4 We MONEY —BIGGEST 50C WORTH IN THE COUNTY Give THAN MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOES ANY OTHER PAPER » ; } . struck by the Harrisburg VOL V1. NO, 7. THE CIRCULATION OF THE WEEKLY KILLED ON THE RAILROAD. Base Ball Notes | Brandt and Engle put up a good A Colored Man Meets Death Near Rheems’ same for Maytown, Saturday. Sion, | The Junior ball team defeated the While trespassing on the Penn- | pickers from Geo. Brown sylvania railroad Saturday morning, Sons mills on Saturday by a score about 7:30 o'clock, Ulysses Smith, of 30 to 4: killed he b ing a oulored man, was instantly ow . : I'he Juniors played two games Fourth with Marietta | and broke even, losing the morning | the after— | rear Rheem’s station by 3 here on the Express, Smith had been working on the farm of W. L. Heisey, at Rheem's which was going eastward, oy . = contest and winning in : | noon, until a | The local team will make an ef= 2 . § | short time before the accident oc— | curred. For the last few days he fort to redeem its lost laurels on Saturday, when the boys go to Lan- had been drinking heavily and left ; ; ; | caster to do battle whith the Ath- on the Ife walking on the west track when the | the Heisey place in anger y : letics. Ginger up boys. ball team played a dcuble-header here on the Fourth Tho picked up lifeless, by the train crew | morning game was very loosely The body was taken played and resulted in a victory for morning of the accident. was | The local accident ocenrred and his body was | hurled to the side, where 1t was] with Marietta and broke even. Rheem’s, | Miller, of | the visitors by a score of 16 to 15. summoned | The afternoon game was more like Dr. examination showed to where Deputy Coroner Elizabeathtown, was with his An phy=ician, | the real thing and was easily won that the | by the locals, 8 to 5. Blougzh. Large crowds man’s skull had been badly {rac- tured and that an arm and leg were broken, The investigation showed that it was an accident. The body was taken to the almhonse at Lan- caster for burial. The deceased was about thirty-five years of age and is said to have lived at ton at one time. It is not known if he has any relatives, : - A Hurrp Up Job noted the farm of A few weeks ago we the fact that Eimer E. toll-gate, had been the barn en Brandt, near Ramsey’s A new barn 47x76 feet and 18 feet to torn down. the square, has now replaced the old one, and was put there in just fif- The barn was fitted and framed by M, L. Kuller, in Perry county, shipped to Marietta on the teen days. crs and hauled to the Brandt home. When the walls were in readiness Mr. Kuller with five men came here and in fifteen days from their vent Mr. into the barn, which is one ad- Brandt was hauling hay of the finest in this section, Sold by the Sheriff. Sheriff Ziegler on Monday sold S. the half mile of road for the state east of the personal property of John Kent, contractor, who made town. The amount realized by the Holland property was $739.41, of the Manheim prep- eaty $14.95 and of the Mount Joy property $788.05. gale of his New Now Its Ump Heillg Wm, R. Heilig has been appoint- \ Inter— County base ball league and will ed an official umpire in the hold the indicator for the first time Saturday, July 21. had considerable experience as Mr. Heilig has an and Pos- gessing these qualifications he will rules has no superior for fairness, umpire, is gilt edge on undoubtedly prove a worthy official - It’s Worth Seeing | James Glatfelter just received an exceptionally fine statue in the shape of a dancing lady. ~~ It was received direct from Italy and is of the finest The work, all of which was done by white marble on the market. hard, excels anything we have ever seen, These statues are costly and are used as parlor ornaments. imc — Postmaster’s Salary Decreased. While the salaries of the masters at Lancaster, Columbia, Millersville, New Holland Quarryville were increased from $100 vpward, the salary of Post- master J. Fred Fenstermacher post— and here was decreased $100—now $1,700 year, a A Neat Publication J. M, Wade, principal of Penn’a, thanks for a copy of the school’s catalogue It con- tains an excellent half tone of Miss Bess