~~ aw mo . THE WEEKLY BULLET VOL VI. NO. 42 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Happenings of the Week Told in a Brie Yet lteresting Mannner. Miss Belle Lytle is quite 11. C. L. Ebymoved to Middletown yesterday. A Bell phone was put in at Hotel McGinnis last week. Simon R. Snyder is about again after a severe attack of grip. David Stoner moved on the for- mer Nissley farm near town, yester day. moved into the E. V. Johns property on Marietta street, Mrs. Frank Nissley of the Ex— change hotel, is quite ill with an attack of grip. Howard Nauman C. S. Gingrich, engineer at Brandt & Stehman’s mill, is cff duty on ac- count of sickness, W. Strickler of Mount Joy township, is the administrator of Aaron G. Fretz. Elmer S. B. Bernhart & Co., will start a big underware sale next Monday. See large circulars. Thos. J. Brown and wife gave a birthday dinner in honor son Thomas on Sunday, of their A dance was held in the hall here on Friday evening, Stork’s orches- tra furnished the music, Walter Morton has accepted a position as a carpenter on the P, R. R. He isin the employ of Amos Garber, > Martin Hiestand bas embarked in the light wagon business. He has already sold three Jenny Linds and two runabouts. Mrs. James Glatfelter, who has been quite ill the pust month, was removed to the General Hospital at _ Lancaster on Sunday, “\ John Keener, until a short time ago the hostler at the Farmers’ Inn in this place, is now bar clerk at the Railroad House in Manheim, It would have been in order to enforce the ordinance relative to the removal of snow from side- walks in the west ward yesterday. Eli Williams and Hiram Spickler have rented the Lytle property in the west end of town which is being remodeled. The former will move this week. Mrs. Butzer moved from the Strickler property on East Main street, to the Martiu Stoll property on Donegal street which she recently purchased. The big farm sale of Henry G. Shelly near town on Friday, was well attended and fair prices were realized. Cows sold as high as $60 Auctioneer Zeller called the sale. Constable Jacob Fissel will sell the remaining household effects of Mr. Alexander at public sale on Tuesday, March 19. They are being sold for rent by Dr, 8. P, Lytle, Tinsmitk T. M. Brown is re-roof- ing the dwelling at the P. R. R. passenger depot. The work is be- ing done for P. R. Greiner, who has had charge of these for the past ten years. — Chas, properties Hogs Were High. The big sale of David W. Stoner near Nissley’s mill, was held on Thursday. His exceptionally fine lot of hogs sold well as did also his horses, mules and cows, The rale was yery largely attended. Mr. Stoner will soon move on the farm which he purchased of the late Rev. Ephraim Nissley, near town. —————— Wind Up of the Star Course The Morphet-Smith Co. will wind up the Star Course for the season, in Mount Joy Hall, Friday night. Reserved seats are selling very rapidly, about two-thirds being sold. If you have not secured a seat, get one at once, ag this doubtless will be one of the numbers of the course, hest re Ap Shoemaker Moved Harry Shilosky, the shoemaker, has moved from the Miller property to the Shrader property on Kast Main street, opposite the Red Lion hotul, do all kinds of repairing at moderate prices, where ha will be pleased to High Schoo! Ente‘tainment The High School Literary Society will hold an entertainment in the ball on Friday evening, March 22, when a excellent program will be rendered.’ cnts.e Admission 15 and 25 Chart opens at Garber’s drug store, next Monday at 8 a. m. Following is the program: Girls’ Chorus. Recitation, Esther Shelley. Vocal Solo, Arthur Schock. Select Reading, John Bowman. Instrumental Duet, Mary Bearand Eu- ma Brown. Monologue, Harry Boyce. Tableau, Debate :-——Resolved, That All Christian Nations Should Now Disarm and Depend Upon Arbitration for the Settlement of Disputes. Affirmative—Miriam Shelly. Negative—Alice Dillinger and Carrie Frank. Instrumental Solo, Mary Detwiler. Recitation, Clyde Nissley. Essay, Daisy Weiser Engle and Ada Girls. Vocal Solo, Mary Henderson. Boys’ Chorus, Florin vs. Manheim. Next Friday evening, March 