The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, January 15, 1908, Image 1

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wovn Wards
Sting Primary
on Friday
aming meetings
spective wards
hen the fol-
re nominated :
pward Long-
M. Brubak-
wv Weid-
lt zer.
phn W,
A F.
oll and C. N.
{ER announce
er,y who was
director in the
hdrawn from
ession of the
last night
ht except
‘Ped’ Passes
John Walsh, who
the great American tra
walking from San Francisco, |
to New York City in 90 days for a
wager of $5;000, registered at Hotel
McGinnis on Saturday afternoon
at 4 o'clock and remained over for
an hour. He was in good physicial
condition and said he was feeling
fine. It is bevond a doubt that he
will win the purse unless he should
take sick. Mr. Walsh said he was
advertising the Dr. Reed shoe and
is now wearing his seventh pair
since he started on his journey in
October. The pair he was wearing
he said, had covered 1000 miles.
The best ti me made ssnce he start-
ed was 86 miles in 14 hours. He
was obliged to register at Hotel
McGinnis, which was one of his
regular checking stations en route.
Walsh is being followed by two men
in an auto to certify that he is mak-
ing good.
Knights of Pythias Officers
At the regular meeting of Cove
Lodge No. 301, K. of P. on Thurs-
day evening the following officers
elect were installed by Past
Chancellor B. S. Dillinger: C. C.,
A. B. Root; V. C,, C. K. Witmer;
Prelate, John Kramer; M. of W.,
B. S. Dillinger; M at A., Alex.
Cramer; O. G., George Haines; I.
G., James E Webb; Trustee, H. H.
Krall; Ha}l committee, M. M. Bru-
baker, H. H. Krall and John E.
Schroll; Auditors, C. K.. Witmer,
Johr. E. Schroll and James E.
The farbeau Minstrels Pleased
The Barbeau Minstrels came here
and held the boards in Mt. Joy
Hall on Friday evening. The show
was not advertised and the only
inkling that our citizens had of a


Doings at Florin
Happenings of Our Hustling
Little Village.
H. B. Lutz of Harrisburg, visit-
ed in town Saturday,
H. S. Stoll and wife visited their
friends at Lancaster Saturday.
Miss Jane Zeller visited at Eliza-
bethtown the latter part of last
The funeral of Frank Pietsch on
Monday afternoon was very largely
J. N. Hershey has been spending
a few days at Paw-Paw,
Harry Wagner of
was the guest of Miss mma
tle on Sunday.
The stork deposited a daughter
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Shank on Saturday.
Rev. N, L. Linebaugh on Friday
addressed the Order of Modern
Woodmen, at Penbrook.
Miss Edna Wittle was the guest
of her sister Mrs. Roy Baker at
Elizabethtown last week.
J. Harvey Hornafius, wife and
son of Elizabethtown, were guests
of J. G. Zeller and family Sunday.
Twenty-four pupils in the Florin
Primary School. taught by Miss
Sue Brandt, were present daily
the past month.
Misses Lizzie and Annie Pietsch
and brother Frank
grandparents J. H. Schlegelmilch
and wife on Sunday. '
On account of thefb. R. R. cut-
ting down expenses, the track men
have been put on an 8 hour day
and no work Saturdays.
Samuel Nye, tenant farmer on J.

show tha! evening was when the
y paraded oul streets which
ter 2 o'clock. In spite of
t a good crowd witnessed
the best shows that has
en here for some time. The
yas of the vaudeville stripe
ey expect to play a return
ment here some time next
— ei
his Dog is a Fisherman
Friday John Kramer was
himself fishing on the
banks of the Little Chickies creek
and had as his companion Louis
Siller’s dog. The water was clear
and a fish was seen nibbling at
John’s hook. The dog seemingly
saw the fish and quick as a flash
made a plunge into the water. He
eturned to the shore with a fair
ed sucker in his mouth. This
roves that dogs are not only good
br hunting but can be used for
shing as well.
The New Directors
e stockholders of the Eliza-
town & Marietta Electric Light
any held a meeting at their
in Elizabethtown on Monday
pon and elected the following
rs for the ensuing year: KE.
ley, H. Roy Nissley, Royer
h, E. E. Coble, James T.
. H. Gish} and Aaron B.
But One Appeal
vas appeal day for Mount
and although the taxes
of properties in this
e raised there was but
bpealed. This demon-
both assessors are
are exercising very
t when they fix the
al real estate.
g to Parents
pans of informing
ildren that make
irbing the peace
same is not dis-
tely they will be
y to law.
Wolf Yoffe.

