VOL V. NO. 40. MOUNT JOY, PENNA, 50 CENTS THE CIRCULATION OF THE WEEKLY BULLETIN EXCEEDS THAT OF ANY OTHER IOUNT JOY NEWSPAPER BY HU = 5 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. | PERSONALS. [ | | i y THE FINAL MEETING “The Plain Truth” THE TOWNSHIP ELE JTIONS | 15, Samuel Beck lerk, J. E. Stauffer FLORIN NOTE | Many Brief Items of Interest T Our Community ne of the lamest and most rid an | David Mooney was ic town over The Last Convention of Our Present ,1,us arcument fror Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief | Sunday, Council Held Monday Evening p t Saturday. aver Yet Iteresting Mannner. { Christ Sherk arrived home from The Pres ut Bor ugh Council | did a new » or any individua Mrs. Albert Calp 1s ill Miss May Musselman spent held its final meeting Monday even- ] ' { down | hom : | 2 . Cos ) biDs v ta ting | Collector. J 2 Keener 91: Justice, John | . Elizabethtown ine with all the members present ; 02 5% ph : oY i : { Dr EW, Garber and wife spent |lastT ay and in mary es the hl 70. Ematr y 6 | L aZADELMIOWN. 2 oy wR mani aga as manuiaciurer fxceptional bargains at offe’s | several days at East Berlin last | Burzess Schock’™s ro port howed The people know the and it wo this week | 1 - Ee that he had collected £26.30 the past be silly for any ma: attemst te y i i y lor an to altempl 1 Mrs. 3M. L. Greiderisill ather! are Johu E Schrol month and handed sume over to the iin any busine cofporation. ibit) kom Irs. Johu E. Schroll Following is the Vote Polled in Our im | RAPHO--UNION SQUARE n Sau mediate Community Aazan ta S818 for variou the hospital on Monday. 1 I istry Assessor. The p i spent last | EAST DONEGAL—SPRINGVILLE * : Sn | Thu at ar helt sith or | e—Wm eidman 6 yn. boroughtreasur. a belo to'thetoun. There is ho og wana iE {ES arsday at Macheim with her! ; , W A communication from John E. | gecasion “think and Ba a Fat ; : ES parents, Hoffer, sceretary of Hershey Longenecker of German- ATS Health, was then read. { town, is home with his parents fora | —H ence 1n t 11] ; | Directo: are in excellent i recent slépiine ence In ihe hall last eveulog. | few days. : re 0 > thes €nL CL 1 Ti : ; : man 44, John R. Roath 12, health at present and mentioned tha We feel sorry that : putable Drge Lbersole vas ok quty | Allen S. Ginder and Bérhara Mar | 76; Supervisors—Geo, Hie 34 deaths occurred in the borough | nan all yimself to be t . tin of Rheems, were married hast | Weaver 85, 8.G. E . mT ¢ 1>.2 - y 4 rev 19, Albert Clepper in 1906. T'wenty one of which! used as a club to be t ar 1d LIT) irrenk ) i I re hursd: i 06 Vin) of 1 ed : i it t an : 3 rres 1 10g | I'h lay | bright 84, Audi tor—Ho were 60 years or over; 15 were over litie radge, but since he did, | sbad. )W'8 Lhat ary: { Mrs. Daniel Hanenstein was the | Ellsworth Mayer 13. that our people 70 years; and 6 under 8 years 1e n report was accepted and ordered A cordir Je minutes. - “4 Tam . 3 = 5 sp : BAL 23s Fo spread on the mi he defeat must be a hard pill to al he Foresters’ fair close ur Miss Edith Bentzel spent several | Brill ; Registry Assessor rToRrciznbori g fougns low ior a cer faction, but "iis 4. y- The Newt« 1 i days in Hummelstown, Palmyra and 154; Jollector—H. ( Board of Health must re a finan= | something th hase ®t ico : . ry gi | J. Heisey 1 4 § hool Direct er biel ay Mrs. Darvin Pennell is confined | Harrisburg, visiting friends. | 140, or. R. 1 cial statement annually and same is | to,” Now don’t drag business int . | ’ i : : . ie a CRE to tl house with an attack o Mrs, J. Harry Millerand daugh- | S. printed fur the benefi of the public, | poiitics. f vou don’t like y : B i 1a large | guest of friends in Rapho township | | last Tuesday. Why isn’t this done in Monut Joy? vohitiealliv that doo Tr Yiayu Ris AEess. fez Elsie arrived home Satarday | I ytrens rer’s report showe d a! hi iD a 4 = Ce a Just received a fine and 1 | alter spending a week at Harrisburg . 3 Veiarce oo Ee Boron | Be A ao Bape | date line of shoes and bats at 1. D.| Hays Rinehold of Columbia, a Garber 142, Bilswort account and the Water account is your medicine like me: J ea Sa Li pone stoga Traction Company con- | : EAST DONEG2 overdrawn to the amonnt of $539. 19, The Bible says the laborer is wor res i ; : x or ys actor of Columbia, called at this| -70&" “3.3 The terms of Health officers Ir. | thy of bi hire. ind in these modern ; is he on. auesiay. Tight 2 ofce yesterday. | 54; Regi SSeESO Ziegler and John Hoffer expired days he does not hold a job unl . ra i : | Miss Gertrude Miller of George: rm. Bontz 53; Tax Jan. 1. 1906 and tley were reap- he makes money for hi on nlover., Pe ling i ind arry H. Shue-- town, Dauphin county, arrived here Sy or Feisty ig pointed by Pres. Brown for a term | [t may be well encu for a to DARL are xecutors of Christ- | Sunday and will be employed in the z of five years. Council confirmed licl hi master’s hand. bat It 185i Inaser. family of T. M. Breneman. { the appointments. hardiv necessary for a man tg Lhe Borongl is 1 ive elo ed Messrs, Henry Smeltzer, Martin | “ ¢ The following rebates were then the same thine. today as the teachers are visiting the | Spickler, David Cooper and Harvey granted on water rents: rs. Pl - —— public scheols at Lebanon, | Carpenter attended $3.00, 11.85. G wrber 1.50, Joseph OBITUARY NOTES : ireider wa mploved at | at La Detwiler 13.00, Mrs. Anna 3.91, Belle L ytle 1.66, II. K. Miller Av rsd ER al teelton the past week. \ On Sunday H. H. Nissley left 75, H. H. Nisslcy 5.33, David Brady Miss Mary ] hler died 1 the boxing show | aster last Weduesday eyen-| Bes 2.00, Catherine Snyder 2.00, Dx iiel | home of Geo. Roth at Mavt Wolgemuth 2.00, Samuel : 7.25, C. S, Longenecker 3.75. mains were inter: ed in the Union ol a Misa} | be gone for some time. Upon Motion of Mr. Hamaker ge etery. ; 2 Arslan ang Missionary Al- the Farmers’ Creamery Company : ah 5 hance will meet again next Tuesday : wal gi th sexes are invited, Church Notes. CHURCH OF GOD at the YI nro 1 wife enter | for Emporinm, Cameron county, yw on friends at | Where he has secured the contract; { for a large job of slating. He will will be allowed to use borough ‘lora S., dauchter of John and water provided it buys its own metre Katie Landis, died at her home near iL 8 : ter | : is : atie Landis, died at her home n : , © | Last Sunday moruing one person | eeps same in repair and pays ten Rheems on Thursday morning aged | of a tour-mule tean work on] . : —— : } Pp I vel heems y y- 5 : was received into the fellowship of |p. he the Church of God by letter. In|F cents per thousand gallons for all | four months. Tuperal was he 1d on th Farm. ply . R. Snyder. water consumed. Sanday with tlaroed 3 ; A i boil Sunday wi arged 2 | the evening four persons were bap report was made that the boiler A MM . ; if ize pic I US— | o: . 1 hn ‘ : p hatt il NM 1 ; cu | tized by the pastor, Rev. Reitzel. |. 3'er . Th High School, B. Shank, 2 day man at SA ‘ tome 1c given them | 5 Je Es PYISOrS ~aaron MID {Jonas saker Kathryn Gingriel | YA: Ee : 1 fall I : 13 3 xa : i z UNITED BRETHREN. { : . 8S bd 4 3 OW fame snouid resident ol tn; lace, died at ihe free | x3 . . | arches bad fallen down, sam ng resiaen I 3 free, Preaching services Sunday morn- | Cl : > ntior home of 1] brother Michael y + ni . bus i . "a } vans be repaired. Mr. Brown mentior d | home of TOLOer 0 es acol Grissinger received a [ing at 10 and in the evening at|Y¢3%s that the boiler should be used at arket street Sunday noon, 1 2 > a 2% : re . = Bb 5 G J: i 2 LT :arload of oak lnmber from Virginia | 7 o'clock by the pastor. Sunday] l Brandt 3 least one day a week to keep same brothers and a I SUrvive AT was recen was inspected last Tuesday and as Abram : 1 It was unloaded from |Schoolat 9a. m. C. E. in the in good working order. | 5 C s 3: { . va 3 fol : rs : gi Io o aker ding evening at 6 o'clock led by C. H. | 4. L winz Dills were then al was held tl forenoon wit p 5 ‘ . | ro ~ LP The folowing b . Juohl, is putting a| Herr. The choir meets at R. Fell- | M0UN1 i i i { | 1 paid, the majority of which were yices ar ; plant in the new | enbaum’s 8 “aly evening. Prayer held over from the December and . A February mectings: IL M. Stauffer, 4 hor y . i y . bold \ ence Malinda Olweiler a ti meeting on Wednesday evening. |, di FE Our Farmers Are Progressive El htown, ast Friday evening y 2 00; Samu {shleman 1 . auditing, el 7, ; r farmers south of town , "e.TEDE tative of the De-|School class had a a party for | B Earl M1 ra Arnt { G. Shellv is st auditing, =.003 B. E. Hiestard + : ren yi 3 A SE - : | tl . ar. M ¥. Gerber | Sch irectors—El Strickler John | Now E r Shell) { . . Dhelly 18S sh jiting. 2.00: Star, printing, 2.25; te progressive. 1e newest thi erta Food Co. is in tow n distribut. | their teacher, Mrs. B. F. Gerber on . Gi : \ Hof \ { lot of poultry these ¢ 2.00; 3 é ) 1 ge & J. - - . Va i RT. ’ 8 x 3 i ¥ 5 § AVL Ji JAA J > auditing, y'} v ’ aL is a urivate telephone. Tine. : nbles ‘aad. introducing thei NeW: Haven street, when about al Aaron Gibble ‘ob :* Clinten Longenecker Hattie Witiner i ah . . ip go, carpenter work, 27.:0; : i bibiadeal 4 3 . : jo bt . os t [ ater. Teacher | 1€ SOIPPEA 7 sSingid H. H. Lous, I “ i Site. wa TD ween Eli G. y's produc | dozen of her class of girls went to | Eby 3, c Kopp : vid} Sua : oy rae RE : : t Fl ia . : isn put nj 1 rod 2 5 25: Cl : Viola Baker Flan) minorcas to Floridg a 33; . r. . ne 3¢ I in 1 ¢ std Johe Bombach, 755; . : hrist \i : £ Columt {her home in a body and spenta| | X. Kline 35; C ’ Be strice Brown Helen Mateer Smoker of Columbia, who | ; \ g : : | pleasant evening, ying banks the Sunday | wittle ‘atson of her 1 freight, 4.73; Jobn H. Buohl, * " y 1 NS y, 1 Week, £ €8 rel g : . 7 1+ 1, supplies, 14.02; Ciarence Schock, | : is W known here, sold his phar- . vell known ; uses tead of posts. his short T - MOUNT JOY TOW NTHIP---UPPER Levi 1 ; chive 3 lumber, coal, ctc., 13.28; Wm. | | bo ime 1 will travel for a wholesale | vad ’ sbi eh, an Ley rstick | shipment to Cuba, iy . . ¢ experiment an 1 . \ o aati i cugge ATINATN Oy ACH tvires ay ag ef Robinson & Co., oil, 4.50; Herald, L -ug firm ere long. Success, Doctor | Applications for Licenses | 18; Tnspector Slayton O. Frey 57; Isa Anuie Witme v Robert Jacob Hershey will sell] oa Joy—Fdward M. Souders, | Shafer 3 38; F ss0F--J ac. y {ope wal oh rations to install | H. Gantz, Martin A. Spickler | 62, Geo pi 55, ax Collentor: 5 lool. Miss Mary 4 Teacher | vator at his yar Works, gear wheel, 6433; J. E. on the Tina 3c onm_ | public sale at his residence on Mari- er Jacob. Engle, Joba Ww. Me {2 Eo i Elmer Str , 2, John Gil Se ' Yo Re 1] whic 1 are now iy Hoffer, 2 mos. salary, 6.00; J. XN. i