AFF EEKLY B ULLETIN | | §99994090044040440400404004044 08 | Mt. Jov, Pa. v. E. SCHROLL, Editor rd Publisher gabscription, 50 Cents o Year. Six Months, 25 Cents. Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free, Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered A ¢ the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter NEWTOWN John Divit of Lancaster visited | his parents on Sunday. Herman Frank and family of York were visitors over Sunday at the home of Lewis Resh. Mrs. Benjamin Rhoads and family of Columbia spent Sunday with relatives in this place The interior of the public school building in this place will be im- proved by a new coat of paper. Emanuel Myers will do the work. The family of William Fogie, rural mail carrier of Route 1 con- sisting of eight children were bap- tized last Sunday in Mount Joy under the rules of the Episcopal church. Samuel S. Greider, here, has a small tract which he sowed last fall a new variety known as Winter oats. He got the seed from the experimental station for trial, and tke crop which will be cut in the near future, promises to be prolific. residing near of land in Taken to the Hospital A middle aged man employed op the trolley line, was found in a helpless condition yesterday noon in front of the Methodist church, Whether intoxicated or suffering from two badly mashed fingers we are unable to say but nevertheless he was taken to the council cham- ber where Dr. J. J. Newpher at- tended him. Later he came around all right, but in the evening again became ill at the Red Lion hotel and was then removed to the hos- pital at Lancaster. Autoists Pass Thru Nine of the contestants for the Hower trophy and thirty for the Glidden trophy passed thru here between 8.05 and 9.30 yesterday forenoon and attracted the atten- ion of the entire community. At Washington House one of the bs ran against the corner stone almost threw the occupants but the machine escaped dam- In all there were 48 machines d thru town. Creamery Wiped Out re that broke out Thursday orning at‘latcaster Junction re- duced an ice house and creamery to blackened ruins. The buildings were of frame and were situated close to the tracks of the Reading railroad. The supposed cause was sparks from the locomotive of a specail train for Penryn. The creamery was operated by a company and its business was good. May Lose Rural Routes On account of bad roads this state may lose some of its rural routes, is a dispatch sent out from Washington, D. C., recently. Lan- caster county people ought be deep ly interested in this matter, for there are many miles of road here- abouts that cannot by any stretch of courtesy be called “good” in winter and early snoring. Just Like Mileage Books The Conestoga Traction Company has issued an order, putting the 100-coupon books on the same basis as railroad mileage. Hereafter these books will be good for passage no matter by whom they are presented They will also be good for as many persons as the holder of the book wishes to pay for. Bad Horses, These Samuel Stauffer, who lives with Elmer E. Brandt, on the Brandt, farm, in East Donegal, was thrown from a colt Wednesday morning and had his left arm dislocated at the elbow. A young son of Rev. Eshleman, northeast of Rheems, was thrown from a horse and now carries his arm in a sling. No bones broken. is Something Unusual Mrs, Sarah E. Maurer, widow of the late Daniel C. Maurer, a Har- o ‘Alderman, whose remains ently laid to rest in the ¥ Cemetery, deserves more ssing notice. She is a «H.C. Kern, of Of Mrs rT I roost Peers SOUTTER, BUCHANAN & YOUNG anufacturers Sale ee OF M Muslin Underwear This is the largest and handsomest lot of up-to-date mus- lin underwear that has ever been offered to the women of Lancaster County. The Manufacturer makes the prices and directs this sale. The prices are at cost and a few below cost. Be convinced, look and make comparisons. Gowns (ORNET COVERS values, sale price roc. La ‘ of 124c. soc. Gowns, sale price 39c. 15C. 19C. 29C. I9C. 75C. & : 49¢. | 29c. “ ‘ ‘ | ASC. | 58c to $1.75 reduced in same “ ‘ c 69cC. *® 79¢ | way. Original Skirt values from 75¢. to $6.50, sale prices from 49¢. to $4.59. 