The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, May 22, 1907, Image 4

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There are many of corn
planted in these parts.
John W. Wolgemuth, who was ill
several days, is abont aeain
Phares 15. Grove has just re-
turned from a trip to Canada.
Harry K. Landis made a busi-
ness trip to Lewistown last week.
A. lL Campbell attended the KK.
G. FE.
last week.
Isaac Weanland contemplates the
erection of a spacious storage barn
on the rear of his vacant lot.
The German
took up an offering for the China
sufferers which amounted to $32.92.
Japtists recently
John I. Enterline, Isaac Grove
and daughter Minnie, are spending
several weeks at Los Angeles, Cal.
Groff did the
number as was stated.
Leander not join
Treasurer of West Donegal town-
ship Board of Supervisors will sit
at the P. N. Kraybill general store
at this place, May 31st for road
tax; Wm. Snyder will be at the
same place May 24 for State and
County tax.
No Matter How Much Avordupois One
Has Strict Att:ntion to Diet Will
Lessen the Burden.
If you are anxious to get thinner, you
may indulge in good and appetizing
food to an unlimited extevt, and yet. i}
You obey the simplest rules, you wili
steadily lose flesh. Indeed, the result
is beautifully certain. Would you, for
example, like to lose a pound and a hal}
fn the first 24 hours, one pound the pext
day, and an average of three-quarters oi
& pound thereafter? If so, youhave only
to follow these instructions:
Eat meat, any kind you want, acd
plenty of it, but only the lean part. Rai
eggs, as many of them as you like. Nu:
all the fruit you can stuff, barring only
bananas. Eat every vegétable, except
ing potatoes and corn. But cut out pas.
try, bread and sweets.
You see, meat fat does not 20 to make
muscle or blood. Such of it as is not con,
sumed as fuel is converted into fat in the
body. The same is true ot sugar and o}
wheat and the other cereal grains
Therefore it is that these things must
be avoided, if one desires a shrinkage of
the belt. But it is an immense consola
tion to be able to indulge ad libitum in
& diet sufficiently varied and at the same
time to lose flesh right along.
Nearly all vegetables, fortunately, are
mainly water, and water, of course
doesn’t fatten. Beets, for example, and
earrots, celery, tomatoes, cauliflower,
eabbages, lettuce, cucumbers, eggplant
#nd turnips may be eaten to an unlim
ited extent—a variety surely sufficient
for anybody. All fruits, except bananaa,
are in the same category, and for this
Feason a person threatened with Qver-
Plumpness may consume them in unre
stricte€ quantities. As for meats (11
lean), as weil as eggs, they are muscle
and blood makers, and could never oon.
tribute fat to the most corpulently ip
elined individual.
Little =2zatd for Time in Japan Un-
der Ordinary Conditions—Great
Change in Time of War,
In the countries over which Spain
held rule the favorite word of the peo
ple is “manana,” meaning to-morrow
and in those countries to-morrow an.
swers just as well as to-day. But even
in these countries there is nothing
which compares with the Japanese dise
regard for time.
The Bible says, “Yet a little more
sleep, yet a little more slumber, yet
a little more folding of the hands ix
rest.” In Japan the traveler finds the
phrase, “A little more tea, one more
smoke and the folding of the legs te
Japan is, under ordinary conditions,
the Land of To-morrow, says the New
York World. When the time comes ta
act quickly, she is the Land of Instant
Movement. She strikes quickly, and,
®8 an American naval officer said the
other day, “that is why Japan has
made it understood that she is going
to carry on this war as mistress of the
eastern seas.”
Snakes as Rat Catchers.
Snakes are not infrequently employed
es rat catchers in the Philippines,
Nearly all of the older bungalows in Ma-~
mila possess what are called house
enakes—huge reptiles that reside pere
manently up in the roof and live on rats,
These big creatures are harmless, and
warely, if ever, leave their abodes.
mst alll ssempencnn
To the citizens of the Borough of Mt. Joy:
Thursday, May 30, 1907, has heen desig-
nated as Memorial Day, Our people should
assist the surviving Veterans in decorating
the graves of the fallen comrades and par-
ticipate in the Memorial Services.
I, therefore, request that business be sas.
pended that day, or at least during such
portion of the day as is devoted to the
Memorial Services. Flags should be dis-
played at half mast and donations of flowers
made to the Committee of the Grand Army
of the Republic, :
> J. W. SHRITE, Burgess,
Attest : R, Fellenbaum, Clerk,
J. W. JOounsc,
Of Lancaster City.
Subject to Republican Rules,
Thursday, June 6—At the Red Lion
botel, Mount Joy, lot of gronnd with 214
story frame house, frame kitchen, summer
house and outbuildings by Joseph Ferguson
Executor of the last will and testament of
Hannah Ferguson, deceased. Zeller auc-
Friday, June 14—In Cameron’s woods
at Donegal Springs, on the road leading
from Maytown to Landis’ Mill, a large lot
of boards, plank, scant! ing, shingles, cord
at Harrisburg { friends at Lancaster on Sunday
Roof Garden Will Open.
at the Woolworth
at Lancaster, will
The farmers are thru planting|open Monday evening, June 3, with
corn in this vicinity. a fine production of that funny |
and tunefnl musieal comedy, “The |
John Hauenstein intends to raise
his barn soon.
The season
Roof Garden,
Mrs. Harri Grissinger spent a
few days at Lancaster. Telephone Girl.” The box office |
E. Shelley of Lancaster. paid
his mother a visit on Sunday.
seats will |
open next Monday morning. This
will be the first presentation of |
for the sale of reservel
Amos Miller and family visited| "= °¢ as
“The Telegraph Girl” at popular |
prices, and d% there is sure to be a |
John Longenecker drove the
a Tacs TR , | great demand to see it, it would be
mall wagon on luesdav of oute 2. |
3g y 3 seats
best to order in _ advance,
lili Dale creamery paid 40 cents

