Y er medi- ng a fol- ng pure source of pns than ily e uts pure ) woman rich, red her veins. and soc. Gift. Suggestion s Worth Noting : YW: att & S ] an ‘Whether you know just what you wan, or are open to suggestions, thisis the stere for you to come to if youare desirous of securing Xmas Gifts that will give most lasting pleasure, and reflect your good taste and thoughtfulness. Taffetta Belts, 25¢c to 50¢ C 0 § | Blankets, 60c to $5.00 To Every c ash Purchaser of Dressed and Undressed Dolls, of every description. Dolls’ GoCoats, Beds, Furniture, Dishes, Model Steam Engines, Fire Engines, Trains, Horses 2,000 Lbs. [or more] of coal | Cows, Goats, Sheep, Drums, Trumpets, Automobiles, Sleds, etc Umbrellas, 50¢ to 84. 00 Ww indsor Ties 8, , 10c to 25¢ Comforts, $1 to $5 Bg ot | Salad Bowls, 25¢ to $2 __ Tabourettes, $1.00 | gq spreads, 85c to $2.50 Lamps, 25c to $6 Turn Down Linen c oF — lars, bc, 10¢, 152, 25¢ . etc. Japanese China Copyright hooks, very popular Unique shapes, in Vases, Plates, Bowls, | this line, see them, 48c. and Dishes of all kinds, beautifully deco- Books for boys and girls, 25e. rated, 10c to 5.00 each. Standard authors, 2 . Cloth Bound Books, 106, 15¢, 19¢, Cut Glass Meade’s Books for girls, 45¢. A great assortment of Flower Vases, Stratameyer’s Books for boys, Be. Olive Dishes, Bowls, Decanters, Plates, etc Children’s Books, 5¢ to bog, ; very low prices. Fine Gift Books, loe, 15¢, 25¢, = Handkerchiefs Rubber Boots for Gifts Make a most useful gift. A splendid gift for man or boy. Ladies’ Linen Hemstitched at 5c, 8c, 10¢, line this week at low prices. 1214¢ to 50c. Youths’ Storm King Boots, 2.25, Men’s large sizes, 10¢ to 50c. Dall finish, heavy soles, 11 to 1334 Inidal, 123¢e., 26c, to &oc. ; Slipper Specials Ladies’ Embreiderod, hundreds of styles For men or women, 1.50 kinds at 1. 8c, 10¢, 1214¢ to 25c. gi Purses Suspenders, | erent SOCK © ollars, Lace and ne ee “Chocolate Cups and Sau- - Chiffon, 25¢ to 50c Men’s Kid Gloves, Silk cers, 25¢. Cups and Saucers 10 to 50¢| 0900000000006 2000060 Lined, $1.25 — ote Da Lace Collars, 15¢ to 25¢ Oatmeal Sets, 25¢ «) Men's Golf Glov es, 25¢ to Milk Jars, 25¢ [ Buchings, all colors, 25¢ | 50c -— a a yard. Celery Dishes, 25c. a a . I adies’ G If Gloves, 25¢ DUTCH. : | Ladies’ Go 4 . vzc Handkerchiefs, Hem- | to 50¢ 9, stitched, Lace, Japanese |——————=——— _ Bon Ba Bon Dishes, 40 and Silk 5c to 51. | Ladies’ Mercerized Gloves Berry Sets, 40c to 50¢c |— mien All Colors, 50c. a Rugs, $1.00 to $2.50. Vases, 10¢ to 25¢ Tn ) _| Ladies’ Mitts, Silk and ? Mercerized Table Covers | Wool, 10c to $1. Ji 25 $2.00. | Te — so Syrup A at ________|cnildren’s Golf Gloves 25¢ Leggings, 25¢ to $1.00 Towe Is, 2icto $1 |— : Se —re cect ire ——— ——| Children’s Mitts, 10¢ to Fancy Baskets, 140c to 60c ] Napkins, $1to 33 25¢ ESOCK HAS 25 styles to select from, values up to 25c,,; Special 12}4e each, ; Sample Fine Linen Lawn, scalloped, hemstitched THE HANDY DUST-PAN |pmiseioiin’o alos" Walking Skirts Fascinators, 25¢ to 50c | Crochet Shawls, 50¢ to $2 Fancy Garte rs, 10¢ to 25¢ is Clindion, Nuts, Ete. As usual the Best Line of Candies, Oranges, Grapes & Nuts Mixtures.<. « . - + . . . 8c tozocalb. FloridaOranges . . . ... . . .3ocadoz Alemeria Grapes . . . . + 5 18calb, Paper Shell Almonds . : + 5s oc a'lb, English Walnuts . . . Eas abca dhe Brazil-Nuts , .