The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, April 10, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 46
Ross Engle is here on a visit to}
Borough Tax Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief | ig parents.
Rate Re duced | ‘ ro Iteresting Mannner.
| The Whereabouts of Your Friends For |
the Past Few Days
There are a number of cases
measles in town.
John Peck is
Killed by a Fall
John Roth is working at baking Formerly Resided at Donegal Springs and
J. C. Cassel and son
brother on Tuesday.
visited his |
nee Schock purchased a new of |
Barber Wm, Frank 1s spending a |
Old Market, Delta Sireet ai and Comfort Alley | w days in Philadelphia,
S. B. Bernbhart has gone to the ¢,
to be Macadamized===A Long Session
President Lovgenecker called Bor- deed for the transfer of land now
ough Council nto special session] ' embodied in streets in the east end,
Friday evening for the purpose of | consideration $1.00. Upon motior
trar sacting the business of the regu-|same will be accepted provided the |
lar April meeting. All the mem- solicitor says it is O. K.
bers were present except Mr. Mum-
na. shape. Same was
Street committee.
Burgess Shrite was instructed to
see about the fence of John
vell on said street as it was reported |
to be on borough property.
Upon motion the following pave-
ments on South Market street were
referred to the
A communication was received
from D. L. Hauenstein asking Coun-
cil to remove the light is in
his home, far-
front of Frank
The Light com-
mittee will investigate.
the trees in front of
east, about in
Schock’s property.
Clarence Schock had a communi-
cation before Council relative to the
Rollman Mfg, Co’s. water rent
which was recently raised from ¢l0
to $50.
ceived his notice, the day of appeal
was past. Council ordered the
Water committee to hear him in the
Council chamber
April 9.
Coolidge, Amos
Mrs. A. B. Root and Thomas
Brown. All these pavements were
ordered relaid,
Bender, Mr. and
He stated that when he re
alley on 8S, Market street,
The fence on the
on Columbia avenue,
on borough property.
will be consulted in the matter.
Tuesday evening, Brown lots on
was reported
Street com-
reported that his attention
was called to a pond of water in the
alley rear of K. F. Baker's New
Haven street property. The prop-
erty committee will investigate.
The alley at Jacob Nissley’s prop-
erty is in very bad shape. That
alley namely Comfort, was ordered
macadamized, Also there was com-
plaint about the pavemeent on the
west side of the school grounds.
Columbia avenue and Delta street
in bad shape and should be im-
proved. Tne traction company will
be notified to put these streets in
proper shape and Council will re
pair otber portions.
President Longenecker made the
following recommendations, Troll-
ey company be notified to finish
Donegal street; ordered. Street
finish West Donegal
street with screening; ordered, Old
Market street and Delta street frcm
Main street to Cherry alley be
macadamized; so ordered. Main
street be sewered from Barbara to
High, thence to Apple Tree alley
and same to connect with the Jacob
street sewer; so ordered. The sewer
on Fairview street be extended, the
Street committee to use its judg-
ment; ordered. Sewer be laid from
south side of Marietta street to con-
nect with pipe across street, which
would carry off water at school
house; ordered. South Barbara and
South Jacob streets be repaired; so
ordered, Bolen block crossings
be laid on the north side of Main
street at High, on the south side of
Main at Jacob, on west side of Main
street at Barbara, on north side of!
Donegal street at Barbara, on east
and west side of Jacob street at
Apple Tree alley; all these were or-
dered. P. R. R. be notified to re=-
lay brick pavement at east Market
atreet bridge approach; co? ted.
Street committee advertise for bids
for furnishing stone, sewer pipe and
bolen block and award contract to
lowest bidder but bidder must give
bond as evidence of good faith,
Also engage a competent surveyor,
the committee to use its judgment.
Also post notices relative to the re-
moval of ashes.