F, of this who is assistant in the commercial department. Business Coliege, Las our which is very creditable, Bowman, place, At een / Change In Drivers N On Saturday evening Sam’l Bro- pey was tendered his quit notice as driver of W. W. Cassel’'s freight cay (George Shatz ng Gakcon glo Monday, Steel— | is his success- | witnessed both contests, the Lancaster, | Although locals had the | Athletics of shut, out 7-0 up to the seventh, they were | defeated bya 10 to 8 score on | Saturday, defeat this errors was the cause of 1t all, this being their third Several bad Nev- winning eight { season. | . er mind that boys; | out of eleven 1sn’t playing bad ball. The score: Mt. Joy rh | Hend’x cf | Langl'y 2b Athlet’'s rh oae Stein’cfr 1,101 Rill2b ox 130 o Carr 1b 3 07 XO ® o | Conrad c 00 Bom'r If 1 1 ¢ Paulenrfr o Bow’n 3br1 2 Mill’y ss2 2 2 Millerc 32530 PDeenp I1ria2ik Totals 10924 146 I 3 | Givens ss I | Cassel If | Spr'g’r 1b 0 | Brown rf 1 Hau’n'n 3bo Schroll p 003 Totals, 8 9279 6 Mt.Joy 1 o 4 0 oo 1-8 Athletics 0.00 0 0 4 5 1-10 Base on balls, off Schroll 3, off Deen 3. Struck out, by Schroll 3, by Deen 3. 2 base hits, Steinbaxe, Rill, Carr, Bomber- ger, Cassel. Stolen bases, Mt. Joy 11, Athletics 4. Umpire, Stoler; time 2 hrs. Florin had little trouble in defeat ing Bainbridge on Saturday 10 to 4 Oo oO oO 00 31 22 2 O = QO p NN 2 3 I I I o I o o WB RNa P NN I o 2 Oo I 2 Oo Oo on the former team’s new diamond. The score: Florin rh o ae Bainblgerhoae Widmanef 1 1 0 oo Camprfoo o Kraybill2b3 2 2 1 0 Ha’k’rlfr 0 0 0 I Hamb'tss 111 31 Grofc: 12720 Frank If 006 11 Ginghproo61 Shleg’hrf ooo o 1 Ba'h’'n2bi 1 210 Hershey p 1 0 I 5 0 Mason 3boo 200 McG’ry 3bo2 0 00 Se’h’tibo1120 1 oI Flo'rsssoo 1 32 00 2 Oo 2 o Irs 2191 Musl’'nef 11000 Totals 10927114 Florin 2:5 0 I 00 0 2 X10 Baingridgeo o 2 O01 I 0 0-4 3-base hits Kraybill; struck out by Her shey 7, by Gingrich 11; bases on balls off Gingrich 3; umpire Snyder; time 1.35. De es rn Boyer 1b o Fahscf oooo0o0 Totals 4 424 125 Bishop ¢ Oo More “Spunk” Than Most Men, While Miss daughter of S. Emma Tressler, H. Tressler and wife of East Donegal, was returning home with Clarence C., a well bred horse, the single tree broke and the animal ran off. Miss Tressler kept him in the road for a considierable distance but being unable to check his speed ran him into a hitching post, damaging the wagon and cutt- ing her hand. She at once made tem porary repairs and then drove to a coach maker whgre the wagon was repaired before she returned home, Truly, this young lady had nerve as she clung to her team better than would most men in a runaway, -— Death in East Donegal. Mrs. Mary Fry dicd at her home in Kast Donegal township on Sun- day o'clock. Death was due to cerebral embolism super- induced by heart trouble. She was fifty-three years cld and a daughter of Joseph and Mary Trout. The funeral will be held with interment at Mastersonville today, moning at 8 Wages Going Up All the cotton mills throughout the New England states, raised their employes wages from 5 to 14 per cent, The raise was unsolicited and effects 165,000 persons, It will be remembered that Geo, Brown Sons’ here made a similar move several weeks ago. a———e— Mrs, Henry . Mellinger, died at her home in Lancaster aged 52 years Deggased was a native oles hi, HE MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1906 PERSONALS. | The Whereabouts of our Friends For the Past Few Days Albert Hershey is visiting here, Paul Brubaker of Philadelphia, spent Sunday at home. Samuel Wilson returned to the Quaker City, Saturday. Paul Murphy of Harrisburg, spent Sunday in our borough. Clyde Spera of Philadelphia, vis- ited his parents Sunday. John Engle of York, was a Sun- day visitor to his parents. Miss Clara Kahl of Lancaster, is visiting Mrs, Ira Metzger. Clarence Stoll is enjoying his va- cation here with his parents. F. H. Baker and son spent several days at Philadelphia last week. Geo. Haines, wife and son How- ard, spent Sunday at Lancaster. Miss Gertrude Beck is the guest of her friend Miss Mary B. Stoll. Warren Hoffman is spending some time here with his mother and sister Wayne Stanffer of Sporting Hill, was the guest of Amos Sumpman, Sunday. Dr. John