PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK, Mister Drooker—Om letsht Mo- dawg owsat war'n’ celebration os Kitzelderfer's. So we ich § fers- htonna hob war’s evva der Gener- al Jackson dwag un de karls os by nonner waura uf der celebration waura tuz sawga all Demograwt, weil der Jackson in sina dawga der hawpt Demograwt war. Der Johnny Honaberger bahawpt os's der General Jackson was os uns de Constitution gevva hut, un der Bill Bifflemoyer hut explained we der General Jackson de Insha un de Englender galeddert hut im drisich yarich greek. Un der General Jackson war aw amohl President, un ich con mich noch goot druf b’sinna we my dawdy ols bahawpt but os ar der graisht un shmartssht mon war in der gons United Shta- tes. Anyhow se hen Jacksn dawg g’- celebrate ohs Kitzelderfers. Du consht denka; se hen mich aw ei galawda ’ war n supper, un mainer os’n dootzend hen om dish rumm g’huck’d un ’s war gaunk ess sau- ch uf m dish for dri mohl so feel tzu feedera. Tn mer hut si wahl nemma kenna for coffay, tai, beer odder’s rale shtut ous der shwortz buttle, un du consht denka, ich hob mines grawd ganumma. On so tzeita mus mer sich evva uf too- a.—tai un coffay is goot for kinner un olta weiver, awer om Jackson dawg gait mer ni for ebbas os aw tzu de ribba shtick’d. Ich con mich awer net exactly druf b’sinna ollas fore gonga is on der celebra- tion. Es happen’d evva os on so tzeita fergessa mer der broceedings. Awer os ich dort war bin ich sure. Der naight morya hob ich coryose g'feelt. De Bevvy hut bahawpt ich het tzu feel gadrunka, awer sel con net si, for ich was os drooka im hall os ich mainer os’n pint ka- It wesser gadrunka hob. Wass’s war os mer g’happened is on der General Jackson celebration con ich evva now net for sure sawga, un ich mus uf gevva. i ln phrase, “In tine of peace prepare for war,” 1s usually altributed to George Washington. What Washington said was: “To be prepered for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” Dut ages before Washington became first in war and peace, Horace had said, “In peace, as & wise man, he should make suitable preparation for war;” and one of the maxims of Publius Syrus may be translated: “We ghould provide in peace what we need Wm war.'—Youth’s Companion. The Hydrophobia Microbe, Dr. A. Negri, at Pavi, aunounced las: March the discovery of the specific mi ero-organism of hydrophobia. He ncw states that he has examined more thao 300 dogs with natural or laboratory hydrophobia, and has never failed tc find the specific micro-organism in the serve cénters. On the other hand, he bas never found it in other dogs. Through the Sues, The civilian passengers through the Buez canal last year numbered 92,000, and the pilgrims, emigrants and wicts, 40,000 EE RHEEMS' STATION. W. Donegal will hold their primary elec- tion Saturday, the 26th, inst., at the usual hour and place. Levi Stauffer of Mt. Joy chief mechanic for Landis Bros. resumed duty after being sick several weeks. Cellar of Samuel Heisey’s new house is ready for the wall, Abe Snyder of Eliza- ethtown has the contract. Uriah C. Spangler had a handsome piano placed in his house last week by Kirk Johnson of Lancaster. Rev. 8. 8. Shearer's homa is nearly com - pleted. Affairs have went so sneccessfully that it is necessary they could occupy it Feb, 1st. ’ The P* R. R. has a force of men scraping the paint off their oil house near K.U. tower, in order to use new paint, guaran- teed by a new paint Co. Special services were held on Sunday eyeuing. Revival services started on Sun- day evening, Jan. 19, in charge of Rev. Longenecker of Palmyra. EB. R. Daugherty and Jacob Daveler, of ‘near this place and J Miller, of Salunga, served as road viewers on aroad near Mag- tersonville last Thursday. Isaac Wealand, a trustee of the German Baptists, of the Green Trea districh, erect- ed a street light in addition to the electric light at the Rheems meeting house, which illnminates the church yard pleasantly for those who have teams, German Baptists opened a series of meet ings Saturday evening, to continue until HAVE MELONS IN WINTER. Luxury That Is Now Attainabla Through Modern Horticul- tural Progress. The incresse of our knowledge of the vegetable world has given us many good things. Perhaps the most recent of these is the winter melon, which is now becoming such a luxury, and, what is still better, an attainable lux- ury. The seeds of the winter melon came from Russia. ‘tney were placed in the hands of a man who had a great reputation as a