. Showers is suffering from a stroke | Henry of apoplexy. . - MASTERSONVILLE. Frank Stermer sold his restaurant S. Behney. outfit and supplies to C. I 8S. Shonk made a business trip. | Annville and Lebanon Tuesday. men are Nancy his f Miss Harvey Kulp and on | Miss Nettie Kauffman spent sev- | relatives at | George Fissel and wife, of I'ruit— | in the | topping This no | visited : : : i : i ET re The Mount Joy MARBLE and GRANITE WORK Is Giving Away FREE With Each Tombstone for the Year Holder to the 1908, a Beautiful Bouquet place on the grave, Don’t use unsightly tin can. I guarantee this holaer to last for 15 years, | | | How many American women in Flower & Vegetable Plants | lonely homes to-day long for this | | blessing to come into their lives, and | | to be able to utter these words, but | | because of some organic derange- | | ment this happiness is denied them. | | Every woman interested in this | | subject should know that prepara- | | tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E.PINKHAM’ VEGETABLE COMPO Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West | Union, S. C, writes te Mrs. Pinkham: ‘I was greatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, For Mrs, HL L. Stoll, Sale by Florin, Pa, Two doors east of Carmany’s Store 20 Varieties of Flowers The Anuals, very finest Hardy Perennials and Hardy Perennials, when started come up year after year and require little or no care, Those I offer grow from one to three feet and are covered with bloom from Spring to frost, and fine tor cut flowers and cemetery decoration. Among them are the Achilia double white tlowers, Lychnis Scarlet; Anthemis, Yellow; Stokesua, blue Poppies all col Pinks all colors, Sweet williams, Sweet Rockets, Ete Among the anuals, Asters in five colors, Pinks, double various colors, Mignonette, Scabiosa, Et dai idl AL | A 150 Pairs Suspenders 150 Pairs of Men's Police and Firemen’s Suspenders all new stock; regular price 25 cents, Special price 18¢c a pair SPECIALS For This Week Only 250 Shirts 250 Men’s Dress Shirts, new stock, excellent pat- terns, all sizes, regular 50¢ Special price 40c¢ Each values. I'he above are not to be classed with the so called spe- off an accumulation of desirable direct cial sales with a view of working but are all new and stock Yours for business, odds and ends from the manufacturer H. E. EBERSOLE 3 3 3 3 when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It | not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother.” I Mrs, Josephine Hall, of Bardstown, | Ky., writes family of] “I was a “very great sufferer from the | female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- And three varieties of eve rlasting flowe rs | fine for winter boquets., All plants at very | reasonable price Boquets n season, this week. Hollinger visited { Fry We Have Made the latest and best and other Joseph and wife, of Sweet Peas, Roses, Et H. Clay Miller West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Ox occasions the ) y 1 “we * | he young graduate Elizabethtown, relatives | june and friends in town on Sunday. Nissley visited in give for wear Spe ial efforts ford Si Apes nth There d styles at commencements this m . Henry and gE E L : : i g £ : £ £ lainty Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Colored Pumps for ~ ~ ~~ - ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~— ~~ a ~~ — a a. aD ~~ a ~~ ~ ~~ a ~~ ~ ad Rh te - y » . y — re New Low-Cut Oxford or Street Pump for the Young 3 - Nissley’s mill, home | the M Mm 81 North Queen Street, M1) an. SHAUB & CoO. - Ar er -va v Ever reasonably epmade Lo HOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 3PM T Friday at y Vid uesday, N oon. ing, close Thursday. Wednesday and LANCASTER, PENNA. & | bethtown, | on of Miss Nancy Fry, on Sunday. and wife. of