The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, February 20, 1907, Image 1

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A Very Quiet
Could Not Send Zeller and
Leib to the Tall Timbers
All Republican Nominees Win Without
An Effort
® Yesterday’s election passed off
very quietly and very little interest
was manifested. All the Republi-
can candidates won, hands down
and with one exception, there was
nothing to mar the Spring election
of 1907.
The Squire “This
In the East ward there are at
least 55 voters that have not as yet
forgotten the lesson taught them
by the ‘‘citizens’’ or rather the
people last Spring. By all appear-
ances they are delermined to rule
or ruin and yesterday that combi-
nation set up a job, which was
directly aimed at Chas. H. Zeller,
and indirectly at M. M. Leib.
Inasmuch as fifty-five voters
wrote the name of M. N. Brubaker
on the ballot, it clearly demon-
strates that that faction was doing
all it could. On the other hand,
Mr. Zeller, as well as his friends,
were doing nothing, the former
calling a sale, while many of the
latter did not even vote.
Last Spring Mr. Zeller polled
133 votes. Yesterday, the day be-
ing bad and the vote light, he had
only 57, yet the opposing faction,
with the Squire out ot town calling
a sale, after herculenean efforts
were unable to defeat him, and its
underhand work during the last
month went for naught.
The Other Fellow
Following is the vote:
East Ward: Council — M. L.
Greider 86; School Directors—G.
Moyer, 3 yrs., go, H. S. Newcom-
er, 3 yrs.,, 91, M. M. Leib, unex-
pired term, 68, A. K. Manning, 55
Justice of the Peace—C. H. Zeller
57, M. N. Brubaker 55; Auditor—
F. E. Hershey, 3 yrs., 52, H. S.
Garber, 2 yrs., 55; Assessor—C.
B. Hershey 85; Judge—E. M. Bar-
to 95; Inspector—Chas. Dillinger
82, John Rahm 11, John W. Brandt
West Ward: Council—William
‘Tyndall 52, John Kramer 25;
School Directors, 3 yrs., 54, H. S.
Newcomer, 3 yrs., 43, M."M. Leib
unexpired term, 45, A. K. Mann-
ing 31, Barney Sumpman 1; Audi
tor—F. E. Hershey, 3 yrs., 52, H.
S. Garber, 2 yrs., 55, Harry K.
Hildebrandt 20; Assessor—A, K.
Martin 66; Judge—H. W. Leib 51,
Harry S. Hinkle 26; Inspector—
Wm. Manning 54, Joseph Weber
Consolidated—G. Moyer 144, H.
S. Newcomer 134, M. M. Leib 113,
A. K. Manning 84; Auditors—F.
E. Hershey 137, H. S. Garber 137.
There were 123 votes polled in
the Fast Ward and 81 in the West
A Sunday Wedding
Samuel Taylor of Harrisburg, and
Miss Stella Cronn of East Hanover,
were united in the holy bonds of
wedlock at the home of Albert Kolp
and wife on North Market street,”
Sunday. Rev. R. C. Rengier was
the officiating clergyman,
A One Sided Debate
The Adamstown debating club
was bcoked to oppose Florin in the
hall here Saturday evening but the
visitors did not put in o pearance.
The Florin Literay Society had pre-
pared an excellent program for the
occasion which was rendered in a
very pleasing manner. The chair
chose Messrs. M. M. Leib, Clarence
Reist and Samuel Kurtz as judges
and after reading the question, Re-
rolved, That all other causes com-
bined, cause more crime than the use
of intoxicating liquors, the aflirma
tive speakers were heard. An op-
portunity was given any person in
the audience to dcfend the negative,
but no one cared to volunteer. The
affir native speakers, Messrs, Simons,
Marun and Simons, who introduced
only the best of arguments,
United States statistics from 1890
to 1900 and the last annual report of
the Anti-Saloon League, which re-
ports clearly demonstrated as well
as settled the question as to which
side should win. The judges un-
animously decided in favor of the
viz :
According to the rules:
of the Tri-County League, Kiorin
wins the above contest as neither
the visiting team or substitutes were
follows :
The teams now stand as
Won Lost P. C.
2 200
I 0
2 3
Akron | 2
Florin ,
Bowmansville ,
Adamstown ,
sis .
. LOO:
Valentine Party
Master Clyde and Miss Alta Niss-
ley, son and daughter of J. Frank
Nissley, preprieter of the Excbange
Hotel, gave a Valentine party to a
number of their young friends on
Thursday evening. The party had
a double significance as it was also
a birtkday celebration, A hand-
some souvenir, typical of the day,
was presented to each guest and the
young host and hostess also received
a number of handsome gifts. Re-
frehsments wereserved in the dining,
room which was neatly decor-
ated for the occasion. The guests
were: Misses Esther Bowman, Miri-
an Smith, Marian Shrite, Emma
Brown, Beatrice Brown, Mary Det-
wiler, Mary Bear, Esther Shelly,
Martha Stauffer, Ruth Hoffman
Bertha Missemer ; Masters Bysshe
Heilig, Albert Dierolf, Walter Root,
Arthur Hoffer, Jos. Breneman, John
Bowman, John Longenecker, Arthur
Schock, James Newpher,
The Litchfields
The Litchfields, or» of the best
troup of entertaiuers o ' the Ameri-
can stage to-day, will appear in
the hall here on Saturday evening,
the fourth number of the Star
Course, This company needs no
introduction, Chart opened at Gar-
ber’s this morning. Get your seats
Av nine o’clock on Sunday morn-
ing Justice of the Peace C. C, licks,
of Maytown, united in marriage
Melvin Sheaffer, of Kast Doreual
township, Miss Myrtle B,
Haines, of Marietta, The couple
were unattended.
— A eae
Furniture Novelties
Wm. I’. Waguer is at present en-
gaged manufacturing all kinds of

the Past Few Days
Jacob Kline is about again after
a few days’ spell of sickness.
Henry Brandt lost a valuable
horse recently, caused by colic.
Amos Eicherly of Lancaster, was
a visitor to friends here on Sunday
Wm. Leibfred and family spent
Sunday at Lancaster with his par-
Herbert Keener of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday in town with his par-
Miss Irene Brandt and lady friend
of Middletown, spent Sunday with
Mrs. John Flowers and children
spent Sunday in town with her
Mrs. Katie Gingrich is spending
several days with friends at Eliza-
Miss Laura Nauman and her
aunt of Harrisburg, are guests of
friends here.
Mrs. Alice Morton spent Satur-
day and Sunday with friends
Reuben Swords is about again
after a three weeks’ spell of sick-
embarked in. the paper hanging
and painting business.
Miss May Musselman has
turned home after a months’
to friends in Philadelphia.
Three new members were taken
into the United Brethren church
on Sunday evening. They were
Herman Ishler, J. Clement Worm-
ley and Gertrude Haldeman.
Howard G. Musselman, formerly
of this place, but now of Philadel-
phia, was promoted recently
from a local run to a through
run on the’P, R. R. between Phil-
adelphia and Harrisburg. He
made his first trip on Sunday.
Our ever faithful Democratic
committeeman, H. S. Musselman
was very agreeably surprised - re-
cently but not at the result of yes—
terday’s election. He celebrated
his 56th birthday and his many
friends remembered him by shower
ing a large number of handker-
chiefs upon him.
- -
Application for Licenses
The following petitions for liquor
licenses in this section, have been
filed in the office of the clerk of
The Whereabouts of Your Friends For
G. I. Ishler and Albert Fike have |
| easter Junction, called on her cousin
| —her birthday.
Miss Annie and Emma Shookers
spent Saturday in Lancaster.
Mrs. Anna Eberle Doyle moved
her household effects to Reading.
Oar popular young barber Irvin
Baker, spent Snnday at Kinderhook,
Mrs. Mary Shelley and nephew
Guy Culp spent Saturday in Lan-
Philip Hottenstein and wife of
Petersburg, speut Sunday at Frank
Many of Our Friends Answer Death’s
Sad Call
Amos M, Dugan of Marietta, died
of pneumonia at the age of 21 years
on Suuday. ;
Mrs. Joseph Gi. Moore died at her
home at Kinderhook on Sunday from
Ww, Henry M.
Hottenstein of Petersburg, died on
Annie wife of
Saturday, aged 60 years.

