— a SPORTING HILL. LETIN Mrs. Samuel Bradley is on the sick list. The Brinzer denomination held services =a. in the village church on Sunday morning. ion Entered 1 class matter rod Publisher | airs. Percival Berto of Mount Joy, spent A : \ NR : 3 : | ~ | the week with-her daughter, Mrs. B. L. 3 1 © 5 ws 9 * 2 AN A J ? = LE 3 0900000400002 000909000900200000 ear. Kauffman. : Ba ; ; % g \ 3 X 4 | . . . Joseph Wickenheiser and wife spent Sun- | fonths, 25 €eats. day ig the family of Jacob Kreider, at | han ks 1 ino linens at Brownstown. X = V a Mrs. Fianna Hershey and two children i o y 4 \ nan NN 1 are spending the week with her parents, HB % : H "ES ” \{ N oy | Jacob Kauffman and wife. ; i ; | Our forethought brings to you a rare collection of Reliable Table Linens : \ 2 2 3 | Most of them made to our express order from selected designs. All at Jacob Keller and wife, of Ephrata, and 3 EE A : a ? I nN WN NN NN i o . ., > : Cin : cof {rv = rontv . Reuben Witters and wife, of Millway, were 3 3 \ WN NN NN NN NOX prices—which means a saving to our customers of from ten to twenty per cent. ghosts in the family of J. E. Stauffer, 5A Horse Blankets are made thick, soft and € s 2 3- —_— WN -— — See our special importation of Yarn-Bleached Irtsh Damas#, choice patterns / 111; \ \ NNN strong, of hard twisted warps and good fillin ; MN nN RHEEMS’ STATION. : g. © d twish B & g N\ 3 all pure linen, at 39c. and s50c. a yard. fl They resist wear, cold winds, and stormy NIN Nh NS re IS BROUGHT Daniel Shank, who is stricken with 3 : ? : re % = NE Bleached Damasks Table Napkins OMMUNITY typhoid fever, is slowly improving, weather. They y giv crea 1 protec tion to " TRIER. pe A Exceptional value in an All-Linen Hundreds of dozens, in an endless The Rheems canning Co. disposed of | 8 the horse, nt satisfaction to the I 3 ’ 3 ANS NA kn: NNN st. heavy weld incl, new variety of sivies fits Prices 1200 cases of their 1905 corn. Elmer Strick- | E54 horseman. Better than any other WE A NN NN) SOON 8 | Damask, heavy weight, 64-inch, new | variety of styles and qualities. Prices der Concerns Thrive i Ny DN S ler used his large team to convey it to EY bl anket ata corresponding pri ~Q. Hun- NAN BS des sign ns, at soc. ie 25c Pico I a uners Are Not the car. E iC X Ne} Extr heayy S hI: sk, excellent | : ’ Pi =z X RN A sayy Scotch amask, excellent | a dozen. p—The Home The high price s for tobacco has caused : dreds of s tyles, sizes and patterns all a 3 > styles, 63-inch, at 75c. ; rtisement. the farmers to pay more attention to the | [8 aterials from the cheapest to the best. : 3 » at 75 qo Lunch Covers : Fertility ap sheit PMR CAUSE 8 Frost de: Your local dealer buys the long-wear- HE gy Al Stogse 54 Blateithom Fine Satin Damasks Fine hemstitched, pure Linen; 4-4, 5 yolme Nem ss fob due Sh thes Bota ; ing 5A Blankets direct from the factory, y Ea a or Two yards wide, exquisite patterns, | 5-3» 6-4; from $1.00, 1.25 t0 3.75 direc 2 The cellar wall for Rev. S. Shearer's 6] SQUARE BANKER : : i > > . ig mail order houses iS | } ico is completed. A large amount of 5 and can there fore sell them ce aper than for street use. beautiful qualities, 1.00, 1:25 t0 1.75. Winter Dress Goods Po brick are already delivered ubon the groun' dealers can sell inferior blankets purchased Buy a 5A BIAS GIRTH hs and cities. The busi- y 5 : BLANKET for stable, [B& Linen "Damask Sets Our 2dditional space devoted to this joly- [234y for Brlesiazes Evans of Bitsabeth- through jobbers at high prices. KET for stable _ Ling ask Set ioral sf then ed Ee | : Cloth with borders all around. department gives you a chance to sce foe wate wad it tie ser | 00 : BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ming rate, and if the ag : x Napkins to match; choice designe. our stock to good advantage. the ultimate demoraliza- MASTERSONVILLE Ex MADE BY WM. AYRES & SOS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. fr : 3 I } desig ess in many rural towns . qd ; & 8x10 Cloths, 54 Napkins, 3 25, 4.00 Novelty Suitings , conclusion, says Edward The Mastersonville creamery padd its RTE Rr El SE a a i . Si b> to 12.00. d commissioner of Minne- | patrons $1.20 per hundred weight, for ? la 8x12 Cloths. 