The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, November 28, 1906, Image 1

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YOL VI. NO. 27

Floral Fence Surrounding Jamestown Exposition Grounds
at Norfolk, Virginia in 1907
The Company's New Schedule Causes
Much Dissatisfaction
A new schedulé went into effect
on the local trolley line last Thurs-
day which is not satisfactory to the
patrons here, much less our borough
About six months ago, when the
company was given permission to!
enter the bcrongh, a clanse which is
embodied in their ordinance states
that cars shall be run between Lan-
caster and Mount Jcy at intervals!
of one hour.
According to the new
which appears in another column,
cars are run every hour and twenty
President Longinecker
Council into special
evening for the purpose of consider-
ing the violation of Section 4 of the
trolley ordinance and taking such
action as Council
under the circumstances,
deems advisable
All the members were present ex-
cept Mr. Mumma. Upon motion of
Mr. Brown the Clerk was instructed
to notify the presidents of the Con-
estoga Traction Company and the
Robrerstown, Landisville, and Mt.
Joy Street Railway Co. calling their
a‘'tention to Sections 4 and 11 of
the ordinance,
The clerk notified the presidents
this a. m. and it is quite likely that
the company will be heard from
A Bulletin representative in con-
versation with trolley officials was
told that if requested by the
ough, the company will quite like-
ly return to the hour schedule by
putting an express car on the local
line or abolishing some of the stops
between here and the county seat.
The patrons here eagerly await
the ccmpany’s action.
How's This Mr. Smart ?
Some months ago when this paper
made mention of the fact that the
P. R. R. was arranging to run elec
tric cars on its lives, a certain edi-
tor of a little country weekly got
funny about it, Now the Philadel
phia, Harri: burg and Lancaster dai
lies are coming out with statements
from P. R. R. headquarters with in-
formation exactly as the ¢Bulletin”
gave its readers wecks ago. Follow
ing is part of an article from yester-
day’s Phila. lrquirer:
arrisburg, Pa., New. >6—That cars
ill soon be run on the Pennsylvania
hilroad by electricity issubstantiated by
e statement of an official of the Penn-
lvania Railroad in Harrisburg today,
len he said that work would soon be
rted on a large power plant to be
cted at Iroquois.
When Did It Happen ?
esterday Register Boyd granted
following letter: Theresa (Wil
Spickler, executor of Theresa
is is the first intimation but is
iont evidence that the wedding
were chiming in the vicinity
Washington House recently.
| cess and happiness accom-
yptietor M. A. Spickler and
ir journey through life,
ections ky the calithum-
othe# bands would
The Rheems Lyceum
The Rheems Lyceum held an in-
teresting meeting on Friday even-
ing the programme was wcll render-
ed. President W. L. Heisey
tions were answered by Clair Barn-
bart and Henry B Miss
Mary G. Nissley recited in ac-
on the question, “That the Govern-
ment Should Appropriate More
Money for Warships than for Edu-
cation.” Miss Bertha lHeisey and
Simon B. Landis discussed the affir-
cupicd the chair, ques—
ceptable manner. debate was
mative side, while the negative was
sustained by Walter Gish and Ar-
thur B. Heisecy. The judges were
B. H. Greider, Anna WW. Wolge-
math and Mrs. A. L. Campbell,
who decided in favor of the affirma-
live side, decided in
The society
favor of the negative side,
singing under leadership
B. the
the school, was a feature of the ex—
Simon teacher of
ercises, Elizabeth Nissley presided at
be held on Friday evening, Decem-
the organ. The next meeting
programme will be rendered,
unanimous vote the
ber 7, at which time an
By a
secretary was
instructed to 1ssue a challenge to
the Florin Lyceum to engage in a
Ww. Wol-
cemuth is editress of the society
joint debate. Miss Anna
paper aud its reading proved quite
entertaining to the audience..
A Family Reunion
On Saturday night
Stoler and brother Lincoln
Harry G.
left for
Wilmington, Del,, where a family
reunion was held the following day
Stoler, 1a honor of his 84 birthday,
All the
follows: Harry
in honor of their father
children were present as
G. of this place;
Lincoln of Oskaloosa, Mrs.
of Wilmington,
Del, and Mrs, Ella Cunningham of
Jamaica, L, I,
Lizzie Boynton
That Humorous Philpsopher
The second entertainment of the
Star Course will appear in the hall
on Tuesday evening, Dec. 4. The
attraction will be Lou J. Beachamp,
the humorous philosopher, who is
beyond a doubt, one of the leading
entertainers on the American stage
today. He is a man of extraordi-
nary ability as a thinker and speak-
opens at Garber’s Friday, at 8 a. m,
er, so don’t fail to hear him,
Hand Mangled in Press™
Samuel Royer, employed at the
Herald office, had one of his hands
go baldly mangled in a machine
Monday that Dr. his
physician, feared amputation * was
He took him to Lancas-
ter, to the General Hospital, and an
effort will the
be made to save
A Free Lecture
Rev. Shanahan of Elizab thtown,
rector of St, Mary’s Catholic church
here, will deliver a free lecture in
Mount Joy Hall on Thursday even-
ing, December 6, [lis subject will
be the Catholic Doctrine which he
will fully explain to all that attend,
Persons of every deromination are
invited, Lecture at 8 p. m,

