WEEKLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor nud Publisher Rubscription, 50 Gents u Fear. Six Jonths, 25 €ents. Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered at the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter MILTON GROVE. Samuel Heizsey spent Saturday at Deo date. C. Ober of Middletown, was in town last week. Eli Rendler will Spring. move to Lititz this Blaine O. Grosh of Philadelphia, was home Sunday. Benjamin Hambright’s sale was well attended on Friday. The German Baptists are holding pro- tracted meetings at Chiques Hill. Abram Sprout and son Phares deliver- ed their tobacco at Mount Joy last Tues- day. Mrs. Simon LL. Gingrich spent seyeral days at Baltimore with her daughter Mrs. A. J. Thorne. Rev. J. Hilt of Lykens, preached his annual sermon at the Evapgelical church last Tuuesday evening. Miss Agnes, danghter of Cyrus Whittle was tendered a postal sarprise. She re- ceived fifty beautiful cards. Rev. Daniel Wolgemnth and wife of Mount Joy, spent several days with Mrs. John F. Baker latter part of last week. The supervisors and auditors of Mt. Joy township met at the hotel here Monday when they audited the former's accounts. a So Sn RHEEMS' STATION. John Wolgemuth spent York. The canning factory shipped fifty case of corn last week. Merchant Phares Krayhill dis loys » neat new sign at his gener 1 sor There are 250 tons of clear 8 ich ice stored by the Rneems ice company. Sunday at Abram Soyder and force are erectiry the wails for Prof. Samuel Hershey’s new house. The American Tobacco Co, two ears of tobacco Wednesday, J. Emaheiser received a car load of lamber with which he will enlarge his tobacco shed. shipped from here on E. H. Longenecker sold his tobacco {for 13 and 5 and Harry Hoover sold his crop for 13 and 3. Milton Reider quit his job on the sec- tion and will move on a Dauphin county farm this Spring. Elmer Witmer was hauling furniture to L. Wickenhiser's Monday, where he will move April 1st, car on Saturday. This makes 1850 head of hogs he has received siuce Jan. 1. ta Arie SPORTING HILL. The school board met here on Satur- day. A daughter was born to Harry Fauser alt and wife; Interesting revival services are s'illin i progress here. A danghter put in appearance at the home of Jacob Henry. Mr. resily will take charge of the Junction Creamery this week. The auditors and officers of the local turnpike company, met here on Monaay. The work of constructing a telephone line from this place to Mount Joy has begun. The line will be attached to the Standard Oil Company’s polls. The regular monthly meeting of the Rapho township institute, was held here { i J. K. Lehman received 297 hogs in one | ! on the N» A A K PER Offers Its Sto Ne VS i Ah NEW YORK A & EB C Authorized Capital John M. Miller, PrEsiDEsT Wm. F. Seitz, stc. & Treas. 614 Flat Iron Building CONISTO REAL ESTATE IMPRIVEENT COMPANY INCORFORATED OFFICERS: Chas. D. Rood Incorporated for the purpose of the development and sale of Crescent Street Annex [Jamaica Bay] Property and Ocean Parkway Property, Brooklyn, New York City ck at, Par at OFFICES: ITY. OUR SALE REGISTER we insert a FREE noticé like the following until day ofsale. This paper reaches to people Wednesday, March 6—On the premises in Mount Joy twp. opposite the Elmdale creamery, mules, horses, cows, hogs, farm- ing implements, etc. by A. L Nissley Zel- ler, auct Thursday March 7—On the premises on the road leading from Breneman’s school house to Elizabethtown, at Nissley’s mill 8 horses and mules, 200 Polan China shoats ers, bulls, farming implements, etc., by David W. Stoner. Pierce auct, Friday, March 8—Near Mount Joy, at the terminus of the trolley line, in East Donegal township, 6 head horses, one pair well mated with speed, also cows, farming implements, etc., by H. G. Shelley, Zeller, auctioneer Saturday, March 9—A¢t the Red Lion ho- tel, at 2 p. m. 61 shares of the Union Na- tional and 11 shares of the First National Mount Joy bank stock by Chas, H. Zeller, auctioneer, Saturday, March 9—In Mount Joy, op- posite passenger station, bed room suite, parlor suite, carpets, etc., by Mrs. Oscar Pennell Vogle, auct. Wednesday, March 13—On the Jacob Hoftines faim in East Donegal township, horses, mule, cows, heifers, bulls. shoats, farm implements, ete., by Harry M. Gantz, Zeller, auct, Thursday, March 