VOL VII. NO. 6 THE CIRCULATION Must File Bonds Council Ordered Both Light Companie to do so Monday evening. Borough Council met in session Monday evening the members and Burgess present. A number of cations were then read: One from ex-burgess H. C. Schock ing Council to prohibit the heavy truck on his pavement Delta streets. No action. letter of acceptance to Burgess W. Shrite of their ordinance was read from the Marietta and Eliza- bethtown Electric Light Company. A communication from Samuel Kurtz was also read but no action takes, A petition almost in the shape of an ordinance, was received from a number of citizens who are de- sirous of getting gas. They reside on East Donegal and South Bar- bara streets. No action. Mr. Zeller reported that an ex- pert examined the boiler at the water works and said it will stand a pressure of 85 pounds to the square inch with safety. The test was made by Mr. Harvey, superin- tendent of inspections. There was no report from gess Shrite. Mr. Greider of the Street com- mittee, reported as follows: Co- lumbia Avenue to Delta street bad and should be repaired. The County Surveyor made a number of surveys in the borough. One on Columbia Avenue was as follows: The fence on the south side of the street from Walnut street east is on borough property by 18 inches and north side fence is out too far. On the north side of Columbia Avenue west of Walnut, the fences were out 6 inches. The survey on Apple Tree alley showed that from C. Schock’s elevator to the stable across alley is only 12.7 feet, there- fore alley does not have its full width. The drain pipe on Barbara street was reported clogged and anumber of foot bridges were reported re- paired. The crooked tree and old stump in front of the Trexler prop- erty on Delta street were ordered reicoved, pavement repaired and ino other trees planted. Mr. Mumma reported the walk at the Greiner property on Lumber street, washed out. The Street committee was instructed to see the property owner and adjust same. The ashes were repored hauled. Mr. Zeller reported gasoline en- gine at water works in good shape. Also turbine and the shifting box that was cracked will be repaired and ready for use in case of fire over the Fourth. Mr. Longenecker stated that the box was broken through careless- ness. That Good said it was O. K. when he left and that Chas. Swartz, who had packed it, did not understand his business. Mr: Tyndall stated that Mr. Zeller took the Water committee out to see the break and all were positive it an old break. Mr. Zeller reported the purchase of packing for engine, subside and race cleaned, grass cut at reservoir, ete. “Wr. Tyndal of the Finance com- mittee, reported the approval of number of bills. Mr. Zeller reported the kitchen at Shatz residence plast ered, old willow tree removed and that he asked Miller Bros. to patch the roof but they told him to get Mr. Nissley or Mr. Snyder. Mr, Mumma reported a number of lights out and all were repaired. Hereafter the members of the Light committee will be supplied with printed postals and whenever a light does not burn, they will promptly notify Mr. Kieffer, who will repair same, Mr. Hoffer of the Board of Health reported the sanitary condition of the Borough good and that we had six births and three deaths the past month. The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $1,671.00 in the Borough account and $3,278.23 in the Water account. regular with all Shrite communi- was ask- of on The J. use Bur- is on side- was OF THE Mr. Greider said that committee under Solieitor, the Street direction of the notified Alois Bube to discontinue running water on Mar- ket street but that tinues te do so. He also avenue he still con- stated that Columbia should be repaired and should not be left go until Mr. Mumma made a motion said street be macadamized was seconded Mr. president Lougenecker refused to recognize the motion because all the other work recently ordered by Council was finished. This work includes the macadamizing of Delta street from Main to the depot and a comparison of these two streets will readily tell which is most urgent. - winter. that which by Zeller but not The rules were suspended several times during the meeting to take action on matters that were not brought up under the proper head. The deed from Mr. and Mrs. Jac Zercher for an extensiongof a street was presented, ed recorded. The stable at water ordered repaired. Mr. Fellenbaum delinquent water motion he was ten days notice. accepted and order- works read the list of renters and upon ordered to give all The Burgess was ordered to con- sult the Solicitor relative to the or- dinance for to lay gas pipes. The clerk was notified-to ask the Marietta and Elizabethtown Elec- tric Light Company to file its bond as per ordinance. Upon motion the Manheim Electric Light Com- pany” was ordered to do likewise (file $5,000.00 bond which was never done) as per its ordinance. Mr. Longenecker presented the drafts of the system. The Water Superintendent was ordered to buy barrel of packing, ete. The members Burgess Shrite will meet Stauffer Brothers at pumping station on the morning of July 4th, and arrange for tapping the latter's pond. After the payment of a number of bills, Council adjourned. granting permits borough’s sewerage a oil, of Couneil and a May Locate Here. A member of the local Board of Trade is now in communication with a large manufacturing concern that is desirous of locating The communication was received on Saturday. The concern is Herbert Russell Ludden, manufac- turer of factories, . lofts, manufac- turing plants, ete., of 186 Remseen street, Brooklyn, N. Y. This con- cern asks ifthe borough would offer asite, and that it will employ five hundred skilled mechanics. The company of locating ample room siding. This certainly boom our town and we hope our citizens will do all in their power to secure for Mount, here. desirous here and must have for railroad is would another industry Joy. amr N Young Men's League Organized. A Young Men's League was organized on Monday evening in the pastor’s study of Trinity Luth- eran church. The object of the organization is to promote better, fellowship among the young men of the church. The following officers were elected: President, Clarence Walters; vice-president, Paul Buohl; recording secretary, John H. Zeller: treasurer, William Dellinger. ee l= Stole Goose Eggs. rank Zeager, who tenants Longenecker farm, near town, the put a setting of eggs under a goose and within a bow days the were gone. Mr. Zeager says a Mount Joyan took faa and that he must return the eggs or half of the geese when they are hatched. eggs ————— A Stee sent Zeller Gets Banner Prices At a public sale last week auc- tioneer Chas, H. Zeller sold eleven shares of Union National Mount Joy Bank Stock for Mary E. Gey- er, deceased at $115.00, $116.00 and $116.50 per share. The par value of the stack is $50, / was) WEEKLY BULLETIN EXCEEDS Doings at Florin What Transpired in That Busy Village the Past Few Days Reuben Nentwig is quite ill this writing. at Miss Tillie Weidman spent Sun- day at Harrisburg. John Hambright is visit to his mother. here on a A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Charles on Sunday. of Hummels- is visiting friends here. George Carmany town, Mrs. Harry Musselman of Har- rigburg, is visiting friends here. Jacob Ishler has taken the agen- cy for all the Philadelphia papers Winters and family of Manheim, were guests of his par- ents on Sunday. A. C. Ellis and wife of Neffs- ville, spent Saturday in the family of George Geyer. Chas. Mr. Coble of Elizabethtown, had a “blow out” while passing thru town in his auto this week. A. R. Gish and family of Eliza- bethtown, spént Sunday in town as guests of Henry Young's. Mr. and Mrs. George Shires and daughter Miss Mary, spent Sunday at Middletown with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Rutt of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with the family of Heney Mumma. M. G. Myers has his speedy pac- er entered in the at Middle- town, for tomorrow afternoon. races Misses Margaret and Bertha Kine were guests of the Misses Barclay at Donegal on Sunday. Miss Pauline Reitzel and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bossler and Mr. and Mrs. David Dubendorf, were guests of Mrs. John Morton on Sunday. \ fay 2 Nissley, of Florin, was given a handkerchief surprise in honor of his birthday anniversary. He re- ceived 78 handkerchiefs and fifteen postal cards. J Chas. Good, the local station agent, was transferred to Atglen Monday. Mr. Cox, chief clerk for the P. R R. at Coatesville, the new agent here. is Miss Lizzie Fair of this place, and Wm. Dietrich were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Elizabethtown on Sunday by Rev. Miller. The happy couple is now off on an extensive wedding tour and after returning wilt reside in in Palmyra. A birthday surprise party was given on Thursday evening in hon- or of Miss Anna Dyer when all in attendance spent a very enjoyable evening. Those present were: Misses Etta Carson, Nellie Morton, Emma Wittle, Tillie Weidman, An- na Kramer, Sadie Murray, Anna Buohl, Bertha Wertz, Elizabeth Dieter, Emma Foreman, Irene Nix- dorf and Elizabeth Sherk. Messrs. Harry Kaylor, Stanley Bates, Jos. eph Witmer, Harvey Geyer, Irvin Bishop, Howard Barnhart, Harry Beamesderfer, Jacob Schnelli and Edwin Brubaker. ee eens. Base Ball. Honest John will wear a junior