8gc. &» .50 .75to $4.50 Gowns reduced = about the same proportion Drawers from 19c. to $2.89. = = 115-117 N. Queen St., kancaster + » * * * * a ® * * * » % b * * * : : » 4 4 * * $ : » * : ® * » * * A 4 & ® +» + » * ® ® * 4» » & SIIIIIIINIeIEIIttIrtIretrseresetsere 000000000000 00000000000000000000 P0000 00000000000000000000004 00000000000000000000000 J. B. MARTIN & CO. A SUMMER SHLE China Department That You Cannot Afford to Miss Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cut Glass and Novelties Also Awnings, Porch Screen Doors and Windows, and All Summer Goods at Special Prices. Corner of West King & Prince Sts. 9200000000000 0000000000000009000000000000000000000000 0000600000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BTR Te TT TT ST eT Tr RT Tre vee ees i r These July Clearance Prices Prevail In The Basement. Whether articles that add to the cheerful appearance of your home, or articles that are of every day need, the basement offers many wanted kinds at splendid savings. Save on Fancy Vases and Ornaments Imported Bisque Vases; beauti- fully decorated with roses; in many graceful shapes, Sparkling Glassware At Reduced Prices None richer than these genuine cut pattern fac similes; exact re- productions of the finest quality. Water Jug and six Tumblers; regularly g3c; now 75¢. 50c. Water Jugs now 3gc. 30c¢ Berry Dishes now 19c. 3oc¢ Syrup Pitchers now 19c. 25¢, Berry Dishes now 1gc, 69c kind reduced to 55c. 98c. kind reduced to 79c. $1.25 kind reduced to $1.00. $1.69 Kind reduced to $1.36. $1.98 Kind reduced to $1.59. 2.39 kind reduced to $1.92. Lamps Greatly Reduced $11.50, $12 50 AND $13.50 LAMPS ALL AT $8 50. Fifteen Beautiful Parlor Lamps, some with metal bases and fringe shades, at these desirable savings; regularly $11.50, $12.50 and $13.50; all at $8.50. Special in Restaurant Saturday Chicken Corn Soup I0c. FOSTER) a» GOCHRAN Successors to Williamson’s 32 to 38 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. \ 22s LNG People Suaoe Marble and Granite Works ! JOHN H. KEENER, Owner and ‘Proprietor. Maytown, Penna. & Elizabethtown, Pa. CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. These Useful Articles at Saving Prices 25¢, Glassware at 19c; ina variety of shapes and Kinds. 10C. Stoneware Pitchers at 7c. Toc Stoneware Butter Crocks at 7 Cents. 10c. Stoneware Bowls at 7c. Best Work at Lowest Prices TEED he Trade Saturday sure day home at both places. SATISFACTION GUA es H ’ je rn _to : on) g [18 | to Maryland last Saturday. | Christian J. WEST HEMPFIELD Dan’l Forry and Mathias Hellrick of Ironville took an automobile trip Stauffer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham of Silver Spring were the Musser Sunday. | Amos H. Musser Fast Hempfield were Mr. and Mrs. Manor township on Saturday and wife on | family of | the guests of | and Tobias Seigrist in denomina- | meeting on | Sunday of Rev. several miles The Yorker Brethren tion will hold prayer Saturday morning evening and at the Tobias N. Musser east of Mount Joy. home Musser and family and his sister Miss Casandra S. Musser of West Hempfield and Mr. and Mrs. John G. Musser of East Hemp field were the guests of Michael H. Musser and family at Silver Spring. Enos S. Among those from this vicinity that attended the Yorker Brethren harvest meeting at the home of Mrs. Richard Schriber near Buck on Saturday afternoon and on Sun- day morning at the home of David Peifer at Drumore Township near Buck were the following: Rev. Jacob Hostetter and wife, Rev. John Bashore and wife, Martin Hostetter and * wife, Martin H. Musser and wife, Christian N. Musser and wife, Rev. Tobias N. Musser and wife, Daniel S. Musser and wife, Rev. John Nissley and wife, JohnsSchock and