EEKLYBUL LETIN * Mt. Jov, Pa. SCHROLL, Editor rnd Publisher tion, 50 €ents u Kear. Six Months, 25 Gents. a am ace 8 - Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Lega) ing 10 cents per line each insertion Entered ost. Office at Mount Joy as second class matter REE YEARS’ LABOR COST. ne Plece of Mexican Drawn Word Sntively Ruined Just After Uts Completion. spend three years upon a piece of and then, by the simple overturn. of an inkstand, ruin it all is not ueive to good spirits, but such was age of a Germantown woman whe three years worked unceasingly D a piece of Mexican drawn werk, ' the Philadelphia Record. A few ago marked its completion, and if laid out upon a table to await the Betion of a purchaser, who had of- i & sum far beyond the limit of what would imagine fancy work to be h in any quantity. The proud er of the work was suddenly awak- H from a nap by a scream from her daughter, and, looking at the yn work, imagined she was in the Bt of a nightmare, for the greater on was dripping with the blac) ents of the inkstand, upset by the e child. Chemists and drug stores 'e telephoned to for recipes and arti: for removing the stain, and after € a quantity of acids the ink hae pd away, and when the drawn work been placed in the sun to bleach e was partly restored in the upset sehold. When it came to bring in precious piece of linen, the first h made it practically dissolve inte hing, so thoroughly had the aclds en into the fabric. HY CIGARS COME UNROLLED. ey Get Twisted in One Direction in the Factory and in Another by Smokers. It is an every-day occurrence to hear n complain of poorly made cigars,” d a well-known tobacconist one day week in discussing the matter with p of his patrons, according tothe Phil lphia “Record. “It 18 not always be- se a cigar is indifferently or badly de that the wrapper curls up ard mes off. Very much oftener this comes bm the cigar having been rolled by a er’s left hand and later smoked from ® hand of a right-handed man. ‘All cigarmakers must use both nds equally well, and economy, both time and material, is the prevailing le in the tobacco factories. When a pce of tobacco is cut from the wrap- it is cut on the bias, and rolled from t to right on the filler, and at the me time by the cther hand the remain- Ig pieces are used being necessarily plled in the opposite way. For this gon the man who holds a cigar 1a ka ht hand, which always receives a few sts during the ourse of a smoke, bs the wrapper the wrong way, and ly snough it b comes loosened.” CAT FOUGHT AN EAGLE. #8y Was Pretty Severely Seared, Bat Put an End to the War like Bird. A cat owned by the engineer of @ ¢ ght train on a western road seemed 0 enjoy sitting on tha pilot while the Ain was in motion, says a Chicago pa~ per. A lively adventure befell this fear pussy during one of his master’s trips. As they were slowly rounding furve one morning the engineer noticed Rn eagle sitting on a tall dead spruce. Just as the locomotive came abreast of the tree the eagle suddenly swooped downward and fiercely attacked the cat For several seconds there was a bat tle royal. The eagle made half a dozen attempts to carry away the cat bodily, but each time the cat would make a sav- age onslaught upon the bird with teeth pnd claws, and the air was full of (feathers. As the train pushed head. the two men in the cab were filled with ppprehension for the cat. The whistle was blown, but neither combatant patd the least attention to the sound. Finally the engineer armed himsels with a bar of iron and started out on the sunning board to ald his pet; but be fore he reached the scene of action the cat had torn a great hole in the eagles j throat, and the bird was in its death struggles. It was carried into the loco motive tender, where it died in a few minutes. The cat bore the scars of bat tle, but recovered. frominent Mem sers of the Medios) Profession 1 eclare It to Be Such in Facet, Despite the fact that denials have bees made by various physicians of the exist: snce of hydrophobia, several prominen’ membrs of the medical profession, at 8 meeting of the County Medical Society of ihe College of Physicians, declared that the disease has a “pathological en tity” and should be so recognized, re | ports the Philadelphia Inquirer, Dr Q Morton Illman presented a paper en- titled “A Report of a Case of Hydro phobia, with Autopsy.” Dr. Illman de. peribed the symptoms as exhibited in ithe case, and maintained that hydre jhobia existed as a separate disease, th peculiar symptoms, and he asserted that It is a grave error to call it exces- give hysteria, as has frequentiy been tdone, Dr. M. P. Ravenel, of the veteri- mary department of the university, said [In discussing the subject: “I have per- L sonally experimented on 150 cases of an- which I have inoculated with the of rabies, and I found that the in in ench ease showed the same ptoms, and those symptoms pave found in 20 other diseasen.” lor Sale—One bbl, iron kettle, 2 t cans, large hater, carriage, a of good collars, two te 5. Call : : ya in, Pg NEWSPAPER “DOPE SHEETS Educating Even the Children df the Cities in Race - Tratk Gambling. Any morning in Chicago or New York one may see girls of 16 and 17, with their heads close together over a newspaper tabulation, trying to figure out * ners’ during their street car or elevated road ride to the factories and offices where they are employed. Listen to them and you will.-hear the language of ly of their riding weights and of their seats in the saddle. They know the horses and their supposed likings for track, weight and distance. They are ready for handbook plucking, says Edgar Grant Sisson, in the World To day. Meet them on the way home and you will hear them say sadly that “luck” had not been with them that day, and will see them tear up their tickets and throw them away. Only ome thing is worse for these girls than losing, and that is winning. Losses may bring a tardy, dejected reform. Winnings lead to the frenzy of daily trips to the race courses themselves; to the spurring ot all wild emotions; to the plunge into the black, engulfing chasm where life is the least of the things lost. Observation will show that boys takes cheir first gambling lessons earlier thar girls. If they have sucked the poison, they will be bardened gamblers when not half way through their teens. The tdea of working for a living is lost as soon as the fever of chance is in their blood. In pool rooms, on race trains, at the tracks, the majority of “regulars” are young in years, though old in every- thing else. But though their schooling is sooner acquired than that of girls, it is begun et the same place=—the handbook kieder garten, and the instructor is the same~ the newspaper ‘dope sheet.” BEAUTY OF AMERICANS. Besret of It Lies in Freedom from the Mercenary Spirit in Marriage. The beauty of the American race has for a long time been the wonder -and the envy of the world. The tall, lithe young men of - America, with their bold, intelligent faces, and the tall and graceful young women, so pretty and clever, have impressed for- eigners profoundly. It remained for a disunguished foreigner, Dr. Emil Reich, the Hungarian philosopher, to tell the world the secret of American beatuy. Dr. Reich, in conversation with an American woman in New York, said; “The beauty of nations differs very much. The Latins ars less ‘beautiful than the Anglo-Saxons. The angularity of the North German woman is ndtori- ous. Money-bag married money-bg, and the result is a people of severely plain aspect. “The Americans are a beautiful race. The American marries because he loves the woman, and she loves him, The American is insulted if any men- tion of dowry is made in his wedding arrangements. Hence the American people have become exceedingly beau- tiful, . “Love is at the lottom of it all,” Dr, Reich ended. “Love marriages alone produce beautiful, healthy children. America is the one country where love marriages prevail. Hence the Ameri- can is the world’s most beautiful race.” LEFT EAR IN TELEPHONING Is Brought Into Use for Reasons Which at a Glance Are Understandable. Everybody puts the telephons re- ceiver to the left ear. No one, in using the telephone, ever listens with the right ear. It is always the left. “Du we hear better with the let ear? Is that, why we always use it in telephoning?” a man asked. “No,” the pretty telephone girl re- plied. “But the receiver, you see, is bung on the left side of the phone. Hence you have to use the left ear in talking, unless you want to incon- venience yourself, “But why is it hung on the left side!” she went on. “Was it hung there originally because the left ear had been found acuter than the right? Ah, no. The »eceiver was hung at the left, so that the left hand could man- age it. The right hand, in the early days of telephoning, had all it could do to turn the crank—round and round and round—ding-a-ling-a-ling-a-ing— don’t you remember? “Now, the right hand is idle in tele- phoning. Therefore, for anyone desir- Ing it, it would be possible to hold the recelver to the right ear. The companies should take this fact into consideration, and they should hang the receiver, not on the left or right of the instrument, but directly in from of it. Then we could use, in telephon- ing, which ever ear we preferred to.” “Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite and what I did eatdistressed me terribly. Bur- dock Blood Bitters cured me.’ J. H. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. mn ee se eee Town Property at Private Sale I have for private, sale the prop- erty lately owned by Dr, I. M. Harry, on East Main street, Mount Joy. This property is pleasantly located in a good part of the town, has been occupied by a physician for 50 years and will make a good home for any business or private person. The buildings consist of a large 2 1-2 story Brick House with slate roof and a brick kitchen attached. A large frame stable arriage house attached. The pes are in good repair, hing to view fhe profes price will gy the track They know the relative repu- | tations of the jockeys, and can talk glib- | Dan. Per i | SHAKE IT OFF Rid Yourself of Unnecessary Burdens, A Pennsylvania Citizen Shows x You How 3 th Donut bear unnecessary burdens, Bardens of.a bad back are nnnee- essary. Get rid of them. Doan’s Kidney backs: Cure lame, weakand aching backs; Cure every form of kidney ills, Lots of local endorsment to prove this. Mrs. Casper Krug, of 116 North Pilly’ “cure “bad Fourth St, Reading, Pa., says: “You are at liberty to repeat the statement I made for publication in 1897 in which I told of the great benefit 1 had derived from the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills. For ayear I had pain in the small of my back very sharp ard penetrating aud { when 1 stooped or lifted anything it was additionally severe. It ¢ven caused me to suffer when I war lying in bed and it wag difficult fos me to turn over. I tried numerous remedies, but 1 ever seemed to get any benefit until I used Doan’s Kidoey Pills, They cured me and I have had no more trouble from kidney complaints. - Seven years have passed and 1 have regretted making the statement which I made at that time; on the. contrary, it gives me pleasure to state that the cure then effected by Deoan’s ney pills has remained permanent.” M. S. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agent for.the Unit- ed States, Remember the and take no other. name— Doan’s— LW. HARPER \ KENTUCKY \ WEIISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish yy FOR SALE BY 8. DEARBECK For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Elershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Tonsorial Parler Fast Mgin Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Ch Yes! : GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Fost Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for Allinds of Sale X HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodeled the sleeping rooms, bath; etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. J. WW. McGinnis, T PROPRIETOR. Have you a Photo you would like to have enlarged? I can fill order at once for an Enlargement of any size, from 5x7 to 40x72. Your orders solicited. your Full Line Photogra- phers’ Supplies W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry nm Sy @Has. ‘Bf ZELLER eal Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Cuerking of Puvic Saies Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing. nd - am— RPHRERSTOW N, LANDISVILLE AND MT JOY STREET RY. gave Mount Joy (a. m.), 56:30, 7:15, 8:15, 9:16 15, (p.m. ), 12.15, 1:16, 2:15, 8:15, 4:16, 5:16 0, 8:10, 9.15, 10:16 and 12:16 a. m, rday 11:16 a, m. and 12:15 p. m. Lo Lancaster (a, m,) 4:80, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 210 (pyin,) 12:16, 1:18, 2.15, 8:16, 4:16, 5 9:15, and 11.15. 1:15 p.m, par wi neaster 7:1 with same Kid- | old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of r™ Prize Puzzle Solve It and You Will be Well Rewarded or City...» ... fee - $ rls in: SRE - tC Al LARGEST STOCK! Find the Other Woman’s F'ace DIRECTIONS—Trace out the lines heayily with a lead ‘pencil bring to on this orfa separate sheet of paper. of charge, to winners of this puzzle, a Music Book containing fifty “Old Favorite Songs” and other valuable prizes. notified by mail. We will give absolutely free Winners will be Place the puzzle in an envelope and either mail Kirk Johnson & Co., Who are acting as our Agents Associate Advertising Co., 439 Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. Piano & Organ House, 24 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. and ete, J B. Martin & Co. We Can Help You Screens, uN We take down and store Awnings | We hong Curtoins and Draperies; | expert draper. We clean and re-finish Lace Cur-| tans; we solicit your orders, “Tile Like,” ! : varnish—for refinishing furniture, | promptly when promised; new lines a new New Carpets and Wall Papers for | En - DURING Rugs. Carpets; our own make, made any color or size, | Handsome New Wall Papers | . | expert paper hangers; work d decorations | “1 pat Se House Cleaning Season! We take up, clean rnd relay Car-| fall. pets. Special offerings; Wilton Brassls We dye Carpets and Curtains ali| Velvets, Axminsters; in Carpets or colors, Ingrain Carpets; Rag and Chain Colonial Rugs; our own make; and one of medium priced Prpers; effective in colorings and designs. I | - Corner West King and Prince Streets ¢ G0. 