ALL COMES FROM PERL. ted States Be:.ught for the Loan cf an Expert Geologist by That Country. “Come Cver in sedonia and heip i a western echo ws” is a ery that found : s ye other day, when LA Peravian gov ment asted ihe director of the Ja States geclogical survey for ist. The official request is the chief of » engineers, an or- ganization that corresponds somewhat 0 our geological survey. In answer «0 this appeal Dr. George L Adams, of the geologic branch of the survey, has been selected snd expects to leave is mew post. His headquarters will be in the city of Lima, which is situ- ated six or seven miles inland and about 500 feet above sea level. Hers an the wesi coasi of the Pacific ocean, only 12 degrees from the equator, he will still be cue sous of Washington, wfely perched on ihe familiar 77th meridian, the self-same one that runs through Fifth Street East, of our cap- tal city. Dr. Adams’ chief duly will be to or- ganize a hranch of government service for hydrolngzic and hydrographic work The Peruvian government is develop- ing the resources of the canntry, es- pecially in the arid plain between the Pacific ocean and the Andes moun- tains. In places these mountains de- scend abrupily into the sea. but. im sther parts the coastal plain is from 50 to 100 miles wide. Owing to the fact that the moisture from the clouds 1s nearly all precipitated on the moun- tain sides before it reaches the plain, this narrow strip of land along the ocean is a sandy desert except where It is traversed by small rivers that are fed from the melting snows on the moun:ain sides. The population of the coast centers along these streams. which are the hope of the irrigators Anciently, under the Incas, all this plain was watered by an extensive sys- tem of irrigating ditches. but the Span- lards allowed them to fall into disuse, Lately some attempt has been made to irrigate this region again. The sat- Isfactory results of this effort are ac- countable for Dr. Adams’ present plans. Dr.; Adams will study the geologle formations of the arid district in the hope of - locating artesian basin: and develoning wells wells. He will take with him the latest Amer- lean drilling machinery and will have the aid of a topographic assistant and a well driller. With sufficient water for irrigation, this valley will produce abundant crops of sugar, tobacco and cotton. and the low foothills of the Andes will offer an inviting field for the endeavors of the vine-grower. Ar effort will also be made to supply the towns with waier #=i:abla tor domesti Baas the loan of a geolog ~vho made the the corps of min ior CODLIVER OIL FOR STOCK. Parmer Says It Is Cheaper Than Grae for Fattening Furposes—Hasa Other Advantages, “] fatten my stock on codliver oll,” a farmer. said at the abattoir the other day, according to the Philadelphia Record. “I find that this oil is cheaper than grain and that it produces a finer, firmer quality eof fat. It works admir- ably on pigs. To young pigs I give one bunoce a day and to adults I give a quar- ter of a pint. The porkers like it; you ran tell if they are taking too much by a peculiar lagsitude that they develop. Killed, their fat has, if they have been | overfed with the oil, a yellow instead of & clean white hue. To cattle I glve a half pint of oil daily and to sheep about the same quantity as to pigs. Since | adopted the system of oil fattening two years ago I have made more money off my stock than ever before. They eat Jess grain now by nearly 40 per cent and at the same time they weigh heave fer than they used to. The butchers tel} me their flesh is better, too. They say it is firmer, finer and the fat is whiter, Of course, an animal won't take codliver ‘oil raw, so I mix it up with meal. Cod- liver oll is an excallent thing for broken- winded horses. Ia fact, I use this fluid for a dozen purposes on my farm, buy- ing it in bulk from the wholesale deal ers.” The Happier Man, A north Missouri paper asks: is the happier, the main who possesses $100,000 or the man who has seven daughters?” To which anotherexchange replies: “The man with the surplus girls, of course,” says the St. Louis Post. Dispatch. “The mar with the money ts not satisfled, and want. more. Th: man with the seven daughters ja sstie £24-—~he has enough.” 