ER 100 0000000000000000000 190006060040 Garber's Pharmacy Are You Suffering PILES Are You Suffering From ITCHING, BLIND or BLEEDING PILES or HEMORRHOIDS EAUTIFUL FACE Using If you have pimples, blotches, he a lad Nn and beautiful complexion by using & i AUTYSKIN 9000000000000: Garber’s Improved Poultry 00 Something New THES IMPR OV ED 0060000600600 ee Sohal Goods at s Than Mj Our store is famed for values, constantly given, day in and day out, 6005055005555505 After Using. CH ICHE ESTER CH EMICAL CO. ==> Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. EUROPE'S HAPPIEST PEOPLE. From Their Adherence to the Home ; Country the Swiss Take ) the Palm. © 1 4 $ $ 3 ill Prices é the year round. When we announce “specials’’ customers have confidence that they will obtain Reliable Goods at Tower Prices than they can else- ® where be found. ' If it be in harmony with one's sur roundings to work and to thrive a little and to rear children, to have liberty and security and be tolerant and self-respecting constitute any measure of happiness, then the Swiss are by all odds the happiest people in Europe. Such, says a writer in Every- pody’s, is the judgment of all observ- ers %hat have been much among them. You can test it by a single reference. From every other nation in Europe there is emigration; from Switzerland little or none. At all times about 300, 000 Swiss are in foreigid countries, learning languages or methods of com- bining travel with work, but they come home. The typical Swiss never thinks of making permanent, residence outside of Switzerland, or, if once thinking so, he changes his mind when he makes trial thereof. Sheets and Sheetings 59¢ Bleached and Brown Sheets ; 49¢ Bleached and Brown Sheets ; Sale price 45c¢ each. 62c Bleached and Brown Sheets ; Sale price 55¢ each. 124¢ Plain and Hemstitched Pillow Cases ; size 42x36 and 45x36; Sale price 10c each. 25¢ 9 4 Brown Sheeting, heavy thread ; Sale price 22¢ yd 25¢ Bleached g-§ Sheeting, fine muslin : Sale price 19¢ a yard. 27¢ 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, good strong muslin ; Sale price 25¢ a vd. gc Fine Bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide ; Sale price 7'%c a yd. 8c Heavy Brown Muslin, short lengths ; Sale price 7¢ a yd. VICTO R PRICK yi hho Equippes Carrying Sale price 52¢ each. POULTRY POWDER,— We claimthat thi= Powder will largely increase egg production, strengthens weak and droop- ing 1ouls, promotes the health and growth and development of all varities of Poul try, and insure fine condition and smooth plumage: Compounded upon the most scientific chemical principles, being highly tonic, stimulating, antiseptic and alterative makes it a moat powerfull and natural preventive and curative agent, beside being specially adapted to mak- ing hens lay. As an egg food for making bens lay it has no superior. For carry- ing fouls safely through moulting; fitting for exhibition and market, increasing the size and strength, and hastening the groth of young poultry, it has no equal; is absolutely pure and highly concéntrat- ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. Strictly a medicine, to be given in the food, once daily, in small doses. Prevents and cures all diseases of hens. Worth its weight 1n gold when hens are moulting and to keep them no other food on the market like it 1} lbs. 25¢., 3 Ibs. 65c. $17.00 2 from r New Motor Zur ni ble The Best Talking Machine tured for the m ney with an entirely an S-inch Manufac— 000060000006000000000000000 0000000000000000000006000¢ Flannels and Blankets 6c Heavy Shaker Flannel; Sale price 43/c a yard. 7c Shaker Flannel; Sale price 6 a yard. gc Heavy and Wide Shaker Flannel; Sale price 8c a yard. 1oc Extra Weight Shaker Flann=1; Sale price gc a yard. Onting Fiannel Remnants, 10 to 20-yard lengths; mostly dark Sale price 5c a yard. - 12%c¢ Outing Flannel, pretty, light and dark patterns; Sale price 10c 49c 10-4 Gray and White Cotton Blankets; Sale price 43c a pair. : or any form of rectual disease, come and get a sample of my Pile CABINET: Qak, hinged top. MOTOR: Plays several records with one winding SOUNDBOX : Exhibi- tion if preferred. HORN: 16-inch Black Steel; Brass Bell 50¢ extra. Polished Quartered Cure or I wlll send a sample through the mail FREE. This is one of the greatest pile reliefs and cures ever put on the market. Noisele SS, new design, actors S If it does not help you any after you have used a soc box, I will refund your money. Bagged at the Knees. It is difficult to avoid “talking shop.” A story which illustrates this is told of the late Col. H. G. Toler, the noted Horseman, who died in Wichita. A Ken- tuckian was speaking of Col. Toler and gaid: “Col. Toler raised John R. Gen- try and many other famous horses. The turf has suffered a great loss in him. A better judge of horseflesh and a pleas- anter man you'd never find. I used to love to watch him studying horses. He was very keen. He was at his best then. A rich tailor once brought him to see a new acquisition, a trotter of doubtful quality, for which, however, $4,600 had been paid. The tailor was full of en- thusiasm about his hbrse. He little knew he had been done. ‘Look at him,’ he said. ‘There's a horse for you. Look at them legs.” ‘Very pretty,’ sald Col. Toler, grinning. ‘Very nice legs, in- deed. But don’t you think they bag a bit at the knees?’ ’—Troy Times. Concert; Put up Only in 50c Boxes Japanned VARVARA WAY WAY WA WAY AA WAVY WAY WAY WAY AY VAY VARANASI WAY WAY WW WAY YAY WAAAY WAY WAY Xeltable Boston Store & GELS OOGSLISSGAGGGNSSNNSS assed AI TC PID TO Wc © La = waa Manufactured by R ECORDS : I also have on hand a Complete As- JR E. W.GA RBER sortment of Up-To-Date Records. 81 E. Main S .» Mt. Joy Call and hear them. 000009000000 0000099000000000900000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000050000606000660000060000000¢ E W. GARBER, EAST RAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. P09099000000090900900000000 $049999090990949049640964909949004994¢ $ Ame esa Aww ran ma 220 0000000000000000 —>Ekancaster's Largest Carpet House&— Great February Sale If you are thinking of furnishing rooms or a whole house this Spring it will pay you to buy now. Our large new spring stock is now in, and they are to be sold during this month at unusually low prices. Fine Axminsters as low at 98c. Wilton Velvets as low as 8c; all sewed, laid and lined. For a small de- posit we will hold them until wanted. We have laid back lots of them already Nowhere in town can you find these prices matched. Some of the carpets, in- deed, are sold at almost wholesale prices. We have lots of bargains in Rugs, Oilcleth, Curtains, Etc. : 3 3 ® : ® 3 3 $M ® : 3 ® healthy there is sersrsessorersssssrsrersrens + oroasetersnsersrssresorreresesrersssssssssres © © % 4 © v9? '@ © ® ® $ - @ © © © ¢ ® © © $ ® € ¢ © @ ¢ © © © © ® © ¢ © © © ® ¢ © $ 4 ® ® ¢ 4 Local Water-Powers. “What do you understand by a cata- ract?” the new teacher of Number Two asked Willy Straw. The answer came promptly. “It’s the fire-injine down at Daleville Corners,” he said, in breathless haste to impart his knowledge. “But it leaks some, and it isn’t half so good looking as the ‘Torrent,’ either. You just wait till parade day and you'll see, teacher!” ~¥outh’s CoXpanioy. 