SQ. Carma ss farm ac shant, disks
west of Florin, is the proud father |
of a daughter since Friday.
Walter and Charlgs Nissley, after
spending their holiday vacation
with their father, Amos Nissley,
have returned to Sate College.
Word was received here on Mon-
day announcing the death of Mrs.
Mary Miller at Sunbury. Deceased
is a sister in law of Mrs. Henry
Young of this place.
The Marietta and Elizabethtown
electric light company erected the]
poles for the new line to Mt. Joy
on Monday. The line follows the
pike from Elizabethtown to Florin
but from here it follows the old P.
R. R. tracks to Mount Joy.
According to reports John Ritter
can be truthfully termed the
champion hog raiser of this com-
munity. He killed three hogs that
weighed 1,442 lbs. The first was
killed on Dec. 3 and weighed 467
Ibs. The second was slaughtered
on Dec. 11 and weighed 441 and
the third on Jan. 6 which weighed
534 lbs. These are the three larg-
est hogs killed in Florin for a num-
ber of years.
A birthday surprise party was
given in honor of Mrs H. S. Stoll!
at her home on Monday evening
the occasion being a very pleasant
one. These persons were present:
H. E. Trout and family and An-
drew Metzroth and wife of Lancas-
ter, J. H. Stoll and family and B.
F. Stoll and family of Mount Joy
and A, Shetter and wife. Music
was furnished by the Florin orches-
tra. A excellent supper closed an
evening’s enjoyment.
The Florin Literary Society will
hold its next meeting in the Wash-
ington school on Friday evening.
The following program wlll be ren-
dered: Recitations, Miss Gertrude
Eshleman and Miss Gussie Barclay;
Select Readings, Misses Mary
Sheaffer and Anna Barclay; Re-
ferred Question, When is it proper
to use tobacco, Amos Shelly; Who
figed the first gun in the French
an¥ Indian war? Miss Anna Dyer;
Who was Francis Willard and give
a sh ¥t sketch? A. M. Martin; De-
scribe\the trip of the first steam
engine, Harry Musser; The Florin
Searchlight, Miss Tillie Weidman;
Instrumental solo, Miss Gussie Bar-
clay; Duet, Misses Jennie Sheaffer
Lillie Dyer; Debate, “Resolved
nformation is obtained
ose That Come and Go—The
West |
their |
by reading than by traveling, Aff,
Messrs, A. M, Martin and Harry
Musser; Neg., Messrs. Stanley Bates
and I B, Kraybill; Secretary, Miss
Tillie Weidman.
A real lively debate was held last
Friday evening which was well at-
tended. The judges decided in
favor of the negative side and the
audience was in favor of the affirm-
ative side. The question now is:
which side won?
smn et ———
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Schroll of this place, died on
Saturday. The remains were in-
terred in the Henry Eberle ceme-

On going to press we learn that
| word reached here of the death of
| the aged mother of Z. W. Keller of
[ this place, at her home in Llttles-
I town, Pa.
Andrew. Kauffman of Bamford-
ville, a short distance east of Land-
isville, died at the County Hospital
on Saturday morning aged 70 years.
| The funeral was held at East
Petersburg on Monday.
The remains of Fred Clair, who
died at his home in Steelton, were
| brought here yesterday noon and
| services held in the U. B. church.
| Interment was made in the Ilorin
| cemetery. Deceased was a former
| resident of Florin and was well
| known here.
{ John Horst, a well-known resi-
| dent of West Donegal, died on
| Tuesday night, aged sixty eight
years. His wife and two sons
survive. The funeral was held
| Saturday morning at Cedar Hill
{ church, with interment in the cem-
| etery adjoining.
Our Wat!
An Adjourned Meet
Was Held on Satu
ing—Water Ren
ed for 1908
Mount Joy Borough (
in adjourned session on ™
evening with Messrs. Longer
Zeller, Hamaker, Tyndall, su
tendent Hiestand and Bi
Shrite present.
At the regulur
day evening the
ent and water com
instructed to inve
charged and amo
sumed mant
was done on ac
creased amount ol
these consumers 0 hi
given the same rate for the pi
ten years. The committee report
that the short
which to th
it would suggest the same rates
time was too
make a canvas and
charged as last year. wa
gone over very carefully and re
sulted in a few changes as follows
Alois Bube has made several ad-
at hotel
ditional connections his
and residence and his rate
made $45 for the brewery and
clerk ordered to
baths, basins, toilets,
The rate for Mumma &
ite., as
Det wil-
er’s ice plant was fixed $25 for
the season of 1908.
Clarence Schock’s rate was made
same as last year v
al charge of $5 for his extra engine |
ith an addition-{
elevators. B
The rate for the orphan school | 9]
building heretofore I
$20 a year, was fixed
family, Council claiming that as a
which is used for operating his coal |
at $5