*. . .-. . . atreeadb. sht du die hh Sundawk H EF EBERSOLE, : setsht usht Mount Joy, Penna. CLAREN CE SCHOCK : Waist Patterns Helpful Hints op Des is 0000 356260000000900 2000006 20d ; On sale this week a lot of fine Japanese \ . m a kal sie e 20008 9 20030860 Silk waist Patterns, heavily embroidered, Cloak and Suit De 1 eo a Kal sie Fn, Ny | EE i Aaa A MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Py partment Wrist and Varsity Bags 2.00 each. THIS PAN is always at band when wanted. Its place ison the broom and nowhere A pretty box goes with each half dozen y : § : : ah Unusual values for this week, 2 else. When dust-pan is wanted, simply reach down and get it, use it as yon would any | Handerchiefs. . . Z rn > facturer’s line of fine walking ski other dust pan, and when done replace it on the broom, as shown in cut, The handle ney i : : ite i : “ » . i : Ladies’ Neckwear | two and three of akind; all colors an being open, permits it to spring or ‘go and come’ enough to fit the different sized broom lin the lot: 3.75 to 12:5( | + 9.50 nit 32 Callnre 2 \ noe. n the lot: 3.75 to 12.50 values ; a oi handles tightly, which it does very successfully, thus preventing avy rattle or jostle Dainty Stock Collars, Jabots, Lace and | 6.50 i 2a ’ RD rotd ere we OK 9 0 ».0U each, whatever while sweeping ; so you see there is no dust pan to hunt, no going up siairs to Embroidered Sets, 25¢ to 2.00, > sweep and forgetting the dust-pau ; it is simply this : You can not use a dust pan Kid Gloves T: * ° without a broom, and when you haye the broom you have the dust-pan as well. See the Sovereign, best of all Gloves at % red Suits : 1.00 a pair. Strong reductions on all broken lines « WE OFFER THE ABOVE PREMIUM FREE 70 EV- Centimeri, 1.50 and 2.00. Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits, some unusaal™ ERY CASH PURCHASER OF 2000 POUNDS (or mors). OF English Walking Gloves, 1.00. values in the lot Grays, Blues, Black, Pla v 7 ’ ng PALI $icoy ’ Mocha Lined Gloves, 1,00. anc 1S at $! COAL. THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL DEC. 3st, 1905. ocha Lined Gloves, 1.00 wd Garnet, prices start at $5 up to $25 fo Men’s Dress Gloves, 1,00 to 1.50. | suits worth a-third more, Men’s Driving Gloves, 50c to 2.00. is ferby un | Claus hut 230900000000 000COCHE LEPC OVC BOC O0EE 008! 6000000C 06ST 00OL ousy lous evpaostpusdeuss 00000000300 LLEIC GODT OV0C00OBCCHTC O00 OCHT OOVICAORIODO nunk fer en Co hs i 20000000000000000000000900000000000000VITVOSIIOIO® | | io ccrtment, with purse, 48c o feel kandy : r ee . . 5 = or — Walrus and Seal Grain Bags, with purse soch grickt Now iS the Time to Use ex re ea A Soi and card case, all colors, 1.00. Children’s Dresses, 0c to $3 each, . 