David M. and wife of |
Lancaster, spent Sunday here with |
Miss Pearl Wallace of Blue Dull
spent a few days in town with Mrs,
Mary Shelley.
Mrs. Alpheus Sprecher and son
Roy of Paoli, are guests of Krank
H. Baker and family.
v Oscar Pennell has accepted a
position as abrakewan on the rail-
road in New York State.
Miss Ida M. Boyce returned home
on Monday after spending a week
with friends in Middletown.
Mrs. Jno, E. Schroll avd daugh-
ter Pearl, are spending some time
"at Manheim with her parents,
Mrs. Henry Derr is spending
some time with her daughter Mrs,
Benjamin Gebhart of Renova, Pa.
Miss Mabel Miller of near Lan-
Miss Lizzie Baker here on Sunday.
Rev. Noah Mack opened a series
of revival services in the Mennonite
church at Elizabethtown last even-
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Longenecker |
and daughter Catharine spent Sun- |
day with friends in Maytown and
Mrs. Rice of Washington, D. C.,
was called home on account of the
serious illness of her mother, Mrs,
Mrs. John Geistwlite, Mrs. Anna
Carpenter, Miss Maude Ernst and
Harry Carpenter spent Saturday
in Lancaster,

Miss Clara Schroll was very agree
ably surprised by receiving a num-
ber of very beautiful postals today
Mrs, H. Charles Light returned
to her home in Lancaster after
spending a week with her parents
Lewis Seeman and wife.
Mrs. M. A. Rellman and chiidren
accompanied by Miss Ellen Garber
went to Richmcnd, Va., on Friday
where the former will reside.

Quarter Sessions, and will be heard
by the court on Monday, March 4,
at 10 o’clock.
Mount Joy Borough—Martin A.’
Spickler, John W. McGinnis, Wm.
I. Gantz, J. Frank Nissley, Henry !
Jacob Engle, 1. D. Springer and R.|
F. Wettig.
Conoy Township—Henry Birch, |
Edward Dupes and
tI, Fisher and John W, Johnson,
West Donegal Township—Mary
Mount Joy Township—E.
Souder and Cyrus H, Wittle,
Rapho Township—Andrew Vogle,
A. F. Heisler and Rolandus Bach-
Liquor License applicants are as
tollows .
Mount Joy Borough—Sylvester
Dearbeck. Brewers Licenses, A.

furniture novelties at his West
Main street residence. He also does
all kinds of furniture repairing,
Deeds Recorded
These deeds have been recorded
in the Recorder’s office at Lancaster :
Isaac IL. Hoffer to Norman S.
Meshey, four lots in Mount Joy
township, $400,
i —
Saved Sheriff the Trouble
The New Anchor Wagon Works
at Elizabethtown, was to have been
sold by the sheriff today on an exe-
cution, but the concern has gone
into bankruptev proceedings.
Let Us Show You.
Newspaper advertising is the most
powerful and the least expensive
trade tonic available to ambitious
merchants, Tryour columns and be

Bube, Mount Joy.
Are Improving.
Katie Brubaker, of West Donegal
and Amos Keeney, of Mt. Joy town-
ship, were taken to the Medico-
Chirurgieal Hospital at Philadelphia
by Dr, A. 8. Blough, and were
operated upon, They both suffer-
ed from a deformity of the leg.
Secret Society ‘Doings.
The Odd Fellows at Bainbridge,
buried three of their members with.
in ten days,
At the regular meeting of Otsego
evening, a pale face was adopted,
ssl em—
V $59.25 Per Share
At a sale of all kinds of stocks at
Lancaster Monday afternoon, twenty
five shares of Lancaster & Mount
Joy Railway stock were sold to
J. N. Stauffer at $569,25 per share,

| called on friends here yesterday.
Hiram 8.
East Donegal Township—Elmer |
No. 59, Imp. O. R. M. Tribe, Friday
H. S. Newcomer attended the
meeting of the Retail Hardware
Dealers’ Association, which was in
session at Pittsburg this week.
Paris Snyder, an able clerk for
the Columbia Trust Co, and brother
of the Marietta First National Bank,
Auctioneer C, H. Zeller sold the
personal property of Amos Sheetz
and wife for the assignee, Daniel E.
Wolgemuth at public sale yesterday.
v Henry L. Mooney left Monday
for Atlantic City where he will
make his future home,
table bar clerk at the
He was the
Red Lion
Miss Mary ¥. Newpher, teachcr
of the Second Primary school, at-
tended a wedding at Philadelphia
this week. Miss Belle Leader was
her substitute.
i J. N. Hostetter is home after spend
ing two weeks throughout Virgivia
and other southern points in the
| interest of A. Buch Sons, the ex—
tensive manufacturers at Elizabeth
| town,
Street Railway Extension.
The Rohrerstown, Landisville &
| Mt, Joy Street Railway company

Mra, Elizabeth Kauffman died at
the home of Horace Heidler, at
Silver Spring, Thursday, aged 73
Mrs, Cyrus Nis: ley, a daughter
of John 2nd Susan Cuppenbeffer,
who formerly resided near town, is
dead at her home in New Carlisle,
Reuben R. Spickler died
home of his son
at the
at Silver
Spring, Tuesday evening, aged
years. Ile was buried at
on Friday.
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Ex-County
Treasurer Theo. W. Hiestand, died
at her home in Lancaster yesterday.
She was born in Kast Donegal town-
ship and is known to many of the
older residents.
Christian K. Hostetter, residing a
mile southwest of town, on the Ma-
rietta turnpike, the Union
school house, in Kast Donegal town-
) &
ship, died yesterday, aged eighty-
four years, from a short illness of
pueumonia, having been sick only a
few days. He was one of the oldest,
wealthiest and best known citizens of
Kast Donegal township. In former
years he was a farmer, but had lived
retired for a number of years. His
wife died about fifteen years ago. |
He was a prominent member of the |
Mennonite church. One son and
one daughter survive—IHarry Hos.
tetter, of East Donegal, andgmvina, |
wife of Amos Ming |
near Manheim.
Hers! :y,
Mrs. Mary Rhoads, widow of the
late Solomon Rhoads, died at her
home in Newtown, Rapho township
Wednesiiay morning, from a com-
plication of diseares from which she
had suffered for a period of
She was sixty-seven years
of age and was born and raised
the vicinity of Newtown.
children survive her.
The children are Henry, of Mount.
ville; John M., of Back Run; Benja-
min and Albert, of Columbia; Lillie,
wife of Oliver Greenawalt, Emma,
wife of Wm, Given, and Ella, wife
of Lewis Diffenderfer, all of this
place; Laura, wife of Henry Weaver,
of Cordelia; Ida, wife of Howard
Eisenberger, of Kinderhook; Kate,
wife of Daniel Moore, and Mary,
wife of Harry Sherk, of Newtown,
and Miss Blanche at home,
She was a member of the United
Brethern church from which the
funeral was held Saturday morning.
Interment in the adjoining ceme-
Scene in The Litchg
Au infant child was born to Mr. and 3
Cunningham last week.
\ Jesse Watson of Florin is the new dri
of the Bakery team since last week.
Miss Anna Herr and Mrs B. Ha
bright were at Lancaster last Thursday
William Child and
funeral of the former’s aunt
last week.
attend: d
* ari
The Misses Herr, daughters of our x
blacksmith, attended a party at Lancay
last Thursday.
Mrs Fanny Hoaombright of Florin
spending some time with “he family of i
son at Landisville.
Levi Hershey and Henry Stauffer atter
ed the funeral of Isaac W, Eby at Hagers’
town Md. last Wednesday. jk
The public sale of George Derr of neal
town was largely attended yesterday and
Mr. Derr and wife will in a few days again,
move into their dwelling at” the east end o
A force of P. R, R. Carpenters are mak-
ing extensive improvements at the Station
at this place, and making some changes in
the interior. The two waiting rooms will
be thrown into one large room.
Jacob Kurtz an aged resident of this
place was removed to the St. Joseph hos~.
pital at Lancaster last week by Dr, M. M.
Denlinger of Roherstown. Mrs,
was suffering with a dislocay,}
last Fall, §
ip since
Horace Hipple of Harrisburg jiessan
to his parents on Sunday. : -
Miss Margie Hornafius of Lancasic. was
the guest of her grandparents on Sunday.
Harry Flowers and family of Lancaster
were visitors at the home of Jacob Gelt-
macher over Sunday.
ufus Hipple who had been ill for some
time, is again able to be about and attend
to his duties as class leader and Sunday
School Superintendent,
Preaching services were held on Sunday
morning in the church in this place by the
pastor in charge. Services will be held
again on Sunday morning March 3.
The funeral of Mrs, Mary Rboads took
place on Saturday morning Wish services in
the church in this place and inter i
the cemetery adjoining. Deceased was 67
years 2 months and 2 days of age and is
survived by 12 children, 35 grand children
and 9 great grand children also by one broth=
er and one sister, Revs. Mease and Eli
Engle officiated.
Andrew Heisey was selling choice apples
in town at $ 1, a bushel.
P. M. Charleston is about again after an
absence of two weeks due to pneumonia.
Phares N. Kraybill, our new merchant
wants 1,000 people at present to buy his

Aaron Fretz, residing a short dis-
tance west of Florin, along the Lan-
caster and Harrisburg turnpike, in
Mt. Joy township, died on Monday
evening after a short illness,
grip, having been sick only a few
days, His wife is also suffering
from the same ailment at the present
time, The deceased was seventy-
four years of age.
the late Daniel Rapho
township. He was a carpenter by
trade, but of late years worked
the farm with his
He is a son of
Fretz, of
son-in law. He
is survived by his wife and an only
daughter, Mary, wife of Elmer WV,
Strickler, a School Director of Mt.

! has filed in the recorder’s office 2a
- copy of the resolution extending its!
i route, The extension is from a
' point on Front street, Rohererstown
thence south over rights of way
purchased to the Columbia turnpike
and across the turnpike into Manor
, township and return by same route
to the starting point. The entire
length of the extension is 4,76014
Heavy Porkers.
Joseph Foreman, of Mt, Joy
Joy township, Ie is also survived
by two sisters- Harriet, wife of Isaac
i 8. Longenccker, cashier of the Union
National Bank, of this place, and
Mary, widow of Jacob M, Keener,
of near Rheens. The deceased was
a member of the Menonite Church,
His funeral will be held on Thurs-
day morning at his late residence at
nine o’clock, and at Kreybill’s Men-
nonite Meeting-house at ten ¢’clock.
Phares Bg man, Kas
and Levi 8
Joie] d

ownship, killed two hogs that
(ighed 201 pounds dressed,
tora g )
John Boyer moved |
last week where he wil?
Geo. Foltz and family anal
and wife spent last Saturda)
at Newville.
Jacob B, Shank, a pronm
gal farmer, has a bull 9 feg
inches in circumference. 5 £
The Rheems schogy
teacher, visited Sh
Rutt’s schools last
trip in eight sleighs
Martin Greine
were guests with
at Petersburg,
Amos Nissley,
spent sunday wi
at Sporting Hill
C. Y. Stauffepar
View; Misses Jennie
M. Bowers, of Lancae
ed by H. ¥, Ruhl and
The Chiques Hill 5c"
here and made i call av
school on Mojpday mo.
Shearer, Edna | Hackman,
and Sadie Shed ref, also visited Ui
in the afternofon” and Edna
Tuesday afterrfoon. Friends of
are vielcome aff dhy time.
\ rt
i sd of Sig
kind fo offe

nrg; aa
of her index finger
yesterday. :
: Abram Welsh move
Druckenmiller property
Main street last Thursday.
Councilman C, N. Mum}
gash 1n his hand with a bone
weeks ago and is now nursin
sore hand.
John Weidman is nursing 4
wound, the resalt of running
a machine at Geo. Brown’s
mills on Thursday.
J. M. Brandt, bought a 6
old female calf from a famous
of Durbams at Westfield, I
3 b arrived here yesterday.
John E. Hoffer, WF -
Editor of the Herald, has
a position at the Sta
Landisville Vigil and
To Whom It May §
A certain land char
favor of the heirs of HE
contained in a’certain d
heirs of Esther