wife, Rev Samuel Shearer, John N. Musser, Miss Emma H. Musser, Miss Bessie Schriber and Mrs. Susan Newcomer ELM DALE Amos Meshey and family spent Sunday at Akron. Miss Minnie Shelley is home from Lancaster fora few weeks’ vacation and Mabel and Anna Miss Naomi Young Young called on Katie Stauffer on Saturday. — - These southern coyotes, or prairies wolves, are only about one-third the size of the big gray timber wolves of the northern Rockies, writes Theodore Rooseva:t, in Scribner's. They are too small to meddle with full-grown horses «nd cattle, but pick up young calves and kill sheep as well as any small domesticated animal that they can get at. The big wolves flee from the neighborhood of anything like close settlements, but coyotes hang around the neighborhood of man much more persistently. They show a fox-like cunning in catching rabbits, prairie- dogs, gophers, and the like. ’ After nightfall they are noisy, and their melancholy wailing and yelling are familiar sounis to all who pass over the plains. The young are brought ferth in holes in cut banks or sim- {lar localities. Within my own ex- perience I have known of the finding of but two families. In one there was but a single family of five cubs and one old animal, undoubtedly the moth= or; in the other case there were 10 or 11 cubs and two old females, which had apparently shared the burrow or cave, though living in separate pock- ots. In neither case was any full-grown coyote found in the neighborhood; as regards these particular litters, the father seemingly had nothing to do with taking care of or supporting the family. I am not able to say whether this was accidental or whether it is a rule that only the mother lives with and takes care of the litter; I have beard contrary statements about the matter from hunters who should know. Unfortunately 1 have learned from long experience that it is only exceptional hunters who can be trust- ed to give accurate descriptions of the habits of any beast, save such as are connected with its chase. Coyotes are sharp, wary, knowing creatures, and on most occasions take care to keep out of harm's way. Although Japan has practically s monopoly of blind masseurs, a few pro fessionals may be found scattered about the capitals of the world. New York has several of them, not Japan- bse, but the native or European prod act. “It must be understood,” said an in. structor in massage, “that the ®iind ot countries other than Japap have been backward about preparizg themselves Only recently have they begun to think it possible. From time to time travel. ers and invalids who have profited by the treatment of the Japanese in their own land have come back with tales of the wonderful benefits received, but it never occurred to them that the blind here might utilize their talents in the same way. “At last, however, a few of the blind have come to realize their possibilities and at a school of massage in New York a number of them have applied for instruction Some of these appli. cants have finished the course, and probably are practicing in the town now, either with private patients or in a sanitarium. Among the pupils I re. member one woman from Brooklyn. | have kept her 1n mind because she was the most skillful hand at massage 1 ever knew. I don’t see how even the Japs could beat her. Her hands were alive with magnetism. She seemed ta know by instinct what set of muscles required treatment, and the case of ine somnia or rheumatism that could hold out against her was stubborn, indeed. Bhe went west several months ago, but possibly other blind recruits equally eapable have been graduated since thes ‘» take her place * A healthy man 18 a king in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave, Burdock Blood builds up sound healthy —keeps you NEVER well. IN THE 24 YEARS IN WHICH WE HAVE BEEN IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS IN | LANCASTER HAVE WE OFF | ERED SUCH Values IN PIANOS ARE JOFFERING DAY ASWE TO- Read This Partial List A SLIGHTLY USED $375 GROVESTEEN & FULLER PIANO, ROSEWOOD CASE. $175. UPRIGHT HARRINGTON PIANO, Mahogany Case; used only a short time; Price new, $3.75. $25, ONE #375 UPRIGHT HARRINGTON PIANO, Mahogany Case; used only a short $225. time; HARRINGTON AUTO- REGULAR PRICE, $500. ONE TONE, $700; ONE $275 BREWSTER PIANO, Used only a few months. Just as good as new; $135. ALBRECHT SQUARE Modern style; guaranteed one of the very best; for $95 and ¢¢1847 Rogers Bros.” Fll set “Rogers Best” Full set “Rogers Best” Knives and Forks, dessertsize..... .. ... .... Full set ¢“1847 Rogers Bros.” Full set “1848 Rogers Bros, Krives and Forks; dessert size - Full set ¢‘Rogers Best” Teaspoons 20 N. Queen St. ~ BEYER & (0., 2-0 tue LANCASTER ! Women’ Ss Cool Sums- mer Dresses Creatly Reduced Hot days and warm evenings have few terrors for the woman who selects her wardrobe from this display of Costumes and other Dresses in our Summer collection, In fact, after you have seen them you will agree that summer is the ideal season of the year at a small outlay, for woman to dress herself most comfortably Note the great price reductions: $5.00 Dresses reduced to $3.79 $7.50 Dresses reduced to $5.98 $8.98 Dresses reduced to $6.98 $10.00 Dresses reduced to $7.69 $2.25 Dresses reduced to $1.69. $2 2.39, $2.50 Dresses reduced to $2.69. 12 .98 Dresses reduced to 98 Dresses reduced to $3.49. these fine Linen Handkerchiefs 1-8 very great bargain 1 2¢. SUMMER VESTS | AT 8¢. EACH. These are extra good quality Either in sleeved oe sleeveless, nicely Very widths of hems are from to and come in ali sizes. at lOc, each. CORSETS, AT 19c. EACH. Elegantly made Corsets Come in srimmed with lace, Thay at 8¢. each, 1-2¢. LADIES’ LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, AT 10¢. EACH. offer fifty and lace trimmed. all | sizes, Not many to sell at this . | extremely low price of 19¢. dozen of | ; We The Reliable Boston Store LW MuTmavta Ww SONS SSSELLSSLLLRLLIULLNLLLLS LLLG SLLBLLSS Special Sale of Silverware For this week we quote extra special inducements in ‘‘Rogers Best” Silverware. $3.48 $3.00 33.98 8350 $1.00 Every piece is warranted to Knives and Forks; table size... .... Knives and Forks; table size _____. N. B.—We handle no inferior goods. be the genuine “Rogers” and ¢‘1847 Rogers Bros.” Pirosh 4 Simmons Jewelers & Onticians. Nexf Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store. 900000000000 900000900000000000000000000000000000000000: GOOD FURNITURE is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming Mirrors H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ONE $450 OESER & WINTER UPRIGHT; ROSEWOOD CASE. $175. RTC., ETC, ETIC. Don’t Make the Mistake OF BUYING BEFORE YOU SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES. Kirk Johnson Co. Music Dealers, 2% West King Street, | LANCASTER, PA. IT’S SAFE TO SAY YOU'LL Summer Hats FIND ExACTLY WHAT YOU WANT IF YOU COME TO US. Panamas, Straws, Stiff and Soft Hats and Caps Of Every Description. Styles and Prices Always Right. Wingert & Haas 144 North Queen Bireet, KANCASTER, PERNA. —>%aneaster's ‘Sargess Carpet House — Fdrniture and Carpets If you need anything for the house this spring, be sure and come to see us. We furnish homes from attic to the cellar. Tell us your wants, we do the rest. The greatest line of right up to the minute Furniture in Lancaster. How about the prices? Try us and we will save you a lot of money. Finest Assortment of Black G-Carts Thousands of Rugs in all the Newest Patterns, and hundreds of kty Carpets to select from. Fibre Mattings from 25 cents a yard up. IN TEHE BASEMENT Dinner Ware, China and Glassware, Housefurnishings, Cut Glassware, Cil- cloths and Linoleums. Carpets Cleaned, rainorshine. Relaying Carpets. We are headquarters for Awnings and Window Shades. i les of WESTENBERGER. *MALEY & MyERs, 125 AND 127 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA.