PENNSYL VANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. Der onner dawg is ebbes om Ba- rrick g’happened os mich, be-chu- des, galechert hut. Du waisht der Jeck Bexler, em Billy si brooder, is unser black-schmidt om Barrick, Well, are under oldt Sammy Sen- dapetzcr hen mit annonne Es wore en settlement fun finf yohr far giles-p’shloga, kedda-shtreng maucha, sensa dengla, un sg fardt. Der oldt Sammy Sendaptzer hut en gons blaud foll gachargep g’hot gaega der Jeck fun hovver far s garsht fas si seilin, hoy, shtrow grumbeera, waetsa, un so fardt. Se hen im Jeck sime black-schm- idt shop g’settled, un we der oldt Sammy ni cooma is mit sime booch hut der Jeck grawd der ’Squire Lawbuck. g’sett- S fi g’hicked far “Un wos mit em ’Squire buck,” frogt der oldt Sammy. Law- “E)” sawgt der Jeey, “Ich will dtch tsu dinner account sdhwara maucha.” “Warroom sull des si?” forgt der oldt Sammy. “Ich hob dich far nix ga-chargen os du net grecked husht un du husht in dime mich net derfore g’schwora.”. 2) laeva “Well,” sawgt der Jeck, ‘Ich hob my uresoch. Ich wore der onner owet in der bade-shtoond un hobdich hara di bakentniss gevva. Du husht dart admit os du en oldter sinder bisht, os du olla dawg socha doosht os du net sedsht, lusht der deifel gich on der naws room feera un in Kkartza wardta os du en oldter shellem bisht. Ich hob ga-denked du mil sht ga- watched si, doh hate hov ich der ’squire hore b’shtelt.” “Oh!” sawgt der Sammy, sel] wore usht en bakentniss in der karrich far wisa we da-meedich os ich bin. Es wore net so shim we ich es g'mauched hob.” “Don husht anyhow galuga,” sawgt der Jeck. “Bring der squire.” Are hut ene schwars lussa un se hen g’settley according tsu law. Der Jeck hut mere noacyderhond g’sawt are het em oldta Sammy shunt long nimmy gadrowned, wile so en reicher mon we are os en hoonert-yord ga-bade maucha kent un daid usht ae dawler es yohr tsu em porra gevva ware awenich tsu geitsich far gons arlich si. Un sawg, der Jeck is ken doom- kup, farich glawb selver net os der deifel en mon feel room feered oony are gebt eme ga-logenheit. a — ee: Deeds Recorded John Shires’ administrator to Anna Shires lot in Florin, $202. Alice Fisher to Daniel Shenk, lot in West Donegal, $310. Henry W. Flowers to Shetter, lot in Florin, $100. Jacob Zercher to the Mount Joy borough, strip of land in borough $1. Joseph Bender's administrators to Hiram B. Strickler 30 acres and 10 perches of land in Rapho and West Hempfield, $4,000. ‘Hiram B. Strickler to Joseph R. = Bender, same property and con- sideration. Anna Shires to W. Widman, lot in Florin, $202. Daniel E. Shenk to Samuel S. Shearer, lot in West Donegal. $310. W. B. Detwiler to Daniel W Kramer, lot on Market street, Mount Joy $225 George “dd, A Vast Difference Tramp—A man who does not work, who does not want to work because work interferes with his traveling; lives without working and travels constantly. Hobo—A skilled or unskilled unemployed laborer without money and looking for work. Bum—A man who hangs around a lowclass saloon and begs or earns a few pennies a day in order to obtain a drink; usually an in ebriate. GA Don't Neglect It It is a serious mistake to neglect a weak heart. It is such a short step to chronic heart disease. When you notice irregu- larity of action, occasion- ing short breath, palpita- tion, fluttering, pain in chest or difficulty in lying on left side, your heart needs help—a strengthen- ing-tonic. There is no bet- ter remedy than Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. Its strength- ening influence is felt al- most at once. “I have used 10 bottles of Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure and can truthfully say it has done me more good than anything I have ever used, and I have tried nearly everything that I know of. The doctor who attended me asked me what I was taking and I told him Dr. Miles Heart Cure, he said it was not going to do me any good, but it did. I have not taken any for a year now, and while there is occasionally a slight symptom of the old trouble, it is not enough for me to continue the use of the medicine. If I should get worse IT would know what to do. Take Dr. Miles’ Heart Cura as I did before. I consider myself practically cured of my heart trouble.” 8B. H. DUNNAM, Livingston, Texas. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it falls he will refund your meney. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind THREE YEARS’ LABOR COST. A Fine Piece of Mexican Drawn Word Entirely Ruined Just After Its Completion. To spend three years upon a piece oi work and then, by the simple overturn: Ing of an imkstand, ruin it all is no! conducive to good spirits, but such was the case of a Germantown woman whe far three years worked wunceasingly upon a piece of Mexican drawn work save the Philadelphia Record. A few dar§ ago marked its corapletion, and wes laid out upon a table to await the {nspection of a purchaser, who had of- {ered a sum far beyond the limit of what one would imagine fancy work to be worth in any quantity, The proud owner of the work was suddenly awak aned from a nap by a scream from her {ttle daughter, and, looking at the irawn work, imagined she was in the midst of a nightmare, for the greater portion was dripping with the blac: contents of the inkstand, upset by tne tittle child. Chemists and drug stores were telephoned to for recipes and arti cles for removing the stain, and after asing a quantlty of acids the ink had faded away, and when the drawn work nad been placed in the sun to bleack peace was partly restored in the upset aousehoid. When it came to bring in the precious piece of linen, the first touch made it practically dissolve Inte nothing, so thoroughly had the aclas saten into the fabric. WHY CIGARS COME UNROLLED They Get Twisted in One Directios in the Factory and in Another by Smokers. “It is an every-day occurrence to hea: men complain of poorly made cigars,” ald a well-known tobacconist one day ast week in discussing the matter with »ne of his patrons, according to the Phil- udelphia Record. ‘It is not always be- cause a elgar is indifferently or badly made that the wrapper curls up ané comes off. Very much oftener this comes trom the cigar having been rolled by a maker's left hand and later smoked from the hand of a right-handed man. “All cigarmakers must use both hands equally well, and economy, both in time and material, is the prevailing rule in the tobacco factories. When a piece of tobacco is cut from the wrap- per it is cut on the bias, and rolled from left to right on the filler, and at the same time by the cther hand the remain ing pieces are used being necessarily rolled in the opposite way. For this reason the man who holds a cigar 1a ki right hand, which always receives a few twists during the .jourse of a smoke, tubs the wrapper the wrong way, and .agily enough it b comes loosened.” Centers of European Population. London and Manchester are still dise puting as to which is the greater Eu- ropean center of population. Most peo- ple would suppose that London owns the title beyond peradventure. Eves if one draws a circle with a radius of 80 miles about Charing Cross statiom ose gets a population of more thag $,000,000, as against 5,500,000 within a similar distance from the Manchester exchange. But protracting a circle with a 40-mile radius one gets a greats sr Manchester that shows a population Jf moro than 8,000,000, as against & greater 1aqndon of ouly about 7,300, 0a, phim Must be True to Name “Tee eream must be true to name, and must contain not less than 12 per cent. butter fat, together with sugar and pure fruit flavor. Lggs and a small amount of gelation may be used.” This order was issued by State Dairy and Iood Commissioner Foust on Tuesday to the ice cream manufacturers of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the order is to stop the use of skimmed and’ watered mi k. 2 a din ait OUR MARKETS V Eggs... : .19¢ Wheat . . $1.00 Butter . . . 30¢‘. Corn. . . . #00 Lard. ... .10e-~Oats. . 080 Tallow... . 8¢ Rye... . .70¢ Potatoes, . 45¢ ine ll Telephone your next job printing to 860B and get a good job at a moderate price. NEWSPAPER “DOPE” SHEETS r Educating Even the Children of the | * Cities in Race - Track SHORT TALKS BY | o L/T:"COOPER.” | | $ J Any morning in Chicago or New York | Old Mr. Rivuinatists hangs on tight one may see girls of 16and 17, with their and bites and pinches when he takes hold. heads close together over a news paper It's quite a job tabulation, trying to figure out **~:ipn-' to shake him off. mers” during their street car or elevated It’s hard to be- road ride to the factories offices lieve that all the where they are employed. Listen to | pate and trouble them and you wil] hear the language of ing bw the track. They know the relative repu- | thing. Just a tations of the jockeys, and can talk glib- | tiny bit of acid ly of their riding weights and of their in the blood the seats in the saddle. They know tha! Gambling. RHEUMATISM Frmar——— Lo Lf See Lr LL EEE and LAWRENCE TUSCANY. kidneys haven't horses and their supposed likings for taken care of. track, weight and distance. They are | But She kidneys i 3 ae aren’t to blame. ready for handboox plucking, says | ¥ used to think Edgar Grant Sisson, in the World To ! they were. Now day. I know better. It’s that over worked and Meet them on the way home and vou over crowded stomach giving the kidneys will hear them say sadly that “luck” part of its work and the kidneys can’t do had not been with them that day, and it. I found this out with Cooper's New will see them tear up their tickets and Discovery. It puts the stomach in shape, throw them away. Only one thing 1s that’s all it does, and yet I have seen : v : thousands of people get rid of rheumatism worse for these girls than losing, and b kingst. That &s why 1 ier that Is Winning. Losses : hi y taking it. . at 1s why 1 am positive y g «0sses may bring a that rheumatism is caused by stomach tardy, dejected reform. Winnings lead trouble. Here is a sample of letters I to the frenzy of daily trips to the race get every day on the subject. © courses themselves; to the spurring ot | “For a long time I have been a victim all wild emotions; to the plunge into the | Of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, black, engulfing chasm where life is the | and my suffering has been too great to de- least of the things lost. | scribe. For Weels 1 lay helpless with . 3 ! J every joint in my y so tender and sore | et vaio oy show that boys take | shat could not bear to move. The slight. | I t gambling lessons earlier thar | est touch would cause me the greatest girls. If they have sucked the poison, agony. Several doctors treated me but they will be hardened gamblers when | they failed entirely. I tried many reme- not half way through their teens. The | dies but nothing seemed to reach my case, idea of working for a living is lost as | 50 I continued to lay helpless. My kid- | goon as the fever of chance is in their | Beys and stomach were affected also. 1 blood. In pool rooms, on race trains, at could eat but little, digest less and gradu. i the tracks, the majority of “regulars” ally my strength left. Ilost flesh rapidly.” | San hom AgoTiy Of. regnians ‘I began the use of the famous Cooper | are young in years, though ol¢ In every- | medicines of which I heard so much. To | thing else. my surprise and delight I improved im- | But though their echooling is sooner | mediately, and after using several bottles acquired than that of girls, it is begun | I felt like another person. My strength at the same place—the handtook kinder | and appetite returned. The pain and sore- garten, and the instructor is the same. | ness left me and now I feel better than 1 the newspaper “‘dope sheet.” have = Tonle. AWTencS Tis: ric ec. orth inne BEAUTY OF AMERICANS. | Minn, Ye. ; pas - — . BSearet of It Lies in Freedom from the Mercenary Spirit in Marriage. We sell Mr. Cooper's celebrated prepa: rations, The beauty of the American race has for a long time been the wonder and the envy of the world. The tall, lithe young men of America, with their bold, intelligent faces, and the tall and graceful young women, sQ@ pretty and clever, have impressed for- eigners profoundly. It remained for a REDUCED RATES to SARATOGA ACCOUNT G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT For the National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic at Saratoga Sprin zs, N. Y., September 9 to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Sara- toga Springs from all stations on its lines September 7 to 9 inclusive good returning to leave Saratoga Springs September 9to 17,at SPRINGS : 3 reduced rates. Stop overs at New York, disunguished foreigner, Dr. Emil | Philadelphia, Baitimore and Washington Reich, the Hungarian philosopher, to will be granted on tickets reading via those tell the world the secret of “los cities, . beatuy Grel of Ameriean Tickets via New York will be hovored by { Ye : Hudson River Boat lines between New | Dr. Reich, in conversation with am |and Albany or Troy. : American woman in New York, said: By deposit of ticket with Special Agent | “The beauty of nations differs very | it Saratoga Springs and the payment of ie tr Fw : $1.00 an extension of the return limit to much. The Latins are less beautiful October 6 may be obtained. For full information regarding stopovers rates of