PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH, WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. About tzwa munet tzrick is en bower es drows on Milton Grove vont, do rey kuma un hut si tzit- ing gshtupt. Aer hut tzawt aer kons nimmy afforda un aer mus usht uny du. Om Jomshdawk is aer viter rey kuma un tzawt aer will de tseiting viter un hut uns en holver dawler geva. Aer hut tzawt es gate nix may recht by eme siter es aer de Bulletin nimy grickt. Si hinkel laega nimy, gense hen de fettera ferlora un sin ferfvora, si kee sin ins futer-gong gabrocha unhen tzu feel shrote ga- fressa yetz geve se ken milich may, de si hen oll der suchtun ferecka. De rotta hen en luch ins frucht- komer gfressa un es waetsa is rows gshprunga de no hen de fegels gfressa, de wind-bump is iver ga- blosa un hut tzway gile un en shofe-buck dote gshloga. Si hundt hut en gnocht in der hols grickt un is eme ferchoked. si kinner hen oll de raetla un si fraw hut era dowma ferdrickt in de wesh-machine un kon yetz nix shoffa. Es buply hut der bloe-hushta un de olt kotz grickt oly dawk de gichtera. Der im sime olta si shor nocht sin-geep i ymoke-house gabrucha un hen ol si flashe shtola, un der necksht nocht hut epper si feer hoy-shteck nuner gabrent. Sis soen shaerefer | amole ay dawk room kuma un hut eme en gowl ferkawft es gshtola war, no der necksht dawk nemt der Shrefe der gow! un der bower hut nix. Von aer unser tziting grickt het, don het aer drin laesa kena des der gowl im Grutta- Shwam gshtola war un feel onera socha des eme rows kolfa het. Aer sawgt aer doot nimy uny en tsiting noch dem. Daetght dus glawva des der same dawk vu aer im Mount Shoy war un hut de tziting viter gottered huts en grews uner- gshit gmocht. Vu aer hame kuma is hut de olt ku tzwilling kot. NS NEWTOWN Jacob Geltmacker sr. is confined to his home on account of sickness Mrs. Bertha Brock is slowly re- covering from a spell of sickness. Preaching services will be held on Sunday morning by the pastor. John IXxmmerly butchered a porker of 5 }1bs. dressed weight. John Shank, who has been ill for some time, is still confined to the house. Mrs. Susan Divet of Kinderhook spent Sunday here as the guest of Jacob Geltmacher sr. SPECIAL ( will make the following I low. prices in $2.00. Retail price is 25¢ per Ib. per Geyer’s Scurvy and is very annoying to the fowl and G. A. Geyer—I wish to say that the two kinds of Poultry Powders I bought of you | during the spring and summer, have filled | the bill for what they are intended and will | be a prudent investment for any one who | has poultry to keep. H. H. Myers, Farmer, Florin, Pa Mr. Geyer—Sir: We have been using your Condition Powder for some time. We bave tried other Powders and our experi- ence has been that your powder has kept our chicks in a healthier condition than ev- | NN B, G 9 A, G X 1¢Ye) Ly If You Are a Horse Owner We want to remind you that now is the time for you to get your horse ready for the cold weather. We have the largest stock of cold weather cloth- ing for the horse in Lancaster, and our prices are always uniform, Horse Blankets from $1.00 to $9 00 Stable Blankets, from $1.00 to $4 50. LAP ROBES—We have the most attractive robes in the city, made of the best materials. Our prices will surprise you, any pattern imaginable. Edwxrard | a d w tl | ck but has been on jure Scaryy on poultry i is that hard white crust on the legs that looks ugly will clean it off and give the leg its natural color. A Few Testimonials er before, mit Stock Far, Mount Joy, Pa. recommend your Vermin Destroyer, and put it on my steers Inancaster. a. OFFER RX! The Old Relinble.