Mr. Hamaker of the Water com-
mittee, reported everything in first-
class condition and that pumping
engineer Good had not as yet signed
the agreement drawn up by the
committee. Recommended that the
water main on Market street be ex-
tended for the benefit of John M,
Brandt, who will build,
‘Greider of the
same condition as they
to putting of
The Street cor mittee was ordered
to given John Miller
pavement on West Donegal street
were pilor
down the trolley
grade for
The committee
to remove all
1 to 20.
N The tax rate for 1907 was then
considered and it was shown that
at 4 1- the borough would
derive $162 more this year than it
did at a 5 mill rate last year on ac-
ashes, from May
2 mills,
count of the increased assessments.
It will be remembered that this is
just what the Bulletin suggested
two monhts ago. Upon motion of
Mr. Zeller the tax rate was fixed at
4 1-2 mills and Clerk Fellenbaum
was instructed to get out the dupli-
cate until May 1st.
The Water superintendent was
ordered to clean the reservoir and
flush the fire hydrants using
pressure, The latter to be
after basin is cleaned.
The auditors’ report of the bor-
ough finances was read. Upon
motion it was ordered advertised
and printed by the Bulletin, After
some discussion it was decided that
the postmaster should nct order
work of any kind hereafter without
first consulting the Property com-
The following
bills were then
paid: John H. Buohl $40.46, M.
N. Brubaker 7.50, Frank Good 30.00,
Jacob Friday 1.45, Frank Conrad
145, A. B. Welsh 3.00, J. H.
Buohl 4.00, Electric Light company
277.58, H. H. Gillums 11.25, F. E,
Hershey 2.00, H. S. Garber 2.00
A. B. Cling 1,75, Herald Company
4,00, Jno, J. Pennell 5.00.
Adjourned at 11.10 to meet agaic
tomorrow evening at 7.30,
Now He's Eighty-four.
Rev, A. II. Long was 84 years of
age Friday. He hasbeen a minister
of the gospel, in the denomination
known as the Church of God,
Bethel, for more than fifty years,
and is the oldest minister of that
denomination in the United States.
Notwithstanding his age, Dr
18 hale and hearty, still
great force and eloquence.
Rev, Mr. Long has written 2000
sermons, 12,000 tracte, baptized 549
persons and officiated at 600 funer-
Reservoir should be cleaned and
fire pressure should be tested.
Mr. Zeller of the Light commit-
tee, suggested the placing of a light
at the residence of Mrs. Harry
Water superintendent Martin B,
‘Hiestand reported a leak in the fire
plug at the residence of John Rahm
and suggested that all manufacturers
ingtall water meters.
The report of the treasurer showed
a balance of %1,834.67 in the Bor-
ough account and #1,993.45 in the
Water account,
The Hoffman estate presented
The Annual Dinner
The annual dinner given by 8, H.
Tressler and wife of Kast Donegn',
in honor of their old st danghter
Miss Emma, took place Monday
evening, the occasion being her
eighteenth birthday. Many young
folks were present and Miss 1'ress-
ler was the recipient of a number of
handsome presents, The supper
surpassed those of former occasions
and consisted of oysters in
style, ice cream, cake,
bananas, ete.

David street was reported in bad |
Whar- |
| future home,
| Lancaster.
mm iva l k .
I'he Mt. Joy Borough |\ ‘Extensive improvements are be- |
School, A. H. Coolidge, Mrs. A. II. |
J. |
The Street commit- |
tee was ordered to lay pavements at |
| the cellar openings at S. B,
| hart & Co’s store,
The Solicitor |
The Conestoga Traction company |
was notified to put Columbia avenue, |
Delta and Donvgal streets in the
his |
| was connected with the
and that his fence be set on the line. | |, Monroe Frank last Thursday
was also structed |
- of the estate of
A banquet followed installation
[ with the Red Men Friday evening. |
Roy Dieter cut a bad gash in his |
foot while cutting wood
{ last week.
one day |
Wanted —Some one to
supply |
{ straw for the Apply at |
| this office.
