XY EEKLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor rund Publisher | | Subscription, 50 ents u Fear. | Six Months, 25 Gents. | 8 Free Legal | Entered nd class matter Single Copies 2 cents, v Advertising 10 cents per line each at thePost Office at Mount Joy as s ertion TL — 2 Only Tusrteem Years Old and Has Larraped Pupil Who Was $ Twice His Welght, The youngest pedagogue in Missouri, | snd perhays in the United States, 1s | weaching a country school near Gaines- ville, in the Ozark mountains. He 18 | alenn Harrison, aged 13 years, says the i Kansas City Journal. Glenn is the old- st son of Guy T. Harrison, a lawyer. He complegjed the course of study of the Gainesville public schools {in March, 1902. The same month he took the ex- smination given candidates for third grade teachers’ certificates in Ozark county, making a good average and se- curing a certificate. He continued to study, and jus. after he became 13 years old he took the examination for a sec- of d grade certificate. This time his av- erage grade was the highest made, being 98 per cent. Mr. Harrison believed his promising son was tcoe young to teach, and refused to let him accept several offers. But one day when hisfather was absent aitending court, Glenn took the job of teacher of a rural district, the di- rectors of which came and/offered him the place. He began work before his father returned, and the fatter, finding him so ambitious, decided not to inter- ere. J Glenn now has 29 pupils. The ma- fority are larger and older than he, but tie maintains a degree of discipline which many older and more ¢xperienced teach- ers may well envy. ‘How are you get- ting along, Glenn?”/ asked his mother pne day, when he cgme Lome at the end of a week's work. /*“I had to whip sev- eral of the boys,” the youngster replied. It turned ont that among others he had larruped an obstreperous youth that welghed 180 poinde. Glenn doesn’t welgh mu-L ©1015 than half that. } MILTON GROVE. Farmers in tig ‘tion received their phosphate for fall seeding. Quantities Ff con! have been deiivered by coal firms to different purchasers. Misses Manel and Myra Grosh visited friends in Ilizabethtown. Beautify) fields of corn of extraordinary size can We geen in this section of the farm- ag district. Obristian Gish of Chambersburg, who Bas boa visiting old-time friends in this seotiof; for the past few weeks, returned to kia home, Jokin K. Brandt sold his woodland con- i2i0ing 15 acres, adjoining M.N. Risser’s farm, to John G. Stauffer & Son at the rate 0I/§75.00 per acre. FAN FROM A BURN PROMPLY RELIEVED BY CHAMBERLAN'S PAIN BALM. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Ver- | { non, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applica tion only increased the inflammation, Mr. Staruss, came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the hg Nighols says: I advised him to use Chamherfains Pain Balm, and the first app lication drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for cuts, burns, sprains and lame back, and have never known it to disappoint. ‘For sale by J. 8. Carmany, Florin, and all Mt, Joy Druggists, ———————— RAPHO. Wedaesday was a great day for the farm ers in this vicinity. They were hauling theirphospiate. 3 ‘While Samuel Hollinger was about cross. ing a bridge over the Brubaker run with an engine, the structure gave way and it fell partly into the creek. On Tuesday it was replaced on the street. and there was but slight damage to the engine, only a few minor parts being broken. Minnie May Shelley, youngest daughter of Samuel 8. Shelly fell from the lock rail of a tobacco wagon which was heavily loaded with the weed. One of the hind wheels passed over her leg and lower por- tion of the body breaking some of the bones The child is in a critical condition. ——— ee WAS A VERY SICK BOY. BUT CURED BY CHAMBERLAN’S COLIC. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY # When my boy was two years old he had very severe attack of bowel complaint but by the use of Chamberlain's colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out all right,” says Maggie Hickox, of Midtand, Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in most severecases. Even cholera infantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain, For sale by J. 8. Carmary Florin, and all Mt, Joy Druggists. i — el NOTICE OF ELECTION! Notice is hereby given that an election for five Managers, a Treasurer, and a Sec retary of the Mount Joy Cemetery Asso- ciation will be held in the hall of the Council Chamber on Tuesday