rm ———— a ———
Lot of furniture), Bed.
Chiffoy Chairs
l o By
the Past Few Days
family for the present,
Chas. Nobs of Middletown, spent
a week here with his brother,
of Kinderhock
spent Thursday here with friends.
llaryey Shelly
James Glatfelter erected a tomb-
stone in a cemetery at Ephrata ye:-
Benj. Haverstick of Ardmore,
was here with his mother over
Tlacry Nissley left on Monday for
Nebraska where he will virit his
Mrs, W. H. Morton is seriously
ill at the home of her parents at the
Fapmers’ Inn,
VJohn Long celebrated lis 84
birthday on Sunday. Ie i= enjoy-
ing good health.
7 Christ Charles arrived home on
Friday evening after spending 16
months at Upland, Cal.
Lincoln Stoler of Oskaloosa, Iowa
spent several days here last weck
with relatives and friends,
Miss Hanna Hoffer spent several
days at Harrisburg, visiting the
family of Rev. 1. KE. Runk.
Mrs. A. A. DeLong has returned
affer spending four weeks at Wash-
ington, D.C,
by Miss Anna Blew.
Martha Tarye attended
She was accompanied
and Mrs,
a family
reunion at the home of Samuel M.
Knight, near Lancaster, last Sunday.
M¢Ginnis is
Ie was in
the same predicament about a year
to talk
above a whisper for several months.
Proprietor John
again minus his speech.
ago when he was unable
Henry Schwitzenberger and wife,
Mrs, Josephine Kline, Mrs. Charles
Vincent Swabb,
Philip Kirchner ard wife, Mrs, Lou
is Hoffman and Miss Ellen Kelly
of Lancaster, attended the funeral
of Mrs, Haas in this place Thursday
New Primary Law
The county commissioners have
decided that the new primary law
applies to the city only and that the
boroughs aud townships must hold
provisions of the old law. This
the of
General Carson that the new uniform
their winter primaries under
follows advice Attorney
primary law does not necessarily 1n-
clude the but
leaves the matter to the option of
In Lancaster,
however the new law will have its
June, for county
winter primaries,
the commissioners.
At the later primary, 1n
the law
also includes both city and rural
The law provides that the State is
to bear the expense, but the last
legislature made no appropriation
for the Except the
legislature makes appropriation the
county will have to stand the « ex-
same, next
These Families Can't Agree.
On a warrent from Alderm n
Stanffer Frank Garber of Lancaster
has been arrested on a charge of
failing to support his young child
The suit is brought by his wife, who
docs not ask him to support her, but
wants the child looked after.
Garber gave bail for the January
The case of John Phelan and
wife, was heard before Court on
Thursday. The latter claims her
husband struck her with a poker.
John’s story was that his wife and
danghter refused to get his meals,
that she struck him with a broom,
ete, The jury divided the costs,
The family formerly lived here but
now they reside at Lancaster,
re >
Very Unreliable.
The local journal that makes a
practice uf printing sensational arti-
cles for the sake of ‘being in the
swim,” is certainly prowling about
blindly. When we heralded eleo-
tricity ou the P. R. R., that organ
pronounced it an untruth because
we bad it first, but nevertheless the
company is working on same now,
Last week, the little journal gaye
the Stoll,«Metzroth wedding thirty.