011 Fields of India. er IRA 70 cent British statistical report che stat sment Is wade that during the {s iscal year ended March 33% '%), the THmportation of kerosene oil into India aot Rell off nearly 10,000,000 gallons. Dur- Dr. the preceding year there was an almost cre identical decline, so that, compared with the fiscal year 1901-02, the reduc- tion was mearly 20,000,000 gallons, « equal to 21.7 per cent. The decline in v import of Russian oil was 19.4 per tr cent and the American oil 27 per cent ¢ The rapid development of the Indian oll flelds has caused this decreased im- port. The Indian oil is not get of as good quality as most of the imported oll, but its cheapness secures it a mar- ket. American oil, it is said, has se curity for a limited market in its su- perfor quality, but keen competition among all the common grades seems assured. ® 4% ® 4 ® ® ® © ¢ © ¢ % ® ® 4 ® ® ® & & ® ® 5 ¢ 4 © © @ © © © & © ® © & & ® © © ® © ® @ @ ® © ® $ ® © ® ¢ @ ® ® $ ® ® ® 4 ® 3% 3 fo ete: 2300008862200 CSCRCIDES de 900000000600000006000000000000400000000600000000000 I & SE 5 SORE At I. b. BENEMAN’S ro BEER SEE GE OS 3 THE FLORIN COACH We WORKS 0% Ea $3 Linoleums, Lace and Heavy 4% Lk 8 WESTENBERGER, MALEY & MYERS, 12 AND 14 W. KING ST. LANCASTER, PENI A. Vib TRS AES tab tx 0060 000000000366 00000006006 or har 1. D. Beneman Clothier Has decided to C $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dial” IT'S ENOUGH TO TURN THE GIRLY’ HEADS § Close Out the Balance of His ke ( Winter Stock of Clothing, Under- wear and Gloves, Ladies’ Coats and Skirts, Waists and Furs Also Great Reductions in Shoes and Hats We need the room and we need the money for our Spring Stock which will be here soon. MANUFACTURERS ( oF AND DEALERS IN Sleighs, Cutiers, Nobby Runaboufs, Jenny Linds. Something New in the Piano Buggy Line, &c. made as good as wagons can be. OTe] oxe XA x vi By that we don’t mean as expensive as possible, but we speak from the standpoint of neatness and wear, £ YOUNG BROS. efetotetetototeteletoto lols Our Home Markets. Butter. .206c¢ per 1b. Lard... ..10c per 1b Tallow .414c perlb, ..24c per doz. PRANK W. MAHIN FILORIN PENNA EGR HH BE SR 4X Xs $%a Selling Price of Feed BrABuisessessssssastsassisees Shipstuff,.......... Mixed feed......... Middlings..... GHGS 899 Da Ror sper on It will pay you to buy now as I am going to sell regardless: of S0449949400940:49400490099924 4044940494030 $05939 2999094 cost, 1 I.D.BENEMAN Reliable Merchant East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. 9000000000000 00%000000000000000000000000000000000 SLSHBVIVBHVE BLVD SBE ILHH BRB OLHHRO 3 The Talk of the People ET Cotton seed meal.... Linseed meal Hay.. Stow erteaienarians . Molasses Feed . Sesrixabyy tie 21 00 YOFFE'S Annual Clearance Sale Now in Full Blast Hundreds of people have gone away EXECUTORS’ NOTICE! Estate of Henry H. Meckley, late of Mount Joy Township, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to ‘make immedi- ate payment, and those having claims or de- mands against the same will present them with- out delay fo: settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Mount Joy Township. AMANDA L. NECKLEY, SAMUEL N. MECKLEY, W. U. HENSEL, Atty. Executors feb13-6¢ R. F. D. No. 38, Mount Joy aR Ae 4% 4% 4Fp S¥p ET EN HE Es HEGRE BNE ww J. B. Martin & Co. 3 isorssusamrense when a “fellow walks past, dressed in an International suit. No clothes look so well, none so shapely and perfect-fitting. Every International garment bears the unmistakable stamp of fine custom tailoring all over it. We are the only representatives in town of the justly celebrated 4% $%n Xo aXp $Wy 47s satisfied that this sale is the biggest saying opportunity ever brought betore them Have You Visited This Sale ? If not do so at once. INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO. OF NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO SVHOY Real Estate at Private Sale A desirable property at private sale of - tate and Groeery Stand, a “20 W, eal ee, Street, Mount Joy, on lime of trolley railway, consisting of two acres of ground with 9 room house, open stairsand halls, wash houge and coal shed, barn tor 3 head and barn floor, all in good repair. Premises can be vacated 60 days from date of purchase. Clear title; all deeds record ed since 1843. Call on the undersigned residing on ve j€ Pra mises. W. M. SPERA, Mt. Joy, Pa, spefedetoler aXe 20% - Thrifty housekeepers are having their wall papering done now and not waiting for busy season with its delays and higher prices. 1060000000086000000 2000000000000600000000000000000000900000000000000000000000 We are offering Mid-Winter pri- fashions in men’s clothes and are absolute leaders in their line. : : who set the 5 = s ces on all goods in this department and the hanging is same as before, We take your measure and they make the garments to your order, with a guarantee of fit and satisfaction in every particular. Come in and see the samples, whether you wish to order or not. H. E. Ebersole, Mount Joy, Pa. C0 000000090000000000000000000000000000006007 ap As an ex- tra inducement for you to buy now we have again reduced the following papers: Washable papers at 6¢ and 8c, a trifle shopworn, but good bargains. pers at 8c and roc, new light papers for bed-room, etc. Gilt papers at 8c and 1oc and up, for parlors and libraries. Embossed papers at 12}4¢ and 15¢, suitable for any room in the house. We would call your attention to these especially, You will be well paid by securing 2a Te Blank pa- our bargains in axa w~ Overcoats, Wednesday, March 6—On the premises in Mount Joy twp. opposite the Elmdale creamery, mules, horses, cows, hogs, farm- ing implements, ete. by A. L Nissley Zel- ler, auct 9999000000004000000400900900000¢ IRTP ET OTS OPTI I OT OTTO Sas SIO reT Ise RIITeIOroTeTe Suits, Pants, Shirts, There are a few remnants s $%p ick left which must go this week: prices from 5c up. You cannot find better prices or selections that are in our remnant stock and they would not go at these pices if we did not need every inch of space available for new goods, Special Values That Will Realize Highest Hxpectations Y our Monuments Tombstones LARGE STOCK ON HAND ~~ A [ie 1 ea maxis : One Hundred Wool Carpet Samples—The sama kind we sold last season at 39¢ except they have no fringe. The quality is of the 65¢ and 7c grade of carpets, While they last at 29 cents. Comforts—You will not find a nicer selec- tion auywhere and the prices are the low- eat, Our $1.19 and $1.25 quality, $1; and the better ones just as cheap. We are show ing a nice line vp to $3. Underwear—Of every description and at prices that will interest you. The Union Suit is found to be the most pracuieal gar- ment {o Rildren, ‘We are showing one in gray a soil cream white at 20c¢ that gal W ‘ler how it can be sold at that es Bter grade, per suit 500, ion Suits—At per suit 59¢ & $1 Children’s Outing Flannel Underskirts and Drawers—Each at 10c. Ladies’ Flannelette Wrappers—The best quality and make at $1 and $1.25 “dy Skirts—IKnit Skirts, just the thing for the cold weather, each 25¢, 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 Outing Skirts at 25¢ and 48c. The better ones have large flounce on. Outing Night GGowns—each at 50¢c and $1, You could not buy the material for 50c, Outiny Flunnels—A yard at Te, 8c, 10c. ‘We have one line at 7¢ a yard, The qual- ity is as good as 10c ones only the styles ure not new, Another Case of Aprons—Both white and ginghams, at 10¢, 19¢ and 25¢, Also Black Suteen Aprons—With bibs and without, each at 25¢, art & Co, very Eats, Caps, Underwear, Spring goods are arriving every day and the short pieces and drop patterns must be sold now, or go into storage. Prices have advanced on all Spring goods and you would do well to buy now instead of waiting, Eosiery, Gloves, Etc. See Our Big Circular for Prices Ingrain Art Squares A few dollars investment saves a $40 carpet and makes them wear three times as long, Colors to match and carpets and sizes to fit any room. half cotton or half wool and all wool, EE Le Ee Be ee Wolf Yoffe w Mount Joy Hall Building, MOUNT JOY, PA, Rugs in cotton, 8 0 [ost King and Prine Strog bs Brussels rugs in any size, J.B. MARTIN REISE TEER TET LITRE TEER aa Sar SLOSS VTIVVVBLLT 8 (