14—On the premises on the Manheim road one mile east of Mount Joy, large lot of personal property, wagons, harness, ete by Walter K. and Fannie B. Shelly, admiuistraters of the Estate of Henry E. Shelly. Minnich, auct. Thursday, March 14—On the premises: nearFlorin, horses, cows, shoats, breeding: sows, chickens, large lot of farming imple- | cutors of Christian Shumaker, deceased. | Zeller,auct. | Friday, March 22—On West Main street Mount Joy, larze lot household goods, or- gan, stove, heater, queensware, etc., by John F. Pyle. Zeller, auct. Saturday, March 30—Near Dellinger’s mill in Rupho township, a large lot of household goods such as beds, range, cup- boards, ete., by Mrs. Elizabeth Diffenderfer, Arndt, anct. Real Estate at Private Sale A desirable proverty at private sale of real es- tate and Grocery Stand, situated %20 W. Donegal Sweet, Mount Joy, on line of trolley railway, consisting of two acres of ground with 9 room house, open stairs and halls, wash house and coal shed, barn tor 3 head and barn floor, all in repair. Premises can be vacated 60 days from date of purchase. Clear title; all deeds record ed since 1843. Call on the undersigned residing JIomises, W. M. SPERA, Mt. Joy, Pa. febl3-3m The .. Ludoscope A Moving Picture Machine for the house- hold, Something new and produces at a small cost, with excellent effect, moving |=7 pictures from discs provided by the man- nfacturers. It is simple in its operation and can be handled by anybody. The price of the device, with six pictures is Only 58c; Extra Pictures 15¢ a half dozen Saturday morning and afternoon when au excellent program was rendered. eg m—— EAST DONEGAL. Cyrus Schroll and son Roy transacted | business at Lancaster on Thursday. The last regular meeting of the Lycenm ! at Maytown on Friday evening was very | largely attended, Roy Schroll refused a good position as | a coachman from a high muck a-muck | in Washington, D. C, George Johnston, Loyd Weaver and | J. Ervin of Perry county are sojourning | among friends in these parts. Reuben Derr has alread y commenced moving his farm implements to the farm which he will occupy this Spring. 8. H. Tressler and daughter Miss Em- ma, were very highly entertained at the | home of Hon. J. D. Cameron on Tuesday — er — BACK RUN, | ™ Felker Brothers have their new say. | mill in operation. Jacob Baker spent last Sunday in our midstthe guest of his father, Henry. John Hossler’s infant child is qnite ij, Amos Sheets moved from these parts on Tharsday. He lives near Mt. Joy. i RAPHO. W. Z. Geib called on L. P. Heilig on Tuesday, Mr, Heilig is quite il] Tobacco growers in these parts ae ! daily refusing offers of 13 and 5. Thus far there were two couyersions at the revival at Chiques, Rev. Gingrich has charge. a en MASTERSONVILLE. James A. Behney and wife, Lawn last Monday, Our Chief Burgess wil) pay a good price for a full bred rat terrier. Our newly elected supervisor Adam Demmy has chosen Henry Blecker ag road master. | | | | | { i visited at | | ¢ | been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- | mands against the same will present them with- | siding in Mount Joy Township. | ing been granted to the undersigned, all | W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. JE. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Full Line Photogra- phers’ Supplies W.B. BENDER ‘Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy. Agency for Standard Steam Laundry EX ECUTORS’ NOTICE! Estate of Henry H. Meckley, late of Mount Joy Township, deceased. : Letters testamentary on sald estate having debred thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment, and those having claims or de- out delay for settl ment to the undersigned, re- AMANDA L. MECKLEY, SAMUEL N. MECKLEY, W. U. HENSEL, Atty. Executors feb13-6t R. F, D, No. 3, Mount Joy EXECUTORS’ NOTICE, Estate of Martin Stoll late of Mount Joy Borough deceased. Letters Testamentary ou sald estate hav- persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav- ing claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned. MARTIN 8. STOLL, Mt, Joy, Route 2 HArRrRY HAGENBERGER, Mt. Joy, Pa, Executors @uas. B ZELLER evr! Estate and Insurance Office Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sauwes Bettlomen t ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and If you get your