Eliza- Gibble Jacob Grainy and S. S. and wife. of Lancaster, visited in home of A W. Shelly Tuesday and wife, - Unclaimed Letters Following is a list of the letters that are uncalled for [ Joy post office July 15, 1908: 9F0TOTOTOTOTOLTOTO] efelotelerell Mrs. Robert Lee Beit Harry Creary, Zaitmo Bellavio. ttman, the | at the Mount | table Compound not only restored me | to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- | ham’s Vegetable Compound, made | from roots and herbs, has been the | standard remedy for female ills, | and hag positively cured thousands of | women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, riodic pains, backac Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick e, that bear. | ing-down feeling, flat ulénc y, indiges- | tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. | Electricalic. Fuuiiebiibiibbibbibiibiibibibbbbibssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbibiibinid Contracting & Supplies. Worl alt Repair Bell Phone 1 Lancaster PILES wo Suppository Graded Schools, Stat 3999999993099509999999999999099¢, HO FOR Do you want to start in the squab business ? | women to write her for advice. | (She has guided thousands to | health. Address, Lynn, Mass. fartions ge | 8 equal y OUR MARKETS by Druoggists, Wheat Corn. . . Oats . Rye . they do all you S. M. Dev Raven Rock, W. Va u H. IFenstermacher, Postmaster. iJ. FB. Great [t has brought more Great Mv sale has been a record breaker. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT I The members of the Sunday School of Trinity United church in | token of their sense of loss in the of Mand M. Shickley, the assistant memory | . $98 » 30¢ . d5¢ . 80¢ Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber CALL FOR FREE SAMPIE | Eggs . . . 1%7¢ Butter. . . 17¢ Lard 9¢ Tallow . . Jc Potatoes $0.7 75 le. Prices and goods Evangelical store than any previous se Come in and you will pe ple to my good death Ete. make the customers buy. get ; Nin is : I desire to call the public’s attention to bargains in Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothin y sec | g, Shoes, retary, and as a tribute to her the fact that I am preparad to make the following resolutions: That we deeply depiore our | loss and regret the close of so young a life, so full of usefulness, bat that humbly submit to the decree of Him who doeth all things well. Resolved, That we reaved family and friends to look to him who can heal all our sorrows and share all our burdens. be 3 Resolved, That these resolutions shall | RB. be published in the town papers and a [~ copy sent to the deceased’s home. SIMON MENAUGH, ~ EMMA FOREMAN, KATHRYN M. GINGRICH, Committee | | B'ine Tenserial Parler Fast Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. If you do I am in a position to furnish you with mated birds at $1.00 per pair, «+ Repair ... Watches & Clocks | GRANDFATHER CLOCKS a Specialty BE Please give me a trial. My Work must be satisfactory. Prices Are Right. | Please remember that IT have a special brass cable cord for grandfather clocks Advertisements under this head, one half , : Resolved, cent a word each insertion. Men's Suits worth $6.00 to $8.00 | 16, for g8c and $1.19 up. for this sale $3.75 and $4.25. Men's Working Pants 58c. we For Sale—(rood heavy 2-borse wagon, nearly new. Apply to B. N. Lehman, Florin Pa. | | Youths’ Suits worth $400 to $7 Men’s Fine Dress Pants $1.19 up 3 pieces, long pants, for this sale | $1.75 to $2.56 Men's Shoes and Oxfords in Tan | Gni. Metal and Patent Colt, gsc $1.19, $1.25, $1.45 up. commend her be- I have about thirty mated pairs and challenge competition, Will sell very cheap. Also single hens and cock birds Come and see my stock. wanted— A good 1-horse wagon. Not too heavy. Inquire at this office. B. N. L. Boys’ two-piece Suits, ages 