The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, May 01, 1907, Image 1

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VOL VI. NO. 49
Shatz is the Man That New (?) Plant.
REC At the January meeting of Bor-
Was Elected to Succeed Good at the ough Council, a representative of
Borough Pumping Station the Lancaster Valley Electric Light
President Longenecker called bor company was present and stated
ough Council into special session that our poor service was due to
Monday evening for the purpose of their worn out plant but that the
electing a pumping engineer and new company will erect a building
hearing tax collector David Boyce. | and had already placed orders for
for , the machinery with Robert Weath-
the position at the pumping station erly. Their contract with the
George Shatz, Henry Krall and Weatherly people called for the
The first named re- | completion of the machinery for
ceived the unanimous vote of Coun | the new plant April 1st, after which
cil and was elected. Mr. Shatz was | time Mount Joy
present and said he would sign the light.
agreement. This week we had the pleasure of
inspecting the new light plant at
Manheim and all we could see of it
was the concrete foundation walls
about two feet in height, together
with several 2-horse loads of bricks
| that were lying nearby. There
not an inch of lumber for its erec
tion about the place.
While our light service was
slightly better the past few months
than it has been for some time, it
is not up to the standard by far.
Does it seem just that we should
be obliged to pay full price for that
kind of service?
Present indications are that the
company’s new plant will not be
ready for action within the next
three months.
There were three applicants
Lewis Koch.
would have good
Tax Collector David Boyce was
then heard and was exonerated |
from collecting these taxes: J. H.
Engle, no horse, 25¢. 50 cent list:
Wm. Gantz, Andrew Holwager, D.
Koch, H. K. Landis, W. S. Lockard
Jacob Morton, Rufus Ressler, Frank
Smeltzer, Arthur Clay W. S. Alex-
ander, Rev. John Boehm, Harry
Dowhower, Chas. Derr, Chas. Dill-
inger, Milton Groff, Clayton Gantz,
Jacob Garber jr, Wallie Graham,
Albert Hershey, James Jackson,
John Missemer, Abram Myers, Ira
Metzgar, Jacob Rheam, Abraham
Sprout, Daniel Stark, Hatton Sny-
der, H. C. Swords, Chas. Schwartz,
Edwin S. Hall, David G. Mooney,
Samuel Sumpman. $1.00 list: Geo.
M. Fach, W. S. Fenstermacher, Par
is Hawthorne, Harry Hornafius,
Samuel Maloney, Levi Nagle, John
O’Neill, Christ Phew, John W.
Rhine, Adam Snyder, John C. Shel
ly, Clarence Shreiner, Jerry Winte-
myer, Irvin Fasches, John Keener,
Paris Royer, Thos. Smith, Clinton
20 cents.
Home From South Carolina
Brother Shultz has the following
to say in his Marietta Times of
Saturday :
“Hon, J. Donald Cameron has
returned home from his winter
quarters at Frogmore, South Caro-
lina, to his famous Donegal farms
He is now busily engaged in restor-
ing the water-cress on his farms,
which was some-what frozen Mr.
Cameron ships annually to the
New York markets immense quanti-
ties of water-cress, and it pays
better than raising tobacco.”
John Breneman, no horse
The following real estate taxes
were also exonerated : Hannah
Brown Iistate 75¢, MeCarren Es-
tate 75¢, Solar Gas Light Company
$11.00. The total amount of taxes
exonerated was $48.95,
A Trip Through the South
Our popular townsman, Jonas N.
Hostetter, has just returned from a
three months’ business trip through
Virginia, North and South Carolina
Georgia and Florida. In all these
states he visited the largest and
most important cities. On his re-
turn trip Mr. Hostetter stopped off
at Norfolk, Va., where he visited
Jamestown Exposition and had the
pleasure of seeing President Roose-
velt review the great naval display
of foreign and American gun boats.
In the evening all the boats were
illuminated by electric lights and
was one of the finest sights he has
ever seen. Mr. Hostetter says the
Exposition is as yet, far from com-
Aged Man Celebrates Birthday
Christian N. Gerber celebrated
his seventieth birthday on Satur-
day, by giving a dinner to a num-
ber of friends. Mr. Gerber who
has arrived at the age of three
score and ten years, is still in good
health, although his lower limbs
have lost much of their former
vitality and action. He is a son
of Dr. Andrew Gerber, who for forty
years was the cashier of the First
National bank.
Telephone Line Doubles Circuit
The Mt. Joy and Milton Grove
telephone line is doubling its circuit.
and instead of having eleven miles
of wire will hereafter have twenty-
two miles. This extension is being
made in order to reach the resi-
dence of Christian Horst, A. W.
Mumma and Hiram | Eshelman.
The additional poles and crossbars
were put up this week and the wires
will be strung next week.
emp i
Church Wall Collapsed.
While workmen were engaged at
digging out the cellar of the Pres-
byterian Church, on Friday, to put
in a heating plant, they dug too
close to the foundation wall and
the wall fell in on the one side of
the church. Several of the work-
men narrowly escaped from being
The cave-in is a bad one. As
the building is of brick, with a
slate roof, there was considerable
weight on the remaining wall and
on Saturday the entire wall on the
one side from the foundation to the
roof, fell. To rebuild thisit will
necessitate a cost of possibly $500
or more. Rev. Kensey J. Stewart
is pastor of the church.
German Baptist Meeting
The Old German Baptists, who
have in recent years been holding
their annual meeting in the west,
will meet this year at the farm of
Henry A. Good, near Quincy, on
Saturday, May 18, and remain in
session one week. A large tent or
tabernacle is in progress of erection
in dimensions 56x132 feet, which
will have a seating capacity of
over 600.
The annual commencement of the
local High school will be held in
Mount Joy Hall on Thursday even-
ing, May 2. The class consists of
14 graduates, 11 young ladies and
three young men.
On Friday evening the Alumni
will hold a banquet at the Red
Lion Hotel when William Hollow -
bush, esq., will act as toastmaster.
Our Commencement
Grover Cleveland Sload, a well
known young blacksmith, of May-
town, and Miss Grace Bostic, of the
same place, were quietly married
at the parsonage of the Bethel
Church, Marietta, Friday evening
by Rev. Thomas B. Tyler. They
will reside in Maytown, where the
groom is in business.
—— re tp