posters printed at this office sows and breed hogs, 40 head of cows, heif- ! ments household goods, etc., by the exe— |CHEAP COAL IN AUSTRALIA 80 Abundant in New South Wales It Sells for Fifty Cents a Ton. Fifty cents a ton is the price they pay for coal in New South Wales. Coal is so abundant and cheap in New South Wales that it can hardly be sald, in places, to add to the value ot | : the surface. It is drawn out by ponies. , Beside it are an inexhaustible field of limestone and permanent water, both on a railway line. Rates of haulage on minerals are extremely low. There are enormous deposits of iron ore of richness varying from 60 to 90 per cent. The chemical composition has been found satisfactory to experts in Europe, and these deposits usually are alongside deep water, thus facilitating transport. At Burnie, in Tasmania, the deposit from water level up is es. . timated as 20,000,000 tons. In New South Wales the deposits within sight are 60,000,000 tons. The deposits known as the Iron Knob and Iron Monarch in South Australia are stated to contain 20,000,000 tons. The first great demand of Australia ‘has been stated as the comprehensive production of iron and steel from her own ores, These basic articles wilt then be available at half their present imported cost, just as Australia now supplies herself with the purest of all salt, another basic article, at less than half the price she formerly paid for her importations. | i He Didn’t Understand. “Where did Columbus first land?” asked the teacher. “I don’t know, mum,” was the re sponse of little Johnny Lefthook. ‘Q didn't read de accounts of de mill." es Detroit Free Press. : Homeless Children Cared For. Forty-five thousand homeless chil €ren have been sent to Camda from Great Britain and put in goo! homes during the past 35 years. Last year for every child that was sent there were five applications on file with the so cleties engaged in the work of rescuing the walfs. Consequently British philanthropists, who know how care. fully the children are looked after im their new homes, think that the num. cities to the spacious colonies could be Increased with profit to the empire as Wweu as to the children. It is a good way (0 save men and make a nation. Good Homemade Furn Willis G-. Kendig, Vice presipext Present 536 Woolwooth Building LANCASTER, PA. ™ ber sent from the overcrowded British | TEES Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. —— et Eo ture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order —pt Et POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS, —— eS Po ree Undertaking and Embalming Za $250,000 - CHAIRMAN BOARD OF AUDITORS Subject to advance at any time without notice Kl » anaes eon and Avoid Pie as a Rule. “Have you ever noticed how a wom: an orders?” asked a restaurant man of a Washington Post writer, “There are three whose orders have not yet been taken; now watch.” And very soon the waiter appeared. It wea luncheon hour, and all being women who are employed it was natural to suppose they would order something warm and stimulating. One's order was chocolate eclairs and milk, anoth- er chicken salad and chocolate, and the petron wondered why the sandwiches were slighted. “Why,” sald the proprietor, “if it were not for the men we would never sell a piece of meat—at this time of the day particularly. Somehow wom: er rebel at the thought of a beefsteak, preferring scomething dainty. Whethe er it proves good for digestion is an- other matter. A man will coma in and order a cooked iuncheon and finish with a plece of ple. A woman may take e sandwich and some sweet thing either cream or fancy cake, but never ple. It’s odd to watch them, and T can almost fll] their order without taking a” ——— et vt eee prea) EXPERIMENTS WITH FOODS. Bome Interesting Details Concerning Work Carried On by the Agri- cultural Department. The agricultural department's experi. ments with food preservatives involve the examination of 5,500 samples. A study of the changes in the composition of apples under its methods of cold storage has been continued in collabora- tion with the pomologist. A study of olive oil and its adulterations has besn completed. About 1,500 analyses wers made in the insecticide amd agricultural water laboratory. These included tox- lcological examinations to determine whether bees were killed by poisons used tn spraying. In the laboratory work on sugar done for the treasury department the number of analyses reported was 11,744. In the bureau laboratory over 1,000 analyses were made, 807 of which were reported to the dairy division of the bureau of animal industry. The difficulty of distinguishing between but- ter produced by feeding cotton seed or lotton-seed meal and that to which for- eign fats have been added will be the during the occasion of special aludy coniing year Inlaid Linoleums A sale that will be attractive to the closest buyers, The best patterns at 75¢ and $1.00 a yard, that sold at $1.25 and $1.50, in lengths large enough for vesti- bules, offices and Kitchens, About forty | patterns in the lot, | Printed Linoleums; twenty-five pat- terns; at 32¢ to clean out the short lengths. Lot of 3 fold Screens; filled with silko- line: at 75¢ each, Lot Bamboo Portieres, at 85¢ each, Lot of Lace Curtains, that sold at $1.50 to $2.00; at $1.19 a pair. | f Lot of Lace Deor Panels, that sold at | 50 and 75¢; 32c each, | Lot of Tapestry Portieres that sold at | #5 to $8 a pair; $3.00 a pair. | Lot of Couth Covers that sold ai $1.50; at $1.00. | oouveysneing., Corner West King and Prince Streets J. B. Martin & Go. In the China Store Lot of tumblers, Goblets, Wine Glasses and Bar Glasses, 2c each: to close; former prices run from soc to $1,50 a dozen. Lot of Jardinieres, 25¢.; were 50c; 48c, | were 75¢ and $1.00, Lot of Pottery Decorated Cuspidors that sold at 15 to 25¢, 5c each. Lot of Glass Flower Vases; 12 to 18 inches high: 6¢ each. Lot of Fine. Rococco Jardinieres; large and small; at $1.00 to $1.50; were $1.50 to $4:00 each. This lot only contains about 75 pieces, and will be offered at this price for five days only. Lot of Steins that sold at 75¢, $1.00 $1.25; 50¢ each, Lot of Pickard’s Hand-painted China, 25 per cent. off of market prices. Lot of Decorated Lamp Globes, $1.00 to $1.50; sale price, 75c. EE ———————————————— un They Seld mm Order Ment for Luneh 5 SLOSLVBLHOLEOT HOBOS April, October, April, August, October, It pays to invest your money w County Stockholders and get at leas Cle SOOO GR IEDR HNBRREONEIHHHRR BRS 1905 1905 - February, 1906 1906 1906 1906 January, 1907 - 2 per share, or you can pay as much as $180 down. A Life Income--Safe and Very Profitable Each share represents 14 2-5 acres of our 288,000 acre plantation in Champechs, Mexico The provements (including 28 miles of railroad, 200 buildings on FEBOSBRIEIBEE ERE SRTEILOOteNng Dividend Announcement tolotelotal 0, of the STOCKHOLDERS) of the PO EH " i" = International Tambor Development Co This will notify you that on Jenuiry 31. 1907, our beoks will be closed for the receipt of money ‘on which an extra two per cent. divi- dend will be paid to the stocknolcess of this company. Ths divid- dend is indepznd-nt of the regular guirinteed divilend of 8 per cent per annum, payable 4 per cent April 1st and 4 per cent October 1st of each year. This will make = grand total of 24 per cent. this com- pany has paid since April 1903 as follows: o per cent Dividend 4 Guaranteed A € $5. dividend 4 guaranteed J -2 £4 dividend special - 90 “ dividend 4 guaranteed -2 dividend special -4 $f dividend 4 guaranteed 8 dividend special 24 per cent, distributed here you get feasonable retu rms It is not too late to join the colony of Lancaster st a small block of this s 3 ron] You can invest with us by paying only $5 per month J property and its im- , Stores, saw mill, wood turning plant, ete.) are ar and Free From Debt SOSSBBBBSESHSHHSBBSB HR HVLHHBOIGHHO HOT The undersigned having remodeled the - sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests, Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. PROPRIETOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. 