«Mushy? still making |
daily trips with his “dead”
?) horse.
Good is
Joseph Gantz will make this his
He is employed at!
ing mid: at the Miller property fn
Dr. Richards.
Dairyman John Kraybill’s valu. |
able rabbit dog passed into dog
heaven Sunday.
New iron grates were placed over
Bern- |
C. N. Mumma received an excep-
tionally fine bull dog from C. G.
Rohrer in New York City.
Weeks and other varieties.
Mount Joy, Box 61,
Potatoes—Early Red, Six
Route 2
Hector Henery is putting down a
{ concrete walk from the house to the
stable at the Kuhns property.
The residence of James Glatfelter
Joseph I, Ferguson is the executor |
The legal notice appears |
Hannah rgusoi,
on page 2.
Lost—A pair of gold spectacles
with case between the Church of
(God and post office. A reward for
their return to this oflice.
A beautiful monument was erect-
ed in the Mount Joy cemetery last
week for Mrs. M. A. Spickler to the
memory of her first husband,
The White Rose base ball club!
of Elizabethtown, challenges any
16 "to
Harrison Eshleman is manager
club whose ages range from
It is only too true that the man
with seveu daughters is happier than
the man with a $100,000. The
latter wants more while the former
has enough.
Tuesday evening District Deputy
II. LL Stager installed the officers of
Donegal f.odge No. 129, 1. 0, O. F.
at Marietta, A number of local
members witnessed the installation.
S. B. Bernhart & Co. have given
an order to the Borouga for a new
This being a private crossing, the
property owners are obliged to lay
same at their expense,
Bolen block crossing at their
Distriet | Deputy Grand Master
II. L. Stager installed the officers
elect of Mount Joy Lodge No. 277,
I. 0. O. F. last evening, This or-
der is in a flourishing condition, its
trustees’ report showirg over $7,300
Thanks for Those Potatoes
At a meeting of the Ladies’ Aux:
iliary of the Lancaster General hos-
pital, held at the home of the presi-
dent Mrs, A, K. Manning, a unani-
mous vote of thanks was extended
to the scholars of the Washington
school, at Florin, for a very gener-
ous donation of potatoes.
Cheaper Ice.
Having housed an exceptionally
fine crop of ice this year, I
better peepared than ever to serve
the public with crystal goods. The
large crop warrants me to sell at a
lower figure this year than last,
Awaling your patronage 1 am res-
pectfully. has, S. Frank,
The Y. M. C. A. Chorus.
The Y. M, C. A. male chorus of
York, will appear in Mount Joy hall
here Saturday evening, April 13,
ander the auspices of the Church of
God Y. P, 8, C, E, Admission
cents and there is no extra charge
for reserved seats, Chart opens at
Garber's today,

joy for a supply of stock.
{ children, of Cresscn, spent
| Grove,
| of Frank Baker”
| She resides at Lancaster.
{ Harry and Jacob Stauffer and
cises at Bainbridge on Friday even-
' have gone to California
{ piano was discussed at length.
| was at Lancaster yesterday and will
L report at the next meeting,
Amos Engle is putting down
concrete walk from his house to his |
¢ Wm. Shire was injured in an ac-
cident in Virginia and is home with |
his family.
Mrs. Chas. $hreed
Zortman aud
a few)
days here with friends.
E. Arndt
wife of
were guests in
Mrs. W. H. Kratzer of Reading, |
| is spending several weeks with
mother, Mrs. D, U. Stoner.
Miss Ethel Remdon returned |
home yesterday after spending a
her |
| inouth here with Miss Nora Gantz.