{rary Tdkenrode dich av Tne
sounty hospital on Thursday after
a long lingering illness after being
confined to that institution for two
years. He was a laborer by occu-
pation and was 58 years of age.
Deceased was a resident of this
place until he was taken to the
hospital. The remains were brought
here on Monday and interred in
the Henry Eberle cemetery.
Frank Pietschdied very suddenly
at his home in Florin on Friday
{aged 74 years and 26 days. He
| arose as usual in the morning and
went on an errand just a short dis-
tance from the house when he took
sick suddenly and died. He is sur-
vived by his wife, his son and
daughter having died about two
years, ago Deceased was a native
of Germany but has resided in this
county for a number of years, The
funeral was held on Monday after-
noon with services in the Florin U.
! B. church conducted by Rev. N.
| L Linebaugh. Interment was
made in the Florin cemetery.
Miss Catharine Snyder, an aged
well known and highly respected
lady of this borough, died at her
home on East Main street on Friday
evening after a long illness, aged
| within one day of 78 years. De-
ceased was a sister of the late John
A Snyder of this place, Simon R.
Snyder and Miss Anna Snyder of
town and John Snyder of Roanoke.
Va., are nephews and niece. She
was a member of the Reformed
Mennonite church for many years
and a patient sufferer for almost
two years. The funeral was held
from her late residence on Monday
afternoon with interment in the
Mount Joy cemetery.

Real Estate Sales
Yesterday afternoon Auctioneer
Charles H. Zeller sold at public
sale a tract of land in East Done-
gal township containing 13 acres
with improvements for Mrs. Alice
Otto to R. D. Myers, consideration
On Monday afternoon Real Es-
tate agent Charles H. Zeller pur-
chased at private sale the Levi F.
Sheetz property in Florin, now
used asa photograph studio by
Roth Bros., on private terms. Mr.
Zeller offers the dwelling part for
rent after April 1st.

wile Mr. Detwiler has mgge
four families residing there.
The P. R. R. sto
connection was just
was fixed at $15 per annum,
The water committee was
ed to instruet Mr. Hiestand to tur
off the water in the the
farm tenanted by Monroe Sheaffer.
The bond to the amount of $4000 hus
. overt
was received from R. Fellenbaum. ! fire
IK. |
the c)
; in
k yards which
. chu
| As t
rder- |
| the
| tion
nade No
field On
It is signed by Messrs. Jacob
Nissley and M. M.
security and was accepted.
Counei: laying o
his pavement y Market
street which will not be of dag
dinary requirements.
was left in the hand
dinance committee te
next meeting.
Brubaker as
We e
Brandt appeared before
to {
hour o
Lg |
Fell Down a Hay Hole Vi
Charles Widenbach, the east end
dairyman, met with an accident on red ves
Saturday. He was working in bis, =.
stable when he was =o unfortunate place, $1¢
as to fall down the hay hole, injur- } There
ing his leg quite severely. Since! 1 onin p
then he been unable
about in his milk wagon.
The {
has to be
to a close
lone conv
{ + The {pf
{ticket for
{ 54th Dist.
already | he held in
eg es
Is Buying Tobacco
Mr. Swarr, the extensive tobace
dealer at Landisville,
buying the 1907 crop. | afternoon
day he purchased the crop of Si- | hours from
mon Hershey for 11 cents through. Abram t
While this is the only crop he pur i gaines of tH
chased that day, he made offers ior the house on
a number of others. received last
= | of a gate up
Samuel is Deserving | the injuries a
Samuel Shrite, formerly of town | Dr Newpher
but who now conducts the mill the injured e
about two miles south of town,| A heavy a
was granted an increase in pension | companied by
of from $8 to $12 per month, | visited these
through the efforts of Hon. H. Burd
Cassel of Marietta.
night which
damage to fru
On Sunday evy
der storm, ace
flashes of ligl
inflicting no dai
scarce occurance
A January Thunder Storm
A thunder storm as heavy as in
mid-summer broke over Mt. Joy on
Sunday afternoon about five o’clock
There were loud claps of thunder
and vivid flashes of lightning while
rain fell in torrents.
the year.
Big Orde
Messrs. Brand
extensive local m!
order for 1200 ba
the Jewish Passo
A Rabbi was her
inspect the flour a
Church Notes.
Preaching 10.30 a. m. and 7 p.
Sunday school 1.45 p. m. Ep-
Junior League
worth league 6.15.

3 p. m. Saturday. the big rolls at the