“Ich fershtay dei dawdy is wid- der om sowfa,’”’ sawgt der schtore- keeper woe der nix-nootsich boo en hondtful gae-darty eppel g’nooma hut, Der boo esst aens foon da schnitz oon macht en weesht g’sicht drivver, oon der schtorekeeper froagt een wos eem faelt os ar soe en g’sicht macht ivver de schnitz. ‘“Sawg, waesht doo net besser we sel | Soe sowery gae-darty eppel onna schtella fer en gronker boo os der moomps hut? Doo machsht noch en boo dote won doo net acht gebsht. Ich hob g’maent des waerra seesy schnitz, fer ebber os en ovver se sin boarding house hollt, oon se macha mich gons iv- ver meed. Hush doo sei der moomps g’hot? Doo ivverows acht gevva won der moomps husht oon doo darrifsht gor net nows in der raeya gae ud- der noss waerra udder dei hols g’schwillt oof we en millich kivvel, Der pap sawgt ar hut der moomps g’hot woe ar en glaener boo wor oon’s gate eem ollawile noch noch.” laeva moosht a SPORTING HILL. Levi Fissel and wife attended the funeral of his aunt in York county last Thursday. The Sporting Hill and Manheim pike will receive a coating of __crushed stone in the near future. Miss Clara Behm, of Reading, is spending a few weeks as the guest of her uncle, A. E. Behm, and family. I. C. Stall made a special trip through here on Saturday for the purpose of furnishing a lot of Ital- ians for the pipe line work. The River Brethren held services in the Union church morning and the services at 7 on Sunday Brinzers held .30 in the evening. Herman Shelly, wife and child- ren spent from Saturday to Mon- day with John L. Kauffman family near Heilinandale, county. : and Lebanon \ An iron bridge will be erected over the stream just north of Dill- inger’s mill where structure was swept recent flood. wooden by the the away There is a rumor to the effect that Jacob Breneman, living on John G. Nissley’s farm, has pur— chased Benj. B. Brandt's farm, near Hosler’'s meeting-house on private terms. A dog in this vicinity is liable to get its master into trouble one of these days. A few nights ago nine ducks were killed for Squire Stauffer, and later twenty chickens met with the same fate atthe home of David Brandt. A MILTON GROVE. Mrs. Katie Drace is having house repainted. Robert Nagle of Lebanon, visiting his parents. Misses Myra, Ella and Myra Grosh are camping at Mt Gretna for ten days. Wesley Shope wife and children of Harrisburg, are visiting Mrs. Shope’s parents, Cyrus Wittle and wife. M. L. Greider, of Mount Joy, and Prof. Wm: Frear, State Chem ist, of State College, Centre county this state, were atthe experimental tobacco station last Friday. her is I'he Mount Joy township school board met in the Milton Grove school building last Frida¥® The purpose of their meeting was re- lative to the purchase or different books for the coming school year. -p CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS BETTER THAN A DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION, Mr, J. W. Turner, of Trubart, Va., says that Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets haye done him more good than anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would pro- duce such stomach troubles, biliousnesss or constipa- tion, his whole time vouid be used in pre. paring this one medicine. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists. gratifying results in cases of ps FG MASTERSONVILLE. Last week a baby boy came to the home of Eli Heisey. Mrs. Mary Ann Becker is on the sick list. Mrs. Becker is in her 88th year. Miss Rachael Scott from Gettys- burg, visited the family of Abram Shelly. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Griffith’s attended the funeral of Mr. Griffith’s aunt at Alleghenyville on Monday. Christian Lehman, of Millers- ville, and Miss Mary Lehman, of Warwick, visited the Masterson- ville folks over Sunday. in On Saturday afternoon August the 18th, Harvest Home services will be held on the farm of Allen Brubaker a few miles northeast of Mastersonville. Mrs. John Henry Gingrich and Mrs. Samuel Kettering, of near Fontana, visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. aud Mrs. Abram Shelley’s on Saturday. This week our supervisor Wm Rice is building a new bridge at Snyder's mill taking the place of the old one which was swept away by the flood recently, Jacob Minnich and wife, of Lititz, made a short visit in the family of Jacob Hackman and Isaac Zug on Tuesday they also visited Mrs. Nancy Shrarer a sister to Mr. Minnich is in her goth year. rr pn RHEEMS’ STATION. The dwelling houses of A. S. Bard will be completed in the near future. John E. Garber has sold his en- tire crop of 1905 tobacco to a Lan- caster tobacco merchant. The household effects of Joseph Risser were disposed of at public sale last Wednesday near this place. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ephra'm Longenecker, prominent farmer in Mt. Joy township, July 12, a bouncing baby boy. The canning factory force of twelve or more went out a picking beans last Tuesday morning at E. Hernley’s who planted nearly an acre for them. \I'The Groff & Graybill Co. have a thriving industry at the large stone quarry where they load more than 100 tons of crushed ballast each day on cars for the P. R. R. The following prominent Sunday school agitators from this section attended the Mennonite Sunday School meeting at Churchtown last week: Frank Pierce, S. S. Kraybill, FE. 1.. Heisey. Reuben Kauffinan of Fast Peters- burg who purchased 400 potted tomato plants at the Rheems hot house, has been able to pick 4 bushels perfect ripe tomatoes each week since the first week in July. ——— SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO THE SEASHORE LOW RATES VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD, DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE RC UTE For the season of 1905 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged fora series of Sunday excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood, or Holly Beach on July 16 and 30, Auguat 13 and 27. ixcursion tickets will be sold at rates quoted below, good going on special train or on regular trains to Philadelphia, thence on special train to Atlantic City, or to any of the above-mentioned resorts by regular trains, witha final limit of five days, includ- ing date of sale. Special Rate to At- Train for At- lanticCity Rate toall lantic City via Delaware resorts via via Delaware River Market Rivar Bridge Route Harrisburg Lv. 5.050 AM. Steelton 5.10 Highspire 5.16 Middletown 5.22 Elizabethtown 5 4( Florin 52 Mt. Joy Landisville 6.05 Lancaster 6.20 PhiladelpbiaAr. 8.30 Atlantic City ** 10 00 Returning, special train leaves Atlaniic City (regular station) 6.30 P. M., making same stops as on going trip. Passengers for Sea Isle City, Ocean City, and Avalon cannot connect for these sta- trons until Monday morning. Rates via Market Street Wharf do not include transfer through Philadelphia, but convenient cornection may be made by electric cars at a fare offive cents. Tickets will be good to stop off at Philadelphia within limit either going or returning. For further information consult Ticket Agents. July 5-2t Street Wharf. $4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.85 3.80 3.85 3.50 Bridge Route $4.10 410 4.10 4 10 4.10 3.95 395 3.95 38 ” b. 5 65 a REDUCED RATES TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, On account of the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, on August 14 to 24, the meeting of the American Osteopathic As- sociation on August 15 to 19, and the meet- ing of the National Association of Loeal Fire Insurance Agents on August 16 to 18, at Denver, Col,, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets irom all points on its line to Denver, Colorado Springs, or Pueblo, August 11, 12, and 13, good returning to reach original starting point not later than Augnst 28, at greatly reduced rates, For specific information ' goncerning extension of final limit, routes, rates, and: stop-over privileges, cousult nearest ticket agent, 1 NIAD LOW-RATE VACATION SYLVANTA RAILROAD. The Pennsylvania A ~ Railroad Company hasselected the following dates for its popu- lar ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore: July 7 and 21, August 11 and 25, September 8 and 22, and October 13. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 7.55 A. M,, Baltimore 900 A. M.,, York 10 40 A.M, Harrisburg 11.40 A. M., Millersburg 12.20 P.M., Sunbury 12.58 P. M-, Williams- pert 2.30 P. M., Lock Haven 3.08 P. M., Renovo 355 P. M., Emporium Junction 5.05 P. M,, arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 P.M, Excursion tickets, good for return pass- age on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Baltimore : $9.35 from York; $10.00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8.50 from Harrisburg; $10.00 from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone; $6.45 from Bellefonte: $5.10 from barre; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each ex- cursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor- car seats. An experienced tourist agentand chaper- on will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. —— ee THURSDAY EXCURSIONS TO SEASHORE. The next Pennsylvania Railroad five-day Thursday excursion to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood, or Holy Beach will be run on August 10. Excursion tickets will be sold at the fol- lowing rates, good going only on trains named below to Philadelphia, thence to either of the seashore points above men- tioned by regular trains within time limit of ticket. Rate Atlant via Delaw River Bridge $4.10 410 4.10 410 4.10 4.10 395 Rate toall Points via Market St Wharf. $4.00 4 00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.85 3.85 3.85 4.00 4.00 3.90 3.85 Train Leave AM 9.20 9.33 7.05 7.12 7.16 6.47 6.57 7.03 £7.12 £3.37 7 44 .50 to Ci Harrisburg Middletown Steelton Highspire Conewago Elizabethtown Florin Mount Joy Landisville Bainbridge Shock’s Mills Marietta Watts £7.54 Philadelphia Ar. 11.30 “f** stops on signal. Rates via Market Street Wharf do uot include transfer through Philadelphia, but convenient connection may be made by electric cars at a fare of five cents. Return coupons will be valid by regular trains until the following Monday, iuclusive, and will be good to stop off at Philadelphia within limit either going or returning. Similar excursions will be runon Aug. 24 For further information consult ticket igonts. july19-t . 3.95 3.95 410 4.10 4.00 3.95 rks REDUCEP RATES TO WILKESBARRE. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the meeting of the Catholic Total Abstin- ence Union of America, to be held at Wil- kesbarre, Pa, August9 to 11, the Penusyl- vania Railroad Company will sell excur-— sion tickets to Wilkesbarre on Angust 8, U, and 10, good for retnrn passage until Au- gast 14, inclusive, from all stations on its lines in the State of New Jersey; from all stations on the Maryland and Central Divi- sions of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad; from Wilmington, Townsend, and intermediate stations on the Delaware Division; from all stations on the Northern Central Railway, Baltimore to Sunbury, and Williamsport to Watkins, inclusive; from all stations ou the Philadel- phia and Evie Railroad, including branches east of and including Driftwood; and from all stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad Division, including branch lines, east of and including Aitoona, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents (mini- mum rate, 50 cents.) For specific rates apply to nearest ticket agent. Aug 2-2¢ a Abbie Shelly is no longer sawing crose-ties as ho has been promoted to meat cutter at the Washington House. The People’s Markle and Granite Werks! Maytown, Penna. J. H. KEENER, Pro. Best Work at Lowest Cash Prices. Satis- faction Guaranteed, On all orders received within the next 60 days, a discount of ten per cent will be given. IRON FENCE CHEAPER THAN WOOD siting We Sell iron Fence § MANUFACTURED BY The Stewart Iron Works Company + CINCINNATI, OHIO Whose Fence received the Highest Award, “Gold Medal,” World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, The most economical fence you can buy, Price less than a "oi ono wood fence, Why not replace Jour o ol one now with a neat, ate tractive IRON F “LAST A LIFE.” Over 100 eRe, of Iron Fence, Iron Flower Vase, Set ely ote., shown in our catalogues Low Prices will surprise you CALL AND SEE US Catalog Display by J. H, KEENER, Sole Agent, Maytown, Pa. Ridgway; $6 90 from Sunbury and Wilkes- | BusinessSuits SER Don’t need a microscope to discover the superior- ity of the clothes bear- ing this label AljiedBenjaminz @ MAKERS 3 NEW YORK The makers’ guarantee, and ours with every garment. clusive agents here. » We are ex- M. Bachenheimer Eagle Hall. COLUMBIA, PENNA, Ch Yes! Oh ~es! GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. Scholing’s West End B Bakery Mount Joy Penna For a Neat and Clean Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Tonserial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Shave, WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & 131h Sts, on Filbert St, Phila, Pa, Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal. Five minutes walk from the Penna. R. R. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY. Manager ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, FPenna. Special attention given to calling all kiuds of rea, estate and personal property sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Charges moderate. Drop me a card or call wp 836 A. J PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect May 25, 1905. < 11 40 AMC ;"8 740; 11 40 sUNDAY> AM 2 wl HSER [WARD—WEEK-DAYS EASTWA R D—W EE K - 1 JAYS “WEST STATIONS STATIONS Mount Joy....... Elizabethtown... Middletown. ....... Harrisburg ........ Philadelphma.............. | Lancaster. cinaeven Coatesville. . +1” Stops on signal or notice to Agent or Con- ductor to receive or discharge passengers. “pb” Stops only on signal or notice to Conduc- tor to discharge passengers. For time tables and additional information in quire of Ticket Agent, W. W.ATTERBURY, J. R, WOOD, General Manager, Fass'r Trafic Mgr. GEO, W. BOYD, teneral Passenger Agent. Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad. Time TABLE IN E¥ Tr June 29, 19056, Leave Mount JOy..coveunn Arrive... .... wae Mt. Gretna. oeeans Lebanon Leave.cssveues Lebanea Mt. Gretna... am 6 50 am 10 14 am 16 45 pm 232 pm 7389 11 02 11 50 1240 418 100 438 821 84! H48 608 10 156 10 35 600 710 703 1234 348 8M am am pm pm pm All trains on C. & L. R. R. daily except Sunday MT. GRETNA PARK, on the line of this road, is the finest resort in Pennsylvania, and is the per- manent location for the Pennsylvania Chautau- qua the U. B, Campmeeting, Encampment N G. of Penna, sons holding P. K. R. mileage books. A. Dy MITH, Pres.and Gen. Supt., Lebanon gn Trip mileage tickets gold at all stations to per > R NEED" Annually, tp il the new positions Railroad and Telegraph Companies. YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good I by ant ts, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R, R. ACCOUNTING EEN We furnish 75 per cent of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Oursix schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools in the world, Established 20 years and endorsed by all lewding Railway Officials. We execnte un $250 Bond to every student to farnislr him or her a position paying from $40 to $60 a month in states east of the Rocky Moun- tains, or from $75 to $100 a month west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. Students can enter atany time. No vacations For full particulars regarding any of our schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinuat: ti, 0. Catalozue free. THE MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY Cincinnatti, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCro se, Wis Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. Prettiness Tor the Room is the careful house wife's pride. Your rooms will look so much nicer with new paper on the walls. We can show you WALL PAPER so low in price that you will be surprised. W. A. BRINKMAN 13-15 E. Orange St., LANCASTER, PA Crystal £ Springs - DAIRY! fresh Cream and Milk Delivered Daily Except Sunday. Special Orders Solicited. We Invite Inspeciion. We Solicit Your Trade. E. HB. ZERCHER NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLTLOWBUSHE ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Monnt Joy, Penna, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. 52 North Duke Street. FOR SALE! Ihe undersigned offers at private sak v number of CHOICE m West Donegal street, Jo Borough, on very reasonable terms For particulars apply to Jesse Heise. East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. Jjune28--3mo Baas. 9 FELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Sottleme tofestates, collection of rents, surveying and conveyancing, BUILDING 1.OTS Mount STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel |# WesT KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now comple’e with the SORRE! HORSE, makes afrontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share o, your patronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro PILES ¥i sinposin Matt, Thompson, Supt. wri 31 “In a practice of 33 yours, #4 equal yours.” Pmicx, 60 Cxwrs. Samples Free, by Drugsists. gy ARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, “1847. ROG OGERS BROS. If you want Silver Plate That Wears, Make Sure of this Trade Mark ‘(847 ROGERS BROS." and you will receive the Genuine and Original Rogers Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. They can be purchased of leading dealers. For mew cata= logue “C-L" address the makers INTERNATIONAL ShLYEn co., ¢ NEW Dinner Napkins, Towels, etc., etc. bought, sheer, at 17c a yard. value, a 12%c¢ a yard. Long Cloths For Fine Underwear, soft finish, 10c, 12%c and 15¢ a yard ; f1.10, $1.35 and $1.65. Fine Dotted Swiss Pin Dot on Sheer Swiss, 25¢ quality at 17¢ a yard. or 12-yard piece Cotton Dress Yoiles Light or Dark Colors, 6}{c a yard. Lawns, Batistes, Dimities Hundreds of Neat Figures, Floral De- signs aud Stripes on Pretty Wash Colors at 3c, 4c, 8c, Toc and 12%c a yard. All of them under regular prices. Another big case of the popular Crochet Towels 22-45-inch, 15¢ quality, 10c each. Hemmed Huck Towels 18x36, fine quality, Sc each. and Cambric Edges. of pretty styles, at 25¢, 37 We put on sale today early deliveries Irish Table Damasks, Pattern Cloths—borders all around—Breakfast a new style ne Scotch Every housewife prides herself on th fineness and beauty of her Table Napery. tunity to get the latest and best styles, damask and napkins to match, coupled with the lowest prices at which Linens in such qualities can be Permit us to show them to you. White Goods Specials One case of Fine Persian Lawns, an extra good = 25¢ quality, fine and We give you an excellent op; Oue case of Fine India Linen a very superior 20¢ quality, away under Suits and Walsts Are a great centre of attraction. We made several large purchases of manufac turers last week at prices less than the cost of materials. Shirt Waists in white or “light blue seersuckers, generous sizes, at 2g¢ each. White Walsts Tucked and Plaited, plain, at 39c and 50c each; some of the biggest values we have ever offered in prettily trimmed Shirt Waists, in lace or embroidery at | 75¢ and $1 each; easily worth a half lore. | Duck Skirts Blue or Black with white polka dot, very special at 75¢. | Tallor-Made Sults { Long Tight-Fitting Coats, $3.75; with Short Plaited Jackets, $2 or 75 to $375 EMBROIDERIES We are closing out the balance of some of our bargain lots of Fine Wonderful values in good widths at 5¢, Sc and roc Wide Flouncing Edges, for Petticoats at 1oc, 12%c and 25c. CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES 18 to 22 inches deep; a greai assortment Yc and 50c a yard. Nainsook a yard THE LESTER PIANO BETTER THANEVER BEFORE Lrg 40k Ok Piano. public. realm of the artistic. cal quality. appreciated by the musician. cash or on time, SHGSHBGOGHHAFHEGSER EER RORTY 24 West King St eet, Wherever culture and refinement abide, EDISON, VICTOR AND COLUMBIA MACHINES Prices ranging from $35.00 to $35.00 and higher. DISC RECORDS, finest selectinn in Lancaster. Jall or write for prices on anything musical. KIRK JOHNSON s CO. Piano and Organ EXouse SSO BOGH OL SB IHN 009900000009 0023033P0990939999000 PCI IVSUVIIVIOPI0000 Great Reductions New York Store Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster 0000000000000 00000000060000009000000000000600000000¢ essa RgsrIINMIRIBRRNRGEIARES & BS L/L you'll find friends of the Lester This splendid instrument has earned the confidence of the musical It is acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in tha Its mellow tone is regarded as the standard of musi- Its action, perfect in operation, permits that delicate touch Its durability cannot be equaled. If you are thinking of getting a Talking Machine, we would be pleased to have you call and inspect our full line of these instruments. We carry the These instruments sold for LANCASTER, PENNA. iefetetetetelefoloteteloto] totototototetotetototetete] or gentlemen, reduced from $15 to $10.75. Rogers’ Teaspoons reduced from $1.50 Butter Dishes reduced from $2 sets at half prices. Ladies’ Silver Chateline Watches reduced from $4 to $ Gold Filled Watches. guaranteed for twenty years, Waltham movement, for ladi F Engle’ Forni Mount Jov, Penna. <} Poor a Good Homemade Furniture Upholstering Done to Order pi fed — POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, — 0 2.75. Rogers’ Knives and forks reduced from $4.50 to 3.00, to 90c. .50 to $1.25, Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Spoon Holders, and many other pieces of broken Pirosh 4 Simmons The 0ld Established Pawnirokers and Jewelers Ind. Phone 1338 A. 20 N. Queen Etreet, Lancaster. Penna. 0900900300000 93900900999000090600030003900000000000000¢ athe A) ure Wil inns e a Specialty $ Prim Undertaking and Embalming