© Wee. hyE Ania Db rex. ur Shwe, rv BUMRLESOCK HAS : Sy SAY THIS WEEK. Des is en schnelly oon bawry tzeit. Se schprenga ‘lectric cars in Deitshlondt ae hoonert mile de schtoondt oon kaertzlich hut en motormon der bendel g'rissa oon is hame rate foon ac hoonert oon dreisich mile de schtoodt oon de car wor yoosht oof da riggel se soe g’feelt hut. Es wor wooner- gons ob gonga on da won en woonerbawr ding. da car g'schrit is hut ar en tzeiting kawft Woe der motormon foon mit da gonsa g’schicht drin oon en picter foon sich selwert, sei fraw, sei uncle Henner, sei grows mom- ollt Nell—Oof em sivveta page wor en hut: “Fer schmaertza im bowch, booke!- wae, schtick-floos fordt ooner-glayder. my oon der familya gowl, de adferdisement os g’laesa oon soe drawg wuliichy Geb acht os net p’schissa waersht’’ Des sin don woounerbawry socha in denna tzeita. —— tem. MASTERSONVILLE. Herman Geib was on the sick list last week. N. S. Cupp put a new furnace for S. S. Fasnacht on Friday. Michael Ober who was sick with pleurisy is able to be about again. Geib on the rented a small farm Herman Shelly farm, ‘near Maytown. Mr. Beckley of through here selling nursery stock for the Davis Nursery Co. of Mary- land. On Thursday afternoon, Sept. 28th, the farm of H. S. Stauffer, of 112 acres, will be sold by the sheriff on the premises. A—Our merchant, Jeremiah Hack- man, tore away the boardwalk in front of his store, and is making a nice cement walk instead. The Chiques Hill Sunday Scheo! will hold their children's meeting Sept. Chiques Hill church. living Lebanon was on Sunday afternoon, at the C 24th, ee SPORTING HILL. children relatives a: wife and with Levi Fissel, spent Sunday Florin. Not a corn silo was filled in thi: vicinity this season on account o threshing wheat, Tha Reformed Mennonites held services in the Union church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Howard Rutter and so Eugene, of Octoraro, and Mis: Annie Brown, of Coilins, spen’ part of last week with their aunts Messrs, Jacob S. Hershey and II. 8. Snavely, of Junction, wil launch a new boat on the Chiques creek, near Shenk’s dam, in the near future. ese GP MILTON GROVE. { Felker's orchestra is quite a mark as a musical zation. Rev, David Wolgemuth and wife of Florin, spent last Sunday in tow, Norman Engle of Los Angeles. (al., is visiting the family of W. M. Thome. John Strickler of Osceola Mills, Clearfield Co., is visiting his par- ents in this place. making organi Monroe Sheaffer and wife of nea: Mount Joy, spent last Sunday in this vicinity with friends. Wm. M. and Arthur J. Thome will take a final course at the Baltimore Medical Cdge this winter. a en. QR — If you want a neat, clean and at- tractive sale bill, give us a chance. hy e——— ————— How's This ? ¢ offer One Hundred Dollars kh a case of Suter that cannot be Gu. p jure Hall's Cater, SinEN RY & 00, toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known ¥. J. Chene oy for the fast 10 years and helleve him perteots 1¥ bonorab sia in all business transactions and financially ahle tu oarry out any obligations made by iis firm Waring, KinmaAN & Man. ix, Wholesale brugeists, ‘Lol do, 0, Hall's Catareh Cure is taken fnterna ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. ‘Testimonials sent free. Price be {er bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pll.s for constipation, RHEEMS' STATION. E. R. Doughetty served as juror at Lancaster court last week. | Born to Elmer Strickler near | Florin, a daughter, Thursday. | This week winds up the peach crop at the Reist & Pierce orchards ! with the exception of some scat- [ tered trees. | Amos Garber of Mount Joy and interlocking Yorce are making im- { provements to the signal wires at | K U tower. The bering about canning factory force num- turned into Wednesd:y 25, were g acres of sweet corn afternoon to pick corn. W. L. Heisey, who has a large contract for crushed stone, procured 22 foreigners to work in his large stone quarry at this place last week. John Strickler, of Milton Grove a Western Union telegraph operat- or, has been assigned the privelige to learn the block system on the PsR. R, Wm. McDannel with his grass mower, caused the church yard, school ground and part of Heisey avenue to present a fine appear- ance last Saturday. John Wagner, motorman at Harrisburg, has resigned and con- templates accepting a position: on Middle Division P. R. R. as freight