{EERLY FULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor rnd Publisher Subscription, 50 Gents u Fear. i Six Months, 25 Gents. Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered at thePost Office at Mount Joy as second class matter BEET SUGAR IN ENGLAND. Experiments in Essex Last Year or money refunded. Send stamp for FreeSample, Particulars and Testimonials. 3 Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. RUNS A MOUSE FARM. 4 Washington (D. C.) Woman Bm. barks in Business of Breeding Faney Rodents for Profit, Showed That Beets of Best Qual- ity Could Be Grown. In nearly every county in England ly and profitably munufactured ‘these beets. swer this in the negative. pears that beets used at that failur afford to pay. experiments, however, the percentage of sugar in the beets i ture. showed that beets could Quality than those roducing countries. raised in suga While this i committee says “it does not ily be a commercial success. from The failure of an at- tempt at sugar production in England some 30 years ago would seem to an- But it ap- gontained only ten per cent. of sugar, and that farmers found it more profit- able to feed them to their stock than Ro sell at the price the factory could In the present Essex average placed at 16%. and even this has been exceeded In several recorded cases in iclose attention to other details of cul- The experiments in Essex last year be grown equal to and in some cases better In Breeding white, piebald, black, ané Japanese mice is the latest household industry which is receiving attention. . A woman living on the northern out Wales and southern Ireland it has | skirts of the city, says the Washington been demonstrated that beets of high | Post, has embarked in the business sugar content can be grown. It has, | quite extensively. The mice sell whole however, yet to be satisfactorily | sale at the rate of $10 per 100, and reg- shown that sugar can be commercial. | ularly, once every week, she delivers 50 cof them to the leading bird and ani. mal dealer, who sends them out to his ‘ustomers in this and other cities. In this way she earns $5 every week, and $21 and $22 per week from the oth: e | er sales of her mice. It would be hard ~ imagine easier money thin the $8 «hich she receives weekly for he: “dwarf cattle.” The rearing of fancy mice involves little or no work, and he proceeds are for the most part pure zain. She has at her home part of 2 3g arge room partitioned off, and the loor severed with straw and earth “his is her mouse farm. It must be @ther counties. This striking im- | ‘leaned now and then and new straw provement in quality has been pro- | and earth put in for the mice, but aside duced by careful selection and by | from this her only care is to feed them twice per day and keep their basin full of fresh water. The mice increase at such a rapid rate that by selling 50 ev. ery week she is able to keep the num. her down to abont the original limita. r cent : MOODS OF THE MOON. he first thing to be investigated, the RAITT follow Bhat even when this is established be- ®ond any possibility of doubt the un dertaking is one that would necessar- The fudicate What the Weather Will Re ~Some of the Points to Notice Before Forecasting. A clear moon indicates frost. business side of the question—the cost ®f production, the cost of working a factory and a host of similar points me = careful and experienced consid. « on” A duli-looking moon means rain, A single halo around the moon iu. dicates a storm. If the moon looks high cold weathex nay be expected. tigures are given showing that th Ro per acre in these States, witted to New York Health Board, | There is an analytical person who does not think that it is New York Sun. As many as 10,00 t each year, and the diligence g a report. Some of the demands are peculiar an analysis of a piece of soap; another nly one—of whisky. here was one analysis of an artificin ‘watermelon, two of ground mustard of clay. one official analysis of “beef and.” analysis of milk and of water. . CRUEL TRICK ON TWAIN. | Humorist in a Game of Billiards, the billiard tourney in New York late- ly what he knew about the game, my naturally sweet disposition,” eaid. out to look for easy marks. @ billiard parlor, I answered all right. marked: hurt, for he was cross-eyed, freckled to teach him a lesson, hot, ran out, took my halt dollar, and I got was the opportunity to chalk y cue. “‘It you can play like that with ur left hand,’ I said, ‘I'd like to see gou play with your right.’ ¢ 47 cant,” he sald; ‘I'm left-hand pa’ dh — — Inquirer Champions State. If the most beautiful woman in Amer- ica is not a resident of Penneylvania, far away. It means to find her. Ii means to make Chicago take in her horns. The Philadelphia Inquirer proposes to start today to find the woman who will, with all due respect to Miss Carson, make Chicago admit that, while it has its points of greatness, it cannot lay claim to having within its borders the queen of the women of this country. To thie it must appeal to its army of eaders their friends. It is reason- bly lain that the mest beautiful woman in America is not far from here. The only problem is to find her experiments as about 16 per cent. more than im Aimilar experiments in the United key OF 10,000 ANALYSES. { ————— Among Them Artificial Water Sub- i department wonnected with the division of labora- iteries of the board of health, and any busy department is mistaken, says the gdemands for analyses are made upon of Xhose in charge is shown by the fact hat at the end of the year there are mever more than 25 or 30 cases awai'- {One applicant demanded and obtained f a “pan said to contain pudding.” There were two analyses of ginger, lone of honey, one of hair restorer, oe ‘or orange marmalade, two of olive oil, icone of pie, seven of opium, and one— Only three specimens of candy were gent in for snalysis during the pericd covered by the last report, only twa ©f butter and only two of bread, but two of theater entr'acte cloves, one of “tea in pitcher,” and one of a plece There does not appear to have been any analysis of wood alcohol, but there were four of ice cream. There was ‘The chief work of this department of the division of laboratories is the Freckled Impostor Played It on the Mark Twain told the spectators at “The game of billiards has destroyed he “Once when I was an under- pald reporter in Virginia City, when- ever I wished to play billiards, I went One day @& stranger came in town and opened I looked him over casually. When he proposed a game “ ‘Just knock the balls around a lit- tle so that I can get your galt, he sald, and when I had done so he re. ‘I will be perfectly fair with pou. I'll play you left-handed.’ I felt pnd had red hair, and 1 determined He won first The Inquirer is certain she does not liye > If the moon looks down, warm . | weather is promised. The new moon on her back always ndicates wet weather. A double halo around the moon means very boisterous weather. If the moon changes with the wind i» ‘he east, then shall we have bad weather. If the moon be bright and clear when three days old, fine weather is prom. sed. When the moon Is visible in the day- Hime, then we may look forward to cool lays. When the points of the crescent oY the new moon are clearly visible, fross may be looked for. If the new moon appears with Its points upward, then the month will be 4ry: but should the points be down ward, a good deal of rain must be ex. yected during the next three weeks. LIVE IN SCALDING LAKE. a 0 Priveler Discovers Strange Speefes of Fish in Jaunt Through Gua- temala—Other Instances. Marcellin Pellet, a traveler who hag recently returned from Gautemala, du scribes a curious species of fish, the Pa cilla dorri, which he found in the hoilin lake of Ammatitlan, says London An gwers., It passes its days literally “in continual hot water.” So hot is the water of this lake, it is said, that te 1 | thrust one’s hand into it means scalded fingers. Ebullition is, however, some what tempered, as the really boiling water «wises to the surface, leaving a temperature of 35 degrees cent. at the evel where the fish is found, which Is sven then excedingly warm for cold- blonded creatures like fish. Frank Buckland states in one of his works that the naturalist, Broussonet, found by experiments that some fresh water fish would live for several days in water so hot that a human being could not keep his hand in it for a minute. De Saussure, the Swiss scientist, di :overed living ecls In the hot springs of iix, the temperature of which averages 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Humboldt alse saw living fish thrown up from a vel vano in South America. One Hundred Pounds. The British government has takes ‘he first step toward the adoption of the decimal system of weights. The board of trade will sanction the use of a weight of 50 pounds, instead of the prescant standard of 112 pounds ‘called a anndredweight), and 5¢ pouads (calad + halt-hundredweight). Making a “Dog Understand. A dog understands “yes,” and 1s equally competen: to grasp the “no.” Outside of that he is all dog and fol- lows his dog wuys. He indulges in no mental refinement and will not com- prehend many of your changes of mood or mind. Whatever you undertake to teach, make it plain, simple and un- changeable. It is a pity that he must be taught not to jump up on people and compliment them with his caress- es, He means well, but must be dis- ciplined sternly into knowing that it is not good form under any circuni- stances. The discipline need not be accompanied by any severity. A light touch with a whip. if*applied invari-, kennel men adopt the plan of step ping lightly on the hind foot, and it is perhaps the clearest way of conveying the idea.