3 to | Wolf Yoffe IRA C. SHIRK, Manager. Opposite Post Office Mount Joy, Pa. A 25 483 £53 400 45 408 301 400 40 301 40 401 10% 10% 10% {55 400 40 400 10 10 200 485 £05 301 $04 04 455 53 and clean shave or Hair cut go to the New Tonseorial Parlors Opposite First National Bank West Main Street, IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. For a neat Arndt, Rlorin For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Mount Joy, Pa. Joseph Hershey for sale, Successor to W. W. Strasbach. E. W.GARBBER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ® 0000000000000 0000000000000000¢ —— ® ¢ + ¢ * ¢ © ® & * ¢ * * * ¢ ® * * 4 ® @ * ¢ * ¢ ¢ * ¢ * ® |® ¢ * ® % % * ® ® ® Agent for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO & SUGGS BBBBBBBHSLSOTVESRHERE & £ & 8 Ww Prof. G. F. THEEL. 535 North Bist 8 1 Philadelphia, Pa. “Fin Deutseher J. 8: Musser Successor to Wm. Scholing Re ._.r The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &¢. tr Ades Musser’ Ss West End Bakery All the blood in the {through the kidneys once every | Tn yg EHH GBH BOS BB { three minutes, The kidneys filter | July Red Letter Sale Open he blood. They night be a Red County City, When Values i Hager Style 500 grains of in seasonable A Speedy 1e”’ reason Arst.” Only German Specialist. iN TREATMENT the only guaranteed i pis n't eure, Nervous Us Their Unceasing Work Keeps 2 ® $ 4 ¢ 4 & 4 * ® ® ® * ® 4 * ® * $ * ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ * . * 4 ® 4 ® ¢ ¢ 4 + ® ® ¢ ¢ ® ¢ ¢ % Strong and Healthy (no eutt years prac Send for Book frauds. Secrecy o | { | | | | | In buying La Resista and Loomers D. H. & C. Spirabone which and & ® 4 ¢ & ® Corsets indentify them by the has 10 times more strength than whalebone, will bend in every direction and will give an erect body passes The movements of Mount Joy Penna Pp Sh 1k — EH oF and real comfort is carriage and gracerul form. Corsets, Corsets ¢# | | the wearer are not restricted work and they assured. | R°Soy ken LANDISVILLE | JOY SNTRE ET RY. Les AND MT Every lady should wear only the best Corset | | : day. healthy remove when her health and comfort depend so much on : about lunpure matter Lancaster and offering well her Corset. Many Physicians recommend this make of Cor~ pe ople of We Ferris waist both fo Misses and Ladies, The Specials the L : . t Leave Lancaster (a. daily, when unhealthy some part of Letter Event for the ) ) . Joss amd iits hn merchandise of the known and guality. All Summer Stocks wented a this impure matter is left in th | 38 them anpar es | blood. | eases sets. also carry the This brings on many dis- Clearance of and symptoms—pain in th : : > for this sale, i IKE oceason ha pre greater arra Remember we will continue all specials we 3 ; . back, headache, nervousness, not, 4 cood stock and reduced ‘“to the to Insure tl ynth as Irom our have offered. Plain Bl ’ NS . . dre ski shonnntis Soi ovravel | ick Calico Sc grade silk finish. Per dry skin, rheamatism, gout, gravel ften this n Ir newspaper . often this 1 OUr newsp )’" ( i disorders of th. eyesight and hearing a Inn saie Red Leticr Sale Prices Rule in the Women’ s Ready-to-wear Store. gardl sults cut to We are Always Prepared to sérve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. grade, per y: rd dizziness, irregular heart, debility, grade of Overal s 50c. gC loth 150. Re 60C. dropsy, deposits 1m the Jumpers at drowsiness, 2% | urine, ete, But if you keep the SRS. A S. B. Bernhart & Co., Mount Jov, Pa. | filters right will have trouble Mrs. { Joy St., | was you ss of profit and ur {0h 40% with ye kidneys. : . values, prices has n cut re nd ymens and center of extraordn nary 13 Krall, li Mt. 1 Says: ol i ving on Misses Tai 2; Spam Aa AEN] Henry Monnt Joy, Pa. continually 5.00 Womens a 00 W £13.00 Womens $15.00 Womens Silk