brakeman. He spent Sunday and Monday with his parents. Groff, contractor and builder, assisted in completing the Washington school house last week in West Donegal twp. It is a brick structive erected from the plan of the Rheems school house. Aaron The tobacco farmers are spirits over the bright in good prospects for their crops this year which ix an exceedingly fine one. are that S has for through, Hernley 12 acres, Rumor: Garber sold ¢ Ephraim 11 and 3, to Eh John E. Gar ber the Rheems buyers has con- tracted several lots for 10 1-2and 2 pine acres 10 Nissley of Florin GETTYSBURG AND WASHINGTON PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED TOUR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. VIA The battlefield of Gettysburg, and the National Capital are attractions so alluring that few would feel like refusing to visit them, especially in the cool Fall days. I: is to place these two attractions withi easy reach of every one that the Penusyl- vania Railroad Company announces a tou: over the interesting battlefield, through the picturesque valleys of Maryland, entertaining stay at Washington. The tour will leave New York, Wes Twenty-third Street, 7.55 A. M., and Phila delphia 12 20 P. M,, Saturday, Septembe 23, in charge of one of the Company’s tour ist agents, and will and ar cover a period of sia days. An experienced chaperon, whos especial charge will be unescorted ladies, will accompany the party throughout Round-trip tickets, covering transportation, carriage drives, and hotel accommodations will be sold at the extremely low rate of $22 from Trenton, $19 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points. For itineraries and full information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 263 Fifth Avenue, New York; 3 Court Street, Brook- lyn; 789 Broad Street, Newark, N.J.;or address Geo. W, Boyd, General Passenge: Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia et NIAGARA FALLS EXCUSIONS The remaining dates of the popular Penn sylvania Railroad ten-day excursions u Niagara Falls from Washington and Balti more are August 25, September 8 and 22, and October 13. On thesa dates the special train will leave Washington at 7.55 A, M | Baltimore 9.00 A. M.,, York 10.40 A, M, Harrisburg 11.40 A, M.; Miliersbarg 12.20 P. M., Williamsport 2.30 P. M., Lock Haven 3.08 P. M., Renovo 355 P. M,, Emporium Junction 505 P. M., arriving Niagara Falls at 0.43 P. M. Fxcursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Balti- more; $9.35 from York; $10.00 from Littles- town; $10,00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8 50 from Harrisburg; $10.00 from Winchester, Va,; $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone; $6.45 ‘rom Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridgway; £6.90 from Sunbury and Wilkesbarre; $5.76 from Williamsport; and at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor- car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chap eron will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of necting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Sep. 22. con- — i —— SUMMER DIARRHOEA IN CHIRDREN, During the hot weather of the summer months the first unnatural looseness of a child’s bowels should have immediate atten tion, so as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Collie, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system, Rev, M, O. 8tockland, Pastor of the first M, E, church, Little Falls, Minn, writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrboea Remedy for several years and find it a very valuable remedy, especially for summer disorders in chil dren.” Sold by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists, NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS LOW-RATE VACATION TRIPS ViA PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company hasselected the following dates forits popu- lar ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore: July 7 and 21, August 11 and 25, September 8 and 22, and October 13. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 7.55 A. M., Baltimore 9.00 A. M.,, York 1040 A.M. Harrisburg 11.40 A. M., Millersburg 12.20 P.M., Sunbury 12.58 P. M-, Williams- port 2.30 P. M., Lock Haven 3.08 P. M,, Renovo 355 P, M., Emporium Janction 5.05 P. M., arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 P. M. Bxcursion tickets, good for return pass age on any regular train; exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Baltimore : $9.35 from York; $10.00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Coluanbia; $850 from Harrisburg; $10.00 from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona; $740 from Tyrone; $6.45 from Bellefonte: $5.10 from Ridgway; $6 90 from Sunbury and Wilkes- barre; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at proportionate rates from principal points, A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor- car seats. An experienced tourist agentand chaper- on will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. pe A STOMACH TROUBLES AND CONSTIPA TON. No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are coustipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, Edwardsville, Tl, says, ‘I suffered from chronic constipation ana stomach troubles for several years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost cured.” Why not get a package of these tablets and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents. For sale by J. S. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy yodrggisis. of Orr Home Markets. Butter...........i...v, Lard.... Tallow . 22 per 1h. 8 per 1b ..4c per lb. ..2lcper doz. Brandt & Stehman pay as follows Whent..covsieaseeorees 18 Sper. bu. -.62 perbu. £0 per be Corn... Rye.... 30 per bu. Selling «... $1800 A300 LL A000 per ton Middlings.. Gluten. Cotton see nd me: al Linseed meal.......... Ajack Flakes...... . Oat feed.......s «ii... Straw Court Proclamation! Whereas the Hon. Charles I. Landis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law Judge, of the court of Common Pleas in and for the conty of Lancaster and Assist «an: Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gonera! Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peac tn and for the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept to me directed, requiring me. amon other things, to make public proclamation throughout mv hilwiek, that a Court of Oyer and Ferminer and General Jail Delivery. of General Quarter Sessions of tre Peace an Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the city of Laacaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE SECOND MONDAY INSEPTEMBER (THE 11TH), 19% In pursuance of which precept pablic notice ishereby given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in said connty, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner anid Con stables of the said city and counaty of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own | rope: persons, with their rolls, records and exami nations, and inquisitions, and their other rem- embrances, to do those things which to thei offices appertain in their behalf ta be done, and toall those whn will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jaii of the £aid county of Lancaster, aie to be then and there to prosecute aga inst them as shalibe just Dated at Lancaster the 16th day of Angust 1905 A.B. KREADY; Sherift wisn a Cowmrt sa=Please remember that I Clean, Press and Repair \ll Kinds of Fall & Winter Clothing, All Kinds Silk Goods, Etc. on very short notice and in a satisfactory manner at reasonable prices, Mrs. Fred Koch Orphan School Bldg. MT. JOY, PA. sept6-3mo, THE CAPITAL GAS or GASOLINE ENGINE Is the only one that positively does not have any packing on the cylinder or any of the working parts. There is no other En- gine on the merket that has these improve- ments. Sample 314-horse-power at half price. See our Traction Engine in opera- tion at our factory. This is the only per- fect one on tho face of the earth. If you come to our factory and buy we will pay you your car fare. Second-hand boilers and engines for sale and exchange. C. H. A DISSINGER & BRO., 400 Hellam St, WRIGHTSVILL LE, PA, Brand New and so Reasonable is what the people say our work looks like, and about the prices, OUR CLEANING and DYRING is the best in the city. Better start to be a customer here now, STAR STEAM DYEING IND DRY CLEANING _— LIA Wm, H, X’Comsey Co., 43 West Chestnut Street, LANCASTER, PA, Always look for the Star, Both Phones {&" Dr. B, W, Garber is the local agent, Correct Clothes for Men *“Aquaproof” Raincoats ESE The word of a long es- tablished, honorable house for it. You never will know what a rain- coats till you have one bearing this label JiedBenjamina@ MAKERS 3% NEWYORK Crofton or regular The makers’ guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are ex- clusive agents here, M. Bachenheimer Eagle Hall. COLUMBIA, PENNA. Oh Tes! Oh Yes! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale The Only Place to , Get Good Bread, Cakes, Baus, &e. iS ATT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Ww. Successor to W, Strasbach. Fine Tenserial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & 131 Sts, on Fiibert St, Phila,, Pa, Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal. Five minutes walk from the Penna. R R. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Nomgu ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, Penna. watts snd pevasmil property sibs. Shia aerio Guaranceed. Charges moderate. Diop me a cari or call up 836 A. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect May 25, 1905. “SUNDAYS EASTWARD—WEEK-DAYS WESTWARD—WEEK-DAYS 11 10° 11 20 T 408 STATIONS lizabetht own E “4 Sgops on signal or notice tn Agent or Con- ductor to receive or discharge passengers. “bh” tops only on signal or notice to Condne- tor to discharge passengers, For time tables and additional information In quire of Ticket Agent. W. W.ATTERBURY, General Manager, Pass'r Trafic Mgr. GEO, W. BOYD, tieneral Passenger Agent. J. R. WOOD, fornwall & Lebanon Railread. Time TABLE IN EFFECT June 29, 1905, am 1645 Leave... oun Mount JOy..oovvune Arrive Mt. Gretna, . Lebanon. .oo.oiaees Leave..... uu Lebanen Mt. Gretna ArHIVO..oiiiiniiin Mount JOY. ..vovveins am am 650 1014 pm 232 739 11 02 11 50 12 10 100 418 821 4498 841 745 8 06 b 4x 608 600 710 10 15 36 10 35 206 705 12384 348 801 am am pm pm pm All trains on C, & L. R, R. daily except Sunday MT. GRETNA PARK, on the line of this road, is the finest resort in Pennsylvania, and is the per- mauent 1ooatton for the Pennsylvania Chantans qua the U, B, Compmeeting, Encampment N &. of Penna, Trip mileage tickets sold at all stations to per | sons holding P. XK. R, mileage books, A. Ds MITH, Pres.and Gen, Supt, Lebanon Pen Telegraphers sae NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R, R. ACCOUNTING INNER We furnish 75 per cent. of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Oursix schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools in the world, Established 20 years and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. We execute a $250 Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying {roan $40 to $60 a month in states east of the Rocky Moun- tains, or from $75 to $100 a month west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation, Students can enter at any time. No vacations For full particulars regarding any of our schools write direct to our executive oftice at Cincinugs 1, 0. Catalogue free. THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPH Cincinnatti, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCro:se, Wis Texarkana, Tex. San Fi ancisco, Cal. Prettiness For the Room is the careful house wife's pride. Your rooms will look so much nicer with new paper on the walls. We can show yo u WALL PAPER so low in price that you will be surprised. W. A. BRINKMAN 13-15 E. Orange St., LANCASTER, PA Crystal Springs DAIRY! fresh Oream and Milk Delivered Daily Except Sunday. Special Orders Solicited, We Invite We Aolicit Inspeciion. Trades. 5 HE. ZEROUHER NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. MM. HOLTLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL- LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Your Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. 52 North Duke Street. FOR SALE! [he undersigned offers at private sale, a number of CHOICE BUILDING LOTS on West Donegal street, Mount Jy # Borough, on very reasonable terms For particulars apply to Jesse Heisey, East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA* Janeas-3mo Euxs HT FELLER Real Estate and, Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Sottleme t ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing. A cure ot gorratioo] if you use Bs Sispusiton : PILE Thompes, Bupt. {PILES ¥ii's Graded Schools, Statesville, N.C. wri fe} “1 can sy # claim for them," , M. Devore, Raven Rook, W. Va. writes ; oar hos ‘universe! satis: faction," Dr. KH, D. MoGill, Clarksburg, Tenn, yiiteds i “In a praatios of 33 years, I have found no remed q equal yours, Pmics, Cuwrs. Ssmples Free, 1 « ud Druggists, maRTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, Po