sin it bo nt a oe ett 1 street Friday afternoon. See ad. | Ginnis, J, Frank Nisley, 1. Dig, i ; 3 & Stghman. T _"| pleted it will be connected with the Iso connect the Masterson 20; / i ouroe Sheatier 76 nt varieties to O Leopold wickenl + 23. | ory, and recently rove a i tory, abo il printing, 3.50: John M. Keener, me : i R. Grissinzer carpenter work, 83.00; Platt Iron | rm a company and connect their | 15,000 feet of first-class lumber at | it i d Coa: “al uuc Ln 1 Bs. 3a t 10 95 | 1 Re ep: org ringer. . Stauffer & Dro, stone, 410,25; 3 xi : : x an sui™F . as Independent line which will give Charles K. Bennett bought a pair Y ownahi 5 Vs 1, | Isaac Kopp Frank Conrad, hanling, 13.25; John I S ] | Conoy lTownship—David C.|Is pp = : . 1 . ' me 14 ts eat BT rere h \ in a siding fro ‘a 5 them good service. f four-vear-old muies at Clayton | 3... ™ { Sur iR Kline 19; €lerk a 3, John | 3 PATE Aug ® Zink. labor, 12.50; Frank Good, |" S | hogy Bs ; | Brandt, Joseph K. Tewis, Elliott| Masterson'it; Audito i ro | Omer Krantes Zink, ; {Le sopold wickenheiser 17 Gibble 3 > i Seco vp—— Sunder ale on Saturday for $366. deman salary for December and February, | os rt i a hs Haldeman. : lac) ferenc : sv will be used on his farm north 60.00; Jno. J. Pennell, 2 mos. salary Attended the Conlerense : 3 MT. JOY TOWNSHIP—~CONSOLIDAT ’ ’ : . | igi and Elmer H. Fisher, Tax Collector--B. Herr slor 206, gai } bea Helman Bena phers Frederick N West Donegal—Mary Zepnick. ram Enteriine 120; School D.reck Shmer | kath Panabecker Bennie Hoffer | was on a visi Strick 10.00: 3. Moyer, supplies, 55.30; H, The folowing persons stiended of Flor : ; S Newcomer supplies, 88.40; Rath the Luther League Convention at Wanted--A girl for general ND, NE » C8, «307 l = - Hoffman, distributing water rent Lancaster on Thursday: HH. C.Lhouse-work ina family of three. Mount Joy Township—Henry See Birch and Cyrus H, Wittle. C and postage, 26.98; Samuel Fas- Breneman, M di Mazie Shelly, Mrs. washing. Apply to Mrs. A. | Rapho Tow uship—John H, Sny- am nk “ pacht, shoveling snow, tse: Jacob Jacob Zeller, 3 rs. Anna Schlegel Farmer, 6 Firstave, Alou, Pa. | der, Audrew Vogle, A. F. Heisler, | ater > Lo ; Garber, shoveling snow, 7%c, M. milch, Miss May Manning, Miss ast Tuesday C. N. Mumma’s Liquor licenses, Mount Joy—Syl- . ar lov ichare } 3 . " $3 allv | vester sarhbeck apa} 16 N. Brubaker, surveying, 3.00; An- Joanna Miller, Rev. Richard C. wk horse n exceptionally | vester Dearbeck. | against 163. Rengier and John F. Pyle. Maytown—Walter H. Morton | i { » Gracia 1 Brow RH - | Sunday. notices, 1.00; R. Fellenbaum, salary Schock and wife, Mrs, Minnie! Good wages to the right party; no Preac hing enheiser 88; drew Baughman, cleaning beiler, Sent his heels “Brewers license, Mount Joy— Al | ” HE EW Tw Let Ha Caries § | ville Saturday 2.00; Eli Williams 6 mouths salary A : rough , f the meat w ag- | ois Bube, . iz % v : i » 5 ns] i 8 9 a- | Siew buch Hi | coming Sat a 12.50; John E. Snyder, solicitor, | \ Goodbye Levi n, ma g ul glasses and the - | uh ist. Hoge] 68: Tak Coliastor. Joe hey i | will play 4 50.00. Adjourned. | Levi Hoffman, the 17-year-old | frame work—eléction day. I's Settled Now siah Kee: 06; Justice, J bn Buhl 65, E. |, & » ‘ Mount Jo he |son. ¢ Henry Hoffman, left last] , Laneaster City and County| Ti 2. Zug 2; School ecto eTRBL im : | Abilene, Kansas, where . “4 \ ————— AE e new senatorial apportionment ' 62, Joseph A Trick Horse byemng fer. : oH A Medical Society is holding its an-| joins the greater part of the present *hares Br Butcher C. K. Beunett made a Re will be Ye : 2 4 oC age pual bangnet at th Hamilton club Northern district of this county — . net business trip to East Done gal Mon- Minuish, “i od tl a ate a}, Laneaster- Laie. aiternooa, Dr.] the boroughs of Elizabethtown, cer, . day and near the residence of Benj. |® course in farming fn 41a 2 John J. Newpher of town, isa|Mount Joy, Marietta, Columbia, Snavely ¢ Garber, 2 miies nortirof Maytown, member of the entertaining com- x and « 8 1 expect to return for a . . A | . and does not exp y Manheim, Lititz, Akron, Ephrata, | RAPHO--SPORTING HILI Judge, M Lan n i Adamstown and Deuver, and the Judge, M. H. Ka An Ais Ius) G Irvin Brandt 64, Jacob Becker 22; Registry his horse slipped, falling in the mud, | Yar ————, | > she : se | 8, F jaker was removed | townships of Conoy, East Donegal Mr. Benpett unhitched the horse A Big Sale | Mrs. F. H. Baker was removed H ships o 3 gal, Assessor, Cover #4, w. 8, Machwmer 58; Tax and pulled the wagon away when | One of the best attended’ sales in | to the hospital at Lancaster Monday | WY est Donegal, Mount Joy, Rapho, Colle i 0a si th Keene Justice, John | Lilie Weld ps h be h “had the animal jumped up and ran home | tis section was Teld by - Kmanued | afternoon when she will be treated. Penn., W arwick, Elizabeth, C lay, i i ih Ee ig : 4 v rector ” b y Mrs. ML G a ty Roaster ing a1 Mr. Bennett borrowed a horse from Eby on Thursday hos big. prices This is very unpleasant as she Bai Ephrata, West Cocalico, East Co | 1B 0 Cot Fn as Becker 28, Sune | Walter Bor tar Canuingha | large Mr. Garber and returned home. | prevailed. A hy was sold for $75 |been to the hospital several times |calico and West Hempfield, in the visors, Christ N : a | mittee weomer 66, C, - . | quite recently and on one occasion | county of Lancaster”—with the A.S. Brubaker 71, Harry | and many others for between £60 y Samuel Becker 17; Clerk, J. . vas there for several mouths. whole of Lebanon county, thus con- £ Blin pen ; Ari Oster Supper at Florin and $70. Chas. H. Zeller called the was ther or 2 . . . v) J Auditor, Amos Snavely 66, i Geo. E. Mark, Principal. | F, ill be | gal W hile searching the marshes along stituting the new Seyenteenth dis- am er wi sale. ile searching the marshes : A grand oyster supp it | RAPHO--STRICKLER'S SCHOOL | call eld in the ball at Floria on Satur- Jer—— a —— Chickies creek Saturday afternoon trict. Dn | Judge, Thomas Geise 106 pector, | News From the Anglers | offid a evening March 3, Ice cream DeLong Re-Appointed for snipe, Frank Good ran across a | henry Ze TP uy » hs stry Harry H. Zeller landed six fine and cake, bananas, etc., will also At the East Penna. Conference | fine specimen of wild duck butas| On Thursday afternoon the annu ' go. pax Collector, Josiah Keener 109: Jus. | CAHI3D and an cel while fishing north J ed, The proceeds will be § be United Evangelical church | they are not yet In season and | al reunion of the 16ers Association tice, John Ruhl 89, Eman’l Zug 12; School | of town Saturday afternoon. ! t of yhe United Bre kh convened at Sunbury, Rey. A, “Mushy” isa good law abiding | was held in the hall here, In the Directors, i, 8. Greiner 80, 8. R. Shearer | i i s aid, 3 Sur ane 90, Albert Garner 12, Phares Becker 26; Su- = : . All maak. oo Dahess Wag re-appoint ; 8 e_big green head drake |evening an entertainment and ban- pervisors, Uhrist Newcomer 98, 0, Brene- caught a carp in the Borough dan g arch re fo urbed, quet was he ' man 04, A. f8. Brubaker 85, Harn Becker Saturday, that weighed three pounds 1 A young son of Amos Bricker