eyening, September 11, 1906, between the hours of @30 and 8 p. m, SAMUEL DONAVEN, Secretary Low RATE NIAGARA FALLS SIONS, Popular ten day excursions to Niagara Falls will be run by the Penna, Railroad Company on Fridays, Sept. 7, 21 and Oct. 12. Special trains of parlor cars, coaches and dining car will start from Philadelphia and Washington Jara Falls, Niagara Gorge, the Whirl 1 and Rapids never lose their absorbing 8t to the American people nstrated booklet and full informa- i to nearest ticket agent sepb-dt EXcUR- Chamberlain's THE BEST COUGH CURE Many afionesome and expensive trip to Florida, California or the Adironfiacks has been saved by the usé of ¢ Kemp's Balsam tha best cough cure. If thisgreat refnedy will not cure the cough, no medicine will, and then all hope rests in a change of climate—but Ary Kemp's Balsam first. @ Sold by all dealers at 25¢. and 50c. 1292090229999 THE RECORD. In these days of keen newspaper comp e- tition it is gratifying to observe that “The Philadel phia Record”’ still Lolds its place as the foremost newspaper of Pennsylvania a position it has occupied with honor to itself and many years. credit to the community for Not only does it lead in cir- culation, but its influence to-day is even stonger than it has ever been before, which ( is saying much. In the manner of giving the news it is invariably first in the field, while its editorial page continues to be a powerful champion of the cause of the people. Editorially “The Record’ ranks with the best. Its opinions are not only sound and scholarly, they are dent as well. It power. fearless and indepen- truckles to no political [tis deliberate in its juigment of men and measures affecting public life, and when those judgments are once formed there is no equivocation What we most ad mire about **The Record” is its backbone. The success of such a paper is conse- It has the people with it because the people realize that when it makes a fight it is fighting for them. policy, to advocate the things that tend to- ward the public good. There times in the past when it quently not to be wondered at; This has ever been ‘The Record’s” have been has seemed to even antagonize its own iterests by taking the unpopular side of a controversy, but has eventually demonstrated its farsightedness by bringing the public to its way of think- tng. An illustration of this occurred more than a decade ago when, single handed and in the facd of tremendous opposition. It i : . Y | advocated the introduction of trolley cars | into Philadelphia, Looking back, .it seems | almost incomprehensible that such a con- dition of affairs could have existed. Many otherillustirations of the progressive gpirit of **The Record” could be cited, but 1he greatest lies in the fact that it is ap- p reciated to the 1 a1gest circulation of any newspaper pub- Aug. 22-31, extent of boasting the ished in Pennsylvania. ERY rere RHEEMS’ STATION. George Foltz purchased a Virginia bred horse from J. K, Lehman. The Rheems Canning Company hands pack tomatoes Tuesday and Friday evening of each week. For full particulers of postal card fad both retailers and consumers apply to the Rheems post oflice. John W. Wolgemuth purchased three lose to $30 from J. Y. Leh Now watch for big porkers. hogs that cost « man. The Rheems s with a suffl- cecupy every seat. Simon is, of the same township, has charge hoo! opened cient number t J. Macksontyre and wife of Columbia this place. Mr. Macksontyre is a spccess— ful paper hanger, The Rheems Water Company has ceased to drill for more water. They consider the supply sufficient, So far there has been nothing more done towards supplying this place with water. nei ——r——— IMPORTED JAPANESE FANS, A set of four very attactive Japanese fans issued by the Chicago & North Western Railway sent to any address securely packed on receipt of 10 cents to any post- age. Address, R, M. Johnson, Gen’l Agt, 1020 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, rr Court Proclamation! Whereas the Hon. Charles 1. Landis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law Judge, of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Lancaster, haveissued their precept to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public proclamation throughout my bailwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the city of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON TPE THIRD MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER (THE 10TH), 1906. In pursuance of which precept is hereby given to the, Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in