Mrs. Henry G. Hoffman and son |
wife |
attended the commencement exer=
V Elwood Roberts, woodworker at |
G. Moyer’s, with his son, Earnest, |
where they |
will remain for some time, The |
former is in bad health. |
School Board Met
The regular monthly meeting of |
of a
This committee
The purchase
committee was appointed to
over instruments,
vw as some discussion refatiye to fill-
ing the vacancy ir the Board, but
as all the members were not present,
it was held over until the next meet-
—————— pe
Auto Ride Sickened Him
Benjamin W. Brown treated his
brother George, Henry Smeltzer,
Wm. E. Hendrix, aun Harvey Car-
penter to an automobile ride on
Saturday to Lancaster and return
via Columbia and Marietta. One
of the party, who is not used to
automobiling, was quite sick tbat
He said, “I couldn’t stand
the smell of gasoline.”
Public Sale at Florin
Thursday afternoon, April 11,
Mis, Elizabeth Eicherly will sell at
public sale 46 yards of carpet, 4
tables, 2 18 chairs, beds,
sink, lounge, glass and queensware,
pots, pans, ete. The sale will take
place at the late residence of John
Baptismal Services
Last Sunday morning after an
earnest sermon by Dr. A, H. Long,
now in the eighth-fifth year of his
age, Rev. Charles F. Reitzel pastor
of the Church of God baptized four
persons, as follows: Harry H. Bear
and wife and B, KE, Hicstand and
wife. The baptizing was done in
the pool in the Bethel.
PR ——
Mr. Zortman’s Promotion
Chas. E, Zortman, who for some
years has been superintendent of the
Olearfield division of the P. R, R,,
has been promoted to the super-
visorship of the Sunbury divigion
of the Northern Central railroad
with headquarters at Millersburg,
—— tlt
Rev. Stewart at Columbia
Rev. K. J. Stewart, the retiring
moderator, preached a sermon in
Jolumbia Monday evening at the
opening session of the Presbytery
of Westininster which embraces the
churches of Tancaster and York
A $1,500 Fire.
The barn, two carriage houses, a
hog pen and other out buildings
owned by John Orth, the butcher,
near Mumma’s woods, in East
Donegal, were destroyed by fire
Wednesday. The loss is $1,500,
| at Millersville this week.
John D. Easton and wife
| Monday at Elizabethtown.
the family | | V
| home of Jacob Hershey
iabout his premises
| the Columbia pike,
| bethtown,
| visited the family of
i the School Board was held cn Mon- | visited his mother.
| day evening. | same day.
held services at
'E by’s church on Sunday forenoon.
Rev. I.ehman
Miss Elsie Enslow has gone to |
her home at Blaine for the summer
John Weidman and his force are
painting the Central Hotel at Mt. |
| Joy.
David Young has gone to Read- |
{ing where he has secured employ-
Prayer-meeting was held at the
| evening.
Gertrude Haldeman and Harold
| Gardner did not miss a day
| past term.
Mrs. Roy Baker of
| town, was the guest of her parents
| here on Monday.
Wm. Weidman is ‘cleaning
and getting
| things in shape to build.
Amos Risser of Hambright’s, on |
spent Sunday
in town the guest of Samuel Risser |
Ed. Reider and family of
a former saddler here,
C. G. Groff.
Jacob S.
| to Palmyra on where
John Masterson has the contract
to rebuild the bridge that recently
caved i on the road near the farm
of]. S
Mr. Heffelfinger, who has been
the night watchman for the Roll-
man Manufacturing Co. at Mount
Joy, moved on the
. Carmany.
Weaver farm
, Don’t forget to attend the
sonal property sale of Mrs,
beth Eicherly Thursday afternoon
in this place. J. G. Beatty is the
Martha Kolp, Ada Breneman,
Elam Shearer and Amos Karhart,
four pupils of the Grandview school
taught by Miss Dorothy Goss, one
mile north of town, did not
day the past term.
miss a
While returning home from Mt.
Joy at a late hour on Saturday
night, H. S. Musselman was stop-
ped by a colored man but Mr.
Musselman’s courage scared the
coon and he decamped.
Florin is getting to be a great
place of late-—at least so says the
young man from Mount Joy that
attended a flitting Monday and did
not get home until Tuesday night.
Ask him what happened.
Clarence Schock of Mount Joy,
who recently purchased an auto-
mobile, met with'a mishap in town
on Sunday evening. While trying
to turn around, the machine
into a telegraph pole and was con-
sideradly The
pants escaped uninjured.
damaged. occu-
ii ies
Martin Metzgar is erecting a new
stable on his fremises.
Mrs. Mary @eltmacher is con-
fined to the house witli the grip.
Preaching services will be held
in the church here Sunday
ing by the pastor.
Last week the horse of merchant
Peter Risser tore loose and ran off.
The contents of the market wagon
were damaged and the vehicle was
demolished. 'T'he harness was torn
but the horse escaped uninjured.
At a recent meeting of the Cor-
net Band of this place, the follow-
ing officers were elected to serve
for six months: Leader John Wit-
tle, assistant Harry Shirk, Presi-
dent Amos Geltmacher, Vice Pres-
ident John Kemmerly, Secretary
Chas. Hoffer, Assistant John Fogie
Treasurer Fred K. Kemmerly,
Trustees, 18 months, Samuel Shenk
and Martin Metzgar.
Deeds Recorded
Ephraim K. Shelly to Fanny B,
Shelly, property in Rapho, #3,005,

spent |
the |
Elizabeth- |
up !
Eliza- |
Carmany and wife drove |
he |
the |
Later at Florin.
John Peck, aged about fifty-two
| years, and living near Bainbridge,
| was found dead at Ierr’s culvert, on
| the Pe nnsylvania railroad, one mile
| east of Landisville, on Sunddsy morn-
| ing by a telegraph operator, named
| Minnich The man went to Land-
| isvilie on Saturday evening on Har- |
| rishurg Express, and started to walk
to Lancaster, traveling on the rail-
road. When he came to Hert’s cul-
{ vert he fell, in some w ay, and land |
ed on some stones a
twelve feet,
distance cf
Tis skull was
| erashed above the left eye and the
| body was iylng in a pool of
| €
[ about
unfortunate man at first
Buried Yesterday.
Peck, His watch was stopped a few
minutes after 12 o'clock, which is
probably the time he made the fatal
mistep. Upon his body
a large sum of money. The re-
mains were removed to Diffender-
fer’s undertaking parlors, at Salunga,
where they were prepared for burial,
Deputy Coroner B.S. Dillinger, of
Mount Joy, was notified and with
| his physician, Dr. J. J. Newpher,
held an investigation, and decided
that death was in accordance
the above related facts.
was never married,
The funeral was held on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home
was found

| could not be identified,
description furnished,
but from a
his relatives |
| were led to believe that it was John |
Littie Profit in Cattle
| The crop of fat cattle in Lancas-
| ter county is ripening and farmers
| who fed steers are not elated over
they will get
| little if any more than market price
| present prospects for profits.
the market is to-day,
for their corn, the manure pile
| rough feed
| being only compensation for
and attention.
Of late years, Lancaster county
feeders do not
the fall for feeding pur-
They prefer a medium grade |
2 im
as a rule buy fancy
steers in
| poses.
| with less risk of loss.
ip robably the average price paid |
for feeders last fall was around four |
| cents a pound. cattle to-|
day, fat, are worth about five cents.
If the farmer bought ten hundred |
pound steers, they cost him $40. |
If he put on 400 pound of growth |
and tallow, they will fetch at to-!
day’s market, $70,
$30 a head. He has probably fed
each steer fifty bushels
At fifty
worth $
an increase of
a bushel that was
25, so that he has possibly
%5 a head for his work and rough
but cattle men
agree that this is a fair statement
of the average profits this season.
tions from this rule,
Of course are
tutes aire miem—s ser
Elopers Near Home
At an early hour TLursday morn
ing Abram W. Groff, who resides
about two miles north of Manheim,
was awakened by hearing a man
calling in his yard. He went to the
windown and saw it was E. M, Hess
the rural mail carrier, who twice
eloped with Mrs, Uriah Z. Geib.
