— — TELLTALE THUHB-PRINTS. FINGER MARKS OF CRIMINALS LIFE LONG AIDS TO THEIR DETECTION. Individual Finger Marks Permanent Through Life—Adoption of System for Identification of U. S. Soldiers and Sailors. A few weeks ago Inspector Melaughlin of the New York City De- tective Bureau received remarkable evidence of the value of thumb-print identification, A letter was brought to him through the mails from London containing the: picture and record of a noted criminal whose thumb-print, with his name and description, was sent to London to test the efficiency of this new method of recording dis- tinguishing marks of criminals. By means of the thumb-print alone, the English police identified the eriminal captured by the New York police, whose record in England includes eight imprisonments on charges of larceny. The prisoner was caught by Inspector MeLaughlin in the corridor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in April. There were no charges against him in this country at the time, but the Inspector decided that his captive was an En- glish “crook.” It was found that two patrons of the hotel had been robbed and the prisoner was detained for a thorough investigation of his case. Meanwhile the Inspector sent the thumb-print to London and the reply brought a photograph of the “crook” and a duplicate photograph of his thumb-print and his record. THE BERTILLON SYSTEM. For some time the criminal bureaus of prominent cities have been using the Bertillon measurement system which also includes making two pho- tographs of the suspicious character, but the French system and photo- graphy have fallen short in many cases, as a scheming criminal can adopt various subterfuges to cheat the law, but there is no way of changing the character of his thumb-print, for there are no two people whose thumbs are exactly alike, and each person has his own individual thumb-print whose character remains the same from the day of birth to the end. OLD AS THE HILLS. There is nothing really new in this mode of identification, as from time immemorial the Chinese have known (/ MAGNIFIED THUMB MARK SHOWING DISTINGUISHED LINES. the fact that every man carries on his finger-tips the proofs of his identity, and passports in the Celestial land bave consisted of a government- stamped piece of oil paper on which the traveler has to record his digital- marks before setting forth on his journey. So in India, where deeds transferring land bave for centuries past been signed among the illiterate peasantry by a thumb-mark. Within recent years the government of In- dia has extended this native custom to postoffice savings bank books, mili- tary and civil pension certificates, emigrants’ contracts, mortgages on growing crops, and other transactions where false personation has to be guarded against or an authenticated acknowledgment of money received has to be made. Naturally, also, the system was promptly adopted for the {identification of criminals, and it was an Indian police officer, E. R. Henry, inspector-general of police in Bengal, who carried to England his experi- ences in the work, and when appointed -r what T should do if some sporting kind stage of their career, and the finger- print system is the only means of identification yet devised that makes this practicable. Not only is it virtually impossible that any man’s ten finger-prints, one after the other, should resemble in mere general mathematical form each of those of another man, the chance against any such coincidence being calculated by Professor Francis Gal- ton, the eminent anthropologist and mathematician, as one hundred and sixty-four million against one, but it is equally impossible that any two finger-prints should be identical in every detail. Recently the United States govern- ment has also adopted the thumb- print system for identification of the sailors and soldiers in service, as this might become useful not only in cases Uf desertion, but alse to more readily identify the be .es of those who have fallen on the field of battle. ——— ————————— SHERLOCK HOLMES. (Continued from preceeding page). of publisher were suddenly to stride in and make me a bid of forty shil- lings or so for the le*" When the book at last fell into the hands of Mr. Andrew Lang, then acting for Messrs. Longmans, Green & Company, the success of Micah Clarke was assured, and its author's literary career placed on a firmer footing. The “Sign of the Four” followed in 18%), in which story Sherlock Holmes, who had made his bow to the public in “A Study in Scarlet,” reappeared and increased Dr, Doyle's rising reputation. His heart, however, was in the historical novel, and in 1890 he followed up the success of Micah with “The White Company,” in the preparation of which be read one hundred and fifteen volumes, French and English, dealing with the fourteenth century in England. His delight in the work is expressed in his own words: “To write such books,” he once said, speaking of Micah Clarke and The White Company, “one must have an enthusiasm for the age