3{ Napkins, 6 75> 7-50 s Retailers’ Journal, Chi- | October milk, . | Neat stripes and checks, in the most popular shades; a servicable fabric for Emanuel R. Zug who bought the steam | 45 GUO GER BHD SARIS OHS CTT 42 5 5 5 EH CH 0H 5 0 0 0 CO EH 0 CH EH 0 0 2 to 16.00. Shirt-Waist Suits, 38-inch; 39c. brs the greatest financially? | mill bere in town sold the same to N.S | OF 5 I attern Clotl S 1 iti sine e ommun oat 1 oth uings siness men of the commu i= Zug on Saturday. He will change it into Sh x C S t > isinterested person familiar | a tobacco warehouses. 2 C Borders all around; immense variety. Broken chec s and plaids, pretty EE wen on Thera are los Stretches of sie pull; 0 0 ers’ SPEC or DOr 8 & 8-10 size. at $1.75, 2.25 to 8.00 styles, in desirable colors; good weight de that the consumer ¥ an road which are in a most miserable condi- 3) each. 8-12 size, at 2.00, 2350 to|for Coat Suits; 38-inch; a so quality; at the expense of the NC tion and its a rare thing around here to see i : : es : 5 a s a rare : 2% on the Progress of the 5 16.00°cach. a If this were true the con the supervisor at work on repairing them. bed = : 4 Juld not be blamed for taking s Such was really the case until the Kinsey end of the bargain. For the Od 3 xy : ~ will assume | Pill was recently put in a condition that it International Lumber and Developement Company x The E S © 1i t the argument we wi Bast r . | can again be called a public road. ¥ ’ A x ye pecia 18 consumer is recelving just as SR The Stockholders of this Company recently elected one of eatment at the hands of the rr tle C8 > ; their nuinher, Dr. Andrew S. Stayer, of Altoona, Pa., to go as . : : ; | GHILDRE D x ea ) : SE : ee hil poi x A. Lichtenstein, NV \ i i ; der house as he does from his | N HAD NO SHELTER 2 their representative, to their Mexican plantation and make a Cc te ick =n te n, M. 0., of New York, will Le in attendance at our store nerchant. The loss to the i Sight That Set Well-Fed English full report on its development. This report is now ready. © only for a limited time. He is a thoroughly experienced Eye Specialist,” will must be somebody's gain. It fen to Work Providin Dr. Strayer says, in part ; examine your eyes free, and, if desired, will sell you a pair of £5.00 gold- filled s, therefore, that the mail order = li g 3 ne you 5 proprietor is the only one who Dmes, Jor Bs S To THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LUMBER SySgiasses ior #1 00, efi ited. When a kind-hearted young doctor | ih ae SS ES a ; AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY : Eu ee ne | (01d 8 company of well-fed Englishmen | 3; \CMCAMGWEMEESogy 1): lu th dividends on tho mole capita sock of 0h Company, as " s y 0 3 J W 2 A el, Ct! » paid for years J0Ne Jron 8 noer ) Standi n e ce Pp « SQ » Fh Joes (He A an | In London, about 40 years ago, that BR : £5 SAAT Eo 02% 00 PAY] Fok NeARS fo Comb Yoon 2 aw ay on Re Office hours—g a. m. to 6 p. m.; Saturdays and Mondays, ¢ p. m, order Se lncrease | homeless children slept outdoors in ths : 2 ER OH pi 3 § ers are viewed the timber can form the least conception of the amount there is there grate If the coNSUmors : | city even in the dead of winter, his and in computing the value of this fabulous amount of timber you must take S. wo iy ) | alue of ) St te o* P0090 00000000000000000000000@ venefited? This is one of the | hearers doubted the statement. They ¢ = UT Ek into consideration that it is of much more value than woods used for the same —— dia | Y 5 7 H, purpose grown in the temperate climate, If there were no other source from thought it posSible, says Youth’s Com: = | Hy ‘ which to draw dividends, I would feel perfectly safe in saying to you that gnnion, that a child was occasionally S ; R Lh Ee 7 you need have no fear on this subject, as the guaranteed dividends can be \ithout shelter at night, but it was 3 5 A ses 5 aid from this source alone, but there are many other sources of dividends. contrary to reason that any consider- 28 h x £7 Principally among them is 13 able number could be in such straits, PX 53 Fat. SA HENIQUERN ©] The young doctor tol 2 : 4 : that Jouay a wa told hap x fob £5 ; There is no doubt about the value of this product. T have carefully ; Bs z Studie d oh bject and cannot find any reports or estimates thi vt give the net ) Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster were gathered he could show them a 2 : yield per at less than $50 or £60, e xcept in the literature of the C Jompany score of thinly clad boys asleep under while all t1 16 estimates given me verbally in Yucatan and Campeche place the Office on third floor. Take elevator, such conditions as he Bad described EN i » 2 3 y figures much higher. Ten thousand acres planted to heniquen would produce S 9909009000990 000009000000090000000 900990000 09900000000000 Stn doubting tho mex went out nto ; Se a ten por cent dividend; 20,000 acres planted to heniquen would produce a 20 tl int A A led t xe V7 4 oe 7 per cent, dividend, and so on. (Prepar: tions made to rapidly plant 12,060 pt) 2TH QE: Shidid olotelolols RE a 1e wintry nig ans were lec 0 a * CRITE . i Ly acres. Over one million plants growing and six millions contracted for.) x S square in which mo.e than 70 waifs : " Nr : OF ’ ’ were found sleeping In boxes and bar- | % 2 > LIVE ST i OCK “or FH Baker S rels, and anywhere they could get out oo : : a a Lata rote or one aS 58 25% Tat 5% 3 xv ib Xe 3% Of 40k ub hav Pus var Tr a ah ok he £3 4 . Besids wood and heniguen, large amounts of money will be realized from the sale of cattle, horses, mules and other LO of the wind. The wien were convinced, live stock grown on the festatc, The expense of growing these is limited to the wages of a few cowboys who look oF Coal and helped the éwsctor in his work of after them, oF and rescuing such wdifs. Since that time x I eon TC ) he has found homes for more than RUZSBER, E . he i 50,000 orphans, and has not turned | ,: There must be at least in the neighbor hood of 500,000 wild rubber trees, of all sizes and ages, large numbers of which Hg a Tras away from his doors a single destitute are now ready for tapping. Later on, if the same plan is pursued in e xtending the planting of rubber from year to year Lk boy or girl. He knew that the poor- and the value of rubber keeps on inereasing as it has in the past few years, thousands of dollars will be turned into the $F : : og : p + 5 treasury from this source, besides the large profits to be derived from bananas, dyewood, the gathering of chicle from the bs Opposite 0d L. R. R. Station est accommodation that he could give x Ted y 1 red 11 h tl (© I . th hit w 1 1 op zapote trees, the gathering of the rubber from the wild rubber trees scatterec t rough the forest, and from the profits sx 4 k them, oven ou 3.1 Werc.on'y 3 Dice + derived from se ling goods from the Company’s stores to the thousands of pe ople who will re side on this plantation. Be- x MOUNT JOY, PENNA. to sleep on the floor in a warm room or 11 nounts of money coming from many other source 1 st d- 5S ides those above mentioned, there are smaller amoun ney ning in from 161 sources. ve system « ) oa Li 7 yg,» ; was better than the best that they opted on the plan on is such that really nothing is touched or handled that fons not produce a profit. x Sole wen so : Congo Loopy. No. 1 Cedar Sieitfos always on hana could Hope 10 Fod fa he sivests, Top | Ie presittngo yon shin oportal fd Sopeston, Tok St pg ssp ne es Te ins x Ea Yun Lt 1 & 3 done justice to 8 great p g @ NF , I y istimate vickly ar y p D) cenlly this large hearted philanthro information that ought to satisfy “you; the uf your inve stment is entire ly safe and destined, without a doubt in my mind, " s Qt va REC ii de y rade on ali kinds Building Material, Phone 833 pist died at the age of 60 years. His to bring to you a lifeincome. I regret that my fellow-stoc kholders could not have been present to see name was Thomas John Barnarde what I have seen. June 22, 1906. (Signed.) for thems: Ives 3 > 4 42. ~o 2x ANDREW 8. STAYER OES SS SUS SS OHS OSS SSS SS SSH OGT 7 he Every investor should read Dr, Stayer’s report from cover to cover. ) MAMA 100090090999 0000000969 im livery person interested in a life income should have a full knowledge of the I. L, & D. Co's proposition, ie, 8" CURES SICK-HEADACHE k The Company Guarantees 8 per ct. Dividends payable semi-annually. Has paid 18 per ct. since Apr. in 1,05 >s 10 hold the home Tablets and powders advertised Much larger dividends ave estimated on full development of the property. Dividends have already been paid as en . 