said connty, and all embrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf td be done, and to all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosceute against them as shall be just Dated at Lancaster the 18th day of Aug. 1906, tess A —— OUR SALE REGISTER If you get your posters printed at this office we inscrt a FREE notice like the following until day of sale. This paper reaches to people Saturday, Sept. 15—~The property known as Jender’s Mill, 30 acres of land with improve- ments such as grist mill, two dwellings, barn, and outbuildings by Joseph R. Bender and Sain! R. Bender, wministrators of Joseph Bender, de- ceased Zeller, auet Saturday. Sept. 15--On the premises on the road leading from Mount Joy to Manheim, one mile cast of the former, farm of 109 acres with brick house, bank barn and otber buildings. Also 6 acres and 134 perches Chestnut Woodland by Fannie I}, and Walter K. sheily, admrs, of the estate of Hemiy B.8helly deceased. Miunich suet. Monday, Sept 17--On the premises in Rapho township, two tracts of land, one with dwelling, bank barn and outbuildings by Daniel E Wo. emuth, assignee of Amos M Shectz and wite eller, uct Wednesday, Sept, 10-On the premises in Rapho twp, near tim Tree School, Two Traces of and, eng with improvements by Thomas, Gelse, Zelior not, Thursday, Supt #000 Lhe (ramises in ¥lorn, Joo ym With prOYOm ets stich as 4 stone tn , bank barn end outbuildings by the ¥xes oLGugisting Shitenaker, doe Bellet, phic spent a few aays with L. Murphy and wife of BACKING UP BRYAN | Pennsylvania Lincolnites Helping | Along Nebraska Propaganda. CEMOCRATS FILLED HOPE | WITH Befeat cf the Repub This State Next Fall Would Them Eig Lead in Presidentia Race. [Special Correspondence.] Harrisburg, August Pennsylvania Democrats are waiting to join in the demonstration oi the national Democs coming of their lea nings Bryan. There Is a eagerly cy over the home r, William Jen Iready on foot a well or- ate to brin e ‘“match- ganized movement in this about the nomination of less Democrat of Nebraska” for the presidency, and it is the hope and ex- pectation of leading Democrats that the result of the election In Pennsyl- vania next November will materially contribute toward that en The Democratic i convention which named Lewis Emery, Jr., for the ¥ governorship and put up he tickel with him that trio of well rs. Black, own Bry- Creasy and latforn anites, Mes Green, fi proclaimed in it that Bryan is a certain successor of Roosevelt in the White House. Michae J. Ryan, tie eloquent presiding officer of that conven voked cheer after cheer by his et of Bryan and his confident prediction that he will be the next president of the United States and that the outcome of the election in Pennsylvania will foreshadow that result. Democrats Looking Ahead. its have been made tc representation of leading from Pennsylvania at the great Madison Square Gardenreception The Bryan men in every county in this state e taken on a new lease of political life and are showing new vigor in thelr political work for Emery and the entire Democratic ticket. They are devoting particular attention, toc to the Democratic and Lincolnite fa- vorites for congress in the several dis- | tricts in which candidates have already been placed in the field. They are quietly presenting argu- ments to the old line Bryanite Demo- crats for them “to stand by Emery and the whole fusion ticket” in order that the defeat of the Republican party in Pennsylvania this fall may be pointed to as a signal endorsement from the very citadel of Republicanism of what they are pleased to characterize as a great popular uprising for the election of Bryan to the prvesidency. : Bryanitce Almost Fanatical. In this connection the enthu the foliowers of Bryan in his a state of Nebraska is pointed to as emmphasiz- ing the feeling that exists in the hearts of his admirers throughout the coun- try. Press dispatches recounting the scenes of the joint convention of Dem- ocrats and Populists of Nebraska held at Lincoln a few days ago all tell of the almest fanatical exhibitions given by some of the leading delegates. Law-abiding, peace-loving and con- servative citizens of Pennsylvania, who are being invited to join the Bryanites of this commonwealth In their efforts to record a vote of repudiation of the Roosevelt administration and the Roosevelt policies at the coming elec- tion through the defeat of the Repub- lican candidates in Pennsylvania by fusion or other games of political ma- nipulators, should read and reflect upon the