The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, May 09, 1906, Image 1

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VOL V. NO. 50.
Routine Business—Several Contracts A-
warded — Other Business
The regular May meeting of our
Borough Council was held Monday
evening with all the members pres-
ent and an exceptionally good rep-
resentation of citizens.
utes of the last
The min-
regular and two
| read same.
passed over the Burgess’ veto (nit,
illegal) was sent to the trolley peo-
ple for approval, and returned to
the clerk as not being acceptable.
Clerk Fellenbaum tried to smother
that fact by not mentioning that
same was returned, but when ques-
tioned by Mr. Titzel, the clerk,
| with a rose-tinted expression, soon
; | “‘coughed up”
special meetings were read and ap- |
what he claimed
was a personal communication and
He should have been
The Burgess returned without! given to understand then and there
his approval, the order to relay sev
eral pavements at the borough’sex |
ered and passed over the Burgess’
The report of Burgess Shrite was !
received and showed that he had |
collected $76 the past councilmanic
Mr. Mumma of the Street com-
mittee, reported as follows : Gave
grades for a number of new pave-
ments and did part of the work or-
dered by Council. He recommend |
ed that the road at H. S. Garber’s |
south of Marietta street, be macad-
amized; a new light placed at the
extreme end of S. Barbara street;
new crossing plate at Martin Hies~
tand’s residence and a light was
asked for in the alley rear of Hen-
ry Martin’s. All the recommenda-
tions were ordered with the excep-
tion of the latter which will be in-
vestigated by the Light committee
Mr. Detwiler of the Water com-
mittee, reported leak at Main in A.
M. Hershey's field repaired; fixed
the arch under the boiler; hydrant
at water works repaired; made taps
for Martin Hiestand on Marietta
street; Jacob Kover on Donegal
street and Franck Schock on Frank
Mr. Hoffer mentioned that one
case of typhoid fever was reported
to the Board of Health and a nui-
sance was reported on the J. M.
Brandt farm but both received the
proper attention.
Mr. Zeller reported the approval
of a number of bills with the excep
tion of B. F. Groff’'s. Mr. Zeller
had a nipple taken off at the water
works and took same to Lancaster
in order to get prices on duplicates:
He stated that he could have bought
them at $1.75 each and that Mr.
Groff charged $6.50, which would
have been a saving of $4.75. Mr.
Zeller presented the nipple.
The treasurer’s report showed a
balance of $890.52 in the borough
account and $80 61 in the Water
The Street committee was or-
dered to get out posters relative to
removing ashes.
Bids for stone were received and
were as follows: E. H. Zercher, 68
cents a yard for large aud broken
stone. J. N. Stauffer & Bro., 70c
a yard for broken stone and $1.00
a yard for crushed stone. Stauffer
Bros. were awarded the contract
for the ensuing year.
The bids on bolen block were as
follows: H. S. Newcomer, $26 per
1000; G. Moyer, $24.75 per 1000.
‘I'he committee was ordered to buy
a car from the latter if same are as
good as the ones now used.
The chairman of the Water com-
mittee was instructed to superin—
tend testing the new pumps, engine
and fire hydrants. The committee
was ordered to place several sec-
tions of old hose at the water works
to be used in case of fire,
The annual report of the Bor-
ough account was read and Clerk
Fellenbaum was ordered to have
same printed.
The motion was reconsid- |
that communications with reference
to the borough, no matter to whom
addressed, are not ‘‘personal’’
Mr. Titzel, representing the trol-
ley company, appeared before coun
cil and made the following propo-
sition: If council will permit the
company to come in Delta and
thence west on Marietta and Done-
gal streets, they would finish ma-
cadamizing Delta street or would
pay the borough $1,000.00 for the
privilege. Brown, ILongenecker
Hamaker and Detwiler objected as
the east end would be cut out en-
tirely and council adjourned with-
out taking any action on the mat-
ter. With all the regular and spe-
cial meeting, caucuses, etc., the
trolley situation is the same today
as it was a year ago. All the work
was done for naught.
Have Formed a League
After a long debate on a number
of important questions concerning
the advisability of forming a league
it was decided in favor of the or-
ganization, and tke following officers
were elected: President; Q. O.
Reitzel; Secretary and Treasurer,
Greer; Directors, Mr. Ebersole, of
Elizabethtown; C. W. Hicks, of
Maytown; John Fox, of Cordelia; J.
Shultz Wertz, of Washington bor-
ough; Oliver Freet, of Wrightsville,
and John Harm, of Columbia. It
was decided to play twenty-four
games each. The season will epan
May 19, and will end September 8.
The Secretary is preparing a sched-
ule at present.
Our New Tinsmith
A" Morris Brown, a well known
and popular young man of Glen
Rock, York county, has purchased
the entire tinning outfit of the late
Christian Buoh! and has leased the
place of business formerly occupied
by Mr. Buobl, where he will, in a
few days, be prepared to do all
kinds of tin and sheet iron work,
roofing, spouting, and furnace work
while he makes a specialty of repair
ing, The young man is a first-class
mechanic and deserves a share of
your patronage. He hails from the
same town as does our wide awake
and progressive marble dealer, Mr.
Glatfelter. We wish the young
man a bright future.
Stole a Team
Milton Stehman, who resides a
short distance east of this borough,
came to town on Saturday night
and left his team in the shed at the
Red Lion Hotel. When he came
for it the team was gone. The au-
thorities were immediately notified
and a search began, The team was
stolen and taken to Marietta, where
the thief tried to sell it to livery=
man Grady. From there it was
traced to Maytown but after that
' Happenings of the Week Toid in a Brief
Yet Iteresting Mannner.
John Zeller has accepted a posi-
tion at plumbing at Lancaster.
The estate notice of Joseph Ben-
der may be found in our advertising
| colums.
Ringling Bros. Big circus will
exhibit at Lancaster on Saturday,
May 19.
For Sale Very Cheap—A cook
stove good as new. Apply at this
H. C. Schock was elected a direct-
or of the Conestoga Traction com-
pany on Monday.
Philip Frank on West Main street
presented his daughters with a fine
organ on Monday.
P. J. Dieter is about again after
being confined to the
week with lumbago,
Chas. L, Dierolf and H. C, Schock
are the executors of Barbara Peifly,
lately of this borough.
house one
Mrs. Mutch and two scons of New
Holland spent last week with the/
family of Rey. Runk.
Dr. J. M. McCanna, D. F, Gable
and C. K. Bennett recently installed
independent telephones.
A few evenings ago there was a
fine chase in town between a horse
and a man, the latter yielding.
George Stoner has been appointed
a supervisor of East Donegal to
sbeceed E. S. Weaver, resigned.
The bydrant at the Henry Eberle
cemetery is being removed from
where it is now to nearer the center.
Elmer Givens and his employes
are beautifying Councilman Det—
wiler’s residence with 3 coat of paint.
A good attendance is requested by
Otsego Tribe No. 59 on: Friday
evening, May 13. Something doing,
Darrenkamp, the green grocer,
was about town on Saturday with
strawberries and tomatoes—the first
this seasou.
The regular monthly meeting of
the school board was held on Mon-
evening when regular routine busi-
ness was transacted.
The Men’s Union Prayer meeting
has vacated the third floor of the
M. L. Greider building and same is
now cffered for rent.
Undertaker H. C. Brunner has
charge of tne funeral of Mrs. Sides
of Chicago, who died at Lancaster
and is being buried there today.
A man supposed to be Josejh
Blake was killed by the cars at
Conewago, on the Mount Joy branch
of the Pennsylvania railroad,
noon yesterday.
Harry Miller is beautifying his
residence on Columbia Avenue. A
new porch was recently erected and
concrete pavement and walks will
be put down ere lorg.
J. M, Brandt, last week had the
misfortune of loosing two valuable
cows on his farm near Pleasant
View. They found their way into
the hog entry where they ate an
over dose of chop.
E. L. Hewsey, R. F. D, carrier at
Rheems, has traveled 22,420 miles
since he began on November 1,1902,
He has worn out three sets of tires
on his wagon and is now having

nothing could be learned of team’s
whereabouts. Constables are still
The team was abandoned in a
field near Middletown and brought
here by Mr, Stehman yesterday,

Communications were received
from Samuel Dixon, State Health
Commissioner, relative to water
and sewerage. The two committees
were ordered to give the matter
proper attention.
The following bills were then
paid: Mabel Whiteleather, distrib-
uting notices 1,00; Star, printing
tax notices $3.00; B. M. Metzler,
labor and supplies 5.27; Eli Will
jams, supervisor 4.95; Muller Mfg.
Co., supplies 4 33; J. J. Pennell,
jaf; 5.00; Frank Good, labor
« and salary 32.50; J. E. Hoffer, 2
Arrested in York County
Albert Heisey of this place, was
arrested in York on Thursday, be-
ing charged with larceny by bailee
by Harry Walterneier. It is said
that Heisey is also wanted in this
county on charges of larceny and
false pretense. He has been travel-
ing over York county under the
name of Haines, and was identified
by a double thumb that he sports
on one hand.
tain —
. Thief Exchanges Horses
A bay horse about 20 years old

mos. salary 6.00; Samuel Eshle-
man, David Brady and Henry M.
Stauffer, auditing, each 2.00; Sam-
uel Fasnacht, labor 1.25; B. F.
Groff, labor and supplies 52.42.
The trolley ordinance that was
with a white face, was stolen from
E. H, Witmer’s stable at Eogle’s
store premises at Rheems Monday
night, A 38-year-old horse was left
{in its place, The thief is known,
80 look out for trouble.
new felloes put on.
ewis Geib ran against the iron
railing in front of Mount Joy Hall
on Monday evening throwing him
to the pavement. In the fall he cut
a deep gash in the back of his head
which bled profusely.
A valuable horse was stolen from
the barn at the residence of Mr.
Derr on the Frank farm near town
on Thursday night, The animal
was afterward returned to the
Ira Metzgar, who has been erect-
ing steam heating plants for the
Monitor Works at Landisville for a
number of years, was promoted and
on Monday assumed the position of
traveling salesman for the company.
Mr, Hoffman, of near Maytown,
who recently purchased the Nissloy
farm in East Donegal township, is
erecting an immense tobacco shed,
the dimensions of which will be
38x250 feet, Mr. Hoffman will
raised about twenty-five acres of

Mount Joy’s Contributions
a Mt. Joy, May 5, 1906
Editor of the ¢Bulletin”:
Dear Sir:—The following amounts
raised by the several churches of
Mount Joy for the San Francisco
sufferers have been reported to me :
Presbyterian , |,
Lutheran ,
Methoaist . .
Church of God ,
United Brethren ,
Evangelical . ,
Four of the above amounts have
been forwarded personally by the
undersigned to Ex-Mayor Phelan of
San Francisco and "the other two
have been forwarded by two of the
pastors through their
church boards.
Chas. F. Reitz.l,
Treas. Ministerial Ass.
In addition to the above, St. Luke’s
Episccpal Mission of this place has
raised $127.00 w hich makes a grand
total of $434.77 raised by the
churches of our borough.
With the contributions received
by the First National Bank, herald-
ed in these columns last week, our
town has thus far contributed 560.77
Keep it Moving
In addition to what these colums
referring to Decoration Day
cises, we would say that the New-
town Band has been engaged by
Otsego Tribe for that day. Last
evening representatives of all
choirs in town met in the Presby-
terian church and made arrange-
ments for practice and other work.
At Saturday night's meeting, the
P. O. 8. of A. decided to parade
and it is quite likely that the Camps
from Elizabethtown and Landisville
will participate. An effort should
be made to make this event surpass
anything ever held here on
Landisville School Board
The Landisville school board has
decided to build a new two-story,
four roomed school building at that
place. The board visited Mount—
ville, Marietta and Bainbridge and
inspected the new school buildings
at those places. The building will
be 50 by 60 feet in dimension and
will be located on the old school
grounds. This is a much needed
improvement, as the old buildings
were not in condition for school
purposes and were always over—
crowded, Work of tearing the old
building down will be started at
\ Has Gone to Virginia
Jharles Cassel, son of W. W.
Cassel and wife, left Saturday for
Roanoke, Va., where he hag secured
a clerkship with the Norfoikad
Western Railroad Company. The
young man is a graduate of the local
schools and just two wecks ago
completed a course at F. & M. His
host of friends here join the Bulletin
in wishing him a bright ard
perous future.
A Popular Candidate
J. G. Zeller of Florin, Mount Joy
township, a brother of the late John
Hl. Zeller of this borough, will be
a candidate for jury commissioner
at the primary to be held July 28,
Mr, Zeller 18 very well known
throughout this section and will un-
doubtedly make a strong candidate.
Some years ago he was 203 votes
shy of the nomination having re-
ceived over 7000 on
that occasion,
Base Ball Notes
The All Star aggregation defeated
a picked nine on the dump Satur-
day afternoon in five innings by a
score of 4 to 2.
The juveniles of this place defeat-
ed a like club from Maytown on
Saturday by a score of 16 to 15.
The game was played near the old
P. R. R. depot.
ce lr
Call for Your Money
Morris Leviton, who was collect-
ing for the purpose of bringing his
family here from Russia, has gone
to Lancaster. As he did not collect
erough money, he will return it to
the donorg, having placed it in the
hards of H, M, Stauffer, where they

are requested to call for same,
Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout
Our Community
Lois Wiley is spending the sum-
mer at Dillsburg.
The new siding at Hershey's
coal yards is about completed.
Casper Cottrell and Oscar Young
spent Saturday at Elizabethtown.
Wm. Dietrich of Palmyra, paid
his best girl here a visit on Sunday
Gertie Eshleman of Elizabeth—
town, speut Sunday here with her
Mrs. Abe Ichler of Elizabeth-
town, was a Sunday visitor in our
Victor Haldeman of Philadel-
phia, spent Sunday here with
Charles Carson was off duty the
past few days with an attack of
Roy Ishler was home from Phil-
adelphia on a forty hour furlough
this week.
Benjamin Musser and his family
were Sunday visitors at the home
of Jacob Hostetter.
Twenty-one persons from town
attended services at Strickler’s
on Sunday forenoon.
Misses Anna Buller and Emma
Dyer were guests of friends at Eliz-
abethtown on Sunday.
Operator Ed Booth enjoyed a ya-
cition from May 2 to 7. Mr. Eck-
man was his substitute.

Roy Baker of Dillsburg, accom-
nied by his mother, spent Sun-
d of C. A,
ay here in the family
y Wiley.
David Brandt, wife and daugh-
| ter and Albert Betz and wife from
Annville, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Fanny Booth.
Mrs. Katie Gingrich received a
handsome new delivery wagon last
week. It was built at the Anchor
Coach Works.
On Sunday morning Rev. Leh-
man will preach a sermon on the
ordinance of baptism and the fol-
lowing Saturday, May 1gth, will
baptize a number of persons at the
Frank H. Fair, son of Frank
Fair and wife of this place, and
Miss Celia ;R. Markley of Chestnut
Hill, were united in marriage last
i Sunday by. Rev. Peter Brubaker.
i Our best wishes accompany them.
Church Notes.
A special collection will be taken
in the M, E. church on Sunday
which will be used in rebuilding
the M, E. churches of San Francisco.

Mr. McConkey, the bible teacher
who needs mo introduction in Mount
day morning at 10 o’clock. In the
evening at, 7.30 tho pastor will
preach, taking one of the old testa--
ment charticters for his subject.
Sunday school at 9 a, m, and in the
evening the C. E, will be led by
Miss Elizabeth Greenawalt, subject,
Lessons frem the Miracles of Heal-

The Children’s Day program
| committee meets this evening after
prayer service, Choir meets Thurs-
day evening this week on account
of the commencement exercises
Friday night,
Teams Collided
Two young men were racing near
[fairview church last evening when
the teams collided, throwing the oc-
cupants ou’.
Oune of the horses re-
ceived several bad flesh wounds that
bled profusely and was so
| from the loss of blood that it could
scarcely walk, None of the drivers
were injured.
Will Extend the Line
I'he Rohrerstown, Lavdisville and
Myunt Joy Street Railway Com-
pany’s civil engineers surveyed and
drove stakes the width of the track
from the present terminus of the
line to the foot of Delta street yes—
terday afternoon.
\. be
Coal Prices Drop
he consumers of coal will
pleased tc hear that there will be
"no strike and according to the city
, dailies, coal were reduced 40 cents
| per ton yusterday,

Joy, will speak for the pastor” Sun—
weak |

Mrs. M. M. Leib
from Trenton, N. J.
Miss Ellen Leib of Lancaster,
spent Sunday in town,
Chas. Culp of Harrisburg, paid
his mother a visit on Sunday.
T. Morris Brown, our new tin-
smith, was at Philadelphia yester—
Samuel Miller transacted business |
at Philade!phia several days last
Chas, Miller and wife of Lancas—'
ter, spent Sunday in town with Mrs, !
John Hoover and wife of Penn-'
ville, spent Sunday in town with
A o }
Frank ®hrader, of Lancaster was
in town on Monday looking after |
his real estate.
Frank Dillinger and wife of Otta-
wa Can, spent several days here '
with his mother.
The smiling countenance of Wm, |
. ETT |
Dierolf of Elizabethtown, was seen
on our streets yesterday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Owens of New |
York, spent several days here with
Mrs. A. K. Manning.
Arthur Long, wife and four child
ren of Lancaster, were guests of A.
~ .
M. Hershey and family .over Sunday
wife and three
of Cresson,
several days here in the
A. L. Kolp.
Mrs. George
Chas. Zortman,
children Pa., spent
family of
Sides and son of
Wrightsville, were guests of her
mother Mrs, Mary Ann Oberdorf
on Sunday.
George M, Good of Lake City,
Iowa, and his brother Christian
Good called on their brother and
her friends here for a few days.
h, townsman Wm. Doyle, cele=
brated his 76th birthday ycsterday
by calling on his friends about town
Mr. Doyle is enjoyicg excellent
A. B. Stoner of Manheim and
Mr. Murrell, a representatiye of the
National Auto and Supply Co. of
Lancaster, made a pleasant call at
this office last week.
John C. Reed, son of Wm. C. F.
Reed of this place, has been pro-
moted from assistant chief electrical
engineer to chief engineer of the
Penna. Steel ccmpany at Steelton,
Victory and Defeat
Our West Ward contemporary
seems to think that Burgess Shrite
was elected to keep the trolley out
of Mount Joy and uses

several ol
cute to call the attention of
readers to the matter.
its Tew
Weare sure
our contemporary is very wide of
the mark, but if hg” wants to use a
out for apolitical text, we believe
one like that in the body of this
article, At
near like it
played a much larger part in the
election trolleys. We very
much fear our reduced contemporary
is either quite ignorant in political
matters, or very malicious. Try
again, J. R, M.
might inspire him.
least something very
Loyefeast at Cross Roads
Yesterday and today the annual
lovefeast is being held at the Cross
Roads meeting house, a mile west
of town. The attendance was ex-
ceptionally large yesterday but the
inclement weather will greatly in.
terfere with the crowd today, Able
ministers have charge of the meet—
ing, Our local baker, R. G. Heilig,
furnished the supplies.
May Get a Park
"here is rumor afloat to the effect
that a prominent wealthy citizen,
formerly of Mount Joy, has inquired
of the P. R. R. witha view of
purchasing Cedar Hill Seminary,
the “Dell” and present it to the
borough of Mount Joy to be used
as a park,
We hope this proves

also states that her brother
Qn py cg, a
Many of Our Friends Have Gone
Great Beyond.
Tho one week old daughter of
Milton Miller and wife of Newtown}
| died yesterday mormmng,
Thursday morning Mrs. Martin
Nissley died at her home in Landis.
ville, aged forty-four years. She
was a member of the Old Mennonite
church, For the past several weeks
she had been ill. She is surviyed
by her husband and the following
children: Jacob, Amos, Mary, Mar-
tin, Albert, Daniel, Christian, Alice
and Harvey. The funeral was held
on Saturday forenoon at the Menno-
nite church in. Salunga. Burial at
Kauffman’s church, near Manheim,
Mrs. Barbara, widow of the late
John Peifly, died very unexpectedly
on Thursday morning aged 70 years.
Deceased was a member of the
Lutheran church and is survived by
one brother Jacob Hoover of Chicago
and a sister Mrs, Louis Minnich of
Philadelphia. For many years the
deceased conducted a confectionery
store here and is very well known,
The funeral took place from her late
residence Monday afternoon with
interment in the Mount Joy ceme-
Florence Scott, wife of Frederick
H. Baker, of this borough died at
her late home, on Thursday morn-
ing, aged 30 years, Mrs, Baker
was a great sufferer for several years
having undergone a number of oper:
ations and had only returned from
the hospital a week ago. Ier hus-
band and one son, Nelson Scott,
and a sister, Mrs. McFadden, sur-
v iPuneral services werd held
o® day afternoon from her late
resiuence. The remains were taken
to Lancaster on a special trolley
and interred in the Greenwood
Pacific Coast News
A letter to Miss Bertie Doyle
from Mies Estella Eckhardt, form-
erly of this place, but now of Port-
laud, Oregon, states that her sister
Martha, who resides in San Francis-
co, lost all she possesred in the late
holocaust at that place except the
clothing which she wore, and is
now with friends at San Jose. An-
other sister, Lucy, lived beyond
the burnt district, and escaped with-
out any loss. Miss Eckhardt’s letter
bought a ranch [ast week.
Deeds Transferred
G. H. Frank to G. N. Falkenst:
two lots in West Donegal, $105,
Peter Shickley’s administrate
Sallie C. Johns, property in M
Joy. .
Aaron 8S, Risser, assigne
Hiram E. Kaylor, 65 acres ar
perches of land, in Mount Joy
ship $3,924.06.
Paid for Shooting a Do
Because he shot his dog
son Bishop of Florin bro
against Eli Nissley of Res
before a justice at Elizal
Nissley paid all costs and
for killing the canine and
_ Unclaimed Lette
Foljgwing is a list of,
callé® for at the Mouy
office, May 208
Lewis Corbi
J. Fred Fenstermache:
Repair Farm
By an advertisem
this issue may be se
Greider & Co. are
pair all kinds of fi
short notice, Re
plains all,
Frank Conrad
All Stars, is re
any amateur cl
All communie
his prompt at

Fy %