fare conditions of tickets and train service consult Ticket Agents. than the Anglo-Saxons, The angularity of the North German woman is notori- ous. Money-bag married money-bag, and the result is a people of severely 3 plain aspect, ‘ | “The Americans are a beautiful race. Getr: Procamaniont i The American marries because he loves the woman, and she loves him. The American is insulted if any men- tion of dowry is made in his wedding arrangements. Hence the American people have become exceedingly beaus tiful. “Love is at the lottom of it all,” Dr, Reich ended. “Love marriages alone produce beautiful, heaithy children. America is the one country where love marriages prevail. Hence the Ameri- i and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law | Judge, of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assistant Justice [ of the Courts of Oyerand Terminer and General | Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Lancaster, haveissued their precept to me directed, requiring me, § among otherthings. to make public proclamation throughout my bailwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminerand General Jail Delivery. also a Court & of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and | Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the eity of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth can is the world’s most beautiful | of pennsylvania. race.” ON TPE THIRD MONDAY IN SEPT. prem — - (THE 9TH, ) 1907. In pursuance of which precept ishereby given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in said connty, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Con- ' ' public notice Public Sale of a Very Desirable Small Farm Monday, September 9, 1907 The undersigned will sell at pubiic sale on the premises in Rapho Township, three miles north of Mount Joy, near Strickler’s meeting house, adjoining lands of Christian Breneman, Reuben Nissley, Jonas Sheetz, Isaac Breneman and others. A desirable Small Farm of 35 Acres more or less, The improvements consist of stables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then ant there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and exami- nations, and inguisitions, and their other rem- embrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done, and thrall those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jaii of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated st Lancaster, the 17th day of Aug. 1907. MT. ZIKG LER; Large 2-Story Slate Roof Frame @ House Containing Ten Rooms, with Kitchen and Bath Room. The bath room is furnished with first-class up-to-date bath fixtures and is supplied from a 40-barrel galvanized steel No. 18 guage tank that gathers water from the slate roof, The house was lately remodeled and isin excellent repair, A Good Frame Bank Barn Tobacco Shed 22x20 with Cellar & Stripping Room Attached, Corn Crib TwH-Story Hoo Stable. Chicken House ‘Wagon Shed, Large Carriage House and other necessary vatbuiidings, All the above buildings are in good repair. The buildings are well supplied with water from two cisterns and a well of excellent water with wooden pump therein, There is a large variety of choice fruit of almost every description on the premises. The land is in a good state of cultivation and is divided Sherifl, 4 NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. BOLT OWBUSE ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No, North Duke Stree Shire’s Vieat Viarket Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse into six Re} 8. Any one wishing a small FLORIN x PENTA. farm should not fail to attend this sale, as | iv is worthy the attention of those wanting Ww. Ww. SHIRE, Propr. a good small farm. Persons wishing to 1 hE TEE view the property may call ou the under- signedresiding thereon. Sale to commence at 2 p. m., Monday, September 9, 1907, terms made known by C, I. Zeller, Auct, B. N. Lehman i 2) ~ Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. A "= ee —————————————. —————— The Only Place to Get (Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. e Is AT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna I CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the oi Minary and remember, no small picnic order for! gaturday, September hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer, Don't forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing, Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and, Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dripd