j 8 before it
The Whereabouts of Your Friends For
A. 11. Coolidge is home with his
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary
On Monday evening at their home
on Mount Joy Street Frank Pennell
and wife pleasantly entertained a
number of young friends in
| honor of their wedding anniversary,
After taking part in various games,
the attendants were escorted to the
dining room where they partook of
a SUmMpLous supper, cream and
cake, all kinds of candies, ete.,
which were served in Mis Pennell’s
usual excellert style.
Those pres-
ent were Misses Annie Dyer, Fran-
ces Masterson, Sadie Murray, Anna
Buohl, Annie Kramer, Kmma Fubr-
man, Irene Nixdorf, Mary Dearbeck,
Lizzie Dieter, Sallie Morton, Emm:
Peunell, Bertie Pennell, Mrs, F. G.
Pennell sr. Mrs. Poist of Lancaster,
and Messrs. Paris Hinkle, Daniel
Schroll and Mr. Character of Mari-
etta. All present were so well
pleased with their evening’s enter—
tainment that they expressed a de-
sire of assisting to celebrate Mr.
and Mrs, Pennell’s wedding anni-
versary half a dozen times a year
instead of once.
The Next Program
The following program will be
rendered at the Washington Schocl,
by the Fiorin Literary Society on
Kriday evening, Nov. 30,
Music, Washington School; Read
ing the minutes; { Inauguration of
officers; Presidend’s Inaugural Ad-
dross; Florin Orghestra; Referred
Questions to be ahswered by Wal-
ter Eby and Irvin DeLong; Instru-
mental Solo, Mary Bear; Recitation
Mary Shaeffer; Debate, Resolved
Titles of Nobility tend to make Men
do Great Deeds, Aff., John Givens
and Ray Engle, Neg., David Lan-
dis and Eli Hershey; Select Read-
ing, Carrie Frank; Referred Ques
tions to be answered by Edna Wit-
tie and Darvin Noll; Florin Orech-
estra; Select Reading, Harry Hoff-
man; Recitation, Rhoda Webb;
Reading of Vigil, Miss Cora Leib;
Cevsor’s Remarks, Eva Kreider;
Insurance Agent Sentenced.
W. Sheridan Alexander, a former
agent of the Metropolitan Life Insnr
ance Company, who resided here un
til -he suddenly disappeared some
months ago, pleaded guilty to em—
bezzling about $60 from the com-
pany. He has already served four—
teen days in jail, and was sentenced
to an imprisonment of four months
and #25 fine.
Tied Nuptial Knot
Bishop Jacob N, Brubaker united
Chas. E. Risser, of South London-
derry township, and Miss Elizabeth-
N. Kraybill, of Mount Joy, in mar-
day also joined Levi W. Newcomer,
of Rapho township, and Miss Eliza-
beth M. Flory, at the home of
Christian Flory, the father of the
bride, in East Donegal township.
About Our Gunners
Messrs. C, N. and Jacob Mumma |
and Frank Good returned home |
from a week’s gunning trip on the
mountains near New Germantown,
Perry county, on Saturday evening,
having bagged 15 pheasants, 17
squirrels, 10 rabbits and 2 turkeys,
This was the finest lot of game
brought here this Fall.
Attention P. O, S. of A.
The members of Washington
Camp No. 538, are requested to be
present this Wednesday evening at
7.30 p. m,, when the regular and |
side degrees will be conferred on
two candidates,
Lancaster Leads
With 95 R. F. D. routes within
her borders, Lancaster county leads
in this respect all other counties in
this state. These routes run 2,500
miles and serve 8,850 families.
Oyster Supper Jan. 14 and 15
The 1907 parade committe of
Otsego Tribe No, 59, I. 0. R. M,,
will hold a supper in the hall on
Friday and Saturday evenings, Jan.
14 and 15.
Feed Barley—Greatest feed to
make chickens lay; also good for cat.
tle and horses, at Mount (Joy Malt
House, Try it,

riage at his residence and the same N
| Albert Fike is the proud
Our Community
J. S. Carmuy’s
closed tomecrrow.
store will
day at Middletown.
Ardmore tomorrow.
of a son sii.ce Saturday.
Don’t forget the grand
in the hall this eveninr.
ruest of her parents here Sunday
1 3
Miss Irene Brandt of Middletown
will spend Thanksgiving in town.
Jacob Y. Kline and wife spent
Sunday with friends at Landisville
John D. Easton and wife spent
Sunday with friends at Rahm, near
David Will and wife of Rohrers-
town, spent Sunday in town
Mrs. C. S. Good and son are
present visiting in the vicinity
phia, spent Sunday here with
H. G. Stacks and wife of ILan-
caster spent Sunday here with his
Ephraim Hertzler’'s entertained
twenty five of their friends at din-
ner on Sumday.
David Singer of Elizabethtown,
preached in the U. B.
Sunday evening.
church on
Misses Etta Carson, Maud Rie-
gert and Anna Dyer spent Satur—
day at Lancaster.
E.S. Weaver and family and
Henry Birch and family spent Sun-
day at Bainbridge.
Prayer-mceting services were
held at the home of Levi Sheetz on
Saturday afternoon.
Ammon Fry, wife and son Mor-
day at A. C. Morton’s.
David Young and Martha Cott-
rell spent Saturday and
with friends at Reading.
Miss Cora Geyer leaves today
for Paoli aud Philadelphia where
she will speull the week.
Mrs. John Flowers and two child
day here with her parents.
Joseph McGarvey, Jacob Walters
and Frank Weidman transacted
business at Lancaster, Saturday.
Photographer Albert
schools in this section last week.
Harry Engle and wife of Rowen-
na, and Mrs Peter N. Kraybill of
Donegal, spent Sunday with' the
family of H. S. Kraybill.
There were seven
for the new local train west
day evening and a number for
new train cast in the forenooh.
J. Wilbur Arndt, the three-year
old son of Francis Arndt, had his
hand severely pinched at the door.
A physician dressed the wound.
Fred, the young son of Harry
Keener and wife, was very unfor—
tunate on Saturday. With sever-
al companions, the boys were play
ing in E. S. Weaver's stable, when
the lad fell down a hay hole, break
ing his wrist,
Afternoon meetings have been
Roads church as follows: Monday
services were held at Irvin Mus-
ser’s; This afternoon at Jacob Her-
shey’s and tomorrow, Thursday,
the regular Thanksgiving services
will be held in the church.
Cotton Bulbs From Kentucky
This week our townsman William
Doyle received three fine cotton
bulbs from his son Edwin 8, Doyle,
at Lowsville, Ky. Mr, Doyle had
them at this offiee today and they
arc the finest specimens we have
ever seen,

11-2140 wa
For sale—A top buggy and
thir offige,
ton of Elizabethtown, spent Sun-—|
Cyrus Musser of Elizabethtown |
spent Sunday in town with friends |
Howard Musselman of Philadel- |
his |
Mrs. Newpher Smeltzaer was the |
John Weidman and his gang are |
painting G .\. Geyer’s residence. |
{ 1.40, 3:00, 4:20, 5

thanks for their liberal patronage to
| the Howe Moving Pictures on Tues-
ren of Elizabethtown, spent Sun-
Rhoads |
took a photo of all the township |
arranged by the Brethren of Cross |


Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout |
be |
Eli Menauzh and wife spent Sun |
E. C. Keener will be here from |
father |
sociable |