He had left his team the road
some distance from the house and
Mrs, Geib
not, bat it is be-
heyed she was. Iless asked Mr.
Groff he thought Geib
would take his wife back again and
it is not known whether
was with him or
how everybody was getting along,
He was surprised to learn that Mr,
Geib had gotten his horse back.
Hess was invited into the house but
he declined, Since then nothing
has been scen or heard of Iess or
Mrs, Geib.
Unclaimed Letters
Following is a list of letters un-
called for at the Mount Joy
office, April 10, 1907:
Mrs. Susan Gantz,
Miss Katie H, Bard,
James Nolan,
J. Fred Fenstermacher, Post-Master,
elf snes
: Birthday Dinner.
Thos, J. Brown and wife gave
birthday dinner in honor
of their
son-in-law J, Alfred Hipple on Sun-
day. Guests were present from
Lancaster, Columbia and vicinity.
at this office.
Prof. M,
borough schools tomorrow,
A load of cobs, Apply
J. Brecht will visit the
\ Kiak Joknston & Co, placed a
{ Interment
| sided in this
of his aunt, Mrs, Charles Zeller,
was made in Henry
| Eberle cemetery.
Many of Our Friends Answer Death's
Sad Call
Mrs John Myers died her
home 1n Bainbridge, aged 75 years.
She was the mother of ex-sheriff
John Myers of Lancaster.
Mrs. Anna Wolf, widow of Jacob
| Wolf, died at Maytown on Friday
‘night from heart disease and dropsy,
aged 78 years. The funeral will be
held at Newberry, York county.
Mary, widow of Jacob
late of Paris, Ill., died March
Deceased was a sister of Peter
|ser of Newtown, and for:
Vis ~-
borough, 1
ceased husband was a bi
the late Mrs. Alexander Pua
and also of Mrs. F. A.
this place.
Ricker of
Mrs, Anna Ferguson, widow of
Lieutenant Joseph Ferguson, form-
erly postmaster here, at the
home of her son, in Harrisburg,
aged eighty-four years.
vived by the following children:
Mrs. Michael Baxter, of Brooklyn;
Mrs. Brewster Cameron, of Texas;
Murs, Maria Bowman, of town and
Joseph, of Harrisburg, The funeral
was held from the home of Martin
Bowman, on Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Interment in the Mount
Joy cemetery.
She is sar-
Adaline HH. widow of John R,
Kern, died suddenly on
afternoon at her late home at Lan-
disville from heart trouble. De-
ceased was in her sixty-eighth year
and was a member of the Menno-
nite church. These children sur-
vive: John M., William 1H,
Catharine, wife of Edward Kline,
and Anna, wife of Levi Huber, all
of Landisville. The funeral will be
held from her late home on Wednes
day at 1 o’clock at the house, with
services at 1:30 at the Landisyille
Mennonite church, and interment in
the cemetery adjoining,
ee ll eee
Always Sign Your Name.
Our many patrons will please
remember that whenever news items
are contributed they must always
bear the signature of the contributor
not for publication but as evidence
of good faith, Several were not
published this week on that account,
- -
For an Episcopal Church
Yesterday the Messrs. Brown
closed a deal for the purchase of a
number of lots of ground from Jacob
Zercher, south of town. The ob-
ject ot the purchase is to erect a
beautiful Episcopal church thereon
which work will quite likely be
done this summer,
Blanket Recovered
Clayton Witmer tied his team in
front of Joseph Hershey's barber
shop Saturday evening and at a
late hour Irvin Baker discovered
some one trying to ‘‘crib’’ a horse
blanket. He followed the thief

Lester piano in the High school this

who dropped the blanket but Irvin
kept up the chase until he lost the
thief on South Barbara street,