sensational speech made by the presiding ofilcer of the Nebraska convention. Then they should con- sider how far a triumph for the Hm- ery-Donnelly-Ryan-Black-Creasy -Green fusion combination at the November election would go toward promoting the cause of Bryanism throughout the iasm ot OA CR Sr ww A TG AC RCH AC RO OH 205 £1 A AAT RR AR $1 1 and ong factory, and high prices. TEE eh of firm, hard twisted warps, g, strong filling, to resist cold and storm—made for horse comfort and owners profit. Wherever a horse needs covering—in stable, street, or race track —no blanket equals the extra-warm, close-woven, 5A HORSE BLANKET. Your local dealer buys the long- wearing 5A Blankets direct from the can therefore sell them cheaper than dealers can sell inferior blankets, purchased through jobbers at A CS NS SS = Buy a 5A SQUARE BLANKET for street use. Buy a 5A Bias GIRTH BLANKET for stable, Always look for the 5A Stay under Straps. Made by WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. CS SSS OOS NESS HS SESS SE GIS SNO0SS SURGEON ockholdetfs’ Inspector Reports on the Progress of the International Lumber and Developement Company Jorest on this estate. The Stockholders of this Company recently elected one of their number, Dr. Andrew S. Stayer, of Altoona, Pa., to go as their representative, to their Mexican plantation and make a full report on its development. This report is now ready. Dr. Strayer says, in part : To THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LUMBER AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY : I helieve that the dividends on the whole capital stock of this Company, as guaranteed, can be paid for years to come [run the timber now standing in the No one not having ridden through these forests and viewed the timber can form the least conception of the amount there is there and in computing the value of this fabulous amount of timber you must take into consideration that it is of much more value than woods used for the same purpose grown in the temperate climate. It there were no other source from which to draw dividends, I would feel perfectly safe in saying to you that you need have no fear on this subject, as the guaranteed dividends can be a» paid from this source alone, but there are many other sources of div dends. Principally among them is HENIQUEN There is no doubt about the value of this product. T have carefully studied this subject and cannot find any reports or estimates that give the net yield per acre at less than $50 or £60, except in the literature of the Company while all the estimates given me verbally in Yucatan and Campeche piace the figures much higher. Ten thousand acres planted to heniquen would produce a ten per cent dividend; 20,000 acres planted to henigquen would produce a 20 per cent, dividend, and so on. (Preparations made to rapidly plant 12,000 acres. Over one million plants growing and six millions contracted for.) LIVE STOCK Besids woud ana seniquen, large amounts of money will be realized from the sale of cattle, horses, mules and other live stock grown on the Jestatc, The expense of growing these is limited to the wages of a few cowboys who look after them. RUBBER, ETC. 5 There must be at least in the neighbor hood of 500,000 wild rubber trees, of all sizes and ages, large numbers of which are now ready for tapping. Later on, if the same plan is pursued in extending the planting of rubber from year to year and the value of rubber keeps on increasing as it has in the past few years, thousands of dollars will be turned into the treasury from this source, besides the large profits to be derived from bananas, dyewood, the gatheringof chicle from the zapote trees, the gathering of the rubber from the wild rubber trees scattered through the forest, and from the profits Inj ed from selling goods from the Company's stores to the thousands of people who will reside oif this plantation. Be- those above mentioned, there are smaller amounts of money coming in from many other sources. Lhe system ad- plantation is suel that really nothing is touched or handled that does not produce « profit. senting to you this report of the first inspection, I feel that my descriptions are inadequate and that I have not done justice to this great property, but have the intense satistaction of knowing that I have been able to bring to you the information that ought to satisfy you; that your investment is entirely sate and destined, without a doubt in my mind, to bring to you a life income, what I have seen. June 22, 1906, 1 I regret that my fellow-stockholders