The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, April 03, 1907, Image 1

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VOL VI. NO. 45
3, 1907
John Engle of York, spent Easter
Many of Our Friends Answer Death’s Sunday here with his parents.
Sad Call
Elmer Witmer is the proud fath-
| er of a son. The Whereabouts of Your Friends For
Martin E. Peck spent Saturday the Past Few Days
Henry Divet is building an an- |
nex to his dwelling.
Business Necessitates Improvements.
Owing to the increased patronage
of S. B. Bernhart & Co. they are
making big changes to the interior |
of their store by adding additional
counters and shelving which will
enable them te carry a more coms=
plete line of merchandise than here-
Happenings of the Week Told ina Brief
Yet Iteresting Mannner.
Maud Dillinger is ill at this writ-
- |
Haverstick is spending| Maurice Wittle and family of |
some time in this place with friends, | | Columbia were the guests of Peter | at Lancaster. { Ed Sauders took charge of the
Edgar Bentzel of Williamson | Risser on Sunday. hotel on monday.
school, is home on a short vacation. | Mrs. Reuben J. Seitz and family |
David Hoffman was a welcome of Harrisburg visited the family of |
visitor in our borough over Easter, | A. C. Geltmacher on Sunday.
ing. John H. Sheuk, one of the oldest
; | and most prominent farmers of West |
| Donegal township, died on Saturday
| evening at his home from cerebral | |
| apoplex He was in his eight
Our hustling coal and tes L0EY. 3 He is oe 25 yo W. A, Martin of Harris urg, was
Sealer F. H. Baker is making vast | 4) 0 following children: Jonathan, | the guest of his father here fora
improvements about his place of | Jacob, Christian and Mrs. John H. few days. | the one destroyed by fire last fall. | Henry D. Shenk of Donegal
b i +) » 3 1 \ eo y | A
Sings. He will con tinue his coal Witmer, all of West Donegal town- | Frank Hogendobler of Philadel- The River Brethren held their | Springs, was the guest of Harvey
yma about one hundred | gi, The deceased was a member | 'phia, spent Saturday here with | regular services on Sunday morn-| D, Wittle last Saturday.
eet and or Thursday received two of the Mennonite church. His fu— | | friends. | ing with Rev. Abram and Erol)
3 loads of cinder from the P. Br], 0.0 was held Tuesday aftercgon, John | Hess officiating.
3 3 71 3 : sis s By |
. company which he will use about with religious services
his yards it Gods |T
Eight pupils graduated from the y : meeting house. Interment was made |
Oo < -
Maytown High School Wednesday Smeltzer—Sprout. in church graveyard.
evening. T
Rev. Langley is moving to Nor-
ristcwn today.
Jacob Gish now occupies the
Peter Risser homestead.
E. F. Grush and brother Frank
| spent Tuesday at Mount Joy.
Amos Deckard erected a new | Harvey G. Hoffman moved into
I stable on his premises to replace ; Susan Eshleman’s house last week.
Eli Smeltzer and wife spent Eas-
ter with friends here.
An Easter ball was held in the
Peter Schmoelze moved to town
hall here on Monday evening,
on Monday from mount Joy.
Miss Stella Ishler of Elizabeth-
town, spent Sunday in town.
misses Fanny and Alice Kline
spent Sunday at Elizabethtown.
Frank Fornwalt, wife and son
Ray, spent Easter at Middletown.
Victor Haldeman of Philadelphia
paid his parents a visit on Sunday
Many from town attended bap-
tizing at Reist’s creamery on Sunday.
A valuable fat hog was poisoned
for Daniel W. Kramer last week.
Deacon preached his first
germon in the Methodist church on
Rev. Hiram Shonk has opened the
| coachmakers’ establishment form-
John Divet of Lancaster and | erly occupied by C. C. Maderia.
Vo Jos Cohic of Kinderhook were
Runk of Chester, spent |
hursday and Friday here with his
| parents.
