ov, Pa. , Editor rnd Publisher Cents u Year, Six Months, 25 Cents. cents Rample Copies Free, fonts per line each insertion o at Mount Joy as second class matter Zeller's Spring Sales FEBRUARY —~On the premises Mount Joy, Pa. furniture; Har- Saturday, 22 on Marietta street, “household and kitchen also real estate of Rudolph man by the executors. Wednesday, 26—On the premises in Rapho township, farming im- plements and a large lot of house- hold goods by Thos. Geise. Thursday, 27—On Donegal St., Mount Joy, Pa., large lot of house- hold and kitchen turniture by H. G. Stoler. Friday, 28—On the premises in Newtown, Rapho township, a large lot of household goods by Samuel C. Shenk. administrator of John Shenk, deceased. Saturday, 29-—At his warehouse in Mount Joy Borough, a large lot of new implements and new har- ness by G. Moyer. MARCH Thursday, 5—On the premises in Rapho township, near the road leading from Mount Joy to Man- heim, horses, cows, shoats, farm- Ro plements and household foods by B, N. Iehman. Saturday, 7—Nwar Marietta, on on the B. F. Hiestand farm, mules, horses, cows, shoats, farming im- plements, etc., by D. Heilman. Tuesday, 10—Near Maytown, in Fast Donegal township, horses, cows, farm implements and house- hold goods by Mrs. Peter Otto. Wednesday, 11—On the premi- ses in the village of Landisville, carriage harness and a large lot of household goods by Mrs. Eliza- beth E. Nissley, widow. of Joseph B. Nissley, deceased. Thursday, 12—On the premises in Rapho township, on the road leading from Mount Joy to Man- heim, horses, cows, shoats, farm- ing implements and household goods by John B. Beamesderfer. Saturday, 14—At 7.30 p. m., at Hotel McGinnis, Mount Joy, real _ estate of Katharine I. Snyder, de- ceased by Simon R. Snyder. Ex. Tuesday, 17—On the premises in the village of Salunga, a large lot of househeld goods as the prop- erty of Martin Nissley, deceased, - bby Christian Nissley, executor. Wednesday, 18—In Cameron's woods near Maytown, on the farm tenanted by S. H. Tressler, large lot of cord wood and lumber by John G. Stauffer and Son. Thursday, 19—In B. L. Garber’s woods, near Kraybill’s church, lot of boards, planks, scantling, slab and cord wood, etc., by John GG. Stauffer & Son. Saturday 21—At the LaPierre House, Mount Joy, bar room fix- tures and all the furaiture belong- ing to a hotel by Robert Wittig. Tuesday, 24—At the Red Lion hotel, Mount Joy at 2 p. m. a lot of Mount Joy bank and other stock by C. H. Zeller, auctioneer. Wednesday, 25—At her resi- dence in Newtown, Rapho town- ship, a farpe fot of household goods by Mrs. E| beth Kemmerly. Friday, 27— At his residence on Donegal street, Mount Joy, a household and other at any sale before LANDISVILLE. Isaac Koff, of * Mount Joy, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Frank here last Saturday. “| The Landisville High School will hall 1008, the town Mareh 14, render a drama in Saturday evening, A grand spelling bee ‘will be given in the town hall here Tuesday even- | | ling, March 17, under the auspices | | of the “Sixteeners.’’ Mrs. Fannie Hambright, of Flor | in, is spending the week as the | guest of her son, Mr. A. B. Ham bright, of this place. { Mr. and Mrs. Abram Nissley, re [ siding just east of town, celebrated | | the thirtieth anniversary of their | marriage last Tuesflay and in the evening entertained a number of guests from Landisville and vicinity. | Owing to the extra charges which the Columbia Telephone Company collecting from its at* Landisville, insists thirty-two patrons Salunga and Bamford have ordered upon their 'phones removed at the end of the present quarter. Last Thursday evening Mrs. Id. Maynard gave a party at her home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sei- fert. The mandolin Club enlivened the occasion with Quite a number of guests were present and all had an enjoyable time. About a dozen citizens of Landisville held a meet- ing last Tuesday evening for the purpose of consilering the advisa- bility of establishing a national bank at this place. The question was thoroughly discussed and it was decided to go ahead and take subscriptions for stock. Full de- tails will be made public in the near future. music, representative The Very Latest Alarm Clock is THE ROTATOR—the alarm rings for a quarter of a minute, then is silent a similar period, alt- ernating thus for about twelve minutes. It is fitted with a man- ual “shut-off,” by means of which the alarm may be discontinued at will. Alarm bell is contained entirely with-in the case which is of seam- less drawn brass, nickled and high- ly polished. The retail price of the clock is $2.50. “THE PHILA- DELPHIA PRESS” makes a spe- cial offer of the clock and ‘The Daily Press” every weekday for one year for $4.00. No other expense. Every one who takes advantge of this remarkable offer will be well repaid for the outlay. For a neat and clean shave or Hair cut go to the New Teonsorial Parlors Opposite First National Bank West Main “Street, Mount Joy, Pa. IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. ~ Ment for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry / “y €uxs. B ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveyingand couveyancing. LH00000000000 We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will doall my own killing. jlways have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main 8t., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA | 0.2. Wiley Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener Special Attention Given fo the Collection of Rents : Your Patronage Solicitea 5 Office: ' Florin, Penna. ERR EER SCHOOL REPORTS The Florin Primary School ended | its sixth mont} Thursday, Feb. 27, 1908. ber of pupils enrolle vd nmi ale LA otal 34 18, females Average | 12,| attend- females 14, t ale S Percentage 01 20 attendand e 1 1 30) total ance ale Ol 02, Pupils the females during I'rancis Vogle ILath sent every lay Maury McGarvey s Wiley [isther Fipple 1 Keener 1 Helle rence Robe-| Hnger I'red lharl Walters Don Jd Fiehler ley Booth, Voele, Joe Haines and Harry McGarvey Eight girls have] missed a day during the | Mrs. heener Cla George and seven boys term, Gantz, | Miller, | , Eliza-] Mrs. | | | | | | | not Visitors: Misses Mame less, Lillian Perret, May beth Dieter, Mary Shaeffer, A. Gi. Walters, Mrs. Martha enecker, Esther Walters, Greiner, Mrs. J. Y. Augustus Shetter, Mrs. Harry Ben). Mary, (ross Long- Nissley Kline, Mrs. | Mrs. Fannie] Keener, Mrs. Samuel Becker, Mary Keener, Henry Becker, Mr. Snavley, Mrs. Jacob Rutherford, Mrs Harry Eich- Eppley, ler, Misses Clare Manning, May Manning, Dora Flowers, = Sarah Mrs. Daisy Flowers, Mrs. Irvin Ishler, Harmon Ishler, Miss Hoffer, Flowers, Estella Vogle, Mary I'low- ers, Franklin Ishler, Harry Ruther ford, nine members of the G. A. R. Post, Clarence and Wiley, Mary Keener and Henry Rider. Miss Sue H. Brandt, teacher Elma -——— Litchfields a Success The Litchfield Trio has come and gone and on every heard, “it was the best attraction of the They appeared in the side is course.” hall last evening to the best au- dience thus far. Dr. John J. Newpher, a member of the commit- they had termination of tee mentioned that credit of $60 at the last year’s course past course was far more expensive, they have a balance of $50 this year. Cards were passed through the audience for the purpose of ascertaining how many would take course tickets for next year’s course. It was met by the general approval of the audience and about 75 volunteered. This committee spared nothing in making the course the best yet and they were undoubtedly successful. semen — a A Farewell Surprise. A farewell surprise party was tendered Mrvs. C. F. Stroyver at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Long- enecker on Friday evening. A arge number of her friends were present and the occasion was a very pleasant social affair. —. — Agility of a Cow. An emigrant’s outfit, including ew, was in a forward car of a Kan- 8as train, the emigrant himself being in the cabboose. The train was mak- ing average time when the man sud denly exclaimed, while looking out ot the cabboose window: “Why, there is my cow,” pointing to an animal that stood gazing beside the track. The trainmen told him he must be mistaken, but he insisted that he was right, and finally succeeded in having the train stopped. Going forward, the door of the car was found open and the cow gone. It was not injured in the least by the fall from the train, and was grazing within a minutes after the time it struck the ground. A. L. Clay of Norfolk, Va., is the guest of Dr. John J. Newpher. and while the|- rector: and A. L local candidates on the ticket. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so many gen- uine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Almost every one you meet has either been bene- fited by it, or has friends who have. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn ,Mass.,any womanany day may see the files containing over one mil- lion one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they openly state over their own signa- tures that they were cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pwmkhai'ls Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- some and harmless. The reason why Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in- gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not. lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to restore their health. Church Notes. METHODIST Next Sunday, the last preceding the session of the Philadelphia Con- ference, the pastor will preach at 10:30 A. M. One of the speakers representing the Anti-saloon League movement will speak in the eve- ning at 7:00 o’clock. All the other regular services of the church will be held at the ap- pointed time. The Conference con- venes in the Tabernacle Church in the 18th instant session about Philadelphia on and will be week. . in one —-— Work of the Independents The met at Lancaster settled a ticket Spring primary : Gish of West Donegal, for the Legislature; Ezra Miller for County Treasurer: Hayden W. Zug, of East Petersburg for Sheriff; Dr. E. W. Garber of this place for Poor Di- Delegates to the State Con- ". A. Greider of this place Campbell of Rheems, are Republicans and coming Independent on Monday for the Henry J. was named vention, ( ——— Pensions Increased The pensions of Herman Ishler of Florin, Michael Drabenstadt and John Zink of this place, were in- ereased from $12 to $15 per month through the efforts of C. H. of this place and Hon. Cassel of Marietta. Zeller H. Burd 25 North Third Street, SAeleikk IRR NN RHR HAHAHAHA AHHH AANA AAAR HAHA HHA HAHAHA AINk New and Second-hand "TYPEWRITERS | Cash or Credit Harrisburg Cycle & Typewriter Co. HARRISBURG, PA. ase] AHHH AANA HHA HAHAHAHAHA FHA AAA NHK MEN'S $6.00 SHOES AT $3.95. MEN'S $3.50 AND $4. Kid and patent leather narrow widths, FAMOUS SHOE VALUES ARE THESE Figure What You Can Save MEN'S $5.00 SHOES, 00 SHOES AT $2.45. AT $2.95 Men with small feet can step right into these splendidly made shoes and save two dollars and more on every pair. A. B. & C, sizes, 6,614, 7, 715, 8. Thursday. 181 North Queen Street, SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY Open Monday Evering, cluse 5 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at Noon. LANCASTER, PENNA. STARR Wy NOTICE! Sob ob The Office Departm United States Post at Wash order ent ington has issued an forbidding publisher 1 end t Pers er | n lollowing ¢o Subscribers to weekly papers must not be over one year in are rears. If paid in advan your subscription 3 e, or if you do not owe us for a longer = period than one year, this order does not effect vou, but if you owe for more than a year, we must re- quest that you pay up ar- rearages promptly. Please do not neglect. 3 AAS \ Windsor Hotel W. T. BRUBAKER, Midway between Broad St, Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert St, stay Manager. A convenient and homelike place to while in the city shopping. An excellent restaurant where good service with low prices, combines Rooms $1.00 per day and up I'he only moderate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA. FRENCH FEMALER | P i L % S. LTT: A Sarg, Certaiy ReLigy al faction Guarant for $1.00 iem on trial, amp If Jour druggist have them send your orc e is UNITED MEDICAL CL oox 74, LANCASTER, Pa. Sold in Mt. (om ’ by LW. Garber and J. C. Groff STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited A. B. ADAMS. Pro. ALL KINDS OF Trees Fruit and Ornamental i Mount Joy Nussasios If you are in need of one tree or one hundred, send for my Joie; price list. Send orders direct the undersigned and they will a ceive prompt attention. | I also have a choice line of Privet for Fencing It is easily grown, easy to trim and what is more beautiful? Wl. S. Krady R. F. D. No. 2, Bell Phone Mount Joy Publishers & Printers We manufacture the very highest grade of TYPE BRASS RULES IN STRIPS BRASS LABOR SAVING RULE BRASS COLUMN RULE BRASS CIRCLES BRASS LEADERS BRASS ROUND CORNERS BRASS LEADS and SLUGS BRASS GALLEYS METAL, BORDERS L. S. METAL FURNITURE LEADS and SLUGS METAL LEADERS R SLGGGESSSSS%%5%%%S |¥ Ladies 20 N. Queen St. BEYER & C0. Come to Our Store for Your (ing- ham Wants and High and the cous quence We quality or ] rice. n 35-37 N. Queen LOLLLRLS LEETEET or Anticipating the Prices on all Ginghams, Searcity we bought early and largely, is we are able ready to meet all demands, The to sell them at old prices are her it b proof of the pudding whet » style, is the eating. Come and be convinced, Bates’ Ginghams at | 1c and 12 1-2c. is really ro better Gingham made than Bate'’s for ser- and the are reproduced in There The an excellent quality guaranteed All this line, as well as many new ones. We have the same Gingham in short lengths at llc. pieces at 12 1-2c. Regular 10c. Dress Ginghams at 8c. yd. § These are in short Jeagths, but the pieces are suc h that they for children, vice fabric is of colors ar, strictly fast staple patterns All this season’s productions } per yard; full g - making excellent dresses of the Seersucker patterns are can be cut to advantage, Colors are strictly fast, Really a bargain at Sc. and many in this line. a yard. Fine French Dress Ginghams, 25c. a yd. These come in all this season’s newest patterns, such as sold and broken plaids, neat figured effects and stripes. [For constant use these have no equal. Just the cloth for cool summer dresses, VV AAA ARN 2 The Reliable Bo, ston Store = ee a 6 COON OOy CNRS 3 SGN NG SSNS S%%%%55%555555%5%55%55555555555%5% S%%LLSS 175 Waiches to be Sold, $1.25 io $4 We will sell, while they last, all Watches in our Repair Department yn which the time limit for calling has long since expired. are those of Silver, Nickel and Gold-Filled, for lot and Gentlemen, Included in the Our selling price is cnly the actu: il cost of repairing done, and this s the Biggest Watch Opportt nity ever Offered to Lancaster People. Pirosh & Simmons Jewelers & Opticians, Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store. 200000000000 0000000000000900000000000000000000000004¢ VTINLYT 13 Lad ITURE is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Mirrors Undertaking and "Embaiming I.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. CAPS and GLOVES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY OF Caps and Gloves For Men and Boys. ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND SHADES IN SOFT HATS. Wingert & Haas £44 North t §uccn Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. SPACES and QUADS, 6 to 48 Point. METAL QUOINS, ETC. Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small cost. “Please remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination and we are sure we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us. A copy of our Catalogue will be cheer- ully furnished on application. PHILADELPHIA PRINTERS’ SUPPLY CO. Manufacturers of Type and High Grade Printing Material PROPRIETORS PENN TYPE FOUNDRY, 39 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA. “ Suffered day and night the tor- ment of itching piles. Nothing helped me unitil I used Doan’s Ointment. It cured me permanent- | ly.”—Hon. John R. Garrett, May- or, Girard, Ala. —>Skancaster's Largest Carpet House — CARPETS ARE DOWN Our Carpets and Rugs are marked down to the lowest notch this month. We have only a few weeks until we move to our new building, Nos. 125-127 East King street. We will pay you well if you select now what you need for Spring delivery, Tremendous reductions all over our large store. FURNITURE FURNITURE For two months we have been scouring the country from Michigan to Mass- achusets for the newest and best things for our new Furniture department. In a week or two we will show 1n our handsome new building one of the finest lines ever seen in Lancaster. Now it is coming in by the carload, and we are getting it ready as fast as possible for your inspection. Don’t buy all until you see us, we il cave you many a dollar. WeSTENBERGER. MALEY & Myers, 12 AND 14 W. KING ST. LANCASTER, PENNA.