Beef, &e., &c. Call and be convinced, ‘H. H. KRALL Public Sale of a Valuable Farm On Saturday, September 21, 1907 On the premises in Rapho Township, 14 miles East of Mount Joy, on the road lead- ing from Mount Joy to Manheim, the fol- lowing to wit: A tract of Limestone Land containing 70 acres and 96 perches, adjoin- ing land of E. Eby, Joseph B. Hostetter, J. 18. Longenecker and others. The buildings thereon erected consist of a - 21 STORY BRICK HOUSE js" with Slate Roof with Frame S88 yy al, Kitchen and Summer House WE ~ all attached, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water. A large BANK BARN, with Wagon Shed and Corn Barn attached, Large Tobacco Shed, with Cellar and Strip- ping Room, Chicken House and Hog Pen, and all other necessary out-buildings; there is also a fine young Orchard in bearing con- dition, a weli of never failing water with Wind Pump; the water can be tapped fron the house and barn; a large cistern near the kitchen door. This isa yery desirable home and the house and barn have been remodeled lately. This property is pleasantly located, the land in a high state of cultivation, laid off into 6 fields of 11 acres and 18 perches each, under good fences, close to Markets, Mills, Schools, Churches and Mechanics of all kinds, This farm will positively be sold, aud is worth the notice of persons | looking for a good farm, Persons wishing | to view the premises prior to the day of sale will call onthe undersigned residing thereon, ! The Manheim and Mount Joy Electric wires pass the house ard barn and could be attached to for lighting, The Bell Tele- phone passes the door, Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. m, of 21, 1907, when terms and conditions will be made known by i other outbuildings. | garden and an abundnee of trait. ABNER M HERSHEY | Mount Jov, Whereas the Hon. Charles 1. Landis, P.esident | Special automobile service for our guests. per day and up, Jiotel : Sekar rugs for the parlor, Pure, Crystal Spring Water This being the largest and finest crop of ice I have ever harvested, I am now ready to serve same to my mauy customers in Mount Joy and Florin. Wagons will run in both places daily. Remember I better prepared than ever, as my equipment is mod- ern in every respect, am Your patron age solicited, CHAS. FRANK, MOUNT JOY, PA. : ; REISS SR II SST SHEIK PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, a lot of ground situated in Florin, Pa. fronting on the The im Harrisburg provement THRE and Lancaster turnpike. ¢ a Handsome TORY BRICK HOUSE with Summer House attached. frame stable, hog sty and There is a good The property is in excellent repair and has a good location, being a corner dwelling and is directly opposite J. S. Carmany’s Store. Any person desirous of viewing same will call on the undersigned. Terms and price reasonable H.S, STOLL, May 1-3. FLORIN, PA. I desire to call the public’s attention to the fact that I am prepared to «+ ROpair .. Watches & Clocks GRANDFATHER CLOCKS a Specialty ge Please give me a trial. My Work mast be satisfactory. Prices Are Right. Please remember that I have a special wrass cable cord for grandfather clocks \ de KF. Arndt, Florin WATT & S Ready - to - Wear cided to close out all remaining summer garments at a great sacrifice. A well-known policy of this house is to carry no goocs over the season. Every garment must move, 2.50 fo 3.756 Shirt Waist About one hundred suits in this lot, mostly White; all fresh and clean, neatly trimmed with lace or embroidery on Waist All sizes in the lot. while they last, $1.00. 4.50 5.00 6.00 Shirt Waist and Jumer Suits, made of Dimity, Lawns, Chambrays, ete, ; beautifully made and trimmed ; dozens of styles; all sizes up to 46 bust in the lot; our $5.00 to $6.00 values; now 2.50. 6.76 to 8.80 Shirt Waist Newr Yorke Store Clean Sweep Sale Summer Garments Our new fall goods are ariving daily —and to make room we have de= So, here goes. Beautiful Suits, of dainty, sheer Lawn and Swiss: made and trimmed in the best possible style; white and colors; a great bargain at $3.75. 