i - Shire’s Rear of Nissley’s Tobacco Warehouse : FPLORIN PENNA. i W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Dealer in Fresh & Sask Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. eS TTIS ADT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna I desire to call the public’s attention to the fact that I am prepared to Repair Furniture, * Watches & Clocks GRANDFATHER CLOCKS a Specialty p&=Please give me a trial. My Work must be satisfactory. Prices Are Right. Please remember that I have a special brass cable cord for grandfather clocks YE. BF. Arndt, Florin OSB I0OOGEE00000000OEO00T a. A. Wiles Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener Special Attention Given to the Collection of Rents Your Patronage Solicited Office: Main Street, Florin, Penna. $9900000000000000000050601 WINDSOR HO TEL Between 12th & {31h Sts, on Fiibert St, Phila, Pa, Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal. Five minutes wall from the Penna, R. R. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. ALL KINDS OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees \®% Mount Joy Nurseries If you are in need of one tree or one hundred, send for my retail price list. Send orders direct to the undersigned or let same with David Zerphy, Florist, Mt Joy and they will receive prompt attention W. S. Krady R. F. D. No. Mt. Joy fot olotolotalotetoRoloteloto er We are Always Prepared to serve 2 2 IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone Ballast Screening or will crush them to order any size. Gives us a trial order. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. foYctotototstetolototetotetode: “BE A WISE FELLOW” Ox SHS SSS HBHBRGOOVBRL SHGGHSL SSSI HSGG BHI OHHH ¥ you need a Gas or Gasoline Engine buy it direct from the factory and not from a Sub, agent. Capital Gas and * Gasoline Engines are positively made without any packing. They dont have a clock spring or sprocket wheel for an igniter. The genuine Capital is made only by C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam 8t,, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA ABNER M HERSHEY AUCTIONEER Mount Jowv, _Bonna. « For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Elershey Successor to W, W. Strasbach. Tine Tonserial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. FRENCH FEMALE MADAME DEAR AL is. A Save, Oxurary Reuike for Supprrssen MEnsTRUATION, § NEVER KHOWN To ALL, Safe ! Sure! Speedy | Satis. notion Guaraute or v Pofunded, Beat prepaid a for $1.00 per box, Wi i — d A 1100 rind, to be paid for i when relieved, Samples Free, If your druggist does Lot I Lave them send your orders to the € UNITED MEDICAL CO,, BOX T4, LANCASTER, Pa, Vicat Market Be Don’t Neglect It It is a serious mistake to neglect a weak heart. Tt is such a short step to chronic heart disease. When you notice irregu- larity of action, occasion- ing short breath, palpita- tion, fluttering, pain in chest or diffic ulty | in lying on left side. your heart needs help—a strengthen- ing tonic. There is no het- ter remedy than Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. Its stre ‘ngth- ening influence is felt al- most at once. “I have used 10 ho ttles of D Heart Cure and ET sk has done me more ge oa Hh mn ¢ th I have ever used, : nearly everything th doctor who attends w what I was taking gl rhe Dr. Miles Heart Cu said it was not going to do me any good, but it did. I have not taken v for a year now, and while thers s occasionally a 1 trouble, it » continue the 1 I st worse I would know wh it to od Int Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure as I for I consider myself prac tie 32 hetore, my heart trouble.’ 8. H. DUNNAM, Livingston, Texas. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure is sold by ill guarantee that your druggist, who w ottle will benefit, If it fails the first Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind slight symptom of t) Is not enough for me t use of the medicine. he will refund your money, IN MINING COMMUNITIES. The Observance of Law and Order Is as Earnest as in Eastern Towns, It is often difficult to persuade our eastern cousins, says the Sunset Mag- azine, that life and property among the miners of the far west is as safe as in any part of Massachusetts; nev- ertheless, statistics will show that is actually the case. The eastern idea of lawlessness among our miners is Je result of the reading of sensation- &! fiction which describes the gold miner as ready on all occasions fo “shoot at the drop of the hat,” and that makes stage robbing an almost everyday occurrence. In truth, these novels are far less reliable, in their local color, than the so-called ‘histori: cal novels” of the present day. There are still in California and some of the other states communities and towns of several thousand souls wholly des pendent on mining, where the miner can be observed on his native heath, and all his peculiarities observed and chronicled. Several of these towns have excellent governments, with all the accessories of a highly civilized ex- istence—high schools, churches, con- create sidewalks and electric lighting. In even the largest of these towns it will be found that the police courts have next to nothing to do. Take, as an example, the cities of Nevada and Grass Valley, in Nevada county, each having a population of several thou- sand. The records of the police court in both cities for the past year show less than one arrest a month, even in- cluding those for the most trivial mis. demeanors. Can this be equalled any- where else in the world? ———————————— POISON FACTORY DANGERS Where Workinen Ace ‘Inflamed with a Desire