TIME TO ACT. Lost. Found. Ete. ai i For £9 —A-good surrey in « LESOCE EX | Don’t Wait For The Fatal Stages cellent Condition 17N will sell eheal ¥ WEEE. Ot Riduey Ilincss. Profit By . “nll at Bullet n Oe, Mount Joy People’s Experience For Sale—A 5-burnelNgas a : ' with oven in good conditid AP Occasioral attacks of backache, 1) lv to C. A. Greider J irregular, heidaches and dizzy spells are common early " symptoms of kidn y disorders, Its an error to | neglect these ills. lhe attack my | pass off for a time but return with pha ppy slave. ar Hood] great intensny, If there ar Symp- builds up sound health y—keeps yon | toms of dropsy—puify swellings well. '! ele ow th: cyes, bloating of ite A healt Vy man i own rizht:an w 2900000000000000856000000060006 and ankles, or any part of the bhoby don’t delay a miunte. Be gin ta k- Nng Doaw’s Kiuduey Pills, and k ep ir CIISY ot p the re atment until Gis Kidne 5s ‘ 0000360550000006650500000008000006800 6500044800 evo 00000000 are weil, wien your old time health and vigor will return, Cures in| TnY Mount Joy prove the effectiveness re og Spirit of Christmas Fine Presents for Chrismas living on | Main St., Mount Joy, Pa., says that: At no other period of the year do Lt would be hard te describe-all the | human heart with such an eager yearn | .ything you want in the Furniture Line der gross Ellifont wu ich g’sea hob | misery I endured from non com- | The lasti . y lastine memories of the o ce im show doh §ferconga. Husht du plaint and I really think I had all | he lasting memories of the old homestd : M3 , o | the 8 Ss trend ) di leawa shun} ar Ellifont g’seana? WeSSDPLONS Wat attend this. mos | 1 annonying disease, There was { ; thing of that ki { Wann net, don gea by all means |. ntinual na; : i 3 the happy reunion about the festal board@¥ie pum mething of that kind. continual pain across the small of | go un sea aener Wann widder amohl { A : 3] tof tow rors oe Select Javi a A] $ se, weyhave just comple a my back which male me tired all | the cedar. the witchery of the holly, the lurking senti : out of town for a Large Selection. Having ample ftoor space, Y ve } the der show ins shteddle kummt. De | the time, so that I sould not attend Ellifont sin abfut de g’shpossich- to Jay housework, also had cl ills | It is t] of : | § thering . {J ; PAG y . 3 U 18 the season of reunions anc oregatherings, kredoora in defpsyelt. Seller wu se wd dizzy spells, became easily tired | { < . Nears . ; : ! and was subject to a constant feeling | and parting. 1€y and Plain Rockers, Beautiful Cote hes, im show g'hot hen der lestsht sum- of fatigue. I wasrapidly growin = py x } Moana : kT mer, war ufs winnichsht sivvatsay | worse when I was told to try Doan's | The zest of travel is rife, Yorapavt from the he IN and Centre Tables, Iron and Wood Bedst: and social exchanges it is a holiday time f any and . 3 in sodipl exchanges iis 4 holiday time for many au Bed Room Suites, All Kinds Chairs, pleasant excursions to be made, where sightseeing has ’ foos hoch un so {long das ’em Mose | Kidney Pills and procured a box a relish from the prevalent saiety and cood cheer. anything that can be found in an up-to-date Furniture Store. Most of these goods were bo RWATER TH DY > 0000 P0000 00 0300000000009 0090@ 1000000000000 006000000060000000 Wann ich®gon der circus un der show denk, d®nr g’mawnts mich on of the older and the merry greetings of ti What willanake a finer and more acceptable Christmas Present than a beautiful piec® of IFurnitur ancy in . sy. er carried. Rockers, Sideboards, Tables, Etc., in a dozen different (styles. ) x elp mistletoe, all combine to make a lure well nigh irre rou want in such a complete line as ours. 8 t Miller si welshkdrn house. We