C= SVL VANIA DUTCH. ILKEY BUMELESOCK HAS SAY THIS WEEK. Ivverol woe mer he gookt is ep- pes tzoo saena. Wos mich on dar ubject ollawile g’maent sin dale Sick Headache When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys- tem, centering in the brain. This irritation produces pain in the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom- ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in loss of memory, inflammation, epi- lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by taking Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. They stop the pain by sooth- ing, strengthening and reliev- ing the tension upon the nerves What a Man Ought to Know is how to make an attractive home for his family. Newly Papered Rooms are the main attractionin a home We have a Large Sslection of Papers at All Prices. Although Japan has practically a monopoly of blind masseurs, a few pro- fessionals may be found scattered about the capitals of the world. New York has several of them, not Japan- bse, but the native or European prod- | uct. “It must be understood,” said an in- structor in massage, “that the wiind of countries other than Japar have heen backward about preparing themselves. ' Only recently have they begun to think it possible. From time to time travel- | ers and invalids who have profited by the treatment of the Japanese in thelr own land have come back with tales of the wonderful benefits received, but it never occurred to them that the blind here might utilize their talents in the same way. “At last, however, a few of the blind have come to realize their possibilities and at a school of massage in New York a number of them have applied for instruction. Some of these appli- cants have finished the course, and probably are practicing in ithe town now, either with private patients or in Horse Blankets STRONGEST EVER MADE The first requisite of a good Horse Blanket is s#rengh. The surest way to tell a strong blanket is to look for the 5A Trade Mark. 5A Blankets are woven from tightly twisted warp, which gives strength, warmth and durability. They are made in hundreds of sizes and patterns—with prices to suit all. Your local dealer buys the long-wearing 5A Blankets direct from the factory, and can therefore sell them ckeaper than dealers can sell infe- —not by paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills do not contain opium, morphine, chloral cocaine or similar drugs. “Sick headache is hereditary in my family. My father suffered a great deal, and for many years I have had +zeitin spells that were so severe that I was 4 g unable to attend to my business affairs S115— for a day or so at a time. During a > very severe attack of headache, I took Y AD Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills and they sac relieved me almost immediately. Since . then I take them when I feel the spell way coming on and it stops it at once. se JOHN J. McERLAIN, S Pres. S. B. Eng. Co., South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pilis are sold by Your druggist, who will guarantee that he first package will benefit. If it falls he will return your money, 5 doseg, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medica Uy. Elkdaudrt, nd _ a sanitarium. Among the pupils I re- member one woman from Brooklyn. 1 have kept her in mind because she was the most skillful hand at massage 1 I A EMIT J ever knew. [ don’t see how even the ~~ aNd EAA IIL! = 0) Japs could beat her. Her hands were alive with magnetism. She seemed to p — ee W =I A" If nso hf 1) o rior blankets, _nurchased - through jobbetu at high prices. pcha os ich om letschta Somsh- wg owet g'saena hob. Ich wawr Lengeshter ivver nacht con bin « S 0 house gonga fer de / gers’ tzoo W. A. BRINKMAN 13-15 E. Orange St., LANCASTER, PA. All Genuine 5A Blankets have 5A Stays under Straps. Buy a 5A SQUARE BLANKET for street use. Buy a 5A BIAS GIRTH BLANKET for stable, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Made by WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. know by instinct what set of muscles £4 reatment, and the case of in- somnia or rheumatism that could hold out against her was stubborn, indeed. She went west several months ago, but possibly other blind recruits equally capable have been graduatea since then ‘o take her place © A cure guaranteed FS #5 Siping D. Matt, Thompson, Su; fl Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: “I can ou claim for them.’ D3, 8. M. Devore, . Va., writes: *“ They giv} fagtion.” Dr. H.D. MeGill, Clarksbu 011S—~ h da ennyhow nei aena wos es gleich erdult feel g’saena.— -g’ far tzwonsich weibs- oof der stage. Se hen bae gaokt foon woe ich —ovver nochdem os gookt hob dorrich en op- Shaving es en yunger karl meer | | $ Bar Cviing , hov ich gsaena dos es|® h 5 % .gae paint oon gae-pow- S ampooing yra oon net naegsht soe E. Main St., |r ® : | equal yours.” Puc, 50 Ci 4 by Drugslsls. waARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. | Soldati toy ly X; Garber. Calltorfree sample EE FAS Rk kkk kkk rw |B There’s Money in Growing Ginseng § i 3 F H. Baker’ S. and WANTED! Several Young and Middle Aged Men. Apply at Works Rollman M’fg. Co. Mt. Jo% Pa. &xas. 0 feria Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY $' 20000000008 W. B. BENDER Prof. W. L. Howard of the Missouri State Agricultural College says: ‘I advise American farmers to cultivate Ginseng. Big pro- fits may be realized. It isa hrdy plant and is easily ‘grown.’ —A recent bulletin issued by the Pennsylvania State Agricultural College in part says: ‘“The supply of native Ginseng root is continually di- minishing and the price per pound is correspondingly increasing, while the constant demand for the drug in China stands as a guar- antee of a steady market for Ginseng in the future. The market for our cultivated root will exist as long as the Chinamen exist.’’---Coun sel General W. 4. Rublee of Hong Kong says in the U.S. Counsu- lar reports: ‘The sale of Ginseng root grown in America is very large here and the demand is so great that much more could be dis- posed of advantageously. The root is indispensable to the 400,000, ooo Chinese as is their rice.” | Ginseng is a staple on the market the same as corn, wheat and cot I : B 0 0 Opposite 01d P. R. B. Station 4 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sole’ agent for Congo Roofing. No. r Cedar Shingles always on hand $F Alss Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. ich Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material. Phonesss OF oF SJSJSSG OHHH S BSH SHHHHBLBIOH @. 0000000000 000000000000 00000000000 0000000000000000000 Delaware Farms af bargain Prices Sixty miles from Philadelphia, daily railroad and steamboat communication. We are pre- pared to show you some good bargains in Fruit, Grain and Stock Farms, well located, at right prices and terms. Now is the time to buy for possession for 1906. © We can of- fer you goodland; not swamps and sand banks If you wish to buy, would be pleased to hear from you or have you call at nfy office. Very Respectfully, H. D. BOYER, SMYRNA, DEI. BHLOHVOBDDOOD Mount Joy. sees wawra os se ’gscheint fla nockicha awga. Full Line Photog- raphers’ Supplies AGENCY FOR »- i el ILTON GROVE. izabeth Grosh is spend ton. The present market price varies from $5 to $8 per pound ac ime at Elizabethtown. cording to quality, while the cost of production does not exceed $1.50 There is room in any ordinary garden to grow several hundred dol- lar’s worth each year. The plant is hardy and thrives in all parts of the United States and Canada, except in the arid regions. We are successfil growers and can show you how to make money growing Ginseng. You can get a good start in business for a small outlay, and soon have a comfortable income. = We have several thousand choice roots for sale for Fall delivery. The planting season begins in August and continues until the ground is frozen. for literature. The Photomailer An Envelope designed for mailing Photo- Settlerae tofestates, collection of rents, surveying and raphs, Cards, or anything that locks better month and flat than ¢ rushed and curled. sauveyancing. i The Photomailer is — ene CT YE AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicised. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. Calling and Clerking Bretz and wife 0X, Day- of Public Sales o visiting friends here. rm near Green Tree. protects the enclosure from Jjury. ome moved his fam- The photographs or cards are enclosed and jf . sealed as in an ordinary envelope, hut as the Ehold effects to “Balti- peculiar construction permits of inspection, the postage is only one cent for two ounces, eck. Write us today AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED of MENDAY jestand of near Enid, ha, is visiting friends in nm unity. Gibble, 81 years of age, En huskinjg corn In the eabouts. e wash-house on No. 2 farm was totally y fire on Friday. Grosh of Philadelphia Buckingham’s Ginseng Garden _Zanesville, Ohio. RRR RHI IRR HHH AIR Brand New and so Reasonable is what : the people say our work looks like, and lev i at Market | avout the prices. OUR CLEANING and DYEING is the best in the city. 'obaccy Warehouse { start to be a customer here now. RE Airs ma STAR STEAM DYEING AND-AY CLEANING e on a visit, with his Ww. W. SIRE Propr. WORKS Sunday at Millersville T > & bi of » Wm. H. ¥’Comsey Co., 43 West Chestnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. EMS’ STATION. Always look for the Star. Both Phones t Shirk of Harrisburg B81 199° Dr. E. W. Garber is the local agent. in town. THE CAPITA AAS or GASOLINE ENGINE Better Rear of Nissley's Special # Bargains Fruit, Grain, Truck and Stock FARMS Reference: Fruit Growers’ National Bank, J. A. Jones & Co., Salisbury, Md. [Smyrna, Delaware. ; of Florin ais : : vr B oe 000000 000000000000000000000000000004 of potatoes/ from — = = 110 Miles from Mount Joy in a Straight Line. FBLOCHTIBDBIISOLILBLOLOLOBILAGD Largest Real Estate Dealers in Maryland. TH E LESTER PIANO BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE Wherever culture and refinement abide, you'll find friends of the Lester Piano. This splendid instrument has earned the confidence of the musical public. It is acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in the realm of the artistic. Its mellow tone is