SoldinMi.soy ty 2. W, Garber, Calilvr free sample WANTED! Several Young and Middle Aged Men. Apply at Works Rollman M’fg. Co. Mt. Joy, Pa. The horse, man’s faithful, helpful friend His ills are like your own, He labors often when he's sick, You never hear him groan, Feed Him Dr. Holland's Med- icated stock salt A Conditioner, Biood Worm Destroyer, Purifier and IFor Sale by M. L. Creider & Co. Mount Jovy, PENNA, septi-4t STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kina BT., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 4 h 62, 5% and 5 West King Street, Din ner 4 5 cents, Best accommodationg in every respect. A share of your patron ¢ solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. THIS WEER Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 20, 21 and 22 Charming Display of all the Latest Styles and Prettiest Novelties in season in Trimmed Millinery Tailored Suits and Coats Dress Goods and Silks Laces, Ribbons, Trimmings, Ete. And everything else pertaining to a First Class Dry Goods Store AUTUMN MILLINERY { Smart Stiff Hats for Street wear. Most comprehensive showing Ladies’ Trimmed Street, Dress and Carriage Hat s| Turbans and Togues. Styles are practi- cal and elegant. They are selected and adapted from the latest imported models Rich and rare combinations and blended color effects in silk and velvet, This department will make a great flowers, plumes, wings and aigrettes. | showing of newest weaves and prettiest Such a beautiful gathering of chic and Dress Fabrics, handsonie headwear has 1 ever been seen Armures and Granite Cloths, Panamas, | We shall make a specialty this season as usual, of Stylish Hats, adapted from | the latest models, at $3.50, $5 to $8. DRESS GOODS ribbons i color effects in Autumn in Lancaster at such moderate | Henriettas, Cheviots, Broadcloths, Lan: « We want every lady’s verdict. downes, Mohairs, Silicienunes, Another important feature of this Prices range from 3gc to $1.50a yd. tumn Opening is the great according to widths and quality. pric S Crepes, Au- of etc. showing Dress Trimmings Our display of Fine Trimmings this season will be greater than ever before, Beautiful designs in embroidered effects for waist or dress; dainty color combi- nations in delicate shades of green, > silk embroidery will be popular. A great array neat trimmings in all the prettiest colors. New York Store Cormer Square and E. King St., Lancaster 0000000000000000000006050060006000000000500000000060 ZESEstNEE GIS INSRGEORETE Po De THE LESTER. PIANO BETTER THANEVER BEFOREIK ‘Wherever culture and refinement abide, Piano. This splendid instrument has earned the confidence of the musical public. It is acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in the realm of the-artistic. Its mellow tone is regarded asthe standard of musi- cal quality. Its action, perfect in operation, permits that delicate touch appreciated by the musician, Its durability cannot be equaled If vou are thinking of getting a Talking Machine, we would be pleased to have you call and inspect our full line of these instruments, We carry the EDISON, VICTOR AND COLUMBIA MACHINES Prices ranging from $5.00 to £35.00 and higher, cash or on time. puik, blue or rose. Combinations of velvet and of braided effects, gnimpses and SOLOW you'll find friends of the Lester These instruments sold for DISC RECORDS, finest selectinn in Lancaster, Call or write for prices on anything musical. KIRK JOHNSON CO. Piano and Organ EFXouse 24 West King St eet, LANCASTER, PENNA, REGO EHO LOGS HBG HEMSGR SOBER 000000000000 0000090009000000000000006C 0400 Tae Unredeemed Single and Double Barrel Breech Loading Guns as Low at!$3 We have also on sale a big stock of Hammerless Gunse=L. Baker's, Grinner's, 2oore’ SHCTOESUASSGAGIULATROR UO GHSGB HBSS SHOBSLOORTT C. Smith's, s and Ithaca makes. You can buy these guns for half their regular price. Every gun yot ptir= place of it. Pirosh & Simmons. The 01d Established Pawnhroke: Ind. Phone 13384. 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna. 0090099090099 990003009060900 3000000 09000009000000000000 RTT i Engle’s Fumie Wr rooms § tisfaction or a New Gi chase is Guaranteed to give in in and Jewelers Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Ort oti dd POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SOIT THE PURCHASERS, wert ru Pos nS and Embalming EE EE IAS