ick wawr der gshter boo, dom gonga gaerdt. Es hut Kos ar g’'fished hut om olta flood-gate, woe soe about der race awfongt. Es wawra noch en halb-dootzent onnery hoova om dom os aw om fisha wawra. Daert wawra es Lawbucka eera tzway, der Sal Yudder eera ocof-gliys les dr Charry Trim, es Sendapetzer’s eera Henner—oon noch onnerry. Oof ae-mul grickt der glay Adam en bise, oon glei reisst ar schlap- penser growser fish ows em wosser rows. We ar en ei-g’feddelt hut g hot, schmeist ar sei ongel widder nei, oon in tzeit foon a pawr min- noota gate sei gorrick widder noon- er oonich’s wosser, oon d’no tzeegt ar widder en fish rows about soe grows os der arsht. Oon soe hut’s a wile fordt g’macht. Ae fish “oom der onner hut ar g’fonga, oon _ovvereb dos ar der finft rows g’schmissa hut g’hot, hen de on- nerra boova des ding fer-marrickt, oon aener oom der onner sin bei kooma oon hen eer? jong'la om saema blots nei henk | wella woe der Adam om fisha ‘or bis net ~ wennicher os elf go ick oon elf fishleina dorrich-nonner wawra. a 9 P».L SPORTING (ILL. js carpentering at d son nbia. ife of Mount y in town. spent installing an jp plant at his —— pught the A. blic sale last bnnonites held church here issley and her Sunday with od Dy. J E. and puffer and their wives spent 1 hday with Am- os Sumpman’at Mount Joy. TAC MILTON GROVE. Mrs. George Baker, of Florin. is visiting her daughter Mrs. David Kolp and family at West Green Tree meeting house. Miss Ella M. Grosh, has returned to her home in Harrisburg. Mrs. £ #rsole has leased her desirable property near the cemetery, to Phares Sprout. Miss Kate Strickler and Mis. S. Frank, of Lebanon, visited in town from Saturday to Monday. Miss Ada Grosh and Mrs. S. L. Gingrich took in the Old Home ek in Harrisburg. John S. Hisey sold his ten-acre act of land with improvements, bar Chicque meeting house, at jvate sale Samuel S. Shearer. hnsideration 1,000. brhe Zerphy Bros, practical nters, have Teently put ona 1, sabes’ Paint on Cyrus 's House in this place. ei SALUNGA. | Phipps spent several days home in Philadelphia. Weidman of i bed in the Dunkard, ceme- week. > Aston took his Sunday ss to Shoff’s chestnut hist week. ver will conduct revival he church here com- day evening, Oct. 16. 1d 14. UJ REWARD, $100. yor will be pleased to a one drended disense ble to cage in all its stages, and 4h Cure is the only med ical frater- tional disease, , requires a con- ‘atarrh Cure i8 upon the blood .m. thereby des 1g, and gIving the consti 2 wo k. nssian Seen Outsid in Th S Very little is known in this conf Russian pottery. In St. Petersburg there is a royal porcelain manufactory where exceedingly fine and artistic ware ispro- duced, though it is almost impossible to bring samples out of that country, which accounts for its great scarcity in Europe and America, says the China, Glass and Pottery Review. The pottery is a bold, semi-barbaric character, with arabesque decorations, consisting of heads of animals in relief, etc. The in- dustry is carried oun rather sparingly, and, aside from this royal porcelain plant, there is but little attention given to the production of ceramic wares. In the Pennsylvania museum, of which Edwin Atlee Barber is curator, can be seen a case of decorated Russian pot- tery, which was originally exhibited at the centennial in 1876. This pottery is of a buff or orange colored clay, and the decorations are in reliet and highly colored. The pieces are in the shape of coffee pots, vases, plaques, etc. An- other variety is decorated with conven- tionalized animals, painted in enameled colors. There is also in this museum a single piece of fine porcelain, artistical- ly decorated, consisting of a cup and saucer, the product of one of the modern Russian potteries. WHERE ALIENS COME FROM. Countries That Are Sending Their Surplus Population Here—What the Figures Show. During recent years the character of the immigrants to this country from Eu- rope has been steadily becoming less de- sirable. Prior to the wear 1880 the na- tions of western Europe, Great Britain, Germany and the Scandinavian coun- tries furnished over 80 per cent. of all our impigrants, the highest class that we could hope for, Hungary, Italy, Polaaé and the other countries of east en. Europe furnished less than one per cent. From 1881 to 1890 the ratio changed slightly, bat still western Eu- ropeans were greatly in the major {ty. From Germany alone we drew 1,500,000 citizens inside of ten years. Lately conditions have changed. East- ern Europeans and Asiatics send us 78 per cent. of our immigrants (so-called Europeans), while western Europe sends us 24 per cent. In 1901, for instance, Austro-Hungarians, Slovaks, Croatians, Poles and Magyars to the number of 114,000 came in, while 136,000 Italians honored us with their transfer of “alle glance.” In July of last year 67,538 peo ple of all nations immigrated into this sountry. ~— — —— A CALL COMES FROM PERU. United States Besought for the Loan of an Expert Geologist by That Country. “Come over into Macedonia and heip 18” 1s a cry that found a western echo jie other day, when the Peruvian gov- ronment asked the director of the fited States geological survey for he loan of a geologist. The official who made the request is the chief of the corps of mining engineers, an or- ganization that corresponds somewhat io our geological survey. In answer © this appeal Dr. George I. Adams, of she geologic branch of the survey, has been selected for this Peruvian work wd expects to leave early in April for 1s new post. His headquarters will pe im the city of Lima, which is situ- wed six or seven miles inland and about 500 feet above sea level. ' Here sn the west coast of the Pacific ocean, only 12 degrees from the equator, he will still be due souidy of Washington, safely perched on the familiar 77th meridian, the self-same one that runs through Fifth Street East, of our cap- tal city. Dr. Adams’ chief duty will be to or ganize a branch of government service for hydrologic and hydrographic work. The Peruvian government is develop- Ing the resources of the canuntry, es- pecially in the arid plain between the Pacific ocean and the Andes moun- tains. In places these mountains de- $0 to 100 miles wide. Owing to the tact that the moisture from the clouds is nearly all precipitated on the moun- :ain sides before it reaches the plain, this narrow strip of land along the scean is a sandy desert except where It is traversed by small rivers that are ted from the melting snows on the nountain sides. The population of the soast centers along these streams, which are the hope of the irrigators. Anciently, under the Incas, all this plain was watered by an extensive sys- tem of irrigating ditches, but the Span- ‘ards allowed them to fall into disuse. Lately some attempt has heen made to irrigate this region again. The sat- Isfactory results of this effort are ac- countable for Dr. Adams’ present plans. Dr. Adams will study the geologle formations of the arid district in the hope of locating artesian basins and developing wells wells. He will take with him the latest Amer- ‘can drilling machinery and will have the aid of a topographic assistant and a well driller. With sufficient water for irrigation, this valley will produce abundant crops of sugar, tobacco and sottom, and the low foothills of the Andes will offer an inviting fleld for the endeavors of the vine-grower., An effort will also be made to supply the towng with walter suitable for domestic tees mn pr er Aer WOUNDS, BRUISES AND BURNS By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries be- fore inflammation sets in, they may be heat. ed without maturation and in about one- third the time required by the old treatment This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such 1n- juries, causes them to heal very quickly. Tt also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. a bottle of Pain Balm in your home an will save you tims and money, not 1 pn the inconvenience aud suffering ries entail. For sale by J. 8. prin, and all Mount Joy drug- |} / { | sce! d abruptly ints -the--sea, but Im ; % sther Pparts—fe svastal plain is from Unusual Bargains IN SOME Slightly Used ——AND—— Second-Hand AUTOMOBILES Lancaster Automobile Company 35 West Chestout Street Lancaster, Pa. Ch. Yes! on ~es! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. ts r-IS AT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Pine Tonserial Parlor East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & 31h Sts, on Filbert St, Phila, Pa. Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal. Five minutes walk from the Penna. R. R. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Manager ABNER M. HERSHEY, AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, Fexnna. Special attention given to calling all kinds of rea. estate and personal property sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Charges moderate, Drop me a card orecall wp 836 A. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect May 25, 1905. SUNDAYS D--WEEK-DAYS TWESTWAR 3308 8 403 9 36 10 25 9 51 10 20¢ 11 06 CR TEE ee REESE (8GRE = Te. jobbers at high All Genuine 5A Blankets have 5A Stays under Straps. [iy a SA SQUARE BLANKET for street use. Buy a 5A BIAS GIRTH BLANKET for stable, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Made by WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. Ought to Know is how to make an attractive home for his family. Newly Papered Rooms are the main attractionin a home We have a Large Sslection of Papers at All Prices. W. A. BRINKMAN 13-15 E. Orange St., LANCASTER, PA. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLLOWBUSE ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No. 52 North Duke Street. FOR SALE! The undersigned offers at private sale, a number of CHOICE BUILDING LOTS on West Donegal street, Mount Joy Borough, on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Jesse Heisey, East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. june28--3mo @uas. HB ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales I USE IT I DON'T GARBER’S STOMACH BIT- TERS AND This household remedy is offered in place of “patent” medicines. It is not claimed that this is a “cure all” but we do believe that it is as good a stomach remedy and system tonic as can be found on the market. We call special attention to this Stomach Bitters because we know that it is harmless and reliable. We know exactly what is in it and just how it is made. The materials frcm which it is made are of the best quality that can be obtained in the market and of such a character as to produce a general stom-— ach remedy and general tonic of marked afficacy. Weg “hot want anybody who Needs a Doctor to Buy This Blood Rem- edy, but if you are going to buy a “pat- ent” medicine which vou have seen ad- vertised for stomach and other ailments, i x 8t B. Main 8¢., TONIe then we would urge you to give this bit ters a thorough trial in any of the follow ing ailments : — Rheumatism, backache, lumbago and kidney ailments generally ; sleeplessness and nervousness, boils, pimples, carbun cles, felons, ulcers and other eruptions due to poisons in the blood ; paleness, sallow complexion and a general tired feeling due to sluggish liver ; headache due to indigestion,constipation and other disorders ; poor appetite, sour stomach, acute dyspepsia and distress after magshs, This stomach bitters has gives good est isfaction among our customers and we much prefer to sell it in place of ‘patent’ medicines, the ingredients of which we do not know and therefore cannot tell whether we are selling an injurious er beneficial medicine. Mount Joy, Pa. When in Need of Good Job Printing Give This Office a Trial 09000000 000000900009000009000000000590000000000000000 i THE Scttleme tofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing, | PILES #%:: Suppository Pl S Boe up 0s 0 A D. Matt, Thompson, Supt. Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: “I can say 4 they do all you claim for '* Dr. 8. M. Devore, ll Raven Rock, W. Va., writes: y give universal satis- 8 faction.” Dr. il D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn, writes: 8 8 + In a practice of 33 years, I have found no remedy to equal yours.’ Pmick, 50 Cents. Samples Free. by Druggists. ps ARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. A cure guaranteed if you use Sold inMt.Joyby E. W. Garber. Calltor free sample WANTED! Several Young and Middle Aged Men. Apply at Works Rollman M’fg. Co. Mt. Joy, Pa, fm The horse, man’s faithful, helpful friend His ills are like/ your own, He labors often when he's sick, You never hear him groan. Feed Him Dr. Holland's Med- icated stock salt A Conditioner, Blood Purifier and Worm Destroyer, For Sale by M. L. Creider & Co. Mount Jovy, PENNA, 3TOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West KiNG BT. Jo ANCASTER J "1'he «amex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 62, 63 and 5 Wat King Street, Dinner 25 cents. Best aceonmodations in every respect. A share of yourpatronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. oF totetetotetotototetetetel sept6 dt V. 3 LESTER PIANO BETTER" THAN EVER BEFORE & public. realm of the artistic. cal quality. appreciated by the musician, HHSHHSBHESHHBES cash or on time. Og Undertals ai Wherever culture and refinement abide, Piano. This splendid instrument has earned the confidence of the musical It is acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in the Its mellow tone is regarded as the standard of musi- Its action, perfect in operation, permits that delicate touch Its durability cannot be equaled. If you are thinking of getting a Talking Machine, we would be pleased to have you call and inspect our full line of these instruments. We carry the TURAN, V/STOR_AND Prices ranging from $5.00 to $35.00 and DISC RECORDS Call or write for prices on KIRK JOHN! Piano and Orga 24 West King St eet, LANCAS FES SRBGHOOOSS HOO EBHE 000000000000 000007990006000000000¢ Engle’s Furniture Wa Mount Jov, Penna. ——rp oP Pore S% you'll find friends of the Lester Good Homemade Furniture a Speciall Upholstering Done to pti Rm POPLAF we FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS. rep oP Pedra hg and Embalming