e om out vs 'o the duties TN We've the “now” In whic We've the “now” In which And the now’ alone we can call Throughout all efernity, The past and the future are shadows, But the present is ours for aye To us ’tis given to build our heaven In the kingdom of to-day, =J. A. Edgerton, in Orange Judd Farmer RUNS A MOUSE FARM. A Washington (D. C.) Woman Em. barks in Business of Breeding Fancy Rodents for Profit, Breeding white, piebald, black, and Japanese mice is the latest househol! industry which is receiving attention. A woman living on the northern out: skirts of the city, says the Washington Post, has embarked in the business quite extensively. The mice sell whole- sale at the rate of $10 per 100, and reg- ularly, once every week, she delivers 80 of them to the leading bird and ani- mal dealer, who sends them out to his customers In this and other cities. In this way she earns $5 every week, and $21 and $22 per week from the oth- er sales of her mice. It would be hard to imagine easier money than the $5 which she "receives weekly for her “dwarf cattle.” The rearing of fancy mice involves little or no work, and the proceeds are for the most part pure gain. She has at her home part of a large room partitioned off, and the floor eevered with straw and earth. This I8 her mouse farm. It must be cleaned now and then and new straw and earth put in for the mice, but aside from this her only care is to feed them twice per day and keep their basin full of fresh water. The mice increase at such a rapid rate that by selling 50 ev- ery week she 1s able to keep the num- ber down to about the original limits. MOODS OF THE MOON. Indicate What the Weather Will Be ~—Some of the Points to Notice Before Forecasting. A clear moon indicates frost. A dull:'» moon means rain, A gull: 2dkdpg a the moon in- dicates a 8 If the moon looks high cold weather may be expected. If the moon looks down, weather is promised. The new moon on her back always indicates wet weather. A double halo around the moon means very boisterous weather. If the moon changes with the wind in the east, then shall we have bad weather. If the moon be bright and clear when three days old, fine weather is prom- ised. When the moon I= visible in the day- time, them we may look forward to cool days. When the points of the crescent of the new moon are clearly visible, frost may be looked for. If the new moon appears with its points upward, then the month will be dry; but should the points be down- ward, a good deal of rain must be ex- pected during the next three weeks. warm LIVE IN SCALDING LAKE. Traveler Diséovers Strange Species of Fish in Jaunt Through Gua- temala—Other Instances. { Marcellin Pellet, a traveler who has = cently returned from Gautemala, dv- scribes a curious species of fish, the Pa ellla dorri, which he found in the hoilin lake of Ammatitlan, says London An swers. It passes its days literally “in continual hot water.” So hot is the water of this lake, it is said, that to thrust one’s hand {nto it means scalded fingers. Ebullition is, however, some- what tempered, as the really boiling water rises to the surface, leaving a temperature of 35 degrees cent. at the ‘fevel where the fish is found, which ls even then excedingly warm {or cold- blooded creatures like fish, Frank Buckland states in one of his works that the naturalist, Broussonet, found by experiments that some fresh water fish would live for several days in water so hot that a human being could not keep his hand in it for a minute. De Saussure, the Swiss scientist, dis- covered living eels in the hot springs of Aix, the temperature of which averages 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Humboldt alsc gaw living fish thrown up from a vol vano in South America. One Hundred Pounds. «The British government has the step toward the adoption of the mal system of welghts. The board of trade will sanction the use of 2 ht of 50 pounds, instead of the _presenit standard of 112 pounds (called a #dweight), and- 56 pounds (called 2 T-hundredweight), taken a ———, How's This ? We offer One Handred Dollars Reward for ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by 's Catarrh Cure. ¥F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O, jhe undersigned, have known F. J. Chen- for the lust 15 years and believe him pertect- ¢ Blain dll business transactions and 7 able to earry out any obligations y is firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MAR Wholesale pruge ists, Toledo, O. I's Catareh Cure is taken interna'ly, acting upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ; goss imoniale sent free. Price, 7c y all Di ukgse, I's Family Pils for constipation. sion from reptile to bird" ® its wings are full grown, so imperfect are they that no upward soaring can be negotiated, and their only use is in making short flights from a higher 0 a lower branch, while the ease with which the hoatzin climbs affords an- other indication of its proximity to the lizard. trike wa The Big Birds Greet Each Other by Clapping Their Long Bills Together Noisily. Storks are not often seen on the American continent, but are common- ly found in nearly all the countries of Europe. In Holland, where they are particularly numerous and are pro. tected by law, their nests are general- ly on the summit of a tall post, put up on purpose for them, on which is fixed an old cart wheel. A Dutch gen- tleman has one such post in his grounds within sight of his library window, but he improves on the cart wheel by having an iron framework for the reception of the nest. The first year it was put up, toward the end of June, a solitary young stork used to come daily and inspect this frame- work. He was seen there one day standing in an empty receptacle ex- actly like a would-be benedict inspect- ing an empty house, contemplating the view and wondering if the drains are all right. The verdict was apparently favor: able, for next season saw the nest oec- cupied by the newly-wedded pair Their power of wing is very fine, and en hot days they ascend in spirai eircles, hardly moving their broad, black wings, till they look no bigger then flies. After the young are hatched they appear to be suspicious of one another, and unwilling to leave the nest unguarded. Storks have no voice. The only noise they make {is “klappering” (snapping their great red mandibles rapidly and loudly). Thus they greet one another, generally by throwing back the head until the upper mandi- ble rests on the back, but occasionally “klappering” is performed with the head and bill in the former position. ROBBER BEES DESPOIL HIVES Organize Railds to Descend Upom Their More Industrious Neighbors for Winter's Supply of Honey. To the person who knows nothing about bees they represent the supreme type of industry, says the London Chronicle. But even the bee commu- nities are disturbed by those of their own kind who break through and steal. Robber bees are always a source of anxiety to beekeepers, and in the au- tumn the marauders seem particular ly active." Having gathered no honey, or, at any rate, an insufficieng supply for themselves, they descend upon a hive, lll its industrious occupants and carry off the golden treasure in an astonishingly short space of time. We know of a recent instance in which the attack was developed and the home bees killed in a couple of hours. Some- times a hive will attack neighboring hive. In such cases the old straw “gkip” was better than the modern arrangement, for a knjfe thrust through the top would break the comb and set the honey free, at which the thieves would instantly return to seal up their own store. It is not primar- ily in their industry that bees are human. BRAIN VERSUS BRAWN. Chicago Professor Takes Issue with Those Who Talk Apout Race Suicide—~His Views. Prof. Wilbur Jackson, dean of the school of education, Chicago universi- ty, believes that quality of population 1s more important than quantity, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In a recent address he said: “Thy higbest evolution is in quality, not quantity. I am not particularly dis. turbed by the hysteria of our strenu. ous friends regarding race suicide. In the course of evolution I believe that the race has passed beyond the stage of the rabbit and the rat.” The good sense of this is in marked contrast to much of the rhetoric on the subject. When the country {s new and sparsely settled brawn is wanted in large quane tities to fell forests, clear land for agri culture and expel the wild beasts of the wilderness. When the country fills up and the problems of soclety press for solution brain of good quality is most in request. The problems of civilization are com. plicated anc intellect of rare quality ls needed. If quantity is not so much in avidence in families, we have reason te hope that quality is not absent, For sick headache take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For saleby J.8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists. p@Subscribe for the BULLETIN. 1103 elp- poor. *1 aad dB culation was doctored right along but grew weaker and weaker. The Nervine 8¢ cd, to strengthen me right away and my circulation was better. I have taken In all seven bottles of the Nervine, and I am entirely well.” ROSA E. WEAVER, Stuarts, Ia. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind s00000000000000000000008 W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting | 4 4 4 4 4 . p Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy. . EH < 4 Full I.ine Photog- 4 raphers’ Supplies p 4 4 £ £ <4 4 4 4 4 AGENCY FOR The Photomailer An Envelope designed for mailing Photo- graphs, Cards, or anything that looks better smooth and flat than crushed and curled, The Photomailer is light and strong, being made of the famous Cellular Board, which protects the enclosure from injury. The photographs or cards are enclosed and sealed as in an ordinary envelope, but as the peculiar construction permits of inspection, the postage is only one cent for two ounces, AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY ° 000000000000000000000000. Shaie’s~ Mcat Market Rear of Nissley’s Tobacco Warehouse FIORIN . PENNA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. MADAME DEAN ; PILLS. A Save, Cxrratv Reuee for Supprrssep MENSTRUATION, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satis- faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX.7T4, LANCASTER, PA. ei Sold jn by Mt Joy J. C. Groff and E. W. Garber GEV BVTHIOBHBBOS We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring . Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. LG Pe. re We are now fully equipped to furnish the Finest Kinds of Building Stone Ballast Screening or will crush them to order any size. Gives us a trial order, J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna, SBSH GBH SEO FHHHSOSHSSSHHSOHBBBBBBNT & 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE VER TRADE MARKS Ly DESIGNS b COPYRIGHTS &cC. + Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free wb invention is probably patental tions strictly confidential. HAND on Patents Idest agency for securing patents, K tak rough Munn & Co. special notice, without charge, in the oe yucelve Scientific American, A handsomely fllustrated weekly. Largest cir. culation of any gclentioc ournal. Terms, $3 a ear ; four months, $l. Bold by all newsdealers, INN § Co, 30 orxae. New York 06, 625 ¥' Bt. Washington, ether an Communica. ur IONE ¢ - : femme in VWith Bargains Lo pecials Tp AvBILL’S e Are Ag: . Boys’ Overalls, 20 to 35c pair. ~~ A to 45c each; Boys’ Shirts, 20 & Ie. 8c a yard. 6c a yd. C a pair; wd Groceries \ Il line of Groceries which we sell 3inghams, roc a yar c p some a little cheaper. ies’ Black Skirts ' awn Uysters, 8c a can. gnam, best qua Good Laundry Soap, 3 pieces for sc. One Pound Box Baking Powder, was 25¢; now 15c. Sweet Pickles, gc a bottle. We have Water Melons at all times as fine as they grow. We plug them so you can see what you get. p&=Watch our ad from time to time. SHANK & KRAYBILL FILORIN, - - PENN’A. LOI EEIIIIIIIE IIL LILO etre t terse bbb Reductions in all Departments o You can save from 10 to 50 per cent. by calling Oo during this sale. Hats, 50 cents. Seme $8.50 and 10.00 Suits, 5.48 cach. All dll ddddddO0000080000 POC PIPPPIPIVPIIIVIIVIIIIVIIIIIIIIIPY LAR & BS All Styles, All Braids, All Prices 90 cents to $3 Genuine Panamas, $5, $7 and $9 Largest Assortment of CAPS in the City, 10c to $1 ae | A 0d e00tctetototototototote : AAS SUCCESSORS TO XE. I... BOAS 144 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. 00000 Arter beer err ee bee rd be ee ny JOHN H. BUOHL SANITARY «PLUMBING: Vapor, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Have your Heating and Plumb ing looked after during the warm weather and be in shape when the frosts come. Bull ine of Ftoves, Pardware, Paints, Fe. Win Roofing and Fpouting a Hpeciaty West Main Street, MT. JOY. Amo 8 eo ember C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000¢ GOO SRGSSGOSR SOB SB SSS 6 © F.H.Baker's Coal and Opposite Old P. B. B. Station MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No.1 Cedar Shingles always on hand Ass Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etec, , Estimate. Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Muterial, Phone833 oF SOUCCOBLTBDTBBOD SOBRE BDTODOORE © 3 $ ! THe, $1 and $1.50 Straw $ $ 9 3 ® > & : : $ 3 Clothier and t $ Furnisher : @ \ ° $ 207 Locust St. COLUMBIA, PA. } S0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 000009060 990600900900000000000000¢ GEOOHEBODIHVIDLBIBOHIOBRINH 5 I USE IT GARBERY STOMACH B TERS AND TONIC is offered in| then we would urge you to giye this bit | ters a thorough trial in any of the follow ing ailments : Rheumatism, backache, lambago and kidney aiiments generally ; sleeplessness and nervousness, boils, pimples, carbun- on the market. We call special attention | cles, felons, ulcers and other eruptions to this Stomach Bitters because we know | due to poisons in the blood ; paleness, that it is hafmless and reliable. We | sallow complexion and a general tired know exactly what is in it and just how | feeling due to sluggish liver ; headache it is made. The materials frcm which | due to indigestion, constipation and other it is made are of the best quality that can | disorders ; poor appetite, sour stomach, be obtained in the market and of such a | acute dyspepsia and distress after meals. character as to produce a general stom- | This stomach biiters has given good sat- ach remedy and general tonic of marked isfaction am ng our customers and we afficacy. We do not want anybody who | much prefer to sell it in place of ‘patent’ Needs a Doctor to Buy This Blood Rem- | medicines, the ingredients of which we edy, but if you are going to buy a “pat | do not know and therefore cannot tell ent” medicine which vou have seen ad-| whether we are selling an injurious or vertised for stomach and other ailments, beneficial medicine. This household remedy place of “patent” medicines. It is not claimed that this is a “cure all” but we do believe that it isas good a stomach remedy and system tonic as can be found Et AU ~~ 8f BE. Main St., Mount Yoy, Pa. 0000000000000 0000000090000000009000000000000000000000 If you want to buy a GASOLINE ENGINE, call on G. MOYER. He sells the Columbus and New Holland Engines - ¢ is also Agent for the NEW HOLLAND CHOPPING MILLS. There are no better machines on the market today. Also Builder of Fine Jenny Linds, Buggies, Sieighs, &c. GIVE EXIM A CAIs G. MOYER, Mount Joy, Pa. 00000000200 220400000000000006000000000000000000000000 Furniture Buyers will find our new show rooms now open. They are the equal of any in the county for roominess, light and convenience. Our stock of furniture is equally large and di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rockers In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Mahoga- ny and Oak Tables, Tabourettes, Foot- stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Wood Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Chiffioniers, China Closets, Writing Desks. Everything in the furniture line that can be found in a first class furniture store. Undertaking and Embalming - H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY. PENNA. 1000000000000 00009000000000000000900000000000000000000 Here's Just What is Needed No matter what style you may prefer, we can fix you up on short notice and at prices that are right. (Give usa call, FLORIN, PA. PO00000000000000000600000000000000000000000TT0g000000 YOUNG BROS. K FRUIT BOOK 44 pages 9x 12 inches; 22 pages showing in natural colors 2186 varieties of Fruit, with concise description and season of ripene ing of each; 64 half-tone views of Nurseries, Orchards, Packing Houses, ete. Send 50 ets. for book (post-paid) and Rebate Ticket permitting return of " book by mail within 60 days and we refund the 50¢, Or, mail us within 1 year, Rebate Ticket with $12 order for nursery stock and we will credit $1.00 in part yment on your order and you Keep THE Book free. WE PAY TH FREIGHT. a : ; weekly and want more h d traveli 1 n. Outre We Pay Cash ier timers ind vowing sos, over -d