Murs, Allen J. Pennell and daugh-
After a few months’
visitors at the home of Besjamin | yy, Milton Grove: Union
———— — |
Miller Bros., are putting a slate
roof on the rear property of James
B: Bernhart & Co. are putting
out lemons free—but in the shape
of advertising.
Schroll moved
all property on Monday,
by Elmer Krall,
into the
Marble and granite dealer James
Glatfelter is now cozily qulirtered in
tus new location.
The officers elect of Otsego Tribe,
No. 59, Imp. O, R. M. will be in-
stalled Friday evening.
According to the Elizabethtown
" Herald, butcher C. N. Mvmma will
be a candidate for Sheriff,
The Men’s Union prayer meeting
will be held at the home of J. T.
Wilson on Friday evening.
Almost 100 inches of additional
advertising appears in this week's
issue. Head every inch of it.
The Foresters’ Band passed sever-
al hours arcund town Friday even-—
ing serenading our citizens,
Seed Potatoes—Early Red, Six
Weeks and other varieties. Addres
Mount Joy, Box 61, Route 2
Amos Sheafier of Florin, is paint-
ting the interior of James Glatfelters
residence and P. J Dieter is doing
the papering.
Lena, youngest daughter of Wm.
Dillinger and wife, fell off a porch
Saturday evening, injuring her arm
quite severely.
Wanted—good first class man,
married or single, to drive four
mule team and work on small farm.
Simon R. Snyder.
Lost—A small Crescent solid gold
breast pin on Main street between
I tne post office and Bowman's store.
Return to this office.
While the Presbyterian church is
being improved, the congregation
will hold services on the third floor
of the Greider building.
Last week M. L. Greider sent a
number of specially fine samples of
tobacco grown in this county, to
Dr. Freer at State College.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the
General Hospital will meet at the
home of Mrs, A, K., Manning
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Proprietor Ed Sauders of the La
Pierre House, gave a farewell sauer-
kraut and chicken corn sonp supper
to his many friends on Saturday.
Miss Ella Erb, who resides a short
distance south of Newtown, enter—
tained a large number of her young
friends at her home Sunday after—
‘Preparations are already being
mace for a grand demonstration here
on Decoration Day, It is quiet
likely that the Red Men, in full
costume, will parade,
\ Charles A. Greder, who just
closed his sehool term last week, on
Friday accepted a position as clerk
for the Champion Forge and Blower
Jompany at Lancaster,
“J A match game of pool for the
championship of Mount Joy, will
be played at the Exchange hotel
Thursday evening between ‘‘Bings”
Ergle and “Chicken” Hendrix,
After Another Prize
8. B. Barnhart & Co. have again
decorated their window with the
Ladies’ Home Journal and will con-
test again for one of the 60 prizes
and hope to secure one of the larger
prizes this time as their window is
far superior to the oac of last
mouth and well deserves a good
Eli D. Smeltzer of this place,
and Miss Gertrude M. Sprout of
Florin, were united in marriage by
Rey. Harvey S. Hershey, pastor of
the Church of God at Landisville,
at his residence on Thursday cven-
ing, They will reside in their new-
ly furnished home on South Barbara
John Keener, teamster for Brandt
& Stehman, 15 tolding the lines
over a pair of stylish black
purchased of Z. W. Keller.
Blane Hollensworth and Albert
Mummert spent Saturday and Sun-
day at Hershey with
Our best wishes accompany
the former’s
East Donegal Telephones
The poles were planted and the
wires strung last Tuesday for the
rural telephone line in Kast Done-
gal township. Foll
patrons of the liue:
muth, Aros Rhy, 17°N.
David Eby, Levi Nissley,
Haldeman, Mrs. Wiley,
ram Hess, Ezra Wolgemuth, H. E.
Wolgemuth, Avery Engle, Mrs.
Mary Musser, Samuel Hotfman and
Noah Mumma,
Rev. Ab-
Easter Bride.
The marriage of Miss Cora W.
Harnish to Phares C. Hawthorn
took place at the Church of God
parsonage, Mount Joy, Pa. S:turday
March 30, at noon.
wag preformed by
Reitzel. The
The ceremony
Rev, Chas. F.
couple were un-
Easter With the Church of God.
Rev. Chas. F. Reitzel, pastor of
the Church of God, favored his
people with two appropriate Easter
sermons, At the morning service
Harry Baer and wife were received
into church fellowship. The Sun-
day School received its usual treat.
Dorsheimer —Smeltz.
Ralph Dorsheimer of Lancaster,
formerly of this borough and Miss
Daisy Smeltz were married last
Wednesday in that city. Emlin
Buller of Florin was best man.
They will reside upon their return,
at 142 Csral strect.
Sold Both Outfits
Frank Nissly, proprietor of the
Exchange Hotel, disposed of his
pouy, donkey, cart, harness, etc., tQ
a Lancaster man list week, All
those who had chances on the don-
key can have their tickets redeemed

by calling on Mr, Nissley.
Ed Ream Moves
Liveryman and horse dealer Ba,
Ream is now located in hie new and
spacious quarters at Spera’s old
stand, Samuel Kissel and his gang
just finished remodeling the stable,
Mr. Ream is now ready for business
in his new and central
, RR
Committed Suicide
Nero, the valuable pointer dog of
Dr, O. G. Longenecker, committed
suicide on Saturday by jumping over
a fence, hanging himse f with the
chain with whirh he was tied. He
was valued at 550.
At New Location J
Charles H, Zellep: now occupies
his Marietta street mansion, having
moved on Mor lay. The restaurart
and ice eream | :riove wil be opened

{0 a few days u.d (he generar pub-
{io patronage is kindly requested.
¢ the needs of the school.
are the
tins Linde- |
A Chicken Supper
A grand chicken supper in Mount |
Joy Hall, Saturday, April 6, be-
ginning at 6 o'clock, p. m.
ready started for the purchase of a!
piano for the High School. The
school organ is in the decline of old
age and is not satisfactorily meeting |
It is hoped |
that the friends ot the school, all of
them, will be interested
movement, buy a ticket from the
boys who shall sell them, and then
which will be complete enough to
satisfy the hungriest. Come to the’
Hall instead of eating supper at |
supper, you may want ice cream and |
cake. The supper is
everything else at the usual rates.
Pupils’ Honor Roll at Rheems’.
The Rheems’ public school closed |
on Friday last and each. pupil
cieved a bsautiful
card from the
were 8ix pupils, who received special |
prizes for having been present at
every session
Simon B.
the term,
were Elizabeth
line and Helen Campbell,

Changes To Be
Proprietor Wm, H. Gantz of the
KFarmers’ Inn, will build a large acm
dition to the hotel and raise it sev-
eral feet,
moved back from the pavement. By
that time the Borough will have
0!d Market street macadamized and
with new pavements will greatly
improve one of the busiest portions
of the borough.
/ am
Result of Bad Roads
VG. Samuel Sheaffer,
the delivery team for
who ‘drives
Alois Bube,
the local brewer, got into mud up
to the hub while taking a load of
beer to Mastersonville last week,
breaking both single trees, A kind
farmer helped him out of his pre-
Hoffer Succeeds Hamaker
Edgar Hamaker, the able young
clerk in Yoffe's clothing store for
some time, resigned his position to
take effect this evening, F, B. N,
Hoffer is his successor, Mr, Ham-
aker will spend the summer at the
Jamestown Exposition,
Was Tired of Life
Gertrude Albright, a domestic in
the family of E, L. Nissley, reeid-
ing on the Donegal road, opposi.e
Cross Roads Church, took landnum
with suicidal intent. The family
physician was summoned and soon
revived her,
Sn sti
Remains Interred Here
The remains of Mrs. Joseph Mar-
tin nee Maggie Buckwalter of York
formerly of this place, were brought
bere on Wednesday and interred in
the Mount Joy cemetery.