C. Shelly of Philadel- phia, is apending ten days here with his mother. Maggie Irvin, of Wiilow Grove Park spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. E. C. Pennell, son of John Pen- nell and wife, has enlisted U. S. Cavalry, Langley. in the Simon Bradley and family were guests of Wm, town on Sunday, Wintermyer near Mrs, H. G. Stoler and daughter Mrs. Metzger, spent Sunday with friends at Lancaster, Harry Campbell of Wrightsville, spent Sunday here with his Clarence Campbell, cousin Misses Mary Krall and Jennie Kemmerly spent from Wednesday to Saturday at Harrisburg, Miss Leah Langley, left Mon=- day to spend a few weeks with her aunt at Willow Grove Park, Mrs, Jacob M. Schroll and grand- daughter Maud Schroil, spent Sun- day with relatives at Maytown, Harry Smith sr. is undergoing treatment at the hospital at Lancas- ter, He arrived home Satarday. Chas. Aulthouse took both games of ball between the York aud Harrisburg teams on the Fourth. Mrs, Clark of New York City, nee Miss Ida Sheely of Lancaster, spent Sunday here with Mrs, Helena Miller, Milton Wittle and wife spent from Wednesday to Friday as guests in the family of Jerome Yocum at Manheim. Dr, Wm. B. Hamaker, who has been traveling in the west, is visit- ing his father, in Howard E, Stoll and family are spending their vacation here with the family of his parents, ticket agent J. IH. Stoll. I. D. Springer and wife of the Red Lion hotel, visited friends at Hampton, Adams county, from Sun day to Wednesday. Misses Mary and Clara Schroll spent from Wednesday to Saturday with friends and relatives at Harris- burg and Steelton, D. M. Martin, of Lancaster, who is employed in the jobbing depart- ment of the New Era, spent Wednes- day afternoon in town. Mrs. Henry Buch of Manheim spent several days with her daugh- ter Mrs, Harry Garber West Main street lust week. on Messrs. Chas. and Gifford DeLong and W. R, Ileilig witnessed the Maytown- Wrightsville game at the latter place on Saturday, Proprietor M, A, Spickler, Mrs, Willer and daughter Freda, were the guests of Chas, Schwitzenber- ger at Lancaster on Sunday. John Pyle, son and daughter of Springfield, Ohio, and P. 8. Pyle of Pittsburg, are guests of their father John F. Pyle for a few days, J. Willis Freed spent the Fourth with Friends at Harrisburg, witness. ing the defeats administered by Har | Tighirg to York base ball tean Obituary THE LITTLE MAN It is with deep regret that we an— ' Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout nounce the death of «The Little | Our Community Man,” a character that bobbed wp, Mrs. Emma Stauffer here by a contemporary for the sake Fourth at Harrisburg. of criticism and more so we presume | » FLORIN NOTES. spent Harry Hoerner of Philadelphia, of *‘getting even 3 z i g A ’ is here on his vacation. instead of resum- | ing the responsibility by thé editorial | end for the publication of truck, | junk, ete. Exagerated statements, | and senseless articles, Miss Blanche Zeller of Dayton, Ohio, is home on a visit. Miss Gertrude Menaugh of Phil- | adelphia, is visiting in town. which the public did not approve of, forced the chappie to retire we presume, revoir, Aur Miss Ida Faston of Lancaster, | spent a week here with relatives. THE FLORIN NEWS Miss Armstrong is the guest of After struggling hard for over a | Mrs. Chas. Good for a few days. ear, Leyi F. Sheéwuz, publisher of | y Ley y . P [ George Vogle and family spent the Florin News, came to the con- Rio HL | Sunday with Benj, Hambright’s. clusion that editors’ paths are not A , I | The lumber for Elam Hostetter’s means and | strewn with rcses by any : a Sha 4 | new house was hauled last week. with his issue on Saturday. decided to drop out of the journalistic rarks therefore the News is a thing of the past, The young man was a hard | Sa worker but ouly experience con— ter Mary, are visiting at Palmyra. vinced him that this vicinity already | Prayer-meeting will be held in | the U. B. church tomorrow evening Mrs. J. S. Carmany and daugh- Mrs. Reuben Swords was quite the | had May the young man succeed in his next undertaking, io Eight Applicants At the second special meeting of | the School Board this week, which | was