about which he is writing. ¥e must think it a great one, and then” he must go de- liberately to work and reconstruct it. Then is his a splendid joy.” STUDY IN SCARLET FOR $125.00. However, Dr. Doyle may prefer to write historical romances, and what- ever his personal estimate of his great detective may be, the fact remains that in Sherlock Holmes he has created a character whose exploits are as familiar as household words, and who has entered into the very fibre of Anglo-Saxon life and literature. It is actually said that at times Dr. Doyle has expressed a wish that Tr. Watson had never met Sherlock Holmes. It is on record that he thought so little of “A Study in Secar- let,” the story in which Sherlock Holmes first appeared, that he sold it outright for $125. The value of “her- lock Holmes has gone up since those days, however. Dr. Doyle acknowledges some ir debtedness to Dupin, the detective in Poe’s short stories, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” and “The Purloined Letter.” This is the more interesting for the reason that in “A Study in Scarlet,” Sherlock Holmes is made to speak rather contemptuously of Dupin’s skill and acumen. To quote Dr. Doyle again: “In work which con- gists in the drawing of detectives there are only one or two qualiv s which one can use, and an author is forced to hark back upon them con- stantly, so that every detective must really resemble every other detect to a greater or less extent. There is no great originality required in de- vising or constructing such a man, and the only possible originality which one can get into a story about a detee- tive is in giving him original plots and problems to solve, as in his equip- ment there must be of necessity an alert acuteness of mind to grasp Ss and the relation which each of them bears to the other.” CONSTRUCTION OF SHERLOCK. Dr. Doyle went to work, therefore, to build up a scientific system in which everything might be logically reasoned out. Where Sherlock Holmes differed from his predecessors wes that he had an immense fund of exact knowledge upon which to draw, in consequence of his previous scientific education, He was practical, he was sy ematie, he was logical, and his success in the detection of crime was to *o the result, not of chance or luck, but of his characteristic qualities. “With this idea,” says Dr. Doyle, “I wrote a book on the lines I have indicated, and produced ‘A Study in Scarlet.’ That was the first appearance of Sher- lock; but he did not arrest much at- tention, and no one recognizel him as being anything in particular. About three years later, howe r, I was asked to do a small shilling book for Lippincott’s Magazine, which pub- lishes, as you know, a complete story in each number. I didn’t know what to write about, and the thought oec- curred to me, ‘Why not try to rig up the same chap again? I did it, and the result was ‘The Sign of the Four. Although the eriticisms were f-vor- able, I don’t think that even then Sher- lock attracted much attention to his individuality.” But this shows Mr, Doyle's modesty. GET INTO GOOD COMPANY, i THERES ARE NO TWO THUMM PRINTS ALIKE. chief commissioner of police in Lon don, introduced the method into New Scotland Yard. FINGER PRINTS NEVER CHANGE. Finger-marks continue permanent ‘through life. Injuries may partially destroy them, but as the injury heals the original lines reassert themselves as before. In growing youth the ball of the finger enlarges; so does the pat- tern, but its distinctive tracings are absolutely unchanged, whereas the Bertillon method is applicable only to adults, when bone measurements have become fixed. "Yet youthful criminals, for their own sake, as well as for soclety’s are worth watching at every | most interesting novel of Sir A. COMPANY,” full of excitement and adventure, love story running through it, which ends ¢ just right” and leaves everybody feeling good. . READY FOR THE OPENING CHAPTERS. ne sath In spite of all the talk and rumpus in the House of Representatives over an attempt to eliminate the free seed farce, with its attendant enormous expenditure, when it came to a yea and nay vote of the members a hig majority stood in favor of the appropriation. Bach year congress creates a diversion by Inveighing against the proposition, and ‘then enthusiastically votes it into the agricultural bill, FITS Per: ently Oured. No fits or nervousness after first day’ Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Re rer. Send cof bik 00 trial bottle and Bu i eka WE le band etn in early March—with the snow ouside the heavy curtains and regarded the i scene before her with astonished eyes. a blazing fire oi pine logs at one end; a room that bespose warmth and home and comiort gone oi these. table in the centre at which she gazed nypnotically, where masses of yellow crocuses glowed in reckless profusion. they raised tremendous goluen heads nom a big brass bowl; they nodded from long, 1 : x over the edges of a pewter jug in riot- ous confusion, poked the last slender green stalk into place, and, stepping back, regarded her Work with fine wiumph, fiushed face toward the doorway. sively, they grew.” wave of the window and the softly whirling as daddy, and they kept at it until in a moment of wild enthusiasm Daddy in- sisted that his crocus came up in March, March,” didn’t care, for ‘We are preparing for publica- {tion in this Magazine Section a [treat for our readers, and will ! | very shortly present to you that Conan Doyle’s, “ THE WHITE with a pretty JOIN US NOW AND GET Crocuses in Mareh. BY EDITH DOANE. “Anne! Whatever in the world—" “Crocuses!”’ she gasped. *‘Crocuscs— npn Tra op 204 h follow! Cro- | blame. “I did mot know—it was so an heh Sep Bq mere io IoLow! Cro insufferably stupid of me—" He Words failing her, she stepped inside | Stopped. (‘You are altogether charm- 1t was a preity room and long, with but the newcomer saw it was the mahogany 1 slender vases; they flamed The girl standing beside the table She turned a “Tne only trouble,” she said, impres- “will be to make him believe “Grew 2” “Yes, grew, naturally,” with a vague her hand in the direction of lakes outside, “He won't believe it,” “Who won't believe it?” “He has the crocus hobby as seriously L Once—" apologetically—‘‘we did have a crocus the last day of “But who—" began Dora again, “Daddy saw he doubted it, but he by that time he had be- gun to believe it himself; so when he said he was coming to New York in Mareh he invited him out, insisted, set the date and all. This is the date, and,” Anne dimpled, “here are the crocuses.” “Anne,” insisted her chum, firmly, “will you please stop saying ‘he’ and ‘him’ and tell me who and what you are talking about?” “John Rexall,” essayed Anne. “The man daddy met in camp and liked so well that he chummed with him, even though he shot more game than daddy did himself. He has money and good looks and n “Crocuses,” suggested Dora. Anne dimpled again, “If only I could make him believe they really grew!” The door at the further end of the room opened to admit a gray-haired man, rugged but kindly featured, who came down the room, watch in hand, Anne smiled at him across the crocuses. “You may just as well put that watch out of sight,” she cried, as she placed a bowl of flowers on the piano. “No more calls to-night, Daddy, in this storm, and ‘company comin’,’ too.” Slipping her arm through her father’s she led him close to the nodding blos- soms. “Pretty fine crocuses—for March,” she said, her eyes dancing with mischief, as she reached up and be- stowed a kiss upon him so vigorous as to leave him very little breath for pro test. Dr. Nelson pretended great in- dignation. ‘Tut! tut! It isn't fair to take advantage of an old man,” he chuckled, but his eyes were full of ten- derness as Anne laid her cheek softly against his. “You remember Milligan, the flag- man?” Dr. Nelson said at last, again glancing at his watch. Anne nodded. “He has been seriously hurt—is dying. I must go at once, I shall be late.” “There is always somebody—" be= gan Anne, “Exactly!” Dr, Nelson thrust his watch back into his pocket and smiled at her disappointed face. “Explain it to John Rexall, and take good care of him. With him to look after you I shall not worry as to your safety.” And with a quick goodby he was gone, The sound of his departing horses’ hoofs had hardly died away when John- son appeared with a telegram, SFor de doctah, Miss Anne,” he an- nounced. stretched tray and opened it. “Whom is it from?” queried Dora, yellow ball among the crocuses. swered, with as much indignation as if that young man had just been con- victed of some heinous crime, “and it says that great and august personage is delayed by the storm and will not be here to-night.” “And you will be left alone—" “There are the servants. mind,” returned Anne, grounds so large,” Dora deliberated, who has solved a knotty problem. Anne protested faintly. “Yes, I will,” Dora insisted. only eighteen, but he will be company.’ Anne. room. On every side flowers gleamed in yellow splendor. “When I consider these wasted March crocuses,” began Dora, Anne giggled. “And the florist’s bill for the same,” At this Dora gave way and relapsed into a helpless fit of laughter, where- upon Anne laughed, too, half hysterical- ly, helpless to stop herself—laughed un- til the crocuses shook in their tall vases —and both girls sank into chairs, laugh- ing and breathless. “It’s a judgment—because I wanted him to believe—they grew,” cried Anne, wiping her eyes. An hour later Anne descended the wide, open staircase, Her trailing gown hung in soft, straight lines; a row of tiny pearls clasped her throat; some crocuses were tucked in ner belt, and one crocus nestled in her hair. At the bottom step Johnson waited, I done put him in de library.” “What is his name?” name, him.” Her face cleared; Tom, of course, brary, casting flickering, ruddy ray: waiting in the shadow. forward, offering his bound. A vislon in soft shimmering whit pressed close to his side—his hand, hi unmistakable hug, good boy to come,” the vision said. ‘T—" he began helplessly. rassed cheeks and indignant eyes. manded wrathfully. Tom.” words with which to annihilate thi presuming interloper. *“‘You know “I thought it wa dignantly, “Would thought the new comer. Curiosity tempered the wrath face above her, man, evidently—and extremely good to look at. gled with admiration in the clear-cut The speaker, her fur coat white with features, as he stepped forward and snow, stood transfixed in the doorway. | 283in held out his hand. as contritely as if he really were to home. simply. declared the man eagerly. allow me to present myself. at the library door, bowing pomporsly as he held aside the hangings to admit a slender, vanced a step into the room and then stood uncertainly in the dim light. equaled by that of the man beside her, He turned with a quick start, glanced sharply at the newcomer, motionless in the shadow. disappointment Anne advanced to wel- come the new arrival. counted so on your coming—we were quite So glad you managed to get here after all.” conventionalities. whom she ¢ haps it was the flickering firelight that Anne took the envelope from the out- Anne twisted the missive into a little and threw it defiantly “It is from Mr. John Rexall,” she an- I do not “But this house is so isolated and the will send Tom over to stay with Ln she announced, with the relief of one “He is “Qf course I should like it,” agreed Dora swept a parting glance over the “Gentleman to see you, Miss Anne. “I disremembered to ask him his 5 He said yo' all was expectin' » Only the firelight illuminated the upon the slender figure that came slows ly toward the centre of the room; a very sweet and attractive figure, indeed, it seemed to the eyes of the man standing Nearer and nearer she came, and the man stepped hand in easy, pleasant greeting, and then stood spell- arm, was grasped in a warm though “You were a dear, The next moment an embarrassed young man faced an equally embar- young woman with crimson “Why didn’t you speak?” she de- She stopped in a vain search for thought you were Tom,” she added in- that I were,” fervently in Anne's eyes as she raised them to the The face of a gentle- Just now amusement strug- “Please forgive me,” he began, quite ng,” said his eyes.) Anne's face softened. Anne smiled. “Dr, Nelson is not at I am his daughter,” she said “Then we are already old friends,” “In camp ast September your father—but first I am ry “Mistah Rexall,” announced Johnson, dark-eyed man, who ad- The surprise on Anne's face was then stood With a most unreasonable sense of “Father will be delighted. He has distressed over your telegram. She forced herself to the usual So this was John Rexall, this man instinctively dreaded—per- g.ve that shifting gleam to his eyes. She touched a bell. “A light, John- son,” she commanded, half nervously. “Mr, Rexall, allow me to present—" Her words trailed off into amazed si- lence. The room behind her was empty. A door closing softly at the further end where the erstwhile admirer had gone. * Ed s H *® » “I am sure Dr. Nelson will intercede psteady, were immovably fastened on for me,” he went om, pursuing his ad- vantage, her entrance—a bull’s-eye lantern throwing its powerful rays on the floor beside him—knelt the late arrival—her father's friend—before her father’s safe. Facing her, beside a window, from whose curtained recesses he had evi- dently just stepped, covering the other with the point of a gleaming pistol-bar- rel, stood her nameless cavalier of the early evening. His eyes, bright and the man before him. “Hands up!” he said. An inarticulate sound came from the other man’s throat; his face grew livid. He flung up his hands, palm outward. “Who the devil are you?” he cried, be- neath his teeth. His eyes were fixed with deadly hatred upon his foe. For a moment no sound but that of the falling embers of the dying fire dis- turbed the stillness that reigned within the library. Anne stood motionless, her heart thumping wildly, wondering what the end would be. Then, suddenly the si- lence was broken by the distant sound of horses’ roofs coming nearer. A noise of wheels on the gravel outside, a quick-spoken order to the driver, and some one came along the porch, through the hall and into the room. Anne gave a quick little cry of relief and joy. “Daddy!” she cried. He stopped in amazement, looking from the men to Anne, and then from Anne back to the men. The nameless one did not relax his vigil. He was rather pale, but perfectly self-possessed, and kept his eyes on the man before him, but at Anne’s glad cry of “Dad- dy!” a slight smile crossed his face. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, across the grim quiet of that awful silence came an unmistakable chuckle, and the doctor's voice: “Nothing surprising, Rexall, I warned vou things were pretty lively here—in March.” . . oT a * . The day, begun so strenuously, was fast drawing to an end. The shadows closed softly in on the white world out- side; inside the bright light of the One o'clock chimed the tiny time- piece on the mantel. Outside the sound was repeated somewhere in the dis- tance to graver, deeper tones. Anne ghivered. Two hours had passed since the household had settled into silence, but so far no sleep had come to her eyes. She had not even undressed, but still sat upon the hearth rug in front of the fire in her cozy bedroom, staring into the glowing coals, It was dreary waiting, but some vague fear had kept her awake, hop- ing nervously for her father’s return, listening anxiously for the first sound of his horses’ hoofbeats on the gravel putside. Indeed, if he did not come soon she had the horrible conviction that she would scream. In vain she tried to reason it away, sitting, her face in her hands, her eyes on the clear glowing coals, What matter if she in- stinctively distrusted the man her fa- ther had found companionable? Was that such an extraordinary thing? What if the man she had found con- genial—*'for you know you did like him,” she said to herself, *‘even if you did—" Here her cheeks supported by the slim hands grew unaccountably hot. What if this man had chosen to take his departure suddenly? Was that so strange? He had come to see her father, and she herself told him that her father was not at home. But reason as she might, the vague misgiving remained. At the sound of the clock she shivered slightly, and getting up from her lowly position she drew back the curtains of her window. The storm had ceased, and the snow lay lightly on branch and wall; the night was brilliant with moon- light, clear as day, full of hallowed softness, She stood for a while, spellbound by the glory of the scene before her, then turned again toward the fire. The crocuses she had worn that evening in ing table, caught her eye. the library will be too cold for them. better than waiting here.” along the hall, her soft slippers making no sound on the floor. As she reached the staircase a little sensation of fear ran through her; she hastened her footsteps and ran hurried- ly along the lower hall, which was al- most as light as day. It was the eerie time of ‘night. the door. she thought, going steadily on and de- cidedly cheered by the thought that gloom did not await her. Pushing open the door very gently, she entered the room. At first the light dazzled her sight. She advanced a few steps, unconscious- ly treading lightly, as she had done all along, lest she would wake some mem- ber of the household, and then, pass. S| ing her hand over her eyes, looked leis- urely up. The fire was nearly out. She turned her head, and then—then—she uttered a faint scream and grasped the back of a chair to steady herself. her belt, now lying wilted on her dress- “I forgot to look at the flowers—if the fire dies down I will attend them now; anything is She left her room and walked swiftly Not until she was close to the library did she notice a tiny gleam of light creeping from beneath “Johnson has left a light for daddy,” great pine fire streamed cheerily over the room, Anne tucked herself comfortably in one corner of the huge Davenport. *‘if this thing keeps up much longer,” she announced, dramatically, “I shall lose my voice.” ne bad as that?” laughed John Rex- all. “Hyery bit. This last harrowing re- cital to Tom makes the third since luncheon, “1 can understand,” she went on, re- flectively, “‘that that man might have gotten hold of your telegram in some way, either at the station or on the road, and so discovered that you were expected and delayed, and in that way conceived the idea of impersonating you. That part is clear enough. But what I cannot understand is how he knew we did not know you by sight.” “His face was familiar, I have seen him somewhere before. Probably he was hanging around the camp last fall, and judged I would know only the doc- tor. He had to take some risks—prob- ably conceived the whole idea at once when he saw the doctor leave. Sort of ‘spontaneous inspiration,’ as it were.” “His weak point was in not knowing you had come.” “He did not know it at first. I fancy he had a fairly clear idea of my pres- ense later in the game.” - “But is he—" “Never mind him now,” he pleaded. “By your own statement you are in danger of losing your voice over him; and I want you to save your voice,” he continued, softly, “for better pur- poses.” Anne looked up at him. queried. = “I want you to save it to talk to me— to promise me something,”” he went on, earnestly. A wave of delicate color dyed Anne’s face from brow to chin. Her eyes fell before his, “To let me know you better—to write to me. Then, perhaps, next year, when the crocuses come again, you'll promise me more—when you know me,” His face was very grave. “Well, perhaps,”—Anne’s dimples showed in sudden mischief—*in March,” she added, “when the crocuses come in “Yes?” she i Only Sore Core, - “3 FAVE Positive and Permanent, Pas Absolutely Pours. Ayes $1.90 Package kid $3.00 Packagecuresar case or money refund Sent postpaid on receipt of price. AGENTS WaNT- ED. Liberalterms, aera! 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