In of the Ankle Cured by a Brief pplication of Little-Known Remedy. Last summer I was taking a spin one in a light trap out in the country, d* in attempting to pass a farmer's Rgon on a narrow road my trap was erturned and I was thrown heavily to pe ground, sustaining a badly sprained kle,” George Maxwell says, in the St. uis Globe-Democrat. “The farmer me running up to assist me, and when found what was the matter returned , Bis wagon and came back with a Ew tobacco leaves under his arm. ‘If fl} let me make a poultice out ot jese and place it on your ankle it will all right in the morning,’ he said, pd as [ was about five miles from a tor’s office, I told him to go ahead It couldn't do me any harm, I thought, and 1s might have a alightly cooling ef- tet while I was driving back to town. gipped the leaves in the water of a gk near by, then bound them tightly ound my ankle, with the aid of a pdkerchief, and assisted me into my Webicle. When I reached my rooms I Bee surprised to find that the pain in my kle was: much lessened. and decided to ¥e the poultice a fair trial. In the pornirg when I awoke there was ab- i 8olutely no pain in my ankle whatever, id #nly the slightest suggestion of a gelling. 1 was able to don my shoes gthout trouble and that day attended business as if nothing had befallen Since then one of my friends suf- ed a sprain and consented to have a tobacco, poultice applied, which re- ited in his case just as it did in mine. “have also tried it in other instances of ght Injury, where there was pain and anger of swelling, and have found that ‘invariably it relieved the pain within a markably short space of time, and enerally prevented any swelling. A fiend of mine claims to have tried it "with good results for a slight attack of ‘rheumatism, and I have no doubt that it actually did what he claims for it, but, at any rate, for sprains or similar injuries, I] am now a firm advocate of the simple, homely remedy to which i was Introduced by my accident in the ‘country a few m:nths ago.” i a a # ba ‘Smallest Coin the Maltese Grain. fhe smallest coin in the world hav. 4a a genuine circulation is probably the ‘Maltese “grain,” a tiny fragment of bronze about as big and round as ‘the top of a slate pencil, and worth only one-twelfth of a penny. ————— _ King of All Cough Medicines Mr. KT G. Case, a mail cgrrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. service for about 16 years, says. “We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leav- ing no baa after effects.” For sale by J. S. Carmany, Florin and all Mt. Joy Druggists re Gosdash of Cold Pork! Fry one tablespoon minced onion in tablespoon meat drippings until of golden color; tnen add two cups diced meat, one-half teaspoon butter, a seasoning of salt and one teaspoon paprika. Toss up over the fire until the meat is heated; sift over one ta- blespoon flour, stir well, then add one cup rich stock or one cup boiling wa: ter and milk mixed. Cook five min- utes, add a minced potato, cover close- 1y, cook 15 minutes, thea serve.—Good Housekeeping. How’s This ? We offer One Iundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., T'oledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chen- ey for the last 156 years and believe him pertect- ly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to earry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MAR- TiN, Wholesale prugeists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interna'ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75¢ jer bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pil.s for constipation. Our Home Markts. Butter. cs cisees tease Lard.. ve .8 per 1b, Tallow... 4c per lb. reese 27¢ per doz. Brandt & Stehman pay as follows Whent...... ceinvnsee. Corn, 2c per 1b. ..80 per bu. Oate. ..oonsnne ns snrannise id 36 per bu, -Selling Price of Feed Bran Shipstuff,. Mixed feed.. Middlings Gluten..... tesesanae . Cotton seed meal Linseed meal. ... Ajack Flakes, Oat feed Hay... .... Straw $19 00 perton ..1900 ..3000 +420 oo «1200 1600 «..1200 Lost, Found, Wanted, For Sale or Exchange, Etc. Notices under this head not exceeding four lines, inserted at Ten Cents Per Week LOST—A purse containing a sum of mon ey and bill from the Bulletin. have the money if they just return the bill. I want to pay my paper. ForSale—A double heater in excellent | ten joints of condition. stove pipe go with it. Mount Joy, Pa. Heater pipe and Address Box 159, WANTED—A women to do cooking and | down stairs work in a small family. Wages $3.00 per week. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bac enheimer, Columbia Pa. . WANTED: By a prominent monthly magazine, with large. high-class circulation | local represeutative to look after renewals and increase subscription list in Mount Joy and vicinity, on a salary basis, with a con- | tinuing interest from year to year in the business created. Experience desirabls, but not essential. right person. Address Publisher, Station O. New York. box WANTED—By Chicago wholesale & mail order house, assistant manager (man or wo man) for this eounty and adjoining terri- | Salary $20 and expenses paid week- | tory. ly, expense money advauced. Work pleas ant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. COOPER & Co., 132 Lake Street Chicago, I'l. decd 10t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Henry B. Nissley late of East Donegal Township, Lane. Co. Pa. Deceased. Letters of Administration on said estate | baving been granted to the undersigned, | all persons indebted thereto are requested | to make immediate papment, and those having claimsordemands against the same will present them without delay for settle ment to the undersigned, residing in Florin, Lane. Co. Pa. W. U. HENSEL Attorney. KATIE NISSLEY Administrator. Monuments Tombstones LARGE STOCK ON HAND Mount Joy Granite and Marble Works J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor MOUNT JOY, - - PENNA WANTED! Several Young anda Middle Aged Men. Apply at Works Rollman M’fg. Co. x» - Mt. Joy, Pa. Don’t throw your old shoes away no matter in whatbad condition they are; bring them to The Philadelphia Shoe Repairing Company There youn get your shoes repaired for a small sum very neatly and prom ptly, and guaranteed to wear twice as long as a new pair. LOOK AT OUR PRICES . Men's Soles, - 40c.; Heels 20c Ladies’ & Boys’ Soles, 35c¢.; Heels 15¢ Men’s Soles, charge. prices. white oak leather used. get the place. hand sewed, Children’s at the All work guaranteed. Don’t extra lowest Best for- The Phila. Shoe Repairing Co. Near Yoffe's Two Big Stores, Opp- posite Mount Joy Hall, HOUNZ JOY, PENNA. Finder can | Dee. 27-2t | Good opportunity for the | 59, | Dec. 20-21 Brand New an so Reasonable is what the people say our work looks like, and about the prices. OUR CLEANING and DYEING is the best in the city. Better start to be a customer here now. STAR STEAM DYEING AND DRY CLEANING SNOB Emer Wm. H. N’Comsey Co., 43 West Chestnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. Always look for the Star. Both Phones §39 Dr. E. W. Garber is the local agent. The ETouse of ~~ 2 2 ~C/ Weinberg A House Goat —OR funging Kobe Would make a suitable present { r that “Big Brother” who is so hard to buy for—and we feel certain that there is a pattern here to please him The makers thought that we were alittle foolish in making our selec- tions—but then we wanted some thing different from the usual kind —and here they are, at more than five dollars’ worth of fit The grices start five dollars, but there is and comfort in any of them. Brown is the dominating color— some with flecks of white 1. have fancy collars, cuffs and pockets. The Lounging Robes are a hand- gay others more subdued. Oune style some lot, too—some colored, buttons down the front. Prices are four dollars up. You'd better stick a pin in this advertisement—for you and your brother will be glad you did, Christmas morning. WEINBERG'S Y. M. C. A. Bldg. 106 N. Q. St. Lancaster 00000000 0000006000000 000000000000000 *é $50900096090909060000940% W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St. oS © & © vo © © ¢ ¢ 0909000000900 000090800090 & © $9000008000000009000000000000PP0VOPVOPOPOEV000O 009909000000 POPOVIC VOVPPI9P0VVO0VVOCOIV0P90960C P0090 900002P0P0OP99699 Mount Joy. Full Line Photog- ‘aphers’ Supplies CALL AND SEE THE POST CARD «ALBUM .. A novelty that will be appreci- ated by anyone making a collec tion of the popular souvenir post cards. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0008000000000000000000009 Shire’s Vieat NMiarket Rear of Nissley*s Tobacco Warehouse FPI.ORIIN PEININA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. ey TEER [es Dealer in ofetetotototele] { & We are Always Prepared to serve % oF to xe * = x © os % ox, Pure £ 2% Spring Water 20k Lo ICE o IN ANY QITANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Eo ) ox TOTOTO] HENAN We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone Ballast Screening or will crush them to order any size, i Ay SR, SR, AF, Ny or ty oxy oXy AOKRO% 0 Gives us a trial order. 2 J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. 5 Q £9 KF LEGO BH 1 FOR SALE! I'he undersigned offers at private sale, number of CHOICE BUILDING LOTS st Donegal street, Mount Joy on very reasonable terms, 2 1 000000000000 000000000000000009000004 Garber's Pharmac 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000 00000000000060000000 “I.aver Bein” $v w French Preparation! ) AMBERINE.. The Woman's Friend or TI] Amberine is the uname of the great Andits farewell to wash board a For by using Amberine; its Your clothes are made as white as snow, Simply a boil, a rinse and the s¢ spots a rub, No slop, just from the boiler to the tub, It contains no injurious Chem , ‘and that’s no lie,” One trial and you will bid the ancient way good bye. Then, too, your clothes will last 1 I longer, y For to rub, rub, rub tares and wears Now if you'll follow the directions as laid down, You will not dread was’: day when it comes round, But will sing the praises of Amberine Since with half the labor you Dr. E. W. Garber, Sole Agent { TR $ Way of Washing. tL dirt cleaner you have ever seem, ish machine, hem and no wonder, place of “pat claimed that do believe th remedy and on the marke to this Stoma that it is har know exactly it is made. 1 it is made are be obtained i character as t ) are made white and clean. r Florin and Mount Joy. BAKING