1. W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Monuments Tombstones LARGE STOCK ON HAND J, Glatfelter, Proprietor MOUNT JY PENNA | Blobe to the zenith. this Peruvian work ! : {I'S ENOUGH TO TURN THE GIRLS’ HEADS early in April for | werasss Rubbernesk. A New York inventor is sald {0 has, srected ou top of his house a tall pote | with 32 antennac that are kept in «| stute of activity gathering wireless | messages of all descriptions. Good-by | messages from ocean steamships, re. | ports from government stations and ga | Jot of other informatiok aot addressed | 0 him come to his net. The new de- | velopment creates a puzzling lega! | problem. Highest judicial authority has | affirmed that a man’s titiQ to his prop- erty reaches from the center of (he If people allow their wireless messages to 20 wandes: fag or floating through the etherial :e gions on to a man's atmospheric prug arty what are his legal rights? VPI 00990900900000000 “Whe | “004 909000000000000009000000C 2S LIVIIVLIOY bears the unmistakable stamp of fine when a fellow walks past, dressed in an International suit. so well, none so shapely and perfect-fitting. the only representatives in town of the justly celebrated Female Measurements Larger, A woman's periodical published in London is worried at the size of the modern woman. “Whereas,” it says, “a decade since the average size in women’s shoes was three, flve being accounted specially large, seven and eight are now ,commonly asked for, while the average size has become five | The little glove has likewise grown into a good-sized hand shoe. My lady's hosiery has become bigger at the same time—in short, the average girl of 1904 could not wear any article of apparel ‘hat fitted the girl of 1874. And where one naw tremblingly asks, is this t | aud ?™ 3 3 © © 2 , g SY No clothes look Every International garment custom tailoring all over it. We are OF NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO. CHICAGO 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600000009000000000 SAN FRANCISCO who set the fashions in men’s clothes H. E. Ebersole. CO00PP00IOVLOPOVGOO VOY -v We take your measure and they make the garments to your order, with a guarantee of fit and satisfaction in e samples, whether you wish to order or not. very particular. 9000000000000 090900000000002000300 903200000000 090000 and are absolute leaders in their line. Come in and see the Mount Joy, Pa. 05000006060 60060066 est quality tor We Want Your Trade WOLF Mount Joy Hall Ruilding Wolf Yoffe’s Clothing Store right new goods, the price verything in latest styles, ach suit of elothing warranted. an't beat us for quality, aretul selection in buying Iwuys pleases our customers nd they come back again | | Jo-to-date patterns in everything pon our shelve well styles in Shoes and Hats tylish Gents’ Furnishings legant creations in Neckwear verything trom head to foot s nd counters YORPE Mount Joy, Pa. & 0000000000000 000 to eome to see our new lines of spring A new line of suits The trimmings are twice the price. East Main St., oP 00600000000 9000400000000000003000000000000000000000000¢ I. D. BENEMAN’S Accept our invitation which is arriving daily. for Men, Boys, Children, in the most up-to-date style, It is made on a new principle and is far superior to any other make, that can be bought at our prices. "They are made to give the greatest service. applied so as to give a finish and style equal to garments offered at For shoes and Oxfords we are holding the best reputation for handling the best line, which is made of solid leather, and gives satisfaction. Yours for good goods and low prices, I. D. BENEMA PO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060 0000000000000000000000 goods of the best and Mount Joy, Pa. P00000000000000000800000000000800000006000000000000000009 buy it, The Summer Dress Question This is the most important for woman’s eonsideration. 8. B. Bernbart & Co’s. was the answer. What to buy and where to THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL—The Home Journal Pattern Style Book with a | 10¢ coupon in it will tell you all about the styles. We have the patterns and the ma- terial for the New Jumpers as well as all other styles. Our Men'’s Sults ready made one. The fit guaranteed. Specials L | to order, have given the best satisfaction and no wonder when they cost no mere than a The linings and materials A No. 1, for Saturday Another lot of 10¢ Santa Clara Prunes, 4 lbs. for 25c.; only 4 lbs. $0 a customer, Another lot of that 10c Main Style Corn at 8c a can; only 5 cans to a customer. One Barrel of Corn Syrup, not full standard; while it lasts at 5c per quart, S. B. Bernhart & Co. “THE STORE OF QUALITY Next Door to Union “National Bank, Mount Jov, Pa. ATTENTION RAR RRR XY Bemis Tobaeco Planters THE MSCORMICK 1S THE