The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, March 14, 1906, Image 1

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YOL V. NO.42.
Seemingly the People Want the Tracks
Laid on Main Street
Much ramor is afloat concerning
the next move of the Rohrerstown,
Landisville and Mouut Joy
Ruiilway Compary. The point at
1vsue is:
come up Main treet?
It will be remembered that said
company new has an
granting them the privilege to come
in South Barbara street and west cn |
M:iin to the borough limits.
Recently the
asked for a
trolley company
new ordinance giving
them the privilege of laying tracks
cn Columbia thence on
Delta, across Marietta and up Done-
gal street,
This ordinance was de—
company were here Friday and were
Several representatives of
conversation with a number of
councilmen and Burgess Shrite.
; One of the cfficials left a blue print
with Mr. Shiite of the route they
prefer, i. e., come in Delta and up
Donegal street.
Mr. Shrite as well as a number of
if the line is built in the borough, it
should be on Main This
they told the representatives who
replied that the cost
Councilmen 1s of the opinion
of rumoving |
the clectric light wires, poles, ete,
and laying track on said street would
cost about $5000, and haying
already spent about $30,000 in the
construction of the line, it would
not pay. The representative fur—
ther said that finally people would
build and business wen would open
new enterprises on our back streets.
He was told by Mr, Shrite that that
is just what the tcwn not
want, being of the opinion that the
residents and business men on Main
Street |
Wilt they or will they not |
ordinance |
| Myers on Saturday morning
Spray Your Fruit Trees
| E. C. Bowers, representing the
Department of Agriculture Diyision
| of Zoology and who has charge of
the Northern Dist, of Lave. Co. has
arrange to have demonstrations of
how to make and apply the best and
| cheapest remedy for the suppression
of the San Jose Scale at the follow-
ing places:
west of Elstonville,
T. D. Hossler, I mile
North Rapho
Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
Yet iteresting Mannner.
H. OG, Myers is ill at his home.
The P. R. R. pay car was here
Harvey Gingrich quit his job at
Sholing’s bakery.
Milton O. Wittle quit his job on
the P. R. R. on Thursday,
frank Shultz is now a motorman

March 24—Eph. C. Ginder, 2
| miles west of Mastersonviile, Mount |
Joy township.
March 26—J]. G. Reist,1 mile
cast of Rheems, Mt. Joy township.
March 27—C. G. Snyder, 2 miles
west of Rheems, West Donegal twp
March~23—W. 8S, Smith, Bair-
bridge, Conoy towaship.
March 29. —Ezra B. Engle, 1 mile
west of Marietta, Kast Donegal twp.
March 30—M. L. Greider, 214
miles south-east of Mount Joy.
All persons interested in preserv-
ing their fruit trees should attend
these meetings. Bring specimens
of twigs infested. Ask questions
and receive the help that is being
offered free.
Jurors Drawn
Judge Landis, Sheriff Ziegler and
Jury Commissioners Lautz and
jurors will serve at the April and
May courts and this
264 names from the jury box.
those from
section are as follows:
Grand jurors, Monday, April 16
—Calvin Bates, Bast Donegal and
John E. Garber, West Donegal.
Quarter sessions, Monday, April
16—Harry C. Culp Mount
borough; Joseph G. Werner,
F.-Eaby, John M. Forrey,

street, who are largely responsible
for the progress of our town, should |
be favored by reaping some beuefit, |
which the borough wonld derive by
having trolleys.
This eveving the Burgess and all
the Councilmen will hold a caucus
in the Council Chamber and con-
verse the subject after which they
will appoint a time and place to
meet the trolley officials in order to
compromise on the subject,
We feel free in saying that about
four out of every five citizens on
Main street would prefer the
on said street:
to hear
from the citizens and they can
assured that if the majority ask
trolleys on
We would be pleased
certain streets, their
wishes will be gratified as we now
have councilmen, the majority of
whom are willing to take suggestions
from the people that
them in office.
have placed
Now is the time to
speak; don’t squeal when itis too
Since the above was written, we
had an interview with a representa—
tive of the We
believe it next to impossible for the
company to put down its tracks on
Main street for several reasons:
The report that the pike company
gave them the right of way isincor-
rect and furthermore the line would
have to cross the P, R. R. tracks in
town, the old siding west
trolley company.