15, the Florin Literary Society will go against Manheim in joint debate in | the Washington school. The ques- tion is: ‘Resolved that the death penalty be abolished for willful murder,” The local club will sup- port the affirmative side. No ad- mission will be charged and all are most cordially invited to be present. The following program will be ren- dered: Vocal Duet, Misses Whittle. Recitations, Miss Cora Leib and Miss Bertha Webb, Music by Society. Referred Question. Are we too pros- perous? Irvin Delong. Who was Lady Rebecca? Discuss her life, Henry Hoffman. Discuss Arnold’s Treason, Katharyn Gingrich. Select Reading, Ad: Shelly. Vocal Solo, Mary Henderson, Instrumental Solo, Gertrude Haver- stick. , An \ Three Sales a Day. There was certainly something doing here on Savurday our town having three saler in one day, II. S. Newcomer had his annual imple- ment sale, called by C. L. Pierce. Auctioneer C. H. Zeller sold almost one hundred shares cf bank and trol- lev stock at the Red Lion hotel and Geo. Vogel sold persoal property of Mrs. Oscar Pennell, All three were well attended which demon-— strates that we are up and doing as a business place. SR eae Left Husband Again. Mrs. U. Z. Geib, who deserted her husband last summer and only recently retarn:d, has left him a- gam, Mrs. Geib hved near Man- heim and last sammner she went a- way with a rural mail carrier. Oa Wednesday she was sent to Man- beim for cigar boxes but fiiled to return. Mr. Geib made inquiry for her in Manheim and Monnt.Joy, bat he could nct fiad He is in- clined to belivve she is among the missing, her, Lie —, Neiman Succeeds Eberly.” Wm. S. Neiman of Rheems, moved in with the family of Ezra Zercher south of town and took charge of that dairyman’s milk route on Saturday. Mr. Neiman was in the employ of B. H. Greider, the poultry farmer at Rheems last year and prior to that time resided at Flcrin, He succeeds Charles Eberly who will return to his home in the lower end of the county, a Charged With Horse Stealing. Edward Macuing alias Smith wus arrested here I'riday morning by High Constable Williams on suspi- cion of being a horse thief. It is claimed that he stole a horse in { Harrisburg, an! was tracked vo vhat | town by the Iarvisburg officers. When arrested he did not have the horse and he denied his iduntity, | He was taken to lIlarrisburg that afternoon. | - Meetira i The services i the Dark ten’s Union prayer meeting vido be bed in the \ : : j Sark on Friday evening. I A Comedy, The Home Guard, Senior | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1907 OBITUARY NOTES Many of Our Friends Answer Death's Sad Call Mrs, Jacob D. Wiegand died at Elizabethtown Saturday aged 66 years, Edward J. Myers died at his home in Marietta, aged 81 years. Mrs, John N. Stauffer of near town, is a daughter of the deceased. Berwood, the 6-months-old son of Chas. Derr and wife, died at Eliza- bethtown on Saturday and was bur- ied in the Mount Joy cemetery. Mrs. Hull, whose maiden name was Emma Frey, aged about 48 yrs, was brought here for burial this morning, She was a sister of Un- dertaker Samuel Frey of Marietta, and when a girl lived here. George Flanigan, who, since the death of his wife eight years ago, has made his home with his son-in- law, Samuel Ely, near Schock’s Station, died very suddenly Thurs- day afternoon between 3 and 4 The deceased was eighty years of age. o'clock. FRANK G. HENDRICKSON. Frank G. Hendrickson, a former resident of this place but now of Hackberry, Arizona, is dead. He 18 a cousin of Dr. S, P. Lytle of this Only the older will remember the place, residents deceased. He resided where Squire Zeller now has his office. HENRY KELLER. Henry Keller, a well known resi- dent of Newville, West Donegal township, died on Tuesday from complication of discases after illness of abont a year, a an Deceased years old and at Newville his entire life of forks was seventy-seven resided he being a manufacturer and rakes. MRS. DAVID L. MILLER Barbara, wife of David L. Mller, a well-known citizen of East Peters- burg, died on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in her seveuty—secozd