- is not the uw arket and 1889 and has been tried; tested by some of our best and most reli- able breeders and pronounced to be the best on the market er’s Champion Egg Condition \ It is Gey and no and Indyeaser This pure Powder. is sheap preparation, but you can ‘pend on it that it will do as recommended, iby feeding this powder to your hens you will have healthy and lively lay you more eggs md 1 now time to feed it, have all those who have poultry give it a trial and to ir duce you to do so I make this special offer. coming to my place of will the We would like to Lo het that 18 By business | 25 lbs. 15 lbs., $2.00; bulk lots: pack. for Poultrv it is very contagious, This salve Price 25¢ per box. M. L. Greider, Chickies Sam- much to I had stable of fine steers that weve so lousy | id not know what to do to clean them 1 as told of your goods and I got some of it and in 24 hours 1ey were like different cattle I now am ns Mr, Geyer:—1 cannot say too ling it for many years and do not want to | do without it it is Joy [1 is easy to use and 1eap. I. B. rorney, Farmer, Mt. Klor From $3.00 IRreclzel Penna. to $25.00, 3 Wount Jov, ——e Undertaking an or —D oP Tmo rae Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering a a POPLARCLUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS, Done to Order Te d Zoning Advertise in The Bulletin SER William McCall and wife of Co- lumbia, visited their parents in this place on Sunday. INDIAN TRIBLS ARE ALLIED. | Cheyennes nnd a snoahues Have Ak | ways Been More or Less Closely Associated. From a very early period the Chey. enpes and Arapahoes have been more y less associated with each other, ys the Arapahoe Bee. They seemed to have lived more or less in the same focalities. moving from time to time from the same general causes. Their language is essentially different, so they do not understand each other, except as they have learned each other's language. This, in many cases, | they have done, largely through the | gign language, which is common to western Indians. These two tribes have largely intermarried. These in- termarriages have existed for many years. There are many cases of men 60 years old and more, speaking both languages, who can say that they are | half Cheyenne and half Arapahoe. Like the Cheyennes, the Arapahoes have been divided, a portion of the Arapahoes now being on a reservas Jon in Wyoming, while others associ ated with the Cheyennes are now in Pklahoma. hbmissive to the white man’s rule d obey more readily the government ere. Under wise and beneficent gement on the part of the white hey are capable of being made ! ustrious and self-supporting They are, in their way, a re- people The Arapahoes have mber of songs more or less “hey are also now very | Tuberculosis in its abounds. The death years from various pod. is a king LY man iisork 5 ROC is an i3loug / SHO IGBGC BOOB GOH EB SOO OBB OHS in his | oy TAY Ane $< MANUFACTURERS OF We are now building something new in and when opened the doors are not visi can be closed in a second. buying. © ¢ THE FLORIN COACH WORKS Anything Known to the Trade ed for plain people) which is very unique. We wouid advise you to look them over before YOUNG BROS. GOAROGESBABOSGOSSOARBRERSOBERS The Arapahoes are more | 100 00100 100 0 OHH I HGH HB AND DEALERS IN a closed carriage, (specially adapt- It has sliding doors on inside ble; takes the place of curtains and FLORIN PENNA GBB HEEsEEAESESBHBLS0BEHBHES © GGURHSSLFGRLABGBBELBLBHSHOOS 3 2Cood Times Are Goin If you buy Coal of me you will certainly have a good comiortable home and after all that’s where the real good times start from. FH, B 5 Opposite Uld P. R. R. Depg b, (SRO LOeOOo0 5 g To Continue AKER Building Slate,” Coal and Lnngh MQUNESS®Y PENNA. new since | POLITICS i HUNGARY. | Coalition Parties and Emperor Ars at Variance on Use of the Language. An extraordinary political situation exists in Hungary by reason of the refusal of the coalition parties, which are In the majority, to accept the re- sponsibilities of government, At the re. opening of the diet, September 15, states Youth's Companiem, Premier Fejer. vray announced the resignation of the cabinet