held for that purpose last even- | ing, Wesley Royer was elected jan- itor for the ensuing year, The oth- er applicants were Harry KEbersoke, John Zink, Jacob Koyer, Jac, Mor- ton, George DBrosey, Benjamin F, Blyer and Herman Kerchoff, The janitor will be paid $20 per month for 4 months and $35 per month for the remaining 8 months, — P. 0, S. of A. Officers Following are the officers elect of | Washington Camp No. 538, P. 0.8, of A, to be instalied on Saturday evening by District Deputy Aaron Nagle, of Columbia: Pres., Wm, HI. Lockard; vice pres.,” Elias Zerphy; M. of F',, J. Harry Miller; R. Sec., Jno. KE. Schroll; F. Sec., Henry M. Stauffer; Treas, M. S. Bowman; Conductor, H. Walters; [. G. Frank Peffer; O. G., R. J. Myers; 1'rustee J. W. Brandt; Delegate, I. E. Runk effin iis Miss Jones Entertained. A house party was held in honor of Miss Aimee Jones of Ridgley, Md., the Landisville grounds on Thursday, Friday Saturday. chaperoned by Mrs. Clara lHHaines of this place, Those present from town were Mis- ses Mary Keller, Ethel Harry, Stel-- la Longenecker and Mary Newpher. on camp and It was i/ Cannot Give Cherries Away. Five hundred quarts of cherries have been left to rot on the trees on the premises of Lewis Weaver, at Milton Grove. He offered them gratis to any one who would pick them, but no one has had time or cared to have them, -— An Acceptable Gift For his excellent work in the its share of news papers, | Ehzabethtown—Cordelia game on Saturday, Mrs, P. Franck Schock presented her husband, upon his arrival home that evening, with a gift that he prizes very highly. It’s a daughter, folks. Blew Out Cylinder A freight going west yesterday forenoon met with a miskap of Florin, west The eylinder head of the engine blew out which caused a detention of several hours nntil the necessary repairs could be made. —— Politics Is Brewing Philip Dieter is desirous that we announce his name a candidate for County Committeeman in the West ward, We understand there is also a new aspirant for that same office in the Kast ward. as In our councilmanic last that article week we should have stated Messrs, Zeller and Mumma voted for and Messrs, Brown, Hamaker and Longenecker against allowing the trolley people to lay temporary tracks up to Donegal street, -- Church of God Reunion The third annual reunion of the East Penna. Churches of God, will be held at Williams’ Grove on next Wednesday, Jply 18, ill the past few days but is improv- ing. Miss Viola Patterson of Lancas- ter, spent the Fourth here with friends. Fred Schneider and wife spent Sunday at I.ancaster and Rocky Springs. Samuel Miller and wife of Eliza- bethtown, spent Sunday with friends. in town S. E. Ibaugh of Downingtown, was circulating among friends in town Sunday. Ed Steigdrwald and family spent | Sunday herg with her parents, G. A. Geyer anid wife. *Miss Stella Ishler of town, accompanied by her lady friend, spent Sunday in town. Elizabeth- Mrs. Fanny Booth and daughter Myra, spent Sunday with Amaziah Good and family at Mount Joy. Miss Buelah Shramusky of Lan- caster, was the guest of her grand- parents, Henry Baer and wife over Sunday. J. S. Carmany and Martin Welt- mer spent Sunday at Palmyra the guests of the former’s mother who is seriously ill. Ji S. Carmany has taken 22 big 4-horse loads of wheat from a 12- acre field on the old Stacks farm now tenanted by Samuel Nye. Harry Weidman and lady friend of Philadelphia, spent from Wed- nesday to Sunday here with his parents, postmaster Wm. Weidman and wife. Don’t forget the festival to be held in the park here on Saturday evening for the benefit of the Flor- in Water committee. All refresh- ments in season will be served and a good time is "anticipated. The Foresters’ band will furnish music. Turn out and help a good cause. Talk about breaking records, if this doesn’t beat anything you've ever heard, tell us. One day last week D. B. Kieffer of Middletown, got off the train due at Mount Joy at 10.14. He was.met by E. S. Weaver and together they drove to Florin where the latter sold him four horses. Mr. Kieffer was hur: ridly driven to the depot here and caught the same train that brought him from Lancaster to Mount Joy. The train was delayed but six min- utes at the latter place. The trip to Florin was made with Recorder J. S. Carmany’s thoroughbred 4- year-old Nellie Bly, in three min- utes. ‘The horses were inspected, sold and paid for in less that five minutes. Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of letters un- called for at the Mount Joy post office, July 11, 1906 : Dr. W. F, Bacon, Jacob Eberley, Levi Gerhardt, Mile Tovorovic. J. Fred Fenstermacher, Post-Master, >i The little daughter of Allen Pen- nell and wife died on Sunday after noon at Lancaster, The .remains will be interred in the Mount Joy cemetery this afternoon, E— a —— The Smeltzer Brothers have cap- tured almost one hundred fogs since the season opened, THE ProrLe’'s PAPER 1S ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TION—THE PATRONAGE IS O 50 What's Your Opinion It wi]l be remembered that at the , last regular meeting of Council, the | | trolley company was refused per— mission to lay temporary tracks for a distance of about 150 feet, (from the present terminus to East Done- gal street.) The borough solicitor Hon. W. U. Hensel, informs us that by reso- lution, Council could have granted the request without conflicting with the ordinance recently passed. The following letter would also have held good but the majority in Council did not see that way, Messrs, Zeller and Mumma voted for and Messrs. Longenecker, Brown and Hamaker against it, while Mr. Detwiler declined to vcdte. There is much comment on Councils it ac— tion, therefore we publish Shrite’s lette Burgess r and the people can form their own opinions as to wheth- er or not Council did right. Lancaster, Pa., June 27, 1906. J. W. SHRITE, Burgess : Dear Sir: — We respectfully ask permis- sion to lay a temporary track on Barbara street from the property of the Hoffman Estate to Columbia Avenue. We ask per mission to do this for the purpose of ac- commodating the citizens of Mt. Joy. As soon as we were granted the ordinance allowing us to enter the borough of Mt. Joy, we placed our order with the Penna. Steel Co., of Steelton, for the necessary girder or flat rail. We were informed by them that they would be unable to deliv- er this rail tous in less than three months If we were to wait to run our cars on Bar bara street until this rail is delivered, we feel that it would be a great inconvenience to the citizens of Mt. Joy. If we are giv- en the permission to lay this temporary track and put up temporary poles until the octagonal poles we ordered arrive, we will the temporary material just as soon as we get the proper agree to remove material as called for in our ordinance. Hoping that this will meet with your approval, we remain very sincerely yours ConrsTocA Tracrion Co, ® C. Edgar Titzel, Supt. piso Sol iii J Big Barn Burned The large barn on the of Rev. Peter miles east farm two this place, on the Manheim road, was totally destroyed Brubaker about of by fire at about nine o'clock last evening, The origin of the fire is Mr. Brubaker had just completed harvesting yesterday and not known, his entire crop of wheat and hay was destroyed together with All vhe sto~k, several wagons and a gasoline some farming implements. live engine were saved from destruction, Many farmers in the vicinity, who promptly responded to the alarm, succeeded 1n preventing the house, which is near by, from being des- troyed. The loss will reach thou- sapds of dollars, as Church Notes. UNITED BRETHREN. Services Sunday Greider’s Hall, in Sunday School at 7. Preaching at 10. Mr. J. S. Eby has been elected the delegate to the Annual Confer- ence which at October, morning meets Reading in METHODIST Class meeting 9.30 a, m, Preach ing services 10,30 a, m. Sunday school 1.45 p.'m. Junior Epworth League 6 o'clock. Preaching ser- vices 7.00 p. Prayer Wednesday evening. m, meeting NEWTOWN Frank Fletcher and family visited their parents in this place on Sunday. Solomon Scltolland wife, Lancaster, were guests of Abraham Mumma, Sunday. The locals defeated Ironville at the latter place Saturday, in 7 innings, score 9 to 0. Harry Zink and family from Back Run were the guests of John Sunday. John M. Rhoads and wife of Masterson- ville paid a visit to their