year. ‘These children survive: Harry Mill- er, of Monat Joy; Mrs. -Lizzie Bru- baker, of Bausman, and Benjamin Miller, of Neffsville. She was a member of the Mennonite church, REV. EPHRAIM NISSLEY Rev. Ephraim N. Nissly, a prom— ivent and wide~-known minister of the Old Mernonite church of Lan- caster county, died on Saturday evening at his residence in this bor— ough in the sixty-sixth year of his age, He had heen a sufferer for sev— cral years from dropsy and heart trouble, Ie was born in East Don- egal township, Lancaster county, and was a son of the late Joseph W. Nissly. The subject of this sketch was well and favorably known through- out Lancaster county, and especially in Old Mennonite church He was ordained circles. as a minister in 1879, and served his chosen church tarthfully for a period of twenty- cight years. Ilis occupation up to his death was farming. He sold his farm last fall, and moved to his present residence only two weeks ago, He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Mary Meckley, of Mount Joy township, and the following children: Joseph M. Nissley, of Lancaster city; Annie M. Stehman, wife of Phares Steh- man, of East Hempfield township; Emma M. and Mary M., at home. Mrs. Annie N. Graybill, of Florin, is an only surviving sister. The funeral was held today at Graybill’s Old Mennonite church, in East Donegal township, — Teams Collide. On Saturday evening Mr. Farmer of East Donegal and Charles Nissley of Florin, had a collision on West Maun street in front of the residence of Henry Martin. Mr. Nissley’s team escaped with slight damages but Mr, farmer wus more unfortu- nate, A front wheel was badly damaged. The cccupants and horses escaped uninjured. pi Births To John Way and wife, on Friday a daughter, To James M, Shoop avd wife, a daughter, on Monday. A sou was boru to John Murray and wife on Marietta street, K'riday, PERSONALS. T. M. Brown spent Sunday at Glen Rock. Miss Ada Shelley spent Sunday with Miss Kathryn Ging: ich. Mrs. B. F. Gochnauver of Eliza- bethtown, spent Thursday in town. Mrs. James A. Ray of Newville, spent a few days in the family of A. K. Manning. Wm. Shroyer and wife of Lan- caster, spent Sunday with the fami- ly of David Boyce. ! Mr. Seesholtz left yesterday for Tower City where he some time with his son. Miss Sarah Rauch of Lebanon, was a guest at the United Brethern parsonage several days last week. John M. Musser wife ard son Clarence of Mountville spent Sun- day with the family of A. B. Root. Geo. Seeman of Elmira, N, Y. a son of Lewis Seeman of town, fell on the icy pavement and broke his arm last week. Mrs. C. K. Bennett, Mrs, J. H, H. Zeller and H, H, Zeller attended the Dulabohn funeral at Elizabeth- town on Saturday. A. E. Risser of Hambrights’ a former resident of Florin, made a pleasant call at this office Saturday while circulating here, will spend among friends Mrs. J. G. Metzgar was suinmoned to the bedside of her brother Harry, of Lebanon, who is visiting his son at Bethlehem, where he is seriously ill. Mrs. Ira Metzgar and child of Sunbury, arrived last Wednesday and spent several days with her parents, H, G, Stoler’s on Donegal street. Wm. Hedges of Philadephia, was the guest of H. OC. Schock over Sun- day. Ile sang several very beauti- ful solos in the Lutheran church at the morning and evening services, Ezra L. Lehman, son of B. N, Lehman, accompanied by Frark Eshleman of Rheems, left yesterday morning on News Expriss for a summer’s trip to the Western states Illinois, Kansas, Colorad,, North Dakota and California, We them a very pleasant trip. a —— Jurors Drawn The following jurors were drawn from the wheel on Saturday: Grand Jurors, April 15—Martin Greiner, farmer, Mount Joy town- ship. Petit Jurors, April 15—Albert Groff, farmer and Geo, Derr, farmer, East Hempfield township; Win. Saylors, laborer, Florin; Henry G. Hoffman, clerk, East Donegal. Ccmmon Pleas, Avyril 22—An- drew M. Garber, miller, Rapho; H. Neugard, laborer, Rapho. Common Please, April 29—E. F. Heiner, salesman, Florin; Oscar Kreider, painter, John H. Hertzler, farmer and Fred Kemmerly, mer- chant, Rapho. wish FLORIN NOTES. The