horticulturist. There were two varieties of musk- melon and one of watermelon. The Russian seeds produced an exception- ally fine muskmelon. In flavor they are more acceptable than the su umer kind, far more atiractive from an ex- terior view, and grow in weight to 4» pounds. One of the features of the melons is that their luscious flavor does not deteriorate as they increase in size, as is often the case with the summer fruit. The beauty of the win- ter melons is that they are in theif prime in the dead of winter, when the Snow covers the northern states and nature hibernates with the thermoms- eter in close proximity to zero. The melons need only about one hundred days in which to mature, sO that seeds planted the first of May will by the first of August produce some melons which ripen on the vines. The major portion of the crop, how- Jver, has to ripen after being picked. «he date of their ripening, depends oeitirely upon the temperature in which they are stored. If deposited in 8 tool place they will not ripen much before the first of the year. If the melons are desired for an earlier mar- ket it is only necessary to place them In a room of a living heat. FINLAND AND THE JEWS. Position of the Semitic Race Worse, in a Legal Sense, Than in Russia, An anti-Semitic movement which so far cannot be traced to the Russian government appears to be absorbing Finland. he Jewish World, in com- menting on this circumstance, declares that the manner in which the civilized world gave unstinted sympathy to the Finns out of the area is expelled the country. They are restricted for a livellhood to selling old clothes, watches, cigarettes, etc. Jews who marry have to leave the'country, and those who go out of it to serve their military term may not return. No wonder a deputy once declared that a Jew in Finland {is worse oft than a criminal in Siberia. Their struggle with the overwhelm- ing forces of Russian despotism might have led one to believe that this inter- esting little people would show a cer- tain fairness to the oppressed Russian Jews among them. There are about 1,000 Jews_all told in Finland, and it is enough to say that their position is legally worse than in Russia itself. Although there was al- ways a large measure of self-govern- ment in Finland, there has never been any protest against the barbarous treatment to which Jews are subjected there. They are at best allowed to live in the towns of Helsingfors, Abo and Wiborg; newcomers can settle by spe- celal permission of the governor gen- eral, which has to be renewed every six months. Any Jew caught without such permission is transported back to Russia in chaing, HIDING THE VALUABLES. Woman’s Idea of Safe Places for the Concealment of Money, Papers, Etc. “Have you ever noticed,” began th¢ bridegroom, “what astonishing places & woman chooses for hiding things?” “I ceased noticing and ceased being as- tonished at anything years ago,” replied the elderly benedict, wearily, according to the Chicago Inter Ocean.” “Well, the other night,” went on the bridegroom, “ther: was a small fire in the apartment below us. Somebody up- get a lamp, and wiile they were putting it out my wife and I were gathering ou? valuables together and preparing to flee. For five minutes we rushed about like mad people. The first thing I did wasto open my wife's bureau drawer and feel for her jewel box. “ ‘Oh, it isn’t there!’ she called out. ‘It's in the refrigerator, under the low- est pan.’ “ ‘What!’ I exclaimed. “ Well,’ she replied, ‘that's the only place where a burglar wouldn't think of looking for them.’ “ “What are you trying to take down that oil painting for?’ I asked, excitedly “ ‘Grandfather’s will is behind it— tacked to the wall, and I can’t budge it, she answered, with tears in her voice. “ ‘No, don’t come to help me,’ she went on. ‘Run into the parlor and get the deed to the property It's pinned in the top of the lace curtains. And—and tring me that hat with the white feather on it. No not my best one, the other it's got my marriage certificate and the contract for your book and your first love letter sewed in the crown. And, oh, John, do look in that box under the bath- tub and find the manuscript of your play and your diamond sleeve links Yes, that's the one I mean—that ola cracker box. Well, I chose it because it dida’t look the least bit suspicious. Whe would ever think of looking under the path tub in an old cracker box for dia¢ mond sleeve buttons? Now, come on. We've got everything.’ “ ‘No, we haven't,’ I replied. ‘Where's that $100 bill 1 gave you to deposit yes- terday, and the check from Bradley— and all the money ?’ * ‘Oh, they're all safe,’she replied, non- shalantly, pulling me out of the door. “The $100 bill is in my stocking and the sheck is pinned under my back hair.’ “Now, what do you think of that?" “The patent to those hiding places ex» pired ages ago,” sald the elderly bene diot, yawning. A cure guaranteed if you use vor's_ Suppository f 9 D. Matt. Thompson, Bup't i 4] Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: 1X can say f they do all you claim for them.” Dr. B. M, Dovore, & KA Raven Rook, W. Va, writeas ** They give universal satis 34 fuotion,” Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksbure Tenn, writes: | next week, in charge Rev. Longenecker, of Palmyra, Monday evening discoursed ger- man. Attendance so far was not so large, owing to the condition of the roads pud the inclement weather, Ba “In a practice of 33 years, I have found no remedy to BY oqual yours. Pmiow, 60 Cenrs. Bamples Free, Sold Hy by Drugglsts, MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, | reg by Sold in Mt, Jey by E. W. Garber OUR SALE REGISTER If you get your posters printed at this office we insert a FREE notice like the following until day of sale. This paper reaches to people Tuesday, Jan, 20—At the late residence of Martin Stoll, in Mount Joy borough, a large lot of personal property by Martin Stoll and H. G. Hagenberger, executors. Zeller, Auct. Tuesday, Feb. 19—In Rapho township near Landis’ mill, horses, cows, hogs, farm ing implements by Daniel E. Wolgemuth assignee of Amos M. Sheetz and wife. Zeller, Auct Monday, March 4—On the premises on the Manheim road, 1}¢ miles east of Mount Joy, horses, mules, cows, shoats and farm- ing implements by Christian G. Groff. C. H. Zeller, auc. Thursday March 7—On the premises on the road leading from Breneman’s school house to Elizabeihtown, at Nissley’s mill 8 horses and mules, 200 Polan China shoats sows and breed hogs, 40 head of cows, heif- ers, bulls, farming implements, etc., by David W. Stoner. Pierce auct. the terminus of the trolley line, in East Donegal township, 6 head horses, one pair well mated with speed, also cows, farming implements, ste., by H, C, Shelley, Zeller, auctioneer Thursday, March 14—On the premises near Florin, horses, cows, shoats, breeding sows, chickens, large lot of farming imple- ments, household goods, etc., by the exe- cutors of Christian Shumaker, deceased. Zeller, auct. Our Home Markets. Butter.......... . .2bc per lb. Lard..... .10¢ per 1b Tallow. ..44c per ib. BEgs..ceaasasnaisaninds 24c perdoz. Selling Price of Feed Shipstuff,... $22 50per ton Mixed feed. 50 Middlings.. «£300 Gluten....... ..2650 Cotton seed mea Linseed meal...... Hay... .eceeeee Draw .ev.oiai oo. Molasses Feed .... A HIGH CLASS Moving Picture Entertainment will be given with Edison’s latest Moving Picture Machine. Don’t fail to see the great moving pictures; most marvelous machine in existance, showing the events of the World. Three hours of fun and frol- ic. The marvel of the age: life like, life size, life motion pictures. ; The following up-to-date pietures will be part of the evenings programme: Zhe Great Storm at Sea The Great Kidnapping Scene The Hippodrome Races The Chariot Races The Empire State Express Water on the Fly The Great Dog Factory Shooting the Rapids at Luna Park The Great Battle Between the Rus- sians and Japanesc The Race for a Bride Thn Chinaman's Acrobatic Guest The Fisherman's Luck and many others not mentioned. Willalso produce a few Illustrated Songs and the Assassination of McKinley and many other views, also a programe oi Plays that will be Played by Funny Comedians. Spectators of this performance are all positively facinated by its oddity, fun and mystery combined. Don’t forget the date. At last we have everybody laughing and orowing fat. Come one come all, both great and small. Any person wishing to spend an evening of pleasure will not miss it. You will not regret time or money. A laugh and a half for all who can laugh. Bring the Ladies and the Babies, Grandpa aud the family. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 26TH Doors open at 7 p. m, Commence at 8 p. m. Admission for Adults 30c., Children 20c. Taking EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. Estate of Martin Stoll late of Mount Joy Borough deceased. Letters Testamentary on said estate hav- ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav- ing claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned. MARTIN S. StoLL, Mt. Joy, Route 2 HARRY HAGENBERGER, Mt. Joy, Pa. W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. Executors NOTARY PUBLIC. W. MM. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. 62 North, Duke Stree THE GERMAN TREATHENT Js the only cure only k own to 0d Dr, THEEL,527 North Si. th St, Sei (42 years pra tice). He challenges the world in cur. ing Specific Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory Ulcers, Swellings, Cancers, Melancholia, Varicocele, liydrocele, Blotehes, Lost Manhood, Re- stores Vigor, Vim, Energy & Strength to you g & old to enjoy life, Th only Gr duated GERMAN Specialist in America, Heilung garantirt, Send for sworn tes. tim nials & Book Truth, exposes every City & Country medi. eal & electrical frauds, Hours, 9-4, evgs, + -9, Sun, 9-2, Mall treatment. Avoid cheap treatment, as Mercury, Potass, Cubebs Pals Copaiba, Sandlewood Oil, &e., only suppresses ruins, kills WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & tdth Sts, on Filbert St, Phila, Pa. Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal, Five minutes walk from the Penna. R. R. Depot. European Plan-$1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and JesoripHon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Recuring putea, Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, inthe Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir. culation of any scientific journal, Terms, $3 a Nill four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. UNN & Co. 2a1ereacwar. New York Branch OMce, 626 I 8t., Washington, D, © STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West King St. LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makesc frontaye of 49, 62, 58 and 6 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents, Best accommodations ‘ n every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A, B. ADAMS, Pro. Call for Free Sample Friday, March 8—Near Mount Joy, at 8 fe + VR HR EEN dwrard 00099000 090909990900900099090990000000900990¢90600009 How About a Soft All the Latest Shapes and : hades are Here, £44 North Queen Fireet, LANCASTER, PENNA. P0090 OITIVIVENNO- 0009000002090 9009002309000050000¢ The usually rough January weather you must be properly shod. our large stock ot FOOTWEAR lor all weathers. el Worth Your While Sale ‘We say worth your while to be blunt about it. ‘We have heard of some so called sales elsewhere, as distinctly not worth your While. This sale of Specials is worth your while to consider. It is the kind that delights keen shoppers. The old prices are on the goods in the window. The new prices are marked on the goods inside the store. Just a Few of the Prices Leggins 29c. Children’s $1 Shoes 75c. Ladies’ $3 La Francr, $2.29. Men’s $3.50 Shoes, 2.39. $= Phone 315. 247 Locust STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES Lap 7 BlanKets $3 to $15 Horse BlanKets, $1 to $9 ‘reckel I.ancaster, Penna. Hat 7? Stiff Hats in endless variety. Caps and Gloves at Bargain Prices. Wingert & Haas FOR If you have not supplied yourself, do so at once from SHATB & CO. BOOTS, SLES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 81 North Queen Str. af, LANCASTER, PENNA Furniture Fuyers wil! find our new show 1001's now open. They are the equal of any in the county for roominess, light and conveiience. Our stock of furniture is equally iirge and di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rockers In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Mahoga ny and Oak Zables, Zabourettes, Foot stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Wood Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Chiffioniers, China Closets, Writing Desks. that can be found in a first-class furniture store. Everything in the furniture line Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 0000002000900 0080000000000000000000000000000000000000 AFTER HOLIDAY SPECIALS Now is the best time to secure a good, dependable Watch. We have quite a number left over from Christmas, Ladies’ Watches, gold (illed cases, Elgin or Waltham movements, anc guaranteed for 20 years, worth $15.00; Special, $10.75. Men's Watches, 20 years’ guarantee, gold filled, Elgin or Waltham; regu lar $15.00 value: Special, 10.75. The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers Ind. Phone 1338 A. Pirosh & Simmons Good Homemade Furn —e aE RR Monuments LARGE STOCK ON HAND Mount Joy Granite and Marble Works J, GLATFELTER, Proprietor MOUNT JOY - - NNA ROHRERSTOW N, LANDISVILLE AND MT JOY STREET RY. Y Leave Mount Joy (a. m.), 5:30, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 115, 11:15, (p. m. ), 12.15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:16, 7:15, 8:15, 9.15, 10:15 and 12:15 Saturday 11:15 4. m, and 12:15 p. m. Leave Lancaster (a. m.) 4:30, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:16, 1015 and 11:15 (p. m,) 12:15, 1:15, 2.15, 8:15, 4:15, 5:15, 6:13, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15, and 11.15. Saturday 10:15,11:15 p. m. On Sundays first car will leave Lancaster 7:lp a. m, o Mount Joy 8:16 a. m., with same schedule as above. Lea Ch Yes! Oh Yes) GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Zurtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. JF. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. CHOICE HAMS Engle's Furniture Warerooms pA Mount Jov, Penna. = —— eG Pere Upholstering Done to Order pti Re — ~ POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, Undertaking and Embalming Tombstones! @ x as. W. FELLER Hr iture a Specialty Pere TR TRASK Real. Estate and Insurance Office 1E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates, Sottlem en t ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing. ALL KINDS OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees Mount Joy Nurseries If you are in need of one tree or one hundred, send for my retail price list. Send orders direct to the undersigned or let same with David Zerphy, Florist, Mt Joy and they will receive prompt attention W. S. Krady R. F. D. No. 2. Mt. Joy 2 SLOG OSOOOH0E 0, We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. ® We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone Ballast Screening or will crush them to order any 5% size. Gives us a trial order, J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. OHSS OO BHHSHR ES SSG HGGSSS LSS GHRHLOLOOER SSS SSSSSHIBHBHRBOOES 8% Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return vour money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Rk Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. BE Call and be convinced. 'H. H. KRALL Bast Main 8t., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA @. 2. Willen Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener Special Attention Given to the Collection of Rents Your Patronage Solicited Office: Main Street, Florin, Penna. Shire’s Vieat VMiarket Rear ot Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FPLORIIN . PRNN.A. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. Ls The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c IS AT | Mount Joy Penna I desire to call the public's attention t the fact that I am prepared to resh & Smoked Scholing’s West End Bakery “BR A WISE FELLOW” If you need a Gas or Gasoline Engine buy it direct from the factory and not from a Sub. agent. Capital Gas and Gasoline Engines are positively made without any packing. They dont have «la clock spring or sprocket wheel for an igniter. The genuine Capital is made only by 4 C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam 8t.,, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. ABNER M HERSHEY AUCTIONEER Mount Jov, Ferma. The .. Ludoscope A Moving Picture Machine for the house- hold. Something new and produces at a small cost, with excellent effect, moving pictures from discs provided by the man- ufacturers. It is simple in its operation and can be handled by anybody. The price of the device, with six pictures is Only 50c; Extra Pictures 15¢ a half dozen Full Line Photogra- phers’ Supplies -W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy *| Agency for Standard Steam Laundry For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Eershey Successor to W, W. Strasbach. o Hine Tonsorial Parlor East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Repair Iurniture, p&y- Please give me a trial, My Wor must be satisfactory, Prices Are Righ Please remember that 1 brass cable cord for gr 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna Watches & Clocks : | GRANDFATHER CLOCKS a Specialty | have a special ndfather clocks | 10. FH. Arndt, Florin Soin Mt. Joy by E. W. G FRENCH FEMALE MADAME DEAN'S YL Es: | A Savm, Conran Rxuixe for Burrressrn Mensrauarion, KJ NEYER KNOWN TO FAIL. Safe! Surat Body | Sats: L. action Guaranteed or Money Refunded, t Propald Ju 3io0 put boa, i bend them on trial, to be paid for Ham, . druggist have them send your orders to yy a UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, LAN