Of Interest to Teachers
County Superintendent will hold
examinations for teachers for 1907
as follows: May 29—Conoy, West
Donegal, Mount Joy and Elizabethi-
Tor Appointment of Teachers—
June 3, East Donegal, Maytown:
June 3, Rapho, Sporting Hill; June
4, East Hempfield, Landisville.
Fell Down Steps.
Mrs. Elizabeth Herr, who resides
with her son-in-law, the general
storekeeper at Rowenna, fell down
the cellar steps on Tuesday evening
and cut and bruised herself in a
painful manner, she having sus-
tained numerous abrasions and
contusions about the head.

Local Notes
Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
Yet Iteresting Mannner.
store, have been conereted.
and his force of
painters are beautifying the Cent-
ral House.
John Weidman
Frank Good moved on Monday |
but continued to pump until last
The Foresters’ Band was about
town Saturday evening discoursing
some excellent music.
Wm. Easton and his gang are
painting the properties occupied by
M. M. Leib and Wm. Doyle.
The residence of Mrs. Harry was
offered atgpublic sale last evening
and was withdrawn for want of
Every seat in the hall for the
evening has been sold at 30 cents
which means $91.20.
Albert Earhart of Mount Joy
township, collided with a trolley
car last Thursday morning. The
wagon was badly damaged.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the
General Hospital will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. K. Manning to-
morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. Strickler has erected a neat
new wire fence at her properties on
South Market street, occupied by
M. M. Leib and Mrs. Bruckhart.
Sao. and Co. have
again shown a very tasty window
display of the Ladies’ Home Jour-
nal and will again contest for a
/Harry Peopples will give a
sraphophone concert in Yoffe’s
store on Saturday evening. Mr.
People’s has an exceptionally large
number of records and the enter-
tainment will please all.
Preached to Graduates
The baccalaureate sermon to the
Mount Joy High school was deliv-
ered on Sunday evening in the Un-
ited Evangelical church by the pas
tor, Rev. A. A. Delong, assisted
by Rev.'A. H. Long, D. D., the
venerable Church of God minister.
The class, numbering fourteen, all
the borough teachers, together with
the School Board, attended the
services in a body. The church
was tastily decorated with the col-
ors of the class, dark green and
white, together with potted plants
and flowers. A large congregation
was present. “The Fear of the
Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom”
Psalms 10 :11, was the text.
Early Closing Vv
The early closing move is a sue-
cess at last and all the principle
stores in town will close every even-
ing at 6 o'clock except Tuesday and
Saturdays. This goes into effect
Monday, May 6 and terminates
Oct. 1st. The following stores will
close as stated above; H. E. Eber-
sole, John H. Buohl, G. Moyer,
Wm. Spera, Wolf Yoffe's grocery,
Bowman Bros., S. B. Bernhart &
Co., D. F. Gable, and J. G. Metz-
gar. H. S. Newcomer will close
nightly after June 1st.
A Joint Convention
The joint Christian Endeavor and
Sunday School Convention of the
Church of God, of the East Penn-
sylvania Eldership, will be held in
the Bethel church here on May 14,
15 and 16. Excellent programmes
for the three days, are being ar-
pent A
Capt. Reitzel Wiil Speak
Lieutenant David H. Nissley
Post G. A. R. of this place, has
selected Capt. Q. O. Reitzel of Sal-
unga, to deliver the Memorial ad-
dress before the post on Decoration
Day. Mr. Reitzel is a brother of
Rev. C. I. Reitzel, pastor of the
Church of God.
Announcement (
Dr. Richards announces the re-
moval of his offices on or abeut
May 8th, two doors west of Yoffe’s
store, opposite Mount Joy Hall.

commencement, exercises tomorrow |
The exposition at Jamestown is
now on. |
The cellar steps at Bernharts |
Main Auditorium at the Jamestown Exposition, Now Open to the Public.

Simon C. Heisey, a well-known
farmer, fell from a wagon and sus
tained painful injuties.
Rev. K. J. Stewart, chaplain of
the State Senate, was entertained
at dinner on Thursday by W. L.
Affairs at Florin
the Past Few Days
Eli Hershey and Levi Nissley
John C. Smith made a trip to
Harrisburg on Tuesday, and accept-
ed the agency for the sale of Adri-
ance farm machinery. 3 ;
¢ iamm is : | bethtown.
S. G. Graybill, operating the | Charles Carson called on merch-
« 1 J 1sev’a x .
quarries on one of W. L. Heisey’s| ant Phares Kraybill at Rheems on
farms, has secured a number of Sunday.
Italians to get out stone.
Henry Wittle,
|daughters spent
wife and three
Sunday at Eliza-

| Henry Birch and son of Bain-
Christian G. Sherk, who had been | pidge, were visitors to our town
confined to the house by a severe|,, Sundav.
attack of grip for the past month, | Yohn D. I
is convalescent and able to go out. |
Supervisor Foreman, of
West Donegal township, with a
force of workmen, unloaded a new
road scraping machine at the rail
road siding.
Jaston and wife spent
Sunday with friends at
and Steelton.
Mrs. Reuben Swords
John D. Easton, spent
at Elizabethtown.
Young Bros. valuable horse tread
a horse-shoe nail that pene-
trated the animal's foot for about
two inches.
L/The first colored family to take
up their residence in Rheems’ ar-
rived in town on Thursday and is
housed in one of W. I. Heisey’s :
buildings near the Rheems’ limekiln : y X oung, Horry
Teac Wealand and §. 8. Wolge- | Mumma and Emanuel Eby attend-
: {ed the funeral of Mr. Hollenbaugh
muth, directors. of the. Rheems, at Maytown on Sunday
Canning Company, have purchased| ~~ .
the entire stock of corn on hand, | J. Y. Kline has the contract for
consisting of about 2,000 cases, and | building the bridge across the Little
will dispose of the same at private | Chiques creek, at Hiestand‘s mill,
by the Supervisors of Mount Joy
and Rapho townships.
Messrs. Henry