| for
{ which can easily bé done by tele
butter fat for the month of
phone. Manager Howell has secured
an excellent Miss
study for Miss Fritz Scheff as the
company with
M. N. Stauffer and family attend-| Evelyn Francis,
ed the Baptismal services at Reichs
church on Sunday. There were 13
primma donna.
Attend With the Veterans.
Lieutenant D. H. Nissley
No. 478, extend to the in
general of Mount Joy. an invitation
Daniel Eshleman to tear down ato attend the Memorial Services on
barn.” He fractured five of his ribs
These Were Accidents.
Isaac Witmer of Mt. Joy
ship had a fall while assisting Rev.
town- citizens
and be
with them at least one day in the
vear to worship God for his
and kindness in preserving us
a great nation.
P. J. Dieter,
next Sunday, the 26 inst.
and suffers great pain.
Chas. C. Roland, son of B. Frank
Roland of Philadelphia, but former-
| ly of Mt. Joy, had
| broken while playing baseball.
| This is the third time he had an!
arm broken.

his right arm

Ast. Ajt.
ee - we will commence
| our seventh volume.
Next week
Put a trial ad in the Bulletin.
. T99009999995999900009u9989400440304000004000405000 004
when a fellow walks past, dressed in an International suit.
so well, none so shapel ad periect-fitting. Every International garment
bears the unmistakable starip of fine custom tailoring all over it. We are
the only representatives in town of the justly celebrated
No clothes look


who set the fashions in men’s cloth¢s and are absolute leaders in their line.
We take your measure and they mice the garments to your order, with a
guarantee of fit and satisfaction in every particular. Come in and see the
samples, whether you wish to order or not.
H. E. Ebersole. Mount Joy, Pa.
100000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000090000
Are you thinking of buying a Diamond?
0000000900000 9000000090900 00000000000000090000000000000000,000000000000000000000
0000006000060 040000000 0000000000000060006050000000000000000000600000000000000000
’ $osecece
0000000090000 00000000090090000000000000006099990000000000600000

If 80; come to us, as we
have a large stock of most beautifl gems; mounted in Rings, Studs, Pins,
Earrings and Lockets, and our prices are the lowest when quality is con-
sidered. An unusually attractive selection of Solitaire Engagement
Rings. Every Stone fully guaranteed.
Tiffany Diamond Rings, $12.50; 15, $25, $50 and up to $200,
R = _t 2 :
Pirosh ¢& Simmons
The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers Ind. Phone 13381.
20 N. Oueen Street. Lancaster. Penna.
Is T'he Place To Deal
I have just returned from New York City with a large
stock of fine up-to-date goods, for Spring and Summer I have
We in-
25 per cent. on all goods and 30
per cent. on clothing, hats and shoes. We are the talk of the
town, of carrying the best lines at the lowest
bought great bargains which we will now offer to you.
vite you all we can save you
prices. Our line
of ladies waists and waist suits, is the best and cheapest in town.
A call will convince you all. Hats! Hats! we have just received
ten cases, in the most nobiest style. In proil, light tan, black,
Yours for good goods, and low prices.
Reliable Merchant
and brown.