62 North Duke Stree THE GERMAN TREAT ENT is the only cure only hd - Old Dr. THEEL, 527 North Sirth St. &ipkic (42 years pra tice). He challenges the world in eur. Ing Specific Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory Ulcers, Swellings, Cancers, Melancholia, Yarieocele. Hydrocele, Blotehes, Lost Manhood, Re stores Vigor, Vim, Energy & Strength to you g & old to enjoy life. The only Gr duated GERMAN Specialist in Amerien, Hellung garantirt. Send for sworn tes. tim nlals & Book Truth, exposes every City & Country medi. eal & electrieal frauds. Hours, 9-4, evgy. * -9, Sun. 9.8, Mail treatment. Avold cheap treatment, as Mercury, Potass, Cubebs Hals Copaiba, Bandlewood Oil, &e., only suppresses ruins, kills CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either, Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer, Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main 8t., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA RO HRERSTOWN JOY STREET Leave Mount Joy (a. m.), 5:30, 7:15, 8:16, 9:15 10:15, 11:15, (p.m. ), 12,15, 1:16, 2:16, 3:16, 4:15, 5:16 6:15, 7:16, 8:15, 9.15, 10:16 and 12:16 am, Saturday 11:15 a. m, and 12:16 p.m. Leave Lancaster (a. m.) 4:30, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 10°15 and 11:15 (p. m,) 12:15, 1:15, 2.156, 8:15, 4:16, 6:15, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, and 11,15. Saturday 10:15,11:16 p.m, On Sundays first car will leave Lancaster 7:16 a.m, Leave Mount Joy 8:15 a, m., with same schedale as above. RYANDISVILLE AND MT A cure guaranteed If you use PILES Sipposiion Statesville, N. C., writes: ou claim for them," Raven Rock, 45 Va, writen: hom faction.” Dr, H, D, NeGHI, 00 of 28 yo equal yours,” Puy To Ca by Druggists, “1 can say Dr. 8. M. Devore, They give universal satis. Clarksburg, Tenn, writes : have found no remedy to Hold they do all Ts. Bamples Free. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA: Soid in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of J. WW. McGinnis, Title held by a Philadelphia Trust Company for the protection of Stockholders. 15% As the work of Development progrosses the Plantetion becomes more Valnable and Dividends Increase. Timber 308 Cattle and the Company's store are the chief sources of present earnings. Soon Fruit and Ssial, the greati rope and 20 Binder Twine Fibre, will be among the Big- Paying Products, 5 Dr. ANDREW 8. STAYER, of Altoona, Pa., who was elected to inquire into all the details of managemont re- Sh sources and possibilities, spent some weeks on the Plantation. The stockholders elect such a representative every year {ok each shockholder having one vote. The Philadelphia Public Ledger of July 22nd Says: 3 : : . 3 The Company’s confidence in its resources and management is proven by this plan of allowing the stockholders to 2% 154 elect one of their number to visit the Plantation and make the fullest investigation. Dr. Stayer’s report indorses ll 2 5 the claims made by the Company, and speaks in the most encouraging terms of the valus and stability of the investment, bog pe Dr. Stayer’s complete report shoull be in the hands of every investor. It is a large, handsome brook, illustrated = r : o . 2] ’ ry 3 : % & with over forty photographs of scenes on the Company’s property, We will send is free to any address, Write to day a. Y ®O = 2 - - i £3 : % International Lumber and Development Co. © 2 « 0, ny y . | FOR FOO “tye {. Fo] i. J. MILLER, Resident Manager, 926-528 Woolworth Building, Lancs ster, Pa. ¥ & i 2) SUULOROGRORHBBL RBS H SLO BBHU BOER OTD HOHE Ch Yes! ipa | RL LT Is GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER | Post Office Address, lorin. Lancaster Co., Pa = Jada N74 « Telephone Number 851. gi y SAL > I'S J% i % a LW ED Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale! hd 2 © hee’ Bi or? Smoke and gases that escape up the chimney in all other _R, | | | | furnaces, a: ndar. puesta SY POR Sars BY M. XL. Greider i Co Moun. joy, Penna. badd ia smn. be 900000000000 0000900000000900000 9900000000000 00000000090 EE Sie & : 2 F.H.Baker's . Coal and IL-umper Red Opposite 01d P. R. R. Station MOUNT JOY, 0B BBG PENNA. LF Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No.1 Cedar Shingles always on hana i Alss Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. & Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material, Phone 838 © SOOO O GHB SLT HSS LB GGUS B © fegetetotetetetetotolofolofoter 0000000 00000000000000000000000 0000000000000 000000000 I.ancastexr’s ILeading [Die Wh rl ) OT): Piano and Organ 24 West King Street, L we Hi Ni A): 0) ancacter, Pa. { You will Always Find a Bargain in a GOOD Second Hand PIANO IN OUR WAREROOMS Call and see our Stock. Our prices and terms will suit you Headquarters for Sheet Music. Popular and Classic Books Century Catalogue of 10¢ Music. Write for catalogue Call for Free Sample