der | 3 E. W. Garber’s drug store. I Ellifont shtill ¢'\htonna is dort jm | had taken but a few doses wher. I > was feeling a great deal better. Thus encouraged, I contined their use and my health i 1s now better than amohl awfonga Rut tsu moofa, hob | for a long time, I am glad to ich by chinks lagha missa bis ich mmend Doan’s Kidne y Pills.” bauch wea krick® hob, un awer we For sale by all dealers. Price 50 | at Ne : / cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Bufi- | des gross kreddook dort im ring ; show, is er mer fet yusht so kory- The Ponnsylvania Railroad is always popular at hol cent advance in prices and, therefore; afford an exceptional opportunity to buyers to get first-cla o%a fore Fumms, (4n. Awer Ne of It t f: Ji} 1 il £ es that cannot be duplicated at this time. On the finer grades of furniture our prices are lower than those S system is so far-reaching, and at the same time so : : Poco : hcaster dealers, with whose prices we invite comparison. | | { | { | | | | | | | | | { | interwoven with the needs of the traveler; its trains “all and let us show you through our spacious warerooms. “It will cost you nothing. n numerous and so well equipped for the accommodation o Ve desire to call your attention to our Home made Kitchen Furniture which is unexcelled. ! : alo, New York, sole agents fer the | class of travel, and its ticketing arrangements so satisfyir in dedirec- | United States. tion kumma is h gshtonna | Remember the name—Doan’s 1 war, donn is me ha gshwint | take no others, \ | rum gemarch a 1s) | y : i : F : hn oo, the Sn Can bi rniture Areroomms 5 Limited trains carrving the highet grade of traveler 3 nn 3 c AJ ul . 5 > 3 Ccience. ) 1 er wither bound it is wise to consult a sin so rund un dick, jun hen mich Ee : Bas . vusht @’mawnd ondrei bushel seck In spite of the increase in the Pas Latlroad Ti Ao : «ins and rates. He can start 5 ) ross) terurization of Li spite of the i . ¢ relshkorn. un feds hut or orp VE Ze noetn , 11 spite gL tn foll welshk rm, un ies hut er gor} (hat in some circles of scciety ther kenny—yusht so dickly bea, un selly PPS growing knowiedge about the caie wahra ar: awd shque arg ob das wann | (infants, ¢ GLathk rat i two years ail ov Dhi se unna ob g'seagt waler go’west. g adelphia Now ferguess net fondu guty | cause great al glater vit, glater des flich fitta un | eminentspeci s : | “If 100 mot s of sound health would | ¥ agree {0 submit the entire care of their | em Bachenheimer driva on Kolum- | infants to one tion 1 warrant that | < by. Aer voent om eck fom Drit | rotoneof the children would, if properly : a bia brougnt into the world, die of summer uu Locust shtrose. | disease.’ This is an astonishing statement, but Guck a Mole Due it can be pr aoiielly verified by nearly Fs ot Joi uns shuldich sin und eXperienca 1 1; Tez with- the children has been large. It setta uns bagels ~pudlich gle, J i ~ Ns seems strange that though the human | ¥ Tatas h OF Ty | in the the od kenna meer forhoftich kay | race is thousands of years old. thereisso | — mw Vl NERY | \ iF = Krishkindly for unsery hands und | little knowledge on the part of mothers | 7 £5 . ’ + N\A do a Fos x ) . . | as to the proper care of infants. It is uns selver kaufa. Dale fun denny vara ve letter, musht se kaufa by P0000 0H0CE0000000000000009 $6040604 0 000000004 SO 900000000090 990090026000090990000000009090000000900060600¢ SES $38 4X0 axe ake 020 4 £ — , because every mother depends on her- Th dg ii =a = The Best Advertising Medium in this section. Why? Because it has leit wella presents macha, of course | self, her instincts or the poor experience : X FINS AANNTK I\ : 1 : : a Or wee alsfort. ower ess wahr besser | of others to help her children through | [IN] \ EN, J v lation. Ads in this paper are business “getters. ur Iai ht 1 I Irickerei the critical portion of the year. In these A ¥ se dalla arsht der ahrma. driCkerel| gays physicians are doing their best to | sh bezawla. 8 aarsht ps a th tte. of yaw nile | ANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN 2 \- plone Sr mensha op bezawla. Shuldalarsht, | Inform mothers that the use of raw milk | % 2 |) resents noch der hond, set cg rule | It summer {ime is qangerous—almos! : ; 1 d x a Byssenty uch doy Bon Sy Ee |» Anyitins Known to the Trade 00406560 000000000000000066000404 sel. Iss sell net recht! that portion of the city where childre® | #& we are now build: : : . Cl — a sever get fresh milk. Little milk is ; Ie ane Sow uilding something new in a closed carriage, (specially adapt- Unclaimed Letters gerved in this city that is not 24 hours | s d for plain people) which is very wrtgue: It has slidi i doors on side Following is a list of the letters | oid and since much of it is not kept on 7% aud when opened the doors are not visible; takes the place of curtains and that > 1 " i the Mount {ce the process of souring begins soon. r. can be closed in a second. We would advise you to look them over before 1at are uncalled ior at the Mu This process is effected by the ex- buying. Joy post office Dee. 18, 1907: traordinary development of bacteria, Mies Emma Bradley which affect the intestines of children Miss Emma Bradle % ~ ; Ys and bring on that long list of summer? 2 O HB LORIN Anna H. Brubaker, complaints, Wherever there is intelli ( J ( Xx v3 PENNA & wm gent care taken of children and wise J. F. Fenstermacher, Postmasie: K vision is ised there is n FOT0TOTOTO TOTO TORE : ey supervision is exercised there is no more CH 40% {08 10% 40% 435 405 £05 £55 133 435 1H £00 13% SRG OE EEE fear of dysentery in the summer time It Will Pay You than there is of smallpox. Yet many ® When in need of clothing for men thosenis of Aifidres dlegvery SEBIer gy ’ - ) Sli ers bovs. and eldildren. it ‘will DRY vou cause of neglect. There is no mother [ S ®e | \/ DI A ys, a cn y 10 pay | ou this city so poor that she cannot send . | to go to Bachenheimer’s Old Relic- | a postal card to the board of health : | 4 ble Eagle Hall, corner of Third & | for its instructions on the subject and 211 EE. Main Street, Florin, Pa. Locast streets. Columbia | to follow them out only costs less than ,OCus reets, Lo a. | the ordinary practice, but is sure to re- | ’ : i pe It in benefit infant. ’ : : ; : I M W mens Childr ' Jens to the Infant We are now in our new location and haying ample room, are in a po-'| € en S, Oo ec ’ e Room For Rent I'he difficulty in impressing mothers oy 5 ’ | Room for rent. size 10x16 feet, 18 the fact that they assert that they | sition to execute the best and finest work j 5 : ! e )W more about children than any suitable for light business purposes. | jo.tor who ever lived and insist upon Call at Mount Joy Marble Works practices which are certain to bring dis- sc i stapes ease and probably death. It is time to PORGRAITURE BY PHOTOGRAPH) Start a school of instruction. Sof FLAW LIGHTS, GROUPS, INTERIOR WORK Bank to Be Erected on Site of Burial | mothers, : 2 nes Place of the Martyred Pres- | _ ,—,—,———— ALL KINDS OF OUTSIDE WORK | & |= Oc I5¢C $1 $1 25 $1 50 ident’s Angestars, SALE REGISTER We make a specialty of Dances, Parti 3 i i i | ! 0 9 9 9 9 9 \ g Parties and Gatherings of all kinds, | — Thursday, Dee, 26—On the Isaac K, >is Sr. 3 . ¢ : 8 p : d 1 In an abandoned graveyard Im the | yrandt farm in Rapho township, 3 miles | Prices are Right. Give us a chance to display our knowledge, There are House Shoes and Slippers for every one in the family, an feart of Worcester village, in New | fiom Mastersonville and 4 miles from So . ar viount Joy, a large lot of household goods A —— ————— N—— oy on tt die . . p . . v ve ) 1 . York, are the graves of the grandpars | Mz sOYs Be AA rive ter of a : here with the full assurance that there are no greater values—no better pi ents and the great-grandparents of the be Joseph H. Brandt, administrator of | ga foTOTO Te] 5h 40% 435 £55 £05 406 250 £38 fololofeolototatolotoloTol 8 columns are ot a Christmas iv fact anything known to | Tn . : : : : g We have arranged the grandest and most magnificent display of the art, in our spacious qnarters, { : : Footwear that it has ever been your pleasure to see, Note the price y Fanny W. Brandt deceased. Zeller, auct, late President Garfield. Worcester was i 1 2 else in town: We make you this broad guarantee, that if, after buying here the old Garfield home. Abram Garfield, the father of the president, left the | 0 0 #Cood Times Are Coing To Continue i lower price for similar quality, bring your pdrchase back and your money. w place for Ohio at 12 years of age. Three ; OF generations of the family lived there. ve of Aaron I. Stoner, late of Mount. Joy, | oi If you buy Coal of me you will certainly have \ Solomon Garfield, the great-grand- . iamentary on said estate having | 38 father, settled in Worcester in 1766. | | to the undersigned, all persons in- - aot tata) . whi na ' Chi ire ) $y ’ Be he eutud. to, Sake oii | 2 } : : imes star 1S of articular attention to our line of Children’s Gum Bag Thomas Garfield, the grandfather, was , Ie Waving elim or demands ‘ where the real good times start from. Let us call your pat 3 srnaater | 116, § me will pres tthe Ith out de \ \ ng w+ for 2 QE \ . ap ‘po Jor ia a Foose > 170, 4nd ved | ay Ke ( EE nr ih ou d ———— Leggins at prices 25 Per Cent. che aper for the samc goods than other store 10le life there. | \ ¢ We go | \ M. HoLrownusi, Executor, Aft Bitter fight a bank has se v t Mount Joy, Pu eured tf the town to bulld 5 J 1 = A KE Jd Make every penny count and this is the place where a dollar will go further Y (4 i 34 rom 1@ . A new 1liin\g house on the old ceme- 5 ’ . ox |) 438 tery property. The excavation has | oo cp amntvnrarrrrnk sie . \ ha ) g Slate al i J or been m: ind the foundations are in Building Slate, Coal and Lnmber We course of construction. The burying § Monuments Tombston Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ground covered a quarter of an acre, xr \LARGE STOCK ON HAND | aa Lh ©é $e fy 0000000000000 00600009000000 and it was not known just where the if ¥ th BRD oletotetelofotototetol ofotetototetotele] : graves of the martyred president's an. | % 4 EE yA . ii cestors were located. When the Gare . cee ; et — —— fleld family was appealed to they de- ted inayat utes to he te | | {i Fine Presents for Xmas. James Nelson. a resident of Worces- & | I Ir, has in his possession a letter from . | Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, All Kinds of | sident Garfield, written shortly bee ’ his assascination, wherein he ex- | j , t \ Jewelry, Rings, Chains, I'obs, ges a hope to pe able soon to visit | i & ) | “p : ai ent y cester and attind to the last rests | : i ‘ 4 very beautiful things in Silverware. If you can’t select d ) : y will thank vou for the information, a good comfortable home and after all that’s nd we wil . er Shoe Store, Brooches, Lockets, Hat Pins. places of his ancestors. One of the °* 3 RAR as Awl roa nrecis si. anu ARBRE Sidhu : : Little Feet. which he wah intending to visit | I} ! afhice prese nt here you're hard to ple ase. Prices Right. for trip he Wn Gout to take wm wns your enedinden fol . Miller’s Jewelry Sto ting to 8001 and get a Ko goderate pa : punt Jom