A STABBING AFRAY An lalian Cut Two of His Fellow Countrymen Here on Thursday Thursday about 11 o’clock there between three Italians in this place, which resulted in two of them, Joe and John Belfort, aged eighteen and seventeen respectively, being stab- bed by one of their countrymen. All the men were employed on the pipe line and were members of a camp along the Little Chickies creek, about one-half mile north of town. Several days ago they quit work and a into Mount from the sub-contractor, doing the An arose between Joe Belforti man who did the stabbing, and they had a fight in the upper end of the borough. They down town, and when about midway morning was a fight them get their number of came Joy to ¢ money who is altercation and the work. then continued between Newcomer's hardware store Hotel the whipped out and the Red Lion un- A known Italian a big Joe in the left side just above the belt the blade penetrating the abdomen. ugly looking knife and stabbed His assailant then ran to the camp about a distance of half a mile and eut Joe's brother, John, in the left shoulder and left cheek, after which he made tis escape. The men’s in- Pr. EF. M. taken to Lan- juries were dressed by Marry and they were caster on the Seashore Express and removed to St. Joseph's Hospital. the Bellfortj name B.D. canght at The man who cut brothers gave his as He Florin, after a long chase, by Cor— Ermingildo. was stable Vogel, who ran him through the cornfields and finally him. When searched have the big knife did the cutting, he threw it away. came upon did wl ich he he not with but it is le oflice believed taken was was to Squire Zellers’ and that await the result of” injuries. committed by magistrate to Joe DBelforti’s Reports from the hospi tal show that the injured man has improved considerably although he is not out of danger by any means. It appears that there has been a great deal of trouble with Italians, and they are not to for all of it, either, who is pipe is also at fault. Several gangs of Italians have been on the work, last crowd left and the present ones took their places. The camp was located in a swamp and the Italtans did not like it. said they would stop work, wanted their money, which been paid them yet, Kach man has about #8 coming to him, want it. That is the reason became Most of them are armed with knives and pistols and people are afraid of them, the men the job, became scared because the men blame him for notgetting their money. the blame as the contractor laying the and week a large They but has not and they they noisy. Even their interpreter, who got The man was supposed to pay the men and no one seems able to tell why he has not paid them, unless he is afraid. The fifty or sixty Italians em- ployed on the Standard” Oil Pipe Line Company, who were concerned in the recent troubles were paid off Friday and discharged, The men who were stabbed are in a critical condition. Instead of John Belforti being merely cut about the head he was also in the body, the knife blade trating the lung. This man’s brother, Josef, stabbed in the abdo- men, also has a worse wound he was at stabbed pene— than first supposed suffering from. to be Advertise in the Bulletin Rpratisrsincsrisns Monuments Tombstones LARGE STOCK ON HAND . Mount Joy Granite and Marble Works J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Essien cf cmirttin Y avery SA ND GIRL 8 "A a o tions for | thera EA AGA on AZINE DAMS’ S MAG ear for 10 conts) The a AE monthly home erating In th pages, 10% 14inches, of selec! f inntier of unusual interest in every hom Souni anion to nolicitors. Bend postal tar ar io articulars and subseription blank book ATO ADAMS'S MAGAZINE, 131 W, 24th St, N.Y, oy NEWTOWN. Amos Gallagher and wife of Steelton spent Sunday as the guests of Rufus Hipple. Preaching services will be held next Sunday evening by Rev. Mar- tin Groff the pastor in charge. The Kinderhook Sunday School will hold their second picnic on Chickies Rock on Saturday Aug 26. William Hornafius, baggage master on the P. R. R. and wife of Harrisburg are on a visit to Abram Mumma. George Rhoads of Berwyn, Pa. who has been ill with typhoid fever, 1s improving slowly with fair hopes of his ultimate recovery. Bein ener Struck by Lightning During Saturday’s storm light- ning struck the chimney of the house of Clifford Boyce, on Colum- bia avenue. Several panes were broken, and some little damage to the house was the sult. The occupants were in the house and saw streaks of fire. It is said that the new house of Maurice