——— bo eseretecessestrtessctssertrrsssetrroreiy $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cur stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cats is the only positive cure now known to the medica! fia*ernity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous * surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tae disease, and living the patient | strength Ly building up the constitution and assisting nature in doiny its work. The propri- etors have so much faith in ics curative powers thatthe; offer One Hundred Dollars for any cas ihat it fails gure, Send tor list of testimonal Address F. J. Ch v& CO., Toledo; O.; Sold by 11D hs Take Hull F amily Pilis for constipation. | i 00060000000 0000000000000000000009000000¢ AT I. DOD. BENEMAN’S 9000 Just returned from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York where I have purchased a Large and Up To Date Stock of ering 6 Clothing For Men, Youths an1 Children. Single & Double Breasted in Blue Serge, Gray and Fancy Mixed Goods oi oc0ee : : Socooe § » SORE NIPPLES A cure may be effected by applying ! Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best Also Plack Thibets, Cheviots & Scotch Goods in the most nobby shades We invite you all. Our prices will astonish you, for we can under- 1 sell other clothiers. Ihave bought the best goods for the lowest figures. 0666000000006 0060600608 NETZOW gail Pea BIE NETZOW CABINET gg = = Bl CABINET GRAND fii eam GRAND 200000000000 0000050000000002000000000000PCVOVIVVPVIVIVI09906000C9 results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by J. S.'Carmany, Florin, and all Mount Joy | Druggis sts. a call will convince you. You can ask your neighbor who got their suits of us. There is nc need of you going away elsewhere when you Our Home Markets. , Butter. we ceess J20c per ib, .8per Ib, ..4c perib. Sc per doz. can get them right at home. Besides that we can save you money and we will greatly appreciate your patronage. As to style afid qualities we have the kind of suits or trousers hat are guaranteed to wear and to hold its shape Also our pices are guar- 09609 Selling Pri a anteed to be the cheapest of all. ql fi : Ih 8 or oe Z rts Ree 200 ro Our stock is now complete in every line. Shoes and Oxfords to a Mixel 1 feed. Middlings.... Gluten fit everybody in every style you may desire. Hats ard Caps, also a Cotton seed meal 3000 large line. Dress ~hirts for men an d boys. A Large Line of Urdcr- Linseedmeal.......cccaniuane 3200 Ajack Flake Oat feed.. wear. Ladies’ Skirts and Misses’ and I.adies’ Spring Jackets Shirt Waists and Waist Suits in the most latest style. Belts for ladies, men nd boys. In all those lines mentioned we will have special bargains a y > 000000600000 00000600000000000000000¢ AAR 22 2 ST000090900909440000044900444 9090000000069 9090990000 I. D. BENEMAN Dealer In Clothing and Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps: Ladies and Gents Furnishings East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. 0900000900900 00000000950000940000002¢ 220000000000000¢ CHOICE HAMS Let meSurnish.you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular ¢ ustomer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I wiil do all my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Pre pared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &e., &c. Call and. be convinced, H. H. KRALL East Main 8t,, Opposite Post Office, MOUN™ JOY, PA. wo A cure guaranteed if you use 0 he Suppository ¢ D. Matt. Thom pson Bupt. we Garbher’s Improved Poultry NETZow CABINET GRAND! Something New "STHE ST IMPROVED #000000000000000 Height, 4 ft. 9 in. Width, 5 ft. 3in. Depth, 2 ft. 3 1-2 in. DESCRIPTION—New scale 7 taves ; three unisons; German imported strings; over-strung bass; specially constructed repeating action with nickel-plated brackets and hammer rail; aluminum muf- fler rail; nickel-plated pressure bar; pedals and guard ; extra quali- 3 I } g 1 2990906000 090008909000000000000000 TIT T eT TNE IT Terre reso P TIONS 0900000080000 900000060000000000094 ® ty felt hammers; three pedals; best ivory Keys; artistic case, Interior Veneered in Maple; full extension automatic music desk with raised carved panel; rolling fall board; nickel-plated continuous hinges on fall board. Manufactured in Mahogany, Walnut aud Oak Veneered WARRANTED TEN YEARS. HO00000000000000 3% 66 VICTOR "2° PRICE $17.00 Equipped with an entirely New Motor Carrying an S-inch Turntable RETAIL PRICE, ®370.00 of 28 years, I have found no remedy to Paice, 60 Czxts. Samples Free. * MARTIN RUDY, LANCAST We Will Furnish Repairs —TFOR McCormick, Deering, Osborne & Bf » Milwaukee Mowers, Binders, arb Rakes & Hay Tedders POULTRY POWDER,—We claim that this Powder will largely increase egg production, strengthens weak and droop- ing 1ouls, promotes the health and growth and development of all varities of Poul try, and insure fine ccndition and smooth plumage: Compounaed upon the most scientific chemical principles, being highly tonie, stimulating, antiseptic and alterative makes it a moat powerfull and natural preventive and curative agent, beside being specially adapted to mak- ing hens lay. As an egg food for making hens lay it has no superior. For carry- ing fouls safely through moulting; fitting for exhibition and market, increasing the size and strength, and hastening the groth of young poultry, it has no equal; is absolutely pure and highly concentrat- ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. Strictly a medicine, to be given in the food, once daily, in small doses. Prevents and cures all diseases of hens. Worth its weight 1n gold when hens are moulting and to keep them healthy there is no other food on the market like it 1} lbs. 25¢., 3 1bs. 65c. BAKING POWDER! There is but one White Mountain Bakirg Powder on the market and I claim is the purest without fear ofcontradiction. It positively contains no alum, no amonia, or impurities of any kind. I use the best material in manufacturing it and once using will always use. PRICE, 50 Cents a 1 Lb. 1 The Best Talking Machine Manufac— tured for the money All grocery stores handle it. Not sold at drug store CABINET: Polished Quartered Qak, hinged top. MOTOR: Noiseless, new design, ys several records with one winding Crystal Any farmer having a McCormick Machine that is out of repair, can have same Repaired Free of Charge unless new parts are wanted, if we are notified before June First Aly Pl $3060000600000060000000000600920000000000000000000000000000000600000 SOUNDB OX: Concert; Exhibi- lion if preferred. HORN: 16-inch Black Japanned & Steel; Brass Be ll 50¢ extra. 2d to serveat very Will run a wag- Joy and Florin |your patronage [§ We Have a New Style of ted as this is the §& ’ Er 50 0 0 EE EG TTR e. mys von of | - Pulverizing Harrow .... RECORDS : [ also have on hand a Complete As- sortment of Up-To-Date Records. Call and hear them. P0009000900000000000000000009909990090093969009600002000000¢ 2099009090000 0900000000000000000000)000000¢ E WW. GARBER, EAST MAIN STREET, MCUNT JOY, PENNA. IND ORY CLEANING | 8 Mount Joy, Penna. 5 DTV ufone nett iseivtiniA tai tipinittess Which is Specially Adapted for Pulverizing Tobacco Ground RANK, ¢ A ——Also a . - Universal Cultivators With Tobacco Hoeing Attachment ara LIR, aA $909050994000000 00 20000 3009009009009 00006 9599099909 SPITE SPPI IIIT SISIIPIISOIIINS 0000600000090 00000 onable is what looks like, and E . LEANING and | S58 I'él er 0 e city. Better & ® ® ® 000090906000 000000000000090900000090000906000006000000000000000060¢ I POLI HOHE TOr Sas AHIGEY corer revacet Larrea srr sORENAERS % (Re CASTER, PA. anos, Organs, Phonographs Orr) EL il Tremont, ret rato: PS ENOUGH TO TURN THE GIRLS’ HEADS [INNIS modeled the number of w prepared ar guests, t re he will = ey Co., $990000000044040000040004000054040000000000000000000: | § Jlusasacsasinstaisitatiotspusnitoe pstiprnt peti SEHR HE BE CH OS OH BBR BEBH TOT 4 Xp Xp 4Xa 4Xs Xp $F TEIOT Ok % Ok x0 Ok > % Nr V2r PE eS ARF WEF aE wb vw $20 3%e oxy exe o 5% FON SOK {Ok Xe OOF OEE OTE pery style, babs, OTOTOTOTE BOG = SAVE DOLLARS mis, | A pos card inquiry or call at our house may save you $100.00 . on a piano, O1@®] = ROX» er pt Kirk Johnson & Company % Sat A Aah aE NW Spring Suits are now on the bill and we've a large styles for your choosing. Clothes are one of the most important factors in the make up of the Twentieth Cen Say Man. In our Spring Suits are incorporated every knack and trend of fashion in Single and 1’ouble Breasted models. The fabrics are new and come ina diversity of color schemes and weaves. Smooth surface and undressed worst— eds, Cheviots and plain or fancy designs, Cassimeres in new tones and effects, Suits $3.25, 4 00, 6.00, 6. 75, 8.50 to 15, It's Straw Hat Time Wearing the old hot Derby or Soft Hat yet? Or your last Summer Straw? You're losing money in either case you'll buy a new one sooner or later, and the sooner you buy it the more wear you'll get out of it. Weve Every Kind That's Good 3 cents up to 2 50. Don’t believe there's another such a showing of choice Straws in the town. Weve an up-to-date line of summer shoes and oxfords. Lt of Ac- luding Everything Musical ki 9, it FE Fr arking 24 West King Street, LL ANC ASTER. PA. KE $10 Largest Dealers Between Philadelphia and Pittsburs . Co 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006006666 | ay9- i i Everybody Ought to Investigate (ones We invite you to come to this store, whether you want to h t. YOU'RE WELCOME. Come inspect our goods. Base fut uy or vot. YOU'RE ture purchases here on our abilit Pp o i to serve you right. This list of offerings should interest vou: y | A 26 or 28-inch Umbrella, black, g od | Clean’ Fre: u Groceries is Wiat Peosle for sun or rain, good silky cover, won't|Demund, and vou Will Find Them He e turn gray or green. A bargain at $1.00 | Phebest salt we ater crak ng yest sa 8 A lot of All-Silk Ribhons, g-inch wide| g, S Shetsy qe per 1b, at only 16¢ per yurd. ick of Standard Flour 28c. : : . : Sack of Gol edal F x Riv We have just in A Special Lot of Men's | eek o ould Meds) Flour :8c. Dress Shirts, While they last soc cach, oO P a8: room 15C. : : nd Q N Ask to see our Combination Collar | ne Pound of Find Egg Noodles, 13c. Black Satine Shirt at soc. I you are fond of a Fine White Mack- Our Figured Swisses, both white and |¢T¢! We have them small but extra fine, | colored figures, still continue to attr act | At 10¢ each, much attention, The pricesdoit. 12%4c| Did you try the 25¢ Grade of Coffee at and 15¢ a yard. 18¢? Ii not," why not? 5. B. Bernhart & Co., “THE STORE OF QUALITY" H. E. Ebersole, Mount Joy, Pa. ! Next Door to Union Natiooal Bank, variety of handsome 4Xe STa 4% 4X4 sXe SNe Ry gE sXe Xp GOGO HHGSESSSSSHBHRRTTLLT oF Bat OF at 9 0000000000000 00906000009000090080690 $349992409999909000000u0nas. when a fellow walks past, dressed in an International suit. No clothes look & so well, none so shapely and perfect-fitting.” Every International garment bears the unmistakable stamp of fine custom tailor g all over it. We are the only representatives in town of the justly celebrated INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO. OF NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO XT OOCOOVOO who set the fashions in men’s clothes and are absolute leaders in their line. We take your measure and they make the garments to your order, with a guarantee of fit and satisfaction in every particular. Come in and see the samples, whether you wish to order or not. $40009999680990099993400000 *e 000000000 090009090090009090000909009009090900000000000000000000000 TOT POIOIOTET A = Er Ei El EG WOLE YORRD Main and Market Streets, Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA. MOUNT JOV, Pa, | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007 Li 8H B18 ih be i hbddd dt Lil Te SE oXo 4Fe Fe $y SEe gE, Béoses &09 2000600080000 ¢ Seccoscssosconse \ 4