A Bible class has been organized
which met for the first time in the |
school house, at Rheems’, on|for Herrington, Kansas, where he
Wednesday evening. Mr. Frank will spend some time with his
Shenk has been selected as leader. | nephew, Linnaeus Brandt, and from
and the object is the study of the |there will go to California.
Sunday School lessons. H. F. Butzer of Ephrata, was
i the guest of Joseph Welfly on Sun-
The Elopers Still About. |day. Mr. Butzer treated Joseph
Ii. M. Hess, the eloping postman | to an auto ride through Mount Joy
and Mrs. U. Z. Geib, his paramour,
are said to be still in this
Henry S. Brandt left on Tuesday
and West Donegal townships.
section. |
One day last week Mrs. Geib, ac |
companied by another woman, or
perhaps Hess in female attire,
seen driving past Young's school
Kathryn and Minnie
Young of town, accompanied by
their gentlemen friends of Maytown
visited the former’s sister Mrs.
Miller, near Risser’s church Sunday
house, in Rapho township. On
Monday the same party was seen
to pass the home of Benjamin Esh-
leman in Mount Joy township.
What these people are after in this
section, where they are despised by
all who know them, is not known
unless they are hunting Mrs. Geib’s
youngest child for whom she is
known to have a deep affection and
for whom she grieves continually.
The child is well cared for and the
degenerates might as well give up
the hunt for it.
\/ The hog and cow sale of I, M.
Souder on Monday was well attend-
ed and stock brought fair prices.
Cows were sold for $42.00 while
sucking pigs were sold for $3.25
The remains of Mr. Hollenbaugh,
who died at Maytown, were brought
here on Monday and taken to his
former home at New Bloomfield,
Perry county, where interment was
— gl
- — ee
Joseph Hostetter raisel his barn
on Friday.
Groff’s New Saddlery
Frank Groff, the Market street
saddler, has increased his business
to such an extent that he needs
more room and having recently
purchased a lot of ground he will
erect a place of business thereon.
The site is on ground purchased of
Alois Bube, next to the residence
of Samuel Sheaffer on North Mar-
ket street. The building will be a
two story frame structure with
glass front and will be erected by
Eli Menaugh, the contractor and
builder at Florin.
rr —-—
Harry Brubaker visited
Felker’s on Sunday.
at D.
VWalter Meshey has accepted a
position at the Grey Iron.
Stauffer Brothers received
load of soft coal this week.
a car
Amos Miller visited friends
Lebanon county on Saturday.
Monroe Lindemuth and Harrison
Stauffer are working on the pipe
Lizzie Good of near East Peters-
burg, visited M. N. Stauffer’s Mon-
Was Sweet Sixteen day and Tuesday.
Miss Freda Willer celebrated her
sixteenth birthday on Wednesday.
She was the recipient of fifty-five
beautiful post cards and a hand-
some bracelet.
J. N. Stauffer and family attend-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Stauffer’s
aunt at York on Saturday.
Prayer-meeting services will be
held at the home of M. N. Stauffer
tomorrow evening, May 2nd.
Granted a Divorce
Edith M. Garber, of Lancaster,
has been granted a divorce from
Frank Garber, on the ground of
sided here.

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Herr, widow
The family formerly re- [of Abram C. Herr, has been granted
a pension of $8 per month.

Christian G. Groff and son John
are confined to the house with grip
Chas. Nobs of Middletown, spent
The Whereabouts of Your Friends For Sunday in our midst.
Miss Laura Maze of Manheim,
spent Sunday here with her sister
Mrs. John E. Schroll.
John Miller and wife visited the
have gone to the Jamestown Ex- | latter's mother, Mrs. Fanny Heis-
| tand who is eritically ill.
| Mis.
John Pennell visited her
Mrs. Sadie Johns at Neffs-
ville, one day this week.
Joseph (Dutchy) Weber ce lebrat-
ed his 37th birthday yesterday,
punching sand at the Grey Iron.
Mrs. Lydia Johnston of Columbia
and Miss Anna Beidler of Philadel-
phia, were guests of W. B. Doyle
and daughter.
chester and Mrs
York, are guests
Glatfelter this week
Mrs. Rentzel of Man-
Geo. Straw of
of Mrs. James
Park Zahn and lady friend Miss
Mabel Weaver and Mr. Bollinger
and lady friend Miss Anna Snavely
of Lititz, spent Sunday here in the
family of the former’s parents J. A.
Miss Katie Eby resigned her
position with 8, B. Bernhart & Co.
on Saturday evening. She has ae-
cepted similar position with
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart at Har-
Milton N. Miller and wife enter-
tained the following Sunday: His
parents, David L. Miller and wife,
his brothers-in-law, Amos N. Stauff-
er and family, Harry Mille® and
wife, F. B. N. Hoffer and family,
all of town and Rohrer Stoner and
family of Donegal.
ee ll
A Rare Old Coverlet.
A. L. Campbell, of Rheems, has
a coverlet in his possession that was
made in Hanover, York
seventy years ago. It in ex-
cellent condition and it is made of
wool and homespun linen in red,
white and blue colors. It bears the
name of the place and the maker
and the year it was made, 1837,
It is artistically made and contains
stars, trees in different colors. It
isa very valuable coverlet and
there are few of such a unique and
pretty pattern.
Commission of Justice
The commissions of the following
justices of the peace have been
received at the recorder’s office:
Chas. H. Zeller, Mount Joy bor-
ough; H. P. Wisegarver, Rapho;
Frank B. Grosh, Mount Joy town-
ship; John S. Friday, Mountville;
Samuel B. Gram, Marietta; John
H. Epler, Elizabethtown.
re iieridliioin
Sacrament For Centenarian
Mrs. Elizabeth Lehman, of this
place and the oldest Mennonite in
the United States, was given the
communion sacrament on Sunday
afternoon by Rev. Jacob N. Bru-
baker, senior bishop of the Menno-
nite denomination, of Lancaster
county, having served in the office
of bishop almost half a century.
Evangelist Johnson's Revival.
Evangelist Johnson, who a few
years ago conducted very successful
evangelistic services al, Mount Joy,
has the biggest revival he has ever
had, at Aberdeen, South Dakota.
The meetings are still in progress
and so far there have been over
seven huadred conversions.
Deputy Sheriff Resigns
Aaron B. Landis, deputy sheriff
for the past eleven years, resigned