0 ae ? * D mop Ce apa 1 country merchants as cures for sick-headache are gen- follows: July 31 1906, 2 per cent. extra | Engle Furniture Warer e s0 located that erally harmful and they donot cure April 1, 1905, 4 per cent. (guaranteed) and 1 per cent. extra, January 31, 1906, 2 per cent. extra. 2 ng e S urni ure arer ooms KR Saeeai but only deaden the pain by putting October 1, 1905, 5 per cent, (guaranteed) and 1 per cent. extra. April 1, 1906 4 per cent. guaranteed, Mount Jov Pe ibject of advertising. the nerves to sleep for a short time 4 nna. ——D eG Poem Tok . . . mo store, city op | © through the use of morphine or @ | # A Dividend of 4 per cent, will be paid to Stockholders of Record October I, 1906 Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty hisiness could not be cocaine. Upholstering Done to Order ox Ch Ne SXe $Me oXp $Xa 4X4 Of AOR RC % #0 oe a" JOH \ 25 stock selling fast. At the present « and other lumber. There have been 11 carloads mahogany [rate it will not be long nntil all is sold and the opportunity ) it. There are a few | Medicine and Spanish cedar shipped to the United States inthe ocean|is gone. Act at once if you wish to obtain shares at par and i POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS. of headache and keeps it away. x 7 i Bete p long 1 a. town that | @ Sold by all dealers at asc. and soc : International Lumber and Development Co. # |& ig Mis in remote localities steamship VUELTABAJO, owned and operated by the|participate in the divide ‘nds payable Oct.1. Write to-d; Wy e is a mistake. This, od is the tonic-laxative, cures sick-head- management of this Company. for free copy of Dr. Stayer’s report—a large and handsome 3) advertising so suc ache, not merely stops it for an 3 Sik is now selling at par, and costs $5 par month per(booklet illustrated with over forty photographs. Seome il order competition y ! : ct L Undertakin d Embal » to advertising, Indif- | H. J. MILLER, Resident Manager, 526-528 Woclworth Building, Lancaster, Pa. re ndertaki 2 an mba ming : business the way bust-/ & Br 2 y z \ : a. PRE ES 4 this day end age, 1s'| QWHAS. Il. GELLER | § goooaaaaoooooaaaos aus Seana aasans pen |N aha B aes i 9 : This dividend is paid from profit realized from the Com| |share. In a short time the price will be increased. Over TY Ls prop Lane S ami y 5 panys’ merchandising stores and from the sale of mahoguny| I5, 145 share holders now; hour or two. It removes the cause them. This idea that £ tefetetololololotoloretore] d the mail order houses Real Estate and sere nothing ao great : ] Insurance Office HAVE YOU TRIED TH t who can convince thé E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY | the new Quick desserts that grocers are ® : ; peop section and keep them . : now selling? I'hey are justly termed Ad vertise in B u i a fl P EN N SY ILLVA N IA RA I I. ROA D conv P bis store is the bes Calling and Crerking ¢-Kasy to Make” as all ingredients are the k place is and that article will of Pubic Sates in the package. Z'hree complete pro- not 10 to the mail order house T* | Settlement ofestates, collection of rents,surveyingand | 11cts—D-Zerta, Quick Pudding and be ow R AT E E X C uU R S I o MN S Of cou cannot afford to get out 00000000000 0099000000000000000000000090 > b couveyancing, D Zerta Perfect Jelly Dessert at roc 0000000000000 TO VIEW THE a catall thick as a Bible, but 1 } ivertisement in his 1 per package, and D-Zerta Ice Cream ; can kee ertise n his loeg 1 — —_— papers a p that it is changed eve ° v Powder, 2 packages for 25 cents. A ewd g ‘ ta i X TENT In the only cure o t ial will convince you how easy it is to e sek, t eing new bargains cor). | THE GERMAN TREATUENT Is the only eure only ko y ps e the public. He should Old Dr, THEEL, 527 North Sixth St, rifle” have the finest desserts with*no labor! 2 years pra tice), lie challenges the world In eur. qd li 1 " ons! 7€ mailing list and s 2 Specific Blood Poison, Nervous Debllity, Los of and little expense. also hav Born a Memory Uleors, Swellings, Canceds, Melancholia, - Harrisburg, Penna. a circular er at least once a month. Varicocele, Hydrocelr, Blotehes, Lost Manhood, Res TTT —aa ’ : st Yi Vim, E & Strength to you E & VOTARY PUBLIC, Nothing more discouraging thgn O10 £0 enjoy fe. Th only Gr duated GERMAN ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER "24th, 1906 3 - i st In erie ellumg rantirt, Send for sworn tes. beginning advertising campaign, | Bret dn exposes every City & Country med | “AZ. IMT. ET A] ROTUNID---4 as Results are Limost invariably slow ol Dik & Bo Sng Ba ve: ‘ 2, Adi 9.4 fT - - OLLO BUSH nae CTs. .