and slab wood, ete., by John G, Stauffer
&, Son Zeller, auctioneer, w
East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.
C000 00000000000000000000¢ 000000000010 000000000000¢
- 4
night, or

Ardent Admirer of Noted Actress
Made a Most Singular rth of :
Request. ° 0 ca
Miss Julia Marlowe is so unusually : 9.
gracious in yielding to the many de- Having just elosed a contraet with Swift and Company, the
mands that are made upon her time
and patience, in the way of auto-
granhs, photographs, interviews and
the like, that there is small wonder
she is not more frequently Imposed
apon than she is. Occasionally, how-
ever, there come remarkable requests
at which even her good nature draws
the line, says Success Magazine.
Not long ago, while she was playing
in Chicago, received a note con-
extensive wholesale meat deal-
ers of Chicago, 11, for 25 CASES OF TOILET AND LAUNDRY S( JAP and WASHING POW-
DER, I will give my many patrons and the general public an opportunity to secure
$6.00 WORTH OF MEAT ABSOLUTELY PREE at my meat market.
an order for
This is how I will do it
If every purchaser of a 5¢ eake of soap or box of powder will cut the signatures off the wrappers
and bring them to my place of business the person bringine the largest number of these coupons
taining. a Lo $0 starting as to be to my store prior to September 1, 1907, will be entitled to the above premium. The price of
almost incredible, and which was so |
amusing as to send her into gales of |
laughter. It was from a feminine |
vocal teacher of the windy city who |
stated that she laid
her work, upon the formation of the
throat in both the speaking and the |
singing voice, holding that certain po- |
sitions of the vocal cords§ are requisite |
for producing full, mellow_tones. + She
went on to say that she had long been |
an ardent admirer of Miss Marlowe's |
voice, and requested that, asa special |
privilege, she be allowed to bring her |
class of young lady pupils to visit |
the actress and let them look down |
her throat!
this soap is 5e a cake or as follows per case of 100 pieces:
Naptha Soap... Pride Toilet Soup
great stress on |
in boxes of 12 pieces White Ribbon Toilet Soap
Washing Powder. . .
On Tipping the Hat.
New Yorkers still cling to the an-
clent custom of tipping their hats |
when greeting a male friend or aec-
quaintance. It is a common sight to
a staid, prosperous looking business
man as he passes an acquaintance tip-
ping his hat, although the other is
alone, and unaccompanied by a wom-
an. It is the same after a party has
been together somewhere, at dinner
probably, or at the theater. You will
notice that as one separates himself
from the others he will say good-
au revoir, and then tip his
hat. Also, when man is intro- !
duced to another, it is dollars to a |
subway ticket that he will lift his |
chapeau. Wonder why it is? They |
don’t do it in Pittsburg?—Pittsburg |
“Cash on Delivery’ Eyes.
The expression of the British soi}
an of the day is altogether different !
from that of her predecessors. The
British woman of 30 years ago had,
generally, a most gentle, kind expres.
sion, while there is a cold cash on de
livery look in the eyes of most of our
women to-day.—London Truth.
“ HN Q i Yrs 1 : : 3
The Washing Powder siid #1 the Soaps are made by Swift and ( ompany and this lot is being
{ ie i }
sold solely as an advertisement for this kind of goods—not as a money maker.
Remember here is an opportunity to buy a household necessity that is good in quality and
as cheap as any reliable frm can produce’ such goods.
experience readily proves that I handle nothing but the best. such as
one y .
Fresh and Smoked Meats, Summe SndiHam Bologna,
Pressed & Prepared Ham, Best Dried Beef in town, Frankfurters
Winter Bologna, my own make; Lard, Cream Cheese, &c.
The goods can all be bought at once or I will'give you credit and you can buy when you please

Landlady—Oh! my dear Mr. Nicker,
you are puting Worcestershire sauce
into your tea.
Star Boarder—Indeed, 1
that the strong
~N. Y. Tribune.
H. Krall’'s Meat Market
Opposite Post Office, East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.
-0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0400 0-0-0000 000000000000 000000000000:
hould help the weak
The person winning the premium ean buy anything on sale at my place of business and past