Roadway at the Jamestown Exposition at deuce Va., in'o7
New Trolley Schedule
A change in’ the
schedule of the /
Launcuster, Rohrerstown, Landisville | Happenings of
Salunga and Mount Joy division of Yet Ite
he Week Told in a Brief
wsting Mannner.
A number of (our leading business
went into effect on Thursday. The | Places will be closed tomorrow.
first ear leaves Lancaster at 4:15 a, |
being as follows: 5:40, 7:00, 8.20,
9:40, 11:00 a m,, 12:20, 1: 3:00,
1:20, 5:40, 7:00, 8:20, p-
the Conestoga Traction Company |
Found— Between the post office
and the Market street bridge, a key.
Apply here.
m., the remainder of schedule
Saturday 9:40 and 11:00 p. m.
> Samuel
Stauffer of Landisville
1s moving a large frame house rear
Marietta to Landisville.
is being
The work
The first car leaves Mount Joy at | sections
5:30 a. m., and thereafter as follows: |
7:00, 8:20, 9:40, 11:00, a. m.,
done in
\/A cent dated 1801 was found by
1 12:20, | Frank Gruber of near Masterson—
7:00, 3:20, | ville a few days ago. He found it
at Mt. Gretna where he was work-
car will leave | AL
Lancaster at 5:40 a. m. and
9:40 p. m,’/ 12:20a. m. Saturday
11:00 p. m, and 12.20 a, m.
On Sunday the first
The Ariel Quartet of Boston, the
first of the five attractions of the
Star Course, appeared in the hall
Thursday evening and pleased a
large audience,
Mount |
Joy at 7:00 a. m,, with same schedule |
as above,
The tripper, or extra car, leaves
Larcaster daily except Saturday and
Sunday at 6:20 p. m.
Joy at 7.40 p. m,
A grand shooting match was held
tat the Farmers’ Iun yesterday after.
noon when a number of turkeys were
won by the numerous expert marks:
men throughout this section.
Charles Zeller, auctioneer,
sold at public sale on Thursday
evening at the LaPierre House, in
this place, a lot of ground with a
two story frame dwelling house, on
West Main street, for Sybilla and
Amelia Helman, to William ~Wage——
ner, for $1,656.
and Mount
\ TT ®
V Know How to Keep Them
W. S. Kready, the enterprising
nurseryman two miles east of town,
cut a watermelon last Sunday that
was as good as though taken off the
Lewis Weaver of Milton Grove,
it 1s said, has a sccret method of
preserving watermelons from decay.
On Sunday a big one
eaten at his home.
was cut and
To the Public
Trinity United By ingelical church
extend to the public their heartiest
William Haines, a prominent
farmer, died on Wednesday night
at his residence in West Donegal
township, a short distance west of
Elizabethtown, after a lingering ill.
ness. Blood poison, which he con-
tracted in the spring, was the direct
cause of his death, Mr, Haines had
been a resident of West Donegal
township for about twenty years,
having moved to his present home
from near Florin, A widow and
daughter remain to mourn his daath
The funeral took place from his
late home on Sunday morning at
the United Brethren
day evening Nov. 20, to the Bulletin,
ments, to Frank Conrad for drayage,
to the ticket
Star & News for anncunce-
canvassers and to all
others who directly or indir ctly,
aided in the success of the enter—
. Eo
Drawing Big Crowds
Very interesting revival seryices
arc in progress at the Cross
meeting house, one
the |
denomination. |
mile west
town under the auspices of
Brethren in Christ
Rev. 8. R. Smith,
made ig the Florin cemetery.
Stole a Watoh
A tramp who refused to give his
name, called at Kern’s jewelry store
yesterday and asked to see a watch.
Ile was shown a watch when he laid
lown 50 cents, took the watch and
oft Uie place in a hurry. Mr, Kern
He was accompanied [followed him and after a chase of a
Lis | few squares, caught the rascal, The
watch was returned and the tramp
| taken before Squire F. A. Ricker
who committed him to jail for his
Deeds Transferred | appearance at the January court,
Aaron Kuhns to Emanuel Eby, Constable George Vogle took the
lot in Florin, $2800,
W, Shank to J. D.
property in Florin, $825,
MeGirl to Samuel MceGirl
three tracts of land in Salunga $1.
of Harrisburg,
has charge of the mecting. :
Church Notes.
Rev, Harvey 8, Hershey, pastor
of the Landisville and Rohrerstown
Churches of God, assisted in the |
services at the Church of God here
on Sunday.

by a number of members of
| hobo to Limbo,
John Easton
Well Known People Wed
On Friday Rev. Richard Rengier
of this place, united in marriage at
Lancaster, Harry S, Stoll, the .well
known section foreman on the P,
R. R, and Mrs, Amelia Metzroth
both of Florin. They are now off
[on a wedding tour to Philadelphia,
| Washington, D, C, and points in
| New Jersey.
Unclaimed Letters.
Following is a list of letters un-
called for at the Mount Joy
office, Nov, 28, 1906 :
Mrs. Caroline Shonk,
Brady Mfg, Co.
J. Fred Fenstermacher, Post-Master, Moved to Manheim Vv
Aaron G, Garber, a local contract
or and builder, moved from this
place to Manheim where “he gaa
chased a mansige. It 18
will i Ro
Three Dollars Reward
A pocket book was lost on Main
street Luoween the post pthee ana
the cotton mill, A 2.00
for it getuges “this