2 . : Wa, E rf Carriage Bags, leather lined, fitted with| Kiderdown Bath Robes, 2.50 to 7.50 mich tzu do ’ =, r= &k ’ Ee DRL meh tudo | 8 Dr. Holland's Medicated Stock §& - = purse, 1.50 to 2.50, Dressing Sacques, doc, Toc, $1 10 3084 Well, deer | #% 5 : 5 : : > : Real Morocco, with watch, 5,00, Silk and Cotton Underskirts, 75¢ to 12 retza vaich Salt and Poultry Powder 4 is a nice, soft meditm-weight leather, perfectly Ftne Imported Bags, 3.50 to 10.00. cach, ar vela ich : . i “ii 3 . ] . Suit Cases in all the best styles, plain and Walking Skirts, 1.50 to $15. ? Will be sold on a Positive Guarantee. Tt has been in use for over a ; suited for Jadies’ and men’s winter shoes. Our fitted, $2 to $17. Children’s Coats, $2 to $10. g is oivi C ras 3. TP \ Evening Coats, 18.60 to $65 each, & year and is giving excellent results. This Medicated Stock Salt is a Con ou . . ; : & § * dilioner, Bleod Purifier and Worm Destroyer, It makes more flesh, issortment of Thm me tals is sure to attract you. Books, Books Misses’ Coats, $3 t« milk. wool. muscle and energy from the sme amount of feed tha Standard works, new fiction. Fur-lined Coats, $25 to 37.5 WO00 scle and energy from the same amouut of fee( 1an can y : TE Seva wed VILLE 2 3 Ee Copyright books, 75¢, 90¢ and 1.08. Fue Coats, $25 to $65 each. » 28.00, non. is vistive possibly be obtained by any other remedy. No detter remedy on the o ew dese = market. Try it and be convinced. 5 _ { = &s oO : Frank E Jones . - ] = ‘ a . :. - ew Yor er amery_paid its | 71 1h : ie BOOTR, SHOES, RUBBERS and IIOSIERY m- 81 North Queen Street, LAFCASTER, PENNA. Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster 5 Nemes - , | oo Kerem om cs Km Hoty prey sree 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, LE "YOUR EVES .. Things Men Like are surelv worth more to vou than the Things We Sell This is a man’s re onos a good store for women to buy men’s things in. Smoking Jackets, Neckwear, Gloves, $ J 4 The Poultry Powder destroys worms and germs, the cause of nearly Et ply Syeda 0000000000006 990090000090900009090000000000000000 all poultry diseases. To keep poultry in good condition and to increage ame the production of eggs, it has no equal. This Powder will positively free 4 your poultry from worms, gapes, diarrhoe or cholera. Try it Sold by M. L. Greider & Co., Marietta Street, MT. JOY price of a pair of glasses of a V If you value your eyes have them properly fittel at once. Delay and your eyes may become so bad that no glasses will help them ; then you will regret it all the rest of your days. po os This is true—every word of it. Do not trust traveling opticians and spectacle peddlers to fit you with glasses, They get your money and—you get experience. This we know because it is told us by people that come to us for glasses after having bought of the spectacle peddier. Raincoats, Hat 1dkerchiefs, Fancy Vests, Shirts, Umbrellas. Large Stock Small Prices Large Crowds Many Clerk Quick 5 service Open Evenings dre al We have ths best lenses made, each lens being ground for each eye de- fect. We will examine your eyes free if you will come in, COL BOE 0000800 [ Miller's J : Store 4 DarrenKamp Dm pS Pr Spf Army tp mth lo oe Nm wt moe +FULD'S#- Clothier and Furnisher 207 Locust St. COLUMBIA, PA. 0909000090900 0909000000000000000002000000000000000000 AS WELL AS THE LEADING 5 SANE RNLR%%% GO NOT oS . o RRR RRLLD S% RSS eR NEEL ITRTLLLL INNS BRBLLLRNLS : A Rubber For 3 School off children + A Hard Thing to Find is a Rubber that will stand the wear and tear of MOUNT JOY'S SUCCESSFUL : PEEP 0000 0099800900000 Oyster # Dealer READ THIS AD NEXT WEEK children. This ohe will, You can see that it is made with adouble thick heel and sole. Try a pair the next EO time your child needsa pair