420 or oF %0, £2 oh Fo! + $F 0, oF & & & % % & fo) 2 £ & & & £ 5 Fo) & & & & ATI WORKS &% MANUFACTURERS OF AND. DEALERS IN Anything Known to the Trade We are now building something new in a closed carriage, (specially adapt- ed for plain people) which is very unique. It has sliding doors on inside and when opened the doors are not visible; takes the place of curtains and can be closed in a second. buying. Y OUNG BROS, GUBE GEIGER IIHR DAI0BRBRBGY We would advise you to look them over before FLORIN PENNA SUULRIRSRLRHGHSFROBIBHVHABOVIHHD THE FLORIN COACH | PETTINININ Engle’s Furniture Warerooms sh Wount Jov, Penna. a Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order Vl fie POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, Undertaking and Embalming —— re Pree é a SESH GSS LO ESCH HOLL RBOROIER0T 1907 Free ; . . 3 GUNS + + "GUNS » . We promise bigger values this year than eyer Lefore. Our stock is the largest in the city and inclndesall reputable high-grade Guns sach as Parker, Ithaca, Barker, Remington, Lefever, Winchester and Marlin pump Guns. Every Guu is guaranteed and must be as represented or money hack. = Single Darrel Guus trom $3.50 up. Doubie Barrel Guns from $6.50 up. Hammerless Guns from $15.00 up. Winchester R peating Gans from $16.50 up, Pirosh { Simmons Jewelers & Opticians, 20 N. Queen St. Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store. LOWEST PRICES SFR $3 to $5 Horse BlanKets, $1 to $9 Edward Xreclkel Inancaster. Penna. POOPGIPIPOGI0000006000000000000000000000000000000000 Furniture Buyers will find our new show 100ms now open They are the equal of any in the county fo roominess, light and convenience Ou’ stock of furniture is equally large and di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rockers In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Mahogany 'r I ny and Oak Zables, Zabourettes, Foot stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Wood Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Chaffionicrs, China Closets, Writing Desks. Everything in the furniture line hat can be found in a first-class furniture store. er, IVA & Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. EN LNNL LISS LLLLLNLLLLLLGEGSSGG BEYER & C0., &zvue LANCASTER This is Bargain Week at Our Store Three times cach year we haye what we term ‘Bargain Week’ at which time you can buy seasorable merchandise at much under the regular prices 8 § 5 3 3 We do this to show our appreciation to our many patrons. A visit to our shop this week will save you money 50 Inch Storm Serges; 1.00 Values; This Week at 79¢. For this week we offer our regular $1 Fine All-Wool Storm Serge, full 50-inch wide, in alt the wanted colors, as brown, na- vy, garnet and black at 79¢ a yard; for suits and separate skirts these bave no equal, Rich Plaid Louisine Silks, 75¢ Values; This Week at 59¢. This week you have the opportunity of buying any of our reg- ular 75¢ Plaid Waisting Silks in all the rich combinations of col- orings as blue, green, red; all colors harmonize beautifully; width 19 inches; special at 59c¢. SRNONILLTBLLLLLLLS BGGOGGNN%% 5 ANN 2%22%2LSLLRLLLNNS India Linens; 19c Values; This Week, Ic, If we were to bay this same linen today we would have to sell 1t at 25¢; but anticipating the advance in price, we bought early and largely and are able to give our patrons the benefit of old prices; the quality is really very fine and sheer; regular 19¢ val. ue; at l4c. Good Size Cotton Blankets; 59c Values; This Week, 48¢ a Fuir, _ Just 300 pairs to sell at this extremely low price; they come in gray and white with pretty red and blue borders; we not only sell these for beds but also for skirts; one pair will make two good size skirts; very special at 48¢ a pair. tw The Reliable Boston Store | | FF | | | { i | | ETI ( Heat From Waste Smoke and gases that escape up the chimney in all other LTTE furnaces, are penned up in a Peck-Williamson Es Underfeed Furnace 3 and consumed, The Underfeed is eaclly operated, burns soft coal of the very cheapest grade, insuring a Saving of 1-2 to 2.3 ona Winter's coal bill, Patented Fuel is replenishe below with the flame ontop. The heat het Jrom feed is uniform. I'hose who use i Au its Praise, 0 It are louuest in R SALE BY eider it Co ant Joy, Penna,