uniform tomorrow and Saturday. On Saturday Florin will clash with Kinderhook on the local mond. Admission, 10 cents. dia- Flick, the crack shortstop of last year’s Maytown Intercounty leage team, will play that position for Florin on the Fourth. A Nelson Hauenstein, the hardhite ting second sacker, will be with the I. of A. band tomorrow. J. Hendrix will take his place. Tomorrow the juniors will play two games with the Harrisburg juniors. Morning at 10 and after- noon at 3 o'clock. On Saturday they play the strong North End team of Lancaster, the same team that recently played Florin. Tomorrow forenoon at 10 o’clock tie Keystones of Elizabethtown. will oppose Florin in a game of ball. These two teams will also play inthe afternoonat 3.00 o'clock. The games will be played on Weaver's field near the pond, tong the pike. Don’t miss them THAT OF PERSONALS. Miss Ida Boyce at Lancaster. spent Tuesday C. F. Strayer and wifespent Sun- day at Columbia. Arthur Baker of Lebanon guest of Irvin Baker. , 1s the day here with his parents. Charles H. Zeller transacted busi- ness at Harrisburg yesterday. George Ebersole of Richmond, Va., is here on a visit to friends. Samuel Hershey of Newark, N. gy. Ys spending the Fourth in town. . L. Stoner of Allegheny City, dis his nephew H. ( runner. D. C. Reist is painting the James WEDNESDAY, JUL) ANY Park Zahm of Lititz, spent Sun- | 1907 OTHER MOUNT Local Notes Prof. Samuel Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief Yet Iteresting Mannner. county Miss | bethtown, David i red. ( he frog season opened on day Mon { of mill this | evening for the The cotton will close week Last evening's circus attracted over one hundred people. 1 A and killed a calf for Jonas Sheetz on Wednesday | The F. of A. gaged to play Lightning struck the guest of Miss [a few days at th band has been en- at +0 Columbia to- Morrow. A delightful Social was held nal School amor Miss Ella Hei untortunate as t 1 fall Epworth League at the parsonage | last evening. upon her, is Webb property on South Barbara street. Mrs. Harry Garber is spending | several days at Manheim with her parents. Miss Pauline Breininger of New | York City is visiting Lewis Seeman and family. | Mrs. Minnie Breneman and family | left yesterday for Wildwood. N. J. | for the summer. Miss Annie Miller of Millersvilie, is spending some time in the family of Dr. John J. Newpher Mr. and Mrs. Harry Madden, of | Seranton, Pa., were the guests of the Misses Shookers over Sunday. Rev. A. A. Del.ong arrived home from a two weeks’ trip to burg, Va., and Washington, Mrs. John E. Schroll and two daughters Maud and Pearl, are spending a week at Manheim with | her parents. Mrs. John spent several days daughter Mrs. Lumber street. Peters- | DD, C.i Vogel of Marietta, here with her John Kramer on] where he Li. was In Mt. Joy topnship, lived when a bey; Daniel of Stevensville, Canada, ing last week. Gish . visit- Miss Lou Kuhns left last Mon day for Crystal Beach, Ontario Canada on the shore of Lake Erie, for the summer. Miss Mary boro, who aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth feturned home. Frantz, of was the guest Waynes- of Snyder, her has Rev. R. C. Rengier is attending a ten days’ bible convention at Eaglesmere. = No services the Lutheran church on Sunday. in sons N. Y.| Geo. Seeman, wife and two Lewis and George of Elmira, are guests of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Seeman. Miss Ruth Hostetter, daughter of T. N. Hostetter, formerly of Florin, was one of the 56 graduates of the Lancaster High School. VM. A. Rollman, of Va., where he connected with the Richmond Cedar Works, spending several days in town. Richmond, is is new eleetrie | his tonsorial parlors. . | our | Zercher’s Grove | to Fzra Hess, | Donegal, two miles from M®. | gier, i worship Joseph Hershey has Miller W. Wes decor | opening installed massace machine ator for a resturs Landis office The legal notice of the be Bros. | at the i ich they will « Barbara | . . Hl Peoples estate may found in| advertising columns. Mrs. Harvey enter- tained her Sunday school class future BB. H. poultryn Hawthorne at Kreider, yesterday. 1an, has Nathan Stark's horse evening but ran off last the and fever Prof. William Baldwin L. 1., a guests of her was lixchange hotel. TM. erecting caught at NO damage, Brown, the loeal tin smith, 1S three steam heating plants at Coatesville this week. killed who and family Post Heisey, | Heisey last tmaster | | | { 1 | { { Lightning a cow belonging 1st Jov. lives in kK: d Haven schools, 1 It has been discovered {ton willow trees along the that the rivel county to bank around Marietta are being destroyed ! that | be | Heisey. John by worms and it is predicted all bore into twp., in a year or two they dead. The and will and henery, is ¢ Part into a tobacco s Worm the { barn Of 1 roots then up through the heart. Landis Bros. ¢ -——— | annex to their sl An Enjoyable Event chased from The Ladies’ Aid Soe io yvof they contemplat its of Mrs the members, [fol present Trinity Lutheran church, hel closing lid- J near meeting at the home ward Wallace, at Last lowing are those that were Rev. R. ( Buohl, Mrs. Mary Shelly, Mrs. , Mrs. H.C. Schock, Zeller, Mrs. Albert Sybilla Boyce, Miss Mrs. Kra- The trip was made by trol- Smith this first in this secti on one of Karl. last Thursday. of tobacco plant from this place: Ren- Mrs Breneman, plants to plant Jno. Mrs (‘has Ricksecker Mrs. Jacob H. Culp, Miss Joanna Miller Minnie Prof. William er resident of Ei ship, and for | in the N.Y in-law, public scl , paid a A. S. 2 alter . Hersh, ry around killed a found coiled at and John Ba mer. Heisey, arriv- of the visit ley leaving here at 8.15 and 10.15. day while ing home at One treats of the to Cedar Welsh was a garden the of 139 old. business meetings all visit lane church, near Mountains, house that regular : The snake meas Is yeurs ches in length Prof.’ Pa. nity, After the refreshments were served and were so well pleased with the Karl that a gested the closing session at the home of Mrs. nually. of the likely appear in and J. tendent N. to Kast member Sug— held an- of the he Wallace Several phot 0S were School at addresses in the taken and the telling gathering will quite Philadelphia i . . More dailies ere long, of one of Eight young people, four ladies and four gentlemen, of Columbia, drove to this place and spent evening with Miss Anna Snyder. Dr. James P. Ziegler on Wednes- day entertained Miss Amy Porter, of San Francisco, General Stover of Pottsville, and Mr. Mrs. Demont, of Glen Manor. and Donegal and President of C. S. Longenecker, wife and daugh- ter Catharine, spent Sunday with Norman Nissley’s Moore's | Mill. Wm. Miller, Jos. Miller Jr., Miss Lilly Miller of Altoona, and Mrs. Smith and daughter May, of Steelton, are visiting the family of D. C. Reist, North Market street. near on Miss Christine Whitman of Ll- verson, Chester county, Miss Ada Harry of Lancaster, and Mrs. Margaret Kacy of Bird-in-Hand, were, visitors at the Methodist parsonage. Ina Wreok Rev. R. C. Reingier, and father and Miss Lou Kuhns were in the railroad wreck at Sunbury yesterday but we are pleased to say that they escaped injury, his just ' Albert S. Reingier was slightly cut about the head ‘ the | Alpheus Brandt and wife of last | Council | and Jacob M. Sel fence two week the most prosperous Ladies’ Aid | | . | Societies in Pennsylvania : duty ever since slight - . accident NEWTOWN. { Albert Rhoads of Columbia, ed friends in this place on Sunday. held next Sunday evening in the church visit- bit | richt large rat of slight wound his Preaching services will be lin this place by the pastor. Mrs. Caroline killed at Marietta, was a daughter | ot the late Geo. Metzgar, lautz, who was Finge formerly | sides on the “ec of town and is well known here. a short distance the child an Gamber, re- Mill, held morning with ser- Eli Interment | The funeral of infant very unfortuna Abram and siding at Moore's last Wednesday vices at the church lof Sus was when in some fingers were cru likely that essary. and Rev. amp Engle in the pulpit. was made in the cemetery adjoin ing the church. i - [Elizabeth Kn a niece of Mount Joy ary under Brethren mission, Africe ionaries, 848, Church Notes. METHODIST, Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 . in m. Sunday school a. m, and 7:45 p. at 1:45 p. m p. m. Prayer-meeting m. Wednesday. B , 10 COM \ at . Epworth League at 7 15 p at 7 —- Get Tomorrow, \ Mashed a Toe. Frank Stark, an employe on the | plate of crea | cream parloi | the Maric some section here, was raising track this his on | | Don’t fail forenoon when a rail fell on foot and mashed the little toe his rig JOY NEWS] RHEEMS' STATION. , is here on a visit. Annie E is visiting in the Brubaker. Dupler and J. ( { ring, boxed a swarm of bees which they offer for sale. S. Lehman, Supervisor Foreman on Wednesday. Bertha Heisey Landis Bros., ant in the village. eastern end | ed suffering from*a sore throat sister Mrs. A. NS. Thursday. and } %.3 and his son teacher N¢ waeomer, propriet or nlarging Isaac ditional large building place, 10 more acres. SOI visit to I'illman Garber, o a former res [ilizabethtown, School on Sunday reached into a f “Grandpap”’ himself by killing William Winte was working on manner Off to Africa. 