of town,
Florin and at
Rheems if the line was extended to
the culvert west of
Elizabethtown which will undoubt-
edly be done sooner or later. This
being the case, the trolley people
want the nearest they
feel as they did at a recent special
can get to
and if the five Councilmen
meeting when the clerk was instruct.
that it
ed to inform the company
could come in up
gal, out Delta and up West Done-
gal, we feel free in saying the com-
pany will accept.
The Metre Question
Mount Joy Pa. March 8, 1906
Editor of the Bulletin:
Dear Sir—I don’t want the water
consumers of Mount Joy to missun-
derstand me in recommending water
meters. Its for to say
what they shall do or not do but to
my judgment, in order to check the
waste of water and reducing the
expenses to furnish same, metering
the water is the only way to stop
the waste which would be a saving
to the borough and to the consumer,
Jacos W, SHRITE, Burgess.
not me
Amos B. Sheaffer, East Donegal.
Common Pleas, Monday, April
23— Amos N. Stauffer, Kast Done-
gal; Geo. Brown sr.,
borough; IH. IL. Stoll,
Mount Joy
Mount Joy
Emanuel H, Myers,
Common Pleas,Monday,Apr. 30—
Adam S. Root, West Donegal;
Chester Fuhrman, Rapho; Samuel
Donaven, Mount Joy borough.
Common Pleas, Monday, May 28
—Elmer W, Stricker, Mount Joy
Inspected New Depot
/ The officials of the Pennsylvania
Railroad were at Florin on a special
train on Friday when they inspected
the new depot there which is almost
for the Conestoga Tracticn Co.
Paris Hawthorne is
ductor the
now a con-
for Conestoga Trac=-
tion Co.
Two new members were taken in-
to the P. O. S. of A. on’ Thursday
George Schneider moved from
Mount Joy to Donegal strect last
Lawrence E. Nobs is the adminis-
trator ¢. t a. of Clara Conrad, late
of this borough,
Two Sisters of Charity of Lancas-
ter were here Mcnday collecting for
St. Joseph’s hospital.
v The new line from!
Columbia to Safe Harbor was opened
low grade
to the public Saturday.
B. PF.
G. Moyer, has inoved to Lancaster.
b Kauffman, formerly: with
Levi lcisey takes his place.
-Warted—A driver to take charge
of a four-mule team and work on
the farm. Apply to 8. R. Snyder.
Our town should organize a base
bali team before all the good mater-
ial secures berths elsewhere. Get a
move on,
J. B. Keller, our local cattle deal-
er, bought a stable cf fat steers and
some cows at Isaac Forrey’s sale
John M. Haldeman, while work-
ing at John G. Stauffer’s portable
saw mill, accidentally fractured his
collar bone.
Lutt er Paules, a Marietta livery—
man has been adjudged a bankrupt.
The assets are $550 and the liabili—
ties are $1,500.
An West Hempfield township the
road masters will be paid 20 cents
per hour and laborers 15 cents. The
tax rate is two mills.
Daniel K. Shelly, who will have
sale on March will move to
Manheim April 1st where he will
reside in the future.
John moved from the
Nissley farm south of town, to the
Souder farm, on the Manheim road

