\ \J Kemp’s Balsam Will stop any cough that can be stopped by any medicine and cure coughs that cannot be cured by any other medicine. It is always the best cough cure. You cannot afiord to take chances on any other kind. KEMP'S BALSAM cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip, asthma and consump- tion in first stages." NEWTOWN, Appropriate Easter services were held in the Ironville church on Sunday. Salem Gamber, who has been ill with pneumonia, is able to be about again. Preaching services will be held in the church here next Sunday evening at 7.15 A young daughter made her appearance at the home of Samuel Greider residing near this place. George Platt and family, accompanied by his sister Lizzie of Middletown visited the family of John Rhoads or Saturday and Sunday. Farmers are very busy plowing and haul ing manure, but are handicapped by the recent wet weather. Tobacco seed is all sown and from presentappearances a great increased acreage of the weed, will be cul- tivated owing to the good prices paid for last year’s crop. HAVE YOU TRIED ckdehe tnew Quisserts that grocers are now selling? They are justly termed “Easy to Make” as all ingredients are in the package. Z7'hree complete pro— ducts—D-Zerta, QuicZ Pudding and D-Zerta Perfect Jelly Dessert at roc per package, and D-Zerta Ice Cream Powder, 2 packages tor 25 cents. A trial will convince you how easy it is to have the finest desserts with no labor and little expense. Jacob Hostetter will bring his fast steed from Lancaster some day this week where the horse was in training. Our Home Markets. Batter ys sconces crness i 25c por Ihe Tallow. i ...es. oe BEES. #ryeecsse ices es seve ofc iperib, «ev .13c per doz. Brandt & Stehman pay as follows Wheat Corn 78 per bu. Oats. . Selling Price of Feed Bian. os vesvensoimens or ns vine $21 00perton Shipstuff, Mixed feed Middlings Gluten Linseed meal... Ajack Flakes.. Oat feed.....coneneesrinnens. 1 HY cc viercssviverccirrnnievs. ll SHAW... cs.eaneisiiaaneien a n1200 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED—Family of two, father and adult son; no washing; wages $4.00 per week. Satisfactory refer- ence required. John Schock, Mt. Joy, Pa. For PALE CHEAP A Market or General Delivery Wagon Only $45.00 buys it. Worth $go to 100 new. Is as good as new and having no further use will sac- rifice it at above price. Apply at once to PETER KRAVBILL, FLORIN ras. BB ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN _ STREET, MOUNT JOY Ca a and Clerking of Pubic Sales Settlement ofestates, collectionfof rents, surveying and couveyancing. NOTARY PUBLIC. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No. 52 North Duke Stree Oh Yes! Oh Yes! GEORGE §. YOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851, Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale fa 5% iy eu \ Wall Paper Don’t forget that I can show you one of the largest and most complete lines of WALL PAPER in the town. Any- ig from the Cheapest to the Best. from 3¢ to 26c. Will sell you per whether or not I hang it. 't fail to see my samples before you Always have a large assortment hand. I am always ready to do all 8 of PAINTING at very moderate go Get my prices before you pour painting this Spring, EASTON +0 ERECTED BY ot POST No; 4 PRODUCERS’ MARBLE CO. 1256 2 Large Stock of Marble and Granite AND MARKERS in Stock from which to Select at Iowest Prices MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES A CARD will bring you price on any style of work on this advertisement. CHOICE HAMS Let me furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will doall my own killing. Always have a big Sh supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage n oh Pres ed and Prepared Ham, $0 Bolozna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Bl Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main St., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA. i MADAME DEA PILLS.] 8 A Sarr, Crrrary Reuiep for SupPRESSED MENSTRUATION, 3 NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satis- # faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid § for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for § $8 when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not [i have them send your orders to the 3 Gl UNITED MEDICAL CO., 80X 74, LANCASTER, PA. ; = 3 Sold jn by Mt Joy J. C. Groff and E. W. Garber ALL KINDS OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees 3 3 394 Mount Joy Nurseries If you are in need of one tree or one hundred, send for my retail price list. Address, W. 8S. Krady BR. F.0D No 2 Mt. Joy Crystal Springs DAIRY! fresh Cream and ML | Delivered Daily Except Sunday, Special Orders Solteited, We Invite Inspeciion. We Solicit Your Trade. E. ¥. ZEROHER Brand New an 80 Reasonable is what the people say our work looks like, and about the prices, OUR CLEANING and DYEING is the best in the city, Better tart to be a customer here now. STAR STEAM DYEING AND DAY CLEANING = WORKS mn Wm, H, N’Comsey Co., 43 West Chestnut Strect, La NCASTER, PA. Always look for the Star. Both Phones "Dr. BE. W. Garber is the local agent: rR pa FAR att, Graded Behools, iateaville, a you lal {PILES wi: rac » years Ih oun a Puen, 50 Cue, tiples Free, MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, 0} din Mt, Joy by EW Garcer, Calltor free sample | . PY { 5 meL0vED RE FATHER JOY MARBLE WORKS TJTAMES GILATFELTER, Proprietor w PRODUCERS* LE co. 1278 Shop & Yards Rear of Mt. Joy Hall Mt. Joy, 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000009000000000000900090000000000000 v0008 Farmers Examine Our New Line of Implements for 1906 THE MSCORMICK 1S THE CHOICE {OF THE FARMERS Vulcan, Burch and Universal Chilled Plows Gasoline Engines Imboden Improved Land Roller with Spring Harrow Attachment Bemis Tobacco Planters OF THE WORLD, AND_HAS BEEN FOR 73 YEARS Victor Double Row and Camp- bell Single Row Corn Planters Empire and Champion Grain Drills Osborne Spring Tooth Harrows with Fertilizer Attachment New Pulverizing Harrows spe- cially adapted for preparing tobacco ground for planting Perry Spring Tooth Harrows Auburn Wagons Star Steel Hay Carriers with Track and Fixtures Universal Cultiuators with Hoe- The vast majority of farmers choose the McCORMICK BINDER because it does splendid work in the field no matter whether the conditions are favorable or unfavorable. record extending over a period of seventy-three years, which en- ables the farmer to reach a fairly accurate conclusion as to the Read about the excellent points of the McCormick in the attractive book entitled ‘It Takes the Palm,” merits of the machine. supplied free. ing Attachment Armour Tobacco Fertilizer The McCormick has a Cararra Paint McCormick Self-Dumping Hay : Rake We carry almost any kind of modern and improved machinery used by the farmers of today. If in need of anything, call and see us. Daisy Jr. Acetylene (as Generator LOGO BE GG The Daisy Jt. Gas Generator, for which we have the general agency for Eastern Pennsylvania, is truly a useful machine. It can be seen in operation by calling at the office. ideal house light, inexpensive and under the system by which the gas is It is an generated by this machine, is without danger. Quite a number of these machines are in use in Mount Joy and neighborhood and all are giving excellent satisfaction, SOOO HHBOHE Call and See One in Operation LR ATTN 3 RAN A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. PICTURES 2% x 3% inches. Loads in daylight with film Cartridges. Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. Full description in Kodak Catalog FREE at any photographic dealers or by mail, EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. Now is the Time to Use Dr. Holland's Medicated - Stock Salt and Poultry Powder Will be sold on a Positive Guarantee, Tt has been in use for over a year and is giving excellent results. dilioner, Blood Purifier and Worm This Medicated Stock Salt is a Con Destroyer, It makes more flesh, milk, wool, muscle and energy from the same amount of feed than can possibly be obtained hy any other remedy. No better remedy on the market. Try it and be convinced. The Poultry Powder destroys worms and germs, the cause of nearly ry TE Er all poultry diseases. To keep poultry in good condition and to increase the production of eggs, it has no equal. This Pewder will positively free Sold by GA SATIRE po your poultry from worms, gapes, diarrhoe or cholera. Try it, M. L. Greider & Co., Marietta Street, MT. JOX , A ou sa Sow The Concrete Stone Works Florin, Pena, EX THIER, CONTRACTOR AND MANAGER. EE S YX. Emi $ | 3 : : : 2 8 P0CSCH0PH90030000000000008 1366 All Kinds of Plain and Ornamental Concrete Work Made to O:der, such as Building Blocks, Chimneys, Steps, Walks, Watering Troughs, Porch Piers, Etc. I also have for sale at all times, the on the market in any quantity, BEST QUALITY OF CEMENT Your Patronage Solicited. Give me a trial GBBCDESTTITCELBEBLZTT S08. akin did v bh id dd A ———— EE _.e ET ER i ke a RY n ED ££ A LT or SW ET, a ays a RNS PV WW pw WN CW {fh QPS iis & “ That’s the word that describes our Nobby Shoes Peoarmarmical , Is another good word, for though they are worth more, we sell you the best Ladies’ $2.00 Shoe in the world. Oxford Ties to match. ESR T CO ASE SE a # Philadelphia Shoe Store & fen nomen aml