Was Sweet Fifteen
Miss Lizzie Baker was tendereed
a post card surprise yesterday, the
occasion being ler fifteenth birth-
day. She receiyed many handsome
and beautiful cards from her friends.
cif sini
Stolen Team Recovered.
On Thursday U, Z, Geib recoy-
ered the team that departed with
tis wife some wecks ago, He pro-

jor it in Northumberland county.
Divet on Sunday.
| ter Marian of Laueaster, spent a few |
{days in town.
Joseph B, Gantz, wife and children
i Services were held last Sunday
evening in the church in this place
| by the pastor. Services will be
supper is held to increase a fund al- |
in this |
Even if you do not want Newport, P
25 cents, |
There |
for the past month
Arthur R. Campbell, Willis Enter— | improved.
ine, Kieffer Kesselring, Edna Enter- |

The of Williamsport, spent Easter here |
{ with his parents.
Miss Erma Ashton spent Easter
‘at Bainbridge with her parents Ross
" Ashton and wife,
Mrs. James Glatfelter will return
from the General Hospital the lat-
“ter part of the week.
Miss Myrtle Sprout of Landis-
ville spent Saturday and Sunday in
"the family of Frank Conrad.
come to the Hall for the supper |
Miss Ella Wenerhold and William
; Forest of Lancaster were the guests
of Laura Pennell on Saturday,
Miss Mary E. Schroll has gone to
a. where she will spend
! several weeks with relatives.
Walter Eby of Middletown, a
typo of this office, spent
[atiiniay and Sunday in the borougt. | Hertzler
Christ Rohrer and wife of New |
‘York city, spent Sunday h:re with
‘Mrs. Rohrer’s parents, W. B,
{ Detwiler and wife.
Mrs. G, Samucl Sheaffer returned
from the General Hospital Saturday
| where she has undergone treatment
She bs greatly
Baptizing Last Sunday
Twelve persons, recent converts
of the German Baptists, were im-
| mersed on Sunday afternocn in a
stream on the farm of Rev.
Eshleman, one of
D. M.
their ruinisters,
Tie | nilding will also be! in Mt. Joy township, near Rheems,
Prof. I. N, H. Beahm of Elizabeth-
town College, made a briei address
on the banks of the stream and Rev.
Hiram E, Kaylor performed the cer
emony, which was administered by
trine immersion. Those baptized
were Allen Ginder and wife, Her-
man Ginder and wife, Margie Fry,
Fanny Eshenbaugh, Henry Koger,
Harry Weaver, Harry Stauffer, Hi=
ram Ginder, Salome Eshleman and
Mabel Good. A large crowd of peo
ple witnessed the ceremony.
/ ssa
V The Champion Butcher
Levi Henry, a resident of West
Donegal township, and one of the
best known men in the vicinity of
Florin and Rheems, can boast of a
remarkable batchering record for
the season just closed. Mr. HevLry
is seventy-six years old and has re-
sided in the house he now accupies
for the past thirty-seven years, dur-
ing which time he has been engaged
at butchering among the farmers.
In the seuson just closed Mr, Henry
slaughtered 53 hogs and 9 beeves,
an unusual record for a man of his
age. Mr. Henry is in vigorous
health and a remarkably active man
- ———
Good Farm Machinery
If you contemplate purchasing
new and improved farm inackinery
this Spring, don’t buy until you
have first inspected the large and
complete line now exhibited at M,
L. Greider & Co’s, warercoms, See
their Lig ad on page 4, red it care-
fully and then pay them a visit.
Council Meets Later
As the regular monthly meeting
of Borough Council fell on April 1,
it was postponed. Presitent Long-
enecker will quite likely call a spe-
cial meeting within a few days,
ee eee
Deeds Transferred.