could not have been present to see for themselves (Signed.) ANDREW S. STAYER Every investor should read Dr. Stayer’s report from cover to cover. Jovery person interested in a life income should have a full knowledge of the I. L. & D. Co’s proposition. The Company Guarantees 8 per ct. Dividends payable semi-annually. Has paid 18 per ct. since Apr. 1,05 Much larger dividends are estimated on full development of the property. follows: April 1, 1905, October 1, 1905 4 per cent, (graranteed) and 1 per cent, extra. , 6 per cent, (guaranteed) and 1 per cent. extra. ail Delivery. also a Court public notice the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Con- stables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and exami- nations, and inquisitions, and their other rem- M.T. ZILGLER; Sheriff country. Vistons of Blood. Nebraska convention, said: “The time 18 speedily coming when by the advice and command of the American people the guilty highwaymen, the oppressors of the poor and mockers of the courts will e brought to their knees in hum- ble submission by an outraged peo- ple. It may take revolution, it may take bloodshed, but in my judg- ment it need take only the courage, determination and backbone of an American president, who will en- force the criminal laws of the United States against the multi- millionaire and cabinet officer as drastically as against the most humble citizen in this nation. Such a man is coming. He 1s our friend and neighbor—that intrepid, cease- less, tireless fighter, the great com- moner and defender of human rights, William Jennings Brya n, the young gladiator of the west, who, 10 years ago, struck the first deadly blow ever aimed at the heart of plusocracy in this country.” the cause of Bryanism. to recall that the Pennsylvania Democracy, which nomi nated Emery for governor, sald: “We congratulate the country upon the fact that the only prom- inence the present Republican na- tional administration has attained has been achieved by feeble and pretended application of the prin- ejples enunciated by the Hon. Wil liam Jennings Bryan, the great Democratic Commoner, who 1s now regarded as the certain successor of Theodore Roosevelt to the pres- idency.” This is what Chairman Skiles, of the Mr. Skiles then pictured the Ameri- can people waiting to vote for Bryan for president, and foreshadowed In the returns of the state elections to be held this fall in all parts of the coun- try an emphatic demand for the “Great In this connection it is interesting platform of the TO LOLOL! or * or steamship VUELTABAJO, management of this Company. owned and operated by the|participate in the dividends payable Oct. 1. Dividends have already been paid as July 31 1906, 2 per cent. cxtra January 31, 1906, 2 per cent. extra. April 1, 1906 4 per cent. guaranteed. A Dividend of 4 per cent. will be paid to Stockholders of Record October 1, 1906 This dividend is paid from profit realized from the Com!share. panys’ merchandising stores and from the sale of mahogany 5,145 share holders now; stock selling fast, and other lnnber. There have been 11 carloads mahogany rate it will not be long until all is sold and the opportunity $5 and Spanish cedar shipped to the United States inthe ocean|is gone. In a short time the price will be increased. Over At the present Act at once if you wish to obtain shares at par and j : ‘Write to-day for free copy of Dr. Stayer’s report—a large and handsome Stock is now selling at par, and costs $5 par month perfbooklet illustrated with over forty photographs. International Lumber and Development Co. 11. J. MILLER, Resident Manager, 526-528 Woclworth Building, Lancaster, Pa. {HUE HRnG 0B BEEBE OG RRR BURUREBORE 5% perp TOTOT OF XO ON xy IAS, ARs 4X Tole lelIeTOL] Joke CHC VIP YET Wav Wav YE uv vab viv vv 45 o 47s 3a axa sXe sXe oR Ne 4Ry OLE 10% 42s oxo ORO Vit ah va a Ox . LDL i Ye dO ur PTI N * oe BOOHOGBBRTOGOHEE '. MISS STAHRS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 612 N. Duke St., Langgster, pe September 20. Primary, J Intermediate and College Pre- paratory work. The School certificates to Wellesley, the Woman's College of Baltimore and Dickinson. ALICE HILL BYRNE, ALICE WEBB STOCKWELL, Sept 20-06 Principals. “BB 1 WISE FELLOW” If you need a Gas or Gasoline Engine buy it direct from the factory and not from a Sub. agent. Capital Gas and Gasoline Engines are positively made without any packing. They dont havg a clock spring or sprocket wheel for an igniter. The genuine Capital is made only by C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam St.,, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. #0000000 00CO00000000000000 qa CN xX} <> : {Willen Justice of the Peace Conveyancer 2 and Scrivener 3 Special Attention Given to the : Collection of Rents Your Patronage Selicited Office: Main Street, Florin, Penna. 