mother place on Sunday. Kemmerly on in this Preaching services Sunday morning by the pastor. Quarterly Conference and com munion at Silver Spring July 15. The annual union picnic of the Kinder- hook Sunday School, will be held at Chi- ques Rock July 28. A band will attend. ; als . Treated for Consumption Mrs, Fentie, wife of . Samuel Sheaffer, was taken to the sanitari- um at South Mountain Camp, Mt. Alto, in Franklin county where she will be treated for consumption, Dr. E, W, Garber atten Lincoln paity convention at the a— CENTS A YEA BULLETIN EXCEEDS THAT OF ANY OTHER MOUNT JOY NEWSPAPER BY HUNDR LOCAL HAPPENINGS Happenings of the Week Told ir Yet Iteresting Mannner. Merchant H, E. Ebersole ly rebuilt his stable. W. B. Bender has erected af gant new lawn swing. The Fourth passed off here quietly with few accidents. A number of fire plugs thrd out the town, were flushed rece Phil J, Dieter beautified the d ing of our press room on-Thursd Raspberries are quite pley Blackberries ditto in about ten dif Wanted—A man to work o farm, Apply at this office. junel Aaron Rhy is nursing an inju hand the result of a Fourth of J accident, Phil J, Dieter is decorating se eral sleeping apartments for W. H Detwiler, : For Sale Cheap—Good Organ. Al White Sewing Machine, cabinet style Apply here. May 30f] Elmer Krall moved into the Mt Joy Hall Association property on Thursday. The shade trees in front of the Methodist parsonage, were trimmed on Monday. Contractor Jacob Snyder and his force are moving a hcuse at White Oak this week, i Abram Boyer is sporting a hand- some jenny-lind, the product of G. Moyer’s coach works, The Rollman Mfg. Co, performed its semi-annual duty last week, tak- ing an account of stock, Harry Stoner was familiarized with the secrets of the P. O. 8, of A. on Saturday evening. For Rent—Property, corner of Lumber and West Donegal streets, Apply to Philip R. Greiner, The real estate of Mrs. Barbara Peitley will be offered at public sale Tuesday, July 24, at 7 p. m. Wheat harvest is about over in this vicinity but there is considera— ble grass standing at this writing, Twenty-six persons from town at- tended the ball game at Elizabeth- town on the afterngon of the Fourth The trout fisting season July 157 Frog catching opened on July 1 and closes ober 31. Crude season Oct The east window at Bernhart’s store is neatly decorated with Maple Flake while the west window has the Force. A birthday party in honor of Mildred Fellenbaum, is being held along the big Chiques creek near Bender’s mill, today, Adjndiatious were filed in the sstate of Geo. R. Miller late of Rapho, $2,003. 20; and Catharine Helman, Rapho, $388.61, In order to wear ont their clothes, W. R. Heilig and Cl Greider were haryesting og Brandt’s farm last week, This office cnt almost; had of card board for the DeLong egal Poultry Farms, Thursday is used for packing hens’ fruit, Chas. A. Greider has severed 'h connections as freight clerk for the P. R. R. and is enjoying his sum- mer’s vacation prior to teaching school this Fall, Because a little tot was injured” at Elizabethtown recently, that bor- ough’s council passed an ordinance prohibiting ball playing on the streets or alleys of the town, After the Street committee gets through with its enmmer’s work, we doubt whether there is a borough in the county that can boast of bet— ter streets and crossings than Mount Joy. The pike company’s directors took dinner at the Red Lion hotel yester day. They were looking up the the situation as requested by trolle officials between here and Elizabeth. town. It might have been well for the borough to buy the street gprinkler that was sold at sheriff’s sale for contractor Kent, since jgperag is 80 much irregularity in street ling in the town, Not satisfied to receive supply of perfume gratis, dozen young ladies from toy obliged to do the ¢“louble march going to the fire last A skunk was very liberal, 1. D. Beneman’s sale has a success and many people h en advantage of it and saved He is now closing out- his stock of Sprirg and Summer ing regardlesk of cost, © R4 Forbs, of Phila of ch Extension w at the morning, delphia yesterRay. Mr, GarD¥l was one of the S40 ates. ile July See oland