---"T"RIPr sults @ J = treatment. Avoid cheap treatment, nw Mercury, Potass, Cubebs ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, + 3 first. It takes pluck-——you must keep fii | als Copaiba, Sandlewood Oil, &e., only suypresses ruins, kills 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. From Mount Joy. SPECIAL, TRAIN eaves at 9.47 a, m. Returning leaves it and mastefgr it. — Harrisburg 5.15 p. m. Tickets good only on trains indicated. Don’t look@#§ upon your country newjs- Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. rn paper as anlj object of charity. Thefre | 455 $543k {340k 455 400 400 £00 BH SCH BH L0H 53H 03 §2 North Duke Sires pre EEE “The Greatest State Capitol I have ever seen.’’—President Roosevelt is not a single country newspaper lin SE re Shas your state, with a general local circ] z We are Always Prepared to serve WIN 1 ISO R I | OF I EL fi { Wl W.W. ATTERBURY, J. R. WOOD, GEO, W, BOYD, hich i t able t { t - General Manager. Paseenger Traflic Manager, General Passenger Agent. lation, which is not able to give fil | ax TLYre value for money received. The countfry 4 » Between 12th & 131h Sts, on Filbert St, Phila, Pa, Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- papers can fhelp you solve this questihn Spring if you will five them the chance. nal. Five minutes wal’ from the Penna. R. \V, ater R. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and | The { Maori Executioner upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. i of a] ; s gather ICE: FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Manager i eat From W aste IN ANY QUANTITY at Very ———— . Be | ’ fn a collpction of weapons gathered Moderate Charges. , prinjce of Wat \ Ms i . » the pei O01 Wel $8 Sons the Mace oo ¥ . { Smoke and gases that escape up the chimney in all other , of 1 ’ EAR A y gr-Teeemsess furnaces, ar ned up in a EXPERIENCE ’ LT , are penned up oS = 4 SHB 5 sented to thie British museum, are m ny gpecimens of the “mere pomaniu, Ms sword, majde of abroad blade of jafie- stone, with sharp edges. This was ulied muinly for the execution of prison irs, thie office being considered an ho or- eble privilege of the chiefs. One bldod- thirsty of Maoris is known to have kiljed 160 men by his own hand after a ic. tory witt one of these old weap [he & like point of the hlade the victim's | heek, a ! We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone Ballast Screening! or will erush them to order any ; ; ; Ta Peck-Williamson Is acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in the realm | | rs g gh . Undeitecd Fy of the artistic. Wherever culture and refinement abide, you'll find friends of 8 : Ey ic 0 naerree urnace the LESTER. Its mellow tone and perfect actlon permits that delicate touch : {| and consumed, The Underfced ta easily ‘ 4 1 0: ) 3 4 operated urns soft coal of the ve D TRADE MARRS appreciated the musicion, while is durability cannot be equaled. Sold for i. py ! par Voie Ait Hp ry D s Jas lasy P ¢ ate price. . Game, | Cosh ot cn Ey Saymens at sokemic 3 Saving of 1-2 to 2-3 Anyone sending a sketch and Jescription may on a Winter's coal bill. | Fuel 1s replenished from quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an © oY, : h : ) 7 invention is probably prtentable. Communion. ’ y Cy bulow with the flame on top. I'he heatof the Inder. size. Gives us a trial order. tons strictly Sonfideutial. HANDBOOK on Patents he Mt . feed is uniform. ‘T'hose\who use it are louuest in sont free, Oldest agency for securing patents, 3 its praise. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive | 5 : ’ rf special notice, without charge, in the RIAN ; ' ror shige BY CJ N.8 ican. iAH gh U. IV, lauffer d Br 0. Scientific Jimer (a Bvarything Musical MM. IL... Grider . A handso ely illustrated weekly, Largest cir. : "& ix Nh a] 18 a by ali Tras 24 West Ki i a x CASTER, PA : ; ; SL ount Jqy, Pen ; NeW York » ~~ Pittsburg ; By Patented LSITBSJJIVHOL0 ry a - SSS OSSSSSBBBSV/LVBLTHIBHY