4 Rev , will leave as a the Christ, WEEKLY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 50 CENTS A YEAR PAPER BY HUNDREDS 200 New Desks Heisey of Clinton ton ; We Will Receive More Money at Seven bersole of Mill Rate Than Last Year at Eight Kliza- family The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held Monday evening, all members being present. The committee appointed to audit the account of D. Boyce, tax col- reported that it had done and found the account correct. The Secretary reported that he had completed the new duplicate, and that all tax-payers owing more than a dollar, had received notices. Under the new valuation for the $733,855, $116 more will be realized this year from a 7 mill tax rate than was obtained last year from an 8 mill rate, when the !. Kessel- of Manheim, was lector, John S. [5% is spending e Millersville Nor- 1g her friends. sey, who was SO Borough, which is 0 have a building able to be about. wver, painter and intends valuation was lower. The Secretary reported that the 200 new single desks, which will be used in the Second, Third and Fourth Primaries, and in the Inter- mediate, had arrived, and on mo- tion bill for same was ordered to be paid as soon as the committee is satisfied desks are up to the specifications. The Repair com- mittee instructed to have the desks assembled and placed in position. The old will be 1ave erected a new of town, yeeupy in the near the well-known been confined to | K. Brubaker, of nd family were the was dard desks sold. The Supply committee made an- other report concerning the blank diplomas, which had been returned to the publisher on account of a number of them being soiled. The secretary instructed to offer to pay for the perfect ones at the regular rate, or to pay the full bill (if the publisher supplied perfect ones for those soiled. The Repair committee reported complaint concerning water on pavement at entrance gates to school when there are heavy rains: overflow of conductors at front angles of school building. Committee was instructed to make observations next heavy rain and report at next meeting. Bill bills were paid Mrs. , Prof. S. Morse the Lock ave gone to Clin- W. in visit Christian I. was of d Mount large Joy of farm his corn i will be converted hed. wre building a large wp recently pur- Grove, where also, e erecting an ad- the farm, the acres Forney was one of on to have 10 for coal ed, and several small and some needed supplies, on which there were bids from five supply houses, ordered. Three out of the bidders small orders. with suffieient. Brubaker, a form- ist Donegal town- five oot » years-a teacher 7 100ls of Brooklyn brother- Tuesday. 4 Adjourned. his ee etn OBITUARY NOTES Sarah, wife of Joseph G. Heisey, of Elizabethtown, is dead age of 60 years. rd , On an employe of E. trimming the hedge Mr. Hersh’s snake yard at the which hel the garden gate. Tobias Keylor, aged 62 years, Elizabethtown, died on the county hospital. red forty-two in— Friday f Ashland, Mrs, Samuel Boughter, ident, of this years and Mrs. 50 years, aged 52 Albert Lutz, aged struck by killed at morning Vici— Olweiler, superin— were instantly ay a train Marietta gathering Reformed Sunday and delivered | Frid while Sunday | eaal on the railroad. Donegal atternoon — -_ ee. 1 |! | | Bad Luck | Lightning Struck Near Home. who fill of ‘a The inmates of the German Bap- WAS off | | tist Home, in Rapho township, were greatly frightened, and not out reason either, roll ago and met with with- Wednesday During the prevalence of the heavy thunder storm, lighten- ing struck walnut tree about thirty feet north of the home and shattered same badly. Bits of wood and splinters struck the north side and windows of the home Twenty panes of glass were scattered through all the rooms on that side of the build- ing another He on Sunday. on ] ( eed chest when a noon, n mn the thumb 1m hand, a Mr ) vat. r Crushed who with great force. hill”? y north of t te a tobac 0 rmoyer, metery farm inflicting | ured | | 3 n own, was He planter | last week. — - - one of shed but it utation will be nee his | On New Time Beginning on Monday, the cotton mills here quit daily except Satur- day at 5.30 and on Saturday same as heretofore, not | 18 - The employes how- ever will receive full pay. The new move will be in vogue during July and August. July 1, the Rollman Manufacturing Company will work until 5.30 instead of 5 o'clock hereafter and quit Saturdays at | 11.30. We understand this new move is for the summer months, f Abilene, A. H. gle o {ong mission- Beginning | | Kan | - auspices ol for Atoppo ulawry in South mny wit ! other miss a Souvenir | | nets di Ss —— July with every | Purchased an Auto. I. 1. Nissley, the extensive to- bacco packer at Florin, purchased a \ arge touring car from the Centrs vania Automobile Com sburg on Aen 1 sold at Zeller’s 1ce it the approach of ¢, a hand he