and the prorogation of parlia ment until October 10, whereupon the lower house adopted a resolution pro- testing against the prorogation as un- constitutional, The coalition parties Insist upon the use of the Hungarian language in the Hungarian regiments, The emperor of Austria-Hungary will not sanction the change, on the ground that there must be only one language for the whole imperial army. Mean- while the recruiting system of the country is checked, and under the or- ders of the coalition leaders there is a widespread passive resistance to the payment of taxes. It is intimated that the emperor will seek to solve the difficulty by proclaiming a wide ex- tension of suffrage, the effect of which would be greatly to increase the rum- ber of Slav votes, and thus to diminish or destroy the present Magyar mae jority. vatmeal Mufiins,—One cup oatmeal, nne and one-half pints flour, one tea- spoon salt, two teaspoons baking pow- der, one tablespoon lard, two eggs, one pint milk, Sift together oatmeal, flour, salt and powder; rub in lard cold, add beaten eggs and milk; mix smoothly ato batter rather thinner than than sup cake; fill muffin pans two-thirds full; bake in good hot oven 15 minutes. Swiss Tartlets.—Take one egg, its weight in stale cake crumbs and fresh butter, a tahlespoonful of sugar, and a little flavoring. Beat up the butter & a cream with the sugar, add the cake crumbs and eggs, then flavoring, mixing all together. Line some patty pans with puff paste, and then a layer of aprieot jam and a thick layer of the mixture. Bake a quarter of an hour in a sharp oven. Cream and Buttermilk Doughnuts,— One and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one sach of sour cream and huttermlii, one veaten egg, one even teaspoonful each of soda and salt, a little grated nutmeg, and flour enough to make dough suffi- ciently firm to roll out only, for it ought to be as soft as can be handled. Cocoanut Butter.~—Sift together one pintofflour,alevel teaspoonof salt; and two heaping teaspoons of bakimg pow- der; rub in lightly with the tips of the fingers one heaping tablespoon of but- ter; when this is done add one cup of shredded cocoanut and mix it well through the flour. Moisten with sweet milk to form a soft dough, roll out and cut into small biscuits, then bak® in quick oven. Indian Breakfast Rolls, — Three- fourths cup of molasses, one cup of sour milk, one and one-half cups flour, one cup Indian meal, one-half teaspoonful salt, one teaspoon saleratus dissolved in one tablespoon cold water and well beaten in the last thing. Bake 25 or 30 minutes in a moderate oven.—Farmers’ Review. Chicken and Celery Salad.—Prepare the chicken as for boiling. When done and entirely cold cut in little squares. (f you want a white salad use only the white meat, reserving the dark for other purposes. Wash and cut the white parts of celery into half-inch pieces; place in a bowl of cold water ufitil needed. Use a pint of chicken to two-thirds of a pint of chopped celery and a cup and a half of mayonnaise dressing. When ready to make up dry the celery and mix with the chicken, mingling a pinch of salt, white pepper or cayenne each, and mix it with the mayonnaise. Serve on a cold dish garnished with tie white celery tips. Shad-Roe Salad. — Wash one set of shad roes; put them In a saucepan, cover them with beéil Ing water and add a teaspoonful of salt; put the lid on and simmer gent. ly for 20 minutes. When done lift them carefully from the water and stand away until perfectly cold. Make a half pint of mayonnaise and set it away. When ready to serve remove the skin from the outside of the shad roe and cut them into thin slices. Put one onion slice in the center of the salad dish; arrange around it salad leaves that are stiff and fresh; heap the shad roe in the center, poug over it the mayonnaise and serve, Lobster Salad. — Make cups the crisp lettuce