Whereabouts of Your Friends For the ‘Past Few Days Miss Etta Carson is ill. Barbara Bossler is this writing. quite ill at Emlin Buller spent Sunday with friends at Lancaster. A. B. Hambright of Landisville, spent Monday in town. Herbert Keener of Harrisburg, was home over Sunday. Mrs. Bert Fisher, of Lancaster, was in town on Saturday. Baker of Elizabethtown, was a Sunday visitor here. John Boyer of Lebanon, called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Cottrell has gone to Reading on a visit to her sister. Wm. Leibtred and Arthur Ishler spent Sunday at Elizabethtown. Roy Roth Bros., photographers, will soon occupy the Sheetz property. Miss Jennie Zeller spent last week with friends at Elizabethtown Miss Frances Masterson spent Sunday with friends at Harrisburg Albert Roth took charge of the Philadelphia papers here on Fri- day. Harry Lutz and wife of Harris- “uuday here with her parents, Mrs. John Flowers of Elizabeth— town, spent Sunday here with her parents. Wm. Dietrich of Palmyra, spent Sunday in town the guest of his lady friend. Mrs. Ed Krodel and ddughter of Elizabethtown, were visiting here on Saturday. Ammon Fry and wife of Eliza- bethtown, spent Sunday in with friends. town | Miss Mary Koser of Ephrata, was the guest of Mrs. Samuel Wal- ters on Sunday. Levi F. Sheetz began moving to the Hostetter property in the Kast end on Monday. Misses Ruth Hostetter and Mary Kauffman of Lancaster, spent Sun- day at Elam Hostetter’s. The Florin Literary Society, was defeated in a debate by Rheems at the latter place Saturday evening. N. S. Menaugh, a P. R. R. oper- ator in the general superintendent’s office at Pittsburg, spent several days here with his parents. H. IL. Stoll sold the six acres of tobacco which he raised on the Cameron farm at Donegal, at a neat figure to a Lancaster firm. Nathan Shank moved to town from East Donegal on Monday. He occupies the Levi Mumma proper— ty “here. J Peter Kraybill was appointed road master by the supervisor of Mount Joy township. We feel pos- itive that our streets will now be improved. Common Pleas, May 27—Clayton Hoffman, clerk, and Hiram Spickler, votired, Mount Joy; H. P. Wise- garver, justice, Rapho; John G. Engle, farmer, East Donegal; C. N. Strickler, farmer, Rapho. Stoll-—Bowman. A very quiet wedding will take place tomorrow at the home of Martin S. Bowman on Marietta street. His daughter Miss Caroline, will be united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Clarence B., youngest son of station agent John H, Stoll and wife. Rev, K, J. Stewart of the Presbyterian Church will tie the nuptial knot. They will immedi- ately go to Chicago where they will reside in the future, The Bulletin joins their many friends in wishing them a happy voyage through life. / S| Si -P \x ©”y; Birthday Dinner | entertained a large number of her {young friends ata dini or at her home at the Central Hou e Sunday afternoon. All present sreatly en- joyed the dinner and wished Miss Bube many moré such happy birth- days, ——— Wanted—good first lass man, married or single, to ‘rive four mule team and work on ~mall farm. | Simon R. Snyder, On Sunday Miss Aunie Bube' Lost—On Feb. 26, a fox terrier dog, white with one brotvn ear and short brown tail. Reward if re- turned to John D. Easton, barber, Florin, Pa. Dr. Thome of Milton Grove, was in town one day last week calling on his patients. He fell near the residence of David Landis and lost $9 in change. Tater Trvin Bishop found $2 and returned it to the owner. Sale of Securities Auctioneer Chas. H. Zeller, on Saturday afternoon sold the follow- ing shares of stock of the Union National Mquut Joy bank: Five to R. Stoner, at 112.50 and five to same at 113.50; five to J. G, Sny- der at 112.40; five to J. G. Longe- necker at 114.10 and one at 116.00; ten to Eli G. Reist at 114.00; five to S. B. Nissley at 114.10; five to J. G. Hershey at 114.30; ten to S. L. Hoffman at 114.25 and three to same at 114.20; seven to Mrs, Ma- ria Hoffman at 114.25. Five of First National of Mount t Joy to H. H. Myers at 168.10; five to same at 169.90 and one to same at 170.10, Twenty shares of Lancaster, Roh