to Eat the Dendly Product, “Slip on this glass mask” sald the foreman. “You will need it. The visitor donned the uncanny mask of glass, and the foreman led the way to the cyanide of potassium de- partment, “We make 1,000 tons of cyanide a year,” he salu. ‘‘A dose of five grains fs a fatal one. Thus our annual prod- uct 1s enough to kill 2,500,000 people.” He opened a door and a room filled with writhing flames, dense shadows, sparks, smoke and weird figures in glass masks was revealed. In the cens ter of the room, in a great cauldron, 100 pounds of molten cyanide of potas- sium bubbled and seethed. The flames glinted strangely on the glass masks. The foreman coughed. “These fumes,” he said, “are whole= some. The men, you see, are all ro- bust. I have known weakly chaps, working here among these strange fumes, to pick up health and strength,” In another clean, cool room the fine {shed cyanide was stored. It looked like crysialized white sugar, good enough to eat. “Good enough to eat,” said the fore- man, gravely. “Well, we have had men eat it. Four men committed sui- cide in that way. “The fumes seem to create in our men a desire to taste the drug. They Jlght this desire, most of them, suc- “cessfully, but they feel it, the same as workers in coffee plants want to chew the coffee beans, and some feel it so strongly as to succumb, id Womeless ebllaren Ta red For. ¥orty-five thousand homeless chi} fren have been sent to Can. da from Great Britain and put in goo! homer during the past 35 yeurs, Last year for every child that was sent there were five applications on file with the eo cleties engaged in the work of rescuing the walifs, Consequently British philanthropists, who know how care. fully the children are looked after te their new homes, think that the num. ber sent from the overcrowded British cities to the spacious colonies could be Increased with profit to the empire as weir as to the children, It Is a good way to save en and make a nation STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel Wes? KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now ~omplete with the SORREL HORSE, makesa f 0..ag» of j9, 62, 58 ana I & West King Strect, Din 26 cents. Hest | accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, Sold in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber and J. C. Groff A. B. ADAMS, Pro. = PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. Ich mus amole de lite fertza'a vos aw gate in Schliffleshtettle de wock. Der olt Mike Hufeisa huts tzaw-way kotto fer dri dawk. Em Hener Shlopmowl si poe hawna is gronk un ich glawp des aer fer- reckt. Em Offlelbach si olty maer hut en hutchly un si kots hut «¢n nesht fol yunga. Der Glupper hut siem elshta saw a pore neia gum- shtiffel gakauft—aer gookt now 1zu shnuck sawgt de Sussie Butter- fos. Ich dent em Billy Vetzshtay ei ku gate kabut. Se hut ol de aechina shtong ows em reff gfressa —now gookt se ve en gloftes hoels Em Mike si elsht matel, de Cassy, hut en govel gshlookt geshter mit dawk, ower ich denk es gate dar- ich ols recht. Ich glawp des de wipeslite in dara nochbershoft en vunger greek mocha aens fon dena awk. Se hen do yetz gfochta un enener era hore grupt. Ich vetich es gept shpochta vons amole gate. lost ODD FORM oF GRAFTING. Curious Effects in Woods That Have Been Secured by the Mexicans. Some owners of forests of valuable woods are trying experiments in the :outhern part of Mexico with the wal nut trees. It is not generally known outside the trade, says Pacific Fruit World, that there are many kinds ot walnut woods and that only part of them have so far been considered val uable from a commercial point of view. Now the scheme is to make these less valuable or worthless wal nuts commercially valuable. And the process is a curious one. It consists of opening the roots of the trees and inserting one or more nuts, which are quite small, from the best varieties of walnut trees. It is said that these nuts, which are careful ly sealed In with wax or a stuff, water: proof stopper, impart a new or closer grain and coloring to the tree. The southern Indians of Mexico have for centuries been in the habit of se- curing curious effects in coloring on fine woods by inserting in the above manner nuts of other trees into the roots of the living tree. An enterpris- ing planter in Tabasco has been fol lowing out this Indian idea with curl ous results. He mentioned this to other haciendados, and now several of them are experimenting with the coarser kinds of walnut trees with en couraging results. SINGING | 'DEMORALIZING. Too Many People ‘Who Have No Voices Insist on Appearing in Public. “Far too many people want to sing and try to do it, with the result that our ears are tortured and demoralizzd, and year by year the art of singing is dying out.” In the above words John F. Runel- views on the decaying art of singing “A man without fingers,” he says, ‘does mot try to play the piano; one without legs dees not try to ride a bi- cycle, but anyone who can get out the most lamentable croak thinks himself or herself justified in getting up in a drawing room and howling sentimen- tal balderdash. “A society should be formed for the suppression of singing save in the strictest privacy. It would meet with the most violent opposition from the fashionable singing masters, at whose doors you may see on any fine day in the season rows of carriages. “They wait until stylish ladies with- out voice receive 20 minutes of oily flattery and absurd instruction from a man who knows nothing of the voice, nothing of music, nothing of the art of singing, but rakes in guineas all the day long. “The fashionable teacher of singing {8 the enemy of mankind and a curse to music.” . A BEAUTIFUL FACE Before Using If you have pimples, Matches, tare or other skin imperfections, can remove them and havea c Tr and beautiful complexion by using 3) DEA TY IR It Makes New ood, 5 Improves the fe Health, Removes Skin Imperfections. Beneficial results guaranteed or money refunded, Send stamp for Free Sample, Particulars and Testimonials, Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. we a Our Home Markets. Butter, oo... A209¢ por 1b, Lard 10¢ per Ib P ge per lb, c por doz. ; * Selling Price of Feed Branaiiiciiisissiinnnssisisnn $24 60per ton Shipstuff,.. ceaees 2450 Mixed feed, 24 60 Middling .... Lo 200 Gluten...c.ovauvvis ..2650 Cotton sead neal, ..... 