10.00 to 13.50 White Serge Coats Now 5.00 Your choice of any White Serge Coat in stock at this price. Hand- somely lined and tailored. The cheapest Coat in the lot was $10.00 A bargain at $5.00. Suits now 1.00 > and Skirt. Your choice, Suits 2.50 White and Colored Shirt- Waist Wonderful Values in Shirt Waists If you want some of the greatest Shirt Waist values we offered visit this sale. have ever 50c. and 75¢. White and Colored Waists, now 39¢. Jumper Suits 3.75 000000000008 000000000000000094 Corner Square and E. King Sf., Lancaster AUCTIONEER Penna. WINDSOR HOTEL 1217-1229 Filbert §t, “A square from everywhere Sight-seeing and touring cars. Rooms $1.00 The only moderate priced reputation and consequence PHILADELPHIA, of in ” %. Rnys @. 2. Willen Justice of the Peace Conveyancer kN 0, and Scrivener Special Attention Given to the Collection of Rents Your Patronage Solicited Office: Mein Street, Florin, Penna. SHR RA SRR HR Weare Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water HHGHHSBSHSGSSHHOOO0 RoTH'S sition to execute the best and finest work, in fact anything known t the art, in our spacious quarters. We make a specialty of Dances, Parties and Gatherings of all kinds, Prices are Right. SOSH SSGHO HHH RRHRGRHE & & e 0 ood Times Are Going To Continu If you buy Coal of me you will certainly have 0} a good comfortable home and after all that’s where the real good times start from. FF. H. BEKER Building Slate, Coal and Lnmber Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SHOES HOSS SBIBROAC SHARIR 5 BOBHEHHRBEGOBHS STUDIO 911 F. Main Street. Florin, Pa. We are now in our new location and haying ample room, are in a po- PORTRAITURE B¥YHOTOGRAPHY FLASH LIGHTS, GROUPS, INTERIOR WORK ALL KINDS OF OUTSIDE WORK Give us a chance to display our knowledge. ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. RUGS RUGS I wish to eall the publie’s attention to the fact that L make very beautiful rugs ont of old in. grain carpet, Drop me a card and 1 will call Here is an opportunity to utilize converting them with samples. old carpets, into handsome LL ISHLER, F Lorin, PA ror Sale. The undersigned offers at private sale a very desirable property at the corver of Lumber and West Doneeal streets. This would make a suit- ble business place, Trolleys stop at the door property is convenient to mechanics of all kinds and will be sold right, HARRY PEOPLE, Administrator FRENCH FEMALE MADAME DEANS BL T's A Bark, Conran Reiike for Suppresskn MenstruATION, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure Speedy | Satis: motion Guaranteed or Money Refunded, Sent prepaid for $1.00 per box, Will send them on trinl, to be paid for ‘when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the ® UNITED MEDICAL CG Lox 74, LANCASTER, PA. Sold in Mt. Joy by §. W. Garber and J. C. Groff STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kina St, JoANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 62, 68 and 65 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents, Best acconunodations in every respec’. A share of Jona B. BeAMESDERFER | Bast Main 8t,, Opposite Pg Office, { Ohas, CanZel or, MOUNT JOY, PA your patronage solicited, = . .. . 1) A =» Be STOVER & (0 501 ou TAN SNS55%%5%%5%%5%%% i BEYER & (0. &=rvv= LANCASTER NARA MMIAAANAARAR AAA AAA AMAA A ANAS ARARAA Sale of ancy Silks RT actically Hall Rages LE RESSHSRN065% QR! P Enormous quantities of “Novelty Silks,” including many of hire se:ason’s production, have been taken from our regular stock for Uke purpose of making an ‘unprecedented offer. In the as- goryment will be found light-and dark colorings, in stripes, checks and Jscquards, surpassing in variety and attraction any of our previous disploys, and putting forward by far the greatest Silk values of the season. of the greatest Silk values we have ever offered. all Regular 75¢ and 89c. Faney Silks Reduced to He, : [hey are this season's newest pat- This includes any ol our . : . This incindes ay ilk | terns in colorings of Navy ceoular Fancy Suiting SuUKS; ‘ 3 _ regular Fancy ating | Green, Gray, Persian, Brown width is 27 inches, and come and White, Styles are in checks and fine hairline stripes, OE EE NR GaNNRNLLN Brown, Navy, Pat- terns are mostly in neat checks in colorings of » x 3 § '. - . . Green, Blue and Gray Excellent for serviceable wear. and stripes. At this price we | 69¢. and T9c. offer any of our Louisine Silks Louisine Silks At 55¢, in the shepherd plaids; color- ings are Black White. Blne and White, Brown and White and Cream and Wite, Beautiful gquahties of rich Louisine Silks, in many diff erent size checks, mostly neat effects, also Roman Plaid and Stripes, Colors are principally Blue and White, Black and White, Grav, ete. / and OEE OE OS RTE $1.90 Suiting Silks, 19 and 27 Inches wide, at 79¢, This is, without doubt one R