—Outing. English Birds in New York, Several English song birds, includ. ing the lark, nightingale and thrush, are thriving in an outdoor flying cage in the New York zoo and make them- selves quite at home with American birds. Real Estate at Private Sale A desirable property at private sale of real es- tate and Groeery Stand, situated %20 W., Donegal Street, Mount Joy, on line of trolley railway, consisting of two acres of ground with 9 room house, open stairs and halls, wash houee and coal shed, barn tor 3 head and barn floor, all in ¥ repair. Premises can be vacated 60 days from date of purchase. Clear title; all deeds record. ed since 1843, Call on the undersigned residing on the orem ines, W. M. SPERA, ebig : R.F.D.No.2 Mt. JOY ear and Free From Debt &@ ok Title held by a Philadelphia Trust Company for the protection of Stockholders. ted 15 tolototetotolotoblototo: tox 2 As the work of Development progrosses the Plantetion becomes more Valuable and Dividends Increase. Timber 5 185 & Cattle aud the Company’s store are the chief sources of present earnings. Soon Fruit and Ssial, the greail rope and. 8 2 Weare Always Prepared to serve & #r Binder Twine Fibre, will be among the Big- Paying Products ? Pp 3 5 Pure £ Dr. ANDREW 8, STAYER, of Altoona, Pa., who was'clected to inquire into all the details of managemont re- 46k 5 or & 33+ sources ar d possibilities, spent some weeks on the Plantation. The stockholders elect such a representative every year {0% Fo] Spring & 5x each shockholder having one vote. The Philadelpbia Public Ledger of July 22nd says: & oF water & © The Company’s confidence in its resources and management is proven by this plan of allowing the stockholders to £& & 8 elect one of their number to visit the Plantatiou and make the fullest investigation. Dr. Stayer’s report indorses all ICE: & £4 the claims made by the Company, and speaks in the most eucouraging terms of the value and stability of the investment, £& od & & Dr. Stayer’s complete report shoull be in the hands of every investor. It is a large, handsome brook, illustrated & # IN ANY QUANTITY at Very & with over forty photographs of scenes on the Company’s property, We will send it free to any address, Write to-da ok oF Moderate Charges. oF % : By LS 8 =a - 3 w — & or We are now fully equipped to 5 fH . ° 2 L b . . fox 3 furnish the Finest Kinds of & inter national um er and Development C 0. 2 ® = & . . 2 ulicuag %# H.J. MILLER, Resident Manager, 526-528 Woolworth Building, Lancaster, Pa, & 2 Stone & ’ 5 BB = : - : as 3% 2 Ballas: ne SB HIB ICL IFV HAV IFVSVPIB GOGO VRB BAIT ROBY A & — = —_— #& Oh Yes! | 2 SVEVLBELEVVIEBHBGOBODBHGG BOG 1 GEORGE §. YOGEL, AUCTICNEER oF i. . ) 13 ’ 3 £- Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa B * 2 Telephone Number 851. ? [1 .01. a é V S & Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale| gg & 2 ees ———— a NCS EY, i © and ; Ic HRERSTOW™, _ANDISVILLE AND MT od 3 RYGOVS I REE RY. : : 4 umber 3 Leave Mount Jo, (a. m.), 530, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 < : 10:16, 1113, (p.m. )y 12.15, 1:1, 215, 8:16, 4:16, 5:15 | a Yards i 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9.16, 10: 1h and a. m. pod 1 & \ Saturday 11:16 a. m, and 1 . : . e Leave Lancaster (a. m.) 4:30, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, Ak Opposite 0id P. R R Station 10:15 and 11:16 (p. w,) 12:15, 1:15, 2.15, 3:5, 4:15, LF MOUNT JOY, PENNA. y 5:16, 0:18 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, and 11,1. & or. x Saturday 10:15 11:15 p. m. Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No.1 Cedar Shingles always on hand On Sundays first car will leave Lancaster 7:15 Lo Alsy Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. © BW ig ® Horas Joy 8:15 a. m., with same 8 Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material, Phone3838 iL: &£: hn county because in has such a large circulation. Try it and be convinced FE0000000000000000000000000000 $0000000000000000000¢ ~ ML LN TL TR I aR SA NEY, Heat From Waste Snmicke and gases that escape ug TTT the chimney in all other furnaces, are penned up in a Peck-Williamson Underfeed Furnace and consumed, ‘I'he Underfeed is easily operated, burns soft coal of the very cheapest grade, insuring a Saving of 1-2 to 2-3 on a Winter's coal bil, Those who use it are touuest in Fuel is replenished from RE THO REST KI Sr a sn Toe below with the fame on top. The hen tof 19 nder. on Dr THEEL, 50] Not Sins, yo feed is uniform, its praise. FOR SALE DY M. L.Greider i Co Mount Joy, Penna, < —— a DENRA Sl a A CT lM eS Tinh 2S Ma