Norman R. Hoffman to Henry
Birch, hotel property in :sainbridg
e, | opens Saturday, Mar,
held again on Sunday morning
April 14.
John Shenk moved into the
house lately occupied by Samuel
| Weaver and George Rigel moved
| into the dwelling lately vacated by
John Shenk.
John Kupp moved from here to
the Lancaster Junction last Tues-
q Christ Musser, the baker, opened
a confectionery and ice cream par-
lor on April 1st.
Mrs. Jacob Hartman and child-
ren, of Denver, were the guests of
John Showaltgr.
Samuel into the
just north of
Hess moved
town, last Monday.
Samuel Nissley moved with his
family from Yonkers, N. Y., to this
place last week. Mr. Nissley will
occupy S. B. Stauffer’s new house,
on Cooper avenue.
John Spangler is recovering from
an attack of erysipelas.
Rev. J. W. Flinn, pastor of the
M. E. church, was returned for an-
other year.
Reuben Raffensberger will em-
ploye a good saddler.
demands it.
His work
Walter and Howard Peifer were
home from F. & M. on their East-
er vacation.
Rev. Maderia bought eight sets
of working harness of our local sad-
dler last week,
The Union Square school closed
the term of 1907 on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sauble spent
Sunday with Martin Greiner and
family. : ?
Mrs. Maria Pautz and Katie
Rice were Sunday guests with
Wesley Shenk and family.
Miss Elizabeth Heistand and
Isaac Hollinger, of near Elm, and
Anna Mary Givler of Orchard Val-
ley, spent Sunday in the family of
H. F. Ruhl.
Mrs. F. Felty 1s improving.
Miss Gussie Barkley visited here
J. Trostle and daughter spent} a
few days in Perry county.
Messrs, Myers of Mount
spent Sunday in this section,
Mrs, John Boyer was taken
the County House at Lancaster
Miss Emma Tressler spent
day with Miss Adella Grove at
Jacob Curron moved into Tres—
gler’s tenant house Monday. Mr.
Roland will ocoupy the house vacat-
ed by Mr. Boyer.
Howe Coming Again
Howe's moying pictures will be
again presented in Mount Joy Hall
auspices of the Trinity United Kvan
gelical church, with an entire new
program, lt will be well for you
to secure your seats early as the
will doubtless be too small
commodate the large crowd, Chart
30, at H. E.
Ehersole’s store,

| school will open its summer season
Sunday, April 7
Due to the teatt of Miss Mary
Kreider, Miss Holda Gantz, of
Green Tree, will supply the vacancy
in the home of A. H. Risser.
Mrs. Polly Coble, an estimable
aged lady, of Highspire, but form
erly a resident of this place greeted
her many friends here in the fore-
part of the week.
The Supervisors of Mount Joy
township will meet at Hotel Milton
Grove on April 6, at 1 p. m. and
| thereafter every first Saturday of
| each month on the same hour.
———ee seen mi—
The Rheems school ended
the present term on Friday.
yeorge Sload and wife of Mid-
dletown, spent a few days with the
family of Jacob Shank.
Prof. Samuel Heisey’s double
house is ready for the carpenters.
Albert Geise is the carpenter,
Fred C. Dupler and wife spent
last Saturday and Sunday at New-
port visiting her father, who is
quite ill.
Abe Snyder the Elizabethtown
stone mason and force are at pres—
ent . repairing the Leander Groff
lime kiln.
v Arthur W. Campbell was run
over by a team while rolling hoop-
one day last week. A sprainad
ankle is the result.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzpatrick and
family, of near this place, mourn
the lcss of their infant which died
last week, aged six days.
Treichler of Elizabethtown
was on the Abe Forney farm last
week in search of typhoid germs.
He procured several bottles of
water to be analyzed.
Miss May Rohrer spent Sunday
et Lititz.
Amos Musselman and Albert are
on the sick list.
Miss Sarah Ray visited her par-
ents at Gap over Sunday.
Jacob Brandt visited in the family
of Mrs. Maria Horst during last
Mrs. B. L. Kauffman spent from
Friday to Sunday with relatives at
Mount Joy.
Miss May Rohrer went to Har-
risburg where she expects to spend
two weeks in the family of her
Harry Fauser and family moved
on Tuesday in the Erisman prop-
erty. Samuel Brownberger and
family moved from this place to
Harry Cassel’s, near Lancaster
— ea
Abram U. Snyder purchased a
horse on Friday.
John E. Ginder moved on
Heagy farm on Tuesday.
Nathan. E. Ginder delivered his

Thursday evening, April 4th, under
tobacco to Manheim on Saturday.
Elias Heisey moved to Mount
Hope last week where he will work
in a mill.
Allen S. Hollinger put a new
wheel on A. W. Shelly’s wind
pump on Tuesday.
On Monday John S. Pyle sold a

10 aC- |
pair of fine mules and bought a
ball | pair to take their place.
Amos Garman overtread his foot
| and sprained it so severely that he
{i is obliged to move about on
| crutches.
A daughter was born to Chris-
| tian Gerber and wife on Thursday.
Nissley Gingrich has enrolled as
a pupil of the Elizabethtown school
E. B. Gish of Elizabethtown,
spent Sunday with Miss Sadie
Claud Keener of Harrisburg,
came home for an Easter egg on
J. S. Miller and family of Steel-
ton, were guests of friends here on
A Hungarian from Steelton. on
monday moved into the P. R.\ R.
Miss Young and miss Elsie Zug
of Lebanon, are visiting at Henry
H. M. Stokes and friend from
Hanover, spent a few days in town
last week.
Harry Shumaker moved into the
Raymond property vacated by P.
N. Kraybill.
Newpher Smeltzer, wife and son
of Mount Joy, spent Sunday with
Jefferson Bishop's.
J. G. Zeller and wife and E.
Stanley Booth spent last Wednes-
day at Mt. Gretna.
Eli Menaugh and wife were the
guests of their son Charles at Mid-
dletown on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Dissinger of Landis=
ville, visited her daughter Mrs. Ed
Booth last Thursday.
mrs. Catharine Gish of West
Chester, visited her son Simon, in
this place a few days.
Mervin Mater and wife of Harris-
burg, were guests in the family of
Herman Ishler on Sunday.
Roy Ishler, a U. S. marine from
the League Island navy yards, is
here on a visit to his parents.
Miss M. Blanche Zeller from
Wanamaker’s store, Philadelphia,
spent Easter with her parents.
Mrs. Jacob E. Watson and child
ren of Steelton, were visiting his
parents Wm. Watson and wife in
town on Sunday.
Eli Flowers graduated from Wil-
liamson school last Wednesday.
Eli is now a full fledged brick-lay-
er and is home ready for work.
Harry Wittle, wife, daughters
Anna, Emma and Edna and son
John, accompanied the flitting of
their daughter Mrs. Roy Baker to
Elizabethtown on Monday,
J. H. Menaugh, wife and daugh-
ter Gertrude, of Philadelphia, Prot.
B. W. Fisher, wife and daughter
E. Ruth, and Harry Singer, wife
and two daughters, of Ephrata,
were the guests of H. I. Stoll and
wife on Sunday.
Benjamin Musser and family,
Dr. Bryson and wife of Lancaster
Andrew Hostetter of willersville
Ed Gish and wife of Elizabethtown
and George Stoll and family of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday at Jacob
While Harry Shuemake:
wife were preparing to move
Monday, they unintentionally
fire to the house. They were
burning waste paper in a stove and
the sparks set fire to the roof, A
bucket brigade extinguished the
flames before much damage was
rr — Pp ——
Crushed His Ankle.
Jim Jackson had his ankle crushed
by a dinkey engine while at work at
the rolling mulls at Coatesville, He
was brought here Monday and is
now at the home of his father, Wm,