The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 13, 1905, Image 3

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nteresting Account of a Winter
Spent in the Wilds of Idaho.
. Noten people, said the old miner,
the € ty caught a live coal from
Wood fire, around which we had
$e thered after our day's hunt in the
g Bie woods, and thrust it in the
Owl Of his pipe, have but little idea
ol the heavy snow falls of the
Rockies and the Sierras, or what
dam Is often caused from the ac
¢ ated weight,
member well, he added, hearing
ther tell how in York State
Lack in the thirties, that the fall was
IN ¢ 50 great that the men were com-
eled to organize relief parties to dig
Vay the big drifts from many of
© houses, and that when driving
ng 1 Streets one could almost
the level, into the second
ndow. But as I passed the
Wwenty years of my life in that
ind witnessed nothing more
ble than drifts over the top
OK, fre
fences and the temporary
of the scarcely-traveled
ids, T conclude those stories
lave gained somewhat from the
* Smoked rapidly and quietly for
perhaps to gather his
little and resumed, ‘Why
all was so excessive and contin-
once in Idaho Territory upon the
b roof of our mill, that the large
"of 12x14 below which the en-
1d been built, was bent almost
ng. We feared our extra
would surely break it, ~ but
ely the weather changed, the
mith w
SNOW low the eaves of the
ge mass and by night
d a minature snow slide and
ie strain. I believe, how-
imber never regained its |
sition. ut in the mining
* Sierras where 1 wintered
"sixties, our first snow fell
ber and in the morning lay
n the level. The storm
forty-eight hours and we
autfiful weather for sev-
When tne snow had par-
the frame of a ten-|
from which the wagon
removed, was found to
0 splinters, even the
wheels being torn and
all recognition. Irom
pember until May, se-|
of very frequent oc
actual measure-
v nearly thirty feet
travel any distance |
course impossible, |
and ‘every man,
me more or less
yl the Norwegian
ith them the
cleven feet
blew up the canyon |
1 so that we could dig |
About ten minutes later the boy
glided up to the window, opened it
and called out, “Pap says all of you
come over quick, bring lots of snow
shovels and a couple of blankets,
Let some of the women get one of the |
bed rooms warm and make some hot
soup and coffee.” It don’t take
much time for us old fellows whose
lives are full of tragedies and start-
ling episodes, to get ready for almost
any kind of centingency; and before
the boy had stopped talking, more
than two dozen strong and willing
men and several of the other sex, not
always the weaker sex in a mining
camp, were gliding over the interven-
ing half mile. It was a beautiful
morning after the storm and in the
light, crisp air of that great altitude
every object stood out as clear and
distinet as if all natifre rejoiced, and
no thought of death was possible. The
green branches of the many pines
were heavily weighted with the late-
ly fallen snow, and the level expanse
of Meadow Lake with its white cov-
ering glistened in the bright sunlight
like an immense mirror.
Not a word was spoken nor a sound
heard in the still air, except the
swish of our snow shoes, as we
glided rapidly toward Carlton’s cabin.
[ais was built, as I have said, a lit-

tle distance from the more thickly
| settled part of the town (although
now very many of the smaller cabins
were buried out of sight and upon
| our arrival, nothing could be seen to
| distinguish its position, except a huge
{ mound of snow and the ends of two
{ snow shoes; presumably where the
{chimney was. Two dozen willing
| hands were soon hard at work, clear-
ing away the huge drifts, and as soon
as the chimney was uncovered we
found, as we feared and expected,
{that the space around it had been
[permitted to lie and harden. It was | :
{but too plain that what had fallen | gestive » “Gibson girl,” but in a AN INEXPENSIVE
| during this previous storm had ape | Sesiive of the on Jae - GIFT, COSTING ONLY
ly filled the small space below the |
chimney cap, and the cabin been her- | slightest forward bend at the waist, extra heavy
| metically sealed. As soon as the |
opening was made, a couple of us|
| climbed down. Poor Carlton stood, {rect poise is not attained all at once—
Handsome Fur Scarf
Send us your name and address aad we will send you
t f our jewelry novelties to
sell at 10 cents each. Everybody you show them to will buy
them of you. When sold send us the $2.40 and we will at
once send you this
Handsome Fur Scari
It is nearly 48 inches long, made from black Lynx
fur, has six full, bushy tabs, very latest style, and we
know you will be more than ple 1 h it. When you
ive it we know you will say i most elegant and
ood fur you have ev . Nothing similar
ver before be d as a premium; it
ry It gives a stylish,
dressy effect to the w s a] ance. 1he only reason
we can offer them is : imber of them made
up for us by one during the summer
when trade was quiet; tt s the ason we are able
to offer such an exp ve premi hope you will
take adv e of our offer without delay. This is an
extraord fer and cannot be duplicated by any other
reliable concern. We trust you with our jewelry until
sold. Itc you nothing to get this fur. Address,
Dept. 655, East Boston, Mass.
New Walk For Women.
From London comes startling re-
ports of .a new figure and a new pose
which have been called into existence
by the winter fashions. Women who |
have for the last year been lightly ¢ a
tripping in the short “trottoir” skirt 3 HoLiDAY PRESENTS
have found that they must adapt CLT Men's Suspenders ]
their style of walking to the new or- Si
der of thhings. A slow, languorous Arm Bands, Ladies’ Garters
movement of the limbs is therefore with the unique new fad
cultivated, as being more conductive ok PHOTOLOCKET BUCKLE
to grace when wearing the long “red- Pareto n ;
ingote” coat and the newly intro- Eh . bh yy i
duced princess styles. Lr graphs can fh
The new walk is just a little sug- BE be inser
right at the shoulders, with the The photo locket buckles are
and suver
the head is encct, the chin in and the plated, on h you can en-
legs swing from the hips. The cor-
. s % N bi lite, anc #3 d the
{leaning against the bricks of the according to the London Express—and ’ white, and black, and they
{ chimney; fully clothed, even to his
blue army overcoat, and the air- was | 5 | \ >
thick with a close, foul odor. There |of how to walk in a “redingote.” some Soar yihere caile
z | very drastic orders are given. The Std cverymiere, or mated for
{ were no matches in the cabin or up-
on his person. He had evidently slept
long and soundly and realized from
his sensations when he awoke and be-
! came partially conscious that he was
| being smothered. That he had become
| bewildered and had wandered aimless-
{ly around the cabin was evident by
the articles strewn upon the floor, and
when he finally found the chimney,
| had been too weak to make the
{ascent and had gradually fallen into
his last sleep.
We judged he had been dead for
forty-eight hours or more, and as the
| storm was raging so flercely at that
| time, it is by no means certain that
| he could have been rescued, had his
der does
for with-
The bot-
hs smooth
each trip
hind bees-
t long
is the
't soon
en be-
eep moun-
mile a min-
r auto is not
leep snows the
» miner would
ire is always |
s far as pos-
3 that come
When there
nd shovelling
ow is per-
Is and in-
hin is made |
| condition been known.
The body was wrapped in blankets
and tenderly carried to the hotel,
and prepared at once for burial. The
grave was dug near an old pine tree
through twenty-four feet of snow,
and steps had to be cut to lead down
to the ground. There was no minister
in the camp, but one of the women
brought out a prayer book and the
burial service was read and probably
each one of us sent up some sort of
a prayer, that he might make a hap-
py landing on the other shore.
Over a hundred men and women on
snow shoes accompanied the body
from the hotel to the grave, the wind
singing a soft requiem as we laid the
body away in that great white sepul-
cher and commented upon the-singu-
lar fatality that had carred him safe-
ly through years of bloody strife, to
at last meet his death in that strange
manner 8500 feet above his home of
| early days on the rock-bound shores
of the Atlantic.
rr eet ——
Briefs from Everywhere.
No intoxicants were allowed Rus-
sian prisoners in Japan.

80 fires for |
¢ a breath
“and none
kan be kept
hung in
The chim-
v by means
cor its top,
Jo 08.
A carved war god supposed to be
| over a thousand years old has been
{ found in a cave in Colorado.
One ounce of radium contains pow-
| er enough, if it could be utilized, to
lift ten thousand tons one mile high.
The Arabs claim that Eve's grave
is in a cemetery at Jeddah which was
closed for interments over a thou-
yr | sand years ago.
1 and
0 him-
The Denver and Rio Grande Rail-
road is employing Navajo Indians as
etion hands, finding them better
| workmen than South Europe laborers.
The herring is one of the most mig-
ratory of fish. They are only caught
as a rule during the spawning season.
Where they go to after that is not
aw postage stamps which Ja-
ting for Korea show a chry-
smblem of Japan, a plum
'm of Korea, and two
vic of the postal ser-
rench scholar named
ished a work about giants,
ith Adam, who he asserted
t 9 inches tall, Eve being
bet shorter.
scrap heap of the
t year reached the value
).. This was the value of
upling pins, waste paper,
Its and the like.
of Persian women

5 . are pack in artracuve
at the physical culture schools, where | 4 sing ir boxes.
society is now graduating in the art HANDSOME, DEPENDABLE,
i i ole $1.00 and 10 cents postage.
practice of sleeping on the pack or State kind and color desired. If engraved, 75 cents per
one side is fatal t6 the new poise. | pairextra, with not more than three letters on a buckle.
If the woman of fashion would look | Photos reproduced, 25c. per set of two, to fit buckle.
tall and stately she must sleep face HEWES ® POTTER :
downward, with a pillow tightly | Largest Suspender and Belt Makers in the World.
ro » . hin i Dept. 64, 87 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
we dge d under her chin in order to Our suspender booklet, showing many styles adapted
avoid suffocation. for every purpose, and giving valuable information
about correct dress, will be sent FREE ON REQUEST.
— A ——
Climate in the Philippines.
Major General Leonard Wood in a
report to the War Department says
that in his opinion there is no subject
upon which more nonsense has been
written than that of the bad effects of
the Philippine climate on the health of
officers and soldiers.
Returns from California show that
the value of the orange crop shipped
out of that State last season was $23,
925,000. Of this sum the growers re- Y » gases ion enters
ceived $14,500,000 and the railroad and 3 ; keeps the line ois ght
refrigerator lines $9,425,000. MARLIN action
works easily and
- — 1 smoothly, making very
3 little noise. On new
: i automatic recoil-oper-
The average number of hairs which : : ating locking device
% : 4 ake: 2 |
grow on the head of a red-haired safest breech-loading
: i p s ’ ; So n ever built. x20-
man is a little over 20,000 hairs. Dark \ fo. catalogue, 200 il-
So 3 4 : i 4 tae ize oat a
hair is three times as fine and the av- ; Ite Shug
erage crop is about 105,000, while a Sh Li saps a
fair-haired man or woman averages He 5 ¢ Marlin Fire Arms
4 New Haven, Conn,
from 150 to 175 thousand hairs.
Throw Your Bottles and Scales Away

O YOU KNOW that dirty bottles and scales cause you trouble?
Obviate this by using our Developers, put up READY TO USE.
Simply empty our tubes into the developing tray and add the water—
we don’t charge you for the latter. Large quantities of developer
made up at one time oxydize and spoil. With our developers you only make
up enough for immediate use.
Send 25 cents for half a dozen tubes sufficient for 24 ounces of devel-
oper for Velox, Azo, Cyko, Rotox, or other papers, or 60 ounces of Plate and
Film Developer—a Developer which will not stain the fingers or nails, and
is non-poisonous., We have a Sepia Toner for gaslight papers, 6 tubes, 25¢c.

11th St, and Penn Ave., © Washington, D. C.

Every reader of this paper should have this book.
Cut off the coupon and mail to us with $1. 50.
Eugene P. Lyle, Jr.
Published August 1st
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