rerstown, Landisville & Mount Joy Street Railway company stock was sold to E. G. Reist at 56.50 per i share. The sale totalled ro,776.10 50 Entertained the Class The class of 1907 was entertained at dinner very pleasantly on Satur- day evening by Harry W. Hoffman. The evening was spent in games and music, The dinner, which was the chief feature, was served at six o'clock, covers having been laid for eighteen, The table was elaborately decorated in smilax and carnations, the color scheme being green and white. Those present were: Prof. Mark and Miss Miller, Misses Bear, Frank, Shelley, Dill- inger, Meyers, Gingrich, Weiser, Kreider, Engle, Detweiler and Henderson, and the Messrs. Reist, Swarr and Hofman, all of 1907, and Messrs. De Long and Brubaker, intimate friends of the class, Mr, Hoffman is to be congratulated, as the evening in every way was a de- cided success. —= ea New Industry for Quarryville. It is uow assured that the B. F. Heilig cotton and worster mills wiil be removed from Carlisle to Quarry- ville, this county, The citizens of Quarryville are encouraging new in- dustries to locate in the borough, but houses for newcomers are very scarce. In this connection the Quarryville Sun says: “Houses are much needed here, The erection of substantial ones that can be rented at a reasonable price should induce those persons possessed of a few hundred dollars and sceking a safe investment te give heed, There are seyeral families that would have moved into this borough this spring could they have found houses to rent. Mr, Heilig is ore of the Heilig Bros. that formerly conducted a tea and coffee business here, A» A Peculiar Accident On Saturday Henry G. Shelly, who resides at the western borough limits, met with a peculiar accident. He was delivering a pair of horses to Annville and at Mastersonville the animals frightened. Mr. Shelly had a rope wrapped around his hand and suddenly the horses jerked, tearing the middle finger of his right hand off at the first joint, Mr, Shelley bad the injury dressed and continued on his journey. ee Gave a Piano Recital. A number of the pupils of Miss Adella H., Grove, of Maytown, on Saturday evening gave a piano re- cital at her studio. It was a pleas- ing entertainment and the pupils ac- quitted themselves with honors. Those who participated were Misses Ruth Longenecker, Lizzie Frank, Stella Smith, Flora Shaffner, Mary Shank, Susanna White, Marie Harter, Jane IL. Bull and Edna Frank. The Eberle Cemetery The Henry Eberle Cemetery Asso ciativn, during the last three months has sold more lots than in the same months of any previous year for twenty years. The association con- templates a number of improvements the coming summer, and it is quite likely that more lots will be laid out, Pennsylvania Broad Leaf. M. L. Greider & Co. havea lot of choice broad leaf tobacco seed that they are selling, This ceed has been prepared very carcfully, all the light seed having been separated from the fertile seed therefore every grain you sow grows a plant, They also have a device by which to clean your seed if desired, tit All a Mistake Last week we stated that Alois Bube was not granted a bot- tler’s license. This is h mistake as under the new law we understand brewer’s have the priyilege of bot- tling, therefore Mr. Bube will be in a position to supply bottled goods same as heretofore, rg —— Levi Heard From. On Saturday we received a few lines from Levi Hoffman, who is now traveling throughout the west. At present he is at Marshalltown, Iowa, and is enjoying good health, ” Seed Jotatoes— Karly Red, Six Weeks and other varieties. Addres Mount Joy, Box 61, Route 2, CENTS A YEAR THE CIRCULATION OF THE WEEKLY BULLETIN EXCEEDS THAT OF ANY OTHER MOUNT JOY NEWSPAPER BY HUNDREDS SCHOOL REPORT Names of Pupils Who Attended Every Day the Past Month Following is the report of the borough schools for the month just ended. High School, Miss Anna K. Miller Teacher—Miriam Engle, Eva Kreider, Daisy Weiser, Alice Dillinger, Carrie Frank, Ada Shelley, Mary Detwiler, Henry Reist, Myrtle Beatty, Ruth Hoff- man, Sue Henery, Bertha Missemer, Florence Reist, Mary Hoffer, Samuel Brubaker, Joe