0-0-0000 0-000-000-0000 000000 HR Shire’s MHent Market Rear ot Nisgley's Tobacco Warehouse LORIN - PEININ A. W. W. SHIRE, Fropr. Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. aS ATTY Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph El ershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Teonsorial Parlier East Main Street, Mount Jov, Pa. WANTED:—by Chicago wholesale and mail or- der hous ant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory, Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required, Spare time valuable. Write at once for ull particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. Address, GENERAL MANAGER, 131 E. Lake St., Chicago July 18-10¢ LEBANON itt? FARMS 0 «FINEST IN THE WORLD” Den Rutter ¢ Rutter, Lebanon Penna, July 2f-2mos ABNER M. HERSHEY, AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, FPenmna. Special attention given to calling all kiuds of rea. estate and personal property sales, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Charges moderate, Drop me a card or call up 836 A. For a Delicious Plate of ICE CREAM go to Pell's Ice Cream Parlors Opposite Bowman’s Store All flavors in season, Sold in any quantity and Festivals supplied A Trial Order Solicited. Families, Part TIE GERMAN TREATWENT is the only eure only k_own to Old Dr, THEEL,527 North Sith St, Seiphia (42 years pra: tice), He challenges the world in cur. ing Speeifie Blood Polson, Nervous Debility, Loss of Me Ulcers, Swellings, Cancers, Melancholia, o, lydroeele, Rlotehes, Lost Manhood, Res ir, Vim, Energy & Strength to PRs Jife. The only Gr.duated GERMAN Specialist in Am . Hellung garantirt. Send for sworn tes. tim nlals & Book Truth, exposes every City & Country medis eal & electrical frauds, Hours, 9-4, eva, «+0, Sun, 9.2, Mail Mercury, Potass, Cubebs y sunpresses ruins, kills Crystal Springs DAIRY! | Ezesh Oream and Milk Delivered Daily Except Sunday. Special Orders Solicited, We Invite Inspeciion, Advertise 0000000009000900900000060 A vote for Emery is a vote of !n- dorsement of that platform, as well aa fa contribution of moral support to the Bryan presidential movement, cnet Meee tet. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY ACTS ON NATURE'S PLAN. The most successful medicines are those that aid nature, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan, Take it when you have cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions aud aid nature in restoring the system to a healty condition, Thous~ | ands have testified to its superior excells ence, 5 West Main Street, We Solicit Your Trade, Hu. ¥., ZEROCHER NOTARY PUBLIC. WW. M. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No, 52 North Duke Stree WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12h & {31h Sts, on Filbert St, Phila, Pa, to result in pneumonia, Larger sigs, 50 gente, ¥or sale by | Three minutes walk from the Reading Termis It gounterats any tendency of a cold | nu $ fis f Price, 25 conta, Five minutes walk from the F \ Jennt upnnrds pu anng, 1, Furopean Plan 81:00 per day and Amertoun Plan 88/00 per day, 24 West King Street, Garmahy Florin, and all Mt. oy RANK M, SCHEIBLEY; Manager in the Special Sale of Pianos and Organs. ] fe] ET MIS GS Have Xou? Write for Special Bargain List and Special Plan of Payments, Kirk Johnson & Company Bwverything Musical argest Dealotn Between Phindephia and Pittsburg Bulletin Many People Have Taken Advantage of Our LANCASTER, PA The .. Ludoscope A Moving Picture Machine for the house- hold, Something new and produces at a small cost, with excellent effect, moving pictures from discs provided by the mana ufacturers. It is simple in its’ operation and can be handled by anybody. The price of the device, with six pictures is Only 50c; Extra Pictures 45¢ a half dozen Full Line Photogra- phers’ Supplies W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St,, Mount Joy. Agency for Standard Steam Laundry CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer, Don’t forget that have rented the slaughter house recenti® used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will doall my own killing, Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &o., &0¢, Call and be convinced, H., H, KRALL Kost Maightt,) Opposite Posy Office, MOPNT 00