Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E SCHROLL, Editor rnd Publisher Sabsaiption, 50 ents u Fear. Six Months, 25 Gents. Legal Entered class matter Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion at the Post Office at Mount Joy as second MAN WAS NOT NEEDED. Feminine Distress That Called the Offices of a Member of the Sex. loz Just at the corner of Nassau and Spruce streets, “where the wind blows,” two pretty girls of the stenographer type were making their way at nightfall toward the bridge through the drizzling rain, holding onto their hats and the single umbrel la between them with all the strength they were capable of. Sud denly, relates the New York Press, one of the girls uttered an exclama- tion of dismay and above the roar ot the wind almost shouted to her com- panion a sentence the last word of which was “broken.” The two girls took refuge in the lee of the Tract Society building and held a consultation. A stream of people was passing along Nassau street, and the nature of the mishap seemed to call for delicate treatment., Then, while the girl who had shouted held the umbrella turned toward the rush ing throng, the other girl knelt dowp on the wet sidewalk and began fum- bling with her companion’s skirt. A dapper young man stepped out of the passing throng. ‘Pardon me, Miss, but can I be of any assistance?” he asked, raising his hat. The feminine repair department! came to an abrupt halt. “No, thank you,” came in chorus from both girls “But, really, you should not kneel in the rain like that,” pursued the young man. “Do let me fix the shoelace.” “Please, please go 'way,” implored the kneeling one. “It isn't her shoe lace—" And the young man lost himself in the crowd. INFLUENCE OF GREAT MUSIC It Can Move More Profoundly Than Any of Nature's Great Voices. Great music is a psychical storm, mgitating to unimaginable depth the mystery of the past within us, says Lafcadio Hearn. Or we might say it is a produgious incantation, every dif- ferent instrument and voice making separate appeal to different billions of prenatal memories. There are tones that call up all the ghosts of youth end joy and tendencies—there are tones that evoke all phantom pain of perished passion—there are tones that resurrect all dead sensations of ma. Jesty and might and glory—ali expired exultations—all forgotten magnanimi- ties. Well, may the influence of music seem inexplicable to the man who idly dreams that his life began less than & hundred gears ago! But the mystery lightens for whomsoever learns that the substance of self is older than the sun. He finds that music is a Necro- mancy; he feels that to every ripple of melody, to every billow of harmony, there answers within him out of the Bea of Death and Birth some eddying immeasurable of ancient pleasure and pain. Pleasure and pain: they commingle always in great music, and therefore it is that music can move us more pro- foundly than the voice of ocean or than any other voice can do. But in musie’'s larger utterance, it is ever the gorrow that makes the wndertone, the surf mutter of the Sea of Soul. Strange to think how vast the eum of joy and woe that must have been experienced before the sense of music could evolve in the brain of man! aL, Ba “Yes,” said the engineer of a famouy fast train, in talking over a recent big railroad wreck the other day, “there have been a good many bad wreckslately, bu! there’s nothing surprising about them When a smash-up happens people get all sorts of reasons for it, but they rarely hear the right one. The real cause lies with the public, that wants to travel a arate of speed that can’t be kept up with safety. “I have been in the business a goog many years, and I am firmly convinced that 40 miles an hour is about as fast a8 a train ought to go. When you have to run at 50, 60, or 70 miles an hour, the engineer is simply taking chances. The other night I was running into a small city up the state. It seemed to me that more than a thousand green, red ang white lights were dancing before my eyes, and I couldn’t tell one from (he other. How much worse it is coming into Chicago you can imagine. We will never have anything like safety in rail. road travel as long as the public de mands such high speed.” Apple Snow, Three large tart apples, three whites of eggs, half cup powdered sugar, halt cup jelly. Stew or steam the apples, cored and quartered but not pared, and then rub them through a hair sieve, Beat the whites of the eggs stiff, add the sugar, beat again; add the apples and beat till like snow. Pile light in a glass dish; garnish with jelly or hol ly leaves; serve with boiled custard. To Avoid a Draught. It one fears a draught from the open window in the bedroom have the open. ing at the top covered with a strip of muslin, and keep the window open the year around. —————————————— Fresh Air for Baby. Never shut out fresn air and sunshine from baby’s living and sleeping rooms, nore refreshing at night for the Hood of sunshine and air let into the room during the day. . - Telephone your next order for ‘job printing to 860B and get a good job at a moderate price. SPEERLY BULLETIN Nervous Indigestion The action of diges- tion is controlled by nerves leading to the stomach. When they are weak, the stomach is de- prived of its energy. It has no power to do its work. If you want per- manent relief, you must restore this energy. Dr. Miles’ Nervine restores nervous energy, and gives the organs power to per- form their functions. “For many years I was an acute sufferer from digestion; at times ife seemed almost ¢ all Kinds of remedies an vsicians with | little or no relief, ur Wil one night last { summer I saw Dr. Miles’ Nervine ana | Heart Cure advertized. I resolved to make one more trial which I did in the purchase of one bottle of Nervine and one of Heart Cure. In a few days I began to feel better, which encour- aged me so much that 1 continued the medicine until I had taken more than a dozen bottles. I am very much im- proved in every way; in body, mind and spirits since. 1 make special point to recommeée ‘nd the me eh ine, ana I feel a sincere sure in knowing that several persons > been bene- fited through my recommendations,” A. 8. MELTON, Ashville, N. C. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Disposal of Pibiic Documents, Unquastionably we are tending ia this country toward the sale of fede- eral literature. Free distribution arose under totally different conditions of production from those which prevail at the present time. It is clear. that we must regard the old order of things as now completely changed, and con- front the new problems which accom- pany the great volume of publications and corresponding expenditure of the present period. Congress has edu- cated the voter to expect free books, but if free books have become a bur- den on the taxpayers, we should forthe with learn a new lesson, in harmony with the businesslike and practical age in which we live, that if publle documents, expensive to produce, are worth anything at all to us, they are worth paying for.—W. S. Rossiter, in Atlantic, Another Blow to Mosquitoes. A new means of destroying mos. quitoes within the house has been tried with good results in New Or leans, where their presence is partic: ularly dangerous because of the num: ber of those which may spread yel- low fever. It is a vapor produced by heating a mixture of carbolic acid and camphor and is called “Mim’s culcide,” because Prof. Mims, of New Orleans first suggested its use. It is sald to be as effective as sulphur, which is equivalent to saying that it is more certain than most of the oth- er substances used. It costs more, but it has the advantage of doing no harm to the contents of the room. it is also possible to enter the room almost immediately after the fumiga- tion is finished. Real Estate at Private Sale A desirable property at private sale of real es- tate and Grocery Stand, situated 220 W, Donegal street, Mount Joy, on line of trolley railway, consisting of two aeres of ground with 9 room house, open sts irsang halls, wash house and coal shed, barn fc or 5 head and barn floor, all in good repair. Pren can be vacated 60 days from late of pure Clear title; all deeds record ed since 184 on the premises, febl3-3m 11 on the undersigned residing W. M. SPERA, Mt Joy, Pa. WOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLI,OWEBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No 52 North Duke Stree “BE AW Sk FELLOW” If you need a Gas or Gasoline Engine buy it direct from the factory and not trom a Sub. agent. Capital Gas and Gasoline Engines are positively made without any packing. They dont have a clock spring or sprocket wheel for an goiter. The genuine Capital is made only by C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam Bia WRIGHTSVILLE, PA STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West King St., JANCASTER I'he annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes afrontage of 49, 62, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. Shire’s Vieat Viarket Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIN : PEININ A. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Dealer in Fresh & Smoked | Meats, Yallow, Lard, &e. fics | | San ‘ SILER SEL ~ EEE J. B:. Martin & Co. A May Sale | A Clearing Up of Merchandise at Prices Away Below Regular. Fifty dozen Colonial Tumblers, ground bottom, 35¢ a d« we purchased to sell at 1.00 for the zen. 2 00 plates; 75¢ for the 1.25 plates; Oc for the 1 plates, All new dec- Oue lot tall Glass Vases, Se each; : rations, crystal ulass. LAMPS DINNER SETS The and we have placed a reduced price larg est stock we ever carried Haviland’s £50 Dinter Sets, at $35; $37.50 at 29; 27.50 aL 1y on each one, Carlsbad Dinner Sets, 20 at 4; [INOLEUMS ¥iani0, Closing out the short lengths, English Dinacr Sets, 10 at 10.90 Inlaid Linoleum, 1.50 quality 75¢. An importei’s line of fine Pl: ites Printed Linoleum, 60¢ quality, 35° Cotter West King and Prince Streets 4000000900090 009009¢90090009009000000000000000000006000¢ €0008080000000206I00 TBE LI0L2V00L SOE TOC 000902000060 \§ —Dhancaster's 8 Largest Carpet Housed It is a Mistake To buy carpets before acquainting ways the lowest, and we handle nothing timely reminders for careful buyers: 2800306 yourself with our Values. but Our prices are al- reliable goods. Here are som® Brussels Carpets as low as 65¢ 28c¢., 42¢., 44c., 53c.. .a yard, Sewed, Lined and Laid. Room Rugs from $10 98 and up. Ingrains, dc. The season is now on, but you need not be afraid to leave an order for cle an_ ing or relaying carpets, for we have a large force of men to attend to all promptly, Don’t cut it off one day if you need a New Carpet. our immense stock- Come now and look ver prices the Lowest in Lancaster. MALEY & MyERs, LANCASTER, Assortment the Best and WESTENBERGER, 12 AND 14 W. KING ST. PENNA. 900900000920 000000030600022005036006 83PLS9C00I0S 00: : : : ! : : : 00020006079006330806626000080 ER RAS AT AE AT Ee gx gx o OIOTOTE TEE Aer ARF Ter ar vor rae ar or ar RG oloteteloteto] Ok %0 Vib Yat ter tak Have You Heard 4Ra 4%a 4Xs Xe 474 S¥e 4X4 at the 3 od Hardman & > Autotone? # The most perfect slf- playing io piano in the world. = Call at the store when you iF are in town and listen to this boo most wonderful instrument, ok 4% + » Kirk Johnson & Company Inancaster’s icading Piano and Organ House TOTEOTE WE% Fat Yat Tat Vuk uh Nah ih ir ta $Xo Xe GTh 4X4 Xp 4X4 4X4 Ke 4Xp 4% 2 0% 20% OK RON Ok 20K 20k ROXEOXX oletotelelely CERRO GORRRRRRERED 5 2 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. a SEU B HR RE RHO GS SHG [oTeFetoTo TooToo TRTo] . SH Fo 8 2 : HE FI ORIN COA! 2 Eo £2 EW: WORKS &% § TRL be K S LY ive oF pos RE: y a ; pe 3 i 3 oF #3 & io ko Ee i 2% 2 Ck Ee Lk oi : £ Gs & 2% oF Ok 2 MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN oF : & & Sleighs, Cutters, Nobby Runabouts, Jenny Linds. Something New in the Piano Buggy Line, &e. » “ nt x = x ¥ ¥ ol - x * 2 Y 4 o . 2 ps Ls 3 oe » oH Ak OF PS made as good as wagons can be. By that we don’t mean as expensive gs, 2 as possible, but we speak from the st midpoint of neatness and wear. 0% £3 i ¢ YOUNG BRos,, EEN § ©; xX R Ss b ENNA & ok 1% ld EHS ESSN RL) wy : a J 7 AERA Wount Jov, Penna. as Sr — Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order i Rede POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS, «<3 3 Undertolting wal “bale M. Miller, FF. Seitz John Wm. SEC. Incorporated for the [ Jamaica Bay] Proj Prices, and Subje N LOOK ER] (Y pss, Xs A for an Enlargement of any size, from 5x7 to 4ox72 Your orders solicited. Full Line Photogra: phers’ Supplies W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St, Mount Joy. gency for Standard Steam Laundry Sas B & GHAS. ow ELLER eal Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents,surveyingand couveyancing. CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that 1 have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will doall my own killing, Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage RR Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. i Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main St., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA A cure guaranteed if you use "5 Suppository PILE D. Matt. Thompson, Sup't Statesville, N., C. “ writes: “I can ik Dr. 8. M. Devore, ES raded Schools, be they do all you claim for them.” i Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; ¢‘ They give universal satis. faction." Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: ‘In a practice of 23 years, I have found no rem § equal yours.” Prick, 50 Cents, Samples Si a bY DrUSSISS. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PAS. Sond in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber Call for Free Sample For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Eershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Tensorial Parler Fast Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Ch Yes! GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851, Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sale OHRERSTOWN, LANDISVILLE AND MT JOY STREET RY. Leave Mount Joy (a. m.), 5:30, 7:15, 8:15, 9:16 115, 11:15, (p. m. ), 12.15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:16 5, 8:15, 9.15, 10:15 and 12:15 a. m. Saturday 11:16 a. m, and 12:15 p. m. weave Lancaster (a. m.) 4:30, 6:15, 7: I b, 8:15, 9:15 115 (p. m,) 12:15, 1:15, 2.15, 3:15, 4:15, b:15, 0:16, 7:15, 8:16, 9:15, and 11.15. Saturday 10:15, 11:15 p. m. On Sundays first car will leave Lancaster 7:15 a. m, Leave Mount Joy 8:15 a. m., with same schedule as above. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc,, is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests, Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season, Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. J. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. THE GERMAN TREATMENT Is the only eure only & own to Old Dr. THEEL,527 North Sih S. (42 years practice), He challenges the world In eur. ing Specific Blood Polson, Nervous Durdiity, Loss of Memory Uleers, Swelll Cancers, Melaneholia, Yaricocele, Mydrotley Blotehes, Lost ynbuiudslies stores Yigor, Vim, Energy & Strength to youn, old to enjoy Ife, The Shiy Griduated GER! ho Specialist In Ameriea, Hellung garantirt, Send for sworn tess tim nials & Book Truth, every Clty & Country medi. eal & electrical frauds, Ho h eve 6-9, Bun, Mall treatment, Avoid cheap ti ty as Mercury, Potass, Cubebs Bals Co Sandlewood Ol, &e., only su a kille Authorized Capital PRESIDENT Offers Its Stock Only Through Its Authorized R prese: titives at Current 614 Flat Iron Building EW YORK OITY, Have you a Photo you would | like to have enlarged? I can fill your order at once INCORPORATED 8 250,000 OFFICERS: Willis G. Chas. D. Kendig, Rood, VICE PRESIDENT & TREAS. CHAIRMAN BOARD OF AUDITORS purpose of the developmert and sale of Crescent Street Annex erty and Ocean Parkway Property, Brooklyn, New York City ct to Advancement at Any Time W.thout Notice. OFFICES: 536 Woolwooth uillia g Lay CAST RR, PA. ET Spring Styles ALL THE POPULAR STYLES IN Stiff and Soft Hats READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION Largest Line of CAPS in the city. Wingert & Haas 144 Noxth Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. 1990000900000 00000000000000000000008000000020000000000 YES! We admit that from a business standpoint we have perhaps the BEST loca- tion in Lancaster, but that is not the only reason we do such a large business if we were on a back street in a dwelling, with the same big stock and these same big values in shoes, folks would come to us just the same, P. 8. —Of course this very centnal Jocation makes it handier for you. SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 81 North Queen Street, TANCASTER, PERNA POOO0000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000 LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES Lap 27 Blankets $3 to $5 Horse BlanKets, $1 to $9 Edward Xreclkel Lancaster, Penna. 9290000000009 09000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ Furniture Buyers will find our new show rooms now open. They are the equal of any in the county for roominess, light and convenience. Our stock of furniture is equally large ard di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rockers In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Mahogany ny and Oak Zables, Zabourettes, Foot- stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Wood Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Chaffioniers, China Closets, Writing Desks. Everything in the furniture line hat can be found in a first-class furniture store. Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. $0000020000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000 y a. Heat From Waste Smoke and gases that escape up the chimney in all other furnaces, are penned up in a Peck-Williamson Underfeed Furnace and consumed. The Underfeed is easily operated, burns soft coal of the very cheapest grade, insuring a Saving of 1-2 to 2-3 on a Winter's coal bill, Fuel is below with the flame on op. feed is uniform. its praise, Patented : replenished from 1 The heat of the Winder: Those who use it are loudest in OR SALE BY M. Ii. Greidexr i Co Moun. Joy, Penna,