CHOICE OF THE FARMERS Gasoline Engines Perry Spring Tooth Harrows Auburn Wagons Star Steel Hay Carriers with Track and all Fixtures Universal Cultivators with Hoe- ing Attachment Arinour Tobacco Fertilizer OF THE WORLD, AND HAS BEEN FCR 73 YEARS Imboden Improved Land Roller with Spring Harrow Attacliment Victor Double Row and Camp- bell Single Row Lorn Planters Champion Grain Drills Osborne Spring Tooth Harrows Fertilizer with Attachment Cararra Pain fans Ba The vast majority of farmers choose the McCORKICK BINDER because it does splendid work in the field na matier whether the conditions are favorable or unfavorable. The McCormick has a record extending over a period of seventy-three years, which en- ables the farmer to reach a fairly accurate conclusion as to the merits of the machine. Read about the excellent points of the McCormick in the attractive book entitled *‘It Takes the Palm,’ supplied free. McCormick Self-Dumping Hay Rakes RIT The operator when at the end of the row, releases the lever and the team does the tivator at the same time. Gangs are coupled low on front of franie giving the shovels zood a new device and absolutely perfect and very easy on operator. Thousand miie axle an cultivating tobacco, corn, cabbage, tomatoes, or any other plants requiring close culti ation. are two of the most useful pieces of farm machinery suction. perfectly dust New Pulverizing Harrows specially adapted for preparing tobacco ground for planting RRR RRR The F. & J. New Horse Liit Cultivator work of lifting the gangs and balancing the cul- Gangs are operated by a bi-treadle proof. Hoeing attachment for One of the best labor saving machines*sold. Vulcan Plows and Universal Cultivators ‘With Tobacco Hoeing Attachments mn the market today. We carry almost any kind of Modern and Improved Machinery used by farmers. Call and see us. M. L. Greider & Co., Mount Joy, Pa. 0 Garberxr’s Improved Poultry Garber's Pharmacy 900000000000 0¢ 89990090900000009900999049 3999090009990 » Ars You Suffering POULTRY POWDER,—We claim that this Powder will largely increase egg production, strengthens weak and droop- ing ionls, promotes the heaith and growth and development of all yarities of Poul try, and insure fine condition and smooth plumage: Compounded upon the most scientific chemical principles, being highly tonic, stimulating, antiseptic and alterative makes it a most powerfull and natural preventive and curative agent, beside peing specially adapted to rak- ing hens lay. As an egg food for making hens lay it has no superior. For carry- ing fouls safely through moulting; fitting for exhibition and market, increasing the size and strength, and bastening the groth of young poultry, it has no equal; is absolutely pure and highly concentrat- ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. Strictly a medicine, to be given in the food, once daily, in small doses, Prevents and cures all diseases Worth its weight 1n gold when hens are moulting and to keep them healthy there is no other food on the market like it 1} lbs. 25¢., 3 lbs. 65¢c. 0000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 Are You Suffering From ITCHING, BLIND or BLEEDING P/LES or HEMORRHOIDS or any form of rectual disease, come and get a sample of my Pil Cure or T wlll send a sample through the mail FREE. This refund your money. Put up Only in soc Boxes Manufactured by FE. W.GARBER of hens. EAST MAIN STREET, 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N & rom PILOT? a — w G0 090 9000000009000 9090000000¢ 2 0900000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 one of the greatest pile reliefs and cures ever put on the market. If it does not help you any after you have used a soc box, I will 81 E. Main St., Mt. Joy PC000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000 0000000000000 0000 0000000000000 000000000000 E W. GARBER, MOUNT GO00000000000000000000000 000900000000 9900000000900000000000000 Something New IETHE=D IMPROVED #* 0-0-0000 000000000 % 3# 000-0000 00000000 K VICTOR “Z* PRICE $17.00 Equipped with an entirely New Motor Carrying an &S-inch Turntable The Best Talking Machine Manufac— tured for the money CABINET: Polished Quartered Qak, hinged top. MOTOR: Noiseless, new design, plays several records with one winding SOUNDBOX : tion if preferred. HORN: 16-inch Black Japanned Steel; Brass Bell 50¢ extra, concert; Exhibi- RECORDS : 1 also have on hand a Complete As- sortment of Up-To-Date Records. Call and hear them. JOY, PENN. . 09000046090 $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