The Continental Idea.
A clergyman who was holding a chil-
dren’s service at a continental winter
resort had occasion catechise hig!
& Monuments Tombstones
hearers on the parable of the unjust |
steward. “What is a steward?’ ue
asked. A little boy, who had just ar-
rived from England a few days before,
held up his hand. “He is a man, sir,” |
he replied, with a reminiscent look on f
Wolf Yoffe’'s Clothing Store
Through these colur:ns we tell you, from week to week, what we have to offer in all
the various lines we carry that are requested to properly dress » man from head to foot.
We have snch a liberal supply of everything that you will be able to 8hoose just what
pleases you in pattern, quality and price,
Our Spring and Summer Suiting are of the very latest patterns and in design and
tailoring cannot be equalled elsewhere. We know this to be true, becouse we know
from whom we buy and the kind of labor they employ, we sell only clothing that have
a reputation of being the best. Prices from 0
Just received the very latest in Derby, Soft and Straw Hats $1.50 to $3.00,
A special pair of trousers at a special price for this week. All Wool for $2,560
| Men’s work shoes, light calf skin, medium and heavy, $1.25 up.
Mount Joy Hall Building Mount Joy, Pa.

Kansas City Independent.
No Time to Waste.

Dr. Cutter—I was planning to oper.
ate on you to-morrow, but I fear 1
his face, “who brings you a basin.”— |
would better operate to-day. i
| —Value $3.50.
| Low and High Dress shoes 2.00 to $4.00. We sell everything that a man wears
i Big bargains in Boys Knee Pants Suits at $1 50, $2.00, $2 50, to $5 00.
: | from head to foot.
Patient—Why? i
“You are improving so rapidly that
you may be well by to-morrow.”—Kan-
sas City Times.
Mount Joy Granite and Marble Work
J. Glatfelter, Proprietor
Monument to Poe.
A monument is being designed in|
Richmond, Va., to be dedicated to the |
memory of Edgar Allan Poe. |
: |
: |

$00000000000000 9000000000000 0009000000000000000000090' 00000000000
muse | Garber's
Are You
Are You Suffering From ITCHING, BLIND

Something New
# 0-0-0000 000000000

3 0-0-0-0-0-00000-0-0000#
PRICE $17.00
Equipped with an entively New Motor
Carrying an 8~inch Turntable
The Best Talking Machine Manufac-
tured for the money
POULTRY POWDER,— We claim that
this Powder will largely increase egg
production, strengthens weak and droop-
ing fouls, promotes the health and growth
and development of all yarities of Poul
try, and insure fine condition and smooth
plumage: Compounded upon the most
scientific chemical principles, being
highly tonic, stimulating, antiseptic and
alterative makes it a moat powerfull and
natural preventive and curative agent,
beside being specially adapted to mak-
ing hens lay. As an egg food for making
hens lay it has no superior. For carry-
ing fouls safely through moulting; fitting
for exhibition and market, increasing
the size and strength, and hastening the
groth of young poultry, it has no equal;
is absolutely pure and highly concentrat-
ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any
other kind. Strictly a medicine, to be
given in the food, once daily, in small
doses. Prevents and cures all diseases
of hens. Worth its weight 1n gold when
hens are moulting and to keep them
healthy there is no other food on the
market like it 1} Ibs. 25¢., 3 Ibs. 65¢.
9000090000006 90000000000000000000¢
or any form of rectual disease, come and get a sample of my Pile
CABINET: Polished Quartered
Cure or I wlll send a sample through the mail FREE.
Qak, hinged top.
MOTOR: Noiseless, new design,
plays several records with one winding
SOUNDBOX: Concert; Exhibi-
tion if preferred.
IORN: 16-inch Black Japannea
Steel; Brass Bell 50c extra.
This is
one of the greatest pile reliefs and cures ever put on the market.
If it does not help you any after you have used a soc box, I will
refund your money.
900000000000 060000000000000000000000900000000000000000000000000000000000
Put up Only in 5oc Boxes

0000009000000 00000000000000000000008000000000090000000000000000000000000000000
Manufactured by
1 also have on hand a Complete As-
sortment of Up-To-Date Records.
81 E. Main St., Mt. Joy Call and hear them.
900000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1000000600000 66

1 $990000000000000000000000 00009000 0000000000000000000000000000 s