regarded as the standard of musi- cal quality. Its action, perfect in operation, permits that delicate touch appreciated by the musician, Its durability cannot be equaled. If you are thinking of getting a Talking Machine, we would be pleased to have you call and inspect our full line of these instruments. We carry the EDISON, VICTOR AND COLUMBIA MACHINES Prices ranging from $5.00 to $35.00 and higher. These instruments sold for cash or on time. DISC RECORDS, finest selectinn in Lancaster. Call or write for prices on anything musical. KIRK JOHNSON & CO. Piano and Organ Eouse 24 West King St eet, LANCASTER, PENNA. so oneenananeEnGtOEHOBESH SNE had over 100 feet put down at his ibuting over re di Why go 1500 or 2000 miles away to buy a farm, when you can get one at a low price, free from rock and stone, near best markets in “the world, well watered, in a civilized community, near home. , In the mad rush to the West 25 years ago, golden opportunities nearer home were neglected. If you desire to buy a cheap farm that will respond gener— ously to the eftorts of the husbandman, call or write or the ¢Homeseekers' Guide,”’ map and other information. Is the only one that positively does not have any packing on the cylinder or any of the working parts. There is no other En- gine on the merket that has these improve- ments, Sample 3}4-horse-power at half price. See our Traction Engine in opera- tion at our factory. This is the only per- fect one on the face of the earth, If you come to our factory and buy we will pay you your car fare. Second-hand boilers and engines for sale and exchange. C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam 8t., WORIGHTSVILLE. PA. 5000 [ere « NEEDED i a A to fill the new positions created by we as ao fully ouoioped © Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to Building LEARN TELEGRAPHY Stone AND R, R. ACCOUNTING Hm Ballast We furnish 756 per cent. of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Oursix schools are Screening or will crush thew to order any the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools in the size. Gives us a trial order. " ¥ Special attention given to drawing of all sorts of legal world, Established 20 years and endorsed by | naners, and assisting heirs, executors and administrators in all leading Railway Officials. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. i B utual We excoute a:9250:Bond to’ every student to ettling estates. Fire Insurance placed in the best m furnish him or her a position paying from $40 to and stock companies, RLAIN'S COUGH oF ALL OTHERS y g $60 a month in states east of the Rocky Moun. Ind. Phone, No. 270 A. At Franklin House, Lancas- tains, or from $76 to $100 a month west of the | ter, every Monday, OGETHER: 50 YEARS’ merchant at Mt. Eigin, EXPERIENCE Rockies, immediately upon graduation, ve hiad the local agency S ‘ 1 11 Students can enter atady time. No vacations Cough Remedy ever Crystal Springs ws | ry pring For full particulars regarding any of our schools aced into Canada, and Rp SoS be DAIRY! d may write direct to our executive office at Cincinuats ti, O. Catalorue free, as 1.410 of all other lines pg put together he FE fresh Oream and Milk Delivered Daily Except Swnday. do ter and has rent- d will go ring. that was 1€ cut west k Wormley on of the cap” Sold jn by Mt Joy J, C3 3 BHHHVEEBHD # 3 Weal Always Prepared to ser ; re spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Ideal Region for Dairying [11] ng a LE. on the sick John M. Miller. Notary Public, Surveyor and Conveyancer, LANDISVILLE, PENNA. Wednesdays and Saturdays at No. 17 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. bible steer a a was re- d the Hof- PE PEPTYC Le Zug and business DOR SSBGBHEHD 000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000 Sale of Unredeemed Guns The opportunity for the hunter is certainly here in the guns we have to offer. They will be oy cheap; as they are and have not been redeemed. Here is an excellent |§ chance now for anyone desiring something good. The makes are I. O, Smith, Parker Bros., Lafever and Ithaca. Single barrel, hammer and hammerless, breech loading, from $3 25 to $5.75. Double barrel, hammer and hammerless, breech loading, from $6.00 Up. Unredeemed Overcoats This wintér you will need a good, warm, stylish Overcoat. Our assortment com- | prises all different styles and quation of cloth, and you can easily obtain a fit as perfcot as if a tailor had made it to your measure, They are unredeemed and must be sold. They are worih from $15.00 to $25.00, Our price from $3.50 to $8.00. Pirosh ¢ Simmons . Phone 4338 A. o : © [- . o & 8 is wear— | Lo] & & 8 : & 3 o 2 a bis 4 i a F Ts S Gurnliare War erons Wount Jov, Penna. Ee Poe Good Homemade Diniture a Specialty “Upholstering Done to Order Jt fe IN-L0TS 10 SUIT Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. t to my childrdp results.” and all THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY Cincinnatti, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis, r guarantee, ve ned. I can persdo~ dicine as I habe Special Orders Solicited. We Invite Inspeciion. We Solicit ade, L Jewelers, 12)