leaves now on the market, and break up the inferior leaves and mix with lobster which you are preparing for the salad, viz.: A pint of lobster, cut into small pieces, seasoned with French or other dressing and kept om ice ‘until you are ready to complete. Mix with half of the dressing, and put a large spoonful of the lobster in each cup of salad, and add a teaspoonful of dressing on the top. Garnish the dish with parsley. Lettuce Salad. — Pick over carefully, being to break them. Shake drain in a net. Keep in a cool place until ready to serve. Arrange the leaves in a salad bowl as tasteful. ly as possible and serve with French dressing or with sweetened cream, If preferred, sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper may be used instead of the French dressing.—N. Y. World. An Appetizing Cheese Cake, One and one-half cups cottage cheese, two tablespoonfuls cream, one-half cup sugar, three eggs, juice and rind of a lemon, or if preterred a teaspoonful of vanilla, a teaspoonful of melted butter. Beat the eggs to a light foam, press the cheese through a colander, add all the ingredients te the cheese and beat un- ti: frothy and creamy. Line your dish with plain paste crust, put in the mix- ture and bake in quick oven for half an hour. This is sufficient for one cak® only. of each leaf careful not off and Lost. Found. Etc. For Sale—A good surrey in ex- cellent condition; will sell cheap. Call at Bulletin Office. tf Harsh ghysics react, weaken the bowels bse chornicf constipation. Dg Pulets operate easily tone jt 9 ch cure constipation, 25¢ ir drugodat for them AAA. NO T T¢ Elleabothtown and Mariotta Light Company, Stockholders Aurhorize Increase of Indebtednes Notice is hereby give ance with a resolut Board of Directo { the El and Marietta Electric Light Co January 13, a meeting of holders of sald compar y hereb convene at the gen: office « pany, in Elizabethtown, Lancaster County Pa., on Thursday, March 26, 1908 at three o'clock p. m.,, to take action on the approv al or disaprroval of a proposed of of the capital stock (ror WN to 100 000, and of a proposed increase of the bond ed indebtedness of said Company from $75,000 to $150,000. ; By order of the Board of Directors, { H. Ni1ssLey, Electric Meeting to Capital Stock and n that, ion adopted 1908, ra Increase n $i, 0 Roy Secretary, DISSOLUTION NOTICE ! Mt, Joy, Pa , Jan, 6, Notice is hereby given that the ship heretofore between Sumpman, Amos Sumpman, man and Emanuel Sumpmanu, uess under the firm name B. Co., cons ent. All persons hay ing claims or de- mands against said company, to present them without ment and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to Emanuel Sumpman, Mount Joy, Pa { HENRY SUMRMAN ISATAH SUMPMAN AMOS SUMPMAN EMANUEL SUMPMAN | 1908 partner. Isaiah Henry Sump- doing busi- | existing are requested | delay for settle- | A PMINIST RATOR'S NOTICE of Daniel Reuben Derr, late T ed, been ge tea te debted thereto are requ payment, and those havin against the same will present the m wit Bont de ” for settleme ment to the undersigned. H. THESSLER, Administrator. WwW. M. Roicows usH, Atty. R. F. D. Marietta, Jan 29 « EXECUTORS’ NOTICE x Estate of Katharine L.-Snyder Is Jy Borough Pa. Deceased. Letters testamentary on said es been granted to the unc igned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those baving claims or de mands against the same will present the m with- out delay fo, settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in the Boroug zh of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. ite of Mount | tate haying | SIMON R. SNYDER, jan29-6¢ E xecutor EXEC UTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Aaron B. Stoner, late of Mount Pa., Deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate havi | been granted to the unc lersi goed, all persons in- | debted thereto are re ted to make immedi- ate paymel laims