33 00 Linseed meal, .oo.us +3400 Hayaees 2000 BUAW caine A200 21 00 Molasses Food sina nararrspad written uarantee —OF A—— Millen Dollar Concern Xo i ] % is the best assurance you can have of the super- jority of the Columbia gra] »hophone, HI With this guarantee yon don’t which is This is &. MACHINE guess, you know best. Get our free trial and ee: isy payment offer. your chance to secure the BEST TALKING made, on payments which will not be felt. We accept old machines of any make in part payment. Grand Prix, Paris, 1900 Double Grand Prize, St. Louis, 1904 Highest Award, Portland, 1905 Columbia Bianch Store at #ount Joy represented by *% HARRY PEOPLE Mount .oy { AE a SK aa BS en _. By A Si) man, the musical critic, sums up ms { 0000000. 19009000000000000006000 Spring Opening Marek 10. 14 and 1h, We cordially invite you to visit our store on this occasion. frst opening display in the greatly enlarged daylight store. most commodious and one vania. It will be our The best-lighted, f the best-equipped stores in the State of Pennsyl Mrs. Kirkwood, the nw Manager of our Millinery Department, and hey expert assistants, have been getting ideas from the French models, designing and cre: ling most becoming and charming effects in Hats, Toques and Bonnets. Every lady of taste and lovers of stylish headwear should visit our Millinery parlors during the opening days Our New Suit Room Will be open for your inspection, Latest Styles in New Spring Suits, Man-Tailored, Perfect in Shape; trimmings and t much to make a perfect garment. busy for weeks past, It is crowded with elegant lines of the Very he little details which help so ful variety of the popular black and white effects in solid and broken checks; stripes, plaids and mixtures We show a wonder Latest styles in Waists, Skirts and Coats will be on exhibition, All the er ee Worth Your While ‘Sale We say worth your while to be blunt about it. We have heard of some so called sales elsewhere, as distinctly not worth your while. This sale of Specials is worth your while to consider. It is the kind that delights keen shoppers. The old prices are on the goods in the window. The new prices are marked on the goods inside the store. Just a Few of the Prices Iadies’ $3 La Francr, $2.29. Men's $3.50 Shoes, 2.59. Leggins 2qc. Children’s $1 Shoes 75C. 1% Phone 315, 247 LocuST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. wd LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES ‘Lap # Blankets $3 to $15 Horse BlanKets, $1 to $9 Edward ERreclkel I.ancaster, Penna. P000000000000000000000000000000000000 NOW IS THE Hor TIME Bargains in WINTER CAPS AND GLOVES A Yew Fine Seal and Other Fur Caps Away Down in Price. Wingert & Haas £44 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. P09020000059 9009000000600 9000000000000000000000000000¢ Seasonable Shoes mrvreete JT] commons Reasonable Prices SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 81 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PERNA Furniture Buyers will find our new show rooms now open. They are the equal of any in the county for | roominess, light and convenience. Our stock of furniture is equally large and di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rocke rs : In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Maho ga ny and Oak Zables, Zabourettes, Foot stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Woo d Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Chffioniers, China Closets, Writing Desks. vig Everything in the furniture line that can be found in a first-class furniture store. Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. d ffrent weaves in New Spring Suitings will be on display, with fine lines of the latest colorings We shall Embroideries. also make a fine showing of Dress Trimmings, Laces and Every Department will show up the latest and best in its line. Mew's and Boys’ Clothing Saturday will be the Opening Day for our New Clothing Department, on the Second Floor, front. We will show elegant lines of the manutacturers’ best eftorts in Men's Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Clothes cordially invite an early inspection, : 000000000000 000000000000000004 Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster = We | New York Store 0009092000900 00000000000100000000000000000000000000000 Rogers Best Silverware When the time to buy ta 8 you buy It's Rogers’ Silverware at a reductiam-—no matter how slight — it the standard by which all others are measured- SPECIAL and REDUCTIONS ON ALL GRADES. anyone can be proud to posets it, Knives and Forks; worth $4.75 a set; special at Special Combination Set, 26 pieces; regular $12.50 valne; at | Teaspoons; regular $1.50 speemal at | I'ifteen different designes to select from Pirosh & Simmons Ind. Phone 13384. 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna. The Old Estiblished Pawnbrokers and Jewelers