{ yesterday. Albert Stumpf, of Lan-
caster. is his successor.
The Death Record
Many of Our Friends Answer Death’s
Sad Call
John Roberts, a Civil war veter-
an, died in Marietta aged 63 years,
Mrs. Elizabeth Hause died at her
home in Salunga yesterday, aged
88 years.
Abram S. Groff, a well known
resident of East Petersburg, died
aged 74 years.
The funeral of Henry R. Earhart
a well-known resident of Rapho,
who died on Tuesday of typhoid
fever, aged seventy-two years, was
held on Saturday merning at the
"house and at 10 o’clock at the Fair-
view meeting house nearby.
Mrs. Susan Rutt, widow of the
late Christian Rutt, of West Done-
gal township, died on Friday even-
ing at the residence of her son-in-
law, W. H. Schneitman, in Eliza-
bethtown, after a brief illness from
pneumonia. She was eighty-one
years old. She is survived by two
J. Calvin Hollenbaugh, a well
known farmer of East Donegal,
township, who formerly resided on
the Frank farm near town, died
last Friday evening, death being
due to heart disease. He leaves a
wife, three sons and three daugh-
ters. Deceased was in his fifty-
fourth year. The funeral was held
Sunday afternoon.
Harry Frank is the proud poss-
essor of a newly arrived boarder—
a girl. :
Mr. Edward Hipple of Philadel-
phia was the guest of Samuel Myers
over Sunday.
Harry Flowers and family of
Lancaster, paid a visit to Jacob
Geltmacher on Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Frank and Mrs. Geo.
Shatz, of Mount Joy, visited the
family of Cristis Wittle on Sunday.
"Preaching services were held in
the church in this place on Sunday
evening, by the pastor. Services
will be held again next Sunday
morning at 10 o’clock.
The quarterly conference of the
U. B. church will be held on Satur-
day May 18th in this place with
communion services on Sunday
morning. - Rev. Lowry, the presid-
ing elder, will officiate. :
The Base Ball team of this place
has been organized for the season
and is ready to cross bats with any
other amateur club in the county.
Address all communications to John
F'ogie, manager and treasurer.
700 Feet of Pipes J
Alois Bube, our extensive brewer!
is getting prices on 700 feet of terra
cotta pipes which he contemplates
laying from his brewery to the

Chiques creek for the purpose of,
carrying of the waste water. This
is a capital move and will abolish
all reports and rumors relative to
stagnant water on Market street
and the Manheim road from his
place of business.
Kicked by a Horse
Dairyman John Kraybill passed
a herd of cattle yesterday when a
calf ran under his horse. John im-
mediately made an effort to rescue
it but his horse kicked at the calf
and missing his mark, struck John,
He has a bad bruise.
A——— I ——————

Put a trial ad in the Bulletin.