or demands | against the s: ut de ay for settlement to the 1 WM, M. HOLLOW IB nov, 20-6¢ Joy, m with ¢ igned. SH, Executor, Mou nt Jo wis } Shire’s Meat Market Rear of Nis vo Warehow: FLORIIN . w. sley wT Sealer in Frosh & Boats, Tallow, oad. Ch Yes! GEORGE § , AUCTIGKEER 20st Office Address, rin. Tancaster Co. Telephone mber 85 { Rates Very Reasonable ls of Sale | S. Musser Successor to Wm. Scholing | The Only Place to Get C. (toad Bread, ( Lake Sa x 5, &0 We | Musser’s West End Bakery | Mount Joy Penna OHRERSTOWN, JOY STREE T Leave 3 LANDISVILLE AND MT | RY. E Leave L 8 1015 a ay 15 a0 5:15, 6:16 T: t Saturday fis 5 .m. first car will leave 15 a. Lancaster 7:10 m., with same On Sund a. m, Leave Mount Joy &: schedule as above. | | | | | WINDSOR HOTEL BAKER, Manag The only ni PHILADELPHIA. YEO SONNET Sl REY Por a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph IIiershey Successor to W, W. Strasbach. o Eine Touserial Parlor | East Main Street, Mount Jow, Pa. ABNER M. HERSHEY | AUCTIONEER MVMiount Jov, EFEonma. McGINRIS The undersigned having remodeled the i old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of | sleeping rooms, b: 1th, ete., is now prepared | to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant hotel where he will | AL - in connection with serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. JF. W. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. 1 desire to call the public’s attention to the fact that I am prepared to - Repair ... Watches & Clocks GRANDFATHER CLO pecialty EPs Work must bed bey Pleag | $2.60 each, | trimmed with tucks, hemstitching, I . . laces and embroideries, Entertainment for Eve The KE.disor Phonograp Bo vk let , Will Give it to you. Send for Illustrated AYS IT SINGS Prices from 1 Kirk Johnson & PIANO AND ORGAN HOUS Sumpman & | #4 has this day been dissolved by mutual | 58 We 3. MANBY Have Every Record in the 24 W.King St., LANCASTE Catalogue is in charge of our Tuning a Department. TRF : HO vy TAI If you don’t know, come in LG “INTERNATIONAL” HEI: SEED a ED GUECRIEETD CY ST and tell you to the ally well show s for Men's wear: The Internat tional is the largest and most The clothes send in a trial order for you an “INTERNATIONAL” garme made Ly then H. E. Ebersole, an EERE Li £ sce us and we'll put you under the HT-MEASURING DEVICE fraction of ar of cs TERNATIONAL" line > nobbies new Mount Jo Sk 0960009090000 009000600000000000000 . White Undermus A magnificent stock of everything that a lady could desire { and trimmings are all in the latest st | your money can bay. Corset Covers From 12 %ec., 15¢., 19¢., 25¢. to at 25¢. and | 50¢ each. Night Gowns Generous sides, handsomely trim- med; V. square or high neck; excell [ ent Values at 50 ¢. and 75¢ apiece. (Cambrle or Naintook Gowns, in | a rare collection of shapes and trim- mings, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and on to $5.00 apiece. White Petticoats width, at 50c¢., 7 tucked 5¢., Full length and and hemstitched, 42 each. Trimmed with laces and embroid | eries, at 75¢., $1.00, $1.50 to $6.50. | | Special bargains at 75¢., $1.00 to $2.00 each. Short Skirts from 25¢ to $3 apiece. Drawers sony ly 500 dozen, tucked and trimmed;+- |= at 25¢.; 29¢. and 39¢, Other superior values, 500. TRG. to $2.00. 000000000 — Very giparior values, | Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and Chemise; shapes, yles, and the values the ver) Chemise Every variety, from 29c., 39e, 0c. to $2.50, Extra large sizes a specialty. A full line of Chilcren’s Under~ garments. Baby Dresses and F nishings, Slips, French Underwear Our own special and importation, handmade hand-embroidered N a Naingooks, - Embroideres A wonderful assortment of One | Hamburg Embroideries, in Cambric | Nainsook and Swiss; widths suitable | for every purpose, from the tiniest edge to the widest flonucing. Big Bargains . In shaq | brie, 2 e000