ofrubbers For Our SpeciAL WATCH PALE |! BARGAINS ABOUND “wou IEREnow the Place” Finest Pure Leaf Lard 8c a 1b.;| Finest Italian Layer Figs, 11¢. Pure Hog Fat, not the compound |" Qur 25¢ Blend Java Coffee, 19c article. |1b.; fresh dry roast. Philadelphia Sho= Store Our own make mince meat gc a| Selected Canned Vegetables-New ; : : ; ry ~ Ib., 3 lbs. for 25c.; made in the Tomatoes 8c, gc, 10c can; New 247 Iocust St., Columbia, Pa. r @ most cleanly and expert manner. | Corn, 8c, 10C, 12C can; New Peas, GSB nnn Gs SG GGG SESE NOT eGSC GSS GL NLS SSNN%L GRR NGSS, [U's impossible to have it finer atfse, joc, 12c can; New SUINgless | 59000000000000000000000000440000000090 13 006600000000 any price. Rich, fragrant, delicious | Beans, 7c can; New Tender Lima ane 2 6 Sha ste she gE sRe PRs SEN SEs SEs ps Me Ee pTe PEs SMe aTe po 2Ee Es SAS 350 MRe 3% 55 25 Oi TOTO LOL] TOTOTOTOTOL 2 45% Sh 25% 20k 205 455 My prices are a great shock to the Butter, finest freshest creamery, | Beans, 8c can. 40% 400 480 108 Ak 40% 408 40% 0h 400 400 ACh 100 X08 40% 405 403 400 100 LHC 0 SH RP HAH ML ; : folka Li claim be duit) every : : i) | . . = © 3 ] § d 2 y-~ 27c 1b.; fancy gilt edge print, 3oc.| Candied Peel, Citron 15¢ 1b, | % Selected, Cleaned and Seeded 1 emon 13¢ 1b, Orange 13C. or BUY A PIANO AT HOME a | Rr. Daly sise: : If you look elsewhere, it’s only ‘oe x Cie " n . - ' . . - . x ® : . Raisins and Currants 8c. California Asparagus Tips, 25¢| g#& From an Old-Established, Reliable House, instead of buying from @ time wasted. Fine flavored Fruit Cake, 11clb. | can; dainty little tips of asparagus | Strangers. x ; Special to-day 20 year filled case Brazilian Shredded Cocoanut 13¢ | tender and of a most delicious fresh | # watch, $7.35. Golden Yellow Sugar 4c 1b. | flavor. : Cheese, the best made, 16¢ 1b, Lemon and Vanilla Extracts 7c. N. B. Co's Butter thins, 7c pkg.| Choicest Raisins new Muscatel “| raisins gc 1b., Sultana raisins 1oc 1b., Valencia raisins gc 1b.,, Loose Currants 8c 1b. Big 3 1b. can Golden Pumpkin sc Candies-—Pop-corn Brittle 12¢ Finest Black Pepper 17c 1b., J{-|1b., Peanut Taffy gc 1b; Cream 1b. sc. Chocolates 12c 1b, Selected Canned Fruits—Finest Plum Pudding, Richardson and California Peaches, 17¢c can; Fancy | Robbins 19¢.; Greenabaums, 8c 1b. California Peaches, 15¢ can; Fine White Grapes, Sweet Oranges, Maryland Peaches, SE fine Lemons, Cranberries Léuiti . vie Peaches, 10c can; Choicest Ca ’ : ¥ os 3 a hh 11c can; Choicest White | All New Selected Nuts—Paper We will sell you a egitimate Piano Not a Cherries 20c can; Pineapple chunks | Shell Almonds 1gc 1b.; Grenoble Stencil---for $260, on Easy Payment Plan. 13¢ can. Walnuts ‘16¢ 1b.; Brazil or Cream 5 fornia Fi Nuts 13¢ 1b.; Polished Pecans 13¢ Finest California Figs, 8c 1b. 1b.; Larg ly Filberts 13c 1b. York State Sweet Cider made of pj Large Sicily Filberts 13¢ Pippin apples, 17¢ gal.; finest fla- J ges 15¢ doz. vor, beautiful color. emons 15¢ doz. Everything That's New in Watches a A Ik perp FOl® rot SRO SEs o%e oRe 3 Toe aut ear * 2 packages Cooking Herbs, sc Marjoram Savery ‘I'hume Sage. We have been in business here for over twenty years. We guar- antee every Piano we sell, and we will give ‘A Square Deal to Everybody.” KIRK JOHNSON & cf Pianag ang t ) SSS SO HRET 24