POWDER! There is but one White Mountain Baki g Powder onthe market and Lela m is the purest without rear of contradiction. tively contains no alum, ach remedy a no amonis, or impurit es i y = J afflcacy. We of any kind. I use Needs a Doctc best material in manufac edy, but if yo turing it and once using ent” medicind will always use. vertised for st PRICE, 50 Cents a 1 Lh. then we woul « 25 « 1 o« tere a thoroug ing ailments ! Rbeumatis All grocery stores handle it N kidney ailmer sda : it. Not sold at drug store y As an egg food for making and nervousn hens lay it has no superior. For carry- ing fouls safely through moulting; fittin for exhibition and market, increasing the size and strength, and hastening the groth of young poultry, it has no equal; Garber’s ImproTed Poulty»y Powder! POULTRY POWDER,—We claim that this Powder will production, strengthens weak and droop- ing 1onls, promotes the health and growth and development of all yarities of Poul try, and insure fine condition and smooth plumage: the most scientific principles, being highly tonic, stimulating, antiseptic and alterative makes it a most powerfull and natural preventive and curative agent, It posi- largely increase egg the Compounded upon chemical « 15 “ beside being specially adapted to mak- ing hens lav. cles, felons, ul due to poisons sallow comple! feeling due to due to indiges! disorders ; pot acute 'yspeps This stomach isfaction am Prevents and cures all diseases If you contemplate the $ much prefer tg of hens. Worth its weight 1n gold when a 4 ith 0 nnrchase of a piano, see me. ® medicines, the hens are moulting and to keep them - i L for this cile-@ do not know a healthy there is no other food on the a - = brated make and can quote® whether we ar market like it 1} lbs. 25¢., 3 1bs. 65c¢. you i1ter s'ing prices. 3 beneficial med 900000000000 9000900000009099090900000000099009090090900000090000900 0900900000 0009000000000000 BE W. GARBER: EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JC°" P000000000000006000060600 SOG 060060006760000 Tl is absolutely pure and highly concentrat- ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any otlier kind. Strictly a medicine, to be given in the food, once daily, in small doses. am agent pe P0000 00000000000050090000000508000090000000000000000 | 46} + @ oxy £3 Xp $Xo Xo aTa 4%y 434 4%p (Ta 4Xp WX too TOTOTOL OTOL x QL EG Op 25% WENN Re o =o 0d EOTOTO] HEM Tor rab Ah tab % % HOM RON NO * Watch This Space Next Week For Big Bargains TEOIOI® A Pat at 35% FES gEs Shs gEe gEe ete pE4 gRe Sy Va Out tub wxt W 5% 2 RC 00080609060 0000000000600 00000000000000092800000000000¢60 % i 2 ¥ Sa Ah Aor at Mount Joy Bargain Store East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENI’A. O16): TOT $Xs 4% sEs Ee oe TOT x0, Ok Ok Ole X05 20 + Sa FF or Aa aS Vob Inbar er Hab val xb Tar Ax 060000080080 9000 90000000009 0000000000000009800000000000060000000000 O, Ok ARN HAAR AAA HAR AAA HANH He Ke : i Ok & Ox rw There’s Money inG rowing Ginseng $Ro S%ae a¥e gXs SE SNe STs Te SEs SEa exe 4X SEs Ee gEe a VES Sar et Aer says: “I advise American farmers to cultivate Ginseng Big pro- fits may be realized. It is a hardy plant and is easily grown.” —A recent bulletin issued by the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Colle In part says: i Prof. W. L. Howard of the AZissouri State Agricultural College * v 1 etefelelotelotelotolototololy 0090000000000 0000029000004 The Most Usetul GIES tha you ; all we ask is for yo + oF gC ““T'he supply of native Ginseng root is continually di- minishing and the price per pound is correspondingly increasing, while the constant demand for the drug in China stands as a. guar- antee of a steady market for Ginseng in the future, The market for our cultivated root will exist as long as the Chinamen exist.”’---Coun sel General W. 4. Rublee of Hong Kong says in the U. S Counsu- lar reports: ¢“The sale of Ginseng root grown in America is very large here and the demand is so great that much mere could be dis posed of advantageously. ~The root is indispensable to the 400,000, ooo Chinese as is their rice.” See our showing of P SHIRT WAISTINGS ink You should not fail to BOOKS and the VAR] LADIES’ COLLA choose from, HANDKERCHIEFRS UNDERWEAR, the k GILOVYS of every des! Our NEW CORSETS 1 will not break, will not rus different styles ; soc and § CUSHIONS ready to tri of Bobinet and Burcan, T material. These goods ard Furnishings of every descri Towels, all kinds. Then t see upon a visit to the NE Ginseng is a staple on the market the same as corn, wheat and cot ton, The present market price varies from $5 to $3 per pound ac cording to quality, while the cost of production does not exceed $1.50 There is room in any ordinary garden to grow several hundred dol- lar’s worth each year, The plant is hardy and thrives in all parts of the United States and Canada, except in the arid regions.* “We are successful growers and can show you how to make money growing Ginseng. You can get a good start in -business for a small outlay, and soon have a comfortable income. We have s thousand choice roots for sale for Fall delivery. The plant in Avgust and continues until the ground is froz for literature, Buckingham'’s Ginseng