completed. ‘The structure will be |
completed within about a week but |
will not be occupied until April 1st,
The officials are more than pleased |
with the building as well as the site.
Those in the party Messrs.
W. B. McCaleb, Superintendent;
E. F. Dunlap, Passenger Train Mas-
ter; . W. Remine, Division Oper-
ator; J. T. Bulsley, Freight Train
Master and C. IH. Smith, Round
House foreman, all of this division.
Trolleys on Main Street
We understand that whether or
not the Rohrerstown, Landsville &
Mount Joy Street Railway Company
puts down tracks on Main street,
the people that reside along that
thoroughfare will be accommodated
| pinyed at the Grey
a mile east of town yesterday.
— - .
Joscph Ieisey, of
spent Sunday in town.
larrisburg, ——
Body of the Late Henry Frank Interred
in the Mount Joy Cemetery
1905, we gave 3 lengthy account of
how Henry Frank, son of the late
Philip Frank of this place,
Mrs. Bickel of Phila. 1s the guest
of her sister Miss Rose Elder.
Mrs. Sue McCreery, is the guest
of her brother Abram L. Kolp.
W. Il. Morton, wife
In our issue November 29,
and three
children of Maytown, spent Sunday |
in town,
was |
upposed to have met his death or)
Jeal’s Island, off the coast of Mary-
(land. Frank was first missed Octo-
Trolley Fares Reduced FLORIN NOTES.
Although the local trolley line
has not as yet been leased
Many Brief Items of !nterést Throug
Our Community
to the
Conestoga Traction company, the
management put tickets on. the
line this morning at the following
rates of fares :
E. C. Keener is now employd
at Hagerstown, Md. Ras
Operator Ed Booth is off dut
being quite ill at his home.,
Ed Krodel and wife of Elizabeth-'
town, visited friends here Sunday.
Mount Joy to Salunga road and
and return, 15c.
Mount Joy to Landisville [camp-

Philip Dieter spent a few days in
| z . . :
| ber 15 aud a few days aiterward, his |
{Iarrisburg, where he was the guest
body was found floating in the |
of his daughter. Chesapeak Bay. The remains were |
Jacob of
Brunner Lancaster, is
spending several days bere with his
brother Harry C.
then interred on the island.
Frank’s brother-in-law
| Schock of this place,
H. C.
and immediately went there and in-
vestigated the matter and
interred the body,
On Monday Mr. Schock
Deal’s Island where
John Frank and wife Phila-
delphia, are visiting in town.
former is quite ill.
John B. Shreiner of
made a pleasant call at
while in town Friday.
Mrs. Kate Dunlap of Philadelphia
is spending some tune as
of Mrs. John Shuemaker
H. B. Worts and+ wife of
spent Sunday and Monday
nests of Wm. lI, Gantz.
also re-
went to
he bad the re-—
this office ’ Sb . 2
mains raised, placed in a metallic
coffin and a shipping case and ac-
| companied them to this place. They
the guest | . a v
{arrived here at 3,47 Monday and
| were taken in charge by Undertaker
Gap, Brunner who interred same in the
family plot in Mount Joy cemetery
in the presence of II. C. Schock,
Elizabeth Dietcr has gone to Lan- | son Frank and a number of
caster where she will be employed
at the Bon Ton Millinery store.
Mrs, Wolf Yoffe
York City last
here as
8 |
was in New Flittings in the Borough
Alex, Kramer is moving into the |

week purchasing |
Laster goods and Spring
oye | m . .
g millinery, | Fasnacht property with his mother- |
Dr. E. W. Newcomer attended | in-law.
the annual State Veterinariany’ C. S. Gingrich will move into the |
meetidg in Philadelphia last week, | property of +. Moyer on Donegal
B. EB. Lancaster
Miss Brobst of Lititz were guests of into
Attorney W. M, Hollowbush, Sun-| Miss Barbara
day. | Hemperly on New Haven street this
Mrs. Conrad and two] weck.
daughters Ruth, and Mrs. Oscar | Elmer Heisey moved into the
Pennell and child spent Sunday at! property yacated by Alex. Kramer,
Landisville with friends,
Grosh of and | street vacated by B. IF. Kauffman, |
i : y 2 ;
| Geo. Hoffmaster is moving
the new house of
yesterday, having recently pur—
Mrs. Jno. E. Schroll and little | chased it.
daughter and Miss Mary E, Sebrol | Sarah Shrader moyed from the |
spent from Saturday to Monday
with friends at Columbia, from
{ property recently purchased
Detwiler property into
4 > . OF y. . .
W. 8S. Krady, the hustling nis George Fach sr.
seryman east of town,
Maurice Stanffer Sunday.
also visited friends in this place.
called into the
and Joseph Hershey will occupy the
on | Harry Leib is moving
on He | property vacated by Klmer
G. Guy Miller of Chester, a rep- |
resentative of the Wetherill Mfy.
Co., was the guest of his sister Mrs,
Gitiord DeLong over Sunday.
1, G. Kopp, Jacob
Stehman jr. and R. Lawrence Adams f moves
left Monday on Niagra Kxpress for into the Stoner property Imving
where they just recently bought it.
house vacated by Leib, next door to
his tonsorial pariors.
Frank Bookman takes the Garber
property vacated by Ilershey and
David U. Stoner the Bookman resi-
lence while II, B. Martin
Messrs, Levi
Franklin Grove, Ill,
will be employed.
Church Notes.
Entertainment by High Schol
The local High School Literary
Rev. Levi Shenk was at Palmyra Society has in preparation an excell
on Sunday, and preached in the Re- | ent program which will be rendered

C. B. Carpenter, a moulder,
Iron Works,
painfully injuring his left wrist.
figured in an accident
Abraham Barnhart, who is hired
with his brother, Elmer Barnhart,
had his left hand caught in the feed
chopper, and three fingers were cut
Samuel E. Miller, an
dent of this place,
aged resi-
was attacked
with hemorrages at the nose Wed-
nesday but at this
writing has
Since last Sunday there have been
287 conversions and 2,658 requests
for prayer at Evangelist Weber's
revival services now in progress at

ere many a day. Representatives of
a company were buying the right of |
way from people in the
Salur ga this and last week. THis is
the company that contemplates lay-
ing tracks from Philadelphia.
Standard Manure Spreader
In another column may be found
the advertisement of J. N, Hostet-
ter, special agent for the Standard
Manurer Spreader, This is one of
the best spreaders on the market to-
day and in order to be convinced of
this fact you must see For
on the
to talk
agent who will be pleased
particulars see ad or
the matter over with yon,
ee emits
Do You Remember Him?
Rev. John Stringer, who has just
ended his pastorate of the Strasburg
M. E. church and will retire from
| the actiye ministry, was in charge
| of the Mt, Joy M. E. church when
Abraham Lincoln was

| and preached the funeral sermon on
I day appointed for that purpose.
Ca i
vicinity of
The large cupola on Eli L, Niss-
ley’s barn at the Cross Roads, blew
off during the storm on Saturday.
It fell with the point down on the
manure heap.
John Horstick, driver on Baker’s
coal wagon, and is now
Jacob Garber succeeded Horstick as
driver for Mr, Baker,
employed with Clarence
The LancasterExaminer is author-
ity that Charles Cassel, a well knowh
young ball player of our town, will
wear a Rossmere country club uni
The re
port that Charles would wear one of
form the coming season.
white uniforms with a
big ¢“A’ is incorrcot,
The management of the Delong
Donegal Poultry Farms is making
a large platform on the south side
of their warehouse which to
Many other improve-
ments are being made
unload eggs.
The main office
and remodeled
large store rooms,

was also enlarged
formed Mennonite chareh, near jn the hall here on Saturday
ing, March 25, at 7.30 p. m.
Rev. Noah Hess, of Lancaster, | lowing is the program.
preached in Hall, last Callsto order
evening, under the auspice of the | Vocal Solo
Christian and Missionary Alliance,
even -

Greider’s The President
Mary Henderson
| Referred Questions:
(a). The story of Ulysses and the
Kensey Stewart
Monroe Lind :muth and wife were
t (b). A brief account of Florence Nigh-
: tingale
! Select Reading
| Declamation,
received into church
th: Church God last Sunday
morning. At the evening
feliowship at Elizaleth Blyer
of Esther Rowman
Elizabeth Greenawalt
Vocal Duet, Mary Bear and Ella Camp-
bell Debate—Resolved that the traffic in
The regular services next Sunday, intoxicating drinks should be { rohibited
with possibly a baptismal service in
service the
same two persons were baptized,
by law.
the evening. AR,
Chas. Nissley,
Margaret Blver
Allice Dillinger
Miriam Engle
S. L. Rice, of Gettysburg, repre-
sentative of the Quincy
Instrumental Duet,
Mary Reist and May Grissinger
A Comedietta
“School Review”
Boys’ Chorus. .
Admissicn, 15 and 20 cents. Chart
open March 12, at Dr. Garber’s drug
in Franklin county, gave an inter.
esting talk 1n regards to the needs
of an orphanage in the United
Brethren denomination on Sunday
evening, Preaching services Sun-
day morning at 10 o'clock by the
Senior and junior girls
Ruth Stoll, editor
and in the evening at’
H. S. Gable of
(able was announced for last
| 7 Will Dissolve April Ist
| ¥YJoseph Welfly and C. S,
Rev, !
o'clock when Rev.
‘ Y Longe-
Dayton, Ohio, will
necker will dissolve
April 1st, will |
continue the business at the present |
Mr. Longenecker
day but for some reason could not
Sunday School at 9 a, m,,
and C. E, at 6 p. m, by H. M.
be here. location naving recently purchased
the building, while M., Welfley will
| take the Raymon 1
| Florin, © Both
"have many friends and will enjoy a
large patronage,
west of
A Rare Opportunity these
Having recently purchased a fine
Twentieth Century graphophone, A, |
M. Hershey of this place, will give |
an entertainment in the hall here on |
Saturday evening, March 17, Tis |
is “the” machine of the day, having
taken premiums in Paris and is pos-
A Returned Missionary’s Talk
Rev. John II. Myers and wife,
returned South
| Africa, made an address at Cross
itively the loudest and plainest you |
baye ever heard, Mr, Hershey has
all new and up-to-date records such
as the Preacher and the Bear, and
missionaries from
Roads ‘meeting house on Sunday
evening, on that country.
co cece lf
WanNTiED—Several hundred dol-

many others. Don’t fail to hear | lars at o:ce; good rate of interest
them; bring the children, Admiss- paid. Call on or address, BuLL®-
| 1s worth 5 cents and costs 4{ cents
| Mrs. Mary Rhoads, who is ill with
meeting grounds] and return, 2s5c.
Mount Joy to Rohrerstown and
return, 35c.
Miss Katie Young is the guest
of her sister at Elizabethtown this
Mount Joy to Lancaster and re- : : 3
teh, ase Miss Anna Geyer is spending
y 45€C. ' . # .
some time with friends at Harris-
Monthly tickets, 40 trips to Lan-
caster and return [scholars] $4.50.
Monthly tickets, 50 trips to Lan-
caster and return, $6.50.
Mile book containing 100
coupons, each good for 5 cents, at
$4.25. Jooks can be used by any
member of a family or by a firm
and employes and are good on all
lines of the Conestoga Traction Co.
All persons having occasion to
travel on trolleys of any account,
Misses Cora Geyer and Jennie
Zeller called on friends at Lebanon
Charles Ishler of Ohio, was the
guest of his parents here a few days
last week.
Mrs. Wm. Neiman of + Rheems
spent last Thursday here with
her parents.
Harry Singer and family of
Elizabethtown, spent Sunday here
with friends.
will do well by buying a 100 cou-
pon mileage book. Fach coupon
Mr. Eberly of Denver, this county,
was the guest of Rev.
over Sunday.
therefore a round trip to Lancaster
would cost but 38! cents, which
is only
nan here
> 1/
cents more than is char- Bert Fis 1 wife of IT
2 , ert Fisher and wife of] :
ged one way on the railroad. Wire g <aicgs=
ter wert elcome guests of friends
We feel sure that the above pri- \ .
here on Sunday:
ces will meet with the approval of
the general public and especially
when we have better access to the
Ammow Fry, wife and son and
Miss Annie Fry were guests of
Alpheus Morton and wife Sunday,
Ed Gish and family and Abram
Gish and family of Elizabethtown,
were Sunday visitors to our village
Isaac Hershey and family o
Derry church, called on the
of Jacob Hershey ingoys
Samuel Maer and wife of
bethtown, were pleasantly;
tained by friends here on
Walter Morton, of the
Inn, Maytown, and two
visited his parents here on
Maurice Wittle and
Ironville, visited at the
Peter Risser on Sunday.
family of
home of
/ The public sale of hogs at Hel-
frich’s hotel on Saturday was well
attended. Shoats of less that
Ibs. brought $7 and $8 apiece.
Albert Rhoads and family of Co-
lumbia, and Wm, and Elmer Giv-
ens of Mount Joy, paid a visit to
Conductor Geo. Stoll a1
of Harrisburg, were gues
family of Jacob Hostettey
heart trouble.
Preaching services were held by
the pastor who delivered his annu-
al missionary sermon on Sunday.
. . : : Harvey G. Stacks and
A series of revival meetings
Lancaster city, were guesf}
parents S. S. Stacks and wife,
Sunday. 5
The Brethren in Christ held
prayer meeting services at the
home of Christian Wachstetter last
commence Sunday evening.
Ai women
The band fair closed Saturday
Merchant John W. Hershey is
on the sick list.
Harvey Weidel and wife enter-
tained the former's parents, Sunday
Mrs. Emma Shramusky and two
children of Lancaster, were guests
of her parents Henry P. ‘Baer and
Mrs. A. B. Hambright is spend-| wife over Sunday.
ing several days at Bachmanville,
with her parents.
Harry Dettry, a Pittsburg train
despatcher, is spending several days
with Wm. Kacy and wife.
The party that was kind enough
to ¢ :al the chain off the pump at
the aome of Mts. John Morton,
would confer a great favor by re-
turning same.
Miss Katie Witmer, teacher of
the Washingtog. Primary School
is preparing an excellent progray
for an entertainment on the closing
day of school.
Saturday evening J. Harry Sum-
my and Elizabeth G. Hess of Lan-
disville, were united in marriage.
Samuel Stauffer moved his house
hold goods to Harrisburg on Mon-
day where is conducting a restau- je .
vant: The supervisors of Mount Joy
township, met on Monday and
laid the tax at 3 mills, and the tax
for Kast Donegal township has
been laid at 2 ¥% mills,
A festival will be held in the hil
here on Saturday evening, Marc
17, under the auspices of the
Ladies’ Mite Soeiety of the United
Additional Locals
We call your attention to I.
Beneman’s ad.
Rexd it.
Now it’s grandpa Cunningham,
A son was born to W. Scott EKshle-
man and wife, Monday.
A.M. Hershey orders for
£00 perches of building stone to be
furnished this Spring,
The little daughter
Dillinger and
It is interesting.
of Charles
wife was quite ill
Sanday but at this
‘ hes I
r was recently
e when several
‘Marietta were in
held in the
young meni
attendance. 'I'h
some glassware
few water glast
notified to return ©
and on Saturday
heard before Justice
paid for all they had
were discharged.
writing is im-
I have about fifty monuments and
tombstones at my
here in Mount Joy,
establishment “hooked” ‘a
They were
y for same
ng were
en {and
and a lot more
Call and sce J
A, 8, Shires has secured employ- y.
ment in the insurance at
there in
Strasburg to which place he
Monday. Ie may —
the near future. Unclaimed Lett
Following is a list of let
called for at the Mount J
office, March 14, 1906 :
Garamella Frances
The Presbyterians will hold a
church sociable on Tuesday evening,
March 20th, at the of Kh
Svery member of the con-
gregation and their friends will be
very vielcome.
Emil Nobs, administrator of Clara
Clonrad, deceased, sold the real es=
tate at public sale on Monday after
noon, It was purchased by Charles | pany hg
Nobs for #1200, The personal | ton for
J. Fred Fenstermachery P
: The

ion 10 and 16 cents, {71x Office, Mount Joy, Pa.
Ee o
property was not sold, 0