00000000000000000000004- > B. MARTIN & Co. : Watt: Shand “Juno” Study Lamps We are now offering at special sale the famous ‘Juno’ Study Lamps with white shade. This is the very best Kind of a lamp for a student to read by. The price now is $1.25. An Easter Picture of Highest Merit : * An Easter picture that fits the occasion is one of the timely features for the delecta- ® tion of buyers of the Sunday North Ameri- ] ¥ can for April 15. Nearly all of the articles Pi €psy and pictures in the paper for Easter Sunday Schedule in Effect Jan’ y 1, 1906 { breathe the Easter spirit, but the ove that hd Trains leave MOUNT JOY for Lancaster, Coat | i 1 1 : esyille, I ‘hiladely hia, and principal intermediate | will appeal most strongly is a handsome stations. 7.03 and 9. 52 0. m. 12.34. 3.48. 4.58, 801 | lithogravure of a little girl surrounded by p. m. week-days, and 4,05 and 9p. m. Sundays o rabbits—the child’s Easter animal. St. V itus Dance ! For Middietown, Harrisburg and prineipal in- termediate stations and points west and north, To give to the artist a fall and perfect ex- ¥ 6.43 and 10.08 a. m, 2.32, 6.07 and 7. 3 po 10. week- £ N re = S S Pe » pression of his work, the printers have done Are nerve diseases, and unless Sess, Ihave aily, and 6.55 a. m. anc p. m. the picture in ten printings, getting intothe | Checked, lead to destruction of wi» Stops on signal or noticete Agent or Con- composition every shading of color that can both mind and body. I'he AuSIoELo eee r isehntge be Sassi ge Es - : , : a 75 s niormation be reproduced by mechanical means. The | weak, shattered nerves must | quire or Ticket Agent. $ result is a delicate, finished reproduction, | have something to strengthen W. W.ATTERBURY, J. R, WOOD, even more attractive than the wonderfully and builc lL them back to health. ener Manag Sr Trafic Mgr. faithful original. Dr. Miles > Restorative Nervine General Passenger Agent. The Gibson picture series will be contin- | ig a remarkable nerve tonic and IT u d on Sunday, April 22. stimulant. It strengthens the : . ~ PETES 3 o : 00000 9000000009000 090000000C 2000000 Easter Millinery Our tables are filled with the prettiest and most charming designs in the New Spring Millinery. We have never shown such a variety of styles nor Hats 80 prettily trimmed as those of this season. See the Stylish Ready-to-wear Hats at $1.48, $1.98 and on to $7.00. Hats, Toques and Bonnets made to order from materials of our own selec- tion. It takes a deft-fingered, experienced milliner to make the pretty ribbon bows so much in vogue this season. Misses’ and Children’s hats, all prices, from 69¢ to $10.00, Sample Tailored Suits A leading manufacturer sends us nearly 100 Sample Suits at most interest- ing prices, Every garment is beautifully tailored in span new shapes of Broad- cloths, Panamas, Cheviots, Voiles and Mixtures, including all the best colors in Specialin Dinner Sets For some time past we have™been offering fine Haviland China Dinner Sets at reduced prices. The public has tak&n prompt advantage of the of- fer and now there are but six sets left, which will go at $18 per set, reduced from $25.00 to $30.00. — circulation of the Sunday North ,.. eq relieves the nervous merican has increased over 30,000 copies . : in the last sixty days. Next Sunday will strain, and influences refresh- belarger than uver, Seo your newsdealer| 10g ‘body-building sleep..and and place your order now. rest. Persistent use seldom = fails to relieve these afflictions. GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT “I was taken with epileptic fits; had “a y eleven in less than 12 hours. My Some weeks ago during the severe father sent for our family physician, ri : wal “hot yr wif oso) but he could do very little for me, and winte ather bot y se vinter weather both my wife and myself I grow worse every day. and at last contracted severe colds which speedily they had three doctors with me, 2nd 1 swe »d int » worst lid in ov} still got worse. My father heard of develope d into the worst kind of la grippe Dr. Files mecdicines. and. bought a with pli its miserable symptoms,” says bottle of Nervine and a box of Nerve ; and Liver Pills. I had taken only a 9 Si d Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, lowa. few doses until I began to feel better. Don’t t be urprise “Knees a1 a its aching, scles s y .I took 12 bottles, and it cured ma h ie i 3 Tis Ae ng, Taisele y Son sound and well. It has been Worth alt When Phil J. Dieter, our up to-date Pa- ead stopped up, eyes amd nose ruauning, the world to me. recommen i rE 2} aan with alternate spells of chills and fever wherever I go. You may use this as per Hanger and Decorator, tells you that y : 2 NN : a life-long testimonial to the merits ish vo serviceable whi We began using Chamberlain’s Cough of your 8 .dicine, for I am enjoying he can furnish goods Sepviges le Whie Remedy, aiding the same with a double the best of health, and feel that my back wall paper at 3}4¢, 4c, 4}2¢, 5¢, 5/2¢ wo 3 2 life and health is due to this wonderful c 17 Gold Papers for all kinds of dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver medicine.” LEVY WILLIAMS, 6c and 7c. Gold Papers 10r ¢ Tablets, and by its liberal use soon com- R. F. D. No. 2, Boston, Ga. rooms, at from 8c. 10¢, I12¢ and up accor- pletely knocked out the grip.” Sold by J. Ar Nine ra DY Yo ding to grade. You will save dollars by 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he seeing his samples before you buy else- druggists. Will refund your money, where. He will furnish your paper wheth Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind | er or not he hangs it. The Next Boxing Show ~ . The last show given by the Lancaster 18 Et Phil J. Dieter &00-0-0-0-000000-0000000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 Athletic Club has been the talk of the lov- SPORTING HILL. Paper Hanger and wd Deccfator; Mount Joy. Pa. ers of boxing eversince. An entertainment } Brinzers held services here on Sun- p ger 000000000000 00000000090909000000000030000000000000000¢ of exactly ili: same kind, if not better, will porning. The Only Place to Get Silverware for ¥Eotels and be held on Wednesday night, April 18, at § Rapho township road tax for 1905 Prince street hall. Like those of the last [if 3 and one fourth mills. Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. Boarding Elouses show, these matches have been well made .. 8S. Kauffman, of Baltimore, Hd., was za AT Es Rodgers’ Guaranteed Nickel Silverware. Specially made to stan? as hard usages between boys of equal merit. The wind-up | ® guest of Amos E. Wenger and family. they are subjected to in hotels and boarding houses; will last for year. and will always should be a hummer, as it brings togethe: Miss Mary Martin, who spent the Win- Scholing S West End Bakery retain their beautiful and handseme appearance. two boys well knownand popular with Lan | ter in Lancaster, is at home for the present Mount Joy Penna! ITnives and For ss, per sot SB2.75 caster audiences They are Kid Gleason, Albert Vogel bought a complete outfit : i er Teaspoons, per sot - 3 - TS who has made a hit in this town, and Geo, | horse, runabout and harness, from Garfield Esther, thw fut PHiladelohian, whe kus oor | Hershor. THE CAPITAL GAS or GASOLINE ENGINE Tallespoons, Per sel. .. $1.50 enemies Colonial Glassware A standard make with each piece trademarked with the letter “H’’ in the centre. Durable and pretty. A few of the lot: 25¢ Bowls at 15 cents 75¢ Candlesticks at 3oc. 50c Water Pitchers at 25¢c. $1.00 Punch Glasses at 6oc per dozen. 75c Sugar Sets [six pieces] at goc. 77¢ Tumblers 6oc doz. DY » * . “Open Stock Dinner Sets Eton, Princess, Poney and loose box effects; regular prices from $18.50 to $75.00 Special Sale Prices from $12 50 to $45.00. We have five different and attractive patterns in open stock Dinner Sets which we offer you at $10.00, reduced from $15.00. Take advantage of this as they won’t last long. SPRING JACKE TS—Hundreds of WHITE WAISTS—The the nobbiest of the season's best sty- les in Coverts, Cheviots, Broadcloth, hav Mixture and Silk. No difference "ve ever shown, Twenty-five now what shape or length, from the smart | Styles are shown today for the first little Silk Eton at $4.50 to the finest | time, at $25.00, they are here inabundance AT $1.00—You will be and at a decided saving too, broadest collection of sheer White Waists we Rodger Bros. Silverware The very name is so old and well known that itis its own advertise- ment. The ‘1847’ line is the world’s standard and we handle a complete line > surprised to see the values at thisprice. Long 29000090009 J. B. Martin & Co. Corner West King and Prince Sts.. LANCASTER, PENNA, BEAUTIFUL LACE WAISTS— | or short sleeves; open front or back; Some very pretty Lace Waists for | some have front of all-over embroid- Easter on sale today. All made ov- | ery; others finished with lace and er a silk lining, long or short sleeves | insertion; all unmatchable values at Of course you will want one at these $1. Scores of styles of finer waists, prices $3.50, $3.95, $5.00 to $7.50. | at $1.50, $2 00 to $12.50 each. Butterick Patterns All new shapes for Spring and Summer dressmaking now in stock. None Just as good as Butterick, 10¢, 15¢ and 20c¢. The Delineator, the best magazine for newest ideas in work of all kinds; $1.00 a year, 15¢ a copy. F.aster Gloves Two-clasp, best colors, 75c a pair. The **Sovereign’’ queen of al! the dollar gloves, two-clasp, newest stitchings and spring shades, $1.00 a pair. Centimeri Gloves are always in favor; three clasp, Paris point stitching, black. white and colors, £1.50. Suede and Glace Gloves, 12 and 16 button lengths, $2.5 and $3.00 ‘Wash Lisle and Silk Gloves in black, white and colors, 25¢ to bc. Dress and Fancy been here lately but is not forgotten, Kid John M. Nissley, of Altoona, is spending a = Henry mects Howard Wilson of Washing- | 2 week here with his father, Jacob W. f 4 ® \ 3 ton, D. C., who has twice been against Joe Nissley, and other relatives. 9 - 7: 3 A 10S & immons Gang, as well as Holly and the other big Wm. Frankhouser and granddaughter, gE E g ones, Jimmy Living ston comes back - Grace Buohl of Ephrata, visited the formers meet Battling Fink of Philadelphia, and | son, A.D. Frankhouser, and family. ’ Fh The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers, Ind. Phone 13384. 00000090000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ PASTER NECK WEAR—Charming styles, in Stock Collars, emb: videre lace trimmed, 10¢, 15¢ to 25¢, Very dainty Collars and Sets of Cuffs, 50¢ to $2.00 each. Also Easter Ribbons, Belts, Noveltil Robert Lower of Hummelstown, comes , down to zo against Walter Pickle, Those | 99006660066000006600000000 C= e 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna. | : 1OP00000000000000000600000000000000000000000000000000 two fast Lavcaster boys, Sam Parks and 2 Is the only one that positively does not fof oTotoToToToToTole] Banna he veaee have any packing on the eylinder or any of 35% x the working parts. There is no other En- 2% gine on the merket that has these impioves 3 2 FF H. Baker S ments. Sample 3l5-horse-power at half 0% \ . price. See our Traction Engine in opera- be Coal oN . } \ ; tion at our factory. This is the only per- > ’ ] . y \ 2 2 $009009099900000906060004¢ fect one on the face of the earth. If you i 8 come to our factory and buy we will pay ¥ | 8 -— you your car fare. Second-hand boilers and =u x NE Ae i 0000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000¢ engines for sale and exchange. = ~ . : : si C. B. A DISSINGER & BRO : Opposite 01d P. B, B. Station & Sp mg Gr eeting . Ae A oy o o* Many sure signs of Spring abound at « ver 400 Hellam St., WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. 1% MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 3 te & and the new season stands knocking at the d§ 0 1 vlwa and > : bs Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No.1 Cedar Shingles always on h For the liberal patronage accorded us in thd . Als» Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moul-lings, Lath, Etc. fo we ret t r many 1S Ou i fa Eggs For Hatching 2 Estimates Quickly and Cheersully made on all kinds Building Mater ial, He 2 2 NUN (O OLE ANY pain fisour heart felt ill We now extend to all our friends a Spring gi ing and with it a renewed 000000000000 0080800060000¢00060000 New” York Sf Corner Square and E. King St., Lancad Don’t Buy a Gasoline Engine Until You Have Seen The 2 and 3 H. P. “Wizard” Something New Eutirely Has very few parts. Nothing to give trouble ; no gasoline pump ; Fee Houek, will again be seen as opponents and every one knows what they can do. ‘erases = tomo Seem Sees PSSTTIIIEPSEeREEEe00000errrs0sterrEEEserIterrrEsseseees RHE 'MATISM MAXES LIFE MISERABLE A uappy home is the most valuable pos- session that is within the reach of mankind but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you are suffering from reumatism You threw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved frown those rheums age pains also by applying Chamber- : ] Siva lain’s Pain Balm. One application will everything entirely automatic; 1m- possible to get out of order unless broken; perfect speed control; runs as smooth and noiseless as a steam engine; all joints GROUND FIT; no packing used anywhere. The most perfectly built engine on the mar- ket, If you are in need of an en- gine, let us show you the ‘Wizard.’ The price is less than is asked for complicated engines giving half the power. Must give perfect satis- faction. Let us hear from you. B. M. Haverstick give you relief and its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent «cure. For saleby J. S. Carmany Florin and all Mount Joy druggists. Single Combed Brown & White I.eghorn, Greider and Culp Strain. These are BH BE IOI OTOLOLOLOTOTOTOIOT ORO EOIOTOTOTO TOTO TOTO] 5 extra fine birds and produce large white 95448409500090500004635599369 60994934 804484444 845444 eggs. Price, 5) cents per setting of 13 : ET > so Yards always open for inspection. H. H. MORTON, Mount Joy, Pa. JA SSIGNER'S NOTICE! Assigned estate of Amos W, Streetz and Fannie his wife, of Rapho l'ownship, Lancaster Co., Pa Amos W. Sheetz and Fan t Township, having by deed of ve pli ment. dated M 1 all their Hi sigued, for the benefit of the ere lors of oy said Amos W Shed tz, he therefore gives notice to all persons indebted to said assignor, to make payment to the undersigned without delay, and those haying clans to present them to DANILE I EB WOLGEMUTH, Assignee, Residing in Raphio Tewnship, Post Oftice Ad- dares . F. D. No. 2, Mount Joy, Pa. mar2l- “61 W. M. HOLLOW BUSH, Attorney WELCOME TO OUR STORE AL S———C———c Come to Look or Come to Buy—Make this yous store. Every department now blossoms with Spring freshness in new wearables, Our Excellent Clothing, Our Correct Hats and Our Choice Toggery are all worth your attention. We are always at your seryice. We are making a bid for your trade, May we have it ? FULD'S: : <> For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Mt. Joy, Penn. Joseph ershey F - ° rest rrr tas Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fit TE roroarmricsal » <> EXECUTORS NOTICE! op OOD. | Fine Tonseorial Parler 5 Is another good word, for though they are ~~ N 4 y East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. worth more, we sell you the best Ladies’ $2.00 aj. BN WW len Shoe in the world. Oxford Ties to match. . re SHE 00000000006000000000000000000000000000000000 That's the word that describes our Nobby Shoes 9009000000000 009000¢ ST ETN RO SOTO etoee Estate of Abram M. Sauder, late of Mount Joy Borough, deccscd Lett testamentary on said estate been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto arerequested to make immediate yayment. and those having claims or demands J Pate t the same will present them without « i Justice of the 2 200C6 WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & 131h Sts, on Fiibert St, Phila, Pa, 3 ' . Conveyancer- Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- t ) ) ) 9 . nal. Five minutes walk from the Penna, R. | BS J | and Scrivener R. Depot. 44 i Clothier and Furnisher lay for settleinent to the undersigned, residing in Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa wut doy Boro, Lancustof Count 207 Locust St. COLUMBIA, PA. 0000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000000000 9000900000990 0009009000000000000 000000000009 0000000000 0004 900600000500 00009000909905008000009090000090- European Plan $1:00 per day and ’ upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. XECUTORS NOTICE ! y E Special Attention Given to the FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Manager Estate of Christian Shuemaker, late of Mount | Collection of Rents I ens cept o————e—t Ig co | SOIR eaeeS SESE HOGER RTBE is inti ns Al persona i Four Dagrinsss Solin ABNER M. HERSHEY, $: Cohen & Oo, il bari, Qolumbla. If) E debited thereto sre requested tomake immediate Office 3 fl payment, and those having claims or demands Main Street, Florin, Donna. AUCTIONEER SR 2 rege a By te 5 #5 Ed Re ; | BUY A PIANO AT HOME against the same will present them without de- 105 ; : : . lay for settlement to the inacing med. Mount Joy, Femnna. . pee From an Old-Established, Reliable House, instead of buying from C CHRISTIAN H. SHUEMAKER, Special attention given to calling all kinds of rea. oy A . oe png ee a Strangers. JOHN iblont rove Pa. 8 = 7 estate and personal property sales, Satisfaction F urniture Buyers YX 2 3 oy © Guaranteed, Charges moderate, Drop me a card HARRY H. SEUEMAKER, a or call up 836 A. 1 W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. mari-6t Florin, Pa. will find our new show rooms now open. j— ——— Rear of Nissley’s Tobacco Warehouse T hey are the equal of any in the county for Ye FLORIIN . PENNA. COLLIN'S FRAMELETS roominess, light and convenience. Our p= Ww WwW. SHIRE Propr The Collin’s Framelet supplies the genera’ stock of furniture is equally large and di-! need for an ine nsive yet dignified method of Qur Qualities Please Par oo framing and preserving the innumerable maga- versifizd, consisting of zine clippings, ters, art prints, illustrated ti 1 P 1 of post cards, Parks pictures, ete. in which the 1 ( | h finest paintings, drawings and photog raphs are 161 ar eop e v 9 J now so admirably reproduced. y . ” Ll % " It is seldom desirable to purchase a costly Qur Prices Save Them Money, FAR i G2 frame tor a clipping or print, yet they are so of- ’ : am} 1 . : ten of such unusual merit or possess such heart. We claim to sell you only Grocer- stirring quality that we wish to preserve them ies of Approved Quality, and to Save You Money on your grocery : : iva r " " ¢ Fz The ART CORNER PIN bills. Verify by comparison and “ CARE NU a SEES Z, > | is another exceedingly attractive decorative Bedsteads of many Finds \ ation ” metal corner which fits snugly to the corner of » obseryaé . 3 the photograph mount, forming a corner frame. ' Dealer mn Fresh & Smoked It has & metal back with a projecting pin 80 that { i 2 boar S Uo 1 0il the gal 8 1 2% the picture may be att: ashed jo Hg J all. A I x I hi . 1 fi . li ~Uldl ‘ - mounted photograph embellished with foar of | C arg. a Closets. Writing Desks. Lverything in the furniture line q — 1s:Sold. Everywhere Heats, Tallow, Lard, &e. these corner pins is: at once framed and ready for Chiffioniers, China Closets, v Fiting sks y 2 Same as Sold Everywhe a display. The Art Corner Pin meets a universal | that can be found in a first-class furniture store. === 1 need. It 1s the easiest and most satistactory way We will sell you a Legitimate Piano---Nof a Stencil---for $250, on Easy Payment Pian. We have been in business here for over twenty years. We guar- antee every Piano we sell, and we will give “A Square Deal to Everybocy.” KIRK JOHNSON & CO. Piano and Organ Elouge 24 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENN 0050 450 00 400 050 400000 000 00 S50 400 400 50 50 0 SLE 0H SH 000000028 0004000000 ‘ of displaying photographs of all kinds and sizes Bune Lye, 8 || gnossssensssseg | TH Ht die toh Undertaking and Embalming Chocolate and Cocoa Framelets at 5 and 10 eents each I—— a — ee a ST u C.BRUNNER » 2 - * 4 Chocolate, . 13¢c phers Supplies 8 ® Cocoa, 25¢ cans 17¢ Ww. B.BENDER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Does, | AA .00n 9 Shaving REET IIR franklin pastry Flour, 26¢ . : \ MA Harr Cutting 1} 0 Erle's Furniture Warerooms gg Shampooing | Mount Jov, Penna. * Bi E. Main St.,, ~~ “ount Joy. y SSS VHTVELIVHTED Weare Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Ease Es ITE rk Srp, be osand 7 for 10 We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone anklin Ta (0, Agency for Standard, ; Laundry Ballast orth Queen St,, Screening STOP AT THE ) Hees St., will crush them to order any Sorrel H Oks cos us a trial order, omemade Furni SES I0300SSTRIBIn" T I