Breneman, Edgar Eshle- man, Walter Root, Kensey Stewart Christ Walters, Ralph Cramer, Bysshe Heilig, Jno. Longenecker, Arthur Schock Ella Grissinger, Eva Strickler, Esther Shelley, Alice Klugh, Hattie Witmer. ,Grammar_School, Miss Mary E. Long, Teacher—Alvin Shonk, Walter Stewart, Charles, Funk, Fred Bacher, Roy Pen- nell, LeRoy Shaeffer, Viola Baker, Beat- rice Brown, Mary Dyer, Esther Ebersole Mary Webb, Esther Frank, Anna Wit- mer. Intermediate School, Miss Carrie Druckenmiller, Teacher—Omer Kramer, Carson Engle, Charles Kreiner, Eckert Sheaffer, Pauline Germer, Ruth Brown, Margaret Dearbeck, Mary Eshleman, May Flowers, Marie Klugh, Alta Nissley Annie Ressler. Secondary School, Miss Maude Ernst, Teacher—Charles Shickley, Bernard Eb- ersole, Franklin Funk, Roy Walters, Herbert Frank, Roy Good, Arthur Nix- aorf, Oliver Easton, Sarah Kramer, Mur iel Greenawalt, Ruth Pannapacker, Liz- zie Waguer, Lottie Good, Esther Reist, Marie DeLong, Wilma Frank, Ienry, Clara Rahm, Mary Minnie Way, Howard Haines. Grace Yinehart, Fourth Primary, Miss Lou Kuhns, Teacher—Laura Brown, Catharine Bren- eman, May Eshleman, Esther Langley, Lottie Royer, Maria Stuart, Theda Wal ters, Helen Krall, Viola Ream, Fanny Gingrich, Ruth Hinkle, Esther Weber, Myrtle Webb, Edgar Missemer, John Dyer, Samuel Childs, Raymond Hilt. Third Primary School, Miss Elizabeth Brubaker, Teacher—Ruth Brubaker, Eth el Yofte, Dora Wagner, Warren Eshle- man, Walter Pennell, Ellsworth Shrite. Arthur Moyer, Virginia Frank, Elva Hilt, Lillie Weidman, Pauline Krall, Jay Klugh, Willie Way, Robert Heflel- finger, Catherine Witm er, Calyin Kramer Second Primary School, Miss Mary E. Newpher, Teacher — Rose, Albright, Blanche Eshleman, Anna Shonk, Vivian Coolidge, Florence Barto, Mand Schroll, Mabel Kreiner, Mary Stoner, Clarence Brubaker, Irene Ebersole, Frank Gantz, Bennie Eby, Everett Delong, Meryin Heffelfinger, Frank Good. First Primary School, M. G. Miller, TFeacher—Grace Dietz, Christine Moyer, George Weber, Robert Burtner, Elsie Brosey, Roy Tyndall, Cora Nauman, Carl Shank, Mary Rapp, Carl Garber, Beat- rice Shatz, Warren Bentzel, Geo. Groff, Willie Hendrix, Mabel Zerphy, Omer Eshleman, E igar Dyer, Preston DeLong, George Germer, Leah Shilofsky, Harry Brown, Truman Sprout, Earl Metzler Harry Way, Paul Hinkle. PROF. G. E. MARK, Principal n Following is the report of the Florin Primary School, Miss Sue H. Brandt, Teacher—Sixth month ended March 6th Nnmber of pupils enrolled, males 17; fe- males 14, total 31, Percentage of atten- dance, males 88, temales 86. Those who have not missed a day duringthe month are Nellie Vogle, Mary McGarvey, Lois Wiley, John Kline, Harry Birch, Fred Keener, Earl Walters and Joe Haines. Visitors, Mis. Clarence Wiley, Myrtle Sprout, Stella Wachstetter, Abner Risser and School, Ltie Risser and School; Bi- rectors Amos Herr, Mr. Stern, Mr, Hitz, Alice Strickler and School, Mrs, Harry Keener, Elizabeth Keener, Mary Keener Mrs. John Kverle, Miss Enslow and Schoel, Mrs. Frank Fornwalt, Malinda Myers, Sam’l Risser, Mrs. John Wach- stetter, Mrs. Christ Wachstetter, Enos Wachstetter, John Heisey, H. S. Brandt Ella Sullivan, E. W. Strickler, Mrs. D. H. Woigemuth, Bertha Eshleman, Aaron Wolgemuth, Henry Wolgemuth, Harry McGarvey and Alma Wiley, sr tt mente s—— NEWTOWN, Services will be held acain on next Sunday evening. Preaching services were held last Sun- day morning by the pastor in charge. George Rhoads of this place will move in a few days to Chester County where he will engage in farming. The River Brethren will hold their re- gular services in the church in this place on Easter Sunday March 31, Mrs. Horace Detwiler, who has been ill with Typhoid fever, is slowly improv ing but is not out of danger. Mrs. Charles Zoerger of Kinderhook, who has been afflicted with Rheumatism for some time is slowly improving. John Divet of Lancaster and his broth- ~ er Walter of near Kinderhook paid a visit to their parents in this place on Sunday. The quarterly conference of the U. B. church for this appointment will be held at Ironville March 26 by the Presiding Elder Rev. Lowry, with communion services in the evening.