Stauffer, east of town was also slightly struck by a bolt. ~ window Iré- Representing Cove Lodge Benjamin 8S. Dillingcr left Mon- day for McKeesport, Pa sentative of Cove Lodge as repre- No. 301, K. of P., of this place, where he is WHAT ELIHU ROOT THINKS OF THE GANG v4 Criminal Combination, Under the Name of Republicans Masquerading * Elihu Root, one of the strong figures of Republicanism, has been elevated to a po- sition of the highest honor and opportunity in the Secretaryship of State. No one who has watched his career can doubt that he will shed lustre upon the office and main- tain well the honor of the nation. His keen insight and his sturdy Dhyalty of have not been shgwo to better purpos: than in his courageoasdennnciation of graft among powerful persons in his party. His recent letter to Mayor Weaver, of Philadelphia, startled the country by its vived language, and won for him the highest leader. His characterization of the Gang s “‘a corrupt and combination masquerading nnder the name of Republi- * wi'l always be remembered. to the principles Republicanism praise as a criminal cans The utterance is of such wide importance that it has been preserved in permant form The letter will appear as a supplement - to the Sunday North American of August 20. [t is printed on a handsome colored sheet, suitable for framing, decorated with Secre- tary Root’s portrait and the arms of the United States and Philadelphia, the whole making a souvenir which every Pennsyl- vanian should keep. etm Aes Must Use Harder Stone It has been found that the stone which was to be used for a top dressing on the new macadamized road in Drumore township, which extends from Quarryville six miles south, is too soft. The statehighway com- missioner, the county commissioners and the supervisors of Drumore township held a conference in regard to the matter. It was finally dicided that as the road should be substantially built to secure harder stone attendir g the annual scssion of the Grand Lodge of Penna, Ie be gone a week. Every man owes it to himself and family tO master a trade or profess— ion, advertise— Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn Read the display ment of the six Morse how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured | a position, angl-4m — Reins eect This Week at the Roof Garden offers this week, is especially and entertaining, with Wormwood’s won- derful trained bears, dogs and monkeys as its principal feature, ITS UP REMEMBER IT'S FREE. OUR OFFER. that this is the best offered. Cash Purchases amount to $50.00. 20000380 0820806006090RCV0IGOVVSVIOLLHRGRVTLLBLLHT IVC OCCT OHOE BOSCO 0008000¢ Notary Public, Jonveyancer, Settling estates. and stock companies. Ind. Phone, No. 270 A. ter, every Monday. will | The programme which Manager Peoples interesting | SEE THIS MACHINE. Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine FREE Call at our store and hear the specially prepared records of bands and other instrumental music, songs, stories, recitations, and assure yourself You buy only the records. ing Machine Records are famous for their tone and quality. This Graphophone represents one of the latest achievements ot the largest and best equipped Talking Machine Industry in the world. There fore its rep roduction will surprise and delight the most exacting listener The equipment consists of 16-inch enamel steel horn with large amplifying bell and brass detatchable horn connection, detatchable horn supporting arm, aluminum swingirg arm, structed motor, oil tempered bearings that will last a lifetime, an ad- justable speed screw, indestructable natural tone sound box, etc. Our Standard Talking Machine Free to Every Consumer whose derful instrument and learn how easily you can obtain one FREE. sy r "EBERSOLE, Mount Joy, "Penna. At Franklin House, i from Rheems s'ation. They will be ship- ' ped to Quarryville by rail and hauled from | there along the new road, It will mean a considerable increase in the cost of the road. It has been found that it is the same case with the new road through New Providence ' To cover it with stone would necessitate an additional expense of $4,200, and it has yet what will be done. Rheems station not been decided Pees This Week at Rocky Springs This week “Hoity Toity’ is the attrac- tion and it promises to be just as pleasing | as last week’s show. The chorus contains a lot of very pretty girls and the caste is in i capable hans. There are also a lot of pret ty musical numbers. S. R. Zug 5 ny Zug, late of Rapho. | . Co administrator