Square Pianos ———————————— and Their Value Piano and don't wish to invest much If you want a W 1 v | money, buy a good Second-Hand Square We Have Them as Low as $25. Guaranteed absolutely for 5 years kept itn tune one . J I vear free. These pianos will outwear any cheap new piano. It’s this way,—If the childreu learn to play and become good musicians, you can well afford to trade it off, later on for a good new Upright. If they don’t learn to well, vq | nave spent enough money. Kirk Johnson & Co. PIANO AND ORGAN HOUSE 24 W.King St., LANCASTER, PA. SOCIETY MEN by reason of their eminence in social circles must necessarily be all . that is perfect in matters sartorial. Their dress requirements are most exacting and are subject to the most rigid and critical inspection. Gea- tlemen whose soctal duties call for the best in the tailot’s art, together with strict exactness in the matter of style propriety, would do well to look into the merits of ® “INTERNATIONAL” GARMENTS. They excel in all those little points, without which, quality and workman- ship, avail nothing. We show their complete line and take measurements. ! H. E. EBERSOLE WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY, PA. to Tototototololototetotetotototetototototetetototetofetoforotol J & 4 & i"... - 2 The te $50, $2 =v BBG HGS SBS BSB RT Rubber Tire Season is about at hand and by all appearances the vehicie without them We put on all sizes on any ve- will be a back number this season. hicle and do all the work right here in our own shop. rubber direct from the manufacturer, thus saving a middle man’s profit and the severest tests have proven that we buy only the best. We buy our Let us quote prices before you place your order elsewhere. FLORIN Y OUNG BROS, PENNS CTolotoleteleolotoloteototoleototetotetetototototototototetele] SOOOHHHSBGSGO HGH OHBHHHHD ® -Tolelolotototolelototetateleletotetetetetotetototetot fol y Cood Times Are Coing To Continue If you buy Coal of me you will certainly have a good comfortable home and after all that’s where the real good times start from. F. H. BAKER Building Slate, Coal and Lumber Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SESS EE SSBC HEOJVHEOTIBELE SOULS SSBBSHBBOOSES ofetoteloletetote fetetetototooto PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS { TO SAY THIS WEEK Des is de tzeit fum yohr woo de on da Colleges un Seminaries. Es hut uft [ we’s coomed os tzwae mit der sama | | | : { boova un de maid graduata doona | | mich shunt o’'woonered | . . , amount tun larning nows in de we- dt gaena, un aner gebt en mon feel | influence un reshpectability un der ) Ich mane ich het’s om end ous g’foona. { onner gait der grebbs-gong. De shult is, aner hut gooter fersht- Nem wase | | { [ ond un der onner hut kennex en boo fun der boweri woo was arawet is, woo noddeerlich is, uu hut larna shofta., Shick ene in | de shool. Educate ene, don husht on mon. Nem derno en city chap, woo in sime laeva nix g'wist hut os we si hussa ous wara uff em sitz, woo mained es ware en shont tsu shoffa, woo en hund hut so waich bow-wol un so kold os en lizzard de won are rous coomed husht en ga- shick so en kolb in college un larnter uz. Der arsht boo gait in bisniss, won’s notewennich is far en barl tsooker in der keller rolla don shpoutsed arein de hend un nembt holdt. IEm onera si hend sin net fit far on ebbes hold greega. Derno larnt are de piano glubba. Are con a pawr shticker shpeela,un ferleicht coombany shae entertaina far en owet, awver, luss mich dere sawga, de piano glubba far en yunger mon is en accomplished, un is hendich far en ornament, awver bringt ken brodewarsht ins es house es feel der lira mitter hen Mit unsera maid is same wake. larna shpinna, wesha, melka, un feleicht hoy-recha. Se sin g’sunt on fuft- | zich yohr un kenna ivver en finf- rigel fense joompa. De maid sin en ornament, uns daid note mer daid se is baw-woll wickla un uff ame Somshdwj en en shelf laega fun ovet tzoom onera. Ira aim is mon tsu fonga. Se kenna shaesch- wetza, (farleickt Latin) sekenna de piano shpeela os es dunnered, un shae ga-tziffer maucha far umera hemmer room, awver won se amoh] o’hired sin don fint era mon gli ous dos even Latin un Greek un tr.g- anometry un astronomy nix tsu do hut mit windla wesha un brote bocka. Shwilkey Rumblesock NEWTOWN Harry Witmer and children of New Cumberland, visited relatives in this place over Sunday. of Jaltimore are on a visit to relatives Oscar Myers and wife near in this section of the county. Jacob Geltmacher sr.. who has eomplication | to his been afflicted with a of diseases, is still confined bed. Preaching services were held on Sunday morning the pastor. Services will be held again on Sun- day June 21 in the evening. by Mrs. Howard Eisenberger of Kinderhook and John M. Rhoads of Donegal, were the guests of their | BRASS LABOR SAVING RULI 1 : i THREE SPECIES OF MOOSE. Distinguishing Features of the Ani. mals Found in Different Parts of the World, - : Lr Pri ey Publishers & Printers We manufacture the very highest grade of TYPE BRASS RULES IN STRIPS BRASS COLUMN RULE BRASS CIRCLES BRASS LEADERS There are supposed to be three spe cles of moose: The European moose, BRASS ROUND CORNERS or elk, tound in northern Europe and BRASS LE ths ig SLUGS adjoining parts of Asla; the common BRASS GALLEYS moose of Kastern America, distin METAL BORDERS 1.. S, METAL FURNITURE LEADS and SLUGS METAL LEADERS SPACES and QUADS, 6 t METAIL QUOINS, ETC Old Column Rules refaced as good as new at a small cost, Please remember that we are not in any I'rust or Combination and we are sure we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us A copy of our Catalogue will be cheer- fully furnished on application, PHILADELPHIA PRINTERS’ SUPPLY CO. Manufacturers of Type and High Grade Printing Material PROPRIETORS PENN TYPE FOUNDRY, 39 North Ninth Street PHILADELPHIA. guished chiefly from its European con. gener by the skull narrowed the maxillaries, also by its greater size and darked color, and the Alaskan moose, separated by its giant stature, its narrow occiput, broad pal- ate and heavy mandibles, writes KErn- est Thowpson Seton, in Scribner's Monthly. Expressed tn external features as il lustrated in the adult male (always best for dierentiating species): The Scandinavian elk is a small, gray animal with little palm and many spikes on {ts antlers. The Canadian Is a large black animal with much palmation and always a separate brow bunch of spikes. I have seen hundreds of Canadian moose antlers, but never a pair that did not show a well devel- oped separate group of prongs in fromt of each brow. more of Swedish elk, but one that did have a separated brow group of prongs, though I confess 1 have seen figures of each The Alaskan is a richly colored black, gray and brown giant, not only the largest deer alive to-day, but be- lieved to be the largest that ever did exist, since no fossil has been found to equal it in bulk. Its antlers differ being ACTOSS 0 45 Point, and made STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West KING ST. JoANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. dian moose, but For a neat and clean shave or llair : mation which is set at right angles to that of the main palmation peculiarities he finds ‘a startling semblance is shown to the extinct Cer- valces, a mooselike deer of Pleistocens cut go to the New Tonsorial Parlors Opposite First National Bank \gent for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry chaic type from which the true moose and Scandinavian elk have somewhat ‘Ba = yo degenerated. Shire’s Vieat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIN PENNA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. New Varieties, a Beautiful Half-Aecre of Petunias—New Forms of 0ld Flowers. The newer verbena has few leaves, a short upright stem and a truss, as the silver quarter. Their stocky growth has made them even stronger than were, and they during a whole summer. Some of the new colors this year are “Aurora Bo- reale,” which is a vivid scarlet, and the “Commendante Marechand,” which is a blend of garnet and maroon. One of the most beautiful Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. (. S. Musser Successor to Wm. Scholing The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. various kinds of petunias. They have been planted there as freely as if they Se Is AT Fe ered with them. They are naturally a Musser’s Ws 211 31 ery wonderful blend of color and there 1s scarcely a conceivable shade in the Mount Joy Penna lighter hues that is not to be found there. The petunias are single flowers, and it is easy to conceive how much more beautiful this would new double flower had been used stead. The doubles are CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Jall and be convinced. H. H. KRALL Bast Main St., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA : in- their depth, and there are fluted petals, fringed petals and petals edged with two or three shades that contrast beau- tifully with the prevailing tint of the petunia. Some of the petals arc erossed with different stripes of color. The shades in which the double petu. mias grow are sufficiently descriptive of the varieties to be had. amethyst, garnet, pink and with green edges, pure rose pink, bril- fant rosy scarlet, blended red and white, pure white, and mottled crim- son and pink. Primroses, in mauve, white and pink are nearly twice the size they were and the double poppy of the day is a.ball ot color as large as a peony, bearing only fn its name and its brilliant scarlet hue a strong resemblance to its proto- type. They are most beautiful in the : @. A. Willen Justice of the Peace Conveyancer form than it used to grow. grown on the plants seen this year un- til they are as large chrysanthe- mums. All tha old-fashioned flowers, Collection of Rents atronage Solicitea ( Mice: Florin, Penna. Your as i Main Street, SHH HHH HAAN HAHAHA AHN and wall flowers have gained in the ex- HAMA HAAN AI FAH ARH INN KE the past year, and they RCHRERSTOWN, LANDISVILLE AND MT promise more for the future. JOY STREET RY. Leave Mount Joy (a. m.), 5 10:15, 11:15, (p. m. ), 12.15. 1: 6:15, 5, 8:15, 9.15, 10:15 and 12 About Plants. sister Mrs. Daniel Moore on’ Sun- | day. : i Harry Koser and wife, J. M. Trout, wife and daughter have re- turned from an auto trip to Phila- delphia. Rev. Peter Hershey of county, and Miss Anna Hershey, of | LANDISVILLE. | | Dauphin | Philadelphia, are visiting their! brother, Levi. The auditorium on the Landis- | ville campmeeting grounds has | been remodeled. It will now seat | 1,000 persons. —ce ELM DALE Ephraim Shelly is quite ill. | | Jacob Hostetter and wife called | on M. N. Stauffer Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Fissel visited | D. E. Felker and wife on Sunday. The barn on Kate Stauffer’s property was _rajsed on Thursday. Mrs. Albert Strickler and daugh- ter Martha and Aplnie Walters spent Saturday vith My, Y. Stauffer. | Repair Worls Bell Phone 146X It is best to wait until the plant shows it needs water, then give it a good dous- ing in the bathtub. A plant with its roots Saturday 11:15 a. m. and 12:15 t » Lancaster 7:15 | m., with same | house plants are watered once a week with water in which there is a little am- monia they will thrive vell. Sometimes small white worms are found in ‘Jae earth. Ammonia or lime water will kill them. Stir up the soil, to expose many as possibile, before pouring itone. a. m. Leave Mount Joy 8:15 a. schedule as above. H. Clay Miller Electrical... | Contracting & Supplies. { a... Accidents will happen, but, best-regulated families keep a specialty . ergenies, 2 : heals the hurts, 242 East Walnut Street Lancaster Telephone your next order for job printing to 8608 and get a good ob at a moderate price. ‘Windsor Hotel w. nr, Midway between Broad St, Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert St. A convenient and homelike place to stay while in the city shopping. ABNER M. HERSHEY AUCTIONEER Mount Jovwv, BRUBAKER, Manager. Penna. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLTOWBUSE ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Mair Mount Joy, Pen An excellent restaurant where good service combines with low prices, Rooms $1.00 per day and up The only moderate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA. Street, na. Days at Lancaster, Monday and ¥ North Duk Stree lay. at No. I have seen a scors or | never saw | West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. | times, probably ancestral to the genus Alces.” IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. If this resemblance indicates any elose relationship, we have in the Alaskan moose a survivor of the ar- | bunch of florets is called, that attains | a circumference of from 12 to 15 inch- | es. The individual florets, if the plants | are properly grown are as large as a | they | bloom now from seed | exhibits | every year in a garden near Bernards- ville is a half acre devoted wholly to | be if the | exquisite | crumpled balls of color, like velvet in | They are | crimson | periments made by the growers during | hopefully | constantly in mud cannot thrive. If hot- | Thomas’ Electric Oil for such emer- | [t subdues the pain and | “Suffered day and night the tor. ment-of itching piles Nothing helped me unitil I used Doany’ Ointment, It cared me permanent ly.” —Hon, John R. Garrett, May or, Girard, Ala LOOK HeRe Have you a Photo you would like to have enlarged? I can fill your order at once for an Enlargement of any size, from 5X7 to 40x72. Your orders solicited . ‘ Full I.ine 'Photogra- phers’ Supplies W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy t., Agency for Standard Steam Laundry HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete., Is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests, Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will ROVE 1H season Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, 7 wd 7 pe, Cheese and Sandwii Steaks and Chops to order. NIUE nes, Private dining room for ladies J. WW. MoGinnis, PROPRIETOR. p : i €uas. Bf ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Crerking of Pubic Saces Settlamen t ofestates, collection of rents, surveyingand ouveyanecing, KE FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. ¥ for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe ! Speedy | faction ( ed or Money Refunded, i them on trial, to 1f your druggl to the UNITED MEDICAL CL oox 74, LANCASTER, Pa. MADANE DZAY A Sarr, Cenraiy Rx Sold in Mt. Jov bv i. W. Garber and J. C. Groff chiefly in size from those of the Cana- | Madison Grant claims | that they are also more complex and | have in the brow antlers a second pal- | In thesa | re- | The Of the Arnold Manufacturing ( of Auction Sales in New York, but it interests you more to Many of our lots were knocked lar, We invite you to a share of th stylish and seasonable Sole Imprime, a lovely Silk waeve with superq floral designs, in tint— | ed effects, on a white ground. 25c a Yard, Instead of 50c Silk Mousseline, in dainty shades, | pin stripes, with wee figures be- tween, were grass seed and the ground is cov- | 25c a Yard, Instead of | 50c Marqu's Silks, have hem-stichel stripes, bordered with satin stripe effects and rich printings of roses | and ¢hrysanthemums. 18c a Yard in Place of 37 1-2c Printed Dotted Silke, woven on white and ccloredground rich floral effects,beautifully tinted. Butterick An elegent Fashion Journnl, fil o ’ dots are every description. Every lady shou yo» solid colors, although the varlegated and Scrovener combinations of color are popular. | San .: Lovers of the old-fashioned siugle pop- | Special Attention Given to the py can still buy that in a much larger | Asters are | [we bought a greater variety of goods, Each Book contains a conpon good for a 15c¢, 0000000000000 000000000000000000 Great Auction Sale! ompany was an event in the history that lowey know ]: arger quanities, and at yrices, than at any trade sale we haye ever attended, ’ J down to us at fifty cents on the dol- ¢ bargains, all of which are new 15c a Yard in Place of 25c Madras, of a quality, dainty woven Fe superior on white, with neat figures, or dots, in Black or Navy. figures, 15c a Yard in Place of 25¢c Sheer Irish Dimities clusters of fine woven stripes, sprinkled with dots, figures, or rings, in colors. 121-2 a yard, in Place of 25¢ Milan Tissues, over lovely striped Muslins, with rich floral effects. 12 1-2 a yard in Place of 25¢ Fine Batiste, neat floral designs, rings and dots, on a soft Muslin, Fashions led with the latest and best styles, of Id own one—2s¢, a copy. pattern, P0000 P00000CP 00000000 000000000 New York Store Corner Square and E. King St., Lancastsr such as phlox, latkspur, sweet william | We want to remin the time you ready for the cold the largest stock of for If You Are a Horse Owner d you that now is to get your horse weather. We bave cold weather cloth | ing for the horse in Lancaster, and | our prices are always uniform | Horse Blankets from $1.00 to $9.0 Stable Blankets, from $1.00 to $4.50 LAP ROBES— We have the most attractive robes in the city, made of the best materials. Our ‘prices will | surprise you, any pattern imaginable, From £3.00 to $25.00. a9 | Edwrar Inancastex. Rreclzel Penna. | | | i | Ie Good Homemade Furn POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE | | Undertaking a Engle’s Furniture Warerooms # Mount Jov, Penna. ——D eB Prem Upvholstering Done to Order — Red —— eB Prem ture a Specialty LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, f nd Embalming