umpers and Silk Dresses To Union National Bank. Very ) and $2 ®35 Misses Tai uts cut to troubled AT) 1 pLatlored Suits ¢t Tailore LY r Misses it to Misses almost and { with nervous spells and when kidneys began to give My back pained my 1 J ina me annovance i I suffered sayerely. I} a creat deal. | $10.69 fron from $15 ¥10 $16 Women's Line £10 Women’s and Misses ( L acutely, ad chills and my head to 818. ot 45 Women’s Washable Skirts 5.00 Sk unable to 88.80 Wash Suits B irts now $2 50, $1.00 and $1.19 Skirts now 5c. £5.50 to $8.50 Ski yw 83 48. its reduced Jotton was mn Su | ached housework until Doan’s $8.75 to oe | to do my and 75c¢. irts n Wool and Wash Fabrics following sharp reductions * Pil s ‘ 3 1 1 Pills came to attention $6 to $8 Wi Dresses and Jumpers cut Red atte: Sale Prices on Silks, The woman who knows good values will quickly recognize the men’s Wash | STOP. AT THE Kid boa | Kidney Sorrel Horse Hotel [and I procured a box at E, W. i ber’s Pharmacy. At present I a long time and my 5S (xar- © % Ok p= am SEL SEs SEL SR ST Xs 4X 4 O, | WEST KING ST. FANCASTER | unusual character of the re— better than in commend Doan’s Kidney Pills as an The annex now complete with the SORREL | HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best | accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. and white Bat- LN $24 47s ok and wash At T5e, yard 50-inch colored Mohair istee that were $1.00, At 29¢ yard Foulards Louisines, Taffetas excellent remedy.” silks that were 50¢. 75¢ and $1 00. For sale by all dealers. cents, Foster—Milburn Co., lo, New York, [ United States. Remember the and take no other. ) A % Price 50 9}4¢ yd sheer printed lawns that were 1214¢ : Buffa- | the | At 50c¢ yard Foulards, Lousines, Taffetas and spy proof India silks that were 75¢ and $1.00. At 9'4c yard bordered lawns that were 15¢. At 35¢ plain colored taffetas for drop linings that At 14c. . At 15¢ yard Buddah cloth that were 25¢. At 9c yard 10 to that were 15c¢. At 12}4c. Galeta Suiting Cloth. At 18c, Irish printea were Pro. 25¢ yard Novelty Swisses that were sole agents for 2] were 75¢. At 59¢ § yard wide that were 75¢ and $1.00. At 90c. yard 42-inch black voilee in stripe effects that were $1.25. At 69¢ that were $1.00. ard 40-inch blrek Voile and French Serges, 20 yard lengths dress ginghams PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, a lot of ground situated in Florin, Pa, fronting on the Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike. The im- provements are a handsome THREE STORY RRICK HOUSE with Summer House attached, frame stable, hog sty and other outbuildings. There is a good garden and an abundance of fruit. The property is in excellent repairs and has a good location, being a corner dwelling and is directly oprosite J. S. Carmany’s Store. Any person desirous of viewing same will call on the undersigned. Termsand price reasonable H. S. STOLL. FLORIN, name—Doan’s— Tr vard genuine Dimities that Telephone your next order for yard 40-inch Priestleys colored taffeta cloth 252. job printing to 860B and get a good | job at a moderate price. At 3)4c yard sheer printed lawns, HAGER & BRO. 25-31 WW. KING ST. LANCASTER/| PA. SOSH VJECLSST VFO FOS OOCUVBEOOBTLS LOBOS POLSED Iam mn a position to supply Light Wagons such as jennylinds, bug- ronabouts, carriages, etc., in all the up-to date styles at very moder prices, These are no cheap factory built vehicles. A trial will con e you that these wagous are all as represented. Martin B. Hiestand, Mount Joy ghel that I am dill se jug.all sizes of Gasulize Engines, Go aws, Etc. ; \ - - Accidents will bappen, but, the | best-regulated families keep Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil for such emer- ergenies. It subduce the pain and heals the hurts, efotototeiotetofelofelotototoler fo]