of Fan- TO YOU READ Standard Talk— noisless and perfectly con- Call at our store and hear this won 25000000000000000000000000000000000000600 000600050 22022 ISDOCS02000000000°0¢Q @ John M. Miller, Surveyor and LANDISVILLE, PENNA. Wednesdays and Saturdays at No. 17 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Special attention given to drawing of all sorts of legal yapers, and assisting heirs, executors and administrators in I Fire Insurance placed in the best mutual Lancas- Sale of Summer Footwear These are a few of the bargains, 18 North Queen Street, We are offering this sale of Oxfords at unheardof prices considering the quality Ladies’ Russet Oxfords, $1.50 Values at : Ladies’ Ruset and Patent Leather Oxfords, 3.50 & 4.00 values, $2.45 Men's Russet Oxfords, 3.00 and 4.00 values Men's Patent Legther Oxfords;.3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 values ., $1.20 $2.95 $2.45 Our Boys' and Girls’ Oxfords are reduced accordingly. SIHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY we LANCASTER, PENNA. J. Y. KELINE, I also have for sale at all times, on the market in any quantity. the ©000000000000C2CO0CC0000000 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE The Pennsylvania State College, which has just held a notable celebration of its Semi-Ceutennial, furnishes a remarkable instance of growth and development. Or- iginating in the desire of many thoughtful citizens of the State to elevate the business of agriculture, it has, without losing sight of its original aim, devel oped systematical~ iy and logically throughout these years, and at the present time affords excellent opportunities for obtaining a general college training along Classical and Scientific lines and, at the same time, has achieved a rep- uiation for technical education in Chemis- try and Engineering that is recognized throughout the United States. The wide field now occupied by the College is shown by the fact that it offers a course in General Science, a Classical course, a Latin Scientific course, and courses in Mod- ern Language and Literature, Philosophy, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Industri- al Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. In all its courses thoroughly practical and modern methods of training are employed, the aim of the College being to turn out men of broad and liberal edu- cation who shall be at the same time skilled in their particular line of work and fitted to enfer at once upon professional careers, I'ts success is shown by the fact that im. portant and responsible positions are offered every year to graduates of The Pennsylvan ia State College by some of the most prom- inent engineering and manufacturing con- cerns in the country—more requests for men being received every year than the In- stitution can supply. During the past two has added seven buildings, over $525,000.00. Spacious and substantial accommodations have been provided for the departments of Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Agricnlture, Botany and Horti. culture and for laboratories, shops, testing rooms, ete., designed with special reference to the needs of the various branches of in- struction, and equipped with modern ma- chinery and appliances. years the College new costing Tuition is at presentfree in all courses to residents of Pennsylvania, and all other College charges are as moderate as possible. The next College year opens Thursday, September 14, 1905. Entrance examina- tions will be held at the College Tuesday | and Wedne:day, September 12 and 13 A copy of the latest Catalogue giving a full description of the different courses of Study and showing the positions held by graduates and specimens of questions used in former examinations, or information on any particular point may be obtained by addressing The Registrar, State College, Pa- The Concrete Stone Worl Flavin, Porn, CONTRACTOR AND MANAGER. @ All Kinds of Plain and Ornamental Concrete Work Made to O der, such as Building Blocks, Chimneys, Steps, Walks, Watering Troughs, Porch Piers, Etc. BES’ Your Patronage Solicited. 5s tear J & PEE Fa JE OLE TOLER a o%e $%s Te 7a Shy 4X FOTOTIOTE] Vat at at vu SPO ODO GOI0PTT CRAVE BIE 00 OF CEMENT Give me QUALITY a trial dd PG RRR HI SE S74 47s 4% oe 0 He 4% Ye WO “Groat Slaughtering Sale¥ & OF—— Clothing, Dry Goods 2 Slippers 4 Straw Hats and All Summer Goods For Two Weells Starting August 3; Ending August 16 Come and get your bargains for now is the time. DON'T FORGET our $25.00 GOLD WATCH to be given away September 15th, 1905, to the purchaser of $1 worth of goods who guesses nearest the number. Weount Yoy Baiwils Store D. BENEMAN, Propr. HE GG z; E. Main St., MOUNT JOY « EE ar & HOVER HE0NP BOB o - oxo 105 Lk oF 0% 0% £5 5 Lh or Lo] ok & Poe olotelototetelolelotetols ied An Advertisement in this paper is sure to bring Good Results because it goes into more homes than does any other paper printed in Mount Joy. PORES 258 2% 2x0 on FASE OIOTOTOTO, Ey WER at ot oh ividend This Year! October 1, 1905, an other dividend of five per cent. will be paid (the re ail wr 4 per cent. guaranteed and one per cent. additional A ——— 10% ok for six months,) derived from sale of shipments of mahogany, cut from our 288,000-acre plantation, in Campeche, Mexico, and ship® ped 1o new York and Mobile; cargoes of products every few months shipped in steamboat owned by Company’s management. the second 5 per cent. dividend this . instead of 8 per cent This is yoar, making 10 per cent. to be , as guaranteed. Per Cent. Dividends property’s immense resources are developed, and , henequen and and tropical fruits begin to produces, 22 per is a conservative estimate of yearly dividends that will be paid; that is, we estimate that the 14 acras represented by each share will after seven years, produce $66 a year, ‘nt of par value of the stock. paid And when or rmbber which is 22 per We have many sources of revenue: y, rosewood, Spanish cedar and other cabinent woods? wortd $10,206,000, at New York prices; maketable dye woods, ready to cut and ship, worth 00,000, at Now York; 60,000 full- grown rubber trees ; 250,000 full-grown chicle (chewing gum) pro- ducing trees; 1,800 head cattle; 250 oxen; Stores, mills and factory operating. A Certainty, Not Speculation Remember, there is no element of specrlation about this propo- Ct $2,0 mules, horses, swine, sition; no probability of shrinkage in values or failure of development; no chance of loss to investors, as the plantation with its natural wealth, buildings and other cumbrance and deeded in trust for jtheir pr stockholders, holding one to one hundred sh Shares A limited number of shares offered at pa is an opportunity to secure an investment the pate in forthcoming 5 per cent. divi Send wanted. Our Managers have matured two Over 7,000 stockholders drawing increasing OFFICERS : end, President, WM. H. ARMSTRONG, Philadelphia, Ex-U. 8S. Railroad Commissioner, Vice President, COL. A. K. McCL Ex-Editor Times, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary and Treasurer, C. M. Philadelphia, Pa. Counsel, A. L. Wanamaker, McM cent. in dividends. INTERNATIONAL 1 HJ Lg Dg Es Philadelphia, Write immediately and ask for handsomely iilustrated paper and list of stockholders who bave received a total of MILLER, Resident Manager, HOB BO improvements, always will be ample security to stockholders, being free of en. otection to a Philadelphia trust company, Sock is selling fast. Over 1.100 ares each. $5 Per Month Per Share. r on installments of $35 per month pershare. Make application atonce, This Wb pays more thau the 8 per cent. gnaranteed. By applying now you partici- 1 $5 or more (but not more than £60, a year’s instalme mts; ) on each share ther Mexican piantations Stock of both worth $50 per share above par. lividends. DIRECTORS : Consists of officers and H. A. Merrill, President City National Bank, Mason City, Iowa; John B. Barnes, Justice Supreme Court, Norfolk, Neb.; Victor Du- Pont jr., DuPont Powder Works, Wilmington, Del.; A. G. Stewart, Atty. Gen. Porto Rico, San Juan P R Pa. » To URE, AHON | BOARD OF | Pa. 51 per UMBER AND DEVELOPMENT (0) = 8 526-528 Woolworth Building, Lancaster. Pa. fefeteletotetolototetololotole] BEEBE GROG OER & & Ey 3 Lod & of ie Ep. SELEH55555 Best Artificial Light Known for Residences Stores, Churches, Fac- tories, Town Lighting, Etc., Etc, It can also be used tor Cooking and Heat- Ing purposes. 3 BEGGGSEGSGNGGG5G BLDLRNNS i Acetyl ne Gas Generator 8) ®) Ss 4 ACETYLENE gives an intensely bril- liant flame and its rays diffuse to a far greate extent than any other known r illuminant. Has twelve times the power of ordinary gas. Emits no odor when burning, the flame i clear white, steady and without smoke. It i S Ss perfectly safe and costs less than either gas or electricity and is just as convenient, Severa 1 of these plants have recently been installed in Mount Joy and will bear;glose inspection For particulars, catalogucs, etc, call on or address rE [peer L. GREIDER & COMY. MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA,