The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, November 20, 1907, Image 1

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    \VOL VII. NO. 26
| preached at 7:00 p. m. to a well
filled house. His text
| 27:4. One thing have I asked
Big - Rally-Day Services at
Florin United Brethren
27 of
| He laid emphasis on dwelling in
| God’s house as being the principal
. | thing needed in the world to day.
Rev. J. H. Quigly of Harrisburg |
preached a powerful sermon at 10 from every point of view. The day
a.m. from Psalm 37:3, Trust in| was set apart for the gathering in
the Lord, and do good. His theme | of funds for the re-building of the
was “Faith and Doing Good.” He | church. At the close of the even-
said in part. “Certain things are ing it was found that $719.78 had
necessary to the carrying out of the | heen given to the treasurer. The
Gospel plan. Men are needed to members of the church wish to
preach. But not all men preaching thank all who have contributed
are called of God, hence the failure | towards this fund, and extend to
of many God’s call is necessary to them and others an invitation to
success in ministry. The people come to the dedication service on
need a preacher. For “How shall December 8, 1907.
they hear without preacher? ———eee
and how shall they preach, except |
they be sent.” { Jacob C. Kaylor, of Elizabeth-
Comfortable houses of worship town, and Miss Elizabeth M.
are needed. Choirs and leaders of | Haverstick, of town were married
singing are also important. But | at noon on Thursday by Bishop
most of all, faith is needed. This | Jacob Brubaker, of the
word we can sometime spell and at | church. Miller Eshleman was best
other times we cannot. While in| man and the bridesmaids were Miss
health we can easily believe in| Gertrude Haverstick and Miss Mina
God, but when sickness comes, | Murray
They left on an automo-
business fails, neighbors forsake us, | bile trip to Philadelphia, Baltimore
it is hard to believe in Him. It is Washington and the Jamestown
unbelief that “There no
God.” Faith ziasps God’s promis-
es and repeats, “By thy side I will
walk.” The prayer of faith is nev-
er lost.
but it is never lost.
says is exposition.
Twins Not Born on Same Day
=» An occurrence very unusual took
The one who ' Shue, in Rapho township, near
holds on in prayer, knows he will | White Oak, during the past week,
get an answer. | says the, Manheim Sentinel. On
We dictate to God and he never | Friday afternoon Mrs. Shue present-
hears us. Because it not
We must do good.
It is God’s plan that we all do
good. Life is short, therefore we
must use the time. In youth time
hangs heavy, but in old age it |
passes swiftly.
is his | ed her husband with a bouncing
{ boy, and on Saturday morning she
gave him a surprise by presenting
| him with a second son.
Good Game For Saturday
One of the best football games!
“Use the time,” is to be plaved here this season will |
God’s message. Every life has its | be the one of Saturday when Eliz-
influence. One may as well walk ' abethtown opposes the locals.
in the noonday sun without a shad- | These teams played each other to
ow, as to be without influence. !a stand still several weeks ago so
We cannot judge people as we see|you can jnst expect a hummer. !
in their homes. Because many attendance is not what it should be.
women are angels in church, and | 5
slander-bearers in their homes. | Now We Get Transfers
We become like our companions.| Monday morning anew rule went |
Therefore let us walk with God'
and be like him. Why should we
not belike him? If we support the
Gospel we do more good than the '
whole police force of the United |
States. We must save buying un-|
necessary things and do more for |
Christ. Doing good with all God |
has entrusted to us is the most |
honorable thing that aman cando.” |
The Bible School at 1:00 p. m.'
was addressed by Prof. B. W. Fish-
er of Lancaster. He spoke on the
topic, Aggressive Missionary Work
in the Bible School” He asked,
«Ts there work to be done in Flor-
in? Are all the boys and girls of |
the town present to-day? If not,”
then there is work to be done.
and 8:30 a. m. and 5, 5:30, 6, 6:30
and 7 p. m., will be given transfers
upon request to the conductors, on
any of the city lines.
Defeated by Columbia
The Columbia A. C. foot ball
team played the locals here and’
we were easily defeated 46 to 0.
This is the best team in Columbla
and our boys were completely out-
classed. Springer played with the
Made Communicants Whistle
From Manheim Sentinel.
was Psalm |
The Rally-Day was a success, |
Mennonite |
| Local Doings
the Jehovah, that will I seek after. Items of Local and General Inter-
| est That Occurred Since Our
Last Week's
The postoffice at
been abandoned.
George Siller, executor of Sophia
Kramer, late of Mt. Joy borough.
Wm. M. Hollowbush the ex-
ecutor of Aaron B. Stoner deceased
First-class feed for horses, cattle
and chickens at” Mount Joy Malt
Hous e.
Oscar S. Pennell will move into
the Cover property on Marietta
street this week.
Born to Daniel Derr and
nee Nora Gantz on Monday a daugh
j ter. Now Billy is happy.
{ Mrs. H. 'E.
recipient of a number
Ebersole the
of presents
ast Thursday, it being her birth-
Charles Marks, experienced
bar clerk of Manheim, is serving
drinks at the Central
House since
cents a quart
but were selling it at five cents for
many years.
Ephrata dairymen have
the price of milk to 6
Frederick H. Baker, our extensive
It may be unanswered, | place at the home of Henry K.|coal and lumber dealer, isdistribut- | his trade.
ing advertising in
wall pockets.
the shape of
Edward I. Landis of East Peters-
burg and Lizzie C. Felker of Lan- |
caster, were made man and wife
last Thursday.
High School boy or Young
for office work.
opportunity to learn business.
Clarence Schock, Mt. Joy, Pa, |
Brandt and Stehman, our exten-
sive loeal millers, made the first
half of a shipment of a 1200 barrel |
ler for flour to a baker at Balti-
Boarding wanted in private fami-
them in church we must see them | Turn out and help the boys as the ly for respectabteyoung man, about | state he
seventeen years old. Please com-
municate with the undersigned.
Clarence Schock, Mt. Joy, Pa,
Wanted to rent a house, with
into effect on the trolley system. ' conveniences preferred, on Marietta |
Passengers on suburban cars reach- gtreet or close vicinity of same. |
- ~ |
Possession by Jan. 1,
Address, House, care Bull-
A series of special Evangelistic
services will be held in the Done-
gal Presbyterian church beginning
Monday evening Nov. 25.
will be held every
evening that
week except Saturday at 7 p. m.,
All are cordially invited to atténd.
i al ak
| First This Season.
{ The Washington School of Flor-
ing, Pa. will hold a spelling bee in
the hall here on
Cordelia has
the evening of |
Levi L. Engle one of the best
known residents of Elizabethtown
is dead, aged 72 years.
Aaron B. Stoner, an aged retired
millwright, was found dead in his
room at McGinnis hotel Wednes-
day afternoon.
| Mr. Stoner was aged 74 years and
| was apparently in his usual health.
After eating his dinner he went to
his room, where he was found dead
having expired from an attack of
heart disease.
| Deputy Coroner Dellinger was
notified and held an investigation
finding the facts as stated above.
Deceased was a widower and
has no children. He is survived by
the following sisters and brothers,
| Augustus of New York, David U.,
Silas, Harriet, wife of J. H. Greiner
| and Misses Charlotte and Mary,
all of this place.
| Aaron B. Stoner, an account of
| whose sudden death is elsewhere re
| corded and the subject of this short
| biographical sketch was born in
| Mount Joy, Pa,, on June 22, 1834.
| He was the son of the late Augustus
Stoner who carried on mill-wright-
ing in this place for a number of
years and with whom he learned
After the completion
| of his trade and in 1855 he went
| West, crossing the Allegheny moun-
| tains Hollidaysburg, Pa., by
He spent some time in
| Chicago when that city was not as
{larze as Lancaster is now, located
{for a while at Galesburg, Illinois,
| and in 1857 returned to this locality.
| In 1862 he went to Portsmouth, Va.
and worked the government
workshop until the close of the war
lin 1865, after which he was em-
| ployed for quite a while at the Bald
| win Locomotive Works in Philadel-
phia, Pa. In 1870 he again went
{ westward, locating in Kansas
| where in Butler County of that
purchased two farms and
| afterwards took up a homestead
| claim of one hundred aud sixty
acres of government land which he
put under cultivation and sold at a
fair price. After spendiug several
years in Kanses he returned East
J ¢ waste c ).c 7. 73 5 3 Ff ! 1 1 f ]
ing Lancaster at 6.30, 7, 7:30, 8,' A suite of five rooms would be'and during the later period of his
| life he lived retired at Manheim,
| Pa., and came to Mount Joy, Pa.
about a year ago to spend the rest
of his life. In polities Mr. Stoner
a staunch and unswerving
Republican. Mr. Stoner was a
| fine and skillful mechanic. An inlaid
gun case which he prized very high-
ly, is a handsome specimen of his
own handiwork. He was a pleasing
conversationalist and had a fund
of anecdote and reminiscences of
his frontier life which it was a de-
{ light to hear him relate. In deal-
ling with his fellows he was upright
| was

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sees
Mrs. Jacob H. Zeller atten
funeral of Mrs. Daniel $
Reading. !
| Out | Card Basket
Persons That Were Visiting Since
Our Last Issue—Read Their
Samuel Lindemuth of ne
was best man at the Brd
Buckwalter wedding at We
on Thursday.
Miss Kathryne Forte
after spending some time v
grandparents returned to her
in the Capitol City.
Messrs. Abram Boyer, 1
Mrs. Thomas Clark of Harrisburg
spent a few days in town.
Miss Mabella Weaver of
spent a few days in town.
Willoughby Stauffer of
burg spent Friday in town.

HEH he, ed
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Scholing are |Schroll, Joseph Detwiler and} John |" yrd “len rv Booser of Iba
is spending some time in town.
home from a trip to Chicago. McGinnis enjoyed an auto ; 5)
Master Allen Morton, spent | Denver on Sunday. \ Mr. and Mrs. H. S Stoll visited
insitute week at Harrisburg. | Milton Hacker and wife of the | Andrew Metzroth at Lancaster.
Charles Murray of Philadelphia, | Sturgis House Lititz, spent Sunday | Henry and Samuel Smith of
is here on a visit to his parents. at the Farmers Inn. They made Harrisburg, spent Sunday in town.
M. M. Leib is home from a trip | the np in their new auto. Dora Brandt of Elizabethtown
to the northern part of the state. | Miss Sue McAllister of Millers- visited the family of S. S. Stacks
M.A I. Utban of Lansdale, | ville was a guest in the Methddist Sunday. :
spent several days in the borough. Parsonage over Sunday and greatly Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wolgemuth
enjoyed the Evangslistic services. | f Union Square, visited in town
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hershey and
of Quarryville, are in town today.
Mr. Reynolds is publisher of the | wife of Lebanon spent a few days
in town.
Sun, that borough’s only paper.
Blaine Grosh of Milton Grove Misses Ruth Markley and Lizzie
| has left Chicago, where he held a | Drace of Elizabethtown spent Sun-
| position in the big Marshall Field | day in town.
Mrs. Annie Breneman of Eliza-
Mrs. Ellen Simms of Philadelphia | Bl 3
; ; department store, and will sojourn
is the guest of Mrs. George Brown. |. * .. : :
® in California. bethtown spent at Eh
Irvin Baker and Christ Charles
spent Sunday at Washington Boro.
Wm. Jackson is spending several |
weeks at Philadelphia with his son.
Walter Eby of Middletown,
spent a few day here with friends.

oa Sunday
Mrs. Eicholtz of Lititz, is the!
: ! | Mrs. Phil. Dieter, and daughter
guest of her daughter Mrs. Wm. H. | Elizabeth and Miss Sue Brandt,
Gantz. | spent Saturday and Sunday in
Miss Knerr of Lebanon is visit- | Harrisburg, the guests of Mrs. S.
ing the family of Rev. A. A. De-1,.
Mrs. Harry Smith spent Saturday |
at Lancaster as the guest
Mrs. John Mumma and two sons
of Landisville, spent Sunday at J.
S. Carmany’s.
Fortenbaugh. The finest lot of colts ever seen
here were sold at E.
stables on Saturday
The Brethren in Christ held
prayer-meeting at the home of Al
bert Walters last evening.
TTT 8. Weaver's
Mrs. Reuben Derr was the guefis
| of Wm. Gantz on Sunday. \
{ Mrs. David Brandt is collect
was home with his parents over | for new lights for their church.
of her |
Albert H. Longenecker of Altoona
The revival meetings’ closed at
Cross Roads church on Sunday
evening. There were
Mrs. Simon Snyder of Perry Co.
Miss Anna Holwager of Eliza- |g spending some time in this ec-!
bethtown is spending several days joy. ! {
hom Jacob Carron and wife eper-
Mrs. Sarah Schroll of Donegal tained a number of their friens on
prings, is visiting friends in the' Sunday.
Elmer E. Marsh of Philadelphia
spent a few days in the borough |
las eex.,
ast week : Mrs. John Derr returned bme
: Mrs. J. H. Allen of Hiawatha, Monday after spending two we
Kansas, spent a few days in town | in Cumberland Co \
ba » mof
last week. j 34 { past ve
| James Serres and Dest fea.
Mrs. Benj. R lavehterof |o-= A % ~10
York Ae j. Root-and daug ater of | Perry Co. are the guests of Annie
ors, were visitors in the borough and Gussie Barkley
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Greenawalt
of Lancaster, spent Sunday here
with friends.
no conver-
Leo Linebaugh, wife, son and
daughter, of York spent Sunday
with their son Rev. N, L. Line-
baugh pastor of the Florin U. B.
Geo. Enslow and John Stm-
baugh were guests of Sam’l Tess
ler on Thursday. }
Misses Anna, Emma and Edn:
Wittle accompanied Mr, and Mr
vik deack of Mt. Joy on
fobile trip to Brooklyn N. 1;
blila. and Jersey City Satur-
day on a visit to their aunt Mrs.
Lawrence Whittemore.
Two Foot Ball Victims
Ellsworth, the 10-year old son
of Burgess J. W. Shrite, broke his
leg at the thigh while playing foot
ball on Friday.
Yesterday noon Samuel Keller,
youngest son of Z. W. Keller, was
playing foot ball at school when
his left leg was broken just above
the knee. This makes tvo broken
limbs within a week from foot ball.
Shooting Match.

> ar
The entertainment at Maytown
given by the Scotch Singers was a
grand success on Saturday even-
; Ping,
Miss May Smith of Lititz was |
Messrs. Calvin Pierce ¢ :
she zuest, of parents lessrs. Calvi erce and H
Svar Sunday | Coble of Elizabethtown, C. C.
y. | Gingrich, A. C. Gingrich of town
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fessler of | were the guests of 'S. H. Tressler
Reading, were guests of E. Marsh | They treated Mr.
{on Sunday.
Trexler last week. | Tressler to a pleasant auto trip to
Mrs. J. Howard Taylor of West Lancaster.
Chester, is the guest of her sister | YT
Mrs. H. G. Stoler | NEWTOWN.
Miss Mary E. Hoffman of Harris-| Preaching services will be held
burg,’ was the guest of her mother | next Sunday morning by the past
last Wednesday. or.
her here
at Wm. H. Gantz’s Farmers’ Inn
and honest. Having been thrifty
and prosperous, he exacted from
others the qualities that make for
success. He was a good friend,
an interesting companion and a
familiar figure who will be missed
by a large circle of friends He
loved his native town. To dwell
within its gates, to die within its
teach- | Porders to be buried near its
| confines and to live in the memory
| of its people were the ruling desires
of the closing days of his life. Re-
quiescat in pace.
The Bible School is the great light |
giver. Where light is, there men
will gather. A few men set on fire
for God can do more
hundreds of cowards
is catching. It takes
to make the work go.
School is the pivot of
and around it revolves the machine
of gatherigg years. If one hears
good in school, it is our business
to go out and tell the other fellow
who was not present. We must
not only receive, but impart truth.
The successful teacher must be
interested in Missions. The aggres-
sive Bible School is the one which
does home work.” Any
boy who asks another boy to come
to school is doing Missionary work.
America has been more to Protest-
aut Christianity through the Bible
School. Therefore we must give
ourselves, our talents, our energies,
our all to its support. We have’
failed in our Foreign Mission move-
ment and now God is sending over
1,000,000 foreigners to us every
year. These must be evangelized.
Every Bible School should be or-
ganized upon a missionary basis.
The classes must. be orga. d Into 50. We have always on hand to
definite working bands. "wive each supply at 28 cents per dozen.
band a name, as ‘Gideon's Band,” DeLong tf.
“Sunbeams,” “Band qf Mercy” |
etc. Such a Bible Sdhool shall
prosper. I
The pastor N. L.
A man near Colebrook made wine Thanksgiving Day, November 28. |
from’ green persimmons, which is There will be three classes. 1— |
the bitterest fruit known to man, Spelling open to pupils under 12!
and then gave it to a local minister years. 2—Spelling open to pupils |
who used it at a communion
The Bible
the church’
ser- 3—General informationopen to all |
vice one Sunday. The congregation An excellent Thanksgiving program !
had to whistle the doxology.
willbe rendered. An orchestra will |
Admission 15¢., re |
served seats 20e. Chas. A. Greider
eee lee
furnish musie.
A Dancing Class
Prof. Charles H. Sales will open ang Miss A. Katie Witmer
a dancing school in Mt. Joy Hall ers.
commencing Tuesday evening Nov.
mA nt
A Fine Bag
26, and continuing every Tuesday
evening thereafter until February
25, 1908.
On evening Messrs.
C. N. Mumma,
and Frank Good
returned from a week’s trip to the]
Second Narrows in Perry county
with the finest bag brought here |
this year. They had two turkeys |
four pheasants’
Jacob Mumma,
Henry Charles
The will of the late
Stoner was probated at
yesterday. The entire estate is
given to charity. $5000 is left to
Lancaster Trust Co. to be known
as the Aaron B. Stoner Fund for
the Worthy Poor of Mount Joy,
Pa. The principal of this fund
is to be invested in first class se-
curities and the income is to be
distributed to the deserving poor
of Mount Joy annually upon the
recommendation under the
direction of the several ministers
of the town. The residue of
estate is given to the Lancaster
General Hospital to endow a room
in his memory for the free use of
bona fide residents of his native
town who are in too needy circum-
stances to pay for the same.
Wm. M. Hollowbush, Esq. of
this place, is named as the executor
Two New Tooth Fixers
William R. Heilig and Henry
Maxwell Walters have registered as
The former will practice
in this place and the latter in Man-
one quail, seven
rabbits and thirty-four squirrels.
Stehman — Stauffer. Former Mt. Joyan Weds
Abraham B. On Thursday Milton D. Sherrick |
Thursday ufiited in marriage Dan- manager of Sherrick’s transfer at
iel B. Stehman, of Landisville, and Miss Martha M.
Fannie G. Stauffer, of Lancaster. Nissley were united in marriage at
eel eet the home of the bride. Mr. Sher-
Eggs For Sale rick is well known here having been
To parties needing eggs for general a former dairyman in this place.
Bishop Herr on
Middletown, and
Dr. and Mrs. Kindig of Salunga
gpent Sunday in town attending
Marriage Licenses the the Methodist
Samuel G. Ober and Ella H, church and were the guests at the
augh Young, both of Mt. Joy township. Parsonage.
services .in

Mrs. Frank Carpenter of Phila-
delphia, spept a few days here
with her mother.
B. F. Schreiner and W. O. Sny-
der of Harrisburg spent Saturday
and Sunday in town.
Miss Anna Todd
days in the borough
Miss Mary Patterson.
Mrs. W. W. Strasbach and son
Arlington of Hershey, are spend-
ing a few days in town.
Maurice Heiser of Steelton spent
Wednesday and Thursday here and
at Donegal with friends,
spent several
the guest of

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baker and
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Fissel spent
Sunday at Mount Gretna.
Funk wife and son:
Harold, are spending the week with
friends at East Berlin, Pa.
Mrs. Jacob Hurst and Mrs. Frank
Hurst and daughter of Harrisburg, |
spent Monday here with friends.
T. M. Brown left yesterday for
Middleburg, Snyder county, where |
he is installing a large heating
Messrs. Paul Buohl Burwood
Brandt and Frank Greenawalt, all
employed at Harrisburg, were home
Mrs. Byron Hy ard and daugh-
ter of Philadelpida are guests of
their cousins Josgph Hershey, and
| Sunday with their parents.

sisters, a

: A
turkeys and geese. Distance 30
and 35 yards for 10 and 12 guage
| guns using No. 8 shot. Shooting
will begin at 12.30 and dinner
will be served to gunners.
Harry Hornafiusof Lancaster was
the guest of his grandparents on
Rev. Mace, the blind Evangelist
preached on last Sunday morning
at Kinderhook to a large audience.
Show Tomorrow Night.
The Empire Amusement Compa-
ny will appear in the hall Thursday
evening and will give refined and
The Band fair will positively be | advanced vaudeville. This com-
. ‘a... | pany will continue to show here
ald and commence on next Sate |
helda thereafter
{every Thursda: @ght
urday Nov. 23 all rumors to the! | y Aa SE
tb | with an entire chp ge of program.
contrary being incorrect.
Mrs. Frank, who has been at the
home of her parents in this place
ill with typhoid fever, is somewhat

Mrs. Frederick Hahn and family | Bitten by
of Landisville and Mrs. Abram |
: : | Dennis Barnhart | was leisurely
Gamber of Moore’s Mill, spent strolling about th #Rughter house
| of Mumma & Det*®% one day last
Victor Fogie received 40 fine , week when all of ] Rudden their
handkerchiefs, a box of cigars and ' ferocious bull dog ju d for Den~
some other useful articles as a’ pig’ throat but got-..s8 his cheek
surprise on his birthday last week. which was badly torn. \
A Driving Mishap
On Sunday whilz Mrs, Samuel
a ne —
“Do It Now”
If you have not already
| Tressler and two daughters Misses your geat for the Caroline J
| Emma and Florence returned home | Singers, the first number of}
from church their horse Clarence C. | Star Course in the hall on, Yi
fell and the former two were dea ning, do so imme
thrown out. The -gjeels passed the chart opened at 1
over Mrs. Tressler but the two day. A
ladies escaped with a few bruises. Ae
The wagon was slightly damged. Our Si
Had the horse they were driving! At court of
not been a gentle one, the result Jaeob Lg
would ‘undoubtedly been: more Stg
serious. >
E 3
A shooting match will be held
in this place on Nov. 26 for alot of