‘age reservoir built there, not 1: the benefit of oly or Wyoming, but for Ne- braska as well. The Secretary has set aside 2,250,000 for the Shoshone River, W yoming, project and $3,330,000 for the Pathfinder project on North Platte River, to be partially expended for the benefit of Nebraska. Thus about 15 per cent. of the entire re. clamation fund will be laid out in Wy- | | oming, although only about 4 Scenes along the Platte and the Sho- shone canyon are among the wildest and most picturesque in America. Second to Wyoming comes the terri- she has contributed | | per cent. of the fund. | JUDGE GROSSCUP'S SOLUTION, NOTED JURIST WOULD ESTABLISH COURT OF TRANSPORTATION T0 REGULATE RAILROADS. Numerous Rate Bills Before Congress at Present. Senator Morgan Opens Discussion.—General Public Desires More Enlightenment. Whether or not there is to be the specific railroad rate legislation in Congress after the lines of the vigor- tory of Arizona, with the great Salt | us demands of the President, it is a River project at an estimated cost of | fact that many laws have been started about four million dollars, requiring | rejoicing on their initial courses at upwards of 9 per cent. of the entire | reclamation fund, although Arizona has contributed less than 1 per cent. It is stated by the engineers that the | Opportunities for water storage in Ari- | Zona are, next to Wyoming, the best in the arid West, while the soil of that territory is not only extremely fertile | and lying at a moderate altitude but | the climate is semi-tropical and under careful cultivation, ten or even five | acres will support a family. Southern | California to-day, with a similar soil and climate, has thousands of pros- | berous little .five and ten acre farms. The third State in order of irrigation | benefits in Montana, which, although lying far north, has a splendid water supply and likewise rich land. Actual construction has en begun by the Government on the owstone, where, owing ig’ the plentiful &"0f the embarrassing com- cations of vested water rights ex- ‘ist, which have prevented work thus far on the upper Missouri River and on the Milk River. The funds allotted to Montana for the Huntley, Lower Yellowstone and Milk River projects amount to over three million dollars, or nearly nine per cent. of the fund, which is in excess of the amount con- tributed by Montana, The fourth State in order of benefits is Nevada, contributing the least money to the fund but probably most needing the benefits. It was, in fact, through the dire wants of this State that the law received its inception, be- ing first known as the Newlands bill, this unique plan of automatic appro- priation being originated and intro- duced by Senator Newlands, then a Representative, in the spring of 1901. Following Nevada come Idaho, ‘Washington, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Oregon, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, Kansas, New Mexico. and lastly | pag, and that no legislation could be | both ends of the Capitol. They are of all sorts and conditions. Some will die in the borning, some will be the bases for thunderous tirades of denunciation lin the House, which after some discus. sion was passed by that body. No ac- tion was taken, however, by the Sen ate, but after adjournment the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce held extended hearings, and during the present Congress there has been a flood of railroad rates bills in both houses, ranging all the way from the Interstate Commerce Commission bill, which is generally considered as the and radically different in their pro- visions. Bills have been introduced by Senator Dolliver of Iowa, by Senator Foraker of Ohio, by Senator Elkins of Virginia, the Chairman of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, by Senator Morean of Alabama, by Sena- tor Culberson of Texas, by Representa- tive Hepburn of Iowa, the chairman of the “railroad rate committee” of the House, by Representative Hogg of against the railroads, with no inten- tion by the authors of accomplishing | {anything but getting their “remarks” | others. before their constituencies at home, | in the borning, some will be the basis | the committees, and pigeon-holed, or possibly merged into the one or two bills which will be taken up for serious consideration by the House and Senate themselves. . There is a vast difference of opinion on the railroad rate question. There are some who tell us that the term “railroad” signifies everything that is Teil TeasiTn n Vn Ce wadarn i JUDGE PETER GROSSCUP, {first argument in the Senate on the rate question, in support of his bill, Colorado; also the Interstate Com: merce Commission bill and various Senator Morgan recently made the which provides for the regulation of railroad rates through the regular courts of the country. Senator Elkins’ bill also proposes that the Federal courts shall determine whether rates are excessive, and provides for an in- junction against any road which is found to be charging an excessive rate. The bill which has been introduced by Representative Hogg, States District Court of Chicago who rendered the decision against the Beef Trust, provides for a special railroad court to decide all such matters. Judge Grosscup’s bill establishes seven Courts of Transportation, situated in different sections of the country, to try the particular cases arising within their territory. During a stated period of each year the judges of the seven courts are to meet together and hold court en banc in Washington or else- where, just as the Supreme Court of the United States sits together for a stated term, after having held individ: ual court in the different Federal dis- tricts of the United States. There is right of appeal from this Court of Transportation to the Supreme Court of the United States. It is argued in favor of this bill that inasmuch as railroad rate matters, even where they are decided upon by the Inter- state Commerce Commission, must fi- nally go to court, the matter can be simplified by having them considered in the beginning by this Court of Transportation, Also that this Court administration measure, to bills widely | YA formulated by |A\% gJudge Peter Grosscup of the United sistant Postmaster General DeGraw that rural carriers be allowed to use automobiles in serving their eral Cortelyou. ments and their commanders in the Union army and the general location of all the Confederate forces and their movements are to him an open book, ONLY ONE LIFE TO LIVE and the hours spent with him leave but little to be desired by even those who are seldom satisfied. Gettysburg wiil always be considered by the North and acknowledged by the South as the high water mark of the ON GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD. great civil contest, and when the sun went down on that bloodiest of fields where the dead and dying had fallen by thousands, as it looked upon the defeat of Pickett’s immortal charge, it also saw the beginning of the end of the greatest of modern conflicts. And because there was no shame in that defeat and because deeds of en- durance and heroism belong to each army in equal measure, the battlefield will remain forever the Mecca of all brave Americans and of every military student of the entire world, renee se eee Autos For Rural Delivery, homemaking. EVERYBODY should get the most out of life that they can. Merwe HOmeAkEn Maar comes every month in the year and tells you How to Build a Home How to Make a Garden Around It How to Live In It dba | Some of the regular departments of the magazine sre | i The Home Garden Music in the Home ’ The Home Study Health in the Home ~~ Home Etiquette Home Cooking It isn’t made with a scissors and a paste pot. There's good *‘grey matter” goes into every page of it. There's human sympathy in every line of it, There's originality and genuine good hard common sense all through it. Itdon’ take to tell you how to be happy on a million a year, but it does tell to be happy on the modest income that so many millions live on who don’t have a million a year to spend. And the magazine cost 10c. for One Whole Year---That's AR - And it's worth ten dollars for its good suggestions about life and health and Send your dime or five two-cent stamps to MAXWELL'S HOMEMAKER "MAGAZINE, 1409 Fisher Building, CHICAGO. Won cern That’s the Reason Why The place to get it is in the Home, and How to Entertain In It How to Enjoy Life In It Hints to Homemaiers Little Folks in the Home Home Cheer Entertaining in the Home AND REMEMBER t under- 1 how The recommendation of Fourth As. routes has been approved by Postmaster Gen- The Postmaster Gen- ~~ He Has Thrown Away His Bottles and Scales and uses the N. P. C. C. Photographic a eral, however, expressly reserves the right to require the rural carriers to discontinue the use of such vehicles and resume the service of their routes in the ordinary vehicles prescribed by the regulations, if proof is made of un- satisfactory service arising from the use of automobiles. In addition to this, the rural carriers are required also to maintain a fixed schedule so that the boxes for their patrons may be served at or about the same time each day. | too severe to mete out as a proper pun-| of Transportation having no other Throughout these States Govern- ishment for these monsters of extor- | business to attend to, can try the rail- ment surveyors and engineers are) tion. On the ‘other hand, there are road cases much more quickly than] working upon many interesting pro-| those who think that the railroads |the regular courts, while the members jects where strong rivers rush down have been of a very material benefit will be experts on the subject, making Jut of the mountains in time of heavy to the country and that while they | the subject the study of their lives. spring floods, but which will be im-|should be regulated and shorn of their |The Grosscup bill also continues the bounded behind great masonry dams |undoubted powers to injure the ship- | work of the Interstate Commerce | to form storage lakes whence the water | pers and the communities which de- Commission with some modification in | will later be diverted into the irri-| pend upon them, they should still be | organization, authorizing that body to | gation canals and used for cropson the| accorded a hearing and reasonable [arbitrate railroad matters wherever | desert soils. Thousands of prosperous | treatment. possible and to act as counsel or at- homes will be the result when these| The President’s attitude on the ruil. | foraey for the shipper or complainant, works are completed, and the great road question is specific. He favors | at the Government’s expense, wherever el 1s today in SSRN uta the enlargement of the powers of the any case of controversy arises between y settled community, w e-| Interstate Commerce Commission SO | the shipper and the railroads. avi re- come more rounded out and better bal-| as to enable that body to fix railroad | This ed is favored as a measure ne ar Jag Gsstenien Zu